Jasons Error Coins
Experience Coin Error
Images of a collection of error coins. Wheat cents, Mercury dimes and other assorted.
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Coin Error Coinscom Collecting Leading Books Albums Netjoin Supplies Coindealerscoins Auctions Folders Collecting Coins Error Coins
Reviews and Comments for Jasons Error Coins

Best entries for Coin and Error
1 Error Trends Coin Magazine
A monthly
A monthly publication dedicated to serving the error coin hobby.
â€â€Ç‚¢Ã‚Âé“`‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚èˆÓÃ…Â o‚ƈÀÂÂオ‚è‚È‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å“x‚Ì‘o‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è‚ÌÅ’ø‰ÊÂÂb ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ì‚Ú‚èÃ…Â ø‚ªÃ¢â‚¬â€œÚˆóš¬Â™ƒnÆ’cÂÂ[ƒ“ƒxÆ’^ƒ“ƒv‰ï ‚Ì
A monthly publication dedicated to serving the error coin hobby.
â€â€Ç‚¢Ã‚Âé“`‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚èˆÓÃ…Â o‚ƈÀÂÂオ‚è‚È‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å“x‚Ì‘o‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è‚ÌÅ’ø‰ÊÂÂb ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ì‚Ú‚èÃ…Â ø‚ªÃ¢â‚¬â€œÚˆóš¬Â™ƒnÆ’cÂÂ[ƒ“ƒxÆ’^ƒ“ƒv‰ï ‚Ì
2 Error Coins Magazine
Monthly magazine
Monthly magazine devoted to error coin collecting. Available by subscription.
â€â€Ç‚¢Ã‚Âé“`‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è ‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å“x‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è‚ÌÂÂé“`Å’ø‰Ê‚ɂ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÄÂÂl‚¦Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ä‚Ý‚½ ˆÓÃ…Â o‚ƈÀÂÂオ‚è‚È‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å“x‚Ì‘o‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è‚ÌÅ’&osla
Monthly magazine devoted to error coin collecting. Available by subscription.
â€â€Ç‚¢Ã‚Âé“`‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è ‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å“x‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è‚ÌÂÂé“`Å’ø‰Ê‚ɂ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÄÂÂl‚¦Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ä‚Ý‚½ ˆÓÃ…Â o‚ƈÀÂÂオ‚è‚È‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å“x‚Ì‘o‚Ì‚Ì‚Ú‚è‚ÌÅ’&osla
3 CoinResource
A site
A site that promotes numismatics and coin collecting. The site includes a coin directory, coin encyclopedia, articles, coin guide, rare coin exhibit, and show listings.
Coin Coins Rare Nickel Coinresource Silver Buffalo News Dealer Gold Store Morgan Dollar Dollars Collecting Articles Responding Auctiongalleries
A site that promotes numismatics and coin collecting. The site includes a coin directory, coin encyclopedia, articles, coin guide, rare coin exhibit, and show listings.
Coin Coins Rare Nickel Coinresource Silver Buffalo News Dealer Gold Store Morgan Dollar Dollars Collecting Articles Responding Auctiongalleries
4 Collecting Error Coins
Just as
Just as nearly every family has its black sheep, virtually every coin series has its failures. These are known as errors or mis-struck coins, and have a following all their own.
Striking Studium Center Hobby Planchet Collecting Double Magazine Cards Blank Off Operation Coins Broadstrike Hobbies Rights Scale
Just as nearly every family has its black sheep, virtually every coin series has its failures. These are known as errors or mis-struck coins, and have a following all their own.
Striking Studium Center Hobby Planchet Collecting Double Magazine Cards Blank Off Operation Coins Broadstrike Hobbies Rights Scale
5 Error World
Internet club
Internet club devoted to error and variety coinage of all kinds.
Internet club devoted to error and variety coinage of all kinds.
6 US Coin Values Advisor
Advice on
Advice on coin collecting, book reviews, coin rate of return calculator, and illustrated US Mint history also featured. Includes information on long range coin value trends for collectible US coins.
Coin Ms Values Ive Dmpl Trends Value Coins Advertise Predict Advisor Past Price Xf Types Where
Advice on coin collecting, book reviews, coin rate of return calculator, and illustrated US Mint history also featured. Includes information on long range coin value trends for collectible US coins.
Coin Ms Values Ive Dmpl Trends Value Coins Advertise Predict Advisor Past Price Xf Types Where
7 VCR Clock Error
A cross
A cross between a server error and a misconfigured VCR.
Clock Error Vcr Count Typical Good Always Unless Luck Seem Call Click Vcrs Flashing Y
A cross between a server error and a misconfigured VCR.
Clock Error Vcr Count Typical Good Always Unless Luck Seem Call Click Vcrs Flashing Y
8 Rotated Die Coin Census
Census for
Census for US coins with major die rotation of 90 degrees to 180 degrees. Includes fake error detection and measurement indices.
