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Copy Experience


1 Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds Software
H&L understands how a fully integrated Hospitality POS system can make each transaction profitable. Whatever the size or type of... Australia Eventrocket Hospitality Rocket Datenow Systems Restaurant Row Promisee Fully Internet Explorer Mouse Mapemape Promiset
2 The Best Copy Machine Rental Services Business
Flat Rate Copiers is the most trusted Florida based copier repair and leasing service provider with conventional and in-house... Your Helvetica Fatal Dateto Aug Thu Wordfence Generated Documentation You Click Word If Access Reason
1 Copy Editor Language newsletter
Language newsletter, website and job search for copy editors.
2 Unicopy Offers a
Offers a variety of copy and fax machines and printers along with copy and print supplies like toner and developer.
Copy Uni Technologies Simply Rouge Louisiana Mississippi Kip Konicaminolta Gulf Coast Mississippiuni Mfpsorprogram
3 Clear Copy Solutions Copywriting and
Copywriting and editing services for small to medium-sized businesses. Web/SEO copy, brochures, newsletters, press releases, manuals.
Future Soon Something Coming Cool Check Youre Visitor Ownerpleaselaunch
4 Kelle Campbell Freelance writing
Freelance writing and copy editing service specializing in copy for press releases, articles, newsletters, sales letters and general corporate communications.
Writing Services Relations Campbell Public Kellé Writer Pr Kcwritercom Content Research | Editing Portfolio Reach
5 InHouse Writer Copywriter, Kay
Copywriter, Kay Steele Faulk, specializing in direct response copy for print and web, business marketing tools, advertorials, feature articles, SEO copy, web site critique and makeover.
6 Financial Copy Providing freelance
Providing freelance marketing copy to financial services organizations, including mutual funds, banks, brokerages, insurers and financial representatives. Pawlet, Vermont.
7 Printfast Digital Copies & Printing Digital copy
Digital copy center offering a wide range of copy and printing services. Online estimate forms.
Options Shop Digital Printfast Faq Support Adobe Ashland Oregon Southern Printer Aboutcom Planet Hours Withour
8 Cottrell Printing & Copy Center Full service
Full service commercial offset printing and digital copy center with 30 years of experience. Denver.
9 Cottrell Printing and Copy Center Full service
Full service commercial offset printing and digital copy center. Includes products and services, file transfer procedures, and free quotes.
Printing Marketing Services Print Integrated Cottrell Privacy Poster Employee Banner Advertising Card Wrap Statement Smart Codeapplication Covering
10 Single Copy Sales Newsstand consultants
Newsstand consultants for single copy sales of magazines.
Consulting Dojo Media Pscs Magazine Newsstand Publishing Services Marketing Ruth Cover Linda Mobile Audience Book Case Improve
11 Freelance jobs
Freelance jobs for copy editors.
Lovers National Day Book Word News Fun Books Roundup Sample Etymatching Game Wise Training Vocabulary Etymology Celebration Editing Audio
12 taxan distributor of
distributor of video projectors and copy boards. uk.
13 Ghost in the Machine Writing, ghostwriting
Writing, ghostwriting, and web page copy.
Ghostwriting Writing Woolfe Creative Professional Machine Ghost Storytelling Chreincom Content Engines Llc Bother Point Little Books David
14 Order a
Order a copy of your Dmv driving report nationwide.
15 Copy For Sale Professional copywriting
Professional copywriting for online and offline communications
16 AD-RITR Creative concepts
Creative concepts and copy writing services. New Mexico.
Ad Ritr Clients Creative Contact Resume Portfolio Mobile Falls Printcollateral Cedar Person Showaward Fortune
17 Modilingua Translation, localisation
Translation, localisation and copy-editing in German and English.
18 fkm copiers provide service
provide service, sales and supplies for printing, copy, and fax needs. usa.
19 Trafford On-demand publisher
On-demand publisher, offering PDF download or hard copy.
20 Copy Type Offers secretarial
Offers secretarial services and wedding stationery.
Binding Copytype Thesis Stationery Studio Secretarial Framing Picture Services Printingcolour Centre Wedding Photocopying
21 Copy Center Plus Printing, copying
Printing, copying, signs, graphic design and associated products.
22 The Copy Network Utilizes modern
Utilizes modern technology, styles and contact information.
Printing Click Copy Print Photo Inc Copying Cards Digital Network Demand Business Upload Sheets Color Marketing Banners
23 Copy Cop Inc. 4-color short
4-color short run digital printing, with locations in the Boston area.
Printing Boston Print Area Faqs Design Contact Services Location Run Resources Blog Company Personalized Copy Short Apache
24 White, Chris Copy writer
Copy writer and voice over talent. RealAudio demos available.
Chris White Writer Freelance Advertising Thank Contact Ive News Lookin Written Heres Paint Cw Hawaiian Acrobat Tastea
25 ARS Impact Specializing in
Specializing in competitive intelligence, advertising research and copy testing.
26 Thaddeus Laird Ad campaigns
Ad campaigns, web content, long copy and feature articles.
27 Brian Feuerman Copy solutions
Copy solutions for ads, direct, and the web. Online samples. Massachusetts.
28 PrintScore Estimating and
Estimating and management software for small to medium print and copy shops.
29 Michael D. Blostein A brass
A brass musician available for copy work, performance, adjudication and instruction.
30 Tin Can Communications Vancouver copywriter.
Vancouver copywriter. Writing web copy, brochures, press releases, articles.
Content Role Sample Copywriting Vancouver Copywriter Editor Pdf Best Work School Editing Visit Writing Services Story Cancer Scotland
31 Blank Corp. Suppliers of
Suppliers of a patented security paper with copy protection to keep documents safe.
Paper Security Kopy Kant Blanksusa Privacy Policy Products Termsprescription | Powered Z
32 Shuster, Michelle Voiceover artist
Voiceover artist offering professional presentation of commercial and narrative copy.
33 Copy Shop Copying, printing
Copying, printing, publishing, book binding, and laminating. Corpus Christi.
34 Copy Shop in Corpus Christi Copying, printing
Copying, printing, publishing, book binding, and laminating.
35 Harris Studio Weddings, family
Weddings, family and childrens portraits, copy and restoration work. [Sacramento]
Harris Sacramento Studio Children Maternity Ca Aboutus Request Groups Familyerror Years Portr Photographing
36 Bristol Services Intl. Manuscript critique
Manuscript critique with market analysis and copy editing. Carlsborg, WA.
37 Editxpress Professional editing
Professional editing, translation, proof reading and copy-writing services online.
38 The Copy Network Copies, printing
Copies, printing, digital duplication, and bindery services. South Plainfield.
39 Pamukbank Limited information
Limited information about the bank, including a brief profile, a statement from the CEO, and a copy of the balance sheet.
40 Camera Ready Copy Fast and
Fast and inexpensive preparation of your book to meet your publshers specifications.
Camera Copy Leading Ready Camerareadycopycom Cameras Housing Cameramemory Net Accessories Equipmentbatteries Tripods Z
41 CSY Visitor A hotel
A hotel bookings management system for Windows. Trial copy available for a limited time.
42 Copy-us They publish
They publish the works of contemporary composers free of charge on the web and will send them at cost to musicians and all of those interested.
Musik Henze Klassik Internet Informationen Arrangements Finale Frost Daams Music Partitur Welt Webring Summertime Publishing Koukl Interpret
43 The Final Copy Specializes in
Specializes in tape transcription, typing and word processing. Located in the United States.
44 Copy Cat Graphics & Signs Sign printing
Sign printing and design in the Port Angeles/Sequim, Washington area.
45 Write to the Point Provides professional
Provides professional writing, copy editing, and proofreading services for both individuals and small businesses.
46 Imagine Write Communications Leanne Campbell
Leanne Campbell is a Vancouver copywriter, writing web and ad copy for clients worldwide.
47 In Hauss Strategies Seasoned NYC-trained
Seasoned NYC-trained pro writes effective promotional and editorial copy. Coral Springs, FL.
48 Laura Siegel Offers editing
Offers editing and proofreading services for medical, business, and advertising copy. Livingston, NJ.
49 Words, Ink Editing (copy
Editing (copy and content creative), literary agency, and writing services. Redding, California.
Description Words _ Page Services Photography Writing Résumé Mailct_ Christina Counseling Cicero
50 american copy service center distributor of
distributor of konica copiers and fax machines located in waterbury, connecticut.
51 Id Werk Translation in
Translation in English and German, for publication-ready copy in the marketing, advertising and customer-relations fields.
Ihres Texte Marketing Design Eilige Unternehmens Dienstleistungen Unternehmenskommunikation Ciund Lori Englisch Pfiff Verfassen Uns +
52 Elizabeth Ardley Proofreader copy
Proofreader copy editor, corporate writer, journalist, scriptwriter. Based in Auckland, New Zealand.
Auckland Zealand Ardley English Elizabeth Journalist Editor Writer Copy Proofreader Corporate Media University Teaching Ardley@xtraconz Rounder Secondary
53 Cashman Commercials Copy and
Copy and music production company based in Hollywood, CA. Voice demo creation for actors.
54 seatrade analysis of
analysis of current issues and forward looking market pages on all of the key shipping sectors, on-line or in hard copy.
55 Visionmaker Multimedia Wedding Videos
Wedding Videos, CD Authoring, DIgital Video Production, CD Copy, and DVD Transfer. Located in Irving, TX.
56 Words in Transition Copy editing
Copy editing, copywriting and proofreading in English by freelancer Donna Devine, based in Delft, the Netherlands.
57 Hot Cuppa Copy Lauren Vanderwoude
Lauren Vanderwoude, an experienced copywriter who works in print, direct mail and interactive channels. Bronxville, NY.
58 Write Essentials Concise credible
Concise credible business communication copywriting, marketing materials copy, and web site content. Missouri.
59 Lisa Banks, MBA Professional online
Professional online copywriting specialist. Emphasis on copy that drives response rates and also supports your SEO efforts.
Copywriter Copywriting Content Website Copywriters Freelance Wordpress Working Quality Marketing Media Contact Internet Seo High Promotion Social Company Business
60 complete copy Writing for
Writing for internal communications campaigns, new business proposals, intranets and websites or direct sales promotions.
Copy Copywriting Services Contact Complete Communications References Experience Capabilities Freelance Marketing Great Wins Corporate Western Hits
61 The Weis Revise Copy editing
Copy editing, rewriting, proofreading and ghost writing services from Marilyn Weishaar. South Dakota.
Copy Proofreading Editing Services Weishaar Revise Weis Editor Marilyn Fees Page Technology References Releases Accolades
62 Copy and Print Centre UK printer
UK printer offering copies, commercial printing, raffle tickets, and vinyl cut signage options.
63 DeBoy, David National credits
National credits from artist who does comedic commercial copy to technical corporate scripts. Includes demos.
64 Scribe Consulting Provides proofreading
Provides proofreading, copy writing, training, public speaking and web design services. Based in Western Australia.
65 Nancy Hendrickson Freelance writer
Freelance writer specializing in ad copy and web content. Includes samples, Hendricksons books, and links for writers.
66 Wade H. Nelson Specializing in
Specializing in case studies and marketing copy for hi-tech products and services. Samples, resumes, links. Colorado.
67 Mark Gamon UK-based writer
UK-based writer offering professional script and copy writing for conferences, multimedia, video, and print communications.
68 Nancy Hendrickson Freelance writer
Freelance writer specializing in ad copy and web content. Includes samples, Hendricksons books, and links for writers. San Diego.
Writing Harry Rowling Potter Jk Beautiful Delphinium Terri Wordpress Writer Oliver Cristina Poet Challenge Sharing Theme Practicing Shewrites
69 Skylar H. Burris Specializing in
Specializing in newsletter copy for a wide range of topics. Also trade publications, advertisements and business presentations. In Virginia.
70 Versalab Makers of
Makers of the Print Washer, the Parallel laser alignment tool for enlargers and copy stands, and importers of Heiland densitometers.
Espresso Versalab High End Ultimate Extreme Heiland Grinder Machines Print Products Splitgrade Parallel Machine Washer Screwdriver
71 Frank Ross Photographic Port Townsend
Port Townsend photographer offering commercial and wedding photography, portraits, and artists copy services.
72 Premier Editors Provides copy
Provides copy editing and proofreading for essays, term papers, thesis, dissertations, resumes, cover letters and websites. Ontario.
73 Renaissance Consultations Offers copy
Offers copy writing, public and media relations consulting, marketing services and strategy development, as well as project management.
74 Alpha Science Editors Provides a
Provides a file structuring, copy editing and language correction service for scientific and academic manuscripts for publication. Scotland, UK.
Editing Science Editors Language Copy English Alpha Correction Follow Medical Linkedin Proofreading Publishers Colin Stem And
75 Betty Sederquist Copy writing
Copy writing, stock photography, editing, desktop publishing, web site design. Over 20 years experience as a publications specialist.
76 BC Tuna Fishermens Association Facts and
Facts and information including a newsletter, constitution, membership form, and a copy of the US/Canada Treaty regarding Albacore Vessels.
Tuna Bc Information Fishermens Albacore Contact Classifieds Association News General Fishermen Marketing Treaty Available Recipes Regulations Boats
77 Melany C. Klinck Magazine articles
Magazine articles, direct mail, web content and advertising copy. Samples, links to current work, and publication credits.
78 Sundermann Photographic Studio Specializing in
Specializing in portraits and weddings, and also provides copy and restoration services and custom framing. Includes photographers profile and galleries.
79 low cost electronic data interchange solutions services include
services include carbon copy, mail-slotting, compliance checking, van interconnects, and audits and controls.
80 Brainstorm Advertising Concept and Copy Freelance writer
Freelance writer offers award winning copywriting for marketing and direct mail campaigns. Eugene, Oregon.
Copy Marketing Advertising Eugene Writing Copywriting Freelance Ad | Oregon County Orange Coen Oc Josh
81 Copytele, Inc. Designs and
Designs and develops telecommunications products incorporating ultra-high resolution charged particle flat panel displays. (Nasdaq: COPY).
Copytele News Patent Information Inc Press Events Melville Contact Assertion Directors Corporate Stock Cti@ctipatentscom Filings Channel Business
82 Copytele, Inc. Designs and
Designs and develops telecommunications products incorporating ultra-high resolution charged particle flat panel displays. (Nasdaq: COPY).
83 TRM Corporation Provides ATM
Provides ATM and copy machine sales, lease, rental, placement, transaction processing, cash management, supplies and service in the US, Canada and the UK. (Nasdaq: TRMM).
Atm Money Machine Cash Access Sales@accesstomoneycom Products Branding Cardtronics Bank Cards Services Machines Retailers Where Surcharge Privacy
84 Copy Club Franchise opportunity
Franchise opportunity in photo copying, large format printing and digital imaging. Site includes locations and employment opportunities.
85 Fleming Photography, Inc. Studio portraiture
Studio portraiture of children, seniors and families. Weddings, copy and restoration. On site one hour lab and custom framing. Located in Demopolis.
86 Dans Creative Portraiture Photography studio
Photography studio in Coudersport,PA that does senior portraits, weddings, babies, sports, families, copy old photographs, and web page design.
Displayed Providerforpagecontact Cannot Please Error
87 Create-ivity Offers print
Offers print and website design and copy needs including layout and editorial. Includes sample work and contact information. Kennesaw..
88 Circle C Products Distributor of
Distributor of new and replacement changeable copy marquee sign letters and fuel signs. Includes pricing and online ordering. Plymouth, MN. USA.
89 David Ewart Photography Wedding photography
Wedding photography, portraits, copy and restoration of old photos.
90 RE:Print Copy and Printing, Ltd. Offers graphic
Offers graphic design, production and web design. Toronto.
Printing Reprint Design Communications Copy Toronto Digital Training Newsletters Graphic Mail Direct Sales Support Distribution Staff Bureau Needs
91 Classic Copy & Printing Design, offset
Design, offset printing, copying, and bindery. Cambridge.
Printing Design Graphic Graphx Classic Web Services Paper Offset Recycle Digital Cambridge Drilling Copier Press
92 Translation and Copy Typing Services Translation in
Translation in English, Malay and Chinese.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Machinearchives Privacy Wayback News Sorry Sports Internet
93 RGC Video Copy, conversion
Copy, conversion and editing of video in Beta, VHS-C, HI-8, VHS, S-VHS or Quicktime formats.
94 hana halogen co.,ltd manufacturers of
manufacturers of halogen lamp for copy machines, automotive and lazer printers.
95 Hunt Nenion, Inc. Listing of
Listing of hard copy business forms for projects and other business activities.
96 K.P. Davis Kim Davis
Kim Davis writes copy and articles, designs web sites and brochures. Madisonville, Texas.
97 Copy-Us Internet Musik-Verlag
Internet Musik-Verlag, publiziert die Werke von Komponisten und Komponistinnen kostenfrei im Internet.
98 G and M Distributors Distributors of
Distributors of woodworking machinery: Vega, Hapfo & Torino wood copy lathes and duplicators.
Lathe Here Centauro Baseball Wood Woodworking Copy Legs Model Tc Semi Auto Machine Parts Hapfo Spindles Balusters Table Copylathe Click
99 American Proofreading Professional copy
Professional copy editing and proofreading. Philadelphia, PA.
100 Phillips, Terry - Voice-over, on-hold
Voice-over, on-hold, commercial production, station imaging, and sound design, copy writing, for radio, television, and video games.
