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Manager Experience


1 Expense Manager Software Charlotte NC Finance
Are you searching for efficient expense manager software in Charlotte, NC? Turn to ExpenseVisor! Our user-friendly solution automates expense tracking... Expense Reporting We Report If Solution Contact Us Why The Because Our Demo With Affordable
2 I will be your social media Marketing Service
Hello to all of you! Im Sadia, a social media manager that can assist you in expanding your company. Im... Form Button Modal Loading Selector Upload Alert Tag Rebrandly Icon Home Text Accordion Progress Checkbox
3 The Dental Practice Management Agency Dental Practice
Tired of reviews, hiring, holding team accountable, and all that drama? Our management program is fully customized to fit your... Marissa They Dental We Amy Practice Management Chris She The Agency Academy Training When Admin
4 The Dental Practice Management Agency Dental Practice
Tired of reviews, hiring, holding team accountable, and all that drama? Our management program is fully customized to fit your...
5 The Dental Practice Management Agency Dental Practice
Tired of reviews, hiring, holding team accountable, and all that drama? Our management program is fully customized to fit your...
6 Best Option Plan Management Health
We Are All for NDIS Participants. By managing payments, claims and the administration of your NDIS budget, we enable you to concentrate on engaging... Plan Management Option Cuse Best Csvg We Managers Cpath Up Australia Manager Us Sign Your
7 610483 232 666 Health
We Are All for NDIS Participants. By managing payments, claims and the administration of your NDIS budget, we enable you to concentrate on engaging... Plan Management Option Cuse Best Csvg We Managers Cpath Up Australia Manager Us Sign Your
8 AnnexusTech IT Services

Annexus Tech is one of the most reputed and trustworthy IT solution companies in Jamaica that offers you top-notch services... Annexus It Jamaica Technologies Solutions Manager He Near Support The Services Matinah We Company Network
9 Manager Sea Job
Marine MAN is full licensed management and manning company, having offices at Estonia , Poland and Ukraine, has been successfully... Europe Sans Apply More Read Times Engineer New World Roman Wide Chief Narrowfont Pro Source
10 Finance Manager Training Education Teaining
Finance training is helpful for every person related to finance, the marketing department in an organization. If F&I training is... Manager Training Certification Answer Question Finance Lessons Automotive Managers You Software We Aasot More To
11 Crescent Industrial Industrial Company
Leamington Spa
Crescent Industrial provides you the best range of industrial cleaning machines like sweepers, vacuums, scrubber-dryers, etc. You can buy any... Industrial Floor Hire Crescent Cleaning Manager Purchase Term For Scrubber Machines The Sweepers Sweeper We
1 Quality Manager Consultants LLC Hedge fund
Hedge fund investment manager referral service.
Clients Apraif Consultants Marc Quality Qmc Management Aboutus Aboutmarc Sipc Pastconferences Llc Conferences Finra Contactus Rosenberg
2 Sullard, Thomas W. Seeking a
Seeking a challenging position as Operations Manager, Human Resources Director, or Information Systems Manager in the Richmond, Virginia area.
3 Slusher, Bill Seeking position
Seeking position of Alliances Manager, Contracts Manager, ISV third party or Marketing Mananger with stable technology company in California and / or US. 20 years experience, willing to relocate.
Manager Alliances Contracts Management Strategic Cloud Global Senior Saas Contract Marketing Work Outsourcing Services Edit Director Statement
4 Strassberg, Efrat MBA and
MBA and several years experience as a project manager in various internet projects, seeking a job as a Project Manager or Business Analyst.
5 Money Manager Review Online Tracks, ranks
Tracks, ranks and analyzes money manager performance. Locate and compare investment advisors.
Money Manager Investment Management Llc Inc Managers Capital Review Advisors Call Free Click Private Performance
6 Stock Manager Stock portfolio
Stock portfolio manager for the Palm platform featuring automatic updates of stocks at every HotSync.
Manager Stock Tinystocks Download Palm Tinyrss Pdfdoc Osr Pocket Navio Blackberry Weather Highway Windows Fixed
7 Hammer, Alex Seeking position
Seeking position of Alliances Manager, Business Development, Sales Management, or Marketing in Director, VP or Senior Manager roles with technology company in San Jose or Bay Area (Silicon Valley).
Blog Web Entfernt Content Woran Hilfe Dieseadresse Richtlinien Google Copyright Alex Hammerblogspotcom Bloggerblogs
8 Wealth Manager This is
This is the site of Bloombergs 'Wealth Manager' magazine with news, bulletine boards, and other useful tools.
