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Formats Experience


1 Moments on DVD Video transfer
Video transfer service for most video tape formats to DVD. Also accepts overseas formats. Based in Alberta, Canada.
Video Dvd Vhs Convert Transfer Services Lifes Professional Saving Forever Ntsc Videos Copy Moments Tape
2 Xepa Digital Offers duplication
Offers duplication, restoration and transfer services for all formats of audio and video including now 'extinct' formats such as 2' Quad video.
3 Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats Provides the
Provides the convenience of quick look-up on CD-ROM, up-to-date information through links to the World Wide Web, as well as a printed book -- all in one package. Includes technical details on more than 100 file formats.
Oreilly File Graphics Web Formats Personal Microsoft Science Business Devices Programming Design System Administration Math Gt Question Well Nd Ereader
4 Texterity Versatile e-publishing
Versatile e-publishing services for all main formats.
Editions Mobile Apps Digital Media Gtxcel Content Responsive Rich Blog Advertising News Marketing Events Why Analytics
5 Covers various
Covers various interview formats and provides preparation tips.
Resume Company Interview Persistent Sharaf Letter Shabbir Everybody Prepare Confident Extra Preparation Interviewcom Cover Thorough Test Below Telephone
6 Image Recordings Offers high
Offers high definition CD formats.
Edge Classical Cutting Exciting Music Technology Image Recordings Performances Beethoven Ravelperformers String Quartet Bach
7 Blaze Ink Online publisher
Online publisher of poetry, short stories and other formats.
8 Flatboy Productions 3D Animated
3D Animated Backgrounds for Sale. HD, NTSC, PAL formats available.
9 Montesi, Andrew Provides voiceovers
Provides voiceovers from friendly to sexy to sinister. Available in all popular formats.
Voice Andrew Connecticut Talent Montesi Actor Male Request Ct Overs Commercials Quote Trailers Imaging Voiceovers
10 Conversion and
Conversion and duplication of videos in PAL and NTSC. Formats include VHS, CD-R, and DVD.
Tvs Volt Dvd Converters Players Appliances Free Region Video Blu Ray Voltage Combos Conversions World International Surge
11 Full Color
Full Color Printing of all digital file formats. Livingston, MT.
12 Conversion and
Conversion and duplication of videos in PAL and NTSC. Formats include VHS, CD-R, and DVD.
13 RB Photography Dublin based
Dublin based Wedding photographer, using traditional and digital formats.
Contact Studio Welcome Roslyn Send Copyright Links Rosphotography Z
14 FT Knowledge Financial courses
Financial courses in several formats, including online, instructor-led and blended learning.
15 Tac-Time Offers advanced
Offers advanced recording and mixing using several digital formats in Calgary, Canada.
16 RosettaBooks Classic book
Classic book titles available viewable in Microsoft Reader and Acrobat formats.
Now Buy Ebook Vonnegut Kurt Rosettabooks Habits Releases Covey Stephen Publisher Churchill Contact Thoughts Business
17 Sony Media Services Repair, recovery
Repair, recovery, copying, and conversion of most videotape formats.
18 Piper Publishing Publishes historical
Publishes historical academic collections in print and electronic formats.
19 digital giggle usa. digitizing
usa. digitizing service for personal or commercial formats. includes design samples.
Embroidery Designs Digitizing Digital Quality Giggle Prices Buy Embroiderers Stop Contact Portfolio Testimonials Commercial Here Wwwdigitalgigglecom Sale Custom Digitizer
20 Stuart Rowe Includes skills
Includes skills keyword list, portfolio, and resume in PDF and MS Word formats.
21 Books Unbound Publishing ebooks
Publishing ebooks in a wide range of formats. Royalties paid to authors.
22 EMG Studios DVD authoring
DVD authoring and video conversion, all formats supported. Production, project management and consulting.
23 Moore Associates GPS receiver
GPS receiver performance analysis software for most manufacturers receivers and data formats.
24 Mackie, Tom Landscape, travel
Landscape, travel, and architecture images from around the world taken in large, medium, and panoramic formats.
Photography Mackie Workshops Landscape Tom Photographic Prints Panoramic Fine News Stock Galleries Camera Photolive Art
25 Presidio Films Offers multimedia
Offers multimedia presentations for family history documentaries in digital formats.
26 Curd, Mike UK based
UK based freelance online and offline editor. CV available in HTML and MS Word formats.
Line Colourist Editor Documentaries Documentary Series Jonathan World Drama Curd British Mike Blakewayc Cbbc Trouble
27 New Leaf Provide outside
Provide outside broadcast HDTV package including high definition and widescreen formats.
Click Nlukcom Enter Herez
28 New Leaf (UK) Provide outside
Provide outside broadcast HDTV package including high definition and widescreen formats.
Nlukcom Click Goz Here
29 eporter provide products
provide products that hold multiple memory card formats at the same time that fit on a key chain.
Card Memory Case Cases Cards Sd Slot Reads Inc Digital Iporter Product Carries Xd Promote Sdxdmmcmsd Images
30 A Write Shop Editing, publishing
Editing, publishing, and marketing literary materials in traditional and ebook formats.
31 Vector Conversions, Inc. Manual and
Manual and automated processing of raster images to digital formats for use in AM/FM/GIS applications.
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32 Solna Web USA Offers a
Offers a broad line of single-width web presses-in both horizontal and vertical formats.
33 Tantor Media Offering a
Offering a wide range of unabridged audiobooks on mp3CD and CD audio formats.
Romance Tantor Audio Audiobooks Downloads New Books Fiction Bestsellers Fantasy Releases Coming Science Soon $ Literature Erotica York Western Childrens
34 Material Handling Network Features news
Features news, dealer and product search, and advertising rates and formats.
35 DownloadQuotes Free charts
Free charts, daily and historical quotes for more than 30 stock markets worldwide in various file formats.
36 digitizing shop india. digitizes
india. digitizes in all formats. customers can submit their own designs online and evaluate the company accordingly.
Digitizing Embroidery Tajima Compucon Digitising Wilcom Melco Digitizer Ethos Services Digitize Digitiser Digitizingshop Click Dst Y
37 Berry, Julie UK Voice
UK Voice artist with ISDN facilities. Credits and samples in Real Audio and mp3 formats.
Julie Voice Artist Berry Female Isdn Uk British Hobsons Channel Daily Sainsburys Based Mail Oasis Please
38 Salvo Press Publishes mysteries
Publishes mysteries, thrillers, and literary books in trade paper and audiobook formats.
39 allthingshidef provides information
provides information about high definition technology including hdtvs, blu-ray and hd dvd formats, hd radio, hi def broadcasts and gaming.
News Blu Ray Dvd Disc Digital Entertainment Sales Video High Media Def Review Magazine Contact Curse Joe
40 eBookTime Publishing Publisher of
Publisher of ebooks in most popular formats. Site offers an e-bookstore for sale of published e-books.
41 Sales Star: Monday Motivation Offers short
Offers short motivational material, updated each week, in HTML and PDF formats.
42 Career Profile Manager Creates resume
Creates resume formats viewable on the Internet and converted to ASCII for e-mailing to employers.
Resume Career Marketing Personal Manager Strengths Website Provide Recruiter Directory Profile Created Mailing Recruiters Mail Hunter Html
43 ScanSmart Specializes in
Specializes in conversions from CANOFILE, Docstar, microfilm, micro fiche, or paper to portable TIFF and PDF formats.
44 Microfacs Specializes in
Specializes in paper, microform and aperture card conversion to digital formats, plus micrographic equipment sales.
45 Street Gold Records Doo-wop, Christmas
Doo-wop, Christmas music, and classic rock CDs and tapes for kids and adults. Samples in MP3 and WAV formats.
46 Christian Dior Designer John
Designer John Gallianos collection offered for view in both image gallery and video formats.
47 eBookMall Publishing Center E-book publisher
E-book publisher for Microsoft Reader, Adobe PDF, Palm, and Instant eBook formats.
48 TimeLapse Digital Downloadable motion
Downloadable motion controlled and static time-lapse footage in NTSC, PAL and all frame formats.
Lapse Stock Photography Video Footage Custom Timelapse Systems Camera Shot Hdtv Videos Photographytime Discounts Browse Need
49 Christian Dior Designer John
Designer John Gallianos collection offered for view in both image gallery and video formats.
50 Seattle Video Crews NTSC, DVCAM
NTSC, DVCAM, PAL, NTS, and PAL BETACAM SP formats available. Includes staff biographies and contact information.
51 Createc Photograph and
Photograph and negative restoration and transfer service to digital formats including CD and video. Based in New York.
Mail Send Techsvc@createconlinecom Information Times En Scanning Webmaster Timesmso Bidi Family Font General Modified Questions Telephone
52 99 Productions Digital field
Digital field and post production facility. Includes demo reel in a variety of download formats.
53 Avery, Mark - Offers voiceover
Offers voiceover demos for commercial, trailer, promo, animation, and narration available in MP3 formats.
Uhearme Avery Mark Training Vo Voice Productions Demolition Month Demo Trainingdemolitionuhearme Demos Construction Contact Spot
54 Where dreams take flight and imagination soars Site offers
Site offers fiction in most genres available in eBook formats or traditional paperbacks.
55 Hunter, Mark - Voiceovers for
Voiceovers for commercials, narration and radio imaging. Demos available in WAV, MP3 and Real Audio formats.
56 Matthew, John Los Angeles-based
Los Angeles-based voice over artist provides downloadable demos in streaming audio and MP3 formats. Includes bio and resume.
Voiceover Talent Voice Matthew John Angeles Production Audio Los Casting Professional Demos Male Commercial Resources Diego
57 Vector Conversions, Inc. Manual and
Manual and automated processing of raster images to digital formats for use in AM/FM/GIS applications, located in Smyrna, Georgia.
58 New CADD Solutions Drafting services
Drafting services for Engineering & Architectural firms, inventors and homeowners. Convert drawings to other common formats.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Archiveorg Mail Guidelines Moviesfinance Trying Inc Machine
59 Easy Cut China. Features
China. Features 3-axis CNC routers for engraving, milling, drilling and cutting. Works with PCB, GBR, HPGL, NC, and DXF file formats.
60 Scott Campbell Photography Southern California
Southern California wedding and portrait photographer. Specializes in digital formats. Sample images.
Photography Portraits Gallery Palm Aerial Springs Photograph Architecture Fashion Commercial | Lifestyle Campbell Fine Desert Prints
61 3-D Machine, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in R and D or production runs of precision parts. Features 2, 3, and 4 axis work as well as manual machining. Most CAD formats are supported.
62 Cutting Archives Services include
Services include all forms of audio preservation, encoding to digital formats, consulting and free information.
63 Simon & Schuster, Inc. The publishing
The publishing operation of Viacom Inc. Fiction and nonfiction for consumers of all ages, across all printed and multi-media formats.
Simonsays Simon Schuster Hamptons Cahalan Susannah Amanda Author Zhena Privacy Policy Use Lindhoutmuzyka
64 Info Image, Inc. Outsource provider
Outsource provider for the production and management of business documents in both paper and electronic formats. South San Francisco.
65 Suncan Industries Sells static
Sells static cling and adhesive decals, large and small formats, four-color process. Canada.
66 High definition
High definition stock footage in 720p and 1080i formats. Royalty free with signed releases for all talent.
67 Advantage Resumes Writer offering
Writer offering resume writing and cover letter development in ASCII, scannable and electronic formats.
68 Simon & Schuster, Inc. The publishing
The publishing operation of Viacom Inc. Fiction and nonfiction for consumers of all ages, across all printed and multi-media formats.
Book Author New Simon Schuster Books Releases See History Bestsellers Free Tips Ebooks Fiction United Kent Exam Dalgliesh Fedarko Got
69 Gate Way Publishers Electronic publisher
Electronic publisher of science fiction, paranormal, metaphysical and UFO stories in Acrobat PDF and Palm e-book formats.
70 TrainingPro Provides continuing
Provides continuing education courses for mortgage brokers and loan officers. Offers online, classroom, and home study formats.
71 D & B Television and Video Productions Broadcast and
Broadcast and corporate production in PAL and NTSC formats. Includes services, prices, client list, and testimonials.
72 Mosaica Creates and
Creates and sells Roman Mosaic handcrafted from natural Tunisian Stone in tile, border, tableau and table formats.
Mosaic Natural Stone Roman Border Tile Decor Table Floor Tunisian Tiles Tableshandcrafted Tableaux
73 Saylor Publications Up-to-date building
Up-to-date building cost manuals for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional construction. Much of the information is available in both printed and CD-ROM formats.
74 Centergistic Solutions Offers software
Offers software designed to gather data from multiple sources and present this information in dynamic, functional formats.
75 Firm specializing
Firm specializing in documentaries and streaming videos for the web, describes its facilities, services, and awards it has won. Includes a list of clients and formats used.
76 Hagen, Don Washington, DC
Washington, DC based talent presents sample clips including 60 second montages of commercials, narration, and politicals in MP3, RealAudio formats.
Donnarrations Voiceovers Dchagen
77 Four Media Company Asia Database of
Database of Singapore voice over artists with Real Audio and mp3 formats. Demos and contact numbers for each artist.
78 Aptika Offers IDpack
Offers IDpack Plus to design and produce nametags, badges, labels and identification cards for all kinds of uses with more than 1000 label formats.
Card Id Aptika Printer Signature Supplies Photo Software Reader Pad Systems Policy Video Accessories Plastic Studio Items Shipping
79 BCA Software EZ-PnF Point and
Point and figure stock charting program. 1-5 box reversal, traditional, log, fixed box scaling. Reads most common data formats.
80 Scott Goodwin Photography A commercial
A commercial photographer with extensive portfolios of travel, food, fashion and sports in traditional and digital formats.
Goodwin Commercial Boston Scott Click Html Photographer Photographer This Email Map Blogger Pinterest Typepadnow
81 Four Palms, Inc. Royalty free
Royalty free stock footage available on various digital and analog formats. On-line search facility with still frames and browse movies.
82 Ilovemylife Productions Graphic designer
Graphic designer based in California presents her resume, list of corporate clients, and portfolio of work in different formats.
Portfolioscomgo Click Here Z
83 Insight Photography Spokane, WA
Spokane, WA area studio for weddings. Additional services offered in digital formats, oil portraits and photo restorations.
84 The Philip Lief Group, Inc. Multimedia content
Multimedia content developer, providing intellectual properties in a variety of print and electronic formats for our clients.
Lief Book Philip Group Books Solutions Custom Multimedia Producers Phillip Leif Print Product Content Publishing Leifgroup
85 Spot Factory Spots, commercials
Spots, commercials, production, voiceovers, promos, sweepers, IDs, and station imaging for radio and television stations of all formats. Mp3 or CD delivery.
