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The Paper Tiger

The Paper Tiger Review Experience Tiger Paper

Combines computer indexing and paper management to create a organized filing system.

A revolutionary web based document management software and filing system product designed to help you overcome the problems of traditional filing systems

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Tiger Paper Love Because Filing Been Digital Years System Files Easy Office Using Really Need Software Document Management Products

Reviews and Comments for The Paper Tiger

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Best entries for Tiger and Paper

1 The Paper Tiger Combines computer
Combines computer indexing and paper management to create a organized filing system.
Tiger Paper Love Because Filing Been Digital Years System Files Easy Office Using Really Need
2 Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger: Developer Overview Articles highlighting
Articles highlighting some of the new technologies in Tiger and shows what they will mean for developers.
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3 Ars Technica - Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Article about
Article about the update cycle of the Mac OS and what to expect from the Tiger version.
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4 20 Cool Tiger Features You Might Not Have Heard About Scott Knaster
Scott Knaster guides a tour of clever, and sometimes obscure, Tiger goodies.
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5 Building Ruby, Rails, LightTPD, and MySQL on Tiger Tutorial to
Tutorial to manually build and install four programs, on Mac OS X 10.4: Tiger. [Hivelogic]
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6 Thermal Paper Direct Resource for
Resource for popular and hard-to-find thermal paper, ribbons, and more paper roll products.
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7 McGonigal Paper & Graphics Offers ink
Offers ink jet paper, decals, labels, greeting cards, business cards, and transfer paper.
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8 Intel musters
Intel musters tiger team to stomp out the ISA bus.
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9 Paper Port Software for
Software for scanning paper files, that allows user to organize and retrieve them.
10 Stop the Presses (Beyond Paper: Part Two) An overview
An overview of the development of Gyricons electronic paper technology. []
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11 Paper Soft Develops, installs
Develops, installs, and supports application software for paper converters, merchants, and brokers.
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12 Tiger Studios Offers design
Offers design, programming, and graphics services.
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13 Face Recognition using Mixture-Distance and Raw Images Paper abstract
Paper abstract, various formats of full paper, and links to more resources.
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14 Specializing in
Specializing in Point-of-Sale paper rolls, printer ribbons, and paper for cash register and ATMs.
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15 Feature-Based Face Recognition Using Mixture-Distance Paper abstract
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16 Tiger Girls Web Trip Neon, plastic
Neon, plastic, chrome and rock graphics.
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17 ScriptEase Transcription Paper Offers a
Offers a pressure sensitive paper that can be used in laser, inkjet and dot matrix printers. Designed to be cut and pressed into patient files.
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18 Covelus Offers digital
Offers digital legal paper for lawyers. After writing on paper with an ink pen, all of the notes are sent back to an office based secretary within 30 seconds for processing.
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19 Tiger Mountain Productions Interactive multimedia
Interactive multimedia design, implementation, cd-rom replication and packaging.
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20 Tiger Technologies Control panels
Control panels that alter window patterns, desktops, and other aspects of appearance.
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21 The Paper Saver Printer Utility
Printer Utility for Deskjets and Lasers printers. The program can print up to 8 pages of text on just one sheet of paper in a tiny, but very readable font. [DOS 3.0 or higher]
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22 Window Monkey A useful
A useful Macintosh shareware program that allows you to customize and select windows quickly. From Tiger Technologies.
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23 Tiger Working Group Sticky note
Sticky note utility, that has the ability to customize the Windows taskbar clock.
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24 Paper Rolls Plus Offers wide
Offers wide variety and any size thermal paper rolls, colored, heavy, custom, or plain.
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25 Trojans Paper A paper
A paper about Windows trojans, how they work, their variations and strategies to minimise the risk of infection.
26 Will Pixels Kill Paper? (Beyond Paper: Part One) A report
A report on the current electronic book and electronic ink endeavors. []
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27 Holiday Lights from Tiger Technologies Macintosh and
Macintosh and Windows screensaver that places colorful flashing bulbs around the edge of the screen.
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28 Whats Next: Batteries Push Paper Into Electronics Age Flexible batteries
Flexible batteries hold promise for electronic paper. Free registration required. [NY Times]
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29 Are We Ready for Digital Paper? Commentary on
Commentary on the promise of electronic paper that responds to digital pens. [ZDNet]
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30 A Survey of Software Refactoring Abstract and
Abstract and many references, from paper with extensive overview of research, link to full paper, for fee. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
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31 BigBuys Offers a
Offers a range of printer supplies such as ink ribbons and paper and ink cartridge and paper supplies.
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32 Stortext Information management
Information management specialists, based in Scotland. Tailor-made solutions to manage the paper mountain. Deal with all forms of documents, including paper, microfiche, scanned documents and DAT tapes.
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More The Paper Tiger Infos

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