Bloomberg Bonds Energy Finance News Europe Markets Trading Headlines World Asia Financial Real Tech Industry Pacific Billionaires Solutions
9 Sheahan, Mark Project management
Project management working background seeking a senior-level position as a project manager, program manager, or business analyst.
10 P2 Capital Partners, LLC: Investment Manager Investment manager
Investment manager located in New York City.
11 Guido, Gustavo Production Manager
Production Manager and Location Manager from Argentina and Uruguay. Site includes CV, pictures from TV commercials and movies he has worked on, and related links. View site in English or Spanish.
12 TechInvest Australian based
Australian based international equities manager. Focusing on investing globally in health care, information technology and telecommunications. Manager of long bias and market neutral long/short equity funds.
13 Resource for
Resource for project managers. Articles, project manager jobs, project manager best practices.
14 McIntosh, Michael Experienced in
Experienced in many facets of live and recorded production. Producer, production manager, technical director, stage manager, show coordinator, crew chief, site supervisor, talent coordinator.
Manager Production Michael Mcintosh Technical References Coordinator Stage Director Resume Awards Supervisor Gallery Live Coburn Congress Emmys
15 Sanco Services Managed Asset Allocation An investment
An investment manager specializing in portfolio asset allocation. Diversification, Quality and Income are key concepts. Manager actively trades positions in well established, profitable NYSE companies.
16 Project Manager Jobs An IT
An IT job site for those seeking project manager jobs and other careers in technology.
17 Mamoun Besaiso. Construction project
Construction project manager.
Tripod Create Login Lycos Signup Couldnt Please Shopping Hosting Lycoscom Check Page Requestedtripodcom
18 chaturvedi, sonia e-commerce project
e-commerce project manager.
Create Tripodcom Page Tripod Hosting Blog Couldnt Website Please Features Check Lycoscom Requestedpricing
19 E Practice Manager Marketing book
Marketing book for medical practices.
20 McConville, Mitzi K. IT project
IT project manager with varied experience.
21 Campground Manager Reservation software
Reservation software for RV resorts and campgrounds.
Campground Manager Software Management Learn Tour Blog Bookyoursite System Sales Video Contact Store Rv Module Managerr
22 Value Investigator Providing the
Providing the favourite value investments of a top value investing manager.
23 Valentine Ventures, LLC Investment manager
Investment manager of individuals assets.
Planning Valentine Firm Financial Management Investment Content Investing Bend Wealth Latest Advisors Learn Oregon Clients Update Ventures Client Disclaimer
24 wiplinger, ronald internet consulting
internet consulting and executive manager.
25 Hartman, Matt Technology training
Technology training and development manager.
27 Kinkade, Dan Manager for
Manager for film productions and locations. Based in St Louis.
28 FISN, Inc Investment manager
Investment manager specializing in securities protected by the U.S. government.
29 Coast Asset Management Money manager
Money manager in Santa Monica, Ca.
30 Bailey, Derek experienced application
experienced application consultant and project manager.
31 Pollanen, Russel creator and
creator and manager of websites for businesses and organizations
32 Kiwi Manager A web-based
A web-based project management and collaboration software.
33 Virtual Lot Manager Dealership software
Dealership software for displaying inventory on the Internet.
Dealerships Used Looking Autos Software Virtual Contact Motorcycle Inventory Manager Snowmobiles Motorcycles Rv Atv Simple Auto Internet Truck
34 Sanno Point Capital Management Manager of
Manager of a multistrategy hedge fund.
35 Opti Manager Offers accounting
Offers accounting software designed for the optical industry.
36 Rankin, Wayne Logistics Engineer
Logistics Engineer and Proposal Manager in the Government Sector.
Logistics Manager Force Supply Base Colorado Operations Systems Developed System Safety Oversee Training Awards Lockheed Proposal Aas Electronic List Statement
37 Our Family Manager Provides wealth
Provides wealth management, investment advice and financial planning.
38 Slacker Manager Weblog of
Weblog of musings on management, business, and the workplace in general.
Permanently The Moved Y
39 Internet Mail Manager Create and
Create and track email newsletters online.
Email Marketing Newsletters Html Policy Software Page Here Tracking Reporting Surveys Create Terms Information Click Surveyspolls Acceptable Use Send
40 Philadelphia Trust Company Money manager
Money manager for individual and institutional investors.
Trust Philadelphia Company Each Companys Business Ceocnbc Bloomberg Interviewed President Co Copyright Trustcompany
41 Harper Bernays Independent investment
Independent investment manager specializing in Australian equities.
