Bubbleworld Media
Experience Games Bubble
Specializing in 360x360 digital photography for the internet, CD-Rom, or DVD-Rom applications.Slip into this Arabian fairytale and hunt for long forgotten treasure in the desert

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Reviews and Comments for Bubbleworld Media

Best entries for Games and Bubble
1 Paul Graham - What the Bubble Got Right
Essay derived from an invited talk at ICFP 2004. Discusses the dot-com bubble and lasting lessons learned from it.
Bubble Internet Yahoo Google Translation They Startups Right Yahoos South Trevor York Long Tail Ponzi Nasdaqcompanies Mississippi Robert
Essay derived from an invited talk at ICFP 2004. Discusses the dot-com bubble and lasting lessons learned from it.
Bubble Internet Yahoo Google Translation They Startups Right Yahoos South Trevor York Long Tail Ponzi Nasdaqcompanies Mississippi Robert
3 BubbleHelp
The official
The official page for the RISC OS 'bubble-speak' help application.
Risc Software Support Security Wildlife Os Party Novatech Computing Third Blog Mimemap Diana Privacy Postscript Platform Circles Now
The official page for the RISC OS 'bubble-speak' help application.
Risc Software Support Security Wildlife Os Party Novatech Computing Third Blog Mimemap Diana Privacy Postscript Platform Circles Now
4 Graphix Bubble
Buttons, blogs
Buttons, blogs, layouts, and tutorials for Neopets users.
Webs Simple Business Page Sign Free Made Marketing Today Found Learn Brought Create Vistaprint Websites Available Blog
Buttons, blogs, layouts, and tutorials for Neopets users.
Webs Simple Business Page Sign Free Made Marketing Today Found Learn Brought Create Vistaprint Websites Available Blog
5 Sydney Metro
High quality
High quality dedicated ink refill kits for bubble jet printers.
High quality dedicated ink refill kits for bubble jet printers.
6 Cequal Software
Shareware and
Shareware and freeware utilities and Bubble a funny game for download.
Cequalcom Click Gohere Z
Shareware and freeware utilities and Bubble a funny game for download.
Cequalcom Click Gohere Z
7 OS2World Gaming Site
eComstation and
eComstation and OS/2 Warp native games. Also provides tips for DOS-Win16 games and Win32 games running with ODIN.
Games Osworld Gaming Os Stendhal Java Published Win Emulators Little Update Rumors Visit Extra Developers Us  Joomla Siteground
eComstation and OS/2 Warp native games. Also provides tips for DOS-Win16 games and Win32 games running with ODIN.
Games Osworld Gaming Os Stendhal Java Published Win Emulators Little Update Rumors Visit Extra Developers Us  Joomla Siteground
8 Game AI
Publications, predictions
Publications, predictions, source code, and quotes having to do with AI and artificial life in games, mostly commercial video games, some board and card games.
Aigpg Summit Game Guild Dave Gameaicom Mark Members Events Area Pathfinding Roster Looking Algorithm Intrinsic Work
Publications, predictions, source code, and quotes having to do with AI and artificial life in games, mostly commercial video games, some board and card games.
Aigpg Summit Game Guild Dave Gameaicom Mark Members Events Area Pathfinding Roster Looking Algorithm Intrinsic Work
9 Games for Windows
Logic and
Logic and puzzle games, arcade python and worm like games.
Welcome Furthercommercial Nginx If Z
Logic and puzzle games, arcade python and worm like games.
Welcome Furthercommercial Nginx If Z
10 Games for Windows
Logic and
Logic and puzzle games, arcade python and worm like games.
Health Recovery Hdd Software Ssd Image Digital Drives Panterasoftcamera Recover Frontpage Watermark Photos
Logic and puzzle games, arcade python and worm like games.
Health Recovery Hdd Software Ssd Image Digital Drives Panterasoftcamera Recover Frontpage Watermark Photos
11 Games for Windows
Logic and
Logic and puzzle games, arcade python and worm like games.
Health Recovery File Panterasoft Hdd Editor Image Support Watermark Ssd Windows Software Digital Accidentally Recovery Need
Logic and puzzle games, arcade python and worm like games.
Health Recovery File Panterasoft Hdd Editor Image Support Watermark Ssd Windows Software Digital Accidentally Recovery Need
12 East Coast Games
Dedicated to
Dedicated to training new programmers and to making great games, tutorials on C/C++, Java and DirectX, several games written for Windows (Freeware).
Dedicated to training new programmers and to making great games, tutorials on C/C++, Java and DirectX, several games written for Windows (Freeware).
13 C++ Games
A place
A place where the C++ Programmer can learn to develop games, featuring source code, tips, tutorials, directx, programming, training courses, links, and games.
Games C++ Learn Game Programming Cpp Vbgamescom Csharp Cppgames Engines Directx Code Visit Create Xna
A place where the C++ Programmer can learn to develop games, featuring source code, tips, tutorials, directx, programming, training courses, links, and games.