Hosting Domain Web Marketing Network Solutions Names Services Website Registration Name Gobusinesses Innovative
Census for US coins with major die rotation of 90 degrees to 180 degrees. Includes fake error detection and measurement indices.
Hosting Domain Web Marketing Network Solutions Names Services Website Registration Name Gobusinesses Innovative
9 Jasons Error Coins
Images of
Images of a collection of error coins. Wheat cents, Mercury dimes and other assorted.
Coin Error Coinscom Collecting Leading Books Albums Netjoin Supplies Coindealerscoins Auctions Folders
Images of a collection of error coins. Wheat cents, Mercury dimes and other assorted.
Coin Error Coinscom Collecting Leading Books Albums Netjoin Supplies Coindealerscoins Auctions Folders
10 Coin Break
Rare coin
Rare coin index with links to coin dealer sites and numismatic resources.
Rare coin index with links to coin dealer sites and numismatic resources.
11 Israel Error Coins
The site
The site focuses on Israeli error coins but also features Canadian, U.S. and others. See bi-metallic errors, coins struck on scrap metal, and others.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Archiveorgterms Internet Maps Archives Mail Sports Games
The site focuses on Israeli error coins but also features Canadian, U.S. and others. See bi-metallic errors, coins struck on scrap metal, and others.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Archiveorgterms Internet Maps Archives Mail Sports Games
12 World Error Coins
Describes and
Describes and illustrates dramatically mis-struck foreign coins. Includes information on recognizing various types of error coins as well as articles on how to get started collecting them.
Z Request Y
Describes and illustrates dramatically mis-struck foreign coins. Includes information on recognizing various types of error coins as well as articles on how to get started collecting them.
Z Request Y
13 Coin Gallery Online
Portal for
Portal for buying, selling, and trading coins. Includes coin collecting books and supplies, rare coin exhibits, and numismatic resources for the collector.
Coin Coins Cent Ancient Gallery Penny Numismatic Dollars World Dealers Peace Half Dimes Jefferson Bermuda Silver Roman Quarters Rare United
Portal for buying, selling, and trading coins. Includes coin collecting books and supplies, rare coin exhibits, and numismatic resources for the collector.
Coin Coins Cent Ancient Gallery Penny Numismatic Dollars World Dealers Peace Half Dimes Jefferson Bermuda Silver Roman Quarters Rare United
14 Liberty Coin Club of Connecticut
Includes current
Includes current club news and events, coin of the month, coin show listings and numismatic links.
Includes current club news and events, coin of the month, coin show listings and numismatic links.
15 Ancient Coin Vault
Online auctions
Online auctions, classifieds, forums, coin gallery, coin store, and chat room are available here to discuss and learn about ancient coins.
Dieser Datenschutzrichtlinien Click Domain Here Informationen Ancientcoinvaultcom Ancientcoinvaultcominformationenz
Online auctions, classifieds, forums, coin gallery, coin store, and chat room are available here to discuss and learn about ancient coins.
Dieser Datenschutzrichtlinien Click Domain Here Informationen Ancientcoinvaultcom Ancientcoinvaultcominformationenz
16 Lynn Coins: Articles on Coin Collecting
Articles, news
Articles, news and coin production mintages of interest to the Coin collector or investor.
Articles, news and coin production mintages of interest to the Coin collector or investor.
17 German Coin Grading
German coin
German coin grading is no simple matter. There are literally thousands of different coin types spanning hundreds of years and a variety of coining techniques.
Uncirculated American German Ms Fine Very Extremely Good Coin Proof Grading Approximately Superb European Au
German coin grading is no simple matter. There are literally thousands of different coin types spanning hundreds of years and a variety of coining techniques.
Uncirculated American German Ms Fine Very Extremely Good Coin Proof Grading Approximately Superb European Au
18 Kotas Coin Page
Scottish Indian
Scottish Indian coin collector web site with information on Indian and world coins. Also presented are the collectors coin and bank note list and swap list.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Scottish Indian coin collector web site with information on Indian and world coins. Also presented are the collectors coin and bank note list and swap list.
Navigationshilfe Ty
19 Mike Lockes California Fractional Gold
Coins for
Coins for sale, coin pictures, coin book reviews, California fractional gold coin and token information, index of related sites.
California Gold Coin Token Octagonal Locke Pictures Coins Mike Octogonal Calgold Fractional Gold Fractional Numismatics Web
Coins for sale, coin pictures, coin book reviews, California fractional gold coin and token information, index of related sites.
California Gold Coin Token Octagonal Locke Pictures Coins Mike Octogonal Calgold Fractional Gold Fractional Numismatics Web
20 The Coin Alley
Coin collecting
Coin collecting information, including grading, handling and storage.
Coin collecting information, including grading, handling and storage.
21 Coin Dealer Newsletter
This is
This is a fee based online coin and currency price guide.
Coin Dealer Gold Cdn Currency Price Silver Rare Guide Bullion Money Paper Coins Sell Ask Shops Wireless Offer Standingand Platinum
This is a fee based online coin and currency price guide.