Bernays Harper Investment Private Concierge Sydney Managers Financial Performance Charitable Reporting Team Clients Login Client Street Australias Levelservice
42 Aperio Group LLC Manager of
Manager of customized index portfolios for taxable investors.
Aperio Learn Indexing Group Beta Generation Responsive Creativemint Terms Socially Taxes Resources Tax Portfolio Case Contact Privacy Advantage Aperio Advisors
43 American Asset Managers Registered money
Registered money manager located in Rockville, MD
44 Witt Management Entertainment manager
Entertainment manager representing children in TV, commercials and film.
45 Quin, Mark D. CTO with
CTO with international experience, current position as Equities IT Manager.
46 Marque Millennium Capital Management U.S. large-cap
U.S. large-cap value equity money manager.
47 Meridian Investments A private
A private account asset manager for individuals and institutions.
48 Ion Partners LLC High-net worth
High-net worth individuals and institutional investor hedge fund manager.
49 TRAQ-IT Developer and
Developer and provider of software solutions to the tradeshow and corporate event manager.
50 biolux international manufacturers of
manufacturers of products for the professional pet groomer, veterinarian and pet kennel manager.
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51 Robert Colby Author and
Author and investment manager shares his technical views on the markets.
Colby Market Robert Technical Analysis Please Money Management Cmt Free Trading Click Indicators Theory Global Here Cftc
52 CyberList Manager Automatically database
Automatically database website inquires, broadcast mass e-mails.
53 Tower Australia Limited Wholesale investment
Wholesale investment funds manager in the Australian market.
Life Insurance Tal Contact Claims Documents Tals Easy Updates Protection Award Centre Forms Story Personal Dai Ichi
54 Uniprop Homes A provider
A provider of new and used manufactured houses and manager of 41 communities in the United States.
55 Physician Solutions Inc. Reseller of
Reseller of PracticePoint Manager and ChartingPlus offers installation and support.
56 Peffer, Arthur C. Jr. Call center
Call center manager and administrator with high volume experience.
57 Haskin, Jay IT project
IT project manager, experienced in databases, rational tools, and network administration.
58 Herschel Asset Management Limited Fund manager
Fund manager based in Melbourne, Australia.
59 Ontrax Manager Project management
Project management software & activity based costing application
60 Martin Quantitative, Inc. - Hedge Fund Manager Alternative investments
Alternative investments for accredited investors.
61 MSS Capital Multi fund
Multi fund manager, located in London and the Provider of Alternative Assets.
Capital News Contact Mss Terms Investment Record Forestry Track Conditions Services Highlights Approach Companies Partner Limited Natural Us$billion
62 The Case Manager Provides software
Provides software designed to automate a financial institutions investigative office.
63 Aster-X Capital Management BV Hedgefund manager
Hedgefund manager, alternative investments based in Amsterdam
64 Montes-Pack, William Consulting, project
Consulting, project manager and enterprise architecture professional.
65 Phillips & Drew Value manager
Value manager offering a wide range of investment services on a global basis.
Webworld Bt Page Terms Pricing Products Choose Support@btwebworldcom Phone Home Requested Request Unfortunately Directory Clientsalternatively
66 Provident Investment Counsel Located in
Located in Pasadena since 1951, a growth style money manager.
Incorporation Provnetcom Prov Incorporate Leading Net Certificatecorporation Jointhousands Incaliforniacorporate Companyformation Forming
67 Marvin & Palmer Investment manager
Investment manager founded in 1986 and focuses exclusively on equity management.
68 Cleardent Features include
Features include imaging, Tablet PC integration, scheduler, inventory, and backup manager.
69 Cooke, Jeff Personal biography
Personal biography of manager describing global experiences and contact information.
Granite Ventures Llcy
70 Active Asset Management An investment
An investment advisory firm and a fee-based manager of equity portfolios.
Request Errory
71 Kao, William To obtain
To obtain a job as a project manager/software engineer/network administrator in San Diego area.
72 Feldott, Steve Freelance first
Freelance first assistant director with experience as line producer and production manager.
73 360-Degree Feedback The process
The process in which you evaluate yourself on a set of criteria, your manager evaluates you, as do your peers and direct reports.
74 SALUS ALPHA An alternative
An alternative strategies and fund of hedge funds manager headquartered in Europe.
75 RV Space Manager Campsite reservation
Campsite reservation and registration software. Features a dynamic color-coded site map.