Games C++ Learn Game Programming Cpp Vbgamescom Csharp Cppgames Engines Directx Code Visit Create Xna
14 Bubble Automation
Software engineers
Software engineers specializing in PLC and SCADA control systems including Allen Bradley, Siemens and Wonderware.
Allen Bradley Siemens Scada Programmers Programmer Plc Slc Rslogix Wonderware Engineers Control Schneider Software Wincc
Software engineers specializing in PLC and SCADA control systems including Allen Bradley, Siemens and Wonderware.
Allen Bradley Siemens Scada Programmers Programmer Plc Slc Rslogix Wonderware Engineers Control Schneider Software Wincc
15 Action Web Headquarters
Amiga group
Amiga group specialising in AGA-fixes, HD installers and utilities for classic games. Freely-distributable games, including old commercial releases, are available for download and second-hand games may be traded.
Website Tripodcom Page Tripod Create Remove Blog Pricing Help Shopping Please Lycoscom Permanentlyremovedexists
Amiga group specialising in AGA-fixes, HD installers and utilities for classic games. Freely-distributable games, including old commercial releases, are available for download and second-hand games may be traded.
Website Tripodcom Page Tripod Create Remove Blog Pricing Help Shopping Please Lycoscom Permanentlyremovedexists
16 Tornado Games
Play original
Play original online Flash games to win T-Caps which can be used to buy raffle tickets for prize drawings. Includes board, arcade, sport, card, puzzle, and gambling games.
Games Free Games] Card Mobile Download Game Arcade Fruit Jungle Play Board Puzzle Downloadable Sport
Play original online Flash games to win T-Caps which can be used to buy raffle tickets for prize drawings. Includes board, arcade, sport, card, puzzle, and gambling games.
Games Free Games] Card Mobile Download Game Arcade Fruit Jungle Play Board Puzzle Downloadable Sport
17 Bubble media
Contains articles
Contains articles, tutorials and tips on a range of technical subjects from programming in java, C#, .NET to linux and open source initiatives.
Programming Linux Java Bubble Media Jobs Video Net Games Clips Articles Web Including Tutorials Y
Contains articles, tutorials and tips on a range of technical subjects from programming in java, C#, .NET to linux and open source initiatives.
Programming Linux Java Bubble Media Jobs Video Net Games Clips Articles Web Including Tutorials Y
18 The JavaScript Source
Play the
Play the classic games Battleship, Mastermind, Blackjack, Connect 4, Breakout, Memory or Tic Tac Toe or any of the dozen other games. Including each games source code.
Internet Domains Domain News Website Buy Services Hosting Names Related Mobile Things Free Stats Information
Play the classic games Battleship, Mastermind, Blackjack, Connect 4, Breakout, Memory or Tic Tac Toe or any of the dozen other games. Including each games source code.
Internet Domains Domain News Website Buy Services Hosting Names Related Mobile Things Free Stats Information
19 Bubble Pop Software
Develops shareware
Develops shareware and freeware software products for Mac OS and Windows.
Tapsquares Software Ios Findagram Bubble Coloristic Audiobop Movies Android Typeshuffler Mac Pop Windows Tile Based Consulting Policy Privacy
Develops shareware and freeware software products for Mac OS and Windows.
Tapsquares Software Ios Findagram Bubble Coloristic Audiobop Movies Android Typeshuffler Mac Pop Windows Tile Based Consulting Policy Privacy
20 Head 2 Head Games
London, Ontario.
London, Ontario. Multiplayer games onsite and over the net. Gives prices, latest games, and information on equipment.
¥ŠˆƒtÆ’cÆ’g‚Ì“ü‰ï‹à‚ɂ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ä¥ŠˆƒtÆ’cÆ’g Y
London, Ontario. Multiplayer games onsite and over the net. Gives prices, latest games, and information on equipment.
¥ŠˆƒtÆ’cÆ’g‚Ì“ü‰ï‹à‚ɂ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ä¥ŠˆƒtÆ’cÆ’g Y
21 Bubble for AutoCAD
A free
A free information assistant for AutoCAD that displays object properties in the drawing through tooltip popups.
Italiano Français Español English Deutsch Bubble Autocadlanguage_ Z
A free information assistant for AutoCAD that displays object properties in the drawing through tooltip popups.
Italiano Français Español English Deutsch Bubble Autocadlanguage_ Z
22 Floatzilla
Users submit
Users submit links, and if the community finds them interesting or relevant, the links bubble up to the front page.
Domains | Beijing Tedx Wordpresscom Shanghai Morning Adam Entrepreneur Advisor Investor Jackson Decide Tostart Because Com Powered
Users submit links, and if the community finds them interesting or relevant, the links bubble up to the front page.
Domains | Beijing Tedx Wordpresscom Shanghai Morning Adam Entrepreneur Advisor Investor Jackson Decide Tostart Because Com Powered
23 Ambrosia Software
Home to
Home to many quality shareware games and utilities for the Mac OS. Site is organized into categories for easier navigation. Many of the games also have plug-ins, strategy guides, utilities, and other goodies for download in addition to the games themselves.