Domain Mail Verwalten Hosting Domains Ssl Domainnamen Meine Business Server Website Zertifikate Office Tools Auktionen Klasse Wordpress Blog Object
86 Artemis Press Electronic publisher
Electronic publisher of feminist and lesbian fiction and nonfiction e-books in Acrobat PDF and Palm formats for the worldwide womens community.
87 great wall embroidery digitizing china. offering
china. offering 24 hour turnaround in most file formats. includes samples, faqs, and contact information.
88 Creative Data Site offers
Site offers conversion of technical publications, training materials and catalogs into various electronic formats, as well as multimedia and animation services.
Multimedia Training Cataloging Publishing Web Data Technical Marketing Creative Design Help Catalog Software Based Publications
89 Site offers
Site offers ebook formats providing affordable resources for personal growth, goal setting and life skills development.
90 Mediasuite, inc Produces multimedia
Produces multimedia projects for the business and television community including DVD authoring and audio CD mastering. Shoot and edit in both 4x3 and 16x9 formats.
Contact Portfolio Edit Shoot Production Mediaz Suite
91 Christian Dior Official site
Official site for the house. Designer John Gallianos collection offered for view in both image gallery and video formats.
92 Pacific Outsourcing Solutions Transcription services
Transcription services from a variety of recording formats for clients in the medical, legal, and research fields. Located in Australia.
Transcription Services Legal Contact Readmore Client Media Research Audio Medical Other Court Finance Login Typist Mikes Testimonials Mics Accessories
93 Video One Productions Production, editing
Production, editing, and duplication company that works in digital and analog formats for businesses and individuals. Includes services and contact information.
Chicago Video Production Company Graphics Services Videographer Events Promotional Manufacturing Training Videoprocom Motion Digital Contact Benefits
94 Provides horn
Provides horn sections, arrangements, saxophone, and flute solos over the web. Features full upload and download capabilities of audio files, in all professional formats.
Horn Sections Solos Studio Section Arrangements Prices Amazing City Soundtrack Players Flute Click Jingle Full Neumann Neworleans Think
95 Nadeau Productions Focus on
Focus on creative services, concept development, script writing and post production. Also deliver in streaming formats for the web. Based in San Francisco.
96 Realty Institute Training for
Training for real estate agents, appraisers, and mortgage brokers in classroom, online, and CD formats. School located in Flushing, New York.
Hosting Domain Solutions Web Network Marketing Names Services Registration Website Businessesnetsol Place |
97 Musica Technica Using Finale
Using Finale software. Types of services, rates and charges, samples and fees, file formats, and printing. Located in New York City.
Remixer Write Y
98 VerbatimIT Offers tele-dictation
Offers tele-dictation, and cassette and digital transcription services, accepts a wide variety of audio formats. Located in the United States.
99 Flying Fingers Transcripts Offers primarily
Offers primarily transcription services from a variety of audio formats, specializes in entertainment recordings. Located in the United States.
100 adam & eve india. provides
india. provides embroidery design digitizing service, exports files in dst, cnd, and emb formats. includes a sample gallery, faqs, and accepts online payments.
101 Partysphere Events, Inc. Manages large
Manages large and small formats for business or private events.
Request Errory
102 Lobo and Associates Film production
Film production company producing film and video in all formats.
Lobofilmscomclick Go Here Z
103 Virtualbookworm Electronic Publishing Publishes books
Publishes books in both print and electronic formats.
104 RGC Video Copy, conversion
Copy, conversion and editing of video in Beta, VHS-C, HI-8, VHS, S-VHS or Quicktime formats.
105 DPS Video Offers video
Offers video and audio duplication services in a variety of formats.
106 Joseline Data Services Enters any
Enters any type of data into organized formats.
107 Cool Publications Offers a
Offers a range of fiction, non-fiction and novellas in PDF and CD formats.
108 World Directory of Chemical Manufacturers Offers a
Offers a directory of producers and their chemicals, in book and CD-ROM formats.
109 atomic digitizing offers design
offers design digitizing and editing services, exports in dst, dsb, exp, cnd, emb, pes, jef, sew, art, and shv file formats.
110 Aero Industries Makes custom
Makes custom and private label display hardware. Provides a display of available formats.
Fabrication Industries Aero Aluminum Custom Markdale Shop Canada Programming Registered Haasdrilling Machine High
111 Nicks Video Trade A website
A website devoted to trading video recordings of all sorts, on VHS and Beta formats.
112 Audio MP3 Converter Convert audio
Convert audio formats MP3, WAV, WMA, VQF, and OGG Vorbis from one to another. It also supports ID3V1/ID3V2 tag editing and WAV normalizing.
Converter Audio Mp Wav Wma Mac Free Ogg Trial Learn Now Ma Whats Buy Moregtgt
113 renaissance punching usa. digitizing
usa. digitizing services for the embroidery industry, including melco cnd, melco ofm, and tajima formats.
Fitness Health Digitize Leading Digitizethatcom Safety Nutrition Walking Products Join Healthandwellness Net Z
114 W-M Sales Recording Supplies Maxell, BASF
Maxell, BASF, Sony, Quantegy, TDK, all recordable media formats and supplies.
115 A Transcription 2000 Offers transcription
Offers transcription services from digital, wav, and tape formats. Located in the United States.
Transcription Services Audio Quick Meetings Conference Angeles Contact Quote York Los Calls New Design Request
116 Duplicate This Optical media
Optical media duplication. Provides all formats of CD replication or CD-R duplication, high volume requirements are a speciality.
117 Duplicate This Optical media
Optical media duplication. Provides all formats of CD replication or CD-R duplication, high volume requirements are a speciality.
Cd Packaging Dvd Replication Green Duplication Usb Printing Creative Blu Ray Card Disc Business Print
118 Duplicate This Optical media
Optical media duplication. Provides all formats of CD replication or CD-R duplication, high volume requirements are a speciality.
119 Duplicate This Optical media
Optical media duplication. Provides all formats of CD replication or CD-R duplication, high volume requirements are a speciality.
120 Spectext Master Guide Specifications System for
System for preparing clear, concise specifications that conform to CSI formats.
121 End of Day Data Market data
Market data in ASCII and MetaStock Native formats with technical analysis software for customer.
122 Studio Spark Silver Spring
Silver Spring firm offers marketing and design for website, publication and multimedia formats. Includes staff biographies and company news.
123 Armstrong Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of commercial and residential water pumps with facilities in Canada, US and UK. Includes video presentations, pdf brochures. CAD library supports all major file formats.
124 prestige electronics corporation manufacturer of
manufacturer of plastic film capacitors in radial and axial formats. applications include computer monitors, telephones and electronic ballasts.
Capacitors Film Plastic Snubber Metallized Capacitor Corporation Prestige X¦w³w¹q®e¾¹ Electronics Csa Enec Ul Lead Taiwan ª÷Äݤƶ콦Á¡½¤¹q®e¾¹
125 The Big Print Large format
Large format digital printing bureau, specializing in high resolution graphics, lamination, and mounting. Company background, formats and capabilities, articles and FAQ.
126 Daley, Moneen Wide variety
Wide variety of demos for many VO applications and over 15 years of voice work in the Boston area. On/off site recording, multiple formats and non-union rates.
Voice Talent Daley Movibe Voiceover Harte Coach Movibecom Moneen Producer Female Professional Demos Audio Experience Line Innovativewebpages Website
127 Armstrong Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of commercial and residential water pumps with facilities in Canada, US and UK. Includes video presentations, pdf brochures. CAD library supports all major file formats.
128 Sign Art Etc Creator of
Creator of signage in multiple media formats, including indoor, outdoor, trade show, and large format printing. Contact location is Lafayette, IN. USA.
129 Maximum Success, Inc. Offers salesmen
Offers salesmen and broker training in online and classroom formats. Features information on courses, exam review, and workshops. Based in Jacksonville.
130 Internet Audio Services Music, drum
Music, drum loops, voice over, SFX. All formats: AIFF, WAV, sound designer, peak, Pro-Tools, digital performer for all types of media.
Audio Internet Services Internetaudio Web Free Hosting Contact Thanks Samples *** Guestbook Formats Digital Close
131 Dennis Prager Radio Show Conservative commentator
Conservative commentator on topics ranging from personal and social issues, to morality and religion. The lectures are available in audio and video formats.
Townhall Conservative News Radio Cartoons Talk Magazine Election Finance Politics Issues Opinion Columnists Tipsheet Jobs Cancel Fred
132 HomeServices of the Carolinas Continuing education
Continuing education and pre-licensing courses in instructor-led and online formats. Features course descriptions, schedule, and enrollment. Offered in multiple cities across the Piedmont.
133 Summit Training Source, Inc. Environmental, health
Environmental, health and safety training programs in video, cd-rom, online and print formats.
Summit Training Learning Source First Aid Medic Ems Easy Emp Canada Fire Blog Loop Manager Hazwoper System Streaming
134 Multipresentations Film and
Film and video encoding to DVD-R, SVCD, VCD, MPEG and streaming web formats. Powerpoint presentations can be converted to video.
Providerfor Pagecontactcannot Displayed Please Error
135 Access Systems International, Inc. Raster-to-vector conversion
Raster-to-vector conversion services in 2D and 3D formats. Complete CAD conversion and archiving solutions.
136 Albert Photography Working in
Working in all formats, as well as digital. Product, industrial, architectural, and scenic photography. Based in Houston.
137 Red Bull Events Portal Provides news
Provides news, event information, and dates. Also provides links to local information and language formats.
138 QAQC Engineering Solutions Source of
Source of construction procedures, ITPs and inspection report formats for all disciplines in Construction.
139 Sound Fixer Transfer LPs
Transfer LPs, cassettes and reels to CD. Transfer video to DVD or web formats. Personalized service, based in San Francisco, California.
140 MTI Multiplexer Technology Inc. Digital video
Digital video multiplexers in simplex, duplex, triplex and double duplex either in B/W or Color with NTSC and PAL formats.
141 Albert Photography Provides industrial
Provides industrial, architectural, and scenic photography services in all formats including digital. Offers an image gallery.
142 Openworld Data Provides keyboard
Provides keyboard entry, data capture and document scanning. Background to services, company,and supported formats.
143 In Your Face Productions Company based
Company based in Australia, and offering global services, lists the formats it uses, range of services, and demos.
Video Productions Services Face Editing Facilities Dvd Offline Dubbing Filming Camera Documentaries Rates Shop Australia
144 Sensory Publishing, Inc. Offering Fiction
Offering Fiction, non-Fiction and Technical books in Print, PDF, and Microsoft Reader formats. PDA format will be offered soon.
Data Redirect Corporation Click Ip Corporations Herepage Z
145 Duncan Direct Associates Copy, consulting
Copy, consulting, and creative support for direct mail marketing and response advertising in all formats.
146 Real Normal Productions Full-service production
Full-service production company located in Austin, TX. Commercials, music videos, and corporate video. Works in HD, digital, and film formats.
Austin Video Production Tx Editing Graphics Post Videos Web Crew Texas Design Motion Animation Dallas
147 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Global publisher
Global publisher of medical, nursing and allied health information resources in book, journal, newsletter, looseleaf, and electronic media formats.
148 prismtech vendor-neutral application
vendor-neutral application platform allows exploration and production companies to integrate software using most of the popular data management solutions. includes geoquest and landmark formats.
149 Trans-Radio Slide Imaging National service
National service bureau for Powerpoint and other popular file formats. Features competitive prices, double images and overnight delivery.
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150 fast embroidery tapes offers online
offers online digitizing and graphic arts assistance. includes pricing, formats, and services information, faqs, and an account request form.
151 HomeServices of the Carolinas Continuing education
Continuing education and pre-licensing courses in instructor-led and online formats. Features course descriptions, schedule, and enrollment. Offered in multiple cities across North Carolina.
152 united embroidery usa. provides
usa. provides digitizing services, supports a variety of file formats, and designs are tested before release. includes prices and a contact form, accepts online payments.
153 Openworld Data Provides keyboard
Provides keyboard entry, data capture and document scanning. Background to services, company, supported formats and 24-7 operation.
154 Crye-Leike Auctions Services offered
Services offered in Tennessee and Mississippi. Search for an auction or auctioneer. Explanations of the auction process and formats.
Estate Real Auctions Leike Crye Services Property Mississippi Sale Tennessee Homes Arkansas Georgia Auction Kentucky
155 synthetic turf international, llc sti makes
sti makes, distributes and installs five types of synthetic putting surfaces. describes various formats and provides distributorship information.
156 JustData Information Services Free stock
Free stock market information compatible with a variety of technical analysis formats, including MetaStock.
157 Bryan, Dan Voice talent
Voice talent in Palm Beach, Florida, experienced in voice-over for a variety of multimedia formats. RealAudio clips online.
158 Schatz Photography Wedding and
Wedding and other event photography, portraits and headshots available in the New York City area and Nantucket. Digital or film in 35mm and 4x5 formats.
159 Parrotta Studio Professional video
Professional video production services, featuring BetaSP and DVCAM formats, also still photography services. East Rochester, New York.
160 Aster Graphic Systems AGS offers
AGS offers a range of safety signs as per ISO/CE/ANSI formats. These durable Safety Decals are available in various sizes for different industrial applications.
Safety Sign Warning Hazard Decals Danger Signs Label Electrical Caution Drive Cutter Fire Custom Ags
161 Angle Park, Inc. Chicago based
Chicago based producers of video and interactive exhibit elements for museums. Contains video samples in QuickTime, Real, and WMP formats.
162 Thank You Very Much, Inc. Offers customer
Offers customer service training that focuses on the experience of the front line service provider. Delivered in live as well as multi-media formats.
Customer Holly Business Concierge Thank Philosophy Expert Reasons Much Hire Train Guide Coaching Workshops Signs Employee
163 The EditWorks Offers do-it-yourself
Offers do-it-yourself linear and non-linear edit suites, duplications and film to tape transfers, specializes in multiple home video formats.
164 Speak Out Offers individual
Offers individual sessions, group workshops, and a variety of formats for conferences and breakout sessions on the topics of public speaking and presentation.
165 kent displays inc. manufactures liquid
manufactures liquid crystal reflective displays in a variety of color combinations and formats and used as both complete signs and oem display modules.
Displays Kent Lcds Power Small News Applications Events Mini Liquid Support High Contrast Technology Low See Thin Engineering Tokyo
166 New Mexico Golf TV Specializing in
Specializing in travelogues, tourism programming, corporate marketing, training videos, infomercials and documentaries. Formats include Sony DVCAM digital photography, Beta SP and SX.
167 Avery-Hess Academy of Real Estate Provides pre
Provides pre and post-license courses. Includes classroom and correspondence formats, class schedule, school policies and locations. Headquarters in Ashburn, VA.
168 Golden Icon Corporate and
Corporate and industrial presentations, TV commercials and programs. Sony Beta SP camera and editing equipment assure tape, DVD or CD formats high quality. Based in Wisconsin.