Rv Park Space Scheduling Map Campground Software Batch Samples Meter Clubs Manager Electric Center Maps Based Dynamic Registration
76 W. P. Carey Asset manager
Asset manager specializing in the acquisition and management of single-tenanted commercial real estate.
Carey Sale Financing Leaseback Suit Inc Build Investor Management Long Team Blue Wpc Press Products Featured
77 AOL Money & Finance - Bill Manager Plus Provides tools
Provides tools that help maintaining a budget and protecting from identity theft and fraud.
78 alphavit e-company strategy development
strategy development, e-shop storefront and manager creation, marketing and promotion tools.
79 North Capital, LLC Portfolio manager
Portfolio manager for individuals, families, endowments, retirement plans and other institutional investors.
80 NorthShore Advisors, LLC A woman-owned
A woman-owned institutional fixed-income money manager located in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Northshore Advisors Investment Professionals Process Management Press Release Unique Founded Driven Experienced Llcadvantus
81 Laboratory Systems Group Developer of
Developer of Lab Manager for dental labs, including billing, scheduling and marketing.
82 Hartmann, Roy Senior Sales
Senior Sales Manager with selling experience in the Automation Goods seeks career opportunities.
83 Hr-ease, Inc Offering employee
Offering employee and manager portal self service solutions for benefits and online benefit enrollment.
Ease Self Hr Benefits Products Employee Management Testimonials Blog Faqs Advantages Press Information Technology Communication
84 Skupen, Mark Resume of
Resume of an independent Production Manager/Coordinator with 15 years in the film and television industries.
85 Shannon OShea Management A manager
A manager with background in the Los Angeles film, fashion, music and marketing industries.
Sos Redirecting Stand Pleasey
86 Leader Capital Corp. Investment advisory
Investment advisory and portfolio management by money manager for hedging strategies.
87 Baumgart, Chris Senior executive
Senior executive manager for national Sales and Marketing Division of a multinational company.
Wwwpebblebeachandcarmelcom Chris Baumgart Monterey Coldwell Agent Restaurants Carmel Real Estate Information Page Schools Pebble Y
88 Lang Asset Management, Inc. An independent
An independent money manager, headquartered in Atlanta, specializing in short selling.
89 Cambiar Investors A Colorado-based
A Colorado-based equity manager providing relative value oriented money management.
Fund Value International Funds Cambiar Investment Small Equity Privacy Team Policy Global Download Cap Investors Camsx Statedobjectives
90 Wheeler/Frost Associates, Inc.  Registered Investment
Registered Investment Manager offering free newsletter, portfolio tips and other information.
91 The HR Manager Features information
Features information performance management, staffing, legal issues, record keeping, compensation and benefits.
Server Port Apachez
92 IOA Re A professional
A professional underwriting manager in the USA, provides insurance and reinsurance products and services in the accident, workers compensation, and health marketplace.
Loss Medical Stop Compensation Care Managed Ioa | Reinsurance Underwriting Extortion Manager Insurance Family Kidnap
93 Morris Business Group Learning and
Learning and mentoring programs for executives in transition and change. Train new supervisors to 'think like a manager'.
94 Saini, Prachi Resume and
Resume and personal information outlining education and work experience of the architect and construction manager.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Shopping Couldnt Lycoscom Signup Page Lycos Website Requestedplease Login Hosting
95 BlueCrest Capital Management Hedge fund
Hedge fund manager contact details, and password-protected information for investors.
Funds Fund Capital Management Bluecrest Llp Financial Bcmllp Futures Kingdom Commission Pools Trading Accordingly Conduct England Upon United
96 MDoffice Practice Manager Medical management
Medical management solution to organize the finances for practices of various specialties, structures and sizes.
97 Piedra Capital, Ltd. Mid-cap growth
Mid-cap growth manager managing assets for affulent individuals, trusts, and public funds since 1993.
98 Career Profile Manager Creates resume
Creates resume formats viewable on the Internet and converted to ASCII for e-mailing to employers.
Resume Career Marketing Personal Manager Strengths Website Provide Recruiter Directory Profile Created Mailing Recruiters Mail Hunter Html
99 Watkins, Robert Project manager
Project manager, MCSE, CCNA and certified clinical hypnotherapist. Based in Cumberland, Maryland.
100 Petway, Kevin IT manager
IT manager with diverse experience, through knowledge of business systems, procedures and technology development trends.
101 Alternative Asset Management Hedge fund
Hedge fund manager providing investment diversification through a technical trading system.
Z Alteramacom Y
102 AQS Manager and
Manager and senior executive recruiting firm serving the United States. Includes brochure, opportunities, and newsletter.
