Classic Mistakes Enumerated
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Description of 36 ineffective development practices: people-related, process-related, product-related, technology-related. (Sample chapter from Steve McConnells book Rapid Development.)
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Mistakes Lack Study Case Insufficient Related Failure Shortchanged Projects Planning Classic Developers Wishful Development Group Research Oriented Silver Bullet Gold Plating Code Hell Premature Isbn Software Software Engineering Articles
Reviews and Comments for Classic Mistakes Enumerated

Best entries for Mistakes and Lack
1 PHP Common Mistakes and their Solutions
About the
About the various security concerns and mistakes people make when developing, and their solutions.
Solutions Php Hosting Security Common Mistakes Wojjie Cpanel Game Scripting Injection Scripts Cross Monitor Manual Glossary Articles Mysql
About the various security concerns and mistakes people make when developing, and their solutions.
Solutions Php Hosting Security Common Mistakes Wojjie Cpanel Game Scripting Injection Scripts Cross Monitor Manual Glossary Articles Mysql
2 Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2003 (Jakob Nielsens Alertbox)
Sites are
Sites are getting better at using minimalist design, maintaining archives, and offering comprehensive services. However, these advances entail their own usability problems, as several prominent mistakes from 2003 show.
Design Usability Web Mistakes User Content Nielsen Jakob Websites Testing Information Human Interaction Users Bruce Architecture Mobile Reports Non Profit
Sites are getting better at using minimalist design, maintaining archives, and offering comprehensive services. However, these advances entail their own usability problems, as several prominent mistakes from 2003 show.
Design Usability Web Mistakes User Content Nielsen Jakob Websites Testing Information Human Interaction Users Bruce Architecture Mobile Reports Non Profit
3 Golden Trash Awards
For sites
For sites that lack originality, creativity, and purpose.
Awards Continue Trash Golden Tree Reading Museum First News Vanishing Disclaimer Proving Winners Greener Transport Syndrome Leaf Latest
For sites that lack originality, creativity, and purpose.
Awards Continue Trash Golden Tree Reading Museum First News Vanishing Disclaimer Proving Winners Greener Transport Syndrome Leaf Latest
4 What is the PDF format good for?
Polemic against
Polemic against PDF, focussing on the formats supposed lack of suitability for on-screen reading.
Postscript Html Acrobat Another Adobe Format Screen Pdf Good Reading Thinkinginpostscriptpdf Pdfs Anton Chris Version Before Figure Adobes
Polemic against PDF, focussing on the formats supposed lack of suitability for on-screen reading.
Postscript Html Acrobat Another Adobe Format Screen Pdf Good Reading Thinkinginpostscriptpdf Pdfs Anton Chris Version Before Figure Adobes
5 Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design
A classic
A classic article by Jakob Nielsen.
Usability Design Web Users User Mistakes Nielsen Jakob Websites Testing Ux Information Content Interaction Bruce High Profit Reports Questions Mobile
A classic article by Jakob Nielsen.
Usability Design Web Users User Mistakes Nielsen Jakob Websites Testing Ux Information Content Interaction Bruce High Profit Reports Questions Mobile
6 Deep C#: Gozer the Destructor
Of all
Of all the topics that trouble C++ programmers who consider C#, probably the most volatile is C#s lack of true synchronous or deterministic destructors. By Bobby Schmidt, MSDN.
Microsoft Msdn Windows Forums Developer Azure Bridges Connect Advisors Submit Bizspark Print Terms Additional Phone Interoperability
Of all the topics that trouble C++ programmers who consider C#, probably the most volatile is C#s lack of true synchronous or deterministic destructors. By Bobby Schmidt, MSDN.
Microsoft Msdn Windows Forums Developer Azure Bridges Connect Advisors Submit Bizspark Print Terms Additional Phone Interoperability
7 Goofbay
Search tool
Search tool which finds auction listings with spelling mistakes.
Ebay Tools Buyer Tool Seller Local Shortcuts Sniper Bargains Goofbid Latest Items Tell Article Bids Most
Search tool which finds auction listings with spelling mistakes.
Ebay Tools Buyer Tool Seller Local Shortcuts Sniper Bargains Goofbid Latest Items Tell Article Bids Most
8 Ultra-Fast SCSI You Can Use
Most Ultra2
Most Ultra2 cards lack connectors for typical external desktop devices. Adaptecs new card changes all that. Article from PC World News.
Most Ultra2 cards lack connectors for typical external desktop devices. Adaptecs new card changes all that. Article from PC World News.
9 The Tos and Froms of E-Mail
Illustrates the
Illustrates the parts of a message, discusses common mistakes, and highlights program features.
Illustrates the parts of a message, discusses common mistakes, and highlights program features.
10 Dynamoos Email Etiquette
Offers a
Offers a list of 'Dos' and 'Donts' to help e-mail users avoid basic mistakes.
Email Etiquette English Canada Uk Dynamoocom Croatian Diary Technical Serbo Mail Contact However Personal Attachments Itsheading
Offers a list of 'Dos' and 'Donts' to help e-mail users avoid basic mistakes.