Terry Radio Voice Babble World Imaging Kkrv Phillips Wenatchee Country Pickles Blog Wqyk Madness Anal Web Cant
101 New Haven Print and Copy On-line proofing
On-line proofing, ordering, estimate requests, file transfer, software downloads, tips and tricks, and equipment and services descriptions.
102 Virginia Anderson Translation, proofreading
Translation, proofreading, copy editing, desktop publishing, technical writing, web design, and localisation for French, Spanish, English, Portuguese and German.
103 utility fleet management magazine online or
online or by free printed copy subscription. professional services directory, features, savings suggestions, and vehicle information.
104 Vivink Editorial Inc. Freelance writing
Freelance writing services. Corporate, not-for-profit and executive assignments are handled, including business plans, promotional copy and speeches. BC, Canada.
105 McFadden, John Offers dry
Offers dry voiced Reads and produced reads, on-hold messaging, narratives, and copy writing.
Voice Mcfadden Productions John Talent Production Audio Male Commericals Inc Reads Hold Commerical Client Narratives Edirecthostcom
106 rci wholesale copiers wholesale company
wholesale company located in san diego specializing in buying and selling used copy equipment and fax machines.
107 Duncan Direct Associates Copy, consulting
Copy, consulting, and creative support for direct mail marketing and response advertising in all formats.
108 Copy Tape Duplicators Home and
Home and business video tape duplication. Source tapes from VHS, VHS-C, SVHS, DV, DVCAM, and 3/4 Inch.
Copytapecom Clickgo Here Z
109 Copy Tape Duplicators Home and
Home and business video tape duplication. Source tapes from VHS, VHS-C, SVHS, DV, DVCAM, and 3/4 Inch.
110 Copy Tape Duplicators Home and
Home and business video tape duplication. Source tapes from VHS, VHS-C, SVHS, DV, DVCAM, and 3/4 Inch.
Copier Copiers Copytapecom Copy Leading Tape Net Join Parts Toners Duplicators Tonercartridges Machinesz
111 Copy Tape Duplicators Home and
Home and business video tape duplication. Source tapes from VHS, VHS-C, SVHS, DV, DVCAM, and 3/4 Inch.
Copytapecom Click Herego Z
112 Video Tape Copy Inc. Video duplication
Video duplication, editing, repair, and foreign and domestic conversions in the Houston, Texas area.
Dvd Film Tape Tapes Mm Houston Transfer Transfers Video Texas Duplication Copy Location Easily Professional Digital Audio
113 Bernie Libster Professional copy
Professional copy and concepts, business-to-business advertising, direct response and web copywriting. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ.
114 InGenius Creative Shelly Roberts
Shelly Roberts, creative director/ copywriter provides national ad agency quality copy to all projects. Georgia.
115 Prestige Proofreading Based in
Based in Australia, provides both professional on-line and hard copy proofreading, formatting, copywriting, and copyediting services.
Furniture Buying Avoid Mistakes Eames Pieces Store Before Scali Blatt Everything Ignoring Furniture * Hence Y
116 Kemps Film and Television Free search
Free search engine for international production service companies, crews and technicians. Includes links, hard copy sales and contacts.
117 Printex Graphics Full service
Full service owner-operated commercial printer located in Brooklyn, New York that provides graphic design, pre-press, imaging, printing and copy services.
118 Family Legacy Writing Offering a
Offering a line of Life Story Books, this companys services include interviewing, copy development, editing, book design, and printing.
119 Postal Connections Franchise opportunity
Franchise opportunity for postal and copy store. Site includes locations, contact form, FAQ and package tracking.
120 Rath Design Communications Marketing, packaging
Marketing, packaging, web site design, advertisements, direct mail, copy writing, and promotional plans.
121 The Copy Shop A print
A print shop offering services ranging from offset printing to digital color copies. Manhattan Beach.
Printing Beach Manhattan Redondo Shop Copy Segundo Hermosa Torrance Palos Services Westchester El Inglewood Verdes
122 Janson Literary Services, Inc. Offers editing
Offers editing, proofreading, and copy writing services for businesses, individuals, writers, and teachers. Phoenix, AZ.
123 Yukon Copy Editor A collection
A collection of writing: prose, poetry, stories. Photographs of the Yukon and helpful editing resources and links.
124 Hartbright Editorial Services Provides manuscript
Provides manuscript evaluation, proofreading, copy-editing, content and line editing, rewriting, and writing. Sweetwater, TN.
125 Sharon Rockeys By Line Providing freelance
Providing freelance writing, copy writing, and editing services. Contains online portfolio. Lake Oswego, OR.
Writer Freelance Copy Financial Rockey Sharon Content Ghostwriter Contact Writing Portfolio Line Editor Studios Ghostwriting
126 Cornucopia Software Billing and
Billing and practice management software for psychotherapy practices. Offers a free downloadable demonstration copy for Windows or Macintosh.
127 Lih Woei Carpentry Machine Co., Ltd. Taiwan. Manufactures
Taiwan. Manufactures copy shaping machines with profile sander, dovetail machines, and cabinet door machinery.
128 Free keyword information and tools A blog
A blog to help people learn the basics of keyword list building and their use in web page copy and pay-per-click campaigns
129 Star Total Print Solutions Offers trade
Offers trade show items, office products, awards and apparel. Provides copy and print services.
Star Gifts Items Promotional Tradeshow Custom | Products Corporate Imprinted Street Company History Promotion Other Promo Unit Contact Key
130 Q&D Inc. Offers agricultural
Offers agricultural, construction, perfumes, computer and copy machine products, and car sales. Also offers consulting services, web design, marketing strategies.
131 Quill Writing Services Services include:
Services include: marketing copy, business letters, procedure manuals, ghostwriting, web content, editing and proofreading.
Sales Writing Marketing Carol Tips Business How Opportunity Block Irresistible Beat Transform Yet Ways Writers Message
132 Endicott Printing Full service
Full service commercial printer, design, scan, print, and copy in black and white to 4-color process, Endicott.
133 The Good Shepherds Printing & Copy Service Products include
Products include business cards, brochures, postcards, newsletters and business forms. Morehead.
Printing Free Cards Quote Samples Color Kentucky Services Business Copies Full Posters Political Brochures Postcards
134 The Last Word LLC — Editing and Proofreading Professional editorial
Professional editorial service specializing in marketing copy, Web sites, manuals, textbooks, press releases, magazines, newsletters, brochures, and catalogs. Tallahassee, FL.
Editing Website Advertising Professional Proofreading Image Books Web Edits Novel Journal Proofreader Accurate Syntax Editor Handbook Advertisement Edit Proofread Spellcheck
135 New Haven Print & Copy On-line proofing
On-line proofing, ordering, estimate requests, file transfer, software downloads, tips and tricks, and equipment and services descriptions. Fort Wayne.
136 Alchemy Qualifications and
Qualifications and samples of marketing communications, showcasing feature articles, press releases, investor communications, and advertising copy. Santa Barbara, CA.
137 Moldave Designs, Inc A full
A full service graphic design and marketing communications agency providing concept, copy and design for corporate and consumer clients.
138 Quick Brochures Deliver a
Deliver a perfect copy of your original printed advertising, brochures, and other materials via the web in minutes, not days. No postage, handling, or printing costs.
Errordocumentgone Additionally Gone Thefound Please
139 The Virtual Editing and
Editing and proofreading services for reports, presentations, résumés, manuals, catalogues, press releases, brochures, advertising copy, and in-house publications. Boynton Beach, FL
140 Dataplus Solutions Offers primarily
Offers primarily audio and digital transcription, word processing, and copy typing services. Company profile, specialties, and contact information. Located in the United Kingdom.
141 Idealogic Designs Print and
Print and web design, creative copy writing and editing, and point of sale materials based in St. Petersburg. Examples of work, services description, and company contact information.
142 Soundsaver Copy and
Copy and restore to CD a range of media including aluminum and cardboard records, dictation belts, wire reels, poorly-made tapes, and broken cassettes. Includes pricing.
Recording Audio Recordings Cd Record Tape Restoration Preservation Copy Cds Old Restore Vinyl Smolian Reel
143 Quality Copy and Print Offers business
Offers business cards, letterheads, envelopes, carbonless forms, brochures, snap offsets, stationery, and cubes. Online ordering and quotes. St-Laurent, Quebec.
144 Written Solutions Writes outsourced
Writes outsourced company and affiliate program texts such as web content, advertising copy and press releases. A division of KLR Marketing Services, located in Lansford, United States.
Hoverlearn Whats Where Hovers Manage New Unlimited Hover Hover Pleaseoverall Other
145 Bellatrix Systems Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of newspaper single-copy sale newsracks, newspaper vending machines, and coin totalizers. Online manuals, catalog and ordering.
146 Media Promotion Music and
Music and messages on-hold service offering dynamic, royalty free music, award winning copy and professional voice-over announcers.
147 tbx software full automotive
full automotive service tracking software, which tracks maintenance, repairs, and produces reports for car or truck vehicle fleets. download an evaluation copy.
Sign Lifestream Places People Updated Everything Now Policy Account Or Youre Advertise Login Inc Privacy Connecting
148 The Phantom Writers Specializing in
Specializing in writing for online marketing and promotion. Our ghost writers produce articles, website sales copy and press releases. In Oklahoma.
Article Marketing Directory Writing Business Writers Arts How Google Use Traffic Self Food Articles Internet Pets Events Cooks Dashboard
149 Goodspeed Machine Co. New and
New and used wood turning machinery. Backknife, copy, and variety lathes, dowel manufacturing machinery, sanders and specialty machines including tooling.
150 The In-House Writer Los Angeles-based
Los Angeles-based business writing firm specializing in the entertainment and technology industries. Services include press releases, media kits, Web content, corporate communications and ad copy.
151 Arjo Wiggins UK. Multi-national
UK. Multi-national manufacturers of carbonless copy papers. Detailed explanation of production process on audio and video. Technical manual. List of retailers. Requires Flash plug-in.
152 Clear Copy Editorial Services Offers writing
Offers writing, editing, and proofreading services. Rates, description of services. Boise, Idaho.
Services Editorial Copy Clear Editing Writing Proofreading Resources Procedures Google Copyediting Other Cell Report Technical Proposals
153 c&i inspections, llc infrared thermography using advanced
using advanced infrared technology locate and identify problems not visible to the eye. verify many items, giving hard copy documentation of the conditions inspected.
154 Opportune Moment Marketing Offers search
Offers search engine marketing services including pay per click campaign setup and management, strategy and ad copy development, as well as customized ROI reporting.
Engine Boston Marketing Funds Private Services Massachusetts Group Internet Optimization Moment Website Jet Msn Opportune Sector Media
155 Holscope An Australian-based
An Australian-based film production company, specializing in corporate video and post production. Other services include copy writing and fixed media authoring.
156 Sally Bacchetta Sales training
Sales training and motivation, creative writing, copy editing, pharmaceutical topics, memoir, poetry, corporate communications, and medical writing. New York.
157 Carlson Studio Photography services:
Photography services: Weddings, Children, Families, Special Events, High school seniors. Commercial photography and complete copy and restorations available. Wyoming.
158 Caffeine Marketing Provides marketing
Provides marketing news and information, covering direct marketing, SEO, copy writing, advertising, branding, publicity, positioning, research.
159 WebDisc Website-to-CD Copying A self-contained
A self-contained copy of a website on CD-ROM. You can create portable intranets, distributable e-catalogs, website backups, and marketing solutions.
160 Write Choice Specialize in
Specialize in desktop publishing, website content, sales/ marketing brochures, white papers, proofreading/ copy editing, event planning and general clerical office duties. New Brunswick.
161 Ellis, Bobby Voice talent
Voice talent for radio, television, video, film, animation and other media. Offers character voices, copy writing and other services. Site includes resume, audio samples and links.
Photography Fine Bobby Ellis Page Bobby@bobbyelliscom Wedding Contact Freelance Art Homefree Renovated_ Z
162 Muses Muse Internet Marketing Services Provides search
Provides search engine optimization and submissions, online media buying and press release distribution, as well as web site copy editing services.
Marketing Internet Services Testimonials Here Engine Optimization Media Alliances Design Contact Resources Personal Mail Pricing Working Experience
163 Write Partners Providing communications
Providing communications solutions to small and mid sized organizations: articles, copy writing, identity suites, communications plans, proposals (rfp/rfi), web content and navigation. Massachusetts.
164 Biz Clarity Specializes in
Specializes in marketing and adventure capital communications, including speeches, presentations, and business proposals. Also writes white papers, book proposals, web copy, and annual reports.
Coaching Workshops Blog Investor Steve Guides Bowman Contact Bizclarity Coach Doctor Day Corporations Need Y
165 DVdreamtime Stock Footage
Stock Footage in MiniDV format for use in Australian schools - low licence fees and unlimited right to copy within the school - Australian Birds and Animals, Water Usage, Minerals and other titles.
Manfrotto Gitzo Domke Filters Head Tripod Filter Bag Camera Black Hoya Tripods Pro Video Bags Mini Rapid
166 Rolling 'R' Productions Professional production
Professional production of messages on hold. Inexpensive honest discussion of what you really need. Since 1996. Over 20 years of experience in copy writing, radio and television production, and retail sales.
Services Video Productions Rolling Audio Production Albuquerque Mexico Duplication Contact Archival New Weve Super Maxcreative Provides
167 University Studios Professional Photography Full service
Full service photography studio in South Florida. Offers digital portraits, commercial photography, and copy and restoration.
168 JRT Design Corporate identity
Corporate identity and logo, art and copy direction, packaging, product design, and web design and animation. Online portfolio and bio of principal designer. Bay Village, Ohio.
Design Solutions Web Art Business Graphics Creative Resume Logo Identity Jrtdesign Greetings Professional Corporate Card Portfolio Consulting
169 Glasgow Photography Professional Photography
Professional Photography including product, advertising, wedding, portraiture, image editing, aerial perspectives, brochure design and copy writing and a host of commercial services.
170 Glasgow Photography Professional Photography
Professional Photography including product, advertising, wedding, portraiture, aerial perspectives, brochure design and copy writing and a host of commercial services. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.
171 Glasgow Photography Professional Photography
Professional Photography including product, advertising, wedding, portraiture, aerial perspectives, brochure design and copy writing and a host of commercial services. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.
172 Glasgow Photography Professional Photography
Professional Photography including product, advertising, wedding, portraiture, image editing, aerial perspectives, brochure design and copy writing and a host of commercial services.
173 MotionTemps Virtual administrative
Virtual administrative services include general office support, project coordination, word processing, copy editing, website maintenance, desktop publishing, bookkeeping, public relations. Paris, France.
174 Vicino,Cyndi - The Voiceover Pro Versatile, experienced,and
Versatile, experienced,and professional voice actor with ISDN equipped in-house studio. Auditions your copy via request. Demos available on-line: Commercials,Narrations, Promos, Characters, and On-Hold Messages.
175 The Word Doc Offers writing
Offers writing and ghost writing, copy writing, and editing.
Z Ftpquota Y
176 Corporate Mailing Service Mail processing
Mail processing, copy service, business mailing, and other services. Based in San Francisco, California.
177 Arrow Data Entry Projects Data entry
Data entry service specializing in converting hard-copy to computer format.
178 Corvus Professional Services Fast and
Fast and accurate word processing, editing, copy editing, and manuscript critique services.
179 Letter Expert Letter writing
Letter writing, copy writing, editing, newsletters, or press releases for a fee. Lakewood Ranch, FL.
180 May, Ryan Public Relations
Public Relations professional: web site copy writing, web design, media relations and public affairs.
Ryan Public Relations | Social Advertising Professional Media Experience Marketing Business Mn Field Consulting Yahoo
181 RJs Word Processing Services Offering word
Offering word processing, copy typing, resumes, PowerPoint presentations, and Desktop publishing to businesses and individuals.
Marketing Services Internet Bluetooth Content Processing Posted Businesses Surveys Wordpress Word Support Towards Startup Seo Engine Widen Music
182 source information management company (the) provides monitoring
provides monitoring, documentation and collection services required to obtain single copy magazine sales incentive payments available from magazine publishers to retailers. (nasdaq: sorc).
183 Copy Type Secretarial Services Services include
Services include but are not limited to data entry, typing, photocopying, binding, laminating, and wedding stationery. Located in Dungarvan, County Waterford, in southeastern Ireland.
184 D & S Editing Services Copy editing
Copy editing, desktop publishing services, along with research and writing support. Saskatchewan.
185 Glogau Photography Studio Color portraiture
Color portraiture, wedding photography, publicity and commercial services, copy and restoration services - in Bethesda, Maryland, since 1935..
186 offering copier
offering copier toner cartridge refill kits for xerox, sharp, and canon drum cartridges and copy cartridges. hp inkjet ink cartridge refills also available.
187 Editorial Services Berlin Offers English
Offers English proofreading and copy editing services. Specializes in texts written by German and other non-native English-speaking authors.
Found Page File Couldntz
188 Editorial Services Berlin Offers English
Offers English proofreading and copy editing services. Specializes in texts written by German and other non-native English-speaking authors.
Page Couldnt File Foundz
189 Chin Chao Sheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Taiwan. Drum
Taiwan. Drum sanding machines, curve and straight copy sanding machines, furniture sanders, dust collectors.
190 The Writing School The Myth
The Myth Breakers school teaches writing by home-based curriculum. Geared for those who wish to write copy for selling or promoting goods or services.
Writing School Learn Learning Successful Others Cardwellmoney Las Write Js Vegas Page Course
191 Shrimp News International Weekly news
Weekly news reports on issues related to world shrimp farming industry. Online submission of copy and advertising, email contact.