103 Electronic Manager Corporation Offers medical
Offers medical billing and appointment management software for clinics. Includes screenshots.
104 Sprott Asset Management Inc. Investment manager
Investment manager of hedge funds for high net worth individuals and institutional investors.
Asset Management Sprott Fund Click Achieving Approach Understanding Lp Httpwwwsprottcom Strategies Committedinvesting Disciplined
105 MDoffice Practice Manager Medical management
Medical management solution to organize the finances for practices of various specialties, structures and sizes.
106 Micro Touch N Serve POS Systems Reseller of
Reseller of the Restaurant Manager and ASI Inc. POS system for the NY and NJ area. Hardware and full installation service available.
Sign Lifestream Everything Updated People Places Policy Aol Aolcom Terms Downloads Privacy Now Email Advertise Ads Rights
107 Bandel, Gilad Manager in
Manager in the telecommunications industry, held leading positions in research and development, and product marketing management.
108 White, Mark Resume of
Resume of an Information Technology Manager/Network and Systems Engineer in the Northern Virginia/Washington, DC area.
109 Virtual Resort Manager Web based
Web based integrated software system for property management. Includes online booking capability.
Vrm Vacation Software Virtual Resort Manager Rental Management New Market Manage University App Adds Reservation Arrives Calendar Mountain
110 Johnson, Brett Experienced engineer
Experienced engineer and manager in a variety of manufacturing environments seeking opportunities to take on larger management roles.
111 Lynne James and Associates Australian booking
Australian booking agent and manager specializing in corporate functions, cabaret, and cruise liners.
112 Mukherjee, Shubhayan More than
More than four years experience in management, research, analysis and investments, current job as Marketing Manager. BS in Finance with graduating GPA of 3.96 .
113 Prentiss Smith & Company, Inc. Social investment
Social investment manager since 1982. Screening and community investing incorporated. United States.
114 Money Manager Monitor News resource
News resource for the latest developments on institutional investors and sell-side research firms.
115 Wheeler/Frost Associates, Inc. Registered investment
Registered investment manager. Includes quarterly newsletter, portfolio tips, and online seminars.
116 Winton Capital Management Futures and
Futures and hedge fund manager specializing in systematic trading using advanced statistical methods.
117 Kushner Companies Commercial and
Commercial and residential real estate, retail, and multi family housing developer, owner and manager.
118 Yaltara Implant Manager
Implant Manager uses interactive multimedia tools to integrate treatment planning, patient education and practice marketing.
Software Distributors Patient Case Yaltara Modules Class=subleveldistributors Illustrator Visual Treatment Planner Esthetic Education Movies Information Ctr Esp News
119 Endevon Capital, LLC Manages multi-manager
Manages multi-manager hedge fund portfolios for private clients, family offices and small institutions.
Endevon Capital York Park Copyright Avenuefloor Z
120 TransTrend Professional asset
Professional asset manager specializing in well researched trading strategies, which globally participate in a large variety of futures markets.
121 Full service
Full service brokerage and investment managers offering complimentary CTA, money manager and hedge fund performance reports.
122 Aspect Capital UK Alternative investment
Alternative investment manager for institutions and wealthy individuals. Portfolios independent of stock and bond market indices.
123 Iordanov, Svetlin Valkov General manager
General manager of Alpha Link Ltd., Sofia Bulgaria. Looking for a job in USA, Canada, UK, Germany or another EU/EC Country, Australia, New Zealand.
Tripodcom Create Page Tripod Check Please Shopping Lycoscom Blog Found Website Help Hostingcouldnt
124 Stojkovski, Nenad Seeks a
Seeks a senior level position with an international company. Experienced as executive and corporate manager within automotive industry.
125 Culver, Rebecca Technical strategist
Technical strategist and project manager with over 15 years of experience. Available to discuss fulltime, part time, or contract employment.
126 Medical Manager Software to
Software to meet the demands of an ever-changing health care market. System for physicians office and physician network automation.
127 Wausau Benefits, Inc. [USA] A
[USA] A health plan administrator and manager for self-funding employers. Site describes the company, its products and services, and a web tour of its offerings.
128 Turnstone Asset Management Fund of
Fund of hedge funds manager, focused on achieving absolute returns for its clients using 'long / Short' strategies.
Cialis Tadalafil Drug Functions Dysfunction Erectile Tips Tadalafill Pde Originally Buy Pill Using Since Benefits Advantages
129 Controller Magazine Includes tables
Includes tables of contents and indices to back issues, copies of special reports, and links to resources for the financial manager.
130 Dorn, Paul Marketing manager
Marketing manager with experience in Event Management. Expert in writing press releases, copywriting, and creating content for brochures.
131 Telecom Resource Corporation Offers BCM
Offers BCM (Business Communication Manager), VoIP and unified messaging equipment, wireless telephones, Meridian M-1, Norstar and more.
132 Northern States Management, Inc. A licensed
A licensed manager of captive insurance companies, pools, and risk retention groups. Site describes services offered.
133 Napier-Bell, Simon Manager of
Manager of Wham, Japan, Marc Bolan, and the Yardbirds. Also a well-known author and composer. Reviews, stories, profile, and online store.
Napier Bell Manager Simon Music Gay British Wham Snap Coming Vinyl Papa Pop Entertainments Lunch Lunch_ White
134 Dental Office Manager II Offers 3
Offers 3 products depending on needs and budget. Includes scheduling, electronic claims, and custom report generator. Available for Macintosh and Windows.
135 The Service Manager - TSM Provides a
Provides a job logging, dispatch and invoicing solution. Includes time sheets, stock control, maintenance contracts. Company profile, contacts.
136 Money Manager Australian investor
Australian investor information - ranging from news to real time share quotes plus ideas about shares & managed funds portfolios.
137 Artist Manager Matches artists
Matches artists to managers worldwide. Features a free search by musical genre, location, live experience, or up to three main criteria.
138 Kopp Investment Advisors An emerging
An emerging growth investment manager based in Minneaplis.
139 Jaqua, Aaron R Operations Manager
Operations Manager Experienced in Transportation, Distribution, and Warehouse Operations.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Movies Inc Machine Sorryuser Mail Longeravailable Sports Popular News
140 Roessler, Scott Manager with
Manager with experience in Business Operations, Sales, and Business Development.
141 Monahan, Brendan Marketing Communications
Marketing Communications Manager and Director of Corporate Communications.
Sales Marketing Brendan $m Ecommerce Monahan Director Business Professional Chinese Seo Manager Ebusiness Management Enabled Acquisition $b
142 Quotes Station Adware stock
Adware stock quotes and portfolio manager software.
143 Hotchkis and Wiley Capital Management Investment manager
Investment manager dedicated to a disciplined investment approach.
Value Cap High Yield News Investment Income Large Firm Hotchkis Team Strategies Mid Literature Wiley Performance
144 Dye Asset Management Manager of
Manager of the Contra Fund, a European Long/Short hedge fund.
145 Bill Reynolds
Bill Reynolds branch manager at Union Securities Ltd., Kitchener Ontario branch.
146 colorwind stationery specializing in
specializing in student and office stationery such as pen, markers, scissors, and file manager.
Products Colorwind Stationery Color Glue Contact Notebook Fashion Mechanical Punch Pen New Stapler Water Stamp Buying
147 Access Capital Partners The manager
The manager and advisor of European private equity funds of funds.
148 Patat, Charles Leonard Jr. Restaurant management
Restaurant management experience, interested in a job especially as a multi-unit restaurant manager.
Leonard Patat Patats Welcome Web Myhealth Moreover Contact Furthermoreupdates Business Interactivespiritual
149 Offering on-line
Offering on-line tools to support, improve and simplify your Quality Management System (QMS).
150 Emerald Capital Management Portfolio manager
Portfolio manager specializing in quantitative analysis and Modern Portfolio Theory.
151 American AAdvantage Funds Multi-manager family
Multi-manager family of funds offering a balance of fund types.
152 Spin-Off Advisors, L.L.C. Investment research
Investment research boutique, registered investment advisor and hedge fund manager.
153 Washington Lists Broker/Manager fundraising
Broker/Manager fundraising, health lists.
154 Spenta Consultants Offering Executive
Offering Executive Updates, CEO recruitment, Resume database, contingency Search, Resource Project manager and Out Sourcing services for Multi Nationals.
Effects Side Take India Consultants Mg Dosage Does Alcohol Together Buy Delhi Pregnancy Vs Generic Kaufen Other Equine Period
155 Pickwick, Ralph O. IV Four years
Four years experience as an Information Systems Engineer, performing duties as an Application Support Technician, Assistant Manager, and Technology Sales Associate.
156 Care Systems Manager Therapist Assistant
Therapist Assistant is the premier software program designed to help mental health professionals track all aspects of their client information and billing.
Care Systemscom Domain Salez
157 Bill Lindsley and Co. This consultant
This consultant, author, and manager offers keynotes and breakout sessions, consulting services and retreats. Experience in working with family-owned businesses.
