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Macintosh Experience


1 OReilly Macintosh Center Features Macintosh
Features Macintosh books, resources, news and articles.
Serverapache Port Permanently The Z
2 OReilly Macintosh Center Features Macintosh
Features Macintosh books, resources, news and articles.
3 OReilly Macintosh Center Features Macintosh
Features Macintosh books, resources, news and articles.
Apacheport Moved Serverpermanently The
4 OReilly Macintosh Center Features Macintosh
Features Macintosh books, resources, news and articles.
Permanently The Server Port Apachez
5 MacChart Technical analysis
Technical analysis tools for Apple Macintosh.
Macchart Stock Charting Quotes Analysis Technical Market News Charts Software Master Maccentral Control Features Precision Heres
6 MaxEvent Conference and
Conference and registration management software for Windows and Macintosh.
7 AccountMaster Information on
Information on dental lab and chiropractic software that runs on Macintosh and Windows systems.
8 CESI Offers CESLab
Offers CESLab cardiac electrophysiological simulation software for the Apple Power Macintosh platform.
9 Easy Billing Information, screenshots
Information, screenshots and downloadable demonstration available for this system for medical practices. US only. Available for Macintosh or Windows.
10 Macintosh Appraisals Ltd. New Westminister
New Westminister based firm, includes company profile, details on services, and contact form.
Property Appraisal Surrey | Appraisers Macintosh Info@macintoshappraisalscom Estate Valuation Real Vancouver Appraisals Free Clients Canada Standards
11 Trendsetter Software Classic stock
Classic stock charting and analysis tools designed for both novice and experienced investors. Developed exclusively for the Macintosh.
12 gw instruments, inc. manufacturer of
manufacturer of data acquisition computer hardware and realtime waveform analysis, presentation, and database software for windows 95 and macintosh computers.
13 Dental Office Manager II Offers 3
Offers 3 products depending on needs and budget. Includes scheduling, electronic claims, and custom report generator. Available for Macintosh and Windows.
14 Computer Active Solutions Offering web
Offering web site development for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix support and service. Description of services, rates, and contact information.
Web Low Cost Space Scanning Business Graphics Image Computerlogos Comprehensive Virtual Banners Active
15 MacIntosh, D J Voice artist
Voice artist and actor provides samples of his voice over and production work along with a resume.
16 Sixth Sense Software Company Macintosh and
Macintosh and Windows software and hardware, for retailers and restaurants.
Sixth Sense Cafe Restaurant Sale Retail Click Here Windows Apples Snow Suited Best Point Learn Pos Cafeterias
17 Golden View Localization Services Software and
Software and web localization into Chinese and other Asian languages. PC and Macintosh multilingual DTP.
Translation Localization Languages Website Services Tools Company Process Faq Golden Interpreting Dtp Chinese Software Training Thetoplanguageserviceproviders China Window
18 Evans, Steve Connecticut based
Connecticut based freelance graphic/web designer, macintosh expert. Currently in partnership with Elite Graphic LLC.
Sign Lifestream Places People Policy Everything Updated Aol Advertise Terms Now Email Login Aolcom Privacy Stream Multiple Connecting Bulk
19 Monck, Charles Production of
Production of manuals, technical Brochures, illustrations (particularly line drawings), writing custom software for the Macintosh computer, specific genealogy research. (Oxford, UK)
20 Medical Databases Offers medical
Offers medical office management and optical shop software solutions for Macintosh and Windows. Features demonstration.
21 Cornucopia Software Billing and
Billing and practice management software for psychotherapy practices. Offers a free downloadable demonstration copy for Windows or Macintosh.
22 MacIntosh Real Estate School Offers correspondence
Offers correspondence education and online testing for Colorado licensing. Features testimonials, FAQs, course catalog, sample instruction. Based in Arvada, CO.
23 KIP Deluxe Patient and
Patient and electronic billing software for MacIntosh and Windows for medical offices and hospitals. Includes HCFA 1500 forms, word processing, appointment scheduling, practice management.
Medical Software Contact Windows — Deluxe™ Deluxe Since Features Mac Support Office Kip Now Read Thats Us Kip
24 PowerMed Medical Record Software Windows and
Windows and Macintosh EMR for office based physicians, with links to many billing software packages. Downloadable single user version available.
25 ProMax Systems, Inc. Turnkey DV
Turnkey DV, SD, and HD digital video editing systems. Support for both Apple Macintosh G4 and Pentium 4 Windows 2000/XP systems.
26 C-47 Video Horse sales
Horse sales, riding and custom show videos, digital video camera equipment. Macintosh computer for video editing, Still Photography.
Required Authorization Pleaseenter Part User Thank Contact Webmaster Name Passwordforgot Website Tony
27 JacqCAD International USA. Macintosh
USA. Macintosh based software for design, editing, loom control file creation, and designs punching for the jacquard weaving process. Technical information on PDF files. Requires Acrobat Reader.
Menu Textile Masterr Sheepshaver Design Software Macintosh Jacqcad Pict Weave File Jacquard Windows Cx Master Options Grosse Actrom
28 Castle Studios Productions Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of MIDI controlled dimmers, MIDI to DMX and MacIntosh to DMX converters, MIDI routing products, and the MidiLite Christmas light controller.
29 Icon Full-service studio
Full-service studio offering services in print, web and identity design. Also offering macintosh hardware and software maintenance and troubleshooting. Includes portfolio and contact form. Lakewood.
30 AVL Looms, Inc USA. Developers
USA. Developers of Macintosh compatible textile design and production software for treadle and dobby looms. Also, new and used looms and accessories. List of agents. Links to related sites.
31 Indexing Research Producing and
Producing and marketing CINDEX indexing software for Windows, Macintosh and DOX platforms. Providing indexing and abstracting services to publishers, major corporations, libraries, and professional indexers.
32 Designer Software LLC USA. Windows
USA. Windows and Macintosh based software and systems for textile design and digital imaging, and database, sales and marketing management. Also, training and technical support hardware and software.
33 Pointcarré France. Developers
France. Developers of Macintosh compatible, dobby and jacquard weaving and knitting design software. Also, textile printing design and reproduction software. On-line tutorials. English and French.
34 Acrendo Software, Inc. Offers medical
Offers medical record, billing and practice management software for small to medium-sized medical offices. Includes information, pricing and trial download. Windows and Macintosh versions.
Acrendo Software Demo Services Based Program Ehr Hardware Contact Testimonials Call Practice Records Management Policy Dermatology Dictation
35 Mauro, Haroldo Music notation
Music notation using Finale software and Macintosh computers. Music scores and parts, sheet music, jazz notation and transcriptions. Samples available. Rates on request. Based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Music Engraving Page Thank Please Redirected Here Click Copyhas Sheet Partiturasyou
36 Hilferty Writing and Editing John Hilferty
John Hilferty writes and edits press releases, newsletters and advertising copy. Ellie Hilferty specializes in Apple Macintosh computer consulting, training, web site construction, and photography services in Moretown, Vermont.
37 FlockFiler: Complete Software for Sheep Records FlockFiler is
FlockFiler is a computer database for keeping health, management, and breeding records of sheep. For Windows and Macintosh, FlockFiler is suitable for any shepherd and for flocks of any size.
Flockfiler Lite Download Purchase Questions Support Version History Sheep Learnmore Forum Common Demo Best Available Consulting Records Learn
38 Crossing Platforms: A Macintosh/Windows Phrasebook Mac users
Mac users working in Windows or Windows users working on a Mac often find themselves in unfamiliar territory with no guidebook. Offers users a handy way of translating skills and knowledge from one platform to the other.

2. Shopping and Macintosh Trade

1 Think Different Store Offers iPod
Offers iPod accessories including cases and speakers. Also carries Macintosh software and hardware.
Ipodnet Ipodcom Www Wwwipodnet Wwwipodcom Newscom Thegadgetcom Emailcom Sale Iskinresellercom Wwwcosmogadgetscom Wwwmac Wwwmacboardscom Thegadgetlockercom Apple
2 Games Warehouse Sells games
Sells games for PC, Playstation, Macintosh, Nintendo64, Dreamcast, and Gameboy.
3 Wedding Assistant Interactive CD-ROM
Interactive CD-ROM for planning a wedding, for Macintosh and Windows systems.
4 Mulligan Software Sells golf
Sells golf rules, statistics and handicapping software for the Macintosh. Free demo download.
Golf Store Software Mac Scoring App Ipad Handicap Mulligan Course Iphone Free Mulligans Acrobat Touch Handicapping Privacy
5 Gpsy Macintosh GPS
Macintosh GPS communications and GIS mapping software compatible with any NMEA-0183 compatible GPS/Loran-C/DECCA or other navigational system. Demo download available.
Gpsy Gps Macintosh Library Digital Purchase Resource Systems Global Questions Maps Magellan Download Communications Faq Rating Gpsycomr
6 Leclerc Looms Offers inkle
Offers inkle, rigid heddle, table and floor looms. Also computer-dobby conversion kits for both Macintosh and Windows, accessories and related technical information.
Leclerc Catalog Weave Weavebird Download Complete Fils Looms Dealers Brassard Maurice Yarn Sites Convergence Weaving Metal Widest Information Shuttles Box See
7 PCQuilt Software for
Software for Windows and Macintosh. Easy to use, easy to learn quilting software. Download a demo here.
Botanical Nina Antze Colored Artists Society Pencil Blog Instruction Gallery Southern Workshops Botanicals Illustrators Classes Program York Pencil_ Reception
8 Chess Club Manager Macintosh software
Macintosh software for school chess clubs. Tutorials and club management.
9 Wine Chronicle Wine collection
Wine collection management tool for Windows and Macintosh platforms. Includes product description, screenshots of the tool and reports, and support and contact information.
Wine Welcome Chronicley
10 Honeycrisp Apples Honeycrisp variety
Honeycrisp variety in gift boxes or 40-pound boxes, plus Cortland, Macintosh, Macoun, Fortune, Northern Spy and several other varieties, in gift boxes.
Apples Honeycrisp Apple Macoun Cortland Mcintosh Northern Empire Crisp Delicious Fortune Fuji Crispr Gala Stayman
11 Diet Cruncher Diet Analysis
Diet Analysis Nutrition Software for Windows and Macintosh for use with USDA (United States Food Composition Database) and FOODfiles (New Zealand Food Composition Database).
Software Diet South Database Widdowson Cruncher Food Composition Nutrition Windows Analysis Usda Mccance Foodfiles Centres Way