Shrimp Farming News Free Crab Lobster Prawn Farm Reports Information Rosenberry Aquaculture Farmer Page Mailing
192 Eagle Paper International, Inc. USA. Traders
USA. Traders of virgin and recycled Kraft paper, linerboard, copy paper, joblots, stocklots, and side trim. Company history and product offering overview included.
Paper International Products Eagle Digit Contact Friend Levels Favorites Send Prime Services Print Map Virginiato
193 Endicott Printing Color and
Color and black and white printing, sign engraving, binding, copy service and fax service. Location and contact information, descriptions of products, and job quotes via e-mail.
194 Copy Finishing Systems Nationwide distributor
Nationwide distributor of bindery products, supplying the printing and copying industry with paper folders, drills, slitters, bookletmakers, cutters, and many other paper finishing machines
195 Artisan Photography Offer a
Offer a mixture of traditional and journalistic wedding, portrait and events photography as well as image copy and restoration. Features galleries, sample albums, pricing and option to view proofs online. Based in Tampa
196 Valerie Weber Hamann Copywriting and
Copywriting and marketing communications, including advertising, print, direct mail and website copy. Also layout and design of marketing literature, and marketing consulting. Located in Fargo, North Dakota.
Consulting Services Evergreen Business Development Marketing Strategy | Rights Delivers Andregard Strategies Communications Providing Focus
197 Elegant Illusions, Inc. Operates retail
Operates retail copy jewelry stores, fine jewelry stores and handcraft and jewelry and gift store. (Nasdaq: EILL).
Domain Hosting Network Marketing Solutions Web Names Services Registration Website Host Gogrow And
198 Western Cutterheads and Mattison Rotary Lathes Copy lathes
Copy lathes and mass production lathes plus tooling, knives, lathe heads, and lathe knife grinders.
199 I Bor Co., Ltd. Taiwan. Produces
Taiwan. Produces small precision pieces. Electronic and lighter parts, shafts for machines, scanners, facsimile machines, and copy machines, parts for defense items.
200 DCP Marketing Services LLC Serves clients
Serves clients in electronics hardware, software, and Internet services. Specialty areas include differentiating products, segmenting markets, developing and implementing marketing programs, and writing copy.
Marketing Li Dcps Island Long Services David Listnet Hia Lawyers Events Blog Dcp Connecttotech Stem Usgbc

2. Shopping and Copy Trade

1 PhotoGraphics Copy and Restoration Full service
Full service studio offers optical copy prints, image composites, and document and photograph restoration. Work review and approval by private Web posting and email.
Image Page Design Please Free Restoration Finenrec Photographic
2 Copy Pack Music Appropriate choir
Appropriate choir music that can be copied, one copy provides for the entire choir.
Request Rejectedy
3 Elvis Presley Memorabilia Copy of
Copy of his will and marriage certificate.
Presleys Elvis Certificate Marriage Copy Celebritiesmwhitten@tampabayrrcom $ Z
4 Copy Tyme Photo printed
Photo printed on a Hanes or Jerzees shirt.
5 A Painting Called Copy of
Copy of Mondriaans 'Victory Boogie Woogie' now for sale.
Found Suggestionspageindexhtm Temporarily Check Troubleshooting
6 The Self-Esteem Institute Offers PDF
Offers PDF and hard-copy publications, with author biography and testimonials.
Self Esteem Sorensen Books Events Low Therapy Help Kindle Chain Toolkit Contact Dr Sorensens Edition Therapists
7 Ray OBannon New gothic
New gothic music CD. Purchase an autographed copy. Dark electronica at its finest.
Sign Places Policy Account Everything People Lifestream Now Advertise Networks Read Insign Rights Email Networks Nowon
8 OfficeMax Includes the
Includes the sale of furniture, electronics, ink and toner, copy paper and computers.
Office Paper Accessories Furniture Supplies Storage File Business Printers Pads Post Officemax Computer Services Cards Lockers
9 Vinyl Rehab Offers a
Offers a wide variety of genres, including 33, 45 and 78 rpm. Optional CD copy on purchase.
Server Error Internalz Please
10 Designs including
Designs including contemporary, traditional and holiday themes in downloadable or hard copy format.
Quilt Pattern Block Account Blocks Baby Hearts Wish Quilts Books Piecer Patterns Foundation List Seasonal
11 Video Innovators Camcorder accessories
Camcorder accessories including copy stands, dash mounts and shoulder rests.
Camera Video Camcorder Equipment Accessories Pods | Support Supports Braces Stabilizers Innovators Brace Cam Link
12 Sexton Products Will copy
Will copy your vinyl records to CD, and remove most pops and clicks using audio restoration software.
Navigationshilfe Ty
13 Great Copy Patterns Offers designs
Offers designs for casual and dress wear. Also fabric and a class schedule.
Patterns Books Embroidery Notions Copy Outerwear Great Sewing Other Baby Jackets Coats Tools Dresses Account Checkout Racine
14 cdbbq Over 100,000
Over 100,000 rare CDs created from the original vinyl, will buy a copy of the LP, make the transfer to CD, and then send both copies of the recording.
Cd Faqlist Vinyl Conversionscdbbq Check Source Professional
15 DJ Inkers Rubber stamps
Rubber stamps, computer clip art, scrapbooking materials, cut and copy books, paper, and stickers. Coalville, Ut.
Clip Fonts Art Sale Sku Quantity Holiday School Teacher Download Printables Cute Christmas Font Inkers Downloads Much
16 Second Chances-Amazing Horse Rescues Stories of
Stories of remarkable horses who have lived through unthinkable abuse. Available as hard copy or .pdf file.
17 Red Rock Sunrise Publishing Offers Copy
Offers Copy Cat Restaurant Recipes such as Starbucks, Applebees, Outback Steakhouse, and TGI Fridays. Available as download or CD.
18 Profox Audio restoration
Audio restoration of records and tapes with transfer to CD including noise reduction. Includes a copy of the album art work for the jewel case.
Audio Transfer Restoration Dvd Cd Vinyl Records Repair Tape Vhs Copy Music Convert Digital Tapes Dayâ our Reproduce Designed
19 Facet Video Offers the
Offers the Clarifier that allows to copy any analog video to VHS VCR or DVD Recorder.
20 Great Copy Patterns Offers clothing
Offers clothing patterns and fabrics for sale.
Books Patterns Embroidery Notions Sewing Great Copy Outerwear Other Coats Baby Jackets Tools Dresses Account Checkout Cart
21 Copy Caps Custom embroiders
Custom embroiders baseball caps. Includes design highlights and pricing.
Caps Baseball Custom Copy Embroidered Cap Minimum Fantasy Order Store Softball Provincetown Chefs Dog Required
22 Copy Caps Baseball caps.
Baseball caps. Offers available fonts, graphics, and custom design information.
Caps Design Copy Own Share | Build Styles Copycapscopy Focus™ Zapmail@copycapscom Consumer Photos Graphics Embroidered Font
23 Japan-direct Offers DVD
Offers DVD to VHS copy decoders, underwater video cases, and digital cameras from Japan.
Torrents Sorry Torrent Automation Ork New Directcom Www Sekl Source Wwwjapan Email Obamaeuropa
24 The Broom Shop Handmade brooms
Handmade brooms made on a copy of the first treadle broom machine. Offering a variety of styles.
Broom Brooms Decor Log Gifts Harry Colonial Shaker Weddings Occult Wicca Early Broomsticks Sweepers Blacksmiths Old Movies
25 Weldon Color Lab We specialize
We specialize in custom Ilfochrome Classic and Type C printing, mounting and finishing as well as high-resolution, large scale digital copy work. Los Angeles, CA.
Digital Color Lightjet Weldon Work Mounting Fujiflex Inkjet White Photography Angeles Easyrotator Drum Ilfochrome Upload Phone Film Prep Finishing
26 Written by Hand Specializes in
Specializes in handwritten materials including diaries, ledgers, store accounts, day books, copy books, journals, and correspondence.
Fasprint Marketing Hand Company Addressing Mail Printing Addressed Innovative Cards Fastprint Menus Mailing Items Y
27 Jewels Lovers Specializing in
Specializing in fine copy Jewels inspired by world famous jewelry designers. With Russian formula C.Z.s and a lifetime warranty.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Php Business Affordable Bluehostcom Name Cheap Affiliates Bluehost Space Terms
28 Grants Photographic Restoration Copy and
Copy and restoration. Traditional and digital methods, depending on what is best for your image. Final results printed on archival paper. AZ.
Restoration Photo Archival Photographic Grants Copy Artwork Samples Stuff Stuffphoto Perhaps Website Restorationthesolutionsr Weve
29 The Photo Magician Specializing in
Specializing in photo restoration. Restore, repair, retouch, copy, enhance, or resize original photos with digital imaging.
30 Phototech Labs Reproduction grade
Reproduction grade color and black and white prints, film processing, duplicate transparencies, photo restoration, copy work from flat art, scanning, slide design, and photocomposition.
Z Phototechlabs Y
31 DietPower Nutrition and Fitness Software Free trial
Free trial copy. Software for losing weight, improving nutrition and tracking exercise.
Calorie Counter Food Software Diet Reviews Diary Guarantees Support Works Free Dietitians Stories Websites Upgrade Privacy Journal
32 Treecycle Recycled Paper Offers wide
Offers wide selection of recycled products including copy and stationery paper.
Recycled Friendly Environmentally Unbleached Paper Products Cups Cleaning Bags Made Compostable Biodegradable Eco Food Cleaners High Meets
33 Into The Wind Kites Hundreds of
Hundreds of classic, sport and power kites, accessories, building materials, flags, windsocks and outdoor games. Request a copy of their 80-page print catalog or shop online.
Kites Kite Stunt Wind Line Itw Delta Catalog Beginner Flying Best Traditional Dragon Boulder Contact
34 Phototech Labs Reproduction grade
Reproduction grade color and black and white prints, film processing, duplicate transparencies, photo restoration, copy work from flat art, scanning, slide design, and photo composition.
Z Phototechlabs Y
35 Amazing Baby Sleep Secrets Offers baby
Offers baby sleep advice from sleep experts to get an infant or toddler sleeping through the night. Available as an eBook or printed copy.
Secretscom Datenschutzrichtlinienbaby Buy Clickamazing Domain Here Sleep
36 Plantworld Seeds Supplyers of
Supplyers of rare and unusual hardy perennials, hardy plants and ornamental grasses by mail order worldwide. On-line shopping or order a hard-copy catalogue. Contact details.
Navigationshilfe Ty
37 Heaster Lawson Copy Machines
Copy Machines, Fax Machines, Printers, Typewriters, Office Supplies, Office Furniture, Childrens Furniture, Shredders, Public Address Systems, Electronic White Boards.
Cleaner Cleaners Products Liquid Ribbons Degreaser Detergent Hand Typewriter Clocks Supplies Use Laundry Ready Glass Non Butyl Toner Floor Printing Chlorinated
38 Tom Clark Photography Offering a
Offering a wide variety of services including one hour film processing, E-6 slides, black and white film processing, photo enlargements, scanning and digital imaging, copy restoration, large poster prints, commercial services. Frederick, MD.
Hour Photo Photos Driving Finding Directions Print Place Uploading Business Digital Camera Property Refine Maps Store
39 Cox custom black & white photographic lab A custom
A custom black and white photographic lab offering film processing (including Pyro), custom fiber based printing, and museum-standard copy work. Rancho Cordova, California.
Services State Photography Society Sacramento Printing Film California Digital Photo Family White Form List Black Museum Photosnegativesslides Cordova Pricespoliciescontactfavorites Center Shipping

3. Copy Recreation

1 Carbon Copy Celebs Features look
Features look alikes and comparisons.
Guestbook Look Celebs Alikes Arquette Copy Maguire Jason Carbon Moffatt Kd Tobey Princess Leelee Sisters Brad Celebrity Looks Furtado
2 BirthCertificatesUSA Get a
Get a copy of your U.S. Birth Certificate. Information is provided for every state.
3 AnnaCara Pictures, copy
Pictures, copy of their contract, and guestbook. Specializing in chocolate and lilac bicolors.
4 The Rangers Digest Provides a
Provides a collection of survival tips as well as an order form to buy them in hard copy.
Best Credit Cars Luxury Tickets Phones Smart Cheap Designer Mortgage Stocks Penny High Migraine Card Contact Funds Therangerdigestcom
5 The Scouting Way Book Contains order
Contains order information, pricing for single copy and as a fundraiser, and sample chapter.
Scouts Scouting Way_ Girl Way Inspirational Order Boy Trustworthy Book Scoutmasters Leaders Privacy Cubmasters Loyal Scout Table Brave
6 Ready To Copy Comprises a
Comprises a forum for Great Lakes Airlines Employees, past and present.
Lakes Posts Topics Great Last Pv Moderator Board Airlines Forum Files Questions Airline Area Audge Non Rev Register Added
7 TU-144 A history
A history of the Russian supersonic airliner, focusing on the idea that it was a copy of the Anglo-French Concorde.
Tu Tupolev Wings Aviation Disasters Dc Ebay Gemini Culture Airlines Air Vc Music News Herpa Travel Mileage Aircraft
8 Be-Mag Online and
Online and hard-copy magazine with news, articles, photos, video clips, product reviews.
Mag Articles Jacobi Johannes Fise Interview Videos News Check Live Hotwire World Blade Featured Montpellier
9 Sharp Specializing in
Specializing in exotics. Photograph gallery, breeding plans, and a copy of their health guarantee. Arizona.
Pomeranian Puppies Sharp Poms Page Sale Email Colors Rare Exotic Sharp_poms@yahoocom Lord Proud Parents Pomeranians Blessed James Girls
10 200 Tonnes of $100 Dollar Bills A copy
A copy of an old news article showing various ways of thinking about how much cash the Worlds richest man has.
11 Core Journals in Pediatrics Monthly collection
Monthly collection of abstracts from major clinical publications, with subscription information and sample copy.
Elsevier Journals Journal Sciences Consult Corporate Reviewers Authors Mosbys Editors Subject Reviewers’ Research Access Update Advertising Series List
12 Snipers Ferret Network All member
All member sites have something to do with ferrets or other small animals. Includes form to be added to the webring and HTML code to copy and paste.
Network Snipers Ferret Guestbook Prev Enter Ferrety Your_name Sign Sites Random Name Before Url Requirements Y
13 Mainline Modeler Detailed information
Detailed information and photographs about creating professional model railroad layouts that copy some of North Americas most famous main lines.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Informationenmainlinemodelercomdomain Click Here Dieser
14 Firsts Magazine A hard-copy
A hard-copy resource for book collecting, including first editions, rare, and antiquarian books. Online provides articles covering the basics.
Vodafone First Firsts Celebrates People Doing Things Amazing Terms Youtube Mary Menu Santos Firstscom Group Fight
15 CDAI - Crohns Disease Activity Index Calculates the
Calculates the CDAI and allows one to email a copy for ones own records.
Crohns Cdai Disease Activity Calculator Progress Weight Retiredsee Rating Bowel Contact Footnotearkieprince Female Semi Current Male Diarrhea
16 Manx Lines Magazine Breed specific
Breed specific magazine. Hard copy subscription information, breeder listing, FAQs.
Sign Lifestream Now Updated People Places Everything Policy Trademarks Login Connecting Youre Networks Nowoninc Rights
17 Ketamine - Schedule III of The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Copy of
Copy of the final ruling, including summary, background information, comments, findings, and action schedule.
Schedule Ketamine Federal Administrator Usc Regulations Title Code Deputy Secs Substances Section Controlled Enforcement Drug Part Exportation
18 Alemars Copy Service Specializes in
Specializes in dealing with clinics and hospitals to obtain copies of patients medical records. Information about the company and contact details. Located in Monrovia, California.
19 Nick Van Exel Player Information Print up
Print up a copy of Nicks player profile, view a complete listing of his statistics, and check out his career highlights.
Nbacom Please Star League Page Career Opportunities Turner Terms Privacy Report Digital Basketball Advertise Found Ventures Vendor Sports Name
20 Aylesbury Vale and Wycombe Includes information
Includes information about their branch, plus a list of breweries, a schedule of upcoming events, local festival information, and an online copy of their newsletter.
21 Bridge of the Month Quiz An image
An image is posted inviting entrants to identify the feature. A free copy of a book on the subject is awarded to one correct entrant per month.
Bridge Spain France Italy Pont Portugal Ponte Sep Oregon Br Texas Dec Usa Mar Hill
22 Area Code Magazine Hard-copy, bimonthly
Hard-copy, bimonthly aggressive skating magazine. Includes price, subscripiton instructions and cover shots of past magazines.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Sports Wayback Mail Inc Financemovies Maps Sites
23 GaitPost An all-discipline
An all-discipline equine magazine/directory free to qualified professionals. Details of editorial content, competition and trade issues. Order free copy online. United States.
Submit Sale Gaitpost Horses Classified Subscribe Articles News Calendar Equine Equestrian Horse Advertising Marketing Other Para Dressage Region Wins Delta
24 Kate Starbird at Stanford: Birds Home Page Purportedly an
Purportedly an unedited copy of Kate Starbirds web pages from her years at Stanford.
Team Stanford Reign Basketball Kate Page Ill Starbird Ablseattle Teammates Bird Birds Womens They Womens Finchhaven Something Vashon Island
25 AMP Torch Relay Features archived
Features archived copy of news regarding the Olympic Torch Relay through Australia in 2000.