158 Realty Mortgage Corp. Originates and
Originates and funds residential and commercial loans. Features general manager profile and details on programs. Office located in Key West, FL.
159 Aspen PharmEcon Offers a
Offers a pharmacy claims auditing service assisting corporate buyers and other payers of prescription benefits manager (PBM) services. Located in Colorado, USA.
160 Independence Investment LLC Investment manager
Investment manager offering a full array of equity, fixed income, and alternative strategies.
161 B.C. Ziegler and Company Investment manager
Investment manager and provider of institutional investment services with expertise in church and school financing.
162 Massage Manager Offers practice
Offers practice management software for massage therapists. Includes screenshots and demonstration download.
163 B.C. Ziegler and Company Investment manager
Investment manager and provider of institutional investment services with expertise in church and school financing.
Ziegler Finance Investment Senior Living Corporate Inc Leadingage Banking Homes Press Management Healthcare Announces History Signed Retirement
164 Competitive Edge, Inc. Consulting and
Consulting and training in improving employee effectiveness, team building, and employee-manager relationships.
Judy Edge Products Here Training Suiter Click Store Inc Coaching Speaking Assessments Book Competitive People Video Mark
165 Arden Asset Management Investment Manager
Investment Manager that offers resources for managing fund of hedge fund portfolios.
166 Foodboss Information for
Information for the food business owner, executive or manager. Articles on food safety, management and marketing.
Best Credit Free Smart Phones Courses Mortgage Rates Foodbosscom College Luxury Relief Report Cars Migraine Tickets Insurance Picks Under Notice Construction
167 Red Hills Capital Manager of
Manager of the Red Hills Value portfolio. Direct money management services located in Tallahassee, Florida.
168 Alternative Investment Strategies An investment
An investment trust that is a listed in the UK. It is a globally diversified, multi-manager fund of hedge funds.
169 Trading International, LLC. FX trading
FX trading manager for the casual investor, using techniques such as technical, trend-following, support and resistance, and volatility systems.
170 martin f klindt former flight
former flight test manager for bombardier aerospace, and director of flight ops for 135 company. qualified in challenger 604, learjet 60, lr-jet.
Foundopenssle Server Frontpagemod_fcgid Additionally Port Found The Apachefips Rhelmod_auth_passthrough Errordocument
171 Condor Capital Located in
Located in Martinsville, New Jersey, is an SEC-registered growth manager who employs a combination of growth and value style investments.
Financial Condor Capital Investment Advisor Contact Planning Management Here New Nj Firm Advisers Best Click Five
172 Softcafe Menu development
Menu development software. Includes menu builder, employee schedule manager and web site design package.
173 Shoval Asset Management Manager of
Manager of funds that invest in multiple hedge funds for high net worth and institutional investors.
174 Edison Schools A private
A private manager of public schools.
175 Beiley Software Fund Manager Portfolio management
Portfolio management application for the individual investor. Track and analyze stocks, mutual funds, and other investments with easy to use graphs and reports.
Software Book Caller Address List Download Information Do Id Data Backup Manager Portfolio Audio Fund Remind Contact Holiday
176 Prime Retail, Inc. A self-administered
A self-administered and self-managed real estate investment trust, and is one of the worlds largest developer, owner, and manager of outlet centers. Based in Baltimore, Maryland.
177 Davies, Evan Senior-level web/interactive
Senior-level web/interactive producer and project manager plus Emerging Technologies analyst in New York City primarily interested in music/entertainment companies.
178 Media Professional Insurance Agency, Inc. Underwriting and
Underwriting and claims manager for media liability (errors and omissions) coverage. Has offices in USA, UK, and Canada.
179 Sandalwood Securities Hedge funds
Hedge funds, alternative and non-traditional investment strategies. A multi-manager/multi-strategy approach to investing.
180 Khan, Azimuddin Looking for
Looking for Good IT opportunity as Project Manager, Project Leader experience in Oracle, Power Builder, Unix and Windows.
Tripod Tripodcom Page Create Check Shopping Requested Found Please Blogfeatures Lycoscom Lycos Couldnt
181 Lerner-Heidenberg Properties Owner, developer
Owner, developer and manager of shopping centers and retail properties offering information on projects and availabilities.
Heidenberg Lerner Properties Leasing Available Copyright Rightsreserved Stephen[moregtgt]
182 Dortmund Intelligence Project GmbH Provides portfolio
Provides portfolio optimization, manager selection and consulting services. Offices in Dortmund and Frankfurt, Germany.