169 Raintree Publishes cross-curricular
Publishes cross-curricular nonfiction learning aids for PreK-8 in electronic and print formats. Includes titles for Accelerated Reader and Scholastic Reading Counts programs.
170 Kleijn, Kommer Europe based
Europe based VFX cinematographer and stereographer. Director of photography specialized in visual effects cinematography, motion control, 3D stereography, special formats and large format.
News Conference Media Dance Animoko Kommer Stereo Expo Kleijn Film Michael Ibc Paris Belgium Flatley Stereographe Electronic
171 Sayer, Phil Broadcaster and
Broadcaster and voiceover artist with 20 years experience - narration, commercials, corporate. ISDN link, and in-house production capability in all formats. Includes client list.
Voice Overs Voiceover | Hear Kit Sayerhamilton See Clients Uk Services Blog Contact Leading Voiceovers Company
172 Video and
Video and film team for broadcast and corporate work in NTSC or PAL formats, based in London and working throughout Europe. Includes show reel, news, and staff profiles.
173 Exesios Offers advertising
Offers advertising and in-house design and production services for print and multimedia formats. Includes portfolio, and contact information. Stoke-on-Trent, England. [Requires Flash]
174 Tongli International Providing translation
Providing translation, graphic design, desktop publishing, web page design and software localisation in over 60 languages. Specialised in EPS and PDF file formats.
Translation Chinese Tongliusacom Design Graphic Oregon Asian Copywriting Languages Tibetan Hmong Mongolian Cambodian Japanese Korean Operating Laotian
175 IQ Imaging 35mm slides
35mm slides from PowerPoint, and other formats. Providing computer slide imaging for research professionals in science and medicine, nationally and internationally. University POs welcome.
176 BAA Aviation Photo Library Specializing in
Specializing in UK aviation, airports and London landmarks. Includes galleries, image search, FAQs and information about licences and available formats.
177 enerfax daily free circulation
free circulation of natural gas and electricity power prices, articles and information. free distribution via email in text or html formats.
Domain Enerfaxenergycom Parking Programm Beacons Informationen Thema Enerfaxenergy Here Erwerben Sie Finden Sedo Listings Verkauf Informationsquelle Beimarkenrechtlichen
178 Mizera Digital Video Produces wedding
Produces wedding and special event videos, including photo montages and video family alblums, on DVD or in multimedia formats.
Video Services Wedding Production Music Documentary Green Photo Screen Montage Editing Performance Gallery Corporate Contact
179 embsmith llc usa. provides
usa. provides design digitizing service, supports a wide variety of import and export file formats. includes faqs and a download center, registration required. links to related resources.
180 Heidrich, Hans-J Over 35
Over 35 years of experience in both Australia and Germany, as well as working in many international countries filming documentaries, news, current affairs, IMAX, time-lapse, in both video and film formats.
181 StanCon Video, DVD and the Captioning Company High quality
High quality conversions in many formats, specializing in DVD authoring, closed captioning and subtitling editing. We are located in Toronto, Canada.
182 a-one digitizing china. offers
china. offers professional in-house digitizing and machine embroidery services. includes an office tour, a gallery of samples, price information and available formats.
Digitizing Embroidery Wwwa Digitizing_ Oneembcom Onegroupnet Sample Free Ticket Pes Tif Nathan Price Unit Acrobat States Stitches
183 Solectek Corporation Manufacture wireless
Manufacture wireless bridges and routers, and variable gain and high gain directional antennas. Product literature and specifications available in both html and pdf formats .
Wireless Broadband Solectek Router Inc Wlan Skyway Products Bridge Km Careers District Eastern County Parke Miles Internet
184 Buz Heuchan Aerial Photos, Inc. Offers custom
Offers custom aerial photography throughout Central Florida in digital, medium format and 35mm formats. Based at Clearwater Airpark.
185 Ebb n Flo Media Graphics Provides design
Provides design formats such as logos, page layout, business cards and website design. Includes portfolio. Burlington, Ontario. [Requires Flash]
[ ] Ebb+flo Extras Interiors Cargo {running } Identity
186 Mortgage Training Corporation of America Offers instruction
Offers instruction for the mortgage industry in online and classroom formats. Includes school overview and available courses. Located in Scottsdale, AZ.
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187 Crossfire Photography Photographer Andrew
Photographer Andrew Richardson provides editorial, marine, commercial, annual report, and advertising photography. In studio, or on location, all formats, and digital. Sydney.
188 Infomatics modeling
Infomatics modeling and animation services, including photo-realistic animations, 3D data translation and working with motion capture data, in most standard formats.
189 August House Picture books
Picture books, folktale anthologies, educational material about storytelling, and stories for classroom use. Specializes in publishing in a wide variety of formats: hardcover, paperback, cassette, and compact disc.
Child Storytelling Folklore Authors Book Artists Childrens Storytellers Story Books Character Reviews Storyteller Folktales Store
190 Academy for Real Estate Professionals Provider of
Provider of Nevada pre-licensing and continuing education courses in online and classroom formats. Includes course catalog, refund policy, exam information. Based in Las Vegas.
191 Film to DVD Transfers Film Transfer
Film Transfer Service based in Santa Barbara, California. Film digitization to DVD. Also from video tape formats.
Transfer Super Dvd Mm Film Slide Hard Continue Drive Tape Transfers Minidv Filmfix Pal Testimonials Blu Ray Ntsc Dvc
192 Certified Inspection Training, Inc. Home inspector
Home inspector courses offered in classroom and home study formats. Includes class calendar, instructor profiles, and student testimonials.
193 acme-arts embroidery digitizing co., ltd. china. offers
china. offers digitizing services, exports in most file formats. includes company profile, faqs, samples, rates, and contacts.
194 Akron Gasket and Packing Enterprises Manufactures and
Manufactures and distributes rubber products, in a range of formats (die cut, lathe cut, extruded, molded rubber elastomers, gaskets resistant to various chemicals).
195 Florida Document Signers Professional mobile
Professional mobile closing service. Features coverage area, electronic document formats supported, office locations, client testimonials.
196 Stitchcnv Software Software development
Software development company, offering a library of software formats for the conversion of embroidery designs. Downloadable demo on ZIP file.
Request Nginxz
197 DLSIJ Press Offers fiction
Offers fiction and non-fiction from women authors, downloadable in a variety of formats. Genres include romance, suspense, G/L/B, and science fiction.
198 Kohler, Gary Talent with
Talent with over 30 years experience, USA, no accent, unless you want one. Digital studio is ISDN equipped, and supports all codecs. Includes secure 'Client download area,' and demos. All audio file formats supported.
Voice Isdn Radio Narrations Commercials Talent Media Interactive Cd Imagingrom Station Studio Garykohlercom
199 Michael Kotlen Productions Corporate and
Corporate and industrial video services in Houston, Texas. Local and international capability, most formats, scriptwriting, location shooting, non-linear editing, training, safety, documentation, marketing.
200 Tusor, Edie - ET Voiceworks International voice
International voice talent experienced in commercials, corporate narration, web audio, IVR/On-hold, multimedia and CBT. Specializing in hard-to-read technical scripts. ISDN equipped - delivery in all formats.

2. Shopping and Formats Trade

1 Video Standard Conversion Converts video
Converts video tapes formats from around the world to DVD, VCD and SCVD. PAL and NTSC formats supported.
2 Keepsake Video Videotape duplication
Videotape duplication, repair of damaged 8mm and VHS video cassettes, conversion of foreign video formats to and from PAL, SECAM and NTSC. Transfer of video from or to VHS, super VHS, 8mm, hi-8mm, miniDV, DVCAM and Beta SP formats. Also, wedding and event videography.
Video Keepsake Professional Houston Page Friendswood Pal Lake Vhs Clear Through Chamber Slides Videocom
3 Tuneshifter Offers CD
Offers CD conversion to MP3 and other digital formats.
4 RipNation Provides services
Provides services to convert CDs into MP3 and other digital formats.
5 Downloadable lessons
Downloadable lessons in MP3, PDF, HTML and RealAudio formats.
Browse Student Join Free Testimonials Tweet Lessons Policy Contact Teach Workshops Affiliates Ios Privacy Y
6 eBay Music Buy and
Buy and sell cassettes, records, CDs, and other formats.
Navigationshilfe Ty
7 Tantor Media Unabridged audiobooks
Unabridged audiobooks on MP3-CD and CD audio formats.
Tantor Audio Audiobooksy
8 Cassettes2CDs Conversion of
Conversion of audio cassette tapes to CD and MP3 formats.
Account Suspendedy
9 Xlibris A wide
A wide variety of titles in traditional and electronic formats.
10 SwiftDVD Conversion of
Conversion of major videotape formats of home movies to DVD.
Cd Customcd Custom Duplication Swiftcd Services Customer Dynamic Inventory Pictures Costs Robust Cddvd Hassle Shipped Trust
11 eBookExpress Retailer of
Retailer of ebooks in Microsoft, Adobe and Palm formats.
Sorry Closedy
12 Bunycup Embroidery Available in
Available in several formats, alphabets and designs in singles or sets.
Designs Embroidery Bunnycup Applique Free Club Christmas Machine Sign Join Sets Cart Snowbusiness Bundles Page
13 Audio Lunchbox Specializes in
Specializes in independent artists. Files available in OGG and MP3 formats.
Andrew Reviews Music Rivkins Rivkin Pop Hop Hip Rock Media Social Justin Biebers Audio Bieber
14 RSVP Press Offering a
Offering a wide selection of titles and formats.
Create Tripod Signup Login Tripodcom Couldnt Please Requested Hosting Website Lycospage Shopping Check
15 Future Heirlooms Patterns for
Patterns for sale with instructions and easy downloading formats.
Future Heirloomscomy
16 Reel Dupes, Inc. Duplication and
Duplication and transfer of video between different recording media and formats.
Video Transfer Florida Movie Dvd Duplication Copies Vhs Cd Beach | Transfers Digital Conversion Mm Mini Dv Westchesterbrookyn Inch
17 Surplus Records Catalog of
Catalog of overruns, cutouts, and out of print titles of all formats.
18 Converts CD
Converts CD collections to digital music files in a variety of formats.
Pacificripcom Herego Click Z
19 Colormailer Tirages numériques
Tirages numériques sur papier argentique en petits et grands formats.
Fotogeschenke Fotos Fotoservice Colormailer Bestellen Fotobücher Grußkarten Deutschland Schweiz Pixum Kingdom Legal United France Cesk Pixumpt Sverige
20 Embroidery Accents of Arizona Offers designs
Offers designs in hus, dst, and pes formats. Also custom digitizing and freebies.
Temporarily Disabledy
21 Fair Play Games Featuring the
Featuring the sale of family, educational and strategy formats.
Expansion Wings Glory Games Wars Star Wwi Game Sleeves Pack Card Rings Lord Board Siemens Schuckert Party Lady Quarriors
22 Hot Pepper Software, Inc. Produce a
Produce a graphical output in several formats, including JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and PNG.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Incarchiveorg News Sorry Archives Guidelines Maps Internet
23 Offers Sony
Offers Sony digital camcorders in all formats: miniDV, digital8, microMV and DVD.
Photonet Name_ Prices Best Sony Story Camcorders Actual Sellers Unethical True_ Customer Dishonest Generally Tobe Merchandise_ Illegal
24 Moments On Memory Offering scanning
Offering scanning services for multiple film formats saved on CD or DVD.
25 PES Design Oriental designs
Oriental designs including calligraphy, animals, floral and holiday in several formats.
Digitizing Embroidery Design Sample Email Contact Custom Price Flat $ Pes Industry Jef Turnaround Sample_
26 Chipmunka Publishing Publishers of
Publishers of mental health books in paperback and digital formats.
Chipmunka Faqs Shop Testimonials Published Publishing Guidelines Contact Chipmunkapublishing Pegler Area Schedule Author Specials Donations Trackebooks
27 Image digitizing
Image digitizing for machine embroidery. Offers multiple disk formats.
Embroidery Digitizing Design Price Custom Punching Fast Gallery Contact Downloads Order $ Testimonials Quote Logo Numerici
28 Clove Records Repair service
Repair service for all 5 inch digital laser disc formats.
29 Dick Summer Audio books
Audio books, focusing on relaxation, motivation, and relationships, in tape and CD formats.
Summer Dick Books Radio Audio Personal Stories Bedtime Advertising Relaxation Relationships Boston Happy David Branding Healthy Love Alone
30 Galaxy Marketing Offers DSS
Offers DSS receivers and equipment, as well as C-band products, in a variety of formats and types.
Free Lnbf Satellite Band Border Color Motorized Systems International Diseqc Dish Marketingcom Equipment Esx Right Click
31 World Video Conversions Converts tape
Converts tape formats from and to VHS, C-VHS, SVHS, Beta, 8mm, Hi8 and Digital 8, as well as to DVD, VCD and SVCD.
Navigationshilfe Ty
32 Artemis Press Electronic publisher
Electronic publisher of lesbian interest fiction, nonfiction and drama, PDF and Palm formats.
33 Roberts Hard to Find Videos Wide variety
Wide variety of special interest categories and video formats.
Animation Film Videos Roberts Hard Sports Computer Sci Fi Letterboxed Golf Children Classic Nature Family Western Mode Shakespeare English Arts Christmas
34 Turning Pro Explains how
Explains how to install a lawn sprinkler system. Series was developed by landscape professionals. Available in VHS or DVD formats.
Sprinkler Irrigation Landscape Drip Products Lawn Video Watering System Installation Turning Manual Productions Design Services Useour Knowledge Bubbler
35 Tape Super Store Offers video
Offers video tapes online in all formats and lengths for professionals and consumers.
Click Tapesuperstorecom Datenschutzrichtlinien Herez
36 a4audio Audiophile recordings
Audiophile recordings on formats including DVD-A, gold CD, SACD, XRCD, XRCD2 and vinyl, and accessories.
37 Bags Unlimited Collection protection:
Collection protection: storage, display, cleaning, and shipping products for all recording formats.
Supplies Bags Shipping Comic Unlimited Dvd Policy Sleeves Gift Case Mylar Display Archival Collection Cd Wishlist Storage Vpi Categories Displays
38 Angelic Stitches Offers a
Offers a selection of design sets in several formats, featuring children and angels. Also a few free designs.
Designs Logo Angelic Leading Stitch Net Embroidery Join Business Corporatecustomembroidery Company Clothing Custom
39 Moonlights Design Shoppe Machine embroidery
Machine embroidery designs in home and industry formats with free sample downloads.
40 Street Gold Records Doo-wop, Christmas
Doo-wop, Christmas music, and classic rock CDs and tapes for kids and adults. Samples in MP3 and WAV formats.
Christmas Records Street Cds Gold Videos Music Doo Wop Classic Rock Station Listening Stuff Gary Check Carols Henry
41 Pedigrees2000 Features include
Features include printed pedigrees with photographs, and the ability to exchange data between different file formats. Windows.