Torch Relay Olympic Amp Sydney Bearer Prizes Request Tickets Perth Edition Competitions Vic Y
26 Hiking Books from Robert Wood The prepared
The prepared backpacker doesnt leave home with out a copy of The 2 oz. Backpacker or with out first reading Pleasure Packing. Find out why! Also, discover the fun of day hiking.
Youre Happened Error Ever Found Placeowner Wrong Surevisitor Feel Things
27 Birth Certificate Passports Obtain a
Obtain a copy of your birth certificate and file for a passport online.
Passport Birth Leading Certificate Birthcertificatepassportscom Formslost Agency Immigration Applicationgreencard Net Passports
28 Jet Skiing at Lake George, New York Dedicated to
Dedicated to prevent the proposed lake-wide ban by collecting detailed, valid petitions. Includes press articles, a copy of the petition and rules and regulations specific to person watercraft.
Navigationshilfe Ty
29 Informatics in Primary Care Content ranges
Content ranges from scientific research papers, through editorials and case studies, to websites, useful tools, reviews and conferences. Details of journal plus full online text access with citation information and contents alerts. Sample copy available.
Series Health Care Education Primary Learning Healthcare Medical Quality Now Support Mental Books Journals Review Cardiology Port Humanities Context
30 Racing Economics Organization of
Organization of racing economists and strategic analysts to provide consulting advice and analysis for businesses in the global horse racing industry. Includes copy of multi-client prospectus and charter subscription information. Located in the UK.
31 Book Source Monthly Hard-copy, black
Hard-copy, black and white publication with expanded online sections such as book search. Both the website and home-delivered version include auction results, book show information, editorials and other feature content.
Book News Rare Antiquarian Fair Calendar Morgan Books Auction Robert Much Source Literature Exhibition Cage Photographys Bookseller
32 Karate Made Easy Edited online
Edited online copy of Moja Rones 1960 published book 'Super Karate Made Easy'.
Karate Techniques Self Defense Attacks Part Counter Against Made Strikes Blocks Easy Traditional Stances Moja
33 Travel the World Visas Rush processing
Rush processing of passports and visas for International Travel. Obtain certified copy of United States birth certificate and international drivers permit.
Passport Travel Visa Processing Services World Document Same Renewal Visas Day Rush Agency Passports International
34 Heckler Ramp Plans Ramp plans
Ramp plans and specifications published by Heckler Magazine, a hard copy periodical for skateboarders and snowboarders.
Issue Admin Beckmann Kyle Boreal Page Conroy Squaw Recent * Mardi Random * Rattlesnake Vault Park Famdamly Events Foundoops News
35 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Official Journal
Official Journal of the European Society of Feline Medicine, including sample copy, editorial board listings, abstracts, tables of contents, and subscription information.
36 Fine Books & Collections Magazine Online version
Online version of bimonthly hard-copy publication aimed at book collectors and rare book dealers. Covers latest trends in book selling and collecting. Expert columns, events calendar covers fairs and auctions.
Book Readmore Books Auction Rare York Swann Library Maps Boxborough Fine Fair Manuscripts Galleries Boston Hidden Medieval Yales

4. Computer & Copy Games Websites

1 Capture Text Helps copy
Helps copy and paste messages from ICQ chat window to clipboard in Text or Rich Text Format (RTF). This is useful when you cannot copy chat text using standard function because ICQ doesnt copy smiles and annotations.
Capture Screen Text Now Software Binary Order Download Valley Imagine Copyright Inc Explorer Windows Recognize
2 WebSpinners, Inc Offers web
Offers web design, maintenance, marketing, database, ecommerce, copy writing, copy editing, and programming solutions.
3 NodeWorks Offers an
Offers an online link checker, which is tested on a copy of the Open Directory, to which site previews have been added, from Thumbshots, and advertising from Google. There is also a copy of Wikipedia.
Drupal Custom Development Magento Blog Wordpress Modules Create Building Integration Services Commerce Source Civicrm News Icon Sf Oscommerce
4 Fengtao Software Inc. Products include
Products include software to backup or copy region-coded/copy protected DVDs and to extend the lifetime of DVD drives. [Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista]
5 Sheriff Provides software
Provides software developers with secure copy protection, solving the problems of software piracy without the need for royalty payments or dongles. Offers static library and free evaluation copy.
Sheriff Software Licensing Flexible Purchase Free Protection Windows Activex Visual Security Product Based Applications Programs
6 Sheriff Provides software
Provides software developers with secure copy protection, solving the problems of software piracy without the need for royalty payments or dongles. Offers static library and free evaluation copy.
Sheriff Software Licensing Purchase Flexible Security Free Windows Product Activex Visual Protection Development Still Download Great Version
7 Sheriff ActiveX (OCX)
ActiveX (OCX) control. The Sheriff Software Development Kit provides software developers with secure copy protection. Free evaluation copy available.
Sheriff Software Licensing Purchase Flexible Visual Windows Security Product Free Protection Activex Great Protecting Dongles Ideal Written Needfor
8 Sheriff ActiveX (OCX)
ActiveX (OCX) control. The Sheriff Software Development Kit provides software developers with secure copy protection. Free evaluation copy available.
Sheriff Software Purchase Flexible Licensing Product Windows Visual Activex Free Protection Security Basic Based Features
9 DMControls .NET controls
.NET controls for work with fonts: CharMap, which allows view and copy all characters of any fonts installed in the system, FontListCombo, which allows view and select font. Also, CharNavigator is a freeware program, which allows copy character from selected font into clipboard.
Screendiscoverer Uncategorized Charnavigator Adobe Federal Prisons Seiter Standard Deviation Quiz Homework Controls Discussion Questions Jails Photoshop Convenience Similarities Comfort
10 GearVolt MP3 Batch rename
Batch rename MP3 files, parse tags from file names or other ID3v1/2 tags, copy and edit tags in a spreadsheet like grid interface with drag and drop support. Manage and copy audio and data files to portable devices. Full play list M3U support.
Mp Copy Idv Files Llc Compact Gearheadforhire File Manage Data Devices Support Gearvolt Portable Utility Operations Tag
11 Febooti Software Shareware system
Shareware system utility 'fileTweak' to change file attributes directly in Windows file property pages. View file or folder content and description and copy file list to clipboard. Also offers EasyHEX to view, copy, edit and search file contents in HEX and TEXT modes.
Windows Software Send Automation Workshop Free Febooti Filetweak Command Simple Automate Line Microsoft Trial Html Privacy Products Pages Enhances Freeware Smtp
12 American Ribbon and Toner Company Carries printer
Carries printer toner, ribbons, printer supplies, laser supplies, laser toner, inkjet supplies, computer supplies, copy machine supplies, and copy machine toner.
Z Ribbontonercom Y
13 Java Networking FAQ DRAFT Copy
Io Cloud Data Center Enterprise Software Customer Lt Defined Conductor Portal Support Services High Intelligent
14 M[UMPS] by Example An online
An online copy of part of a book by the same name
Check Suggestionspagetemporarily Found Indexhtm Troubleshooting
15 Copy-Zit Shareware file
Shareware file splitter from Marco Software.
Zit Copy Software Journal File Marco Email Shop Splitter Bird Screen Watcher Gardeners Guest Wine Join Free
16 TFB CopyAnyFile can
CopyAnyFile can copy any file no matter if it has read errors.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Games Finance Maps Trying User Sites Archiveshosting
17 Eksplora A directory
A directory from the ODP. Also offers a javascript to add a copy to a website.
18 Zero Directory A copy
A copy of the ODP presented in tabular form, with added advertising.
Directory Open Kids Health Sports Teens Shopping Arts Recreation News Regional Business Society Reference World Help
19 Askyres Lookups Copy and
Copy and paste graphics for your user lookup.
Neopetscom Neopets Where Virtual Meepit Pet Policy Askyre Games Conditions Terms Chat Inc Tips Safety Homepage Auctions
20 EphPod Free software
Free software to copy songs to and from an iPod without iTunes.
Ephpod Iphone Itunes Touch Messagesiphone Apple Download Proceed Transfer Free Infoabout News Contactsbackup Use Homeintroinfo Easy Duplicatesremove Artwork
21 CrypKey Offers copy
Offers copy protection and software licensing control.
Software Protection Licensing Crypkey Copy Blog License Now Products Moreinformation Support Vmguard Client Contact Secure
22 ManofKnowledge A copy
A copy of the Open Directory taken from the RDF dump, with advertising supplied by Google.
23 Shopping portal
Shopping portal which includes a copy of the Open Directory, powered by ODP++.
24 A copy
A copy of the Open Directory with a Google search box and added advertising.
25 American Copy Company Authorized Canon
Authorized Canon copier and facsimile dealer.
26 IonWorx Technology Supplier of
Supplier of copy protection utilities using triple-DES encryption.
Protection Software Control Copy Piracy Licensing Ionworx Anti System License Rights Serialshield Against Copies Download
27 CD Copy Online CD duplication
CD duplication including media, jewel cases and printing.
28 SoftwareShield Licensing and
Licensing and copy-protection system for Windows application developers.
Softwareshieldtm Games Yummy Customers Software Licensing Features Metabolis Group Protection Download Demand Softwareshield™ Services Inc Yummy’s Llcm
29 X-Formation Provider of
Provider of high security copy protection and license management solutions.
License Software Support Activation Pricing Demo Manager Features Live Webinars Benefits Center Lm Statistics Knowledgebase User Jobs Users
30 X-Formation Provider of
Provider of high security copy protection and license management solutions.
License Software Support Activation Benefits Live Manager Pricing Demo Features Webinars Center Lm Statistics End Solutions| Formation Products
31 Clever Copy A scalable
A scalable web site portal and news posting system. [Freeware]
32 Key-Lok USB, parallel
USB, parallel and serial dongles for copy protection, software security, and piracy prevention.
Keylok Support Chat Piracy Software Products Learn Contact Resources Center Advantages Company Live Applications Features Leading Keylok Our
33 Internet solutions
Internet solutions provider incorporating a copy of the Open Directory data.
Comtech Login Singapore Design Web Seo Engine Jason Publisher Optimization Sale Google+ Company Lim Agent Websites
34 Toner Offers a
Offers a broad range of Fax, printer and copy cartridges and supplies.
Supplies Toner Copier Cartridges Cartridge Fax Ink Xerox Ricoh Canon Bowes Ribbons Pitney Printer Panasonic
35 Progressive Copy Systems Online ordering
Online ordering of toner cartridges for MICR, fax, and copiers.
Providerfor Errorpagedisplayed Cannot Contact Please
36 Maxi Disk Copy and
Copy and format disks, shareware for Windows 3.1 or later. Herne Data Systems.
Maxi Disk Windows Form Copy Format Product Word Meg Software Ltd Rated Docs Mail
37 OnMouseOver Generator Creates copy-and-paste
Creates copy-and-paste JavaScript code for mouseover image flips.
Onmouseover Generator Javascript Image Tools Website Free Mouseover Awio Goodies Stumbleupon Share Contact Location Graphics Articles
38 WinCopyDVD DVD ripper
DVD ripper to copy DVD to VCD/SVCD. Software overview, FAQs, tutorials, and trial download.
Dvd Copy Ripper Order Software Wincopydvd Download Minidvd Update Now Product Faq Convert Step Edition
39 DVD Copy Express Supports converting
Supports converting between PAL and NTSC standards and saves DVD to VCD/SVCD, MPEG, DivX and AVI.
40 FTPPro Designed for
Designed for ease of use by Internet Explorer users. Download an evaluation copy for free.
Bzdexx Manager Ftppro File Shortcut Google+ Windows Email Hotkeys Contact Ftp List Hotkey Manager_ Listings Use Terms
41 InstaIntranet Intranet building
Intranet building software - includes product overview and downloadable evaluation copy.
Instaintranetcom Clickhere Go Z
42 Joanna Gordon Includes sample
Includes sample ISPF application for IMS online image copy utility.
Domain Name Services Domainregistercom Soon Order Coming Email Register Incorporate Business Companys Registration Hosting Form Forwarding Renew
43 Bombich Software: Carbon Copy Cloner Create bootable
Create bootable clones of your OS X hard drive.
Software Features Ccc Buy Download Now Updated Blog | Help Mac Content Take Version Policy Closure
44 FTPPro Designed for
Designed for ease of use by Internet Explorer users. Download an evaluation copy for free.
Manager Ftppro File Shortcut Google+ Windows Email Hotkeys Contact Ftp Hotkey Access List Sort Listings Terms
45 Ultra Softlock Pvt ltd. DiscKeeper, a
DiscKeeper, a unique copy prevention technology to protect the content and software on CDs.
Request Errory
46 Joanna Gordon Includes sample
Includes sample ISPF application for IMS online image copy utility.
Domain Name Services Domainregistercom Order Coming Soon Email Trademark Form Copyright Business Incorporate Register Hosting Registration Companys
47 Javascript City Free javascripts
Free javascripts with copy and paste source codes and working examples.
Tutorials Html Css Web Design Javascript Resource Cgi Perl Dhtml Page Resources Pages Put Tweet
48 Crypto++ SDK A software
A software copy protection and licensing package. By Sampson Multimedia. [Control, Commercial]
Software Applications Code Crypto++ Protection Activation System Sdk Protect License Free Visual Easily Trial Click Full Authorized Expiration Benefit
49 Piko Technologies Offers search
Offers search engine optimization, hosting and copy writing service.
50 Shaffstall Corporation, Inc. Offers products
Offers products to copy, duplicate, and convert magnetic data tapes and CD-Rs.
Tape Cd Shaffstall Conversion Drives Duplication Products Duplicators Quickcopy Corporation Quicktape Data Software Duplicator Array Support Quantum
51 Dijitanix Software Download a
Download a shareware copy of vClock V 1.0 and F-Catalog a File cataloging and maintenance utility.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Trying Privacy Sorry Popular Internet Visit Archives User Archiveorg
52 Sabadille Systems Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of SmartLock USB dongles for copy protection, software security, and piracy prevention.
Smartlock Dongle Software Protection Piracy Copy Dongles Hardware Sabadille Solution Systems Applications Simple Integrate Policy Work Best
53 C64 Preservation Project Archiving pristine
Archiving pristine versions of original Commodore 64 software, including copy protection.
Project Rapidlok Preservation Disk Commodore Banguibobs Database Early Vorpal Registry Protection Copy Floppy Piratebusters
54 Cookie Dude Web designers
Web designers and copy writers. Profile, capabilities and services with price guide, FAQ and portfolio.
Design Web Cookie Dude Html Local Dvd Luton Page Click Ex Christmas Happy Golden Javascript Albans
55 Snickerdoodles Provides web
Provides web design, copy writing, and consulting services. Based in Glendale, Arizona, United States.
Snickerdoodles Web Design Designs Gourmet Business Women Sites Extra Glendale Personality Each Designsall Phoenix Counter
56 JMC Netlink Provides web
Provides web design and copy writing, online marketing and business development, e-commerce and fulfillment, and hosting.
Logistics Ocean Management Cargo Operation Event Receiving Operations Netlink Booking Sales Toolkit Global Integration Jmc Auto Calculation Consolidation Understanding Experience
57 ProData Imaging Focusing exclusively
Focusing exclusively on Toshiba designed and engineered copy, fax, print and scanning solutions.
Prodata Imaging Sharp Welcome Product Customer Website Care Services Line Samsung Supplies Products Leaders Business White
58 Quik Sync A file
A file syncronization utility by Iomega Corporation that keeps a copy of your hard drive on Zip or Jaz disks.
Download Wizard Iomega Downloads Software Products Zip Na Encusthelpcom Httpsiomega Needs Drivers Site Wevedevelop
59 Vickys Cool Softwares Various Windows
Various Windows software including SpeeDefrag, Mp3 Knife, Copy Cat, ShutDown After, and Be Punctual.
Knife Softwares Copy Speedefrag Scrollwall Imre Punctual Shutdown Cool Vickys Free Cat Advertise Extract Download Mp Dvds Defrag
60 IJHSC International Journal
International Journal of High Speed Computing. Sample copy available, archives accessible to subscribers.
Useroccurred Setting Cookieerror
61 Mindcandy Twelve type
Twelve type foundries providing over 450 original, meticulously designed typefaces for both display and body copy.
Candy Mind Rarr Warriors Parents Karts Company Press England Contact Legal World Design Privacy Bonhill Terms
62 Minkles Realm Includes codes
Includes codes for direct linking of dolls, copy and paste doll makers, and backgrounds.
63 Vinci-Designs & Publishing E-commerce, hosting
E-commerce, hosting, copy writing, graphic design, and domain management services.
Design Website Websites Designs Vinci Print Web Marketing Destin Services Optimization Engine Logo Blog Company
64 Any-hoo A copy
A copy of the Open Directory, powered by DWodp live, with site previews added from Thumbshots, and advertisements from Google.
65 This travel
This travel portal includes a copy of the category for Thailand from the Regional section of the Open Directory.
Forum Posts Phuket Post Statistics Threads Thailand Actionsforum Articles Thai Profile Private Message Hotels Travel
66 PE-MU Shareware to
Shareware to manage picture files on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000 create slideshow, thumbnail copy, move, and print images.
Oscarcreationcom Cash Advance Insurance Debt Consolidation Best Life Report Section Browse Privacycell Free
67 AbleBurn A CD
A CD burning program that can copy and record ALL kinds of discs. It also converts WAV <,->, MP3, repairs MP3, and normalizes VAWes. [Win32]
68 Paradise Computers Offers an
Offers an overview of repair, rental, and copy services, as well as public Internet access facilities.
Found The Found Y
69 A.C. Riley Copywriter offering
Copywriter offering advertising copy and online content development. Includes a portfolio of editing services and SEO programs.