Email Etiquette English Canada Uk Dynamoocom Croatian Diary Technical Serbo Mail Contact However Personal Attachments Itsheading
11 FoxPro Not an Endangered Species
Describes why
Describes why the author believes that FoxPro will continue well into the future despite Microsofts lack of marketing of it. Also includes user comments.
Error Requesty
Describes why the author believes that FoxPro will continue well into the future despite Microsofts lack of marketing of it. Also includes user comments.
Error Requesty
12 PHP-XML Mailing List
Creation of
Creation of this list inspired by a passing mention of the dearth of tools for and lack of discussion of PHP and XML despite the incredible popularity of each technology individually
Oreilly Books Media Xml Php News Nicholas Essay Code Look Information Logs Bind Beautiful Weyl Boundary Mailing Authors
Creation of this list inspired by a passing mention of the dearth of tools for and lack of discussion of PHP and XML despite the incredible popularity of each technology individually
Oreilly Books Media Xml Php News Nicholas Essay Code Look Information Logs Bind Beautiful Weyl Boundary Mailing Authors
13 Wasp Static Error Checker
The tool
The tool employs methods for finding mistakes in Java, Oberon-2 and Modula-2 programs.
The tool employs methods for finding mistakes in Java, Oberon-2 and Modula-2 programs.
14 Concise Guidelines for Net Etiquette
Over twenty
Over twenty five years of mistakes have made THE Eggman a pretty good authority on what you should NOT do to survive in Cyberspace. Here, he shares the major no-nos with you.
Mail Internet Please Page Dont Net Need Good List Yellow Services Form Today Citizen Mcts Rocket
Over twenty five years of mistakes have made THE Eggman a pretty good authority on what you should NOT do to survive in Cyberspace. Here, he shares the major no-nos with you.
Mail Internet Please Page Dont Net Need Good List Yellow Services Form Today Citizen Mcts Rocket
15 Worlds Worst Website
Designed to
Designed to graphically demonstrate common mistakes of web designers. Offers suggestions and links to examples of good and bad web page design.
Worst Website Worldsy
Designed to graphically demonstrate common mistakes of web designers. Offers suggestions and links to examples of good and bad web page design.
Worst Website Worldsy
16 Total Validator
Validator for
Validator for WAI, XHTML, and HTML. Also checks for broken links and spelling mistakes.
Validator Html Tool Checker [license] Css Os Validation New Checksum] Extensions Spell Extension Pro Firefox [md Tab + Rolled
Validator for WAI, XHTML, and HTML. Also checks for broken links and spelling mistakes.
Validator Html Tool Checker [license] Css Os Validation New Checksum] Extensions Spell Extension Pro Firefox [md Tab + Rolled
17 Writing Well for the Web
Internet-specific copy
Internet-specific copy writing tips for non-writers. Covers common mistakes.
Web Html Design Javascript Writing Xml Animation Rss Dhtml Css Reference Perl Promotion Authoring Resources Tap Animated Languages
Internet-specific copy writing tips for non-writers. Covers common mistakes.
Web Html Design Javascript Writing Xml Animation Rss Dhtml Css Reference Perl Promotion Authoring Resources Tap Animated Languages
18 Sams Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days
By Mark
By Mark Slagell, Sams Publishing, 2002, ISBN 0672322528. Introduction to language, originally addressed an early key constraint: a lack of quality English-language documentation.
Adobe Ruby Sams Press Digital Editions Programming Xeadd Language Yourself Ebooks Cart Teach Free Promotions Quot Shipping Here Easy
By Mark Slagell, Sams Publishing, 2002, ISBN 0672322528. Introduction to language, originally addressed an early key constraint: a lack of quality English-language documentation.
Adobe Ruby Sams Press Digital Editions Programming Xeadd Language Yourself Ebooks Cart Teach Free Promotions Quot Shipping Here Easy
19 Blog Usability: Top Ten Design Mistakes in Weblogs
Alertbox article
Alertbox article from Jakob Nielsen, explaining how many blogs are too internally focused and make it hard for new readers to understand the site and trust the author.
Design Usability Web Mistakes User Content Ux Strategy Navigation Writing Information Nielsen Mobile Users Day Ia Format Based Customer
Alertbox article from Jakob Nielsen, explaining how many blogs are too internally focused and make it hard for new readers to understand the site and trust the author.
Design Usability Web Mistakes User Content Ux Strategy Navigation Writing Information Nielsen Mobile Users Day Ia Format Based Customer
20 InformationWeek: Is There An Open-Source Solution?
Despite lack
Despite lack of marketing resources, more businesses are discovering and deploying open-source software in their back offices. Support has improved, capable tools quickly become the standard by which commercial products are measured.
Post Data Reply Own Latest Security Mobile Re Big Cloud Business Fit Interview New Software Apps Reports Pauls Company
Despite lack of marketing resources, more businesses are discovering and deploying open-source software in their back offices. Support has improved, capable tools quickly become the standard by which commercial products are measured.