Pedigrees Pedigree Software Breeder Listings Sample Features Demo Easypedigreedb Order Maria Displays Place Professional Kennel Dogs Parisi Layouts
42 Terradon Unlimited Offers a
Offers a wide assortment of original designs in most formats. Custom digitizing, stabilizers, and prewound bobbins available.
43 DA Information Services Academic, professional
Academic, professional, technical ebooks covering all sciences and humanities, in Mobipocket, Microsoft, Acrobat formats.
Coinfo New Reference Title Works Major Alert Register Contact Collection Sign Libraries Orders Australiana Careers Resources
44 Books in Motion Formats offered
Formats offered include cassette, cd and mp3. Includes links to author sites as well as tips for first time users.
Audiobooks Series Books Download Motion Fiction Audio Checkout Cart Book Downloads Shopping Account Valley Romance Help Wheres Maynard
45 Ebookslib Livres électroniques
Livres électroniques dauteurs anciens ou récents disponibles sous divers formats. Catalogue et des extraits.
Ebookslib Authors Self French Love Ebook Browse Ebooks Geb Christian Software Thirty Nine German Hiebook Siege Guide Spanishswedish Print Whats Eight
46 Wicked Stitch of the East Digitizing service
Digitizing service and designs for the embroidery industry. Includes commercial formats, corporate logos, and fashion.
47 KennyKreations Downloadable designs
Downloadable designs include antique rose quilt blocks, continuous borders, block-of the month, floral and holiday, in several formats.
Designs Hoop Linen Blocks Quilt Roses Rose Tutorials Table Single Multi Candlewicking Rangoli Piece Projects
48 Rare and
Rare and unique recordings of popular bands and artists, in such formats as CD, CD-ROM, video CD, and VHS. Titles imported from England, Germany, Japan, France, and Russia.
Live Cd Mode Depeche Dvd Set Digipack Edition Sound Remixes Music Mccartney Hits Mini Lp Machine Universe Sistersthe Jazz
49 The Singers Workshop International karaoke
International karaoke software. Cassettes, audio CDs, CD graphics and original music. All styles and formats in English, French, Spanish, and Italian.
Karaoke Tapes Cds Music Returns Singers Order Deals Cd+graphics Sale Boyle Susan Design Accompaniment Shipping Monday Worldwide Webstreet Product Mechanical
50 DZigns Etc Offers a
Offers a wide selection of designs in a variety of formats. Free designs available.
Navigationshilfe Ty
51 Karaoke Warehouse Karaoke players
Karaoke players in CDG, Video CD and DVD formats, accessories, disks, tapes.
Karaoke Add Wishlist Cart Featured Music Players Software Vocopro Custom Microphones Card Wireless Star Speakers
52 eBooks at Digitally produced
Digitally produced publications, eBooks, available for purchase and download. [Many formats]
| Prospertogethercom“blueprint”friendly Newbie Ready Pdf Page
53 Roots Music Buys and
Buys and sells reggae music on all formats. Order by email.
54 Karaoke Now! Equipment for
Equipment for all experience levels and needs as well as karaoke discs in a variety of formats.
Players Karaoke Microphones Mixers Speakers Information Accessories Music Now Amps Shop Disc Wired Portable Packages Multi Format Policies Cases
55 Karaoke Warehouse Seller of
Seller of karaoke players in CDG, video CD and DVD formats, accessories, disks, and tapes.
Karaoke Star Country Value Songs Hits Pack Disc Song Mp+g Custom Ask Warehouse Format Laptop Multi
56 W-M Sales Recording Supplies Maxell, BASF
Maxell, BASF, Sony, Quantegy, TDK, all recordable media formats and supplies.
Sales Wmy
57 Video Doc Productions Transfer of
Transfer of video and audio recordings into other formats.
Providerfor Displayederrorpage Cannot Contact Please
58 Execubook Business book
Business book summaries in e-book and audio formats.
Z Execubook Y
59 handegolf Golf software
Golf software for the Palm OS that allows tournament participants to track scores and stats for numerous game formats and view a real-time leaderboard while playing.
Golf Handegolf Tournament Leaderboard Palm Scoring Tour Software Real Brochure Phone Account Download Scorecard Os
60 A Vinyl Revival Features almost
Features almost all genres and formats of original recordings. Other offerings include paper goods, LP mailer boxes, and incredibly strange cover art gallery.
Vinyl Records Music Record Rock Rarities Items Radio Blues Quot Polka Easy Used Picture Toll Latinsalsaafro Cuban Order Electronic London
61 Tall Tales Audio Childrens bedtime
Childrens bedtime stories, adventures and fairy tales audiobooks. Available in downloadable mp3 and CD formats.
62 The Marilyn Brush Wide range
Wide range of boar bristle and boar/nylon brushes in round and paddle formats.
Brush Marilyn Contact News Fans Store Promos Marilyn® Welcome Vegas Cosmoprof North Faq Checkout Terms Login Brushis Reserved
63 CyberRead Offers reading
Offers reading of 1000s of eBooks in various formats for PDA, Palm, and Pocket PC. [PDA, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Reader]
Author Health Playstation Dubia Credit Clean Conclusion Organic Business Network They Nuvoryn Software Check Roaches Proxies Gardening Electronics Where Regency Words Sometimes
64 Digital Transfer Systems Offers transfers
Offers transfers to DVD from formats including 8mm, 16mm, VHS, MiniDV, and Beta SP. Custom DVD authoring available for all transfers.
Sign Log Google Services Policy Terms Privacy Amazon App Port Apache Permanently The Up Password Y
65 Kentwood Beveled Glass Mirrors Fine mirrors
Fine mirrors with frames of brass, metal or wood in a variety of finishes and formats.
Framed Beveled Mirrors Rectangle Mirror Mirror $ Solid Wood Lacquered Kentwood Oval View Chromo” Frameless Golden
66 Simon Says E-Bookstore Simon and
Simon and Schusters digital book store, general interest publishing in electronic and multimedia formats.
File Server Removed Namechanged Error Directory Resource Been Unavailable Might Temporarilyz Foundthe Looking
67 3 Bells Embroidery Offers a
Offers a variety of original custom designs in many formats. Categories include holidays, angels, snowmen, country, teddies, gardens, roosters, and birds.
Designs Embroidery Bells Click Discounts Copyright Original Plus Yahoo Machines Here Oregon Email Cancer
68 The HMO Breakdown Guide to
Guide to fighting for fairness in healthcare decisions. Formats: MS Word, Word Perfect, Plain Text. Payments: CyberCash.
Consumer Handbook Healthcare Care Protection Insurance Health Term Hmo Long Tweet Ethics Illness Coverage Fraud Help Click
69 Spectrum Digital Imaging Canadian provider
Canadian provider of digital topographic maps in .png and geotiff formats for use with OziExplorer GPS mapping software and other GPS and AVL systems.
Idas Oziexplorer Icom Ozitracker Fully Dpmr Development Maps Dealers Contact Enhanced Software Digital Ozifleet Trim Products Rottenpumpkin Shop
70 Velocepress Sells out-of-print
Sells out-of-print automotive books, repair manuals and original works in electronic download and print-on-demand formats.
Manuals Velocepress Books Clymer Ferrari More] Auto Click European Here Book Floyd Contact Etceterini Titles Antonio
71 Frog Hollow Press Focusing primarily
Focusing primarily on chapbooks, broadsheets and other small book formats in letterpress, hand-set and hand-sewn editions.
Isbn Poetry Press Edition Price Shane Hollow Johnstone Frog Pure Neilson Critique Acorn Literary Canadian Non Existent Self Portrait Sanger Ross Helwig Jennifer Editions
72 Western Media Offers video
Offers video, data storage, and disc blank media including Mini DV, DVCAM, DVPRO, Betacam, and many other formats.
Dosarrest Security Internet Restricted Ddosprotection Client Host Pleaseprotection Z
73 Aero Surveys of Georgia, Inc. Publishes maps
Publishes maps for metropolitan areas surrounding Atlanta, Georgia, in book, wall, zip code, and digital formats.
Atlanta Map Inch Georgia Aero Maps Wall Code Book Custom Metro Zip Atlas Surveys Regional
74 VamDam, Inc. Publishes maps
Publishes maps and atlases to over 80 cities worldwide, plus offers custom design services. Specializes in formats for unique folding. Brands include UNFOLDS, Streetsmart, and @tlas.
Maps Map City Vandam Streetsmart Custom Store Street Pop Unfolds Stephan Mini History Work Displays
75 Right Ascension A series
A series of science fiction novels and short stories by author David Derrico. Includes synopsis, excerpts, reviews, and purchasing info for paperback and eBook formats.
Author Purchasing David Other Derrico Direct Kindle Barnes Fiction Ascension Options Noble Right Amazon Nook News Entries
76 Nifty! Accessories Online shopping
Online shopping for Quick Reference Cards for programming and operating a variety of amateur radios. Includes details of card formats, samples and ordering information.
Radio Guide Guides Manual Mini Nifty Star Operation Operating Reference Step Ham Elecraft Accessories Desk Psk
77 Cooking at the Castle Two videos
Two videos show how to prepare a Renaissance feast, and explore the making of mead. Includes still frames from the mead video. Available in VHS, PAL or SECAM formats.
Z Welcome Y
78 Mountain Designs by Ann Kunkel Offers a
Offers a selection of designs with outdoors themes in a variety of formats. Free designs available.
Sign Available Privacy Contact Premium Guidelines Dont Policy Free Host Account Easy Terms Statement Y
79 Geib, Scott Local black
Local black and white and color photography of Hatteras Island, N.C. Images available in a variety of formats, including fine art prints, calendars, cards, ceramic tiles, clocks, and coasters.
80 Convert Ringtones Bulk ringtones
Bulk ringtones conversion semi-online service for Nokia and Ericsson phones, supporting RTTTL, IMelody, EMelody, MIDI and RTXML formats.
Navigationshilfe Ty
81 Game UK UK games
UK games retailer with a selection of games for all formats, including Playstation, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Gameboy Color, and PC games. UK currency.
82 Mangels Designs Subscription-based service
Subscription-based service offering a large array of printable digital frames and layouts in JPG and PNG formats. Also includes Outlook Express stationery and gallery of names in gold. [English, Spanish]
Scrapbooking Digital Kits Photo Policy Scrap Collection Premade Use Albums Freebies Awesome Mega Victorian Golden Elements Celtic
83 SAS Karaoke Karaoke titles
Karaoke titles in various formats and languages. Also offers karaoke equipment.
84 A substantial
A substantial range of digital books in Adobe Reader, Microsoft Reader, Palm Reader and Mobipocket Reader formats.
James Fiction Science Hawkins Paula John Patterson Child Andy Books Grisham Weir Language Literary Girl George Self Help Non Sharon Churchill Jo
85 Rally Art Motorsport Prints Limited edition
Limited edition prints depicting famous rally drivers, cars and events in full colour and pencil drawing formats.
Z Wwwrallyartmotorsportprintscouk Y
86 Brookhaven Press Brookhaven Press
Brookhaven Press sells digital reprints of state and local history titles to libraries and genealogists in both hardbound and fully searchable CD formats.
Books Press Brookhaven Book Bookseller Welcome Titles Historical Microform Booksellers History Bookstore Genealogical Childrens Literature Seller Poetry
87 Sophie Snell Original stories
Original stories for children by Derbyshire writer, Sophie Snell. Available in CD and MP3 formats.
Internal Servererror The Error Please Z
88 Bellerophon Books Inexpensive, nonfiction
Inexpensive, nonfiction titles about a wide variety of topics including history, science, literature, women, music, and ships. Formats include coloring books, posters, CDs, and paper doll cut out books.
Cart Add Book Civil Coloring Ancient Women Great American Books Medieval Paper Presidents Soldier Revolution Chiefs
89 Elsas Designs South African
South African company, offering instantly downloadable designs, mainly floral, in art, dst, hus, jef, pcs, pes, sew, vip and xxx formats. Part of their floral designs, like pansies, are 3D.
Designs Goussard Embroidery Elsa Photography Join Mailing Machine Welcome South Northern Please Embroideringlinks
90 Gay Video Guides Offers video
Offers video travel guides for European destinations. Includes a description of the service, types of video formats offered, prices, and availability.
Click Before Videovisual Guides Enter Welcome Travelgayguides Book Here Form
91 Maptech Publishes digitized
Publishes digitized USGS maps in software and paper formats, including topographic, hiking, national park, and professional maps, as well as marine and aeronautical charts. Detailed product information, including GPS capabilities.
Maptechreg Now Cruising Richardsons Contact Buy Guides Th Support Retailer Products Registration Charts Ed Florida
92 Total Disc Repair Sells a
Sells a range of industrial and retail machines for the repair of all formats of scratched CD, DVD and games discs, plus a range of disc care accessories.
Disc Pack Repair Holder Go Turntable Machine Vmi Buffer Eco Polish Machines Pad Devil Clever Clamp Roboto
93 Advanced Embroidery Designs Offers machine
Offers machine embroidery designs in pes, hus and dst formats. Includes cross stitch, religious, and fine art designs. Also a subscription club. Free designs available.
Embroidery Designs Machine Free Design Projects Lace Tutorials Battenberg Help Each Tips Popular Advanced Corner
94 Chucks Old Time Radio Old time
Old time radio programming in several formats.
Free Construction Page Otrchuckcom Trademark Phones Cheap Review Luxury Smart Insurance Best Report Policy Agreement Legal
95 Chucks Old Time Radio Old time
Old time radio programming in several formats.
Record Chuck Weight Loss Posted Under Accidents Reviews Product News Road Take Dogs World Buldge Battle
96 World Video Conversions Converts video
Converts video tapes formats from around the world to DVD, VCD and SCVD, also does tape to tape transfer.
97 Photomania USA Prints from
Prints from digital formats, 35mm, APS, and 120 film. Inkjet prints and laminate to 42' wide. Film and print scanning and digital files to film.
Prints Digital Posters Inkjet Usa Photomania Poster Printing Image Composits Canvas Photo Large Imagesphotographs Custom
98 Midi Hits Backing Tracks Backing tracks
Backing tracks for musicians and singers in both midi and audio CD formats. Over 6,500 titles including todays hottest hits.
Profile Sellers Best Midi Releases Country Todays Hits New Licensing Hear Login Contact Statement Production Custom Catalog
99 Video Interchange Vintage video
Vintage video transfer to DVD or tape, including rare reel to reel, Quadruplex, EIAJ, and Skip Field formats. Features damaged video recovery, tape baking and PAL/SECAM conversions. Audio restoration from wire recordings and vintage 78s also offered.
Contact Serverportsupport Apache Found Found The

3. Formats Recreation

1 WWF Themz Includes music
Includes music in various formats.
Wwf Themzy
2 Junebug Detailed 4
Detailed 4 line kite plan also available in several downloadable formats.
Create Tripod Couldnt Lycos Lycoscom Login Website Requested Tripodcom Shopping Hostingsignup Please Check
3 Ariel Plans Detailed 2
Detailed 2 line kite plan also available in several downloadable formats.
Tripod Create Lycoscomwebsite Lycos Page Please Check Tripodcom Couldnt Loginshopping Requested Signup
4 Fantasy Racing Online Challenge Provides contest
Provides contest formats for both pay and free. Offers prizes.
Domain Informationen Parking Programm Inhaber Infohtmlcategory=keyword=token= Fantasyracingonline Beacons Thema Fantasyracingonlinecom Listings Hoffen Denicdeby Sedo Problemfällen
5 TrackMaster Race Programs Past performances
Past performances by AXCIS. Available in three formats for North American tracks.
6 Double Disc Court (DDC) Various DDC
Various DDC resources and picture galleries. World player rankings, tournament results, and formats.
7 Anatomical Line Drawings Illustrations of
Illustrations of different parts and systems of the human body, intended for doctors to use in patient education. PDF formats.
8 Pinewood Derby Webring A collection
A collection of linked sites about racing, car design and construction, competition formats and rules, and photographs.
Derby Pinewood Racing Car Here Cub Close Rules Construction Race Add Found The Kub Forum Login
9 Atwood Institute for Research and Education Clinical Aromatherapy
Clinical Aromatherapy certification in both residential and home study formats. Located in Glendale, Arizona.
Youre Found Happened Ever Error Visitor Placethingsowner Wrong Sure Feel
10 King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures IV drug
IV drug compatibility and stability reference. Updated quarterly in print, CD-ROM, HTML & Palm OS formats.
Guide King Drug Hydrochloride Compatibility Parenteral Admixtures Updates Injectable Lexi Comp Screens Sample Cerner Page Includes Products
11 Lax Max Official site
Official site of the lacrosse tournament for youth in Pikesville, MD. Includes a downloadable registration form and rules, in RTF and PDF formats, and a table of results.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Movies Trying Sites Toolbar Sports Reach Popular Maps News
12 Champ Fantasy Football Provides free
Provides free draft sheets made from eight player ranking lists averaged, in printer friendly formats.
13 CME Only Continuing education
Continuing education programs in 33 medical, dental, and allied health specialties. Formats include audio, print, electronic, and web-based.
Continuing Education Medical Medicine American Dental Audio Radiology Credits Surgery | Practical Reviews Companion Mksap Cardiology
14 Darkzone Fan Site Contains reviews
Contains reviews of Willetton and Northbridge, Western Australia sites. Includes FAQ, game formats, Australian rules, the technology and information on Zone Lemmings.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Hosting Popular Privacy User Sites Maps Sports Toolbar Inc
15 Red Bull Events Portal Provides news
Provides news, event information, and dates. Also provides links to local information and language formats.
Bull Red Bike Motorsport – Air Race Musik Events Welt Privacy Run Hardangervidda Policy Cro Games Exklusive Streams Wings
16 Web of Education, LLC Offers continuing
Offers continuing education for social service professionals. On-line and in traditional home study formats.
17 ADD Classes Offers teleclasses
Offers teleclasses that teach coping skills to adults with attention deficit disorders, and their spouses and partners. Includes class listings, feedback, formats and instructors.
18 Varadys Virtual Void Offers homebrew
Offers homebrew software, beer judge certification information in a variety of formats, hot sauce recipes and a diary of building a walk-in cold box.
Request Nginxz
19 Byington Winery Makes a
Makes a wide variety of reds and whites. Includes product descriptions, reviews, online purchasing, a company overview, event listings, and virtual tours in several formats.
Error Forbidden Youinternalforbidden Server Errordocument Additionally
20 Billiard Congress of America (BCA) Has over
Has over 45,000 members and supports 8-Ball and 9-Ball formats. Contains a library of league-specific information, rules, benefits, and membership, and also has an annual tradeshow.
Billiard Congress Pool Bca Board America Colo Broomfield Membership Hall Summit Award Instructor Fame Billiards Room Roger
21 DerbyMaster Offers software
Offers software for managing pinewood derby races. The software supports registration, multiple race formats, PC projection, and interfaces to common timers.
Race Derby Derbymaster Elimination Standings Results Lane Royal Software Awards Cars Screen Single Statistics Scouts Finish Organization Standard Worry
22 Byington Winery Makes a
Makes a wide variety of reds and whites in Los Gatos. Includes product descriptions, reviews, online purchasing, a company overview, event listings, and virtual tours in several formats.
Internal Erroradditionallyserver Errordocument Forbidden Forbidden You
23 The International Bengal Cat Connection Information with
Information with breeder lists, Bengal rescue, forums and online shop. Also produce a quarterly magazine in bound print and digital formats.
Bengal Bengals Illustrated Award Breeders Available Cats Breeder Subscribe Issues Auctions Cat Shop Directory Rescues Photos
24 Ohiopyle Trading Post Rafting trips
Rafting trips on the Youghiogheny River. Raft and bike rentals with guided and guide escorted formats. River store, maps and contact information.
Rafting Yough River Ohiopyle Rentals Lower Guided Raft Middle Bike Upper Trips Escorted Fully Whitewater
25 Turtle Portal Features include
Features include Trans Global Chronicle, Time Machine Tribune, Godzorro, Kingpin Tin, Killer Greely and World Stealth. Offers animated presentations, magazine formats, commentary and stories.
26 Home Study Solutions Provides a
Provides a variety of medical and dental independent home study courses. Using online, download, and textbook formats.
Dental Medical Education Ce Continuing New Study Courses Account Technician Create Broker Oral Lab Nurses Formats Alabama Each Piercing
27 CE Solutions EMS Continuing Education EMS Continuing
EMS Continuing Education accepted in more than 25 states. Online, software or text book formats are available.
Ems Education Access Ceus Continuing Ce Emt Solutions Emergency Click Here Year $ Medical Nremt Downloads Most Kansas
28 Tab Pattersons Quadraphonic Sound Site Information about
Information about quad formats, featuring information about transfering quad records to CD-R.
29 Friendship Systems GbR Geometric modeling
Geometric modeling and fluid dynamic analysis software for the design of ships and yachts, exportable in common file formats for use in various CAD and CFD systems. Offers downloadable demo and online support.
Friendship Released Systems Users Meeting Framework Conference Compit Shanghai Successful China Optimization Design Software Technology Form Pro
30 The Cardinals NFL Fight Songs Lyrics for
Lyrics for AFC and NFC team fight songs, with selected sound files available in several formats.
Division Cardinals Fight South Songs West North East Mail Nfl Banonis Althoughthese Arizona Sponsored Arizonacardinals
31 PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service Contains historic
Contains historic daily exchange rates, updated daily. Results can be shown in various table and plotted formats. Also lists a Euro fact sheet.
Server Linuxopenssle Navigationshilfe Portapache Permanently The Enterprise Fipsphp
32 Radio Explorer Offers multi-platform
Offers multi-platform software which displays broadcast schedule information in tree-format and Gantt chart with greyline and propagation details. Lists formats, development history, system requirements and order information.
Radio Shortwave Guide World Explorer International Stations Software Around Listening Listen Graphic Broadcast Broadcasts For
33 Raingutter Regatta Sells a
Sells a booklet of raingutter regatta boat building guidelines and tips, in printed and downloadable formats. Also sells kits and accessories.
34 Resource for
Resource for continuing education. Includes multiple titles across four dental specialties in audio, print, electronic, web, and multimedia formats. Programs summarize and critique journal articles, address specific state credit requirements, and serve as boards-preparation and recertification tools.
Continuing Education Medical Medicine Audio Credits American Dental Radiology | Practical Reviews Surgery Companion Association Dentistry Hopkins
35 South Park Golf Club The golf
The golf course was designed and opened in 1915, and is a nine hole par 35. Open to any male over the age of 21. The club runs weekly tournaments that use varying formats. South Buffalo.
Club Golf Park South Mike Buffalo York Current Member Kane New Course Southpark Frederick Tournaments
36 The Great Debates: Bridging the Gap Between Expectations and Results in Acid-Suppression Therapy Review articles
Review articles for medical professionals discuss issues in the diagnosis and treatment of GERD, other acid-peptic disorders, and H. pylori infections. [Flash video or text-plus-slides formats. Requires free registration.]
Medscape Accessy
37 Tournament Designs 12 teams
12 teams wish to play an all-play-all at 6 venues over 11 rounds. Schedules for such all-play-all tournaments up to 26 players, and for carry-over tournaments up to 16+16=32 players, in HTML, PDF and txt formats.
+= Play Pairs Individual Carry Other Each Main Designs Tournament Explanation Page Rounds How Also Twelve Tournaments

4. Computer & Formats Games Websites

1 adknowledge, Inc. Ad formats
Ad formats include button, animated banners and rich media formats.
Directions Adknowledge Content Email Advertising Mobile Video Contact Installs Delivery Desktop Monetize Advertise Social Company Media News Adams Lehmann Careers
2 The PC Guide: Compact Disk formats Brief overview
Brief overview and history of major CD formats.
Guide Copyright Kozierok Disk Pcguide Compact Charles Formats Topics Lynx Ref Topic Thiswillwelcome
3 Bay Technology LinkCAD is
LinkCAD is for converting and viewing CAD formats, supporting GDS-II, DXF, CIF, Gerber RS-274X, PostScript, AutoCAD and other formats.
Linkcad Dxf Gerber Postscript Autocad Cif Gdsii Pcb File Converter Gds Contact Formats Ied Conversion Medtronic Documentation Convert
4 RustemSoft Utilities for
Utilities for conversion to XML from various formats including MS Office, SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC format and text source formats.
Xml Converter Xmlfox Obfuscator Net Skater Oracle Rustemsoft Licenser Professional Data Access Download Odbc Order
5 ArchiveXpert Handles all
Handles all the major formats zip, rar, ace, among others, and has many features. Full built-in support for 'Internet file' formats like UUEncode and XXEncode.
Archivexpert System Software Awards Order Backupxpert Postxpert Cleaner News History Systemcleaner Results Company Operating Award
6 Xenos Infrastructure software
Infrastructure software, that changes complex legacy data and documents into industry-standard e-content formats for presentment on the Web. Web-ready formats, including XML, HTML, WML, and PDF.
Document Management Birt Communications Process Services Solutions Accessibility Customer Ccm Transform Content Data Blog Developers Repository Training Leadership Books
7 Xenos Infrastructure software
Infrastructure software, that changes complex legacy data and documents into industry-standard e-content formats for presentment on the Web. Web-ready formats, including XML, HTML, WML, and PDF.
Document Management Birt Communications Services Process Solutions Ccm Accessibility Customer Transform Data Content Developers Blog Manager Ecm
8 Xenos Infrastructure software
Infrastructure software, that changes complex legacy data and documents into industry-standard e-content formats for presentment on the Web. Web-ready formats, including XML, HTML, WML, and PDF.
Document Management Birt Communications Process Services Customer Accessibility Ccm Solutions Content Data Transform Partners Products Electronic Refresh
9 Converts document
Converts document files to images or printer data formats, with target formats including TIFF, JPEG, GIF and BMP, or Postscript, PDF, PCL or HPGL. [Requires Windows]
Technology Halstenbektiff Internetprsenz Solange Syshierentsteht Document Friedrichshulder Seiten
10 3DEM Interactive OpenGL
Interactive OpenGL 3D viewer with flyby and animation capabilities. Reads most familiar US DEM formats and can export to common image and terrain formats. [Win95/98/ME/2000]
Visualization Software Business Intelligence Data Information Functionality Tools Visualizers Spectrograms Review Integration Privacytypes
11 XMPlay Fast player
Fast player supporting XM and other tracker formats, usual inputs through external Winamp plugins and output formats with command line encoders, i.e. FAAD2 and FAAC for AAC/MP4.
Xmplay Articles Dotpitch Manual Latest Danor Sebastian Szczepaniak Keltic Amiga Openmpt Skins Secret News Xaos
12 Alteros 3D - Lighttek Software A universal
A universal file viewer with a customizable interface. Lets you view 3D files, 3DS, LightWave, MAX, TrueSpace, VRML, and other formats, as well as images, BMP, EMF, GIF, JPG, PCX, TGA, WMF, and other formats. (Win95/98/Me/NT/2000)
Added Alterosd Windows Alteros Adesk Desktop Video Tbtn Lighttek Dvd Audio Software Other Jpeg Buy Thumbnails
13 DNC Data Data conversion
Data conversion service to XML, SGML, HTML and various E-book Formats from paper and electronic formats.
Xbrl Services Contact Careers Data Proofs Ez Compare Html Pdf Dreamsonline Slide Document Product Microsoft Xml
14 FMV Viewer Supports all
Supports all streaming and local formats from Microsoft, Apple, RealMedia, DivX, and ShoutCastIceCast. Additionally, the player supports MP3s with an ID3 Tag editor, and CD-audio, with CDDB support, over 60 formats in all. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Video Multimedia Mp Audio Effects Fmv Definition Editing Viewing High % Edit Collection Bitmap Wallpaper Avi
15 CDH Productions: Image Explorer Pro Allows for
Allows for fast viewing, editing, and management of all your image and video formats. Read and write support is provided for over 50 image formats. [Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Software Avi Convert Image Mpg Video Gif Editing Graphic Download Explorer Imaging Converter List Formats
16 Web Image Formats Breakdown of
Breakdown of the pros and cons of the GIF, JPG and PNG graphics file formats, as well as providing tutorials on Image Rollovers and Image Maps.
Images Html Source Image Forms First Optimisation Stylesheets Scripting Multimedia Tutorials Ross Shannon Rollovers Cursors Pre Loading Updates
17 Magic Converter Software to
Software to convert images and create .exe files for images. Creates images to monochrome or color ASCII art picture, contain TXT, HTM, and RTF formats. Generate output formats in BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, WMF, EMF, TGA, and ICO.
Software Soft Leading Keksoftcom Work Business Check Bulletin Enterprise Shop Kekcontractorsoftware Badgesoftware Net
18 The Vintage Clip Art Collection Hard-to-find images
Hard-to-find images from the 1850s to the 1920s. Images are in GIF and PCX formats. Some are line art, others are grayscale, and some are available in both formats. Free samples available. The entire collection is available on CD.
19 PMView 2000 A shareware
A shareware multi platform image viewing and conversion utility. PMView features support for a variety of file formats and allows quick conversion between formats and automatic thumbnailing. Available in English and German for Windows and OS/2 systems.
20 Sharepoint Add-on Software for CAD Viewing Integrated components
Integrated components and web parts for Microsoft® SharePoint, you gain access to CAD engineering data, non-Microsoft file formats, imaging formats, documents published to Flash or PDF, and even 3D models from within Microsoft SharePoint.
Sharepoint Contact Redact Products Igc Integrate Blazon Brava Blog Partner Microsoft Security Papers Linkedin Publishing Redaction
21 Palm Desktop 3.0 DAT File Formats Data file
Data file formats for the Palm Desktop 3.0 MFC streams files. Included are address.dat, todo.dat, datebook.dat and memopad.dat.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Internet User Privacy Mail Movies Finance Visit News Inc Wayback
22 Formatguide An educational
An educational site about graphic file formats. Explanation of the different types of file formats. A file-format wizard to help select file format and settings.
23 Death to Proprietary Word Formats Argues in
Argues in favor of using HTML instead of proprietary word formats.
Navigationshilfet Y
24 Image Formats Information about
Information about seven common web image formats.
Imageconverter Image Plus Formatscom Tiff Photomix Privacy Policy Batch Mode Jpeg Pdf Company Gif
25 Webopedia - Data Formats Contains information
Contains information about many data formats.
Data Binary File Formats Format Character Dictionary Decimal Ascii Terms Experts Coded Mp Webopedia Security Apple Definitions Latin
26 Saffron Document Server Saffron Document
Saffron Document Server is a 'virtual printer' implemented in Java (JDK 1.4+) . It generates electronic documents (individual or concatenated). Its input formats are PostScript, Formatting Objects (XSL-FO), or Java2D (from J2SE 1.4). Its output formats are PDF, HTML, SVG, RTF, PNG & JPEG.
Saffron Crystal Java Reports Pdf Parallel Dynalivery Adobe Html Server Document Rtf Windows Postscript Svg Target
27 Saffron Document Server Saffron Document
Saffron Document Server is a 'virtual printer' implemented in Java (JDK 1.4+) . It generates electronic documents (individual or concatenated). Its input formats are PostScript, Formatting Objects (XSL-FO), or Java2D (from J2SE 1.4). Its output formats are PDF, HTML, SVG, RTF, PNG & JPEG.
Saffron Crystal Java Reports Parallel Pdf Html Adobe Dynalivery Rtf Server Document Acrobat Dynaliverys Svg Inc Postscript Devices Market
28 Image Transformer Pro A powerful
A powerful batch image converter, JPG/GIF picture converter and graphics viewer with 60 image effects. Convert group of images, open images in 25 formats and save images in 10 formats.
Request Nginxz
29 Ameri-Imager All in
All in one solution for image editing, conversion, and viewing, over 60 image, animation, and video formats supported. Advanced features include batch conversion among formats, slideshow, Adobe PhotoShop compatible plugin support, and TWAIN acquire. All standard editing features are included.
Software Homehost Cheapest Bpdfriendscom Thinktank Methodology Hosting Internet Freebackgroundcheckorg Moregtgt Most Until Website Verizon Thethinktanksoftwarecom Brazil
30 Sinclair Spectrum Game Data Formats A repository
A repository for the collection of game data formats for old Sinclair games.
Sinclair Formats Games Spectrum Data Game Monty Matthew Revenge Ultimates Information Willy Miner Smith Doomdarks Page Andrew Elliott Different
31 Word Processing File Conversion Library A library
A library of DLLs which can be called from any Windows application. Contains functions to convert documents between different Word Processor file formats, and to read or write formatted text to or from word processor file formats.
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32 CAD 2 CAM, Inc. Translate between
Translate between many different CAD/CAM formats as an online service.
List Contact Aventura Cad Cam Juan File Cadcamcom Gencadsan Geezer Pcbengineering Circuits Oregon
33 Getting Started With XML A manual/workbook
A manual/workbook about XML available in multiple formats.
Xml Started File Browse Whole Manual Thing Including Getting Files Sample Catalogue Page Workshop Intended Permanently The Eric Date
34 AudioAlchemy Converts audio
Converts audio files to MP3, WAV, WMA, and OGG formats.
Converter Mp Wma Software Audioalchemy Mpeg Wav Ogg Audio Price File Edition Size Product Current Formats Comes Copyright
35 JPG vs GIF A comprehensive
A comprehensive article on the differences between the file formats.
Photoshop Palette Gifs Creative Dithering Adobe Dither Trainingcom Images File Netscape Safe Gif Web Jpgs Formats Widows Design Depth
36 Several colorful
Several colorful pages of wallpaper in three different formats.
Christmas Cards Wallpapers Gifts Decorations Egreetings Claus Greetings Party Themes Santa Layouts Server Wishes Season
37 Provides data
Provides data conversion services covering over 3,000 formats.
Conversion Data Tape Software Guarantee Media Duplication Mm Nine Disk Westchester Mission Floridaformats
38 Cad Conversion Existing CAD
Existing CAD or paper files into SolidWorks formats.
39 MyOddIcon Complete image
Complete image editor for over 30 popular formats.
Apache Courseplanner Flight Php Windows Install Mysql Mcrypt Development Beta Simulator Files News Contact Myoddwebcom Press Policy Create
40 JCO Consulting VBX and
VBX and ActiveX controls for viewing JPG, PNG, TIFF, and many other formats. [Win 95/98/NT]
Stuff Ford Forum University Consulting Tiff Leaf Visual Png Classic Activex Fuji Konica Almost Broadcasting Canon Laboratory Sigma
41 Cvrt2wbmp A tool
A tool to create WBMP from other image formats.
Image Cvrtwbmp Wbmp Wireless Application Fileforum Isapinsapi Here Ftplistsoftcom Windows Download Register Should Mobile Pascal Program
42 Logipole Convert PDF
Convert PDF to raster formats (jpeg, tiff, gif, pcx...), HTML and TXT.
New Whats Purchase Contact Support Videokonvertor Logipole Happyicon Audiokonvertor Kontextviewer Windows Konvertor Build Custom Sales Faqs Español
43 ZipWave Visual archive
Visual archive utility with support for 15+ popular formats.
Unavailable Temporarily Nginxz
44 3D MeshWorks Download craft
Download craft meshes in 3DS, MAX, LWO, COB, and SCE formats also reference photos.
Photos Projects Mesh Nasa Fighter Reference Meshworks Star Wars Tie Space Ds Mercury Shuttle Program Image
45 Netvibes Aggrégateur dactualités
Aggrégateur dactualités supportant les formats RSS et Atom.
Social Dashboard Management Monitoring Media Community Reputation Analytics Netvibes Brand Dashboards App Company Team Sentiment Trending Dassault
46 TechNetCast Play - C++0x Bjarne Stroustrups
Bjarne Stroustrups suggestions for C++0x. Text, PDF and MP3 formats.
Development Conference Testing Summit Dobbs Programming Dr Tools Blogs Mobile Languages Web Design Cloud Parallel App Gtgt Tibco Tips
47 Build E Library Basic information
Basic information on formats and devices, with links.
Directory Intuit Homestead Businessz
48 XML in Localisation Article focusing
Article focusing on the most common XML formats used in the localization industry.
Navigationshilfe Ty
49 Logipole Convert PDF
Convert PDF to raster formats (jpeg, tiff, gif, pcx...), HTML and TXT.
Whats New Purchase Support Contact Windows Videokonvertor Kontextviewer Audiokonvertor Logipole Happyicon Konvertor Build Custom Solutions
50 Scenic Pics Gallery of
Gallery of landscape digital photographs in jpg formats.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Visitsites Longeravailable Guidelines Inc Terms Archiveorg Archives
51 Logipole Convert PDF
Convert PDF to raster formats (jpeg, tiff, gif, pcx...), HTML and TXT.
New Whats Purchase Support Contact Kontextviewer Videokonvertor Audiokonvertor Logipole Happyicon Windows Konvertor Build Solutions Custom
52 Logipole Convert PDF
Convert PDF to raster formats (jpeg, tiff, gif, pcx...), HTML and TXT.
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53 RingtoneXChange Free Bollywood
Free Bollywood ringtones in RTTTL, keypress and other formats.
Free Ringtones Indian Hindi Bollywood Change Ringtone Hosting Subscribe Space Nowthanks India Z
54 M2Convert Converts video
Converts video and audio files to iPod and PSP formats.
Mconvert Convert Android M²convert Professional Legal Multimedia Avi Contact Policy Press Room Privacy Support Dvds Faq
55 Diary Simple journal
Simple journal keeping, with output in various formats, including HTML.
Diary Risc Download Os Zip Options Scripts Macros History Wimpbasic Homepage Kb Main Mikes Html Icons
56 AudioCommander Command-line and
Command-line and interface converter for over a dozen audio formats.
Fileerror Resource Removed Foundthe Might Been Temporarilyserver Namechanged Directory Looking Unavailable
57 ViewPad Image viewer
Image viewer supporting GIF, Bitmap, PCX, DCX, EPS, Targa, JPEG, PNG, DXF, FPX, WMF, IMG, WPG, RLE, DIB, and PCD formats.
Group Newssupport Page Events Products Results Foundfound The Contacts
58 GridinSoft Notepad Support for
Support for highlighting features formore than 50 formats of files such as C, C++, and PHP.
Editor Notepad Expressions Html Gridinsoft Code Text Regular Checker Math Spell Script Evaluate Folding Php Macos Tutorials Faq Support
59 2WBMP A command
A command line batch converter to wireless BMP from 26 graphic formats.
Wbmp Converter General Order License Plus Image Server Licence Usd Wireless Accounts Command User Line Up Multiple Last
60 Xenos Transforms legacy
Transforms legacy data and documents into formats suitable for e-commerce.
Management Document Birt Process Services Communications Ccm Accessibility Customer Solutions Transform Data Content Partners Contacts Ecm Contact Uk
61 WinRAR Provides full
Provides full RAR and ZIP file support, can decompress CAB, GZIP, ACE and other archive formats.
Bit Winrar Other Rar Zip Scan Downloads Browse Partnership News File Themes Download Dealers Free
62 KEYpak Provides document
Provides document converters for word processing formats on a variety of platforms.
63 Chart component .Net Draw 2D
Draw 2D pie and bar charts and export to the browser in GIF, JPEG, or other formats.
Z Chartcomponentcom Y
64 GSpot Windows tool
Windows tool identifying codecs in container formats like AVI, MPEG and MP4.
Gspot Added Mp Va Information Version Current Video Codec File Headbands Associated Codecs Identification Appliance Dv Extended Ac
65 GSpot Windows tool
Windows tool identifying codecs in container formats like AVI, MPEG and MP4.
Gspot Added Codec Mp Information Version Video Current Va Identification File Associated Codecs Ftyp Spyware Mpeg
66 Pstoedit Program to
Program to translate PostScript and PDF files into other vector graphics formats.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Signmovies Archiveorg Mail News Longeravailable Wayback Terms Visit
67 Reganam Offers video/audio
Offers video/audio converters and players for 3GP/3GP2 and MP4 formats.
Converter Video Manager Gp Ipod Interactive Mp Iphone Reganam | World Flv Here Privacy Games
68 FrameCal Allows multiple
Allows multiple calendars with one script in a variety of customizable formats for a web site.
Found Apache Additionallyfound Theport Errordocument Server
69 WinRAR Provides full
Provides full RAR and ZIP file support, can decompress CAB, GZIP, ACE and other archive formats.
Bit Winrar Rar Zip Other Scan Downloads News Partnership Dealers Browse Extras Download Free File
70 E-Books Listing of
Listing of individual titles for downloading. [Multiple Formats]
Cnet Tech Software News Mobile Cell Security Interactive Tablets Reviews Phones Downloads Deals Internet Apple Business Laptops Privacy
71 EXIFinfo Extracts information
Extracts information stored in EXIF JPEG images in various formats.
Added Exifinfo Exif Risc Html Various Photodesk Jpegs Olympus Fix Nikon Makernote Usern} Chris
72 Xenos Transforms legacy
Transforms legacy data and documents into formats suitable for e-commerce.
Document Management Birt Communications Process Services Ccm Accessibility Solutions Customer Data Transform Content Analytics Products Asset Designer
73 KEYpak Provides document
Provides document converters for word processing formats on a variety of platforms.
74 Giampiero Caprinos Home Page Contains useful
Contains useful information about Decompilers and File Formats.
Reverse Engineering Decompilers Tools Decompiler Design Resources Object File Formats Algorithms Information Specifications Recstudio Fundamental Recdecompiler
75 Inreality Desktop 3D
Desktop 3D wallpapers, in three different formats to accommodate most Windows and Mac monitor sizes.
76 RFC Sourcebook Description of
Description of protocols, file formats, glossary of terms, RFCs.
Internet Protocols Sourcebook Tcp Tcpip Rfc Rfcs Request Ip Standards Reference Specified Networksquide Requests
77 ZipItFast ZIP program
ZIP program with a skinned interface and full support for over 20 compression formats.
Foundpage However Checkgreat
78 Xenos Transforms legacy
Transforms legacy data and documents into formats suitable for e-commerce.
Output Transformation Accessibility Data Opentext Powerdocs Uses Stories Archiving Document Customer Contact Archive Blog Solution Content Holding Automated
79 Changer fs Screensaver and
Screensaver and wallpaper generator, supports formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG/JPG, and EMF. [Windows 95-XP]
Changer Windows Wallpaper Screensaver Generator Download Landscapes Fs Speed Screen Works Australia Accelerates Freestone
80 FILExt Searchable database
Searchable database of file extensions for data formats, with information and notes on each.
File Extension Filext Google Extensions Faq Desktop Windows Gadget Firefox Come See Filextcom Boopsie Toolbar
81 E20Italia Sonica Plus
Sonica Plus supports multiple stations, music formats, cross fades.
Wwweitaliacom Z
82 newzguide Introduction to
Introduction to Usenet with tutorials for selected news readers and file formats.
Usenet Guide Sfv Newsleecher Jargon Rars Providers Busting Feedback As Here File Files Annowhats
83 Architag Content management
Content management and data structuring company using SGML and applied formats.
Architag International Corp Welcome Internationalcorp Request Password Main Drupal Login Usernamepowered Menu * Content
84 Resources CD-R This resource
This resource is intended to be parts of a primer on recordable Compact Disc formats.
Kratom Types Bali Powdered Indo Crushed Golden Different Grown Thai Thailand Cajun Maeng Explained Asian
85 Ladybug2000 from Neatware Programmable video
Programmable video player on Windows that can play a variety of formats.
Ladybug Neatware Forum News Video Product Partner Order Profile Mpeg Mcl Language Vcd Fade Quicktime Special
86 Conversions Plus Converts files
Converts files from different word processing, spreadsheet, graphic and database formats.
Ios Careers Customer Contact Android | Legal Support Blackberry Privacy Directions Dataviz Passwords Room Password Policy
87 Portable Executable File Format Verbose description
Verbose description of DLL and other Windows files formats.
Bersetzen Windows Library Web Format | Werbung Log Windowsitlibrary Ebook Windowsitlibrarycom Transaction Viewstate Bing It… Error
88 Inreality Original 3D
Original 3D desktop wallpapers in several categories. Three different formats to accommodate most PCs and Mac monitor sizes.