Copywriting Content Strategy Copy Riley Marketing Portfolio Seo Blog Ac Services Website Work Pricing Communications Customized Ecommerce
70 System Development, Inc. SDI has
SDI has been providing high performance, hard copy plotting and printing solutions for a range of industries since 1988.
Cgm Pdf Hpgl Dgn Tiff Print Emf File Montage Sdi Dwg Convert Dxf Plt Svg
71 Cookie Dude Luton based
Luton based designers and copy writers. Profile, capabilities and services with price guide, FAQ and portfolio.
Design Web Cookie Dude Html Dvd Click Local Page Luton Ex Christmas Sites Javascript Happy Authoring Menus Seasonsgreetings Mikefarrell
72 Mannix Marketing Web design
Web design, copy writing, and search engine optimization. Located in Queensbury, New York, United States.
Marketing Mannix Website Design They Business Team Services Years Seo Email Great Success Very Been Pok Maccready Award Winning Social Share Centermybusiness
73 Shannons Place Beginners help
Beginners help page covering very basic HTML tags. Includes a copy and paste tutorial section.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Machine Visit Longeravailable Movies Wayback Privacyreach Archiveorg
74 Grokking the GIMP by Carey
by Carey Bunks, This is actually a book. You can either download or read free html version online or buy the hard copy.
Gimp Image Grokking Editing Advanced Learning Techniques Digital Javascript Manipulation Program Book Tutorials Learn Gnu
75 Paragon (PTS) Partition Manager Create, resize
Create, resize, convert, and copy FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, and Linux partitions. [Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP]
76 DocuMap A powerful
A powerful document management system integrated with a GIS that uses an interactive map to access and manage computer documents and hard copy registers.
Case Intelligence Clients Services Development Spatial Documap Application Contact Study Document Products Management System Information Gis Studies Targeting Telehealthservice
77 SurfOffline Offline browser
Offline browser that can copy any website to the hard drive, supports HTTP, HTTPS(SSL), FTP, proxy servers, CSS, Flash and JavaScript.
Surfoffline Website Download Offline Export Supports Windows Downloading Entire Websites Dvd Surf Web Screenshots Css Bimesoft Netscape
78 Your Web Center Specializes in
Specializes in copy creation, web and graphic design, SEO, search engine submission, shopping carts, and hosting. Located in Hueytown, AL, USA.
Website Services Domain Marketing Hosting Email Name Center Dedicated Registration Pay Per Click Design Support
79 NeoOptic Design, multimedia
Design, multimedia, database construction, copy writing, print, CD-ROM, photography, and illustration. Located in Norfolk, United Kingdom.
Launch New – Web Fringe Case Study Silvestri Live Studios Festival Design Norfolk Norwich Group Drink Crane
80 PowerKaraoke Software to
Software to create, play, burn, and copy CD+G and video karaoke. Also offers converter tools for various formats, including MIDI.
Cd+g Karaoke Power Creator Burner Create Video Convert Play Siglos Burn Converter Software Tools Scdg
81 Web Development Tutorials - Manda Lessons on
Lessons on tables and frames with some copy and paste JavaScript codes, and resource HTML links included.
Html Web Development Tables Mike Tutorials Learning Distance Webpage Mandacom Source Code Associatesbullmandacominvited
82 Pace Anti-Piracy Provides next
Provides next generation tools for distributing and selling software in a secure manner. Covers ESD, copy protection and license management.
Permanently Theport Apache Server Moved
83 Icon Searcher Search local
Search local hard disks for icons, save them as images, or copy them to clipboard using a simple graphical user interface.
Icon Searcher Icons Review Download Free Scan Collection Antivirus Report Autorun Creator Locate Editors Video
84 Dotfuscator Obfuscates to
Obfuscates to enhance source code security, shrinks to improve efficiency, and watermarks to track the origin of a pirated copy. [Commercial]
Support Dotfuscator Analytics Preemptive Features Resources Videos Contact Obfuscation Workbench Data Buying Guide Net Dasho Android Runtime Company Life
85 Acutrack Provides CD
Provides CD production project from making the first CD or DVD copy to replication, insert printing, complete package assembly and fulfillment. Specializes in CD-R silkscreen services.
Fulfillment Demand Blu Ray Replication Authoring Solutions Dvd Media Cd Acutrack Production Print Packaging Services
86 Mount Evans Designs Web design
Web design, copy writing, graphics, and shopping carts. Located in Idaho Springs, Colorado, United States.
Design Web Professional Denver Seo Portfolio Colorado Utah Quote Contact Services City | Mount Lake Re Lead Articles
87 DashO Obfuscates to
Obfuscates to enhance source code security, shrinks to improve efficiency, and watermarks to track the origin of a pirated copy. [Commercial]
Support Dasho Analytics Android Java Obfuscation Preemptive Contact Features Resources Videos Workbench Dotfuscator Data Buying Software Request Forums Asked Security
88 CVSToys CVS commit
CVS commit notification tools for mail, web, and chat. Keep a back-up repository or a working copy up to date. Python extensible. Open source.
89 PixelMetrics CaptureWiz will
CaptureWiz will save, print or copy anything on the screen, three version are offered. Product specifications, free newsletter, tips, and trial download. [Win 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP]
Capture Capturewizpro Screen Print Anything Easily Quantity Free Youll Spanish Just Record Scroll Customer Discounts Everywhere New
90 Byssus Hydra Secure software
Secure software trial, copy protection, license management and payment processing for shareware developers. Available for Windows and Linux, C/C++, VB, C# and Delphi.
Byssus Ltdy
91 IBM AlphaWorks JInsight Analyzes program
Analyzes program execution and generates a trace and a visualizer. Supports JDK 1.1 and higher. For debugging, understanding, diagnosing. [Non-timeout eval copy]
Group Communities Community Management Developerworks Owner Member Interest Alphaworks Each Track Join Agile Restricted Data Goal
92 Dodomail Stores the
Stores the data from a web sites feedback form submissions into a MYSQL, MSSQL or flat-text database and sends a copy to an email address.
Isnt Proudly Somewhat Dodomail Well Most Help最è¿Ã¢â‚¬Ëœã®æŠ•稿 Cant Wordpressorg Menu Itit Seems Nothingyoure
93 InterVideo Provider of
Provider of DVD software to play, record, edit, author and distribute digital video and audio products. Programs include WinDVD, DVD Copy.
94 Equitrac Corp. System 4
System 4 is a true multi-tasking transaction server that collects, stores, and reports on disbursements such as copy, fax, telephone, and network printing.
Print Cost Management Recovery Software Equitrac Printing | Reduce Learn Increase Green Costs Eliminate Privacy Campus Wide
95 Redstone Online Communications Offers internet
Offers internet consultations, web site development, tutoring and hard copy services in Saint Laurent, Quebec, Canada.
Montreal Design Services Internet Company Website Clients Marketing Web Development Contact Seo Portfolio Optimization Engine Thank Nierenbergthe Business
96 Laser Co. USA Services and
Services and repairs all laser printers, copy and fax machines. Also stocks supplies.
Navigationshilfet Y
97 Copy of
Copy of the ODPs humor category, has also its own searchable database of humor sites.
Whak Game Whack Wack Stuff Action Word Pow Ka Used Fun Portfolio Boom Card Punch Troll Guy Crash
98 Griffon Technologies WIBU-KEY license
WIBU-KEY license management, software protection, and copy protection.
Navigationshilfet Y
99 Toner For Less Supplier of
Supplier of copy machine toner and laserjet andinkjet cartridges.
100 Copy Cat Copiers South Florida
South Florida business that sells and services printers, copiers and fax machines.
Copiers Florida Fax South Printers Digital Faxes Cat Sharp Repair Analog Machines Testimonials… And Located Products… Email
101 1st DVD Ripper Copying and
Copying and ripping software to copy DVD to DIVX AVI files or MPEG1 MPEG2 files.
102 Writing Well for the Web Internet-specific copy
Internet-specific copy writing tips for non-writers. Covers common mistakes.
Web Html Design Javascript Writing Xml Animation Rss Dhtml Css Reference Perl Promotion Authoring Resources Tap Animated Languages
103 HP MPI Implementation of
Implementation of MPI for Hewlett Packard systems. Product information, free evaluation copy, and purchasing information.
104 Agilis Software LLC Software copy
Software copy protection for Java, C/C++ and VB programs.
Software Licensing License Nephele Management Orion Agilis Solution Acropolis Solutions Pricing Trial Tool Manager Restrictions Enterprise
105 Gadwin PrintScreen Easy to
Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen, save it to a file, copy it to Windows clipboard, print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice.
Gadwin Printscreen Screen Capture License Agreement Utility Software Products Diagram Snapshot Geforms Studio Professional Screenrecorder
106 Provides online
Provides online resume webpages for athletes or hard-copy resumes for sponsorships or athletic scholarships (focus on motocross). Site includes samples and pricing information.
Webpages Design Products Use College Sports Resume Sarah Whitmore Applications Skiing Computer Extreme Generate Signature
107 Tools For Thought by Howard
by Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of computing, includes Babbage, Turing, von Neumann, Engelbart, PARC, Kay, and Atari.
Chapter Alan Doug Engelbart Taylor Howard Rheingold Tools Thought Brenda Neumann Thirteen Twelve Footnotes Eight Fourteen Seven
108 The Web Zone Providing free
Providing free internet access on fixed terminals. Also offers copy, printer, scanning, fax and gift wrapping services. LAN and WiFi are available. Located in Eugene.
Repair Eugene Services Network Oregon Web Marketing Custom Cell Phone Data Recovery Servers Development Computer
109 Mandarin Design Tips and
Tips and ideas for web, especially blog, design. CSS and HTML code served copy and paste style.
Error Requesty
110 ClipHack Eliminates the
Eliminates the 150 word clipboard limit. Gives word and character count when performing cut and copy operations. [Shareware]
Domain Hosting Gandi Simple Registrar Más Name Cloud Paas Information Forwarding Email De Dominio Nombre El Couk
111 Mandarin Design Tips and
Tips and ideas for web, especially blog, design. CSS and HTML code served copy and paste style.
112 Commodore Experience Information about
Information about copy protection schemes, graphics, machine language, cartridges and Commodore hardware.
Sign Places Now Everything Policy People Updated Lifestream Trademarks Inc Bulk Simplifying Date Login Nowon Create
113 PHP Directory A copy
A copy of the Open Directory category for this computer programming language, with added site previews by Thumbshots.
Programming Coding Windows Php Web Linux Nano Learn Learning Beginners Things Best Should Lords Vps Sure
114 Impello Media Works Offers design
Offers design, graphic design, database, hosting assistance, copy-writing, and promotion.
Impello Here Authentic Creating Approach Thank Alberta They Calgarycopyright Creative Rights Agency Our Floor
115 POP3Clip Copy on
Copy on one computer and paste on another, uses Email to exchange data between computers. Automatically synchronizes clipboards between multiple computers.
Navigationshilfe Ty
116 Alconost Software Provides software
Provides software tools to create USB keys from ordinary USB flash drives and key floppy diskcs for copy protection.
Antiduplicate Demo Drive Windows Information Visual Software Server Usb Ordering Protection Download Windev Sdk Memory Programmers
117 Elev8 Technology Offers marketing
Offers marketing, web design, project management, copy writing, technical business plan authorship, Flash ActionScript, and database application and development.
Z Contact Y
118 NetSupport Software Ltd. Provides tools
Provides tools to perform tasks on multiple remote PCs simultaneously over many types of connections. Product information, manual, activex demonstration, and evaluation copy for download.
Server Internal Error Resource Problem Errortherelookingdisplayed Itcannot
119 Searchable directory
Searchable directory using the ODP. Search results include a cached copy of each page listed, and links to older copies in the Internet Archive and site details from Alexa.
Google Apps Services Cloud Management Mobile Business Internet Marketing Server Drive Marketworks Adwords Change Google+
120 MetaFusion Design Studio Web design
Web design, search engine optimization, copy writing, and scripting. Located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
121 XXCOPY Command-line incremental
Command-line incremental backup tool which can copy hidden, system and read-only files (even the entire system folder).
Windows Xxcopy Xcopy Boldly Server Versatile Extended File Utility Point Win Backup Management Products Vista Winnt
122 SSL Directory A copy
A copy of the Open Directory, powered by DWodp live, with site previews added from Thumbshots, and advertisements supplied by Google.
123 Pilot-Link Command-line tools
Command-line tools for connecting to a Palm to sync, add, delete, move, copy, and manipulate Palm data.
124 XXCOPY Command-line incremental
Command-line incremental backup tool which can copy hidden, system and read-only files (even the entire system folder).
Windows Xxcopy Boldly Xcopy Server Versatile Utility Extended Backup Win File Point Management Downloads Link Come
125 XXCOPY Command-line incremental
Command-line incremental backup tool which can copy hidden, system and read-only files (even the entire system folder).
Windows Xxcopy Boldly Xcopy Win Extended Management Point Backup Server File Versatile Utility Tool Bit
126 Bush Services Group, Inc. Cart and
Cart and credit card processing services to copy and paste into existing web pages. Hosted options also available.
Faqs Buy Amazing Payment Store Available Buttontm Internet Merchant Gateway Account Contact Opportunity Information Necessary Cleveland International Thank
127 EZ Codes for Web Page Builders Copy and
Copy and paste HTML and JavaScript codes (most are WebTV compatible). Links to tutorials, generators and other resources.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policyguidelines Wayback Archiveorg Archives User Popular Sports Inc
128 The Mews Group Web design
Web design, graphic design, copy writing, and database development. Located in New York, Boston, and Santa Rosa.
Design Web Group Mews Boston Development Redesign Website Marketing York Custom Integratedincludes Plan
129 Silversurf Offers site
Offers site design and development, graphic design, multimedia production and implementation, illustration, and copy writing services.
Navigationshilfe Ty
130 Nenix Corporation Single sign-on
Single sign-on web access management software. Product details, download evaluation copy, news and contact details.
Sentryaccess Nenix Management Secure Access Oxley Sso Sarbanes Learn Corporation Legal Compliance Login Hipaa Reserved Oblix Enter
131 Website marketing
Website marketing, promotion, hosting, web design, profit-producing copy, marketing, traffic report analysis and full maintenance.
Catholic Webo Holic Leading Weboholiccom Christian Fundcatholics Raising Book Biblessingles Jewelry
132 Dan Bricklins Web Site Pictures old
Pictures old and new, comments, and software history from the co-inventor of VisiCalc, the first personal computer spreadsheet. Also, download a free copy of Visicalc.
Writings Visicalc Bricklin Alpha Personal Software Book History Web Resources Background Demo Garden Mobile Dan Co Creator Tablet First Daniel Micah Wwwfrankstoncom
133 Oshon Software Makes PIC
Makes PIC and PIC18 Simulator IDEs, Basic compiler, assembler, disassembler, debugger, screenshots, documents, full function evaluation copy, free download.
Pic Simulator Ide Oshon Software Picf Compiler Basic Project Avr Tweet Debugger Assembler Disassembler Homepage
134 NAR Associates TeX book
TeX book publishing. Production services, including design, copy editing, layout and typesetting, specialising in engineering,science, computers, computer graphics, aviation and medicine.
Cheap Oem Associates Flying Nar Publishing Introduction Bonanza Omniquiti Raidenmaild Soundconverter Technical Ea Lathe Label Flow
135 Select from
Select from a drop down list of major search engines, metacrawlers, reference and news sites. Or browse a copy of the Open Directory, powered by Digital Windmill. Also has a newsfeed.
News Web Engine Directory Internet Free Information Sites Journals Electronic Thanks Research Advertising Classification Plus Archive International Business Digital
136 Clipboard Express Multiple storage
Multiple storage clipboard utility to copy and paste regular used text and pictures. Drag and drop directly to and from web pages and other documents.
Clipboard Menu Express Purchase Timesown Licensing Windows Support Features Screen Download Latest News Shot Press Year Registry Releases Email Rest
137 Jane Lewis Design Web design
Web design or redesign, including e-commerce, custom logo and graphics, copy writing, marketing, and complete site maintenance.
Design Lewis Jane Bay San Textile Kids Surface Apparel Francisco Fabric Designer Array Quilt Y
138 RubyCentral Ruby resource:
Ruby resource: One-click Windows installer, online copy of Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers Guide. [Open Publication License]
Navigationshilfe Ty
139 Ecordia A turnkey
A turnkey software application with form creation, extranet user management and email campaign management. Evaluation copy and online demo available.
140 PalickSoft SIGuardian monitors
SIGuardian monitors health of your hard drives Using S.M.A.R.T. technology included in all modern HDDs. software will predict end date of HDD lifetime, so you can make backup copy of all data. [Win 95/98/NT/2000 Shareware]
Siguardiancom Insurance Advance Cash Instructions Consolidation Renewal Debt Domain Browse Phones Life Free Section Learn Y
141 Web Displays - Free HTML Meta Tag Generator Generates tags
Generates tags for copy and paste, based on basic and optional data supplied. 'Long version' of the form includes an explanation for each field.
Z Concentricr Y
142 Hex Workshop Combines advanced
Combines advanced binary editing, with the ease and flexibility of a word processor. It lets you edit, cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete hex, print customizable hex dumps, and export to RTF, or HTML.