Dortmund Intelligence Project Products Contact Technology North Dip Intelligenceprojectwestphalia Dips Mostof Computational Meets
183 LECESSE Construction Company, Inc. Construction manager
Construction manager, general contractor and consultant. Serves clients in the north eastern United States.
Construction Lecesse Portfolio News Services Contact Working Careers Design Awards Sustainability Linkedin + Residence Hall Portfolio Healthcare
184 Policarpio, Lester John M. Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing Specialist, content manager in the Philippines experienced in various aspects of online marketing operations.
185 Conference Manager An online
An online service for promoting and managing conferences including registration, abstract submission and a customizable conference portal.
186 Carlson, Annette M. Experienced Proposal
Experienced Proposal Manager and Marketing Coordinator for the AEC industry, including architecture, engineering, environmental engineering, construction management.
Sign Lifestream Places People Everything Policy Updated Aol Trademarks Downloads Login Privacy Aolcom Email Now Advertise Learnmore Nowon
187 Matzka, Jeff Matzka Voice
Matzka Voice Productions provides custom voiceovers and radio imaging - 20 year voiceover-narration-broadcast production manager.
188 LLC Taskland, a
Taskland, a project management and communication web application. Tools include: Task Manager, Trouble Tickets, Calendar, Messaging System.
189 Troscinski, James Work experience
Work experience as Product Development Consultant, Business Unit Manager (last two positions). Experience gained in automotive sector.
190 Barsoukov, Anton IT and
IT and Information Security Manager. Personal information, objective, skills, experience, education, references, resume download, contacts.
191 Guidance Capital Alternative investment
Alternative investment manager offering hedge fund of funds. The firm offers a variety of products focusing on absolute return as well as long biased equities.
Terrain Blair Statement William Annual Learn Fund Funds Semi Access Strategies Professionals Commentaries Ls Commodity Rules Services Ipsum
192 Robert Villegas, Jr. Seeks a
Seeks a position as a senior marketing writer or knowledge manager. Publishing and writing experiences in telecommunications, project management, call center and Internet. Resume.
193 Caron, Brian Seeking position
Seeking position of Analyst, Functional Consultant, Materials Manager, Master Scheduler, or Planner position within the ERP implementation or Manufacturing field.
Analyst Tecna Baan Planner Heath Boeing Caron Co Resume Shift Functional Wa Material Erp Chain Jdewards Manufacturing
194 EIM Group Manager specialising
Manager specialising in tailor-made Funds of Hedge Funds portfolios. A privately owned firm which prides itself on working independently and objectively.
195 ASA Home page Money manager
Money manager delivering non-correlated, absolute returns to its qualified investors. The Funds seek to maximize after tax, risk-adjusted returns.
Z Request Y
196 Investor Relations Net Sources Information and
Information and resources for the corporate IR manager, including annual report, investor survey results, securities law and investment banking.
197 Advance System (Asia) Ltd. Comprehensive manufacturer
Comprehensive manufacturer, supplier, and project manager of LED, digital, and electronic signs, systems, and components. Includes interior and exterior applications. Headquarters in Hong Kong.
198 International Asset Management Multi-manager of
Multi-manager of hedge funds based in the UK, offering alternative investment strategies to clients in UK, Europe, USA and rest of the world. - Site requires FLASH to view
199 Sobieski & Bradley MGA and
MGA and underwriting manager for property/casualty and excess and surplus lines. Serves retail agents and brokers in the US states of Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.
200 Vaughn Woods Investment Management A fee-based
A fee-based investment manager, working with the support of Spelman and Co. Site includes information for investors, news, and financial links.

2. Shopping and Manager Trade

1 Pool House Manager Custom Billiard
Custom Billiard Room Management software designed for Windows 95,98,NT
Pool Billiard Software Corp Poolroom Manager Magic Screen Scheduler Shop Hall Ball Sports Program Nt Windowsxpvista Icon
2 Wings of Technology Software programs
Software programs to manage oil information to convert conditions to a recipe. Also used as a client manager database.
3 The Beatles 4ever! Multimedia center.
Multimedia center. Song database manager and advanced mediaplayer, with free trial and upgrades for this comprehensive software program.
Beatles Midi Mp Free Song Mediaplayer Program Database Ever Download Music Lyrics Discography Starr Multimedia
4 Dojo Manager School, student
School, student and staff management system. Features photo ID, swipe card, and marketing reports. Free trial download available.
5 Wine Technologies, Inc. Robert Parkers
Robert Parkers Wine Advisor and Cellar Manager Software.
Wine Cellar Robert