89 DocDatatypes A set
A set of datatypes classes to support different word processing document formats across platforms.
90 Authentic Digital Player and Server Records and
Records and plays back video in many different formats.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Signtrying Sorry News User Internet Popular Terms Finance
91 DeliPlayer A free
A free audio player for Windows capable of playing AY files (and other formats such as SID, MOD and MP3).
Scanners Posted Help Gaming Roundup Scanner Good Hand Hardware Computer Best Scansnap Keyboard Si Fujitsu Mobile Steelseries Compact Recognition
92 Feeds Farm Provides article
Provides article summaries and search results in numerous different syndication formats.
News Feedsfarmcom Speeplecovering Sources Engine Development Aggregator Thousands Serviceshundreds Rss Freelance
93 Robertos listening tests Provides public
Provides public group comparisons of several AAC codecs and other formats at different bitrates.
94 RegEditor Registry editing
Registry editing tool, which works with both .REG files(REGEDIT4 and Win2000/Me formats).
95 Sumrall Works Button Hole Features various
Features various freeware tools for different animation formats.
Design Web Jackson Free Sumrall Povray Tutorials Pro Inc Shop Paint Graphics Resources Programming Internet Multi Media Clinton Java Demos Tree Download
96 RPT Software Report Server
Report Server helps with the creation of dynamic web-based reports in PDF, RTF, XLS or SNP formats.
Access Microsoft Software Released Database Services Consulting Template Contact Templates Donation Calendar Programming Best Clients
97 Beauty Advisor Software for
Software for Mary Kay consultants and directors. Available in both Windows and Macintosh formats.
Providerfor Pagecontactdisplayed Please Cannot Error
98 JCAB CAD Solutions Offers CAD
Offers CAD libraries of fasteners, nuts, washers, and bolts, in DWG and DXF formats.
99 Easy Hi-Q Converter Converts multiple
Converts multiple audio file types at once, formats include MP3, WMA 9, WAV, Ogg, MP2, ADPCM, GSM 6.10, DSP, VOX.
Easy Mp Hi File Converter Files Audio Output Types Ogg Wma Convert Wav Testimonials Free Trial Roemer Aiff Dsp
100 MusiCAD Score editor
Score editor facilitating arrangements, percussion, lyrics. MIDI, PDF, ABC formats. Windows.
Z Wwwmusicadcom Y
101 Polystyle Code beautifier
Code beautifier that learns personal formats and styles other source files in that manner.
Formatter Obfuscator Perl Php Javascript Java Jsp Html Actionscript Basic Python Cmac Visual Asp Source
102 Chiptune Server offering
Server offering chip music in all formats (MOD, XM, S3M, SID, YM, SAP, IT, AdLib) and platforms (Amiga, PC, Spectrum, NES.)
Chrome Chiptune Spectrumexperiments Sid Dhtml Ajax Masses Commodore Amiga Computer Chipmusic Console Famicom
103 Convert and
Convert and share effect plug-ins of different formats between audio sequencers and sound libraries.
News Products Fxpansion Drum Eldorado Bfd Geist Company Fxpansionconcerning Taylor Damian Expander Compressor Special Remember
104 What is the PDF format good for? Polemic against
Polemic against PDF, focussing on the formats supposed lack of suitability for on-screen reading.
Postscript Html Acrobat Another Adobe Format Screen Pdf Good Reading Thinkinginpostscriptpdf Pdfs Anton Chris Version Before Figure Adobes
105 The Principles of Open Standards Ken Krechmer
Ken Krechmer analyzes the distinct issues behind advocacy for non-proprietary formats.
Open Standards Ssos Ietf Interfaces Note Sso World Documents Table Microsoft Ipr Krechmer Meaning Change Rand
106 Click to Convert Automatically converts
Automatically converts many document formats to HTML or PDF. For Windows 9x, NT, 2000 platforms.
Pdf Convert Html Converter File Word Conversion Software Adobe Writer Create Converting Download Click Document
107 Xenos Develops and
Develops and provides software that transforms legacy data and documents into formats suitable for e-commerce.
Management Document Birt Services Process Communications Accessibility Customer Solutions Ccm Transform Data Content Ecm Developers Deliver Internet Partners
108 Right Hemisphere Deep Exploration
Deep Exploration is a conversion tool for translating and rendering many 2D and 3D formats for online publication.
Youre Error Ever Found Happened Things Place Sure Feel Visitor Ownerwrong Z
109 XMPlay using BASS audio library Windows music
Windows music player supporting MP3 and many tracker formats.
Bass Xmplay Xm Mo Midi Exe Midxm Audio Welcome Asio Unseen Contact Forum Mod Library Masm
110 Editable, digital
Editable, digital clip art maps in PowerPoint, Illustrator, Photoshop, EPS and JPEG formats.
Maps Map Powerpoint World Editable Illustrator Vector States Country United Usa Digital Clip Art Clipart
111 IceView Home Page All-around graphics
All-around graphics tool for Windows 95/NT with support for over 40-image file formats.
Software Mithril Iceview Screen Awards Whats Order Menu Formats Shots Features Supported Reviews Contact Cleaner
112 FeedReader Open-source aggregator
Open-source aggregator that supports RSS and Atom formats. Runs under Windows 95 and later versions.
Feedreader Continue News Feeds Blog Contact Connect Reading Browser Reader Lookup Company Feedreadercom Network Global Now Engine Aggregator Nowwith
113 C2C Technologies, Inc. offers the
offers the 3D CAD viewing software SolidView, supporting the most common geometry file formats.
114 Xenos Develops and
Develops and provides software that transforms legacy data and documents into formats suitable for e-commerce.
Management Document Birt Services Process Communications Accessibility Solutions Ccm Customer Content Transform Data Migration Contacts Papers Spelling Business
115 Sherwood Forest Technologies Transforms paper
Transforms paper and electronic documents into a variety of output formats.
Support Yourbrowserrecommendhere Upgrading Does Click Browser
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8 Red Bull Events Portal Provides news
Provides news, event information, and dates. Also provides links to local information and language formats.
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9 Billiard Congress of America (BCA) Has over
Has over 45,000 members and supports 8-Ball and 9-Ball formats. Contains a library of league-specific information, rules, benefits, and membership, and also has an annual tradeshow.
Billiard Congress Board Colo America Pool Bca Broomfield Hall Fame Membership Award Summit Billiards Instructor Atlantic Schaumburg Draws League
10 The Cardinals NFL Fight Songs Lyrics for
Lyrics for AFC and NFC team fight songs, with selected sound files available in several formats.
Division Cardinals Fight North Songs West East South Mail Nfl Redskins Sgoldber@chumacasusfedu Songs January Separated Midi
11 South Park Golf Club The golf
The golf course was designed and opened in 1915, and is a nine hole par 35. Open to any male over the age of 21. The club runs weekly tournaments that use varying formats. South Buffalo.
Club Park South Golf Buffalo Schein York Paul Fredo Chris Current New President Masocco Jr
12 Tournament Designs 12 teams
12 teams wish to play an all-play-all at 6 venues over 11 rounds. Schedules for such all-play-all tournaments up to 26 players, and for carry-over tournaments up to 16+16=32 players, in HTML, PDF and txt formats.
+= Play Pairs Carry Individual Other Main Each Explanation Tournament Designs Page Also All Wish Fifteen Oppose

6. Society, Arts and Formats Crafts

1 Lee Her Includes a
Includes a biography, photographs, and song samples in WAV, MP3, and RealAudio formats.
Hmong Music Shop Fanclub Christian Free Tracks Albums Lee Contactbecause Musical Learn Pop
2 John, Joji Resume in
Resume in pdf and Word formats and links to friends sites.
Z Requested Tryagain Angelfire Please Check Couldnt Fun Page Angelfirecomprofessional Websites Error
3 Yahoo! Groups: Gaymers Mailing list
Mailing list for GLB gamers of all genres and formats.
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4 Born Again Radio Contemporary Christian
Contemporary Christian rock, pop and worship music formats.
Radio Born Christian Music Stereo Listen Bible Ministries Free Realplayer Station Bornagainradio Windowsmedia Americas Audio Chris Ourcode Gospel Fish
5 Cross and Throne Bible studies
Bible studies presented in both written (pdf) and audio (mp3, RealMedia) formats.
Crossandthronecom Clickgo Here Z
6 Gospel Webcasting Worldwide stations
Worldwide stations, with formats catering to the black, urban market.
Gospel Webcast Radio Internet Stations Black Preaching Texas Tennessee Teaching Webcasting Guide Caribbean Oklahoma Memphis Soca Missouri
7 Ask Islam Large searchable
Large searchable directory with answers to theological and cultural questions, in mp3 and RealAudio formats.
Islam Ask Politics Women Funeral Caliphs Peace Languages Astronomy Science World Beliefs Prophets Afterlife Literature Pakistan Praying Marriage
8 The Great Controversy, audio (1911) Dennis Berlin
Dennis Berlin reading. Available in RealAudio and WindowsMedia formats.
9 celesq, inc. cle courses
cle courses, offered online and offline in formats including audio, video, and text.
Cle Programs Legal Developments News Special State Series Celesq® Privacy Announces Upcoming Signup Packages Faq Addresses Litigation
10 Tashian, Carl Travel pictures
Travel pictures, web design, school computer projects and resume in five formats.
Carl Designer Technologist Ourgoods Case Specialist Tashian Experience Yerdle Maker Zipcar User Hewlett Packard Pictures Stuff Postgresql
11 Simon, Barry and Stephanie: Leadership philosophy
Leadership philosophy and beliefs, multimedia downloads in a variety of formats.
Incapsula Requesty
12 Vitalita Culinary Group: Vegan Recipes Free cookbooks
Free cookbooks with pictures. Downloadable in Adobe Acrobat and other formats.
Vegan Cookbooks Vitality Free Recipes Cookbook Vitalita Table Sample Taste Contents Desserts Non Gluten Vegetarian Using Httpwwwvitalitacom Perlv
13 Tuzun, Eray A list
A list of things hes learned in life, photographs, his research, software, and publications, and a resume in different formats.
14 PrideNation Network Offers 24
Offers 24 hour streaming audio including dance music, talk and contests. Available in multiple formats.
Pridenation Radio Live Entertainment Pnn Channels Television Proud Remote Lgbt Tv Media Contact Magazine Network Interfusion Interactivelive
15 This Way That Instrumental jazz
Instrumental jazz from two BYU alumni Ron Saltmarsh and Dan Truman. Sound files in .mp3 and RealAudio formats, bios, photos, and order information.
Money Life Better Virginia Moving Moore Finance Estate Wellbeing Faith Themefurnace Leave Houses Real Way That Moving
16 No Way Out A story
A story of a familys letters by Susan Prinz Shear, available in formats as Readers Theatre Play, Student/Teacher Workshop or Curriculum.
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17 First United Methodist Church Listings for
Listings for many active ministries, schedules for services, including casual, formal and contemporary formats, photos and links.
18 Don Love Ministries Studies about
Studies about the last days from Matthew, themes from Mark, and a detailed study of the Book of Revelation. Online songs by Singers of the Heart [ASX and RAM formats].
End Rapture Revelation Ministries Love Revelations Doweknow Tribulation Church Don Beast Book Period Wrap Around Study
19 First United Methodist Church, Cullman Listings for
Listings for many active ministries, schedules for services, including casual, formal and contemporary formats, photos and links.
20 Men and Women of the Bible Practical lessons
Practical lessons about many Bible characters in downloadable PDF and MS Publisher formats.
21 before hiring a wedding photographer information about
information about cameras and formats that wedding photographers use, plus a guideline of things to look for and key questions.
Dosarrest Internet Security Restricted Ddosprotection Client Host Pleasez Protection This
22 Central Presbyterian Church St. Louis
St. Louis, Missouri. Service times, sermons in text/audio formats, pastors blog, material on upcoming events, programs, classes.
Central Give Here Ministries Resources Pastor Worship Sermons Contact Blog Watch Sunday Live Compassion Widows + Care Answers Drive @ New
23 Congregational Church of the Valley Scottsdale. Newsletter
Scottsdale. Newsletter (in PDF), calendar, map, FAQs, information on the churchs ministries and activities. Archive of sermons in PDF, RealAudio, and WMA formats. Site requires frames.
Navigationshilfe Ty
24 peta tv video investigations
video investigations into animal abuses in lab testing, factory farming and other animal related industries. also ad campaigns in various streaming formats.
25 Byard Family history
Family history of Malcolm and Hazel Byard, including pedigree (2 formats), documents, photographs and articles of general interest.
Marlcliffe Tree Family Byard Sheffield Grandchildren Malcolm School Potpourri Saturday Road Page World Fulwood They
26 Phronesis Scholarly journal
Scholarly journal for the study of ancient Greek and Roman thought, available in print and digital formats. Offers information about subscribing and reproductions of select articles featured in the publication.
27 Vance, Michael Online resume
Online resume designed to illustrate his experience in the wealth management and financial planning industries. Includes different formats of his resume for download.
Vance Michael Cart Database Error Policy Request Intelius Contact Peoplesale Learn Michaelvancecom Privacy
28 Classical Music Archives - Handels Messiah MIDI files
MIDI files and live recordings of featured artists in MP3 and WMA formats - scroll down to Operas and Oratorios, and then to Messiah.
Hwv Op Sonata Music Concerto Opera Classical Suite Continuo Soprano Harpsichord Bb Organ Grosso Trio
29 A Spiritual Choice Psychic Tarot
Psychic Tarot card readings by Sunshine and Saffron in live or chat formats, credit given for repeat clients toward future readings.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Customer Aabaco Privacy Help Terms Account Website Set Copyright
30 - Delirious Concert Archive Video footage
Video footage of their concert on the 27th July, 2000, in Windows Media and RealVideo formats. [Requires free membership.]
Filetemporarily Removed Been Directory Namechanged Unavailable Foundthe Mightresource Server Looking Error
31 Congregational Church of the Valley United Church
United Church of Christ. Newsletter (in PDF), calendar, map, FAQs, information on the churchs ministries and activities. Archive of sermons in PDF, RealAudio, and WMA formats.
32 Genbox Family History A windows
A windows application for managing family genealogy research and producing charts and reports. Output to image formats, RTF, HTML, and GEDCOM.
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33 Boeing T-45 Training System Offers background
Offers background information, simulators, training integration, instructional programs, contractor logistic support, news releases, photos, and multimedia in .avi and .mov formats.
Boeing Space Learn Defense Global System Commercial Engagement Merchandise Launch United Multimedia Phantom Military News Series Frequently Cybersecurity
34 Gift on the Altar Praise Home Page 10+ files.
10+ files. Original Christian Praise music in several formats (MIDI, RealAudio, MP3, sheet music).