Workshop Hex Editor Software Breakpoint Download Learn Sector Windows Base Converter Calculator Ordering Binary Support
143 Moon Software Backup Magic
Backup Magic is a simple, fast and compact backup/file copy utility. It does not have loads of options, but it includes all of the tools required to get your job done.[ Windows95/98/NT4]
Password Software Agent Moon Copiaris Freeware Homepage Shareware Official Download Other Free Fine Magic Backup Ill
144 AllPoints Feedback Customizable 360
Customizable 360 degree feedback software for managing your entire employee review process. You can download a free trial copy and create your own surveys.
お名前comのトップãÆ’Å¡ãÆ’¼ã‚¸ã¸ Wwwallpointsfeedbackcom このドãÆ’¡ã‚¤ãÆ’³ã¯ãŠåå‰comで取å¾Ã¢â‚¬â€ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ます&ati
145 Mjksoft Powercopy is
Powercopy is used to search, copy, move, delete and compress files. ListNetIP displays the IP address of all PCs on a network. WinSuperKit is a network and system toolkit. [Win 95/98/NT/2000]
Mjksoftcom Goclick Here Z
146 Moon Software Backup Magic
Backup Magic is a simple, fast and compact backup/file copy utility. It does not have loads of options, but it includes all of the tools required to get your job done.[ Windows95/98/NT4]
Password Software Agent Moon Copiaris Homepage Freeware Official Shareware Download Magic Products Fine Free Backup Ill
147 ALLnView Automatically resizes
Automatically resizes images to fit the screen, program features a slideshow function, the ability to copy, move, delete, and rename images. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
It It Rlegsoftwarecomisntsomewhat Embarrassing Page Perhaps
148 AbleFTP Offers automated
Offers automated schedule-based transfers, zip, copy, and delete files, and e-mail notification of completed tasks. For OS X. Includes feature description, documentation, version comparison, FAQ, and trial downloads.
Automize Learn Schedule Software Automation Automate Ftp → Linux Sftp Task Windows User Jasftp Command Monitor Xlst Hitek Melvin
149 AbleFTP Offers automated
Offers automated schedule-based transfers, zip, copy, and delete files, and e-mail notification of completed tasks. For OS X. Includes feature description, documentation, version comparison, FAQ, and trial downloads.
Automize Learn Schedule Automation Software Automate Windows → Sftp Linux Ftp Task User Command Jasftp Zipkrypt Free
150 Zapper Software Copy protection
Copy protection software and software distribution services for shareware developers.
Software Copy Protection Files Encryption Including Mac Windows Images Bradshaw Protect Downloads Sites Help Linux Bill Ebooks Vista
151 Super Color Picker Automatically copy
Automatically copy color code to clipboard, and show color codes in RGB, HSL, HTML, Delphi, C++ and VB formats.
Car Esier Motoring Finding Local Best Wikipedia Reply Companies Company This Carsalescomau Wellington Wordpress Afford Thevarious Number Secrets Establishing
152 Adobe Dreamweaver. Extremely powerful
Extremely powerful site building tool. Support for DHTML and CSS, with ready-to-use JavaScript actions. Site-management tools. 30 day evaluation copy available for download.
English Adobe See Dreamweaver Learn Cloud How Creative Works Support Free Products New Photoshop Edge Acrobat Reader Afrique
153 Adobe Dreamweaver. Extremely powerful
Extremely powerful site building tool. Support for DHTML and CSS, with ready-to-use JavaScript actions. Site-management tools. 30 day evaluation copy available for download.
› See Works How Creative Learn Adobe New Builder Support Free Trial Cloud Website Download Tejal Editor
154 Music Express For audio
For audio CDs and music downloaded from the internet. Developer also offers Advanced MP3 Catalog, and CD on Demand (a local copy of latest FreeDB database on CD). Shareware. Windows 9x/NT4 or later.
Music Express Released Organizer Order Now Download Stdpro Catalog Wizetech Collections Huge Now_ Presentlyavailable Tvinvq English Collector
155 HTML Tips, Help and Examples Features easy
Features easy to follow lessons that teach by example. Includes copy and paste codes, a color chart and a basic HTML code generator.
Html Tutorial Tables Table Generator Adding How Computer Files Tags Money Examples Buy Webpage Meta
156 PolderbitS Sound Recorder and Editor Easy-to-use audio
Easy-to-use audio recording and editing software, or copy sound source to CD. Also creates MP3 files of recordings to play on PC or portable player.
Record Video Recorder Software Creator Audio Easy Dvds Polderplus Call Messenger Español Edit Sound Deutsch Computer
157 Second Copy 2000 Copies files
Copies files and folders from one location to another on the same drive, another drive or across the network. Features include synchronization, compression and disk spanning. Support for removable drives.
Backup Second Automatic Copy Windows Data Software News Press Faqs File Products Awards Download Support
158 HexaLock Ltd. Develops and
Develops and markets digital copy protection solutions that help prevent unauthorized copying of digital content, when stored on optical or other digital media.
Cd Copy Protection Hexalock Rx Dvd Video Available Digital Autolock Data Resellers Offerings Protected High Rom’s
159 CDMate CD burning
CD burning application, which is suitable for both beginners and power users. Various writing modes including TAO, SAO, DAO, RAW-DAO, with Real-time MP3 conversion and supports 11 methods of copy protection. Download full version free 30-day trial.
Mate Home Forgot Password Website Form Remembermenuusername Official Homemain
160 HTTP After Burner Takes your
Takes your existing website and automatically copy it to servers in other countries. This process is called mirroring, it allows multiple instances of your site to exist in different locations simultaneously. This allows for faster speeds and less loads on the host.
Web Design Media Privacy Learn Marketing Social Policy Support Contact Blog Managed Webcentral Engine Centre $month
161 Tech Know Systems, Inc. Featuring JetPCL
Featuring JetPCL PCL Emulation software for developers. JetPCL converts HP-PCL into 200 or 300 dpi FAX formats or TIFF or PDF files. Features evaluation copy, company profile and product descriptions.
Jetpcl Pcl Systems Tech Conversion Inc Solution Products Software Evaluation Support Tiff Emulation Server Maker Product
162 Zapper Software Copy protection
Copy protection software and distribution service for shareware developers. Product and company information, downloadable evaluation software and contact details.
Software Copy Protection Files Encryption Including Windows Mac Bradshaw Images Protect Products Mpeg Asf Band Summary Services Now
163 SG Design Group Specializing in
Specializing in design and development, graphic and package design, search engine optimization, e-commerce solutions, flash animations, and copy writing.
Design Web Website Page Designer Professional Internet Corporate Hosting New Ny Marketing Nj Engine York
164 Modes by Alex Schoeder Latest versions
Latest versions of SQL mode, master mode, the ANSI color package, a copy of Tinytalk, and patches to comint mode and BBDB.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Internet Reachtrying Sports Visit Maps Finance Inc
165 Brown Group Offering design
Offering design, graphic design, copy writing and photography for marketing strategies. Specializing in manufacturing, medical, and small business. Based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Brown Group Partnerships Corporateassociation Marketing Tellem Works Email Clients Website Canada Design Solutions Learn Roar Contact
166 FolderClone Automated Folder Mirroring Software Make an
Make an identical copy of a folder tree from one drive to another. It can be used to synchronize files between a desktop computer and a laptop, or replicate data between a workstation and a server.
Backup Folderclone Software File Brine Solution Salty Windows Restore Files Products Download Data Faqs Check
167 3 Media Web Solutions Offer web
Offer web design and programming, site management and hosting, database programming, e-commerce, copy writing and search engine optimization. Based in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire, USA.
Design Development Web Media Hosting Marketing Management Business Solutions Wordpress Commerce Internet Application Contact Email Pay Per Click
168 The OTP Scrambler An encryption
An encryption utility based on the uncrackable one-time pad method. Its unique feature is the ability to generate large truly random keys from analog noise in the circuits of your sound card. Source included with registered copy.
Navigationshilfe Ty
169 Moon Software Developers site.
Developers site. Bookmark Wizard, Copy URL, Font Xplorer Lite, FileTargets, FontLoader, and other desktop utilities for MS Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Includes information on shareware, a newsletter, and links to related resources.
Software Moon Freeware Copyurl Lite Font Filenote Xplorer Shell Mostwizard Here Download Products
170 VB Language Manager Pro Manages the
Manages the localization process from start to finish. You maintain a single unmodified copy of original source code, and build localized versions in unlimited national languages. VBLM does everything but translate, and it even helps with that!
Language Localization Whippleware Vb Software Manager Visual Globalization Basic Applications Visit Pro Program Application
171 PHP Feedback Form with Source Code Tutorial for
Tutorial for feedback, bug report, contact PHP forms includes all copy and paste code.
Form Code Tutorial Contact Html Email Php Copy Report Menu Request Maker Semi Retiredsee Footnotearkieprince Header Forms
172 Wired News: Windows XP Can Secure Music Details on
Details on the Secure Audio Path (SAP) technology, which copy-protects music.
Music Lycos Rights Hear Unite Prevent Fight Politicians Privacy Copyright Digital Downloads Cant Listen Buy Unknown Feeds Audio
173 Emerge Online Offering multi-level
Offering multi-level marketing through web development and design, CD-ROM and PowerPoint design, web copy, and multimedia development.
174 Emerge Online Offering multi-level
Offering multi-level marketing through web development and design, CD-ROM and PowerPoint design, web copy, and multimedia development.
175 Emerge Online Offering multi-level
Offering multi-level marketing through web development and design, CD-ROM and PowerPoint design, web copy, and multimedia development.
Z Googleaaecfahtml Y
176 Emerge Online Offering multi-level
Offering multi-level marketing through web development and design, CD-ROM and PowerPoint design, web copy, and multimedia development.
Z Googleaaecfahtml Y
177 Alliance Laser Technologies Remanufactured and
Remanufactured and new toner cartridges, inkjet refills, copy machine supplies, and fax toner cartridges.
Technologies Laser Alliance Quality Free Contact Warranty Should Mobile Remanufactured Satisfaction Remanufacturing Guarantee Customer Total Advice Offer
178 Amazing Counters Offers over
Offers over 350 styles of free hit counters, free web site statistics, and many other options. Simple copy and paste installation.
Free Counters Counter Web Amazing Login Sign Hit Create Contact Sample Advertise Statistics Click Help Stylesin Fast See
179 Capcha Allows to
Allows to copy smiles and punctuation from ICQ message log window. Supports all types of smiles, custom graphics and inserts text as graphics where it is possible.
Domain Services Internet Registered Here Click Name Adsl African South Hosting Forwardingz Every
180 Future Systems Solutions Drive2Drive allows
Drive2Drive allows you to easily copy an entire hard disk or partition to another hard disk within the Windows 95, 98 environment.
Casper Drivedrive Edition Server Secure Drive Support Windows Backup Tech Solutions Disk Customer Hard Testimonials Technical
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Copy and paste code for preview of sixteen fonts faces and four font sizes.
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23 13 Dead End Drive Rules Provides a
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24 Previews with
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25 'Just because
'Just because someone is young, doesnt mean they need things dumbed down. I plan on burning my copy so that it cant fall into the hands of impressionable children who might then come to think all video games are meant to suck this bad.' Review by Hilary with overall score [2.0] and screen shots.
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30 Rules of Clue (1963) A copy
A copy of the rules taken directly from the instructions of the 1963 version of the game.
31 The Risus Companion A strategy
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Organization of racing economists and strategic analysts to provide consulting advice and analysis for businesses in the global horse racing industry. Includes copy of multi-client prospectus and charter subscription information. Located in the UK.
8 Karate Made Easy Edited online
Edited online copy of Moja Rones 1960 published book 'Super Karate Made Easy'.
9 Heckler Ramp Plans Ramp plans
Ramp plans and specifications published by Heckler Magazine, a hard copy periodical for skateboarders and snowboarders.
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6. Society, Arts and Copy Crafts

1 Vulgarity Anonymous - Group Counseling This is
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3 another punch for copy protection 'a political
'a political brawl over mandatory copy protection is about to spread to the u.s. house of representatives.' by declan mccullagh. [wired]
Follow Wired Uson Latest Subscribe Videos Miss Footer Page Howard Todd Features Twitter * Fallout Youtubedont Theyre Sarah Awakens_
4 wired: copy-protected cds taken back '[bmg germany]
'[bmg germany] was faced with a backlash from consumers complaining that some of the copy-protected cds were unplayable.'
Follow Wired Uson Videos Latest Subscribe Miss Footer Page News Inspiring Facebookdont Features Youtubedont Wireds Spark Julia
5 - how to detect and avoid copy-controlled cds information for
information for classical music listeners to help them identify copy-controlled cds, including the graphics that appear on the packaging.
Cds Cccds Music Virgin Cccd Copy Early Book Controlled Sony Update Bmg Detect Newoldecom Emi Polifemo_ Playback Handel
6 audio cd copy protection 'the first
'the first copy-protected audio cd in the us will be released in april. the cd is a tribute to country singer jim reeves performed by charley pride.'
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7 the age - copy protected cds: artists can be the losers article pointing
article pointing out that music companies which use copy protection may be denying the artists under contract to them legitimate play time on radio stations.
News Technology Copy Cds Opinion Business Age Artists Entertainment Sport Music Protected Newspaper Losers Features Advertise Food
8 new scientist: nsync cd is copy protection 'experiment' 'the music
'the music industry is now testing different copy protection systems on mass market chart cds, with copies of nsyncs celebrity on the zomba label being sold in at least three different versions.'
Jobs Today Science News Subscribe Guide Scientist Topic Space Life Subscription Meet Most Environment Earth Record Setting Low Bandwidth Last Churyumov Gerasimenko
9 house cool to copy protection 'the u.s.
'the u.s. house of representatives doesnt seem willing to intercede in an increasingly bitter dispute over embedding copy protection controls in all consumer electronic devices.' by declan mccullagh and robert zarate. [wired]
Follow Wired Uson Miss Subscribe Latest Videos Page Footer Look Wheres Inspiring Wireds Twitter * Youtubedont Vastly Whats
10 copy protection bill divides industry, hollywood 'a draft
'a draft copy-protection bill backed by hollywood heavyweights is triggering an outcry from pc and consumer electronics companies who say the legislation would force them to relinquish control of key system design technologies.' by junko yoshida and george leopold. [ee times]
News Embedded Design Seltech Analysis Knowles Esc Times Ee Usa Mems Electronics Analog Things Self Driving Same Force Simplifies Microphones
11 copy-protected cds a nightmare for bmg germany 'blaming a
'blaming a falloff in cd sales on the popularity of cd burners, bmg germany recently issued approximately 100,000 copy-protected discs in an attempt to thwart the problem--and had to take a substantial portion of them back because consumers said the discs wouldnt perform in car players and in some home audio systems.' by barry willis. [stereophile]
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12 EditorMom The mental
The mental meanderings of a freelance copy editor who works with her kidlets around.
Editing Style Editors They Medical Ama Copyediting Singular How Copyeditor Freelance Editor Editorial Publishing Editormom Omoore Klopf Resources Take Work Needs
13 special report: copy-protected cds 'how the
'how the labels are trying to stop you.' [rolling stone]
14 Spiritual Quotes Includes texts
Includes texts and articles. Copy of Spirit Teachings is here.
Spiritual Spirit Ramadahn Quotes Teachings Wisdom Silver White Imperator Eagle Moses Stainton Birch Yogananda Courtesy
15 msnbc: from betamax to napster timeline of
timeline of the evolution of the 'right to copy' from 1992 to february 12, 2001.
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17 Sharpe Copy Inc. Background, portfolio
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18 mary k levy specializing in
specializing in daily copy and on-site and remote realtime scoping. professional profile and contacts.
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19 Emerald Bay Records Nascent record
Nascent record label which is apparently looking for artists. Includes information on recording contracts and copy protection on CDs.
Copy Records Emerald Protected Bay Cds Artists Compact Hosted Real Offer Record Recording Content
20 Comics Craze Fansite detailing
Fansite detailing the background behind the creation of the comic from the television series, and a copy of issue accessible to non-US visitors.
Comics Rage Here Click Queer Addiction Showtime Lgb Folk Gay Red Super Heroes Cape Lesbian Premiere Article |
21 i am gonna copy poll to
poll to vote on the proposition that everything that can be copied should be free, with no copyright and no intellectual property. also includes links to articles and opinions.
Copyrightmiltos Iamgonnacopy Manetasintellectual Property
22 anti-copy bill hits d.c. 'sen. fritz
'sen. fritz hollings has fired the first shot in the next legal battle over internet piracy.' by declan mccullagh. [wired]
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23 reminderslips law office
law office calendaring program that creates email reminders, hard copy ticklers, automatic outlook entries and customized reports.
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24 President George W. Bushs Inauguration Speech The full
The full text of the inaugural address given January 20, 2001. Includes a printer-friendly copy.
25 Square One Strategies Provides campaign
Provides campaign planning, strategy, general consulting, and political copy writing services for Democratic candidates and progressive organizations.
26 Highters Heath (Immanuel) Brief details
Brief details covering the main aspects of the life and work of this parish plus an online copy of the churchs child protection policy.
Immanuel Church Heath Highters Candle Music Taizé News Eucharist Jesus Anglican Hall Christ History Choir Wednesday Peace England Oct
27 Prophecy Central: Bible Codes Links to
Links to articles both for and against the theory, with a copy of a statement by a retired cryptologic mathematician from the United States Department of Defense.
Codes Bible Code Torah Hebrew Gans Rips Prophecy Equidistant Harold Letter Sequences Mathematician Genesis Statement Wilner Mysterious
28 - legal battle copies of
copies of legal documents filed to shut down this website.
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copy of a found note by the accused murderer, with a photo.
30 O.J.s Suicide Note Copy of
Copy of a found note by the accused murderer, with a photo.