3. Macintosh Recreation

1 Wings Macintosh OS
Macintosh OS X software for managing bird records in a relational database.
2 BookHound Database and
Database and sales management tool for independent booksellers. For Macintosh and Windows. Built with FileMaker Pro.
Bookhoundtm Contact Street Pricing Building Berkeley Changes Booksellers Are Bibliopolis Do Bibliopolis Youaremaking Been Page
3 Black Cat Systems Macintosh software
Macintosh software, specializing in the fields of amateur radio, scientific applications, and health and nutrition.
Calc Software Sound Toolbox Audio Shortwave Elmer Black Byte Macintosh Morse Radio Systems Tracker Gm Anti Coincidence
4 Black Cat Systems Macintosh shareware
Macintosh shareware and freeware, specializing in educational, scientific, health, ham radio, and entertainment software.
Calc Gm Software Black Shortwave Elmer Toolbox Macintosh Systems Radio Morse Nuclear Audio Weather Byte Paper Science Air Educational Scientific
5 MultiMode Decode and
Decode and transmit morse code, RTTY/FAX/SSTV/PACKET/ACARS/PSK31/ALE, and other modes on the Macintosh, without any extra hardware.
Multimode Calc Software Radio Apps Acars Psk Macintosh Morse Sound Pad Weather Byte Elmer Toolbox Linux Synth Tone Tracker Rtty Decoder Eqsl Plus
6 MultiMode Macintosh digital
Macintosh digital modes software. Decodes and transmits CW, RTTY, ASCII, SSTV, FAX, ACARS, PSK31, HELL, DTMF and SITOR.
Multimode Calc Radio Software Apps Acars Psk Morse Macintosh Sitor Weather Toolbox Elmer Sound Pad Mil Std
7 Batsus Desktop A recreation
A recreation of a Macintosh OS Desktop with some humor, using Java and HTML.
Macos IpodÆ’oƒ‰ƒtÆ’bÆ’bÆ’nÆ’fÆ’uÆ’cƒ“ WebÆ’fÆ’uÆ’cƒ“ Batsus Æ’fÆ’uÆ’cÆ’i[batsu‚ÌÆ’fÆ’xÆ’nÆ’gÆ’bÆ’v‚ðmacos•—‚Éweb‚Å•Œ»Ã¢â‚¬Å¡µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡½Ã†â€™y[Æ’wmacintoshi Apple Desktop Æ’aÆ’cÆ’rƒ“ƒfÆ’uÆ’cƒ“
8 Recreational Software, Inc. Macintosh or
Macintosh or Windows ballistics software. Chronographs for rifle and handgun shooters.
Software Shooting Pressuretrace Chronographs Chron Ballistics Special Testing Page Lab Pressure Ced Barrel Loadforce Pc Release Firearm
9 Morse Mania A Morse
A Morse Code tutor for the Macintosh.
Morse Mania Calc Radio Software Apps Elmer Byte Sound Pad Weather Toolbox Audio Ham Macintosh Tutor Radiation Ci
10 Morse Mania A Morse
A Morse Code tutor for the Macintosh.
Morse Mania Calc Radio Apps Software Elmer Byte Toolbox Sound Pad Weather Audio Ham Synth Interface Koch Study
11 The Art of Fly Tying Art of
Art of Fly Tying Interactive CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh featuring stimulating multi-media sound, graphics and over 200 fly pattern quicktime movies.
Fishing Videos Books Fish Fly Freshwater Salmon Instructional Trout Saltwater Adventure Lake Tying Request Everything Muskellunge
12 Macintosh Amateur Radio Software Written for
Written for the MAC platform, and includes satellite tracking, logging DX cluster, spectrum analyzer and PacSat protocol software.
Radio Macloggerdx Software Amateur Macintosh Mac Macechotelem Iphone Tracking Analyzer Adif Ipad Park Lotw Ipod Macdoppler Hams Cluster
13 Center Field Software Provides software
Provides software for fantasy sports including baseball, basketball, hockey and NASCAR leagues. Software is available for both Windows and Macintosh systems.
Fantasy Sports Software Source Field Centerbasketball Baseballhockey Style Rotisserie

