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San Francisco Chronicle: Spam stampede

San Francisco Chronicle: Review Experience Www| Chronicle

Amid all the unwanted e-mail pitches for Viagra, porn and Nigerian get- rich schemes comes this message from computer experts: You aint seen nothing yet.

With the economy sagging and advertisers hunting for low cost ways to promote their wares the volume of junk e mail known as spam has spiked upwards over the past year In response Internet service providers network administrators and savvy e mail users are stepping up their efforts to block the junk relying on ever more sophisticated filtering products and services although regulatory action and private lawsuits have put a few egregious spammers out of commission hopes of stemming the tide with current laws are fading fast The Radicati Group a Palo Alto market research and consulting firm recently estimates that e mail traffic this year will reach an average of 73 billion messages a day and that 32 percent of it will be spam Just since January spam has climbed from 21 percent to 36 percent of the billion messages a month that the Postini Corp filters for Internet service providers and corporate networks according to Shinya Akamine chief executive of the Redwood City company

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