Allied Rehabilitation Associates
Experience Language Therapy
Group practice offering private and group services in speech and language therapy, accent reduction, American sign language, occupational and physical therapy in Metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts.Metro Boston practice offering speech language occupational and physical therapy for schools hospitals rehabilitation centers nursing homes assisted living Head Start Early Intervention and individuals

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Language Therapy Speech Physical Occupational Associates Public Speaking Accent Reduction Pathology Screening Health Sign Care Communicative Professions Occupational Therapy Clinics And Service Providers Boston Massachusetts Speech Therapy Physical Occupational Rehabilitation Speech Language Pathology Nursing Home Assisted Living Schools Hospital
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Best entries for Language and Therapy
1 East Bay Therapy: Speech and Language Therapy Clinic
Licensed, professional
Licensed, professional speech-language pathologists specializing in pediatric and adult communication disorders and language development. Located in Pleasanton, CA.
Displayed Pageproviderforplease Contact Cannot Error
Licensed, professional speech-language pathologists specializing in pediatric and adult communication disorders and language development. Located in Pleasanton, CA.
Displayed Pageproviderforplease Contact Cannot Error
2 Allied Rehabilitation Associates
Group practice
Group practice offering private and group services in speech and language therapy, accent reduction, American sign language, occupational and physical therapy in Metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts.
Language Therapy Speech Physical Occupational Associates Public Speaking Accent Reduction Pathology Screening Health Sign Care Communicative
Group practice offering private and group services in speech and language therapy, accent reduction, American sign language, occupational and physical therapy in Metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts.
Language Therapy Speech Physical Occupational Associates Public Speaking Accent Reduction Pathology Screening Health Sign Care Communicative
3 Reavis Rehab
Central Texas
Central Texas clinic offering Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Language Therapy and Medical Social Services.
Central Texas clinic offering Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Language Therapy and Medical Social Services.
4 East Bay Therapy
Licensed, professional
Licensed, professional speech-language pathologists specializing in pediatric and adult communication disorders and language development.
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Licensed, professional speech-language pathologists specializing in pediatric and adult communication disorders and language development.
Best Free Credit Smart Phones Migraine Courses Mortgage Rates Health Eastbaytherapycom College Cars Pain Relief Report Dental Popular Speed Privacy
5 Speech-Language Pathology - FAQ
Frequently asked
Frequently asked (and answered) questions about speech-language pathology (speech and language therapy) as a career, as a service, and as a profession.
Create Tripod Couldnt Check Shopping Lycos Requested Signup Please Tripodcom Lycoscomwebsite Hosting Login
Frequently asked (and answered) questions about speech-language pathology (speech and language therapy) as a career, as a service, and as a profession.
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6 Verbal Bloom
Trina J.
Trina J. Morgan specializes in early intervention at her practice in Broward County, Florida. Verbal Bloom provides home based speech-language therapy in the areas of articulation, language, and fluency for children. Site includes bio, service information, and contact details.
Trina J. Morgan specializes in early intervention at her practice in Broward County, Florida. Verbal Bloom provides home based speech-language therapy in the areas of articulation, language, and fluency for children. Site includes bio, service information, and contact details.
7 LaQuitas Speech-Language Development
This personal
This personal site by a professional speech-language pathologist provides information on speech-language development in infants and toddlers. Find information about disorders of speech and language and where to seek help, on signs of impaired speech and language in small children and steps for remediating these disorders.
Tripod Create Pagelycoscom Signup Login Please Website Check Shopping Tripodcom Hostingcouldnt Requested
This personal site by a professional speech-language pathologist provides information on speech-language development in infants and toddlers. Find information about disorders of speech and language and where to seek help, on signs of impaired speech and language in small children and steps for remediating these disorders.
Tripod Create Pagelycoscom Signup Login Please Website Check Shopping Tripodcom Hostingcouldnt Requested
8 Hanover Speech Improvement
New York
New York City based practice of Fern Hanover, licensed speech-language pathologist. Voice therapy, accent reduction and speech therapy services are offered.