4. Computer & Macintosh Games Websites

1 MacNosy A program
A program that will disassemble the Macintosh ROM or any 68K or PowerPC code in a Macintosh resource file and produce a procedural representation of what it is disassembling along with cross reference maps of the procedures, Macintosh Trap names and Macintosh Low Memory Globals.
Macintosh Macnosy Debugger Nosy Powerpc Jasik System Global Used Trap Tables Procedural Disassemblies Macs Y
2 MacNosy A program
A program that will disassemble the Macintosh ROM or any 68K or PowerPC code in a Macintosh resource file and produce a procedural representation of what it is disassembling along with cross reference maps of the procedures, Macintosh Trap names and Macintosh Low Memory Globals.
Macintosh Macnosy Debugger Nosy Powerpc Jasik Saved Disassemblies Designs System Lowmemory Return Usedglobals
3 The Ultimate Macintosh Links to
Links to software archives for Macintosh. A comprehensive list of Macintosh resources on the Internet, included in Macworlds Best of Mac Web Sites for two years running.
Macbook Macintosh Ultimate Software Apple Sites Imac Ultimatemaccom Information Mini Pro General Internet Wwwultimatemaccom Tcomcouk
4 Kaiserslautern Macintosh Users Group Macintosh User
Macintosh User Group serving the Kaiserslautern Area. Specializing in all Apple products, especially the Macintosh and OS X. Near Ramstein AFB, Germany.
Youre Error Ever Happened Found Owner Things Sure Feelplace Wrong Visitor Z
5 About This Particular Macintosh A long
A long running Macintosh e-zine with in depth columns, reviews and tips.
Atpm Macintosh Pictures Desktop Networking Copyright Reviews Mac Personal Archives Particular Computing Anecdotes Imac
6 Architosh Macintosh online
Macintosh online news and information community for professionals in Macintosh CAD and 3D markets.
Mac Cad Architosh New Rendering Days Ago Archicad Graphisoft Announces Aec Architecture Software Bim News Siemens Construction Introduces Iphone
7 MacLux Pro Complete lighting
Complete lighting design software for Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers.
Macluxprocom Maclux Lxseries Softwarepleaseheintz Claude Choose Propolicy Design Privacy
8 Macintosh User Group for Seniors Sharing Macintosh
Sharing Macintosh information to members age 55 and better.
Host Users Created Macintoshservices Ofmugswpgitsamaccomproudly Community Machighway Blogfor Hosted Build Too Rapidweaver Little
9 Kalamazoo Macintosh User Group Meeting information
Meeting information and Macintosh links.
Navigationshilfe Ty
10 The World Wide Macintosh Network Downloads and
Downloads and links for 68k and PPC Macintosh computers.
Information Services Error Help Open Directory Click Foundinternet Support Microsoft Setup Custom Taskscannot
11 Wikitosh A Macintosh
A Macintosh Wiki that covers everything Apple built eentirely on contributions from the Macintosh Community.
12 Macintosh Physical Security Reviews of
Reviews of cables and docks to secure your Macintosh desktops, iBooks and Cubes.
Security Mac Os Firewall Password Personal Macintosh Cable Secure Single Superlock Mode Flaw Norton Utility Wdtech Fileguard Web Confidential Powercrypt Dev Stealth Subme
13 Accettura Makers of
Makers of Macintosh utilities such as Keep Me Online, SpeechFX, and Laser Pointer Lite/Pro. Also includes Macintosh E-Cards.
14 Celview for Macintosh Celcorp provides
Celcorp provides 3270 and 5250 terminal/printing emulation and ftp for the Macintosh, allowing it to connect to the mainframe and iSeries 400.
15 Why Buy a Macintosh? An individual
An individual persons story about how his two-year old daughter and his wife use the Macintosh. Also included are statistics about cost, and advocacy links.
Macintosh Windows Ive They Cary Thats Jordan Shes Then Pugh Advocacy Apple Macos Hes Macs Wed Itstays Page
16 Macintosh C Carbon a hobbyists
a hobbyists guide to programming on the Macintosh
Mactech Table Contents News Scanner Submit Register Archives Pr Editorial Application Mac Apple Conference Read Peer
17 Images of the World Photographics Image
Photographics Image CD-ROM and Macintosh and Windows QT Float QuickTime Screen Saver and other Macintosh file exchange tools.
Viagra Buy Images Side Kingston Where Reference Canada University Wildlife Effect Queens Stock How Australia
18 Central Illinois Apple and Macintosh Users Group CIAMUG includes
CIAMUG includes meeting and contact information, and links to Macintosh web sites.
Ciamug Group Central Illinois Macintosh Apple Usersy
19 The Macintosh Resource Page Pacific Microsystems
Pacific Microsystems is a reseller of hardware and software, and also offers downloads, information, and links for Macintosh users.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Popular Sports Privacy Maps Toolbar Guidelinesuser Machine Archiveorg Terms
20 Arkansas Apple And Macintosh User Group Fort Smith.
Fort Smith. AAAMUG Offers tips, training, demos, lectures, and Macintosh myths.
21 Macintosh powered
Macintosh powered web hosting for and by Macintosh users. Features include e-commerce, cgi-bin, traffic reports, database integration as well as nationwide Internet access.
Domain Hosting Mac Specials Center Sign Login Policy Blog Web Support Plans Registration Name Names Since Here
22 Kevins Macintosh Resource Page A Macintosh
A Macintosh advocacy site, including tips, links to some major users groups, and news on software updates.
23 Macintosh PGP Reviews of
Reviews of Macintosh specific PGP applications.
Security Mac Os Firewall Macintosh Freeware Pgp Pgpnet Password Personal Network Norton Secure Modem Netbarrier Anti Virus Tri Backup Web Confidential Pgps Files Ipsec Pro
24 Mid-Columbia Macintosh User Group McMUG is
McMUG is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing together Macintosh computer users for the purpose of exchanging information and providing education.
Mcmug Group Macintosh Mid Pm Members Kennewick Columbia User Download Form Imac Club Survey Items Short Church
25 Colorado Macintosh User Group Boulder, CO.
Boulder, CO. Provides meeting minutes and schedules, beginners guides, member links, how to pages, forums, and information on Macintosh repair.
Comug Colorado Group User Mcdaniel Macintosh Mac Os Mike Bradley Welcome Andrew Boulder Jeff Apple Comug Boulder Thursday During North Httpwwwappcampgirlscom
26 OpenMac A site
A site that refers to the multiple efforts at porting different flavors of UNIX to the Macintosh and Power Macintosh platforms, primarily representing the Linux for PowerPC and MacBSD projects.
Serverport Apache Movedpermanently The
27 Mac Pro Systems and Software Macintosh catalog
Macintosh catalog reseller that has served the Macintosh community since 1988. Sells new and refurbished computer systems and parts.
Ipod Ipad Accessories Iphone Pro Mac Parts Mini Cart Macbook Add Nano Powermac Rain Design Apple Touch Mb
28 Reasons why not to go Macintosh Analysis of
Analysis of the validity of reasons expressed why the Macintosh platform is not chosen in computer buying decisions.
Navigationshilfet Y
29 Association of Macintosh Trainers International network
International network of Macintosh computer professionals who provide computer support and assistance.
30 Association of Macintosh Trainers International network
International network of Macintosh computer professionals who provide computer support and assistance.
31 Sonnet Products Accelerators, cache
Accelerators, cache cards, FPUs and memory products for Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers.
Port Opensslyserverphpfound The Dav Apache Found
32 Tucows Macintosh Software Offers the
Offers the largest software downloads of shareware, freeware and demos for Macintosh.
33 Macintosh Emulation Station Emulation of
Emulation of the Macintosh computer in Windows. Includes introductory guides, emulator downloads, and a collection of games and applications that will run on most emulators.
Navigationshilfe Ty
34 MacBattery Sells Macintosh
Sells Macintosh PRAM and clock batteries. Offers troubleshooting advise for common Macintosh battery problems, as well as free shipping on most battery orders.
Macmedics Apple Macintosh Battery Authorized Washington Baltimore Philadelphia Volt Hard Reseller Consulting Macbook Machine Dc Iphone Batteries Pram
35 MacBattery Sells Macintosh
Sells Macintosh PRAM and clock batteries. Offers troubleshooting advise for common Macintosh battery problems, as well as free shipping on most battery orders.
Macmedics Macintosh Apple Battery Authorized Philadelphia Washington Baltimore Macbook Dc Machine Hard Volt Consulting Reseller Retirement Shipping World’s Provider
36 Xebrawerx Macintosh Support Services Macintosh planning
Macintosh planning, sales, troubleshooting, and repair services.
37 North Carolina Crystal Coast Macintosh User Group Describes membership
Describes membership benefits, and offers meeting information, troubleshooting links, Macintosh advocacy and contact information.
Filedirectory Unavailable Foundthe Namechanged Been Server Error Resource Temporarily Removed Lookingmight
38 Classic Macintosh Computing A hobbyists
A hobbyists site devoted to the Macintosh Classic. Includes server projects, tutorials, uses, photo gallery, news, links, and the users personal collection.
39 Macintosh Security A site
A site dedicated to security-related issues and software on the Macintosh.
Security Mac Macscan Horse Trojan Removal Os Securemac Privacyscan Apple Blackhole Firewall Pgp Dnschanger Virus Anti Openssh Encrypt Pro
40 Macintosh Security A site
A site dedicated to security-related issues and software on the Macintosh.
Security Support News Policy Contact Malware Company Macscan Press Privacyscan Securemac Downloads Privacy Apple Learn Software
41 Macintosh Security A site
A site dedicated to security-related issues and software on the Macintosh.
Security Mac Macscan Horse Trojan Os Removal Securemac Privacyscan Apple Blackhole Pgp Dnschanger Firewall Virus Anti Personal Scanner Disguised Macintosh Macanalysis
42 Macintosh Security A site
A site dedicated to security-related issues and software on the Macintosh.
Security News Support Macscan Malware Contact Policy Company Press Privacyscan Securemac Privacy Downloads Apple Learn Careers Request Experts
43 A Brodys Macintosh Related Sites Over 250
Over 250 Macintosh related links verified monthly.
Apple Macintosh Page Software Mac Apples Macs Products Guide System Store Support Macmapscom Os Updates Computer Protection
44 DekSoft The most
The most complete source for Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian software for the Macintosh, Power Macintosh, Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and Windows NT.
Navigationshilfet Y
45 Mac OS 8 and 9: Compatibility with Macintosh Computers Table that
Table that covers which versions of Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 will run on which Macintosh computers.
Apache Foundserver Navigationshilfe Port Found The
46 NFA for Macintosh for Netware Product flyer
Product flyer for Netware 5.1 built-in Macintosh connectivity.
Novell Training Zenworks Management Partner Support Products Technical File Open Suite Communities Services Page Partners Suse Beta
47 Macintosh Software Testing Resources Information about
Information about testing Macintosh software on System 7 through OS X. Intended audience: Mac testers, developers, technical writers and other project team members.
Part Apple Software Mac Testing Store Developer Test Macintosh Os Apples Labs Guidelines Shareware App Infoplist Omni Off Shelf Jack Linux Diegel
48 MacNN: Apple Macintosh News at The Macintosh News A thorough
A thorough Mac OS X news summary site that is updated daily.
49 Idem File Synchronization
File Synchronization Software utility for Windows and Macintosh files on NT/2000. Features the ability to fully preserve Macintosh filenames and structures when stored on a Windows NT/2000 server.
Windows Files Idem File Folder Ntxpand Pack Information Macintosh Serversnt Synchronization Including Special Utility Mirroring
50 Idem File Synchronization
File Synchronization Software utility for Windows and Macintosh files on NT/2000. Features the ability to fully preserve Macintosh filenames and structures when stored on a Windows NT/2000 server.
Windows Files File Idem Utilitycopy Information Macintosh Mirroring Check Replication Idemcan Systemswindows License
51 Color It! - MicroFrontier, Inc. Fully featured
Fully featured image editing program that opens a wide variety of file formats, offers 16 levels of undo, and supports pressure-sensitive tablets and Photoshop-compatible plug-ins for scanners and filters. Requires Macintosh or Power Macintosh.
Color Digital Digimage Arts Itr Darkroomr Information Macintosh Photoshop Developers Downloads Based Review Products Enhance Support Perfect Award Rosetta
52 Association of Macintosh Trainers AMT is
AMT is an international association of professional Apple Macintosh computer instructors, educators, trainers, and consultants.
53 Association of Macintosh Trainers AMT is
AMT is an international association of professional Apple Macintosh computer instructors, educators, trainers, and consultants.
54 Association of Macintosh Trainers AMT is
AMT is an international association of professional Apple Macintosh computer instructors, educators, trainers, and consultants.
55 Palm Computing Macintosh News and Information News and
News and information for handheld and smartphone users that have Macintosh computers.
Found The Found Mynewpalmy
56 NewsForge | Review: The new Power Macintosh G5 G5 review
G5 review from the Linux/Open Source news site. 'Apples new 64-bit Power Macintosh G5 is aptly named: it has power to burn.'
Unavailable Unavailable Service Gurumeditation Xid Errorservice