Ambrosia Features Snapz Software Releases Games Solitaire Account Pro Easyenvelopes Buy Utilities News Studio Inc Free Soundboard
Home to many quality shareware games and utilities for the Mac OS. Site is organized into categories for easier navigation. Many of the games also have plug-ins, strategy guides, utilities, and other goodies for download in addition to the games themselves.
Ambrosia Features Snapz Software Releases Games Solitaire Account Pro Easyenvelopes Buy Utilities News Studio Inc Free Soundboard
24 Definitive Data Solutions
Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of the Re-Ink-Kit line of ink and bubble jet refilling products, compatible cartridges, accessories, and paper products.
Cartridge Refill Ribbon Printer Refills Stamp Toner Permanent Lexmark Self Privacy Fingerprint Sponsored Testsieger Black Shipping Buy Design
Manufacturers of the Re-Ink-Kit line of ink and bubble jet refilling products, compatible cartridges, accessories, and paper products.
Cartridge Refill Ribbon Printer Refills Stamp Toner Permanent Lexmark Self Privacy Fingerprint Sponsored Testsieger Black Shipping Buy Design
25 LiteClue Widget
A free
A free bubble or balloon help X Widget.
Liteclue Widget Function Call Nothing Output Version Type Watch Access Default Xcglitecluedispatchevent Null Watched Enternotify Waitperiod Computer
A free bubble or balloon help X Widget.
Liteclue Widget Function Call Nothing Output Version Type Watch Access Default Xcglitecluedispatchevent Null Watched Enternotify Waitperiod Computer
26 The BBC Microcomputer System Games Archive
Includes a
Includes a history of the BBC, advice on how to obtain a BBC, emulator information, interviews with influential people in the Beeb scene, details of unreleased games, a high score table, and a large list of companies, with descriptions of the games each produced.
Includes a history of the BBC, advice on how to obtain a BBC, emulator information, interviews with influential people in the Beeb scene, details of unreleased games, a high score table, and a large list of companies, with descriptions of the games each produced.
27 On the Road to Algorithms
Information on
Information on algorithms such as Bubble Sort and Random Number Generation, using HTML, Java and Perl. Collected by Lam Ka Chun (Raymond).
Verb Object Complement Tom Sentence Object Tom China Subject Sentence Main Delta Sentence Subject Adverbial Tom Adverbialcomplexpredicate Traffic Kongs Verb Tom
Information on algorithms such as Bubble Sort and Random Number Generation, using HTML, Java and Perl. Collected by Lam Ka Chun (Raymond).
Verb Object Complement Tom Sentence Object Tom China Subject Sentence Main Delta Sentence Subject Adverbial Tom Adverbialcomplexpredicate Traffic Kongs Verb Tom
28 Sink, Keith - DX Games
Site is
Site is dedicated to DirectX, Arcade Games, and TrueSpace. Tools, demos and games with sources. How-To sections. Homepage authors book 'DirectX 8 and Visual Basic Development' with table of content and related sources.
Tripod Create Tripodcomrequested Couldnt Signup Check Shopping Page Website Loginhosting Lycos
Site is dedicated to DirectX, Arcade Games, and TrueSpace. Tools, demos and games with sources. How-To sections. Homepage authors book 'DirectX 8 and Visual Basic Development' with table of content and related sources.
Tripod Create Tripodcomrequested Couldnt Signup Check Shopping Page Website Loginhosting Lycos
29 BubbleBoy - Virus and Seinfeld Character
Information on
Information on the latest worm virus and the Bubble Boy, the infamous Seinfeld TV episode.
George Bubbleboy Windows Virus Bubble Boy Seinfeld Outlook Also Close Sign Click Susan Here Information Xcontrols
Information on the latest worm virus and the Bubble Boy, the infamous Seinfeld TV episode.
George Bubbleboy Windows Virus Bubble Boy Seinfeld Outlook Also Close Sign Click Susan Here Information Xcontrols
30 Shockwave.com
Play free
Play free online games, game downloads, and multiplayer games.
Games Play Now Word Daily Roundup Jigsaw See Picturiffic Shockwave Strategy Royal Free Puzzle
Play free online games, game downloads, and multiplayer games.
Games Play Now Word Daily Roundup Jigsaw See Picturiffic Shockwave Strategy Royal Free Puzzle
31 Whitehorse Games
Games for
Games for Palm handhelds including Golf, Chess and Solitaire.
Palm Tiger Games Woods Golf Solitaire Chess Whitehorse Stop Chromagames Free Game Software Whitehorsegames Tour Gammon
Games for Palm handhelds including Golf, Chess and Solitaire.
Palm Tiger Games Woods Golf Solitaire Chess Whitehorse Stop Chromagames Free Game Software Whitehorsegames Tour Gammon
32 MrBads Retro Games
A web
A web site containing my collection of classic video and computer games.
A web site containing my collection of classic video and computer games.