HIPAA Secure Email
Experience Secure Compliance
HIPAA compliant software solutions such as secure email, secure gateway, and HIPAA compliance information.SafetySend provides HIPAA compliance software including secure email secure fax large file transfer We provide secure web hosting secure email hosting and secure and compliant software utility for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange

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Secure Compliance Email Solutions Hipaa Outlook Safetysend File Transfer Guide Private Medical Fax Technical Compatibility Software Host Card Security Policy HIPAA Safetysend Secure Email Secure Email Service Secure Email Company Hipaa Email Medical Email Online Security Hipaa Compliance Compliant Secure Email File Transfer Large Glb Software Security Solution Web Hosting Outlook Exchange Host Mail Vpn Provider Service Email Hosting Hipaa Compliance Hippa Ftp Sox Audit Gateway Fax Medical Healthcare Financial Encrypted Encryption Ssl Server
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Best entries for Secure and Compliance
1 Secure Elements
Software vendor
Software vendor for IS technical control auditing, vulnerability management, and compliance. Provides advisories via XML and RSS, and fully supports OVAL and XCDDF XML standards for compliance and vulnerability functions.
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Software vendor for IS technical control auditing, vulnerability management, and compliance. Provides advisories via XML and RSS, and fully supports OVAL and XCDDF XML standards for compliance and vulnerability functions.
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2 HIPAA Secure Email - Secure Gateway - SafetySend.com
HIPAA compliant
HIPAA compliant software solutions such as secure email, secure gateway, and HIPAA compliance information.
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HIPAA compliant software solutions such as secure email, secure gateway, and HIPAA compliance information.
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3 Entrinsik
Their employee
Their employee development solutions provide for compliance management and learning management, our Gxp compliance Edition is 'validation ready', ideal for GxP compliance training requirements in the pharmaceutical or medical device industries.
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Their employee development solutions provide for compliance management and learning management, our Gxp compliance Edition is 'validation ready', ideal for GxP compliance training requirements in the pharmaceutical or medical device industries.
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4 Automated Liability Prevention solution for e-mail compliance
Corporate e-mail
Corporate e-mail compliance solution with real-time management of e-mail data prevents non-compliance with federal US regulations.
Corporate e-mail compliance solution with real-time management of e-mail data prevents non-compliance with federal US regulations.
5 Consolvant
Provides services
Provides services for security audits, forensics, secure network architecture development, policy and procedure development and compliance and control analysis.
Consolvant Management Company Contact Help Philosophy Zdnet News Procedures Layout Evaluation Architecture Events Opportunities Enque Annual Science Findout Policy
Provides services for security audits, forensics, secure network architecture development, policy and procedure development and compliance and control analysis.
Consolvant Management Company Contact Help Philosophy Zdnet News Procedures Layout Evaluation Architecture Events Opportunities Enque Annual Science Findout Policy
6 AlternaDev - Sales and Use Tax Compliance
Sales and
Sales and Use Tax Compliance services and software. AlternaDev manages tax compliance with our branded software AlternaTax, which automates the returns process to save time and money.
Error Requesty
Sales and Use Tax Compliance services and software. AlternaDev manages tax compliance with our branded software AlternaTax, which automates the returns process to save time and money.
Error Requesty
7 BII Compliance
Provides guidance
Provides guidance, solutions and services for a variety of government and industry compliance programs.
Bii Compliancecomy
Provides guidance, solutions and services for a variety of government and industry compliance programs.
Bii Compliancecomy
8 cpPARMS.com - Defined Contribution Compliance
Provides 401(k)
Provides 401(k) compliance testing software and services.
Systems Integrated Benefit Cpparms Updates Compliance Textz
Provides 401(k) compliance testing software and services.
Systems Integrated Benefit Cpparms Updates Compliance Textz
9 Compliance LLC
Provides Sarbanes-Oxley
Provides Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel II compliance training.
Basel Iii Training Certification News Professionals Association Compliance Certificate Jobs Biiicpa Alertsz
Provides Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel II compliance training.
Basel Iii Training Certification News Professionals Association Compliance Certificate Jobs Biiicpa Alertsz
10 ZipLip
A secure
A secure gateway appliance for encrypting and archiving email and files, secure webmail, and secure file collaboration.
Zl Technologies Archiving Manager Storage Events Unified Records Compliance Conference Corporate News Data Discovery Analyst York
A secure gateway appliance for encrypting and archiving email and files, secure webmail, and secure file collaboration.
Zl Technologies Archiving Manager Storage Events Unified Records Compliance Conference Corporate News Data Discovery Analyst York
11 OmniState Compliance by Digital Skyscrapers, Inc.
Subscription service
Subscription service providing internet access to diverse information sources used by U.S. insurers in regulatory compliance, product development, and market research.
Subscription service providing internet access to diverse information sources used by U.S. insurers in regulatory compliance, product development, and market research.
12 Electronic Compliance Management
Provides solutions
Provides solutions addressing compliance and risk management issues.
Ecmworkscom Hereclick Go Z
Provides solutions addressing compliance and risk management issues.
Ecmworkscom Hereclick Go Z
13 MedClick
A web
A web hosting and design company for medical clinics seeking HIPAA compliance. Our services include secure hosting of medical forms, licensing of stock medical images, web hosting and design.
Design Medclick Web Hosting Forms Patient Portfolio Payments Services Optimization Payment Contact Medical Development Ltd Patients Management Encrypted
A web hosting and design company for medical clinics seeking HIPAA compliance. Our services include secure hosting of medical forms, licensing of stock medical images, web hosting and design.
Design Medclick Web Hosting Forms Patient Portfolio Payments Services Optimization Payment Contact Medical Development Ltd Patients Management Encrypted
14 Easy i compliance training
Developer of
Developer of innovative e-learning programs and bespoke solutions for compliance training - tackling critical issues such as money laundering prevention, business ethics and information security awareness.
Developer of innovative e-learning programs and bespoke solutions for compliance training - tackling critical issues such as money laundering prevention, business ethics and information security awareness.
15 Y2K AS/400 Year 2000 Compliance
Short discussion
Short discussion of Y2K AS/400 encapsulation technique designed to ensure Year 2000 compliance for IBM mid-range systems.
Short discussion of Y2K AS/400 encapsulation technique designed to ensure Year 2000 compliance for IBM mid-range systems.
16 Nigrini
Data analysis
Data analysis software designed to detect fraud, errors, biases, and procedural inefficiencies. Software based on Microsoft Access to (1) record compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and to, (2) test for compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley is in progress.
Forensic Nigrini Analytics Benfords Mark Data Fraud Analysis Law Accounting Monitoring Detection Continuous Includes Personal Benfordslaw
Data analysis software designed to detect fraud, errors, biases, and procedural inefficiencies. Software based on Microsoft Access to (1) record compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and to, (2) test for compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley is in progress.
Forensic Nigrini Analytics Benfords Mark Data Fraud Analysis Law Accounting Monitoring Detection Continuous Includes Personal Benfordslaw
17 Sarbanes Oxley Compliance documentation
Offers Sarbanes
Offers Sarbanes Oxley compliance services, IT security, business and technical writing, and business analysis.
Documentation Group Technical Services Security Policy Contact Policies Procedures Legal Careers Process Privacy Sox Operating East
Offers Sarbanes Oxley compliance services, IT security, business and technical writing, and business analysis.
Documentation Group Technical Services Security Policy Contact Policies Procedures Legal Careers Process Privacy Sox Operating East
18 Elite Analytics, LLC
Elite Analytics
Elite Analytics is a data mining consulting firm specialized compliance management and fraud detection applications. Vertical areas of expertise include: tax compliance, e-commerce fraud, warranty abuse and insurance. In Austin, Texas.
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Elite Analytics is a data mining consulting firm specialized compliance management and fraud detection applications. Vertical areas of expertise include: tax compliance, e-commerce fraud, warranty abuse and insurance. In Austin, Texas.
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19 secure server sitemaker1.com
If you
If you are taking credit/debit cards, you will need a secure ordering option on your web site. Our secure server service offers a totally safe way for your clients to send their credit/debit card details.
Secure Server Email Click Sitemaker Sitemakercom Simple Credit Here Line See Transaction Debit Forms Y
If you are taking credit/debit cards, you will need a secure ordering option on your web site. Our secure server service offers a totally safe way for your clients to send their credit/debit card details.
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20 Kosmo and Pulsars Secure Web Solutions
Kosmo and
Kosmo and Pulsars Secure Web Solutions is a competence centre with the intention to create license free and secure web solutions based on unix systems (FreeBSD,OpenBSD,NetBSD).
Kosmo and Pulsars Secure Web Solutions is a competence centre with the intention to create license free and secure web solutions based on unix systems (FreeBSD,OpenBSD,NetBSD).
21 Secure Communication, Inc.
Company supplying
Company supplying secure communications infrastructure for businesses.
Technology Inc Communication Solutions Company Financial News_ Healthcare Solutions_ Infrastructure Secure Products Launches Legal Manufacturing Consulting New Ningkiling
Company supplying secure communications infrastructure for businesses.
Technology Inc Communication Solutions Company Financial News_ Healthcare Solutions_ Infrastructure Secure Products Launches Legal Manufacturing Consulting New Ningkiling
22 InfoExpress
Secure Access
Secure Access to Enterprise Networks with VTCP/Secure
Byod Access Solutions Infoexpress Secure Guest Network Control Mobile Tell Policy Cgx News Networking Nac Right Roll
Secure Access to Enterprise Networks with VTCP/Secure
Byod Access Solutions Infoexpress Secure Guest Network Control Mobile Tell Policy Cgx News Networking Nac Right Roll
23 Secure FTP
Package written
Package written in Java providing for secure FTP connections using SSL.
Package written in Java providing for secure FTP connections using SSL.
24 AEP Networks
SSL VPN secure application access and secure networking solutions. Includes online product demonstration. (registration required).
Ultra Encryption Aep Security Government Cryptosec Retweet Favorite Payments Ultra_aep Reply Secure Routers Paygate Solutions Dnssec Kryptor Customers Enterprise Personal
SSL VPN secure application access and secure networking solutions. Includes online product demonstration. (registration required).
Ultra Encryption Aep Security Government Cryptosec Retweet Favorite Payments Ultra_aep Reply Secure Routers Paygate Solutions Dnssec Kryptor Customers Enterprise Personal
25 PCI Express Compliance Testing
Gives an
Gives an overview of the requirements for PCI Express Compliance testing.
Pci Express Sig Compliance Pcie Test Eureka Testing Page Program Technology Core Third Verification Controller
Gives an overview of the requirements for PCI Express Compliance testing.
Pci Express Sig Compliance Pcie Test Eureka Testing Page Program Technology Core Third Verification Controller
26 ammonet Secure
Browser-based encrypted
Browser-based encrypted transmission of credit card and cheque details to a secure database for later, off-line processing.
Secure Card Data Ammonet Credit Cheque Transmission System Transfer Hosting Server Infotech Web Ecommerce Reserved Money
Browser-based encrypted transmission of credit card and cheque details to a secure database for later, off-line processing.
Secure Card Data Ammonet Credit Cheque Transmission System Transfer Hosting Server Infotech Web Ecommerce Reserved Money
27 Secure Programming for Linux and Unix Howto
Design and
Design and implementation guidelines for writing secure programs for POSIX operating systems.
Software Secure Linux Programming Unix Security Howto Article Html Programs Chinese Pdf Open Source Wheeler Httpwwwdwheelercomsecure
Design and implementation guidelines for writing secure programs for POSIX operating systems.
Software Secure Linux Programming Unix Security Howto Article Html Programs Chinese Pdf Open Source Wheeler Httpwwwdwheelercomsecure
28 Guardian Digital Secure VPN Server Suite
Secure IPsec
Secure IPsec VPN software to remotely connect branch offices, and mobile users.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Secure IPsec VPN software to remotely connect branch offices, and mobile users.
Navigationshilfe Ty
29 Secure FTP
Offers Java-based
Offers Java-based 128-bit encrypted secure connection to standard FTP servers. For OS X. Includes screen shots, documentation, FAQ, and free download.
Github Status Blog Contact ·api Enterprise Glubftpswrap Receive Support Tech Shop Sorry Please
Offers Java-based 128-bit encrypted secure connection to standard FTP servers. For OS X. Includes screen shots, documentation, FAQ, and free download.
Github Status Blog Contact ·api Enterprise Glubftpswrap Receive Support Tech Shop Sorry Please
30 myNetSafe
Specializes in
Specializes in virus prevention and removal, secure wired and wireless network design and secure remote access, located in Calgary, Alberta.
Specializes in virus prevention and removal, secure wired and wireless network design and secure remote access, located in Calgary, Alberta.
31 SecurePass
An archiving
An archiving utility designed for the user who accesses secure network services or who deals with multiple passkeys that are difficult to secure, memorize, use, change, or keep track of.
Delivery Network Blog Highwinds Services Free Contact Industries Today Careers Load Trial Content Selectpathtm Products Could Protection
An archiving utility designed for the user who accesses secure network services or who deals with multiple passkeys that are difficult to secure, memorize, use, change, or keep track of.
Delivery Network Blog Highwinds Services Free Contact Industries Today Careers Load Trial Content Selectpathtm Products Could Protection
32 Secure Web Services Using the SOAP Toolkit
Describes how
Describes how to implement a secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit for Visual Studio 6.0, as well as how to implement a client application that can access the secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit. By Mary Kirtland, Microsoft.
Request Errory
Describes how to implement a secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit for Visual Studio 6.0, as well as how to implement a client application that can access the secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit. By Mary Kirtland, Microsoft.
Request Errory