57 Macintosh Application Development Essentials (MADE) a tiny
a tiny package of C/C++ code which provides all the lowest-level needs for a Macintosh application. It is designed for people who are learning, or know how to program Macs, but dont have the time, energy or desire to write basic menu, event, memory and error handling routines.
Made Software Download Carbon Memory Now Classic Email Development Macintosh Purchase Platform Essentials Analog Namecleaner Other Maguire
58 CNET The Macintosh
The Macintosh section of this site contains a wide variety of freeware, shareware, and commercial demos for the Macintosh. The software is organized into categories for easy browsing, and it contains a recent additions section to help you keep track of the latest releases. This site is updated daily.
Software Tools Games Drivers Mac Video Raquo Management Itunes Utilities Other Security Audio Antivirus Downloadcom
59 Macintosh Facts and Statistics Interesting facts
Interesting facts, statistics and quotes about the superiority of the Macintosh computer.
Facts Mac Hasy
60 The Macintosh Emulation Forum Forum for
Forum for discussing emulation of the Macintosh computer on alternate platforms.
Navigationshilfe Ty
61 Macintosh Type/Creator Database A database
A database of windows file extension codes with correlating Macintosh Type/Creator code pairs.
62 Macintosh Palace Client Install and Survival Guide Instructions and
Instructions and screenshots for new Macintosh Palace users on how to install a Palace client and tweak it for optimal performance.
Mac Page Palace Sounds Graphics Palacexmissioncom Midi Win Permanently The Pals Mmmmm Server Connect Survival Y
63 Macintosh Home Automation Macintosh software
Macintosh software for 2-way X10 home automation and security
Automation Macintosh Sand Hill List Parts Macs Cm Order New Others Mr History Kakuhomeeasy Page Lynx Troubleshooting Devices Appliances
64 Lingua - For all the Worlds Languages Lingua is
Lingua is a specialist supplier of Language Software, which enable you to work on your PC or Macintosh in any language or script. Our range includes word processing, desktop publishing (dtp), proofing tools, spelling checkers, translation software, and language learning software for PC (Windows 3.1/95/98 and Windows NT) and Apple Macintosh.
Lingua Ukcom Toclickgo Here
65 Develop Articles on Testing and Debugging Several good
Several good articles on Mac OS debugging, including 'Macintosh Debugging: A Weird Journey into the Belly of the Beast', 'Macintosh Debugging:The Belly of the Best Revisited', 'Balance of Power: MacsBug for PowerPC', 'Sleuthing Through Your Code' and 'Balance of Power: Stalking the Wild Defect'.
Navigationshilfe Ty
66 Axialis IconWorkshop Create, extract
Create, extract, convert, manage, and redistribute Macintosh and Windows icons. Convert Macintosh icons (up to OS-X) to Windows format. Create icons from PNG images or Photoshop PSD images with layers.
Windows Iconworkshop Icons Axialis Image Product Visual Thank Create Vista Customer Iconworkshoptm Iphone Software Studio
67 Cyclone An Interface
An Interface for Apple Text Encoding Converter: Cyclone is a text converting utility application for the Macintosh that uses Apple Text Encoding Converter. Macintosh, Unicode, ISO, DOS, Windows, and other encodings.
Cyclone Encoding Text Sources Download Converter Apple Asked Classic Browse Me” Questions” Mac Power Macintosh
68 Open Source Pascal Compiler Project, Macintosh Version An open-source
An open-source Pascal Compiler project in hopes to establish a freeware Pascal compiler for the Macintosh platform.
Z Teleporting Y
69 Rumpus FTP Server
FTP Server for Macintosh
Rumpus File Transfer Server Ftp Web Great Testimonials Apple Folder Transfers Rumpus Easy Webdav Ive Control Secure Connected Notices Receive
70 PKZIP Mac A zip
A zip compression utility for the Macintosh.
71 Mac PR Macintosh press
Macintosh press releases and updates.
Navigationshilfet Y
72 MacPing Ping client
Ping client for Macintosh.
Mac Software Post Editor Best Senior Tips Rarr Admin Programs Windows Macbook Browsers How Must Build Track
73 NewsFire Macintosh RSS
Macintosh RSS reader. OS 10.3 required.
Mac Os Developmentdownload Blog Newsfire Required Leopard Z
74 Trixicons Collection of
Collection of Gothic icons for Macintosh.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Longeravailablefinance Archives Terms Guidelines Movies Internet Sorry
75 Ask Kim Basics about
Basics about all aspects of using a Macintosh, including links.
76 Macintosh processor
Macintosh processor and drive upgrades.
Upgrades Fastmac Powerbook Ibook Mac Ipod Macbook Performance Batteries Iphone Imac Shirt Drive Mini Screen Replacement
77 MacPOS Inventory control
Inventory control software for the Macintosh.
Macpos Pos Point Sale Mac Retail Macs Easy Solutions Control Featured Software Store Inventory Cafe Informative
78 The Mac Orphanage A small
A small, personal web site about Macintosh.
79 MacWindows Solutions for
Solutions for integrating Macintosh and Windows.
Mavericks Windows Mac Outlook Parallels Tips Problem Reports Smb Update Server Desktop Boot Os Macs Emulation Slow Flop
80 MacWindows Solutions for
Solutions for integrating Macintosh and Windows.
Mavericks Windows Mac Outlook Parallels Tips Reports Problem Update Smb Server Desktop Boot Thunderbolt Macs Corrupting Comparison
81 MacWindows Solutions for
Solutions for integrating Macintosh and Windows.
Mavericks Windows Outlook Mac Parallels Tips Problem Reports Update Smb Server Desktop Boot Os Macs File
82 MacWindows Solutions for
Solutions for integrating Macintosh and Windows.
Windows Mac Tips Reports Mavericks Boot File Macs Sharing Outlook Problem Camp Exchange Server Lion Extremez Ip Crossover
83 Mac Hack CD-Rom Macintosh Hacking
Macintosh Hacking Merchandise for Sale.
Securemaccom Security Come Store Macintosh Hasmade Changes Z
84 MacAnalysis Macintosh security
Macintosh security Auditing suite.
Security Mac Privacy Os Macscan Privacyscan Hackers Policy Support News Contact Upgrade Company Malware Check Way Submission System
85 Sells Macintosh
Sells Macintosh clock batteries.
Macmedics Macintosh Apple Authorized Battery Philadelphia Washington Baltimore Machine Volt Reseller Hard Macbook Consulting Dc Djs Millersville Liquid
86 iDevGames The Macintosh
The Macintosh OpenGL community forum.
Idevgames Forums List Port Help Php Message Login Server Register Openssly Copy Phusion_passengermod_ssl Apachemember
87 Baucom Computers Used Macintosh
Used Macintosh computer outlet.
Computers Baucom Macs Used Email Wholesale Thanksinquiriesother
88 Sells Macintosh
Sells Macintosh clock batteries.
Macmedics Macintosh Apple Battery Authorized Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Machine Macbook Reseller Volt Dc Hard Consulting Liquid Mac Imac Gives
89 The Mac Roundup A compilation
A compilation of the days Macintosh related headlines from around the web.
90 HMAUS The Hawaii
The Hawaii Macintosh and Apple Users Society.
Hmaus Yasu Hawaii Festival Membership Ideas Mavericks Reviews Policies News Posted Desktop Apple Clinic Calendar Hi George Power
91 Mariner Write Streamlined word
Streamlined word processor for the Macintosh that can run on only 2MB of RAM.
Z Error Y
92 Anti-Macintosh Home Page Banners and
Banners and humor.
Website Create Design Log Store Sites Features Domain Works Seo Paid Homestead How Traffic Services Pricing Plans Ads
93 The Mac Orchard Links and
Links and Internet applications for Macintosh users.
Orchard Mac Internet Chat Server Email Usenet Connectivity Transfer Protocols Network Mushmud Older Browsers Terminal Applications Emails
94 Sara Preliminary version
Preliminary version of an Apple /// emulator for Macintosh.
Apple Calc Apps Software Radio Sara Disk Macintosh Weather Sound Toolbox System Black Elmer Byte Tone Sos Utilities Navtex General Privacy Mania
95 Project8080 Covers the
Covers the development of a Heathkit H8 emulator on Macintosh.
Found Comcasty
96 LaCie Specializing in
Specializing in storage peripherals for both PC and Macintosh platforms.
Disk Ethernet Big Tb Usb Lacie English Mini Storage Extreme Layer Countries Secure Other Interface Driver Scribe Digital Dual Ray
97 LaCie Specializing in
Specializing in storage peripherals for both PC and Macintosh platforms.
Disk Tb Ethernet Big English Usb Lacie Storage Mini Japan Biggest High Canada Triple Interface Other Pro Series æ—¥æÅ“¬ Countries
98 MACnSTUFF Pre-owned Apple
Pre-owned Apple and Macintosh computers and peripherals.
Apple Macintosh Used Monitors Return Shipping Computers Plus Cable Equipment Card Monitor Model Memory Cards Pre Owned Dcpower Opposite
99 MacAttic Specializing in
Specializing in used Macintosh computers, parts and software.
Used Mac Parts Macintosh Apple Computers Haven Software Monitors Printers Most Repair Computer Grand Macs Technical
100 inkSpot! A Macintosh
A Macintosh Hotline client written in RealBASIC.
Fonts Version Tracker Historymultiple Newton [ Advantages ] Only Einhugur Software Michael Bookmarks
101 BOA Architectural 3D
Architectural 3D design software for Apple Macintosh systems.
Research Donec Nullam Boa Policy Contact Privacy Designsacramento Vision Follow Whereconverge * Copyright
102 MacHack Annual Macintosh
Annual Macintosh programming contest and convention.
Machack Hack Here Contest Best Years Click Press Sponsor Inc Expotech Lastthemachaxtm Updatedjune
103 Softpress Freeway Web design
Web design software for the Apple Macintosh.
Freeway Softpress Exhibeo Design Support Blog Marketplace Visual Express Liberty Creative Privacy Easy Rather Company Websites Apps Prototypes
104 Polar Orbit Software Creator of
Creator of shareware for Macintosh.
Navigationshilfe Ty
105 The Mac Orchard Links and
Links and Internet applications for Macintosh users.
Orchard Mac Internet Server Chat Email Usenet Connectivity Browsers Mushmud Sharing Network Talk Protocols Older Helper Software Most People Helpers
106 Polar Orbit Software Creator of
Creator of shareware for Macintosh.
適応障害を早期改善する|ココロサポートケア法 適応障害は日常生活でおこる様々なストレスに対して過剰な反応をおこし、学校や職場での生活に影響が及ぶ障害です。適応障害の症状にはうつ気分や不安Ã
107 Macintosh technical
Macintosh technical, configuration, and pricing information.
Mac Macs Apple Specs Macbook Core Everymaccom Power Ipod Ipad Prices Iphone Kingdom United Number Display
108 Stargazers Delight A shareware
A shareware desktop planetarium for the Macintosh.
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109 OS X Routine Maintenance and Generic Troubleshooting Applies to
Applies to Macintosh OS X 10.2 and 10.3.
Disk Macintosh Permissions Note Contents Table Repair Return Smart Apple Warrior Maintenance Utility Safari Mail Httpreviewscnetcom _ Htmltag=mfiredir Finderoption Click
110 MacMisto Provides screenshots
Provides screenshots of Macintosh software and user comments.
111 MacMinix Macintosh version
Macintosh version of the UNIX clone Minix.
Macminix Minix Unix Andrew Mac Page Darwin Apple Erickson System Please Macs Macintosh Virtual Linux Plus Here
112 MacMinix Macintosh version
Macintosh version of the UNIX clone Minix.
Macminix Minix Unix Andrew Page Mac Darwin Apple System Erickson Please Macs Macintosh Virtual User Netbsd
113 UNIX for Macintosh Examples, scripts
Examples, scripts, commands, and some tutorials.
Navigationshilfe Ty
114 WinMac Macintosh style
Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95/98/NT4/2000.
115 iStream MP3 Streaming
MP3 Streaming Server for the Macintosh from Arctic Software.
Fileerror Might Removed Resource Server Directory Namechanged Been Temporarilyunavailable Foundthe Looking
116 XMacL A news
A news and resource center for Macintosh users.
Xml Filemaker Editor Xslt Developer Apple Tools News Version Mac Schema Library Rpc Applescript Revolution Jedit Translation Xmlfiles
117 Leger, Matt G. Macintosh top
Macintosh top ten list with profile and links.
Sign Lifestream People Now Everything Places Policy Updated Aolcom Stay Bulk Simplifying Inc Rights Login
118 HMAUS The Hawaii
The Hawaii Macintosh and Apple Users Society.
Focus Hmaus Membership Desktop Posted Policies Macphun Freshly Maclearn News Calendar Review Apple Web Pro Clinic Vegetarian Petrie Plus Ishoot Events Image
119 Marathon Computer Professional rackmount
Professional rackmount solutions for Macintosh.
Marathon Computer Computers Reply Marathons Win Fireplacecoming Name Take Cancel About Improving Universal
120 Most Huge Facts, graphics
Facts, graphics, and programming information about the Macintosh.
Macintosh Mac Advocacy Computer Evangelism Windows Program Advice Facts Opinions Largest Statistics Use Computers Programming Happy Plus How Begin
121 MacHack Annual Macintosh
Annual Macintosh programming contest and convention.
Machack Hack Here Click Years Best Contest Steven Well Purchasemachaxtmgroup Last Group
122 MacHack Annual Macintosh
Annual Macintosh programming contest and convention.
Machack Hack Here Best Contest Click Years Sponsor Updatedjune Well Available Purchasegroup
123 The Mac Orchard A comprehensive
A comprehensive list of essential network applications for the Macintosh.
Orchard Mac Internet Server Email Usenet Chat Connectivity Browsers Classics Other Transfer Older Mushmud Network Macintosh Most People
124 Accettura Forum for
Forum for Macintosh Tech Support. Free Membership.
Accettura Accetturacom Software Macvillagenet Robert Safepasswdcom Raccettura Macvillagemediaaccetturacom Over
125 The Mac Orchard A comprehensive
A comprehensive list of essential network applications for the Macintosh.
Orchard Mac Internet Usenet Chat Email Server Connectivity Transfer Other Older Talk Browsers Classics Terminal Daily File Network
126 VIS Apple Macintosh
Apple Macintosh spare parts supplier as well as many second hand items.