Coin Dealer Gold Cdn Currency Price Silver Rare Guide Bullion Money Paper Coins Sell Ask Shops Wireless Offer Standingand Platinum
22 Coin Exchange with MKM
Website of
Website of an Indian Coin Collector with swap list.
Coin Exchange Collection Enhance Mallick Registered India Engineer Post Mkmexchange Organisation Mkm Manas | Hello Civil
Website of an Indian Coin Collector with swap list.
Coin Exchange Collection Enhance Mallick Registered India Engineer Post Mkmexchange Organisation Mkm Manas | Hello Civil
23 Canadian Coin News
Source for
Source for information about coin collecting in Canada.
Coin Dollars Subscribe Trends News Magazine Show Issues Credits Canadian Advertise Coins Posted Events Collecting Free Leading Totw
Source for information about coin collecting in Canada.
Coin Dollars Subscribe Trends News Magazine Show Issues Credits Canadian Advertise Coins Posted Events Collecting Free Leading Totw
24 Canadian Coin News
Source for
Source for information about coin collecting in Canada.
Coin Dollars Subscribe Show Trends Magazine News Issues Canadian Numismatic Coins Credits Posted Advertise Club Shifting Send Cents Win Toronto
Source for information about coin collecting in Canada.
Coin Dollars Subscribe Show Trends Magazine News Issues Canadian Numismatic Coins Credits Posted Advertise Club Shifting Send Cents Win Toronto
25 Coin Community Forums
Educational coin
Educational coin collecting forum. Free registration required to post.
Coin Forum Coins Canadian Australian World Cheap Variety Most Error Ancient Forums United Numismatic Kingdom
Educational coin collecting forum. Free registration required to post.
Coin Forum Coins Canadian Australian World Cheap Variety Most Error Ancient Forums United Numismatic Kingdom
26 Coin Galaxy
Coin and
Coin and currency information, grading and supplies.
Currency Coin Information Grading Coingalaxycom Supplieswwwcamacscom Collectors_ Albums Album Mexiconumismatic Coingalaxys
Coin and currency information, grading and supplies.
Currency Coin Information Grading Coingalaxycom Supplieswwwcamacscom Collectors_ Albums Album Mexiconumismatic Coingalaxys
27 Scouting Centenary Coin
United Kingdom
United Kingdom 50 pence commemorative coin order information and on-line purchase.
Mint Here Click Royal Custompage Mapwebsite View Mobile Error
United Kingdom 50 pence commemorative coin order information and on-line purchase.
Mint Here Click Royal Custompage Mapwebsite View Mobile Error
28 Canadian Coin News
A bi-weekly
A bi-weekly newspaper regarded as the definitive source for current information on coin collecting and numismatics in Canada.
Coins Coin Canadian Collecting Collectibles Collectables Numismatic Collectors Mint Association Money Canada Numismatics World New Issue
A bi-weekly newspaper regarded as the definitive source for current information on coin collecting and numismatics in Canada.
Coins Coin Canadian Collecting Collectibles Collectables Numismatic Collectors Mint Association Money Canada Numismatics World New Issue
29 Idans Coin Site
A personal
A personal collection of world coins. Including coin images, information, descriptions and trading info.
Create Tripod Lycoscomsignup Hosting Page Login Tripodcom Lycos Couldnt Shopping Please Requestedcheck
A personal collection of world coins. Including coin images, information, descriptions and trading info.
Create Tripod Lycoscomsignup Hosting Page Login Tripodcom Lycos Couldnt Shopping Please Requestedcheck
30 Coin, Stamp and Collectibles Expo
Coin show
Coin show held every February, June, and October. Schedule, auctions, exhibitor list.
Long Beach Expo Coin Currency Hall Dealer Show Stamp David News Fragner Contact Team Collectible Cory Vern
Coin show held every February, June, and October. Schedule, auctions, exhibitor list.
Long Beach Expo Coin Currency Hall Dealer Show Stamp David News Fragner Contact Team Collectible Cory Vern
31 Canadian Coin News
A bi-weekly
A bi-weekly newspaper regarded as the definitive source for current information on coin collecting and numismatics in Canada.
Coins Coin Collecting Canadian Collectables Collectibles Collectors Numismatic Association Money Collector Canada Numismatics World Canadas
A bi-weekly newspaper regarded as the definitive source for current information on coin collecting and numismatics in Canada.
Coins Coin Collecting Canadian Collectables Collectibles Collectors Numismatic Association Money Collector Canada Numismatics World Canadas
32 Jeffs Roman Coin Site
Roman coin
Roman coin collection specializing in Hadrian travel series and legionary types.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help News Sitesmachine Visit Trying Longeravailable Terms Sorry
Roman coin collection specializing in Hadrian travel series and legionary types.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help News Sitesmachine Visit Trying Longeravailable Terms Sorry