Post Data Reply Own Latest Security Mobile Re Big Cloud Business Fit Interview New Software Apps Reports Pauls Company
21 Classic Testing Mistakes
The role
The role of testing, Planning the complete testing effort, Personnel issues, The tester at work, Test automation, Code coverage
Testing| Privacypolicy
The role of testing, Planning the complete testing effort, Personnel issues, The tester at work, Test automation, Code coverage
Testing| Privacypolicy
22 Photo Cleaner
Tool for
Tool for correcting frequent scanning or digital camera omissions: color shift, lack of dynamic range, unwanted softness. This tool can also rotate and resample images to a different size using advanced algorithms and add a nice-looking framing. Free public Beta version.
Photocleaner Free Digital Sharpen Download Picture Crop Color Enhancement Red Title Eye Much Money Contrast Create Caption Universities Delivers Removed
Tool for correcting frequent scanning or digital camera omissions: color shift, lack of dynamic range, unwanted softness. This tool can also rotate and resample images to a different size using advanced algorithms and add a nice-looking framing. Free public Beta version.
Photocleaner Free Digital Sharpen Download Picture Crop Color Enhancement Red Title Eye Much Money Contrast Create Caption Universities Delivers Removed
23 Open Directory Project Submission Checklist
Uriel Akers
Uriel Akers article warns against common mistakes in pre-planning a robust site, composing the submission fields, and working with ODP editors. Links to the ODP.
Ideasformarketingcom Advance Cash Insurance Consolidation Debt Credit Life Report Cell Learnbrowse Terms Section Free
Uriel Akers article warns against common mistakes in pre-planning a robust site, composing the submission fields, and working with ODP editors. Links to the ODP.
Ideasformarketingcom Advance Cash Insurance Consolidation Debt Credit Life Report Cell Learnbrowse Terms Section Free
24 Invoman Services
Site design
Site design and sportsman advertising services. Includes a tutorial on common design mistakes. Based in North Dakota.
Site design and sportsman advertising services. Includes a tutorial on common design mistakes. Based in North Dakota.
25 Idruna Photogenics
Photogenics offers
Photogenics offers unique easy to use yet extremely powerful features such as being able to apply over 80 filters simply by spraying with the airbrush, and the ability to erase mistakes with the right mouse button. [Windows/Linux/Pocket PC]
Idruna Products Phojo Pocket Editing New Software Welcome Photogenics Remote System Ires Oldhdr
Photogenics offers unique easy to use yet extremely powerful features such as being able to apply over 80 filters simply by spraying with the airbrush, and the ability to erase mistakes with the right mouse button. [Windows/Linux/Pocket PC]
Idruna Products Phojo Pocket Editing New Software Welcome Photogenics Remote System Ires Oldhdr
26 Lindows: Linux Meets Windows
The founder
The founder of, Michael Robertson, has a solution for the lack of desktop applications for the Linux OS: Make Windows software run on Linux, by using parts of Wine, software letting Windows programs run on Unix. [Wired News]
Linux Windows Xp Lindows News Hot Apps Faq Tech Wired Privacy Give Ms Challenge Os Do Loginregister
The founder of, Michael Robertson, has a solution for the lack of desktop applications for the Linux OS: Make Windows software run on Linux, by using parts of Wine, software letting Windows programs run on Unix. [Wired News]
Linux Windows Xp Lindows News Hot Apps Faq Tech Wired Privacy Give Ms Challenge Os Do Loginregister
27 Pandecta Meta Tag Tutorial
Discusses three
Discusses three common mistakes webmasters make when creating meta tags. Includes basic meta tag tutorial and reference page.
Discusses three common mistakes webmasters make when creating meta tags. Includes basic meta tag tutorial and reference page.
28 Classic Mistakes Enumerated
Description of
Description of 36 ineffective development practices: people-related, process-related, product-related, technology-related. (Sample chapter from Steve McConnells book Rapid Development.)
Mistakes Lack Study Case Insufficient Related Failure Shortchanged Projects Planning Classic Developers Wishful Development Group Research Oriented Silver Bullet Gold Plating Code Hell Premature Isbn
Description of 36 ineffective development practices: people-related, process-related, product-related, technology-related. (Sample chapter from Steve McConnells book Rapid Development.)
Mistakes Lack Study Case Insufficient Related Failure Shortchanged Projects Planning Classic Developers Wishful Development Group Research Oriented Silver Bullet Gold Plating Code Hell Premature Isbn
29 ClearSQL by Nordic Tree Software
A tool
A tool for formatting PL/SQL source code and reviewing it for deficiencies in the areas of readability, program structure, maintainability and correctness. It catches over 40 common coding mistakes and gives suggestion as to coding best practice. ClearSQL can be used to do a quick syntax check on code without sending code to the server. [Shareware]
Sql Uncategorized Offcomments Rest Entry Website Databases Programming Best Wwwclearsqlcom Ways However Attacks Ten Using Tips Fundamentals
A tool for formatting PL/SQL source code and reviewing it for deficiencies in the areas of readability, program structure, maintainability and correctness. It catches over 40 common coding mistakes and gives suggestion as to coding best practice. ClearSQL can be used to do a quick syntax check on code without sending code to the server. [Shareware]
Sql Uncategorized Offcomments Rest Entry Website Databases Programming Best Wwwclearsqlcom Ways However Attacks Ten Using Tips Fundamentals