Board Mac Apple Macbook Parts Drive Macintosh Printer Video Hard Exchange Power Keyboard Floppy Spares Pro Conditions Performer Mouse Powerbook
127 PrintToPDF Shareware Macintosh
Shareware Macintosh printer driver that creates PDF files.
Printtopdf Text Reader Localization Acrobat Stuff Pdfs Really James Location Manager Italian Fixed Converters Japanese Unicode Replace Expander
128 Executor Contains a
Contains a 32-bit, and a DOS version, both of which let you run Macintosh applications on any of the traditional PC operating systems.
129 A directory
A directory of free programs for Windows 95/98/3.1 and Macintosh, with reviews.
Temporarilyhas Disabled Accountbeen
130 New England Macintosh Conspiracy Includes member
Includes member benefits and links.
Macworld Macintosh Boston Best Show Internet Nemac Expo Sitelink User Group Peregrine Projects Mac Conspiracy Awards
131 Apple Spec Database Specifications on
Specifications on many models of Macintosh hardware.
Specs Tech Specifications Browse Apple Support Technical Product Loadfeatured Please Languages Other Z
132 MacAddict News, gossip
News, gossip, forums, and information for Macintosh enthusiasts.
Iphone Best News Apple Phone Video Techradar Kill Star Computing Reckons Galaxy Rumors Really Date Gaming Charter
133 Make A TestTone Free Macintosh
Free Macintosh test tone Generator
Z Ruby Ubuntu Permanently The Perlv Server Suhosin Patchmod_ruby Php Portapache Opensslgmod_perl
134 GST Direct marketer
Direct marketer of PC and Macintosh computer systems, peripherals and software.
135 MacAddict News, gossip
News, gossip, forums, and information for Macintosh enthusiasts.
Iphone News Best Rumors Date Release Phone Computing Review Galaxy Policy Techradar Ren Technology | Components Weve Yoga Downloads Reviews
136 StartupList Program that
Program that makes it so that your to-do list appears while your Macintosh is booting up.
137 Trak-IT Human Resources
Human Resources software for HR record-keeping. Macintosh and PC.
Best Credit Luxury Cars Phones Smart Tickets Cheap Stocks Free Migraine Card Funds Pain Speed Trak Itcom Internet High Relief
138 CADintosh 2D CAD
2D CAD package for Macintosh from LemkeSoft (of GraphicConverter fame). Shareware.
Support Order Download Image [more] Test Buy Cadintosh Features Forum Fontbook Exif User Browser Key History Batch Lemkesoft Mac
139 PowerPoint Mac Details of
Details of the macintosh version of Microsofts presentatin package.
Office Mac Microsoft Student Edition Software Word Outlook New Powerpoint United Excel Français See Center
140 Muwse Multilingual editor.
Multilingual editor. Free trial version available. [Macintosh]
Muwse Editor Unicode Html Multilingual Text Language Download Macos Program Sample Free Internet Trial Preview
141 Kids Domain Macintosh and
Macintosh and PC software reviewed by families and teachers.
142 Pixelglow The Macintosh
The Macintosh port of the automated graph layout software.
Graphviz Design Macintosh Supports Donate Download Instaviz Jpeg Shellac Software Pdf Macstl Apple Pixelglow Open Cant Choose Appstore
143 TouchCAD 3D modeling
3D modeling, unfolding and unwrapping program for Macintosh and Windows.
Touchcad Design Image Lundström Unfolding Laurie Windows Mcgowan Marine Modeling Cad Unwrapping Umbrella Mac Boat Realistic
144 MPEG Audio Software Simple Macintosh
Simple Macintosh MP3 player/decoder.
145 The Joy of Tech Macintosh comic
Macintosh comic strip with multiple updates weekly.
Tech Comic Superfan Thanks Nitrozac Joy Stars Follow Apple Macbook Jot Snaggy Archives Appmantv Chris Featured Map Barbarella He
146 MacMall A catalog
A catalog reseller that sells Macintosh hardware and software.
Accessories Ipad Printers Apple Mac Macbook Drives Pro Memory Ipod Mini Soon New Arrivals $ Blu Ray Macmall
147 MacAddict Online home
Online home of the monthly magazine for the Macintosh enthusiast.
Apple Apps Best Games Mac Deals Great Watch Ios How Ipad Articles Posted Iphone Free Tos Image Editing Keirn Swanson Threats
148 Club Mac 'A Friendly
'A Friendly Macintosh User Group' based in Hampton, VA
Navigationshilfe Ty
149 MacInstallerBuilder Build software
Build software installers for both Macintosh and Windows. (sdesoftware)
Error Requesty
150 Virtual Programming Owners of
Owners of the iFusion PPC Macintosh emulator for the Amiga.
151 MacGeeks News, reviews
News, reviews, and information for Macintosh enthusiasts and professionals
Macgeekscom Apple Wwdc Ios Mac Watch Ipad Reviews Macbook Tricks tv Plus Os Tips Deals
152 MacAddict Online home
Online home of the monthly magazine for the Macintosh enthusiast.
Best News Iphone Phone Computing Techradar Release Galaxy Day Games Sales Policy Date Boxing Rumors Should Samsung
153 CoolMacintosh Provides macintosh
Provides macintosh news, reviews, articles, downloads, and forums.
Ipad Price Quantity Iphone Twelve Apple Magic Case South Charger Mac Stylus Macbook Bamboo Adapter Keyfolio Travel Stand
154 ChezMarks MacPicks Guide to
Guide to the newest and best Macintosh shareware, updated often.
155 PrintToPDF Shareware Macintosh
Shareware Macintosh printer driver that creates PDF files.
Printtopdf Text Acrobat Pdfs Reader Stuff Localization Really Location Fixed Italian Manager James German Windows Manual Notes Pdffiles Pack Mlte Shareware
156 Boutell.Com, Inc. Purveyors of
Purveyors of quality shareware for Windows and Macintosh since 1993.
Th Boutell Avenue Symfony Web Punk Boutellcom Mapedit Apostrophe Accountify Philadelphia Shall Supportmelive Contact Iphone Speak Sync Date Enabled Short Range Network Offers
157 IBloggers WebRing A collection
A collection of sites using iBlog software for Macintosh.
Ibloggers Mac Blog Forum Close Weblog Iblog Found Here Macintosh Terms Login Port Users Sign Server Y
158 Why Apple is So Tempting Article from
Article from Wired describing the allure of the Macintosh.
Wired Jobs Apple Cond Tech Nast Maids Apples Friend Best Webmonkey Meter Disney Reviews Eisner Reddit Playbook Wi Fi Science Brides Warner Insider How
159 TopMac News and
News and rumors related to Apple Macintosh products.
Google English Esperanto Inc Webmaster Checkout Tools Cook Launches Blog Competing Corp Artificial Paypal Central Kobrick Submitted_ Search_ Image
160 Nexus 9 - AirStumbler A wireless
A wireless network discovery tool for Macintosh.
161 MacAddict Online home
Online home of the monthly magazine for the Macintosh enthusiast.
Best Iphone News Phone Release Apple Date Policy Techradar Video Rumors Galaxy Games Computing Latest Gaming Components
162 Las Vegas Macintosh Users Group News and
News and meeting information.
Vmug Events Membership Vmware Education Sponsorship Community User Group Advantage Connect Terms Service Latest Ave
163 MacAddict News, gossip
News, gossip, forums, and information for Macintosh enthusiasts.
Best News Phone Iphone Release Date Rumors Policy Nintendo Take Galaxy Techradar Games Should Ds Terms Passwords Ndash Cloud
164 Ergo A Bayesian
A Bayesian network editor and solver. [Windows/Macintosh]
Parken Domains Kategorienhäufig Results Domain Noeticsystemscom Inhaber Namedrive Policyprivacy Listings
165 MacCentral Reader Forum Forums for
Forums for Macintosh users and gamers.
Apps Os Accessories Mac Business Ios Macworld Idg Subscribe Entertainment Videos Macs News Creative Software +selectedads[i]title+ Accessory Iphone
166 SoundApp Freeware PowerPC
Freeware PowerPC native sound player and converter for the Macintosh.
Review Full Downloads Downloadcom Windows Cnet Free Software Reviews Download See Antivirus Deals How Applications Most
167 The Mezzanine BBS and Macintosh User Group Includes a
Includes a history of the BBS and links to other sites.
Chatter Salesforce Rsaquo Communities Learn Cloud Editions See Social Sales Pricing Platform Contact Customer Virgin Sales Connect Services
168 Frontier 5 A web
A web content management system for Windows and Macintosh which has some built-in support for XML.
Frontier Error Server Userland Monz
169 iInventory Ltd Offering inventory
Offering inventory auditing software for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
Iinventory Directory Services Now Missionaries Videos Mission Contact Create Join Church Password Spider Countries List Sites Pestnet Statistics Procode Missions
170 MacNetBus Information about
Information about NetBus and the Macintosh. Download client to control the server.
Security Mac Os Firewall Macintosh Personal Password Norton Utility Single Secure Cable Flaw Netbarrier Superlock Deus Network Powercrypt Dev Tri Backup Instant Advisory Subseven
171 Mad Computing Specializes in
Specializes in new and used Macintosh and Windows systems. Also offers computer rentals.
Rentals Macbook Rental Computer Diego Macintosh Convention Meeting Services Angeles Tradeshow Apple Orange County San Follow
172 The Joy of Tech Touching memorial
Touching memorial comic, shows a Macintosh thanking Raskin.
Tech Superfan Thanks Geek Raskin Nitrozac Joy Latest Technology Please Comic Feb Snaggy Culture Apple Email Policy Ogradys Engine Help
173 Chez Mark Weekly guide
Weekly guide to the newest and best Macintosh shareware and freeware.
Junk Wwwfriedpuppydogdiscscom Mac Good Chezmarks Activate Chrome Chezmark Browser Shareware Mark @ chezmarkcomparty Upgrade Google
174 Microsoft Office, Macintosh Edition Including MS-Word
Including MS-Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
175 MacOSZone A good
A good place for the newest and best in Macintosh shareware, software and demos.
176 Think Secret Macintosh news
Macintosh news, gossip, and user forums updated daily.
177 Pear-Socam Softworks Offering software
Offering software solutions for Macintosh, and Linux.
Pear Socam Softworks Synthesis Pearos Ultra Pearlinks Welcome Communications Canville Pearware Ohio West Click Copyright
178 SecureMac Macintosh security
Macintosh security mailing list for advisories, patches, and alerts.
Security Mac Macscan Horse Trojan Removal Os Securemac Privacyscan Apple Blackhole Dnschanger Instructions Firewall Pgp Anti Virus Ssh Steps
179 Norbyte Developer and
Developer and publisher of shareware games and utilities for PC-Windows and Macintosh.
Apps Norbyte Developer Other Platforms Mac Ipad Support News Art Iphone And Apps Supportedz
180 Small Dog Electronics Sells new
Sells new and used Apple Macintosh computers and related accessories.
Accessories Apple Shop Macs Refurbished Services Clearance Email Policy Gift Small Center Dog Cards Blog Partners Power Charitable Tv
181 Whittier Area Macintosh User Group News, directions
News, directions, and resources.
182 G7 Tablature, notation
Tablature, notation and composition software for Macintosh and Windows. Play and learn.
Avid Sibelius Music Found Scenes Map Musikmesse Shaping Nab Media Behind Workflows Alabama Sound Euphonix Agb
183 Dave Marra of Apple Computer Resources and
Resources and information for Macintosh users.
Tips Dave Mac Os Marrathoncom Marras Apple Osx Marra Cool Lion Favorite Ipad Iphone Tricks Contact Imovie Garageband Web
184 Mactracker Provides a
Provides a program that will list every Macintosh ever built and the hardware specifications of each machine.
185 Apple Computer Headquarters of
Headquarters of the makers of the Macintosh line of personal computers.
Apple Store You’re Contact Mac Media Opportunities Terms Policy Ipad Iphone Ipod Privacy Environment Support Inc
186 Macintosh Music Software Site Many freeware
Many freeware and shareware applications available for download.
Software Tools Audio Music Plugins Midi Hosts Other Mac Freeware Players Effects Free Guitar Production Mac Demo Percussion Business Sound Oscilloscopes
187 Intego Products - NetBarrier The first
The first personal firewall, antivandal and filter for the Macintosh.
Mac Secure Premium Family Machine Security Washing Malware Bundle Protector Upgrade Internet Policy Renew Contact Use Submit
188 Mactracker Provides a
Provides a program that will list every Macintosh ever built and the hardware specifications of each machine.
189 Emulators, Inc. Current owners
Current owners of Fusion, a free, DOS based 68K Macintosh emulator.
Atari Windows Gemulator Softmac Emulation Intel Bochs Isca Xformer Part Powerpc Mac Core Emulators Emulator Amas Bt Dynamic Optimization
190 Frontier 5 A web
A web content management system for Windows and Macintosh which has some built-in support for XML.
Error Frontier Userland Serverz Tue
191 Small retailer
Small retailer of used Macintosh parts and components. Specializes in Mac peripherals.
Navigationshilfe Ty
192 Diehl Graphsoft VectorWorks is
VectorWorks is a affordably priced CAD program for both Macintosh and MS-Windows .
Vectorworks Learn Gt Student Products Version Trial Success Bim Training Stories Compare Design Download Architect Discussion
193 MacInTouch Apple and
Apple and Macintosh industry news and software update information.
Apple Security Amazon Discussion Notes Macintouch Vuwer News Mavericks Expandrive Reports Macbook Interconnex Mac Yosemite Others
194 MRP: The Mac Resource Page A daily
A daily news e-zine about Macintosh computers and the MacOS.
Deals $ See Free Shipping Drives Coupons Wcode Apple Date Accessories Ipod Hard Wireless Iphone Storage Bluetooth Monitor
195 MacSpeedZone Macintosh hardware
Macintosh hardware and software performance reviews and other related information.
Macbook Prices $ Reviews Apple Information Best Deals Buyers Guide Performance Models Inch Selling Computer
196 Contemporary wallpaper
Contemporary wallpaper for use as desktop backgrounds by Windows and Macintosh users.
Ipad Wallpaper Free Valentines Victorian Day Movies Holidays Holiday Nature Iphone Yourwallpaper Funny Television General
197 Maumau Kids Icons, desktop
Icons, desktop pictures, and Kaleidoscope schemes for the Macintosh.