Trial Page Cnn Simpson Oj Note Transcripts Victims Suicide Playerssuspect Evidence Marguerite Main
31 Gardnerian Book of Shadows, The Text only
Text only copy of the book as written by Gardner. Includes all known chapters.
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32 Online copy
Online copy of original Talmud (in Gif format), page by page.
Audio Amud English Dafcom Hashanah Shekalim Hakaras Place Horayos Hachaim Bavakama Chagigah Yiddish Taanis Nedarim Print Moedkatan Roshhashanah Berachos
33 The Bomb for My Pillow--A Child of the Atomic Age A young
A young African-American mans reminiscence of growing up in the shadow of nuclear annihilation during the 1950s. Educators may copy it freely.
Bomb Pillow Atomic Gregg Fallout Plans Defense Civil Child Mypillowepub Greggs Personal High Kindle Mypillowmobi Wed Dangers Nook
34 politics of copy protection technology, the paper by
paper by damian yerrick about 'under the table' laws such as the bono act and the dmca sponsored by corporate lobbyists that dilute the publics right to publish.
Copyright Dmca United States Everything Constitution Right Copy Bono Act Digital Congress Pigdog Thing License Rose Hulman Smoke Filled Custodian Teachers Non Directional Tool Homework Vcrs
35 Kids Corner: Creationist Materials for Children Directory of
Directory of educational resources for young children, including hard copy and web sites.
Sign Policy People Updated Lifestream Everything Places Now Stay Rights Stream Email Youre Networks Trademarks
36 fourth judicial district attorney a pdf
a pdf copy of the offices annual report, information on cancelled or postponed cases, and an economic crimes report.
37 copy catfight how intellectual
how intellectual property laws stifle popular culture, and violate freedom of speech. about old works being kept in obscurity, and new ones being silenced. article by jesse walker, reason magazine.
38 the globe and mail - copy this: up with downloading canadian article
canadian article by an industry songwriter who examines both sides of the argument and sees file-trading as a consumer revolt and an explicit demand for change.
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39 Into The Past Based in
Based in Omaha, Sandra Moore-Fitzgerald specializes in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa ancestral history. $15 per hour, plus copy costs and parking fees where applicable.
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40 consumers in crossfire of labels war on piracy 'the downside
'the downside of copy-protected music cds? some wont play when consumers get them home.' by aaron pressman. [christian science monitor]
News Monitor Wires Latest Topics Science Energy Christian Global Culture Business Music World Specials Commentary Subscribe Progress Viewpoint
41 copy protection on cds is worthless 'the technology
'the technology built into some cds to stop people copying them is futile, according to a computer scientist who has put todays antipiracy systems under the microscope.' by barry fox. [new scientist]
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42 aol seeks manager for anti-copying push 'aol time
'aol time warner is beginning efforts to add copy protection to cds, underscoring the companys desire to limit unsanctioned digital distribution of its musical works.' by jim hu. [cnet]
Newscomcom Tohere Click Go Z
43 Stoneygate Baptist Church Leicester city
Leicester city centre. Details of Sunday and weekly activities, and special events, copy from newsletter, pastors page, location map, footrpints poem and millennium resolution.
44 xerox - a carbon copy accounting scandal 'cnn is
'cnn is reporting that xerox incorrectly booked close to $6 billion in revenue over the past five years.' news and reader discussion. [plastic]
45 Fishman Affidavit A copy
A copy of the declaration filed by Steven Fishman in Church of Scientology International v. Fishman and Geertz. OT2 and 3 are bowdlerized to comply with Dutch law.
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46 The Light of the Morning Elaine Stienons
Elaine Stienons book covering early Church history through the journals of the people involved. Order and shipping information, e-mail subscription for free copy of Sidney Rigdon section.
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47 soundhub: universal rolls out cd copy protection 'universal music
'universal music group has recently announced its october plans for issuing cds which will include software that prevents them from being ripped and encoded to a users pc.'
Dreamhost Coming Forum Discussion Panel Wiki Soon Soundhubcom Uploaded Soon Theonce Owner Yet Has
48 CRI Founders Family Publicly Denounces Hanegraaff Excerpted copy
Excerpted copy of a statement from Darlene Martin, widow of CRI founder Walter Martin, and articles from the Los Angeles Times. Includes commentary.
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Book on Scientology marriage counseling techniques. Order form for hard copy version or free e-book access, newsletter subscription, links to locate professional counselors.
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50 jamesons Links Links to
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51 content spat split on party lines 'a senate
'a senate debate over embedding copy protection controls in all consumer electronic devices took a sharply partisan turn on thursday.' by declan mccullagh and robert zarate. [wired]
Follow Wired Uson News Latest Miss Videos Subscribe Security Page Week Footer Manhattan Onpinterestsee Wireds Staff Youtubedont Spectator Ournewsletterwireds Literarymainstream
52 R. Grant Jones Home Page Contains essays
Contains essays on conversion to Christianity and to the Orthodox Church, a copy of the liturgy of St. Gregory the Great, and 'The Christian Year', a book of poetry by Fr. John Keble (a nineteenth century Anglican priest).
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Domains Help Website Please Privacy Get Aabaco Terms Account Found
53 anti-copy bill slams coders 'the consumer
'the consumer broadband and digital television promotion act (cbdtpa) would also wreak havoc on programmers and software companies -- both those distributing code for free and those selling it.' by declan mccullagh. [wired]
Tech Bill Copy Hollings Digital Wired Anti Law Sen Hollywood Contact Faq Fritz New Privacy Mccullagh Gq Senator
54 whats wrong with the local news lists grievances
lists grievances against local news stations, and how they copy eachothers problems.
Cyberfindercom Privacy Policyz
55 customers put kibosh on anti-copy cd 'complaints about
'complaints about anti-copying technology on natalie imbruglias latest cd force her record label to issue replacements for angry consumers.' by john borland. [cnet]
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56 Oracle Of The Runes Software Runes software
Runes software for Windows. Download a working demo copy today.
57 hollywood loves hollings bill 'entertainment industry
'entertainment industry lobbyists say programmers and open-source activists should not be alarmed by a controversial proposal to embed copy-protection controls in nearly all pcs and consumer electronic devices.' by declan mccullagh. [wired]
Follow Wired Uson Latest Videos Miss Subscribe Footer Page News Inspiring Facebookdont Twitter * Whats Youtubedont Open James Game Inbox Found
58 new cd protection wont play on pcs 'israeli security
'israeli security company midbar tech is releasing 1 million copy-protected cds in japan as part of an aggressive push by record labels to curtail digital piracy.' by gwendolyn mariano. [zdnet]
59 d.c. anti-piracy plans fuel culture clash 'the media
'the media industry is painting tech executives as uncooperative and uncommitted to the cause of copy protection, a charge that has drawn protests--and now action--from device manufacturers.' by john borland. [cnet]
Found Found They
60 This is
This is the website of James Swartz. Many perennial questions on Advaita are addressed in 12 different categories and opinions are expressed on a number of issues. Books and essays may be read on-line or downloaded as PDF files. Some may be purchased as hard copy and the entire site is available on CD.
Document Untitledy
61 Damron Lesbian and Gay Travel Guides Comprehensive directory
Comprehensive directory of information for travelers worldwide. Ranges from accommodations to travel agents. Also publishes hard-copy guides.
Gay Travel Damron Lesbian Guides Lgbt Events Correction Guide Tours Hotels Books Destinations Ago Featured Listings Lesbians Report
62 Joseph Smith Daguerreotype Copy of
Copy of an image believed to be taken of Joseph Smith during the Nauvoo period. Also includes articles regarding the archeological and forensic research surrounding his death.
Joseph Smith Website Photograph Library Jsmain Prophet Prophets Superceded Excitement Clear Josephs Iii Researched Fugate Discoveriesavailable
63 lawsuit challenges copy-protected cds 'the five
'the five major record companies have been hit with a class-action lawsuit charging that new cds designed to thwart napster-style piracy are defective and should either be barred from sale or carry warning labels.' [reuters]
Found The Foundy
64 politech: sen. fritz hollings consumer broadband and digital television promotion act (cbdtpa) text of
text of senate bill to prohibit the sale or distribution of electronic devices that do not include 'copy protection' standards to be set by the government. press releases and news articles.
Sec Commission Committee Act Internet Digital Security Federal Rules States Encoding General Commerce Senate Standards Cryptome
65 record labels beware study suggests
study suggests that, if the music industry wants to experiment with selling copy-protected cds, 'there [must] be mandatory warning labels on the cds or the industry risks seriously alienating consumers.' by jon iverson. [stereophile]
Axpona Rmaf Music Digital Preamps Phono Audio Amps Sources Solid Tube Power Accessories Columns Recording Hi Rez Renew Treatments Vote
66 Institute for the Study of Civic Values: Bush 2005 Budget Full copy
Full copy of the Bush budget includes links to impact statements, economic analyses, citizen guides and related congressional committees.
67 what hollings bill would do 'a bill
'a bill introduced by senate commerce chairman fritz hollings would prohibit the sale or distribution of nearly any technology -- unless it features copy-protection standards to be set by the federal government.' by declan mccullagh. [wired]
Follow Wired Uson Videos Miss Latest Subscribe Footer Page Features Wireds Data Jeff News Tweedy Facebookdont Star Private Taking
68 Temple University - Alpha Epsilon chapter, Kappa Kappa Psi Includes a
Includes a member roster, officer list, a brief chapter history, server photo galleries, and a copy of the chapter constitution.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Please Web Domains Customer Help Privacy Website Account Also Onlineservices Solutions
69 cd technology stops copies, but it starts a controversy 'the recording
'the recording industry has begun selling music cds designed to make it impossible for people to copy music to their computers, trade songs over the internet or transfer them to portable mp3 players.' by amy harmon. [new york times]
Times Nytimescom Page York Help Terms Most Health Report Technology Contact Estate Here Link Travel
70 movie industry dealt dvd-cracking blow 'a california
'a california court has dealt a potentially serious setback to the movie industrys attempt to rid the online world of software that can help break through copy protections on dvds.' by john borland. [zdnet]
71 securityfocus - decss creator indicted in norway norwegian prosecutors
norwegian prosecutors have indicted jon johansen for his role in creating the decss program that unlocked a dvd copy protection system and unleashed a series of lawsuits by the motion picture industry.
Decss Norway Indicted Johansen Creator Norwegian Manshaus Gross Court Okokrim Anonymous Mpaa California Criminal Lawsuits
72 East Texas Baptist University - Kappa Phi chapter, Kappa Kappa Psi Includes chapter
Includes chapter constitution, membership education program summaries, a member roster, and a copy of the chapters petitioning document.
73 U.S. Brown Water Navy' Becomes History Copy of
Copy of the Pacific Stars & Stripes December 10, 1970 article describing the last days of the U.S. involvement with the Brown Water Navy.
74 wired: sklyarov: a huge sigh of release 'sklyarov --
'sklyarov -- a russian computer programmer who was arrested in july for breaking american copyright law by writing a program to defeat adobe systems e-book copy-protection scheme -- was released on $50,000 bail.' by farhad manjoo.
Follow Wired Uson Videos Subscribe Miss Latest Page Footer News Meet F’s Inspiring Greenberg Wireds Pawn Headless Jack Foundwhoops
75 big five labels sued over copy-protected cds 'heightening the
'heightening the tension surrounding the music industrys efforts to guard its content in the digital realm, the five major record labels were hit with a class action lawsuit last week for producing and distributing cds with copyright protection controls.' by scarlet pruitt. [idg]
Page Articlesfeatures Opinion Itworld Contact Found The Here Or Newsslideshows Similar Searching
76 movie industry frowns on professors software gallery 'his site
'his site is a gallery devoted to representations of a piece of software that has been deemed illegal because it can be used to break through the copy-protection system on dvd movies.' by david f. gallagher. [new york times] [free registration required.]
Times Page Nytimescom Help Most Terms York Interest Opinion Link Estate World Travel Broken Health Science
77 cuejack faq (planet mirror mirror) copy of
copy of the cuejack faq in australia.
Mirror Free Request Contact Downloads Planetmirror Digg Size Parent Whirlpool Register Sourceforge Modifiedbrowse Last
78 media tycoon realvideo copy
realvideo copy of an abc pilot show made by australias john safran that criticises the media and news reporting. satirically styled, it includes tips on how to get on the nightly news, how to get a music video on rage and how to get a movie onto the video shelves.
Request Martins Spacez
79 Glebe Group Makes A Difference About Drugs At The Glebe Fair Drug Free
Drug Free Ambassadors, sponsored by the Scientology Church in Australia, provide information on drugs. Article includes copy of their anti-drug pledge and summary of their activities. []
80 aroche, hernandez & associates. patents and trademarks attorneys. lawyers specialists
lawyers specialists in intellectual property: register of trademarks, patents (pct), copy rights in dominican republic, sanitary registers, domain names, patent license, trademark license, unfair competition and litigation.
81 Tuscarora Native Peoples News A Native
A Native American newsletter distributed by Trader Don. On this site you will find the latest copy of, Tuscarora Native Peoples News along with a complete archive of all back issues.
Tuscarora American Iroquois Native Indian Nation Nations Clips Haudenosaunee Video Six Museum Legends Tuscaroras Forgot Tuscarorascom Rez
82 Tuscarora Native Peoples News A Native
A Native American newsletter distributed by Trader Don. On this site you will find the latest copy of, Tuscarora Native Peoples News along with a complete archive of all back issues.
Tuscarora American Native Iroquois Indian Nation Nations Haudenosaunee Clips Video Six Museum Legends Forgot Centre Historical Childrens Brothers
1 Copy Massage A twentysomething
A twentysomething copy editor muses on the copy, the editing and the quirky rules that make folks despise us.
Science Diet Diabetic Reason God Posted Gregory Western Ages Millennium Project Australasian United Thisblogthisshare Platos Mysticism
2 The Slot: A Spot for Copy Editors Overview of
Overview of newspaper copy editing and style points from a Washington Post copy editor.
Copy Click Editors Care Editing Informer Less Could Style Spot Slot Quotblogslotquot Rss Usage Bill Walsh
3 Copy Editor Language newsletter
Language newsletter, website and job search for copy editors.
Z Iis Y
4 Copy-Editing Corner For copy
For copy editors to gather and discuss topics.
Editing Copy Posted Face Corner Article Times York Behind New Day Blog Words Dictionary Here Errors Heart Baby Other
5 hootenanny a web
a web supplement to the hard copy magazine published twice yearly in new york city. it has some poetry not found in the hard copy.
Event Videosphotos Hootenanny Olderrealm Contact World Posts
6 Copy Editing for Magazines A course
A course syllabus in magazine copy editing and other information about the profession by Mindy McAdams.
Foundport Server Apachefound The
7 Yahoo Groups: Copy Editors Discussion group
Discussion group for copy editors in journalism.
Yahoo Groups Help Sharing Copyeditors Lists Group Community Free File Please Forum Photo Mailing Discuss Forums Found
8 Freelance jobs
Freelance jobs for copy editors.
Z Iis Y
9 hope of the gospel an e-text
an e-text copy of the first edition, containing several sermons.
Website Nethere Found Webmaster Matching Sorry Inc Wwwjohannesencom Conditions Yourrequest Internet Terms Click
10 The Princess Bride Cast list
Cast list and copy of script.
11 Paul McCartney: 1984 Playboy Interview Copy of
Copy of text.
Paul Playboy Interview Mccartneyz
12 Copywriting Site Tips and
Tips and information about writing copy that sells.
Copywriting Free Marketing Articles Sales Business Writing Resources Here Services Selling Profitable Write Advertising Information Link See Self Help Welcome Release
13 andreas daams brief biographical
brief biographical note, list of some works in print from copy-us.
Daams Andreas Music Cologne Munich Duesseldorf Works Copy Theatre Abitur Born Prof Study Award Winner Wwwparapluiede Robertschumann Other
14 Ink 19: Reggie and the Full Effect Brief review
Brief review of 'Promotional Copy' by Marcel Feldmar.
Full Effect Reggie Ink Reviews Music Features Spots Roach Savalas Contact Songs Rizzotara Etienne Fall Theory Myspace Savath Blogs Letters
15 Creepy Copy Wizard: Vrumugun Background, screen
Background, screen captures, fan art, and fan fiction.
Copy Wizardvrumugun Creepy Closez
16 anti-awkra militant fansite
militant fansite including a copy of andrew w.k.s lost manifesto.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Website Help Privacy Customer Domains Terms Aabaco Account Please Set
17 Cushy Productions - Turin Brakes Copy of
Copy of the bands press release from 1999 about their EP, 'The Door'.
Turin Brakes Cushy Productions Records Release Rhatigan Bar Artist Scott Jamestaylor Stick King Finger Anthony Gale Clientele Songwriter Twelve
18 Asciifier Convert an
Convert an image, or all the images within a web page, into a pixel-perfect copy made only of text.
Chaucery Asciifier Blog Fun Ascii Black Imagesfile Colours Informationhints It Further
19 jane austens great thought of the day read the
read the quote of the day or copy and add html code to your own page.
Austens Thought Jane Great Wwwjollyrogercom Shakespeares Please Shipping Theday Daytmstationdayto
20 Yahoo Groups: Copy Desk Cafe Discussion group
Discussion group for those working in print journalism.
Yahoo Help Please Groups Mobile Real News Policy Copyright Xhome Sports Style Estate Makers Flickr
21 Pandecta Magazine A guide
A guide to writing effective sales copy specifically for the Internet audience.
Business Copy Engine Lamps Writing Free Chandeliers Logos Dont Yearbook Lights How Logo Lighting Pandecta Send Ep Subscribe@topicacom Resources
22 Lubitel 166 Resource Page Features a
Features a copy of the manual, photography advice, a gallery, and link list.
Tripod Create Lycoscomcouldnt Tripodcom Signup Lycos Shopping Check Page Login Pleasehosting Website
23 Russel Crowe Rules Filmography, pictures
Filmography, pictures, posters, wallpapers, and other multimedia. Also, a copy of one of his award speeches.
24 The Smoking Gun: Slim Shady Copy of
Copy of the defamation lawsuit filed by Debbie Mathers-Briggs against Eminem.
Reading Keep Buster Backstage Twin Document Mug Shots Documents Cops Identical Crime Tweet Mugshots Turn Use Public Joplin Convenience John
25 the mystics: seal of forgotten memories this site
this site is dedicated to my novel. its already written, this is for all of you who cant buy a copy. it has a lot of information about myself and other interesting things.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Customer Account Domains Help Website Web Aabaco Claim Advisor
26 maelstrom the web
the web supplement to a hard-copy magazine. includes poetry, short fiction, comics and 'poetography'.
27 Friendbear A copy/paste
A copy/paste bear and his surreal friends endure countless existential nonsensical adventures, and then have snacks.
Friendbearfriend Ripley Sized Bear Steffler Steve Economyrudy Joe
28 Pete Carter Biography, pictures
Biography, pictures and copy of newspaper review for this New Jersey based Michael Jackson impersonator.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Help Advisor Gallery Hosting App Local Finance Terms Ifyoure
29 English Teaching Professional An independent
An independent quarterly magazine for teachers. Requires paid subscription and has a sample copy.
Issue Subscribe Professional Teaching Advertise Language Contact Technology Young Write Learners Current Policy Development Methodology Privacy Proceed Lesson
30 Debbies Classic Days of our Lives Tape Trading This is
This is a listing of tapes from 1986-1992 that are available for trade or copy.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Internet Games Machinemail Visit Toolbar Sites Maps
31 Polanski Brilliantly Captures the Brutal Reality of the Holocaust Copy of
Copy of news article about the film, by Judd Taylor
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Visit Toolbar Hosting Mapsarchiveorg Finance Terms User
32 Pitchfork Review: Reggie and the Full Effect: Promotional Copy Matt LeMay
Matt LeMay gives the groups release a 5.5 rating.
Albums Tracks Pitchfork Best Interviews Music Galleries Photo Lists Staff Essentials Singles Reviews Pitchforktv Festival
33 Design215 Free web
Free web based spell checker. Copy and paste up to 24000 characters. Optional slang word list.
Photography Design Chart Word Guide Reference Web Ultra Festival Tester Music Spell Check Finder Lapse Css Lifestyle Checker Browser Makeover Tools
34 glorious noise: white stripes a copy
a copy of jack and meg whites 1996 marriage license and 2000 divorce certificate.
Click Lollapalooza John Photos Articles Misty Father Live Charli Falco Continue Leave Video Love Lennon Musicfest Dixon Ticketstubs
35 smulders, paul the artist
the artist investigates the boundaries between the photographic and the painted image using photography and a photo copy transfer technique as well as painting.
Smulders Paul Artist Dutch Contemporary Art Painting Work Painterfigurative Interact Plan Acrylicalkyd Oil
36 Churchill House: Teaching Material Offers a
Offers a free copy of the FCE program as well as lesson ideas and plans. Adobe Acrobat required.
Request Request Youry
37 The Power of Vertigo Image thesaurus
Image thesaurus that follows a theoretically based article concerning the role and meaning of concepts such as fake, copy, and repetition in the movie.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Terms Aabaco Privacy Domains Account Customer Please Central Affiliate
38 Drain You Song list
Song list, articles and interviews, brief biographies, and sound files for Nirvana. Also includes a copy of Kurt Cobains death certificate.
Tribute Nirvana Aneurysms Welcome Sponsoredclose Z
39 forever pemberley a fan
a fan of austens 'pride and prejudice' shares a copy of the novel, lineage of the characters, and information on the dances and music, the a&,e movie, as well as a profile of the author.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Sitesgames Machine Internet Sorry Archives Hosting User
40 MTV: Tupac Shakur Features music
Features music video clips, song samples, album reviews, and your chance to own a copy of Tupacs collected poetry.
Pac News Mtv Tupac Music | Celebrity Tupacs New Vh Photos Wwwrollingstonecom Tuner Left Watch Last Ultimate Posthumous Pop
41 ACFC West, Local 2020 CEP Information on
Information on the BC film industry, how to become a member, current productions, and a copy of the Collective Agreement for members of the CFTPA.
West Unifor Acfc Information Plan Care Apply Local Health Film Download Member Status Drugs Production Full Education Approved Membership Drug
42 Cannibal Women In The Avocado Jungle Of Death Rave review
Rave review, copy of movie poster, and brief synopsis, all dealing with the humor of the film. From Alex in Wonderland.
Reviews Movie Port Alexs Main Apache Returnserver Permanently Thepage
43 ESL Through Music Free to
Free to copy and distribute lesson plans incorporating music as a learning tool.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Visit Finance Mail Popular Hosting Toolbar Games Longeravailable Privacy
44 gellis, roberta introduction to
introduction to the author and to her shift to historical mystery. includes biography, bibliography, photographs, cover copy and excerpts from current and future books.
Books Gellis Contact Roberta Page Backlist Guestbook Dreams Resources Hound Tapestry Sff Dynasty Author Mystery
45 gellis, roberta introduction to
introduction to the author and to her shift to historical mystery. includes biography, bibliography, photographs, cover copy and excerpts from current and future books.
Contact Gellis Books Roberta Page Backlist Guestbook Dreams Hound Resources Tapestry Visions_ Letter Roselynde Visions
46 ASCII Art for AOL Chat What is
What is special about this kind of art? All of it is made of text which can be found on the keyboard. You can just copy and paste this into AOL chat and it will be shown.
Create Tripod Signup Couldnt Requested Found Tripodcom Errorpage Website Lycosshopping Hosting Lycoscom Page
47 soria de veyra, vicente filipino poetry
filipino poetry, fiction, film reviews, rock reviews, ad copy, and social criticism.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Machine Terms Longeravailable Hosting Sorry Trying Guidelinesmovies
48 Russell Crowe in Rocky Horror Picture Show A picture
A picture and a copy of an autographed program from this stage production from 1988.
Russell Crowe Rocky Show Horror Picture Australia Mind Beautiful Horizons Email Ronhoward Congrats Image Trentonian University
49 Pirates of the Caribbean Script Copy of
Copy of the movie script.
50 IbizWriters Archive of
Archive of resources, advice and commentary aimed at those who write as part of their job, whether journalism, business publications, advertising copy or website content. No longer actively publishing.
51 Copy Cat Anma A collaborative
A collaborative manga project about a girl named Anma whose father was killed at Anime Expo and must now use her otaku powers to avenge his death.
Create Tripod Hostinglycos Page Website Check Signup Requested Tripodcom Shoppingcouldnt Lycoscom
52 The Remarkable Neil Gow and the Haughty Duchess An article
An article on Neil Gow, found in an old copy of The Scottish Violinist by J. Scott Skinner, and reprinted in The Weekend Scotsman, 1957.
Z Request Y
53 reding, jaclyn check out
check out this award winning authors latest releases, upcoming novels and enter to win a free autographed copy of her latest release.
Jaclyns Century White Jaclyn Author Th United Reding Novels + Web Contest Write Romance Fiction Highlands Kingdom Heather Jaclynsbiography
54 CoachEzinesBlog Notes, quotes
Notes, quotes and tips for writing great ezines, blogs and online copy. A blog for coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and publishers who want to hone their skills and improve their communications.
Writing Content Blog Blogging Marketing Great Business Digg Tips Money Blogs How Proof Ezine Social Recession Bloggingand They’re Research
55 dirty linen e-zine abridgement
e-zine abridgement of the hard-copy folk music magazine, including their 'gig guide,' an up-to-date listing of performance schedules for many folk artists.
Paul Hartman Dirty Linen Pocket Wtmd Baltimore Share Detour News Magazine Driftwood Uncategorized Digg This * Yellow Tabor Springsteen Shirts Cryptical Sun
56 central sierra seasons offers a
offers a free copy and subscription information for the sierra foothills magazine that showcases the talents of the areas artists, photographers and writers.
Sierra Central Seasons Magazine Guide Subscribe History Lifestyles Entertainment Update Calaveras Issues Recreation Arts Current
57 Newspaper JobsPage Journalism jobs
Journalism jobs, newspaper internships, career training and development for professional and student reporters, photographers, copy editors, designers, writers
58 gungor, f. sedef the latest
the latest works of this turkish artist are exhibited. prints are available for sale in original, printed copy, t-shirt printed and greeting card formats
Watercolor Feeds Uncategorized Popular + Tags Categories Art Archives Vallon Wordpress Pont Darc Copyright Hamdi
59 Negativland Samples Includes a
Includes a copy of the 1991 recording 'U2/Negativland' that got the latter band in a heap of legal trouble with both bands labels. (Warning: contains very strong language and Casey Kasem.)
60 brennan, ian g contemporary sculptor
contemporary sculptor and wood carver to the british royal household, also specialising in realistic wildlife bronze sculptures using the original wood sculpture as the master copy.
Sculptor Iangbcomhereclick Go
61 East End Writers Meets monthly
Meets monthly in the east end of Toronto, Ontario. Group presents critique meetings, guest speakers, workshops, e-mail and hard-copy critiques.
Sharon East Crawford Group Writers Editor Walter Toronto Stewart Writing Writer Library Wednesday Murray Joseph Non Fiction Michael
62 brennan, ian g contemporary sculptor
contemporary sculptor and wood carver to the british royal household, also specialising in realistic wildlife bronze sculptures using the original wood sculpture as the master copy.
Sculptor Iangbcom Go Zclick Here
63 Rich Muccis Voice-over Course Review and
Review and personal recommendation by La-Dair Guzman for a voiceover instructional containing 'over 200 pages... including 60 commercials, audition tape copy, and over three hours of personal instruction on audio'.
Course Voice Voiceover Dick Just Jingle Techniques Click Want Plus Business Complete Production Mucci Think Bart Remember Reading Recently Stewart_
64 On the Trail of Last of the Mohicans Read first
Read first person accounts of the filming, a copy of the script, a handwritten letter from DDL, a history of the period and the characters involved, photos from the set, sound clips, Gift Shop, Chat Room, and a Mohican WWW Board.
65 AOL Television - TV Shows on DVD Watch video
Watch video previews, get reviews of recently released TV shows on DVD or buy a copy of your favorite television program.
66 copy cat anti-christina site
anti-christina site featuring pictures of her side by side with similar pictures of britney spears.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting Advisor Gallery App Help Local Screen Has Finance Shut Beauty
67 Simpsons fans wont recognize Nancy Cartwright until she speaks By Nancy
By Nancy Mills. [Chicago Tribune] Archived copy of an interview at The Simpsons Archive.
68 agent with style purchase a
purchase a copy of spockanalia #3, a star trek fanzine containing jean lorrahs 'visit to a weird planet'. find it in the star trek tos section.
Request Rejectedy
69 Agent With Style Purchase a
Purchase a copy of Spockanalia #3, a Star Trek fanzine containing Jean Lorrahs 'Visit to a Weird Planet'. Find it in the Star Trek TOS section.
Style Agenty
70 Church Starfish Tabbook Download a
Download a copy of the Church Starfish Tab Book (out-of-print) in pdf format.
Starfish Imas Acrobat Adobe Alternative Page File Book Church Sponsored Below Click Megs Bookchurchhope
71 rosalie more authors personal
authors personal website contains excerpts from her books, 'allegiance' and 'honor among thieves,' free copy of her short story, 'showdown at charbonets', information on the cover artists for her books, and contact information.
72 a strange journey free copy
free copy serial e-book 'a strange journey'.
Tripod Create Tripodcom Signup Errorpage Login Website Check Lycos Found Couldnt Please Lycoscompage
73 niagara calligraphy resource centre free calligraphy
free calligraphy lessons online, newsletter information and free demonstration copy of calligraphy guide line drawing software for practice sheets available for download.
74 evergreen english haiku society a group
a group of japanese and foreigners who write haiku and linked poems in english, centered in gifu, japan. they publish work online and in occasional hard-copy anthologies. led by ms. ikuyo yoshimura.
75 The Power of Vertigo The site
The site is organized as a sort of image thesaurus that follows a theoreticaly based article ('The Power of Fake or Fake is More') concerning the role and meaning of concepts such as fake, copy, repetition, and others in the movie. Author is from Yugoslavia.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Customer Please Domains Website Aabaco Web Advisor Program
76 nova science fiction hard-copy science
hard-copy science fiction magazine with stories about space travel, time travel and alternate history.
77 paper wasp web site
web site of the paper wasp hard-copy haiku magazine, a leader in the australian haiku scene.
Haiku Wasp Paper Publications Foster Japanese Australia Selected United Subscriptions Other Competitions Geoff Contributions Welcome Hill Tell Track
78 Bill Smith Denver, CO.
Denver, CO. Actor, director, and producer for three decades offers coaching and directing in scenes, improvs, cold copy, script analysis, commercials, voice-overs, industrials, film, and stage. Weekly workshops are limited to insure performance on-camera. Also, offers video and audio facilities.
Acting Studio Colorado Private Smith Bill Bill@ixnetcomcom Denver Voiceover Stage Voicespeech Krameria University Coaching Cabaret Reel Adler Cicely Stella
79 Bill Smith Denver, CO.
Denver, CO. Actor, director, and producer for three decades offers coaching and directing in scenes, improvs, cold copy, script analysis, commercials, voice-overs, industrials, film, and stage. Weekly workshops are limited to insure performance on-camera. Also, offers video and audio facilities.
Acting Studio Colorado Private Bill Smith Stage Voicespeech Voiceover Coaching Bill@ixnetcomcom University Krameria Denver Pomona Hollywood Sale
80 Tom Howard Poetry Contest Annual contest
Annual contest, closing September 30, 2005, seeks original poems in any style, on any theme, and of any length. Published verse and simultaneous submissions are okay. Prize money totals $2,000, including a First Prize of $1,000. All prizewinners also receive a free copy of the Anthology of winning entries. Entry fee is $5 for every 25 lines.
81 The Art of Voice-Acting By James
By James R. Alburger. The San Diego, CA area voice coach offers training in mic performance as the only voice trainer in San Diego with a book on the market, and eleven regional Emmy Awards. His training focuses on acting techniques, not just reading copy.
Voice Conductors Club Marketing Services Made Voiceacting Easy Login Voiceover Training Dunn Maxine Hosting Rescue Magicinet Design
82 The Art of Voice-Acting By James
By James R. Alburger. The San Diego, CA area voice coach offers training in mic performance as the only voice trainer in San Diego with a book on the market, 25 years of experience on both sides of the microphone, and eleven regional Emmy Awards. His training focuses on acting techniques, not just reading copy.
Voice Voiceacting Academy Actors Guide Recording Voiceactingcom Acting Professional Video Studios Conductors Youre Enter Performance Facebook Next Professionalhome Newheightsenter List
83 maxfield parrish covers on scribners magazine december 1899 'an exceptional
'an exceptional find. a rare intact copy of scribners magazine from december 1899. both the front and back covers were created by maxfield parrish.'
Covers Scribners Magazine Maxfield Parrish Front Ordering Information Cover Edge Golf Whos Sterner Lower Issue Drawings
84 william faulkner: nobel prize acceptance speech this is
this is a copy of the acceptance speech by william faulkner for the nobel prize for literature in 1950.
William Faulkner Nobel Prize American Literature Acceptance Stockholm Speech Because Until Sweden Jb United Irefuse

Copy Dictionary

carbon / carbon copy: a copy made with carbon paper
copy: a thing made to be similar or identical to another thing, "she made a copy of the designer dress", "the clone was a copy of its ancestor"
master / master copy / original a: an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
xerox xerox copy: a copy made by a xerographic printer
fair copy: a clean copy of a corrected draft
copy written matter: matter to be printed, exclusive of graphical materials
draft / draft copy: any of the various versions in the development of a written work, "a preliminary draft", "the final draft of the constitution"
soft copy: (computer science) matter that is in a form that a computer can store or display it on a computer screen, "he sent them soft copy of the report"
hard copy: (computer science) matter that is held in a computer and is typed or printed on paper, "he ran off a hard copy of the report"
review copy: a copy of a newly published book that is sent for review to a writer or periodical
copy editing: putting something into a form suitable for a printer
transcript / copy: a reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record)
proof test copy / trial impression: (printing) an impression made to check for errors
copy / : material suitable for a journalistic account, "catastrophes make good copy"
promptbook / prompt copy: the copy of the playscript used by the prompter
copy editor / copyreader / text editor: an editor who prepares text for publication
copy re-create: make a replica of, "copy that drawing", "re-create a picture by Rembrandt"
replicate copy /: reproduce or make an exact copy of, "replicate the cell", "copy the genetic information"
imitate / copy / simulate a: reproduce someone's behavior or looks, "The mime imitated the passers-by", "Children often copy their parents or older siblings"
copy: copy down as is, "The students were made to copy the alphabet over and over" Reviews for Copy. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Copy" (visitors of this topic page). Copy › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Copy Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

Copy may refer to: to copy a word from a book to a paper or laptop or computer

85 results for Copy: