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Best entries for Python and Perlvserver+lenny

1 Python: Yes, You Should Be Using It! Alex Martelli
Alex Martelli gives an overview of the possibilities offered by Python, along with samples allowing the newcomer to experience Python code. [Free registration required to view this article.]
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2 Linux Journal Python Interview An Interview
An Interview with Guido van Rossum. A conversation with the creator of Python about an effort to teach Python to non-computer science students.
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3 Stanis Python Editor (SPE) A full-featured
A full-featured Python IDE and ships with Python Debugger (rpdb2), wxGlade (gui designer), PyChecker(source code doctor), Kiki(regex console) and Blender(3d) support. [Open source, GPL]
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4 mxBase package extensions for Python The
The mx Extensions for Python are a collection of professional quality Python software tools which enhance Pythons usability in many important areas such as ODBC database connectivity, fast text processing, date/time processing and web site programming.
Python Middot Egenixcom Mxodbc Products Distribution Support Base Database Mx Pyrun Connect Zope Open Source Library
5 Lenny Zeltser Firewall Discussions Explores the
Explores the use of various firewall techniques for protecting resources according to business requirements of multi-tier applications.
Figure Lenny Internet Security Multitier Firewall Zeltser Web Network Architecture Applications Check Single Perimeter Google+ Based Firewalls Similarly Soap
6 Python Tutorial Introduction to
Introduction to Python, where to find it, how to install, and create a very simple script.
7 Why Python? Article by
Article by Eric Raymond where he explains reasons that led him to switch from Perl to Python.
Python Submitted Perl Anonymous Linux Wed Thu Gator Host Windows Dont Tue Listing Ruby Programming Having Pythonfun Bad
8 decompyle A service
A service to decompile Python bytecode to readable Python source files.
Python Software Decompyle Yes Contact Goebel Misc John Modules Want Welcome Aycock Code Archive Hartmut
9 eff-bots Daily Python URL Contains links
Contains links to assorted resources from the Python universe, compiled by PythonWare.
Library Python Standard Imaging Downloads Mercurial Introduction Effbotorg Contact Tkinter Handbook Subversion Reloading Information Hgeffbotorg
10 JPython: The Felicitous Union of Python and Java Excerpt from
Excerpt from OReilly book: Learning Python.
Java Jpython Python Swing Figure Cpython Right Jbutton Expression Setup Oreilly Learning Output Guido Sample
11 zxJDBC Database connectivity
Database connectivity in Jython (Python on the Java platform). [Open Source, Python license]
Jython Part Notes Jyni Released Pydev Cpython Java Sikuli Guide Python License Proxymaker Please Websphere
12 XML-RPC for Python An XML-RPC
An XML-RPC library from PythonWare, which made its way into Python 2.2. [Open Source, BSD-like]
13 Learning Python A weblog
A weblog tracking one mans journey into Python.
Python Tweet Android Magazine Memetoad Pygtk Pygame Votes News Posted Translation Airbop Learning Glade Poll Forums
14 Python Squeezes the Web A practical
A practical example of using Python to automate the crawl of web pages.
Linux Introduction Ubuntu Python Tutorials Goes Enterprise Fedora Update Alpha Line Qubes Debian Delayed Vyos Caine
15 Python Persistence Management Using serialization
Using serialization to store Python objects.
16 Orbtech They offer
They offer Python programming expertise and are specialized in Python training, consulting and custom software development.
17 Writing CGI Programs in Python Introduces using
Introduces using Python for CGI applications. Has database access examples. Several parts. [Developer Shed]
Python Html Output Perl None Here Content Display Database Articles Subresult Results[record] Shed Forums However
18 - Python Solution Providers An extensive
An extensive of Individual Consultants and Companies providing Development and Support services for Python.
Open Expertnetleading Opensourcexpertscom Request Source
19 oma-python A Python
A Python users group in the Omaha, NE area.
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20 Using Mix-ins with Python An explanation
An explanation of the mix-in programming style as applied in Python.
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21 World-Wide Web: Origins And Beyond Lenny Zeltser
Lenny Zeltser describes some of the historical aspects of World-Wide Web development, as well as other forms of hypertext such as Xanadu.
World Xanadu Wide Web Lenny Nelson Cern History Zeltser Origins Berners Lee Information Figure Hypertext Asked Url
22 Five Minutes to a Python CGI By David
By David Mertz. Brief introduction to writing CGI programs, Python CGI module, formatting output, error logging/debugging.
Development Languages Dobbs Programming Testing Parallel Web Mobile Tools Design Dr Python Cloud Tech Cc++ Contact Features Cgi Version
23 A Conversation with Guido van Rossum Python creator
Python creator talks with Bill Venners about topics relevant to Python and its community, 6 part series, Artima Software.
Python Part Guido Rossum Van Community Books News Buzz Articles Conversation Weblogs Creator Venners Forums Weak Link
24 Python Does Scripts and Objects Jeffrey P.
Jeffrey P. Shell (Byte Magazine) describes how Python 'can handle simple scripting jobs or build large OOP libraries.'
Post Reply Own Re Latest Data Mobile Business Security Big Cio Interview Cloud Innovation Infrastructure Real Life Roles
25 A list of open-source HTTP proxies written in Python The function
The function of this page is to make this searching and comparison process easier for Python programmers.
Proxy Server Http Java Python Open Twisted Proxies Xhauscom Source Sortable Web Proxyservlet Cache Maxq
26 Guide to Python Introspection How to
How to spy on your Python objects.
Navigationshilfet Y
27 Python Journal A webzine
A webzine about Python programming.
Cognizor Welcome Perhaps They Appreciatingfridaycognizors
28 Lenny Zeltser Article examining
Article examining the evolution of malicious agents by analyzing features and limitations of popular viruses, worms, and trojans, detailing the possibility of a new breed of malicious agents currently being developed on the Internet.
Agents Httpvilnaicomvillibdispvirusaspvirus_k= Malicious Research Httpxforceissnetalertsadvisephp Httphomet Onlinedehometschitschinetbus_pro_enghtm Httpwwwbokcomfeaturelisthtml Httpwwwsecurityfocuscomarchive References Httpwwwcertorgtech_tipsmelissa_faqhtml Vname=wm_caligulaa Httpwwwsymanteccomavcentervencdatawmcaliahtml Httpwwwnetbusorgfaqhtml Deck Lenny Appendix
29 Space Shuttle Engineers Use Python to Streamline Mission Design Description of
Description of a practical use of Python by NASA, with quotes of Robin Friedrich, USAs Senior Project Engineer.
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30 PyGTA The Toronto
The Toronto Python/Zope User Group meets regularly to explore the expanding world of Python and Zope.
31 Python Meetup Day A free
A free service that coordinates local Python developers meeting in person, every month on the second Thursday of the month.
Python Web Programming Developers Development Software Women Technology Source Open Javascript Code Meetup Design Ruby
32 Gimp-Python A package
A package that allows users to write plugins for the Gimp in the Python programming language rather than Script-Fu (Scheme), Perl, Tcl or C.
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