Navigationshilfet Y
198 Java for Macintosh FAQ Answers to
Answers to frequently asked questions covering both classic Mac OS and Mac OS X.
199 NaoPress Macintosh technology
Macintosh technology magazine. Rumors, news, and product information.
Maclevel Naopress |z Now
200 Architosh A magazine
A magazine to support architects and CAD users who work on the Macintosh computer.
Mac Architosh Cad New Rendering Ago Graphisoft Software Archicad Architect Aec Architecture Announces Aia Days Video Industry
1 Macintosh Hex Oddz Demo and
Demo and new breeds available for Macintosh, add-ons, news, and links.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Hosting App Local Gallery Help Advisor Privacy Please Health Install Customer Commerce
2 The CC2-Revival Contains downloads
Contains downloads for Macintosh.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Local Help App Advisor Gallery Hosting Please Shut Developer Central
3 Rem! MacOS Rygar emulator
Rygar emulator for Macintosh.
Permanently The Moved Y
4 Rainer14 Macintosh WarCraft
Macintosh WarCraft 2 downloads.
Webpage Warcraft Rainers Iiwebpage Sponsor Cheats Sponsored Cheats Visit Pleasedownloads Mywarcraft Welcome Ii
5 Game Revolution Cheats for
Cheats for the Macintosh version.
Cheats Playstation Nintendo Xbox Final Faq Games Mac Video Star Iphone Phantom Metal Gear Ps Goro Evil Jobs
6 Pure Mac Descriptions, and
Descriptions, and downloads of programs for the Macintosh.
Download Page File Size License Requirements Date Modification Authorpublisher Freeware Pbsetup Utilities Server Denotes Gamepedia Cheat Valve
7 MacPlay Develops and
Develops and ports games for the Macintosh.
Games Macplay Mission Support Partners Store News Contact Quest Madness Gold Mac Jul Released Letter Airport App Steamworld Available
8 Clan Lord A pay-to-play
A pay-to-play fantasy game for the Macintosh.
Clan Game Lord Delta Rpg Adventure Roleplaying Fantasy About clan lord Buy clan lord Persistent Software Cooperative Policy Multiplayer Monthly Place
9 Carpenter Software Game editor
Game editor for the Macintosh computers.
Klondie Carpenter Webgl Unity Shoot Spaceship Software Games Published Retake News Jesse Fsm Everyone Casual
10 Twin Forces 3D version
3D version of the game for PowerPC Macintosh.
Bolod Bolo Download Stuart Bill Internet Cheshire Forces League Twin Haller Type Powerpc Performance Best Originally Much
11 Game Revolution Macintosh Downloads FAQ, demos
FAQ, demos, and patches.
Cheats Games Xbox Konami Nintendo Playstation Evil Downloads Phantom Puzzle Strategy Mgsv Adventure Action Latest Rain Slick Fallout Call Amazing Darkness
12 GameRanger Macintosh multiplayer
Macintosh multiplayer online gaming service.
Gameranger Games Privacy Download Advertisingplayfriends Technologies Allrights Policylinks Policy
13 Clan Lord A pay-to-play
A pay-to-play fantasy game for the Macintosh.
Clan Delta Lord Game Adventure Rpg Legal Member login Software Persistent Free demo Fantasy Multiplayer Tao’s Policy Choose Joe@deltataocom
14 Aspyr Media Ports existing
Ports existing titles to the Macintosh.
Games Aspyr Game Everyone Sign Support Wars Entertainment Mac Publisher Follow Email Pending Family Full Kotor Experience Millions
15 Ultima III Macintosh Screen shots
Screen shots, editors, and maps.
Ultima Ultimaiii Download Spells Lairware Mpfreaker Walkthrough Sergeant Support Mac Iii Cheater Maps Cloth Song Hexaddict Ambrosia Forum
16 totalMac Annihilation Information, downloads
Information, downloads and utilities for the Macintosh.
Total Annihilation Multiplayer Mac Wars Internet Contingency Core Goldincludes Gameranger Battle Much Tactics
17 NStorm Several games
Several games such as Frogapult and Elf Bowling available for Windows or Macintosh.
Nstorm Download Free Elf Welcome Bowling Game Games Trialpassword Downloads Remember Username Casual
18 Game Genie Many cheats
Many cheats and codes for the Macintosh version.
Cheats Posted John Game Playstation Nintendo Xbox Tuesday Sega Mama World Open Science Color Games Cricket Gamecom
19 Combat Mission for Macintosh Scenarios, links
Scenarios, links and downloads.
Create Tripod Page Found Please Signup Website Shopping Errorpage Login Tripodcomlycoscom Check Couldnt
20 Computer Underground List of
List of known cheat codes for the Macintosh.
21 Macintosh version
Macintosh version walkthrough, passwords, controls, and secrets.
22 CNS Clan History, slang
History, slang dictionary, and tips. [Windows/Macintosh]
23 Cheeseware Home Page Macintosh games
Macintosh games Severed Ed, and Nerve.
Here Cheeseware Use Apple Macintosh Fun Personal Free Severed Billyblobcom Older Warehouse Easy Version Nerve Latest
24 HyperTADS Multimedia TADS
Multimedia TADS interpreter for Macintosh System 7 to MacOS 9.
Tads Hypertads Macos Archive Page Macintosh Hypertads Hypertads Official Iain Telasystem Png
25 CDAccess Buy the
Buy the game online. Includes description and requirement for the PC and Macintosh.
Star Games Trek Borg Cd Rom Interactive Shareware Game Access Dossier Picard Children Paramount Products
26 Hax Provides information
Provides information and a download of the game designed for the Realmz RPG engine. [Macintosh Only]
Rainbowdragoncom Advance Insurance Cash Debt Contact Policy Privacy Consolidation Credit Domainphones Free Report
27 Kasparov Chessmate Inside Macintosh
Inside Macintosh Games Review - 2 pp, 9 screenshots
Kasparov Chessmate Reviews Archives Macplay Mac Interactive Newsfeed Gallery Macgamestorecom Review Internet However Desktops Game Apple Considering
28 Cruciverbalist For the
For the Macintosh, by West Pole Software. Contains documentation and information.
Z Request Y
29 Skatmarketing USA Skat, Sheepshead
Skat, Sheepshead and Doppelkopf softwares for Macintosh and Windows.
Z Request Y
30 CDAccess Buy the
Buy the game online. Includes requirements and features for the PC and Macintosh.
Games Star Trek Cd Rom Game Shareware Show Access Packs Sound Toolkits Cardboardpuzzles* Source Titles
31 Tims Vault Cheat site
Cheat site devoted to many systems such as the Macintosh, PC, PSX, PS2, DC, N64, GB,and GBC.
Game Wii Vault Tims Psx Ultimate Cheat Psp Sony Uhs Nintendo Pc Ps Boy Helper Saturn
32 DX-Ball - Mac Edition Describes Shareware
Describes Shareware remake for Macintosh, with screenshots and download.
Ball Dx Pocket Tanks Pack Deluxe Packs Super Depot Board Please Mac Weapon Weapons Edition
33 ChessWorks Multiplayer chess
Multiplayer chess game that is playable over the internet or a LAN. [Macintosh/Windows]
Consulting Company Products Developers Making Learn Visit Consultant Section Desktopport Web Services Donation
34 GameWinners Includes cheats
Includes cheats, codes, hints, and FAQs for the Macintosh version.
Cheat Bath Blood Codes Macintosh Xbox Playstation Help Gamewinnerscom Page Blu Ray Submit Vita Privacy Printable Dmca
35 Game Industry News Reviewed by
Reviewed by Marie Flanigan, score: 4-1/2 out of 5. [Macintosh]
Industry Game Trailer News Available Announced Review Hospital Mankind Open Enterprises Shadowrun Most Exorcism Order Menu
36 Game Industry News Reviewed by
Reviewed by Marie Flanigan, score: 4 out of 5. [Macintosh]
Game Industry Trailer News Available Review Announced Neverwinter Source Kong Happenings * Exorcism Maybe Primary Pcmaclinux
37 Game Industry News Reviewed by
Reviewed by Marie Flanigan, score: 4 out of 5. [Macintosh]
Industry Game News Trailer Review Steam Announced Available Popular Release Eurofiles Storiesnews Battlecast Open Lounge Editorials
38 Game Industry News Reviewed by
Reviewed by Colin Flanigan, score: 4 out of 5. [Macintosh]
Game Industry News King Review Taken Trailer Destiny Copyright Most Gets Date Editorials Maybe Staff
39 Gypsy King Software Card and
Card and dice games for Macintosh and Windows.
Games Macintosh Shareware Mac Intel Game Windows Software Computer Blackjack Osx Vista King Gold Macintel
40 I_INIT An independent
An independent game developer creating games for Macintosh and Windows.
Game Games Tutorials Software I_init Resources Engine Torque Iinit Textures Modeling Design Skybox Beginners Milkshape
41 SC: Ghost to PC/MAC Petition to
Petition to Blizzard and Nihilistic to release the game for the PC and Macintosh platforms.
Petition Changeorg Hasbeen Retired Z
42 Yipe Software Fun and
Fun and addictive, shareware role playing games for the Macintosh.
Yipe Rpg Games Follow Iphone Addictive Retro Free Mac Rpgs Kevin Software Version Shareware Close
43 Chapter Cheats Cheat codes
Cheat codes for Arcade, PC, Macintosh, Consoles, and handhelds.
Ipod Iphone Pc Game Gameplay Added Trailer Xbox Cheats Video Nintendo Games Release Windows Hollywood
44 HIARCS 7.0 [Commercial -
[Commercial - $48] Macintosh OS9/Classic version of a former world champion chess program.
Chess Pc Software Mac Privacy Palm Sigmachessiphonepolicy Pocket Here Hiarcs
45 MacDescent3dfx 3dfx and
3dfx and OpenGL accelerated versions of Descent 1 and 2 for Macintosh, by Duane Johnson.
Descent Download Fixed Opengl Sprockets Apples Rage D Sound Chromadepth Software Ambient Network Tcpip Apple Menu
46 Macgamer Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Greg Weston, score 2/5. 'This is not a product for the typical gamer.' [Macintosh]
Permanently Theport Apache Server Z
47 By Design, Inc. Macintosh war
Macintosh war games, including Waterloo Campaign and American Civil War Soldier.
48 Mac500 A Macintosh
A Macintosh version of the popular card game 500. Play against two computer opponents.
49 Fixation 1.41 [Freeware] Graphic
[Freeware] Graphic interface for Internet chess servers. Does not require Power Macintosh.
50 The Dark Tide News, forums
News, forums, articles, levels, and editors, including Macintosh resources.
Dark Editors Tide Macintosh Resources Levels Articles Star Survivor Eye Web Custom Forcesfang
51 Lotto Sorcerer Shareware lottery
Shareware lottery prediction software works with both Macintosh and Windows computers.
Rejected Requesty
52 Likely Software Shareware Macintosh
Shareware Macintosh version with discussion board, high scores list, and screenshots.
Dopewars Download Register Area Dealer Wars Windows Software Likely Dope Future Universal Help Here Release Bugs Binary History For
53 Fadeout Studio Swedish music
Swedish music and sound effects designer for Macintosh shareware games.
Under Developmenty
54 ICC Interfaces A thorough
A thorough collection of Java, Windows, Macintosh and UNIX clients which will work correctly with the ICC chess server.
Chess Play Lyon Videos Store Learn Zenchess Icc Pool Newyork Downloads Posts Dwgriff Games
55 AquaZone USA Breeding tips
Breeding tips, image galleries, Macintosh accessories include Angel statue and plants.
Welcome Aquazoneusay
56 Gaming Center A site
A site containing hints, tips, strategy, and information on many popular computer (Macintosh and PC) and N64 games.
57 Macworld Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Andrew Gore, score 4.5/5. 'Finally, a Great Star Trek Game for the Mac.' (Macintosh)
58 Zarfhome: Systems Twilight Authors page
Authors page about the Macintosh puzzle game in the style of 3 in Three and The Fools Errand.
Executor Twilight Systems Windows Twilight_ Click Basilisk Download System Double Cliff Playmaker Macs Here Ardi Drag
59 Soleau Software Developer of
Developer of family friendly non-violent strategy logic games for both Windows and Macintosh computers.
Games Download Soleau Windows Req Shot Software Screen Hard Space Bingo Web Walk Play Forest Older
60 HIARCS 11.0 [Commercial $50/$100]
[Commercial $50/$100] Strongest Macintosh chess program, in UCI engine form for Mac OS/X. Single and multiprocessor versions. [Out Apr. 2, 2007]
Chess Hiarcs Sigma Computer Software World Apple Macintosh Explorer Class Here Mac Program Best Computers Junior Pc Grandmasters John
61 Westlake Interactive Texas-based company
Texas-based company responsible for porting Unreal and the Tomb Raider series to the Macintosh.
Westlake Interactive Software Indianapolis| Design Development Z
62 Apple - Developer Connection - Games Official site
Official site of Macintosh game programming. Links, news, and information.
Navigationshilfet Y
63 Freeverse 3D Crazy Eights Contains screen
Contains screen shots and information about this game for Macintosh. Offers play with up to computer or online players
Found Found The Navigationshilfey
64 Lugaru Official site.
Official site. Features game information, movie clips and downloadable demo. [Windows/Macintosh/Linux]
65 GameMaker Card based
Card based development system which allows you to create simple adventure games with graphics, buttons, and text. For Apple Macintosh.
Z Request Y
66 Davids Backgammon Shareware program
Shareware program with a graphical interface, speech and sound. Play against the computer or another person. Windows and Macintosh versions.
Z Request Y
67 Kewlbox Several orignals
Several orignals for Windows or Macintosh such as Santa Balls, Sketchy!, and Braving the Elements, that can be downloaded, played online, or added to your website.
Creativegames Permanently The Gridsoap
68 BridgePro Windows 95/98/2000/NT
Windows 95/98/2000/NT and Macintosh/iMac computer Bridge game software. Download free demo, order online.
Here Click Version Bridge Game Advanced Windows Ultimate Contract Rubber Bridgepro Card Download Purchase Acol Claim Classicmacintosh Classic
69 Sims: Hot Date Preview Eddie Park
Eddie Park, of Inside Mac Games, describes some of the relationship enhancements and speculates on whether there will be a Macintosh version of this expansion.
News Am * Sims Date Preview Pm * Mac Archives Games Updated Wednesday Aspyr Store Media Os Eddie Payne Image Insults Quake