Altar Audio Music Realplayer Volume List Sheet Gift Midi Page Praise Files Mp Webring Sites Mailing Jukebox
35 W. A. Criswell: The Criswell Legacy Archive of
Archive of over 1,900 sermons, with transcripts, outlines, and streaming video and audio formats, searchable by verse, category, topic, and word. Includes a biography of Dr. Criswell.
Sermon Audio Listen Download Outline Watch Notes Criswell Library Isaiah John Acts Bible Daniel Kings Zephaniah Choose Faith
36 4 Freedoms Tantra Workshops Pala Copeland
Pala Copeland and Al Link present Tantra Sacred Loving workshops in a variety of formats and locations regularly each month.
Tantra Couples Courses Tantric Pala Study Course Sutra Kama Freedoms Weekends Private Workshop Weekend Vacations Video Evening Spiritual
37 King James Bible Includes plain
Includes plain text and HTML formats. Searchable. Plain text version is downloadable in compressed (ZIP or GZIP) form.
Found Found Theerrordocumentadditionally Port Apachexx Server
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software combines data from disparate sources, then assembles, formats and distributes documents including invoices, statements, cover letters, and remittance slips to any printer, as an email attachment, or to an intranet for on-line viewing.
39 Sonic Light: Dr. Constables Bible Study Notes Detailed, conservative
Detailed, conservative commentary includes issues of special introduction: authenticity, historical background, authorship, date. Engages current scholarship. (PDF, Palm, Pocket PC formats).
Notes Constables Bible Click Expository Study John Thomas Sonic Here Light Kindle Upgrade Isaiah Testament Edition Copyright
40 Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry [English, Arabic]
[English, Arabic] Van Dyke Bible Translation in audio (RealMedia) and PDF formats, New Testament in GIF format. Commentaries and study resources.
Arabic Bible Audio Islam Testament Injeel Christian Books Video Bibles Muslims Ministry Outreach Android Hymns Islby
41 Agora Publications Publishers of
Publishers of original translations of Classic Philosophy works. Publication media include print and audio. Audio formats include cassette and CD.
Platos Republic Agora Publications Mind Dialogues Inc Works Borden Publishers Ethics Bingo Translators Adventures Original Liberty Toward Kants Philosophy
42 Sai Baba Films A collection
A collection of short films made for the ashram and displayed on this site through streaming video. Various formats and connection speeds are featured, allowing downloads with both modem and high speed Internet connections.
K Sathya Baba Choose Vedas Playerspeed Real Media Windows Swami India Swamis Veda Bhagavan Quicktime Rig Lingum Jyoti Seva Serve
43 Bible Study Lesson: Acts A look
A look at church history and organization, beginning of Christianity, kingdom of Christ, worship, conversion, and the work of the Holy Spirit in Acts. Html and pdf formats. Quiz questions included.
Bible Lesson Study Acts Book Quiz Pdf Html Free Apostles Lessons Course Church Each Gospel Series Worship Print
44 Christian E-Authors A large
A large portal for Christian writers who publish on the Internet and in electronic formats. Promotes members works through links to e-books, contests, members sites, stories, online articles, and e-publishers.
Website Design Create Store Features Sites Log Traffic Webmail Ads Sell Works Advanced Pricing Paid Small Account
45 Connect Your Dots Services include
Services include English-German and German-English translation, data entry into various popular formats, and record searches in the San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties.
Server Internalerror Error The Please Z
46 Nanosecond The official
The official website for Nanosecond has music videos and full CD in streaming MP3 and streaming Quicktime formats. This original artist website even has an indies link page for independent artists.
Music Nanosecond Videos Christian Mp Radio Pop World Buy Musician Links________________________ Plastic Lessons Musical Resurrection Techno Also Way
47 stenoscripts transcript production service transcript production
transcript production service for court reporters, trial and hearing courts, public and private commissions, police agencies, etc. all audio/video formats supported. nationwide.
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48 Union Chapel United Methodist Church Worship and
Worship and Sunday School schedules, sermon archives in written (Acrobat Reader required) or audio (Real Player required) formats, small group ministries, prayer requests, newsletters with archive, staff page with bios, and a map.
Chapel Union Muncie Church Indiana Messages Contact Watch Listen Adults Announcements Oneighty Bldg Prayer Uc Weekend Video Local Weekly Email
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Download classic Christian audio books in mp3, wma, and iPod formats.
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50 Union Chapel United Methodist Church, Muncie Worship and
Worship and Sunday School schedules, sermon archives in written (Acrobat Reader required) or audio (Real Player required) formats, small group ministries, prayer requests, newsletters with archive, staff page with bios, and a map.
Chapel Union Muncie Indiana Church Messages Bldg Adults Contact Sunday Listen Watch Staff Prayer Volunteer Internship Oneighty Information
51 Classical Music Archives - Handel Over 600
Over 600 works by Handel (including the complete Messiah) and two biographies (Concise Oxford Dictionary of music.) Works offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
Hwv Op Sonata Concerto Music Opera Continuo Suite Classical Soprano Harpsichord Organ Bb Grosso Hwva
52 First Annual Queer Short Movie Awards PlanetOuts first
PlanetOuts first annual movie awards include two transgender films - the FTM 'Straightboy Lessons,' and 'Jake: Today I Become a Man,' the story of a 13-year-old drag queen. All the competing films can be viewed online, in realvideo and quicktime formats.
53 Heart Sutra The Heart
The Heart of Wisdom (Mahaprajnaparamita Hridaya)in Tibetan script, Tibetan transliteration, Tibetan-English literal translation, and English gloss, with recordings in WAV and RealAudio formats (pronunciation is Ladakhi/Western Tibetan.) Recorded at Ridzong Gompa, Ladakh, July 1982.
Tibetan Sutra Heart Version Buddhism Wisdom Entire Mp Here Alphabet Buddhist Pdf Clips Wav English Budhist
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76 a salute to dallas fort worth radio and tv a look
a look back at the stations, formats, personalities and other info from 1920 to present.
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77 wilson, bill official site
official site with an artist bio, photographs, song samples in mp3 and real audio formats, and news.
78 Allans Irish Fiddler A collection
A collection of tunes in a range of formats, and notation, transcribed from the book by Hugh McDermott.
Sheet Midi Abc Nwc The… Hornpipe Reel Irish Page Main Allans Reel… Fiddler Fancy Hornpipe…
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humorous illustrations created within irregular formats, exploring personal, corporate, and cultural themes.
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Short film synopsis with trailers offered in QuickTime and Windows formats.
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online stream in several formats. playing mostly breaks, house and future lounge music.
Pause Downtempo Shows Chill Radio Live Link Since Direct Lounge Internet Original Playing Netmusique Updaterequired Streaming Netmusiquecom
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85 Scream 3 Site includes
Site includes a synopsis, cast and crew credits, reviews, trailers in various formats, and links.
86 bostonians coed group
coed group with a repertoire of modern pop, classic rock, and r&b. many sound samples from current album in mp3 and realaudio formats.
Testcss Modifiedsize Last Bootstrapmincss Namedescription Jqueryminjs Scrolljs Testhtml
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online streaming audio available in mp3 and ogg formats. site includes chat, interviews, contests and playlists.
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88 timeline: chronology of selected composers representative listing
representative listing from the 14th century onward with links to music in midi, mp3, wma formats.
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Organization of filmmakers and songwriters from the San Francisco Bay Area. Completed projects and previews available in many streaming formats.
96 Anime Web Turnpike: Music and Sounds Links to
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97 The Comics Lounge Comedy club
Comedy club showcasing amateur and well known comedians. Performance calendar, weekly formats, and meal menu available.
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98 asmahan includes the
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central virginia public radio essayist janis jaquiths website. here you can find her essays in text and audio formats.
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100 Now This! Maryland ensemble
Maryland ensemble that performs in the greater Washington D.C. area does children-oriented shows and corporate events using various different formats, such as murder mysteries.
101 rapisardo, marybeth gallery of
gallery of visionary fine art includes paintings, prints, cards, and other formats. images, comments, and curriculum vitae.
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From Guilford Publications. Formats text and pops in references in MLA style. For term papers, journal articles, theses, and dissertations.
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film composer from st. louis, missouri. music demos in mp3 and realaudio formats available for download along with artist biography and résumé.
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jazz and alternative influenced duo of tim story and andrea mathews offers their biography and downloadable music in mp3 and real audio formats
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108 Christian Dior Official site
Official site for the house. Designer John Gallianos collection offered for view in both image gallery and video formats.
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109 Christian Dior Official site
Official site for the house. Designer John Gallianos collection offered for view in both image gallery and video formats.
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playing all varieties of rock music in mp3, realplayer and wndowsmedia formats, including new, alternative, pop, classic, punk and metal. frequent playlist updates.
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111 la bohéme arizona opera
arizona opera presents an act by act synopsis of the puccini work, audio samples in wav and au formats, and links to composer biography and external resources.
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114 An online
An online index of Cape Breton fiddle recordings, searchable by artist and album, also offers a collection of tunes in notation and midi formats.
Photo Recording Breton Fiddle Cbfiddlecom Gallery Celtic Colours Capey
115 Ira Bernstein - Ten Toe Percussion Percussive step
Percussive step dancer Ira Bernsteins site offers a bio, video clips, calendar of events, programs and formats, photos, and merchandise.
Tap Dancers Dancing Dance Dancer Step River Tapdancers Dances Irish Ira@tentoepercussioncomboot Clog Bernstein
116 classical music archives: albrechtsberger sound files
sound files in midi, mp3, and windows media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
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117 Lee, Amy Jazz saxophonist
Jazz saxophonist with two solo CDs. Includes sound clips in 3 formats, biography, photos, and news. Former member of Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band.
Lee Amy Prev Head Music Reefer Coral Jimmy Saxophone Band Ring Random Jazz Parrot Buffett Credit Member
118 Lee, Amy Jazz saxophonist
Jazz saxophonist with two solo CDs. Includes sound clips in 3 formats, biography, photos, and news. Former member of Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band.
119 Crawford, Andrew Landscapes, interiors
Landscapes, interiors and architecture panoramic VR images in QuickTime VR and Java formats with commentary, technical information, and links to related sites.
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stevie ray vaughan, indigenous, and jimi hendrix unauthorized live concert recordings up for trade. video and several audio formats
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author of fiction and non-fiction novels, in both printed and electronic formats.
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122 Apple Trailers: Dodgeball Provides clips
Provides clips and trailers in various sizes and formats for the film.
Dodgeball Century Foxz Th
123 wild dismay tunes about 100
about 100 dance tunes, mostly irish, in abc, gif, and midi formats.
Jigs Reel Waltzes Reels Slip Hornpipes Other Songs Boat Song Child Dismay Johns Hornpipe Skye Macinnes Morpeths Tunes Off
124 Wild Dismay Tunes About 100
About 100 dance tunes, mostly Irish, in ABC, GIF, and MIDI formats.
Jigs Reel Slip Reels Waltzes Other Hornpipes Songs Child Dismay Boat Skye Hornpipe Strayaway Song Bit Cold
125 massenet: manon act-by-act summary
act-by-act summary of the opera, audio sample in wav and au formats, and links from the arizona opera.
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126 radio and records trade publication
trade publication with charts based on american airplay in several radio formats.
127 radio and records trade publication
trade publication with charts based on american airplay in several radio formats.
128 radio and records trade publication
trade publication with charts based on american airplay in several radio formats.
129 Yahoo Groups: Joe Jackson Discussion list
Discussion list available in both web and email formats for the creative output of Joe Jackson.
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list of halloween music files including mp3, wav, and streaming formats.
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131 audio: w. h. auden recordings of
recordings of auden reading two poems, 'under which lyre' and 'law like love'. available in mp3 and realmedia formats.
Abrams Lindsay Elias Isquith Katie Andrew Mcdonough Elizabeth Leonard Gupta Prachi Page Williams Brittney Joan Random Tricia
132 classical midi archives: elgar audio files
audio files in midi, mp3 and wma formats, including live recordings.
133 The John Cusack Scripts Archive: Being John Malkovich The films
The films screenplay by Charlie Kaufman, in two formats.
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134 Blastro: Chevelle - The Clincher Music video
Music video clip, in Real Video and Windows Media formats.
135 The Old Music Project Tunes in
Tunes in ABC, MIDI, and GIF formats. Includes ONeills Music of Ireland, OCarolan, madrigals, and more.
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136 Gow, Niel A selection
A selection of Niel Gows tunes in gif and midi formats, also offers a tunebook to download in PDF format.
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137 R.E.M. Discography Online R.E.M.
Online R.E.M. discography including albums and singles in various formats, interviews, lyrics and guitar chords.
138 Gow, Niel A selection
A selection of Niel Gows tunes in gif and midi formats, also offers a tunebook to download in PDF format.
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139 Trailers: The Day After Tomorrow Trailers for
Trailers for film offered in three sizes and formats.
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141 Wild Dismay Tunes About 100
About 100 tunes, mostly Irish, in ABC, GIF, and MIDI formats.
Jigs Reel Slip Waltzes Reels Hornpipes Other Songs Boat Child Hornpipe Song Dismay Jig Johns Chalmers California Paddy Tenpenny Muckin
142 wild dismay tunes about 100
about 100 tunes, mostly irish, in abc, gif, and midi formats.
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conservative commentator on topics ranging from personal and social issues, to morality and religion. the lectures are available in audio and video formats.
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information about him and his operas from, including selected libretto in html and text, scores in various formats, and purchase links for books and recordings.
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145 classical music archives: hummel over 150
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146 AllOfMP3 Provides guestbook
Provides guestbook, song ratings and a service for registered users (under the license # LS-3М-03-79 of the Russian Multimedia and Internet Society) to download songs and albums in various formats for a fee.
147 Smallville: Every Hero Has A Beginning Trailers, interviews
Trailers, interviews, and clips for download in various formats, as well as list of songs featured in episodes, polls, episode guide, and message board.
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copies of compositions at in sibelius, midi, and pdf formats, including degree of difficulty and links to purchase other materials.
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official site of the band from indiana county, pa. includes a song in mp3 and real audio formats, lyrics, photographs, news, and member biographies.
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153 Sample Tunes A substantial
A substantial collection of fiddle tunes mainly from the traditions and players of Cape Breton, in notation (gif format) and/or abc formats.
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old time radio in many formats.
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on-site and linked works rated from easy to advanced from includes mixture of scorch, pdf, and midi formats with barred notation and some tabulature.
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160 classical music archives: strauss jr. biography from
biography from the concise oxford dictionary of music. over 15 complete files offered in midi formats.
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Miami group performs a variety of show formats. Includes cast list, group history, gallery and reservations information.
162 classical music archives: nicolai music files
music files offered in midi, and mp3 audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
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170 Classical Music Archives: Campion Music files
Music files offered in MIDI, and MP3 audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
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Regional festival showcasing narrative and documentary cinema in all lengths and formats. Based in Lancaster, California and held each May.
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