Accent Speech Voice Improvement Hanover Reduction Therapy Training Pronunciation Fern York Coach New Communication English Corporate
New York City based practice of Fern Hanover, licensed speech-language pathologist. Voice therapy, accent reduction and speech therapy services are offered.
Accent Speech Voice Improvement Hanover Reduction Therapy Training Pronunciation Fern York Coach New Communication English Corporate
9 Horizon Speech Therapy Services
Private speech-language
Private speech-language therapy practice. Describes services and specialities, including aphasia, stuttering, oral-motor disorders, and articulation disorders.
Speech Horizon Therapy Welcome Contact Specialties School Services Language Age Most Gettingnorthern High
Private speech-language therapy practice. Describes services and specialities, including aphasia, stuttering, oral-motor disorders, and articulation disorders.
Speech Horizon Therapy Welcome Contact Specialties School Services Language Age Most Gettingnorthern High
10 SpeechCare, Inc
Offers speech-language
Offers speech-language therapy and training workshops for parents and professionals.
Speechcare Contact Therapy Resources Enrollment Employee Policy Login Blog Openings Disclaimer Inc We Rights Wehelp Privacy Ms
Offers speech-language therapy and training workshops for parents and professionals.
Speechcare Contact Therapy Resources Enrollment Employee Policy Login Blog Openings Disclaimer Inc We Rights Wehelp Privacy Ms
11 Purina: Body Language
Helpful hints
Helpful hints on reading your cats body language. Photos show various positions and body language cues to look for.
Helpful hints on reading your cats body language. Photos show various positions and body language cues to look for.
12 SLPAuction
A venue
A venue for speech-language pathologists, caregivers, and students to buy and sell therapy materials.
Speech Pathology Slp Therapy Products Continuing Auctions Auction Courses Disorders Sellers Education Language Voice Resource Buy Jobs
A venue for speech-language pathologists, caregivers, and students to buy and sell therapy materials.
Speech Pathology Slp Therapy Products Continuing Auctions Auction Courses Disorders Sellers Education Language Voice Resource Buy Jobs
13 Hyperlexia
Basic information
Basic information about therapy and intervention strategies from The Center for Speech and Language Disorders.
Csldcom Net Request Bestz
Basic information about therapy and intervention strategies from The Center for Speech and Language Disorders.
Csldcom Net Request Bestz
14 SpeechCare, Inc
Offers speech-language
Offers speech-language therapy and training workshops for parents and professionals in Lancaster, PA.
Speechcare Contact Policy Login Resources Openings Enrollment Blog Therapy Disclaimer Employee Wehelp Job Cccslp Reserved Leahmartin Us
Offers speech-language therapy and training workshops for parents and professionals in Lancaster, PA.
Speechcare Contact Policy Login Resources Openings Enrollment Blog Therapy Disclaimer Employee Wehelp Job Cccslp Reserved Leahmartin Us
15 The Center for Speech, Language and Occupational Therapy, Inc.
Private service
Private service provider in California (USA) with some information and links about specific paediatric disorders.
Therapy Cslot Speech Language Intervention Early Clinic Center Reading Occupational Summer Treatment Camps Eic Checklist Careers
Private service provider in California (USA) with some information and links about specific paediatric disorders.
Therapy Cslot Speech Language Intervention Early Clinic Center Reading Occupational Summer Treatment Camps Eic Checklist Careers
16 Online Counseling
Administered by
Administered by Sharyn Matidis M.A.I.P.C. using solution-focused therapy, person centered therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, gestalt therapy and family therapy.
Permanently Theserver Portapache
Administered by Sharyn Matidis M.A.I.P.C. using solution-focused therapy, person centered therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, gestalt therapy and family therapy.
Permanently Theserver Portapache
17 Michelle Pascoe and Associates.
Speech and
Speech and Language therapy services offered in the Derbyshire and South Yorkshire areas. Profile and clinic information.
Speech and Language therapy services offered in the Derbyshire and South Yorkshire areas. Profile and clinic information.
18 Camp Espana
Residential language
Residential language and summer camp for 13–20 year olds mixes Jewish cultural exposure, English and Spanish language study, sports, and beach activities in a strictly kosher environment. Located near Marbella, Spain. Includes general information, dates, rates, language tests, and application form.
Camp Jewish Summer Camps Jcamps Spanish Espana China Residential Holiday International Uk Spain Premiere School
Residential language and summer camp for 13–20 year olds mixes Jewish cultural exposure, English and Spanish language study, sports, and beach activities in a strictly kosher environment. Located near Marbella, Spain. Includes general information, dates, rates, language tests, and application form.
Camp Jewish Summer Camps Jcamps Spanish Espana China Residential Holiday International Uk Spain Premiere School
19 Baxamed Medical Center
Youth restoration
Youth restoration therapies, including hormone replacement therapy, fetal cell therapy, RNA therapy, thymus immune therapy, and chelation therapy. Located in Switzerland.
Index Baxamedcorpplaquex Wwwplaquexnet Biorica International
Youth restoration therapies, including hormone replacement therapy, fetal cell therapy, RNA therapy, thymus immune therapy, and chelation therapy. Located in Switzerland.
Index Baxamedcorpplaquex Wwwplaquexnet Biorica International
20 The Speech and Literacy Center
A Speech
A Speech Language Therapy private practice in Tinley Park, Illinois.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A Speech Language Therapy private practice in Tinley Park, Illinois.
Navigationshilfe Ty
21 Language Analysis Lab [LAL]
Located at
Located at University of Wisconsin Madison, home to the Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) software. The SALT software is a computer program designed to analyze free speech samples for Speech Language Pathologists.
Z Ok Y
Located at University of Wisconsin Madison, home to the Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) software. The SALT software is a computer program designed to analyze free speech samples for Speech Language Pathologists.
Z Ok Y
22 Maryland - National Speech/Language Therapy Center
Specializes in
Specializes in treating children with moderate to severe communication disorders using advanced computer programs, such as Fast ForWord and MAP.
Found Page Sorry Urlz Please Otherwise
Specializes in treating children with moderate to severe communication disorders using advanced computer programs, such as Fast ForWord and MAP.
Found Page Sorry Urlz Please Otherwise
23 Animal Planet: Language
Cats communication
Cats communication system using their spoken language.
Cats communication system using their spoken language.
24 Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Service
Frequency, language
Frequency, language and schedule information for programs to 36 target areas by language.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Frequency, language and schedule information for programs to 36 target areas by language.
Navigationshilfe Ty
25 At Home with Gail M. Van Tatenhove
Certified Speech-Language
Certified Speech-Language Pathologist specializing in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Online offerings include a catalog of AAC therapy materials and opportunities to schedule seminars and consultations.
Products Services Language Learn Resources Speech Contact Pathologist Tatenhove Gail Alternative Pathologistaugmentativehome Van
Certified Speech-Language Pathologist specializing in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Online offerings include a catalog of AAC therapy materials and opportunities to schedule seminars and consultations.
Products Services Language Learn Resources Speech Contact Pathologist Tatenhove Gail Alternative Pathologistaugmentativehome Van
26 Speech Therapy Online
Web design
Web design services for speech-language pathologists in private practice. Customized websites by a speech therapist for colleagues in the industry.
Leading Presentation Speech Therapy Speechtherapyonlinecom Promotionalproduct Keynote Net Join Motivationalspeakers Specialtycustom Multimedia Promotional
Web design services for speech-language pathologists in private practice. Customized websites by a speech therapist for colleagues in the industry.
Leading Presentation Speech Therapy Speechtherapyonlinecom Promotionalproduct Keynote Net Join Motivationalspeakers Specialtycustom Multimedia Promotional
27 Speech and Language Disorders
The Kaufman
The Kaufman Childrens Center for Speech and Language Disorders, Inc. provides early intervention to children with communication disorders including central auditory processing disorders, autism, Aspergers, receptive and expressive language disorders, apraxia, and articulation difficulties. General overview of these disorders, symptoms and even early signs for parents of infants as well. (See index in the left columm of the web site.)
Kaufman Center Social Childrens Connections Nancy Sensory Motor Speech Casana Camp Contact Workshop Language Welcome Methods Services Materials
The Kaufman Childrens Center for Speech and Language Disorders, Inc. provides early intervention to children with communication disorders including central auditory processing disorders, autism, Aspergers, receptive and expressive language disorders, apraxia, and articulation difficulties. General overview of these disorders, symptoms and even early signs for parents of infants as well. (See index in the left columm of the web site.)
Kaufman Center Social Childrens Connections Nancy Sensory Motor Speech Casana Camp Contact Workshop Language Welcome Methods Services Materials
28 Undoing Depression
Richard OConnor.
Richard OConnor. What therapy doesnt teach you and medication cant give you. The first book to focus on prevention of depression. Written in clear, compelling language to patients, therapists, family and friends.
Depression Stress Self Undoing Destructive Oconnor News Perpetual Mindfulness Happiness Medication Happy Behavior Books Loss Meditation Good Enough
Richard OConnor. What therapy doesnt teach you and medication cant give you. The first book to focus on prevention of depression. Written in clear, compelling language to patients, therapists, family and friends.
Depression Stress Self Undoing Destructive Oconnor News Perpetual Mindfulness Happiness Medication Happy Behavior Books Loss Meditation Good Enough
29 Planet-Therapy
Solutions for
Solutions for individual and family problems in everyday language. Provides current psychotherapy ideas and practices so people can solve their mental health problems and find professional counseling resources.
Eating Health Disorder Planet Therapy Mental Depression Featured Anxiety Making Decision Abuse Rosc Disorders Attention Needs Bulimia Navigation Perfection Adhd]
Solutions for individual and family problems in everyday language. Provides current psychotherapy ideas and practices so people can solve their mental health problems and find professional counseling resources.
Eating Health Disorder Planet Therapy Mental Depression Featured Anxiety Making Decision Abuse Rosc Disorders Attention Needs Bulimia Navigation Perfection Adhd]
30 Dallas Reading and Language Services
Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX based speech therapist specializes in language and literacy for school aged children.
Speech Language Dallas Reading Therapy Bell Services Literacy Linkedin Profile Lindamood Linda Mood Bell® Rachel Pathologist Betzen Pre Skills Aged
Dallas, TX based speech therapist specializes in language and literacy for school aged children.
Speech Language Dallas Reading Therapy Bell Services Literacy Linkedin Profile Lindamood Linda Mood Bell® Rachel Pathologist Betzen Pre Skills Aged
31 Malaysian Association of Speech-Language and Hearing
Details about
Details about the organization which represents audiologist and speech-language pathologist. Offers the objectives, membership and contact information.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Finance Toolbar Inc Gamesinternet Longeravailable Terms Hosting
Details about the organization which represents audiologist and speech-language pathologist. Offers the objectives, membership and contact information.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Finance Toolbar Inc Gamesinternet Longeravailable Terms Hosting
32 The Habitrol Stop Smoking System
Vendor of
Vendor of 'the patch'. Focus is on a smoking cessation program that combines development of a personalized program with behavioral modification, nicotine replacement therapy and on-line support. In English and French language.
Legal Contact Welcome Statement Habitrol Policy Privacy Please Canada Novartis United Incstates Health
Vendor of 'the patch'. Focus is on a smoking cessation program that combines development of a personalized program with behavioral modification, nicotine replacement therapy and on-line support. In English and French language.
Legal Contact Welcome Statement Habitrol Policy Privacy Please Canada Novartis United Incstates Health