70 Inside Mac Games Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Richard Hallas, score 9/10. 'This is undoubtedly the strongest game yet to emerge from the Star Trek franchise.' (Macintosh)
71 WinTD: Macintosh Version Organize chess
Organize chess tournaments. Make pairings, track scores, print charts. In beta testing.
Macintoshwintd Ordering Pricesfeatures
72 The MacGamers Ledge Macintosh review
Macintosh review by Michael Dixon, 4/5. 'While there are few small issues I have with this game, for the money, its one of the most enjoyable Mac titles of 1999. Welcome back, LucasArts.'
Permanently The Port Apache Serverz
73 Official site.
Official site. Offers classic game downloads for Windows and Macintosh. Also includes instructions, overlays, and audio/video clips.
Intellivision Flashback Contact Game Mediapress Information Videogame Games Club Xbox Video Memphis Tennesee User Sold Overlays Website Print Running
74 Official site.
Official site. Offers classic game downloads for Windows and Macintosh. Also includes instructions, overlays, and audio/video clips.
Intellivision Flashback Mediapress Games Game Information Videogame Contact Club Memphis Xbox Video Currently Purchase Lives First Members
75 Official site.
Official site. Offers classic game downloads for Windows and Macintosh. Also includes instructions, overlays, and audio/video clips.
Intellivision Flashback Game Information Videogame Games Mediapress Contact Video Xbox Memphis Club Overlays Tennesee Website Emulator Ifthere Support
76 Nickys Software Developer for
Developer for various exotic platforms: Amiga, Macintosh, Atari, Psion,and HP32. Titles include ChaosCastle, V-Race, and ChaosGalaga.
77 Applelinks Macintosh Collectors
Macintosh Collectors CD ROM review by Kirk Hiner, 5/5. 'As a flight sim, it reaches well beyond its Star Wars fan base to impress gamers of all types and ages.'
Macintosh News Internet Utilities Design Mac Hardware Software Applelinkscom Shareware Games Collectors Applelinks Web Other Ms Macboards
78 Shredder Commercial [
Commercial [ $30-$100] The Macintosh version of the 2005 World Computer Chess Blitz champion. Downloadable Demo, Universal bineary. Updated 2006.
Shredder Chess Download Computer Macintosh Mac Deep Classic Mobile Champion Products Here Linux Play Cross Eyed Support
79 About This Particular Macintosh Review by
Review by Daniel Chvatik. 'What makes Airburst a hit is its flawless combination of amazing graphics, well-done music and sound effects, and addictive game play.'
Airburst Atpm Article Pictures Daniel Flavour Desktop Apple Strange Levels Each Sponsors Tibag Print Larr Earth Dchvatikatpmcom Price
80 My Mac Magazine Macintosh Collectors
Macintosh Collectors CD-ROM review by Shay Fulton, 2.5/4. 'The graphics are impressive, the sound and smart music is stimulating, the game is stable, and the play is never dull.'
Podcast Network Mymac Review Expo Stoplight Macbook Macworld Page Harder Secure Apple Contact Reviews Videos Bart Reader Simon Voice Friends A
81 Barracuda, Inc. The companys
The companys publishing division, Hammerhead Entertainment, publishes adventure games and lifestyle titles for the Windows and Macintosh personal computer platforms.
Here Click Datenschutzrichtlinien Barracudanetcomz
82 Bug Squish Squish the
Squish the bugs before they suck your arm dry of blood! For Linux, Windows, Macintosh, and BeOS.
Squish Linux Drop Tux Software Bomber Breed Atari Garbage File Perish Donate Gpx Advertise Nintendo Circus Maze Pda
83 Games Territory Reader submitted
Reader submitted news articles on PC, Macintosh, and console games.
Navigationshilfe Ty
84 Karma Labs Developer of
Developer of adventure games for Macintosh and PC, including Adventure at the Chateau dOr.
Karma Korg [more] Software Yamaha Motif Oasys Kronos Forum Forums Sound Sets Triton Music Support Fied
85 Solitaire Now Free Solitaire
Free Solitaire games downloads for Windows, the Macintosh and the Palm.
Solitaire Free Windows Freecell Games Collection Palm Spider Plus Card Game Downloads Acidsolitaire Download Acid
86 War Games by Strategic Studies Group Developer of
Developer of award winning Macintosh and PC war games since 1982.
Found Additionally Found Thez Server Errordocument Port Apache
87 CD-ROM Access Purchase the
Purchase the game online. Includes an overview of the game and system requirements for the PC and Macintosh.
Games Trek Star Cd Rom Captains Chair Ncc Access Shareware Game Enterprise Strategy Ram Reductions
88 Fonts: Alpine [Commercial] Three
[Commercial] Three chess fonts for Macintosh (Truetype and PostScript): Linares, Hastings, Zurich.
Fonts Chess Download Forum Shogi Xiangqi Backgammon Member Go Login Help Alpine Card Font Truetype
89 Crossword Express A crossword
A crossword puzzle compiler. [Windows and Macintosh]
Crossword Express Sudoku Minesweeper Puzzles Gokigen Wordsearch Akari Generate Crosswords Export Build Acrostic Ladderword Tatami Kendoku
90 EverQuest Macintosh Edition Official web
Official web site from Sony with news, support, frequently asked questions, online manual, accounts information and contact details.
Port Found Theapache Server Found Forbidden
91 Casino Bar Internet casino
Internet casino offering black jack, slots, video poker and keno. Web TV and Macintosh browsers supported.
92 Automotive Conservation Interactive game
Interactive game for Windows or Macintosh by Ford Motors to educate consumers about both environmental issues and automotive maintenance.
Learn Conservation Cd Rom Company Customers Benefits Automotive Increase Services Traffic Freefordmotor Awareness Click
93 RedEagle First/Third person
First/Third person futuristic game featuring single- and multiplayer modes. Requires a PowerPC running Macintosh Classic (Systems 8 and 9, or OSX in Classic mode.)
Navigationshilfe Ty
94 Chess on the Mac Overview of
Overview of chess software for the Macintosh
Menu Apple Close Open Business Store Shopping Page Found Watch Music Education Privacy Shop Opportunities Financing
95 The TinyMUSH/Mac Project Port of
Port of TinyMUSH to Macintosh.
Tinymushmac Project Release Metamage Faq List Validate Current Mac Game Mud Download Line News
96 Codemans Palace: Beyond Cheat codes
Cheat codes for Dreamcast, Gameboy, Macintosh, Windows, Nintendo 64, PlayStation and PlayStation 2, release dates, help and discussion message board, and polls.
97 Ortograf Shareware to
Shareware to play Scrabble on all Macintosh with OS 6.0.7 or later. Play with others or against the computer, 4 levels of difficulty, 4 types of games, complete dictionary. Aussi en version française.
98 Mac Heroes About Heroes
About Heroes series in general and the Macintosh versions in particular (especially Heroes 3). Strategy guides, downloads and game introductions.
99 Millennium Mantra A game
A game of focus and skill to engage your senses and challenge your soul. Developed by LaMa Media Inc. Published by Simon and Schuster Interactive. Windows and Macintosh. [Requires JavaScript, Flash.]
100 Xavagus Prime Software Developers of
Developers of arcade-style video games, including OIDS for Macintosh. Features game features, downloads, manual, and support, and history.
Arcade Style Games Video Macintosh Developers Oids Software Xavagus Primefine Welcome Z
101 Lairware Software Ultima III
Ultima III is a modern Macintosh update of a classic computer fantasy role playing game. Also download a utility to edit scenario and character information, alternate portraits, and extra maps.
Download Mpfreaker Pixeltoy Readmore Song Mac Sergeant Hexaddict Lairware Software Ultima Ultimaiii Entertainment Support Sosaria
102 Chess Lab Play Chess
Play Chess real-time online. No downloads needed. Search and analyse over 2 million chess games in current database. Does not behave well on Macintosh, particularly with System 9+ and not at all with IE.
Play Chess Games Cribbage Gin Free Interactive Checkers Game Rummy Dominoes Backgammon Analysis Million Chesslab Casino Engine Review Basics
103 Logic Games Collection of
Collection of computer games focusing on logic, strategy and problem solving for both Windows and Macintosh computers.
Game Play Games Logic Jigsaw Internet Crate Arcade Puzzle Pair Add Race Push Pic Word
104 Police Quest 4 Cheats, codes
Cheats, codes, hints, and FAQs for Police Quest 4: Open Season (Macintosh version).
Gates Daryl Police Quest Hints Open Season Help Playstation Video Xbox Walkthrough Gamewinnerscom Macintosh Game Blu Ray Shocking Cheat Arcade
105 Grump Windows 95/98/2000/NT
Windows 95/98/2000/NT and Macintosh/iMac solitaire game. Play demo online, download demo, order online.
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106 Play Escape Velocity or Be Somebodys Fool Details the
Details the use of Escape Velocity in Windows, via a Macintosh emulator. Also includes game strategy.
Velocity Escape Ambrosia Windows Game Yes Okay Pirates Basilisk Macintosh Humans Fool Just Software Jibba Jabba Head Complicated Enough Board
107 Portal with
Portal with a comprehensive collection of rules, as well as a directory of domino games for Windows, Macintosh, PocketPC, PalmOS, and online play.
Domino Dominoes Gamescom Mexican Rules Train Games World News History Play Software Contact Game Open
108 Chess Club Manager Macintosh software
Macintosh software for school chess clubs. Tutorials and club management.
109 Wolfenstein 3D Archive Levels, cheat
Levels, cheat codes, information, and pictures for the Macintosh and PC versions. Also includes information about Spear of Destiny and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Wolfenstein Mods Maps Shots Spear Screen Levels Codes Destiny Weapons Enemies Story Castle Macintosh Return Manual
110 Bridge Baron Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/NT
Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/NT and Macintosh/iMac computer Bridge game software, play offline or online. Download free demo, order online.
111 Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates A game
A game based on pirates, playable on either Windows, Macintosh or Linux systems. Includes game information, documentation, technical support and forums.
Pirates Puzzle Game Learn Terms Privacy Affiliates Pirate Sign Espantildeol Payment Java Pillage Metacritic Games
112 Solitaire Central Partly annotated
Partly annotated directory of over one hundred links to solitaire games. Categories include Windows, online, Macintosh, MS-DOS, PalmPilot, Windows CE, retail, and shareware.
Solitaire Games Rules News Windows Card Central Good Spider Klondike Freecell Rule Books Game Playing
113 ATPM Chess Roundup Review/ratings
Review/ratings of 5 free Macintosh chess programs: Sigma Chess(Excellent), MacChess (Very Nice), ChessWorks (Good), GNUChess (Okay), Vampire Chess (Rotten)
Chess Web Atpm Sigmachess Macchess Article Hyperarchive Published Mac Chessworks Requirements File Price Size Pictures Notepads Part Count Shareware
114 Internet Chess for Macintosh Interface for
Interface for the commercial 'Internet Chess Club' server (ICC)
Chess Download Icc Play Mac Videos Free Fixation Website Johns Store Ic Downloads Gnu Now
115 Bungie Software A long-time
A long-time Macintosh game publisher, Bungie hit the big time with the cross-platform hit Myth. Microsoft acquired Bungie to work on X-Box titles.
Bungie Destiny Halo User Store Games Research Bungienet Forums Results Myth Oni Marathon Developer Code Only
116 Sigma Chess 6.1.4 Lite [Freeware] Free
[Freeware] Free Macintosh chess program has 3D set, prints games with diagrams, includes HIARCS 11 Lite, runs UCI chess engines. [ out Apr. 2, 2007]
Chess Sigma Hiarcs Software Macintosh Open Source Author Christensen Lite Explorer Powerpc Download Freeware Selected
117 Chess And Your Macintosh This Mac
This Mac Observer article discusses software for learning chess, playing chess over the internet, and free chess-playing programs.
Chess Macintosh Sigma Mac Tips Software Bifocals Excite Other Patrick Observer Game Macs Computing Reports Richard Reading Observers Cd Rom
118 Checkers Information at Board Game Central Information, book
Information, book, and links about the game of Checkers, as well as software for Windows, Macintosh, and other platforms.
Games Board Game Checkers Chess Mystery Murder News Review Dominoes Recaps Backgammon Dice Farkel
119 RummyTile RummyTile an
RummyTile an addictive rummy-type game played with tiles. The object of the game is to make sets of runs or groups of numbers in order to get rid of all your tiles before your opponent. (Macintosh Software)
Calc Apps Radio Software Black Elmer Weather Sound Pad Rummytile Toolbox Byte Audio Synth Morse Cd Rom Mil Std Photon Hf Trak Update
120 Dark Castle (Color) Travel through
Travel through the Dark Castle fighting monsters and solving puzzles to defeat the infamous Black Knight in this great Macintosh platform game, now re-released in glorious color by Delta Tao.
Castle Dark Delta Color Tao Software Games Macintosh Lord Clan Shippingsuperhappyfunfun Williams Joedelta
121 Firefalls GUARD Database A Macintosh
A Macintosh Hypercard program usable by Gamemasters and Players. Includes security levels, random powers/skills/disads generator, note fields, searchable database, and printable character sheets. Also 3 Poser pictures, and 3 customized action figures of Champions characters.
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122 Davids Backgammon game download site Download and
Download and try Davids Backgammon for Windows XP and Macintosh (OS X and 8/9).
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123 Score A Million Trivia Game A trivia
A trivia strategy game that will test your general knowledge as you answer a series of increasingly difficult questions over five levels of play in your quest to complete all levels of the game and Score A Million. Versions for Windows and Macintosh.

5. Sports Websites concerning Macintosh

1 Center Field Software Provides software
Provides software for fantasy sports including baseball, basketball, hockey and NASCAR leagues. Software is available for both Windows and Macintosh systems.
Fantasy Sports Software Source Center Field Style Baseball Basketballrotisseriehockey

6. Society, Arts and Macintosh Crafts

1 Clan McIntosh Information for
Information for those with the surname McIntosh, MacIntosh, Macintosh, or Mackintosh.
Web Mcintosh Clany
2 Clan McIntosh Information for
Information for those with the surname McIntosh, MacIntosh, Macintosh, or Mackintosh.
Clan Mcintosh Weby
3 McIntosh Clan McIntosh
Clan McIntosh explores the history of the clan, septs and variants including McIntosh, MacIntosh, Macintosh and Mackintosh. Compiled by Todd B McIntosh, traces the American branches of the family.
Clan Mcintosh Weby
4 McIntosh Clan McIntosh
Clan McIntosh explores the history of the clan, septs and variants including McIntosh, MacIntosh, Macintosh and Mackintosh. Compiled by Todd B McIntosh, traces the American branches of the family.
Mcintosh Web Clany
5 Et Alii Macintosh employee
Macintosh employee talks about life and computers.
6 Gene Eugenes Funeral Article by
Article by Dan MacIntosh of
Gene Eugene Eugenes Mike Ontario Danielamoscom Funeral Knott Terry Adam Bunch Taylor Green Guys
7 Damien Barrett Musings on
Musings on Apple, technology, and the Macintosh community.
8 Reunion Full-featured Macintosh-based
Full-featured Macintosh-based genealogy software.
Reunion Features Macintosh Leister Reuniontouch Productions Download Video Upgrade Reuniontalk Customer Support Older Questions Inc
9 Goravani Jyotish Powerful software
Powerful software for Vedic Astrology (for Windows and Macintosh).
10 Switchfoot: Not Just Another Rock and Roll Band Interview by
Interview by Dan MacIntosh for Music.
Christian Tweet Music Reviews News Movie Video Interviews Parenting Switchfoot App Marriage | Jesus Policy Crosswalk Bands School Contact Privacy Relationships Budget
11 I Want a Mac Brazilian Apple
Brazilian Apple fan seeks help with realising long-held ambition to own a Macintosh.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Gamesvisit Hosting Archives Movies Privacy Longeravailable Trying Finance
12 Jake Walkers Weblog Coverage of
Coverage of everything from blogging, computing/ technology, macintosh, Red Sox, and news.
App Mail Embed Permalink Tweet Open Reddit Jul Th Note Pinterest Walker Nd Aug St
13 GEDitCOM Macintosh shareware
Macintosh shareware for editing and viewing genealogy files. Features customizable user interface.
Geditcom Ii Genealogy Software Geditmobile Purchase Download Gedcom Macintosh Page Place Tutorials License Advisor Support
14 International Bibles Bible software
Bible software titles for PC and Macintosh, from various publishers (inclucing Kirkbride, Nelson, Oxford, and Zondervan).
15 Zondervan Interactive Macintosh and
Macintosh and PC software for such Bible translations as NIV, NIrV, TNIV, KJV, Amplified, NASB, NRSV, and NLT. Also commentaries and dictionaries.
Bibles Bible Childrens History Fiction Study Studies Issues General Resources Growth Personal Politics Life Cooking Self Help Sci Fi Once Day Copyright Leadership Promise
16 Johnson, Herb - Herbs Stuff Reuse of
Reuse of old technology. Sections on personal information, S-100 computer details and documentation, old Apple Macintosh.
Follow Page Mac Ordering Web Inch Link Cpm Check Cosmac Research Equipment See Dec Membership Apple Pdp Closely Tandon Drives Power
17 Electro Acoustics Fundraising software
Fundraising software for Macintosh and Windows, aimed at small and medium size nonprofits. Free demo and documentation available for download.
Navigationshilfet Y
18 McKillican History of
History of the McKillican, McKilligan and McKilligin families. Sept of the MacIntosh Clan.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Privacy Longeravailable Mail Reach Terms News Internet Machine Sorry Wayback
19 Interview: Luna Halo Interview with
Interview with Nathan Barlowe and Jonny MacIntosh.
Jfh Reviews Nathan Music Album Jonny Interviews Artist Christian Free Archive Indie Devotional Yeah Movie News Halo Been Holds
20 Specialty Software Developers of
Developers of church management software for Windows and Macintosh computers.
Church Software Management Accounting Club Membership Fund Specialty Order Free Support Easy Downloads Click Products Security Postage
21 Astrograph Software Interactive astrology
Interactive astrology software for both Macintosh and Windows.
Astrology Software Free Timepassages Reports Learn Sign Scorpio Horoscopes Mobile Astrograph Moon Charts Learning Monthly Profiles
22 Lo, Fred Surf The
Surf The Web With Fred with daily news of his favorite Macintosh.
Fred Apple Goodies Tokyo Mac Surf Gmail Am] Hong Croc News Japan Web Macintosh Crocodile Fun Google
23 Online Bible Bible software
Bible software for Windows or Macintosh, available for download or by CD-Rom. Includes various versions of the Bible in various languages. Some content may be locked until a royalty fee is paid.
Collection Bible Library Christian Free Downloads Click History Windows Here Best Computer John Macintosh Program Cd Rom Wesleyan Owen
24 HaYom Hebrew Calendar Hebrew Calendar
Hebrew Calendar for Windows and Macintosh computers. Java applets are also available.
Hebrew Hayom Windows Jewish Macintosh Java Calendar Reinhold Line Powerbook Performa Applets Print Holidays Place Newintel Base
25 Bygones Genealogical Research Note-Keeping Software Genealogical research
Genealogical research note-keeping software to record and track research notes, genealogical correspondence, etc. Freeware for Windows & Macintosh computers.
26 Bible Maps By Manna
By Manna, a company owned by members of the church of Christ, this site offers Bible geography and reference software that features over 150 full-color, printable maps, over 200 photographs of the Bible lands, and animations of the Exodus, the conquest of Canaan and Pauls journeys. Available for Macintosh and Windows, the software also contains a concordance and genealogies from Adam to Christ, and chronologies of the kings of Israel, the prophets, and the judges.
27 Bible Maps By Manna
By Manna, a company owned by members of the church of Christ, this site offers Bible geography and reference software that features over 150 full-color, printable maps, over 200 photographs of the Bible lands, and animations of the Exodus, the conquest of Canaan and Pauls journeys. Available for Macintosh and Windows, the software also contains a concordance and genealogies from Adam to Christ, and chronologies of the kings of Israel, the prophets, and the judges.
1 HAL9000 Simulators Files for
Files for making your Windows or Macintosh desktop look like HAL.
Forbidden Please Probably Common Reason Linkyoure Check Policy Gohome Errors Servers Browsing Mostmessage
2 macintosh, hal featuring figurative
featuring figurative, life-size sculptures, totems, and carvings.
Listingsprivacy Sponsored Timbercraftscompolicy
3 Celebrity Desktop: Uma Thurman Windows and
Windows and Macintosh wallpaper, and screen savers.
Desktop Celebrity Updates Itwas Officialmemories Thanks Z
4 orangevocoder realtime commercial
realtime commercial vst plugin for macintosh and windows. many examples and demo available for download.
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5 shakespeare stack project macintosh hypercard
macintosh hypercard editions of the works and annotations downloadable in binhex format.
Create Tripod Signuplycoscom Couldnt Tripodcom Please Shopping Hostingrequested Page Login Website
6 neoncyber00 a gallery
a gallery of computer generated pictures created on my macintosh and a small collection of high quality skins for icq.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Finance Sorry News Internet Hosting Maps Inctrying Privacy Toolbar
7 Email Effects A powerful
A powerful GUI ASCII art editor for Windows or Macintosh, including picture and table conversion and Figlet support.
Effects Email Ascii Windows Download Mac Now Os Software Cooltool Classic Art Figlet Tabletext Gallery Tidbits Magazine
8 Acta An original
An original outlining software written in 1993 for Macintosh computers, now available for free download (Mac only). The site provides interesting background on the program and its uses.
Acta Outline Asked Products Support Questions News Frequently Dragon Doubleclick Finder Download History
9 Celebrity Desktop: Cameron Diaz Desktop themes
Desktop themes, wallpapers and screensaver for Windows & Macintosh.
Celebrity Desktop Official Itwasmemories Thanks Updates Z
10 Casady and
Casady and Greenes Spell Catcher programs for Windows and Macintosh. Interactive or batch mode, multi-language, English dictionary and thesaurus lookup.
Spell Catcher Catchers Check Spelling Spellcatcher Windows Look Ghostwriter Languages Selection Typing $ English Thesaurus
11 native instruments vokator high-resolution commercial
high-resolution commercial vst plugin and standalone application for windows and macintosh. also has synthesizer functions utilizing fast fourier transformations (fft).
Contact Page Free Updates Found Company Account Loading Shop Education Information Connect Order Vouchers English
12 apple final cut pro apples final
apples final cut pro software is an all in one video editing, compositing, and special effects package for the macintosh.
Menu Apple Open Close Store Business Shopping Page Education Privacy Music Watch Shop Footer Opportunities
13 pipeline digital software-only vtr
software-only vtr control for the macintosh and windows 95/nt. if you need to control rs-422, rs-232, visca, or lanc videotape machines, youve come to the right place.
Guard Tour Pipe Systems System Downloader Solutions Buttons Software Information + How Product Warranty Rugged Touch Worlds Chart
14 Checking Out Three Freestanding Spell Checkers reviews reviews Excalibur, Spellswell Plus, and Spell Catcher for Macintosh, giving 3, 3, and 5 stars respectively.
Excalibur Plus Macintosh Mac Edit News Reviews Spell Email Tex Eudora Applelinks Report Latex Spellswell Starting Servers Smartscale Netobjects Three
15 WriteItNow Write and
Write and store complete novels. Keeps track of characters, events, locations, and ideas. Provides timeline charts, spell checker and manuscript submission tracker. PC and Macintosh computers.
Writing Write Software Novel Story Book Writeitnow Creative Free Generate How Download Novels Briggs Characters Ranked
16 FrameThief This is
This is an inexpensive shareware stop motion animation program for the Apple/Macintosh platform, that enables the users, from novices to professionals, to capture and create animation.
Framethief Animation Macintosh Motion Stop Apple Lightbox Software Mac Inc Download Digital Imac Cheap Grabber Framesplicer
17 bigfx makers of
makers of the filmfx plugin for popular wintel and macintosh based editing software. filmfx offers color and gamma control, 3:2 pulldown, grain and scratch insertion, and other tools that make video material more film-like.
18 Graphic Competitions An annotated
An annotated directory of international graphic design competitions, Macintosh news, graphics news, resources and bookstore.
Photography Design Multiple Competition Illustration Graphic Disciplines Awards Award International Only Students Animation Contest Talent Student Culture
19 hyperglaze hypercard-compatible stacks
hypercard-compatible stacks for the apple macintosh computer. designed for artists who use ceramic materials, hyperglaze can be used as a database to store clay and glaze recipes and to list raw materials and their analyses. it also has many powerful tools for glaze calculation.
Sign People Places Everything Policy Lifestream Updated Now Privacy Social Youre Stream Bulk Go Theres Create Advertise
20 Rob Galbraith Online Regular updates
Regular updates and perspecitves from users in the field (vs. professional reviewers) on the latest happenings in the world of digital photojournalism, including information on new digital cameras, software and Macintosh developments. Extensive database on flash memory speeds for different cards in semi-pro to pro digital cameras.

Macintosh Dictionary

macintosh / mackintosh mac / mack: a waterproof raincoat made of rubberized fabric
mackintosh / macintosh / : a lightweight waterproof (usually rubberized) fabric Reviews for Macintosh. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Macintosh" (visitors of this topic page). Macintosh › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Macintosh Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

The Macintosh is a family of personal computers designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Inc. since January 1984. The original Macintosh was the first mass-market personal computer that featured a graphical user interface, built-in screen and mouse.[1] Apple sold the Macintosh alongside its popular Apple II family of computers for almost ten years before they were discontinued in 1993.

21 results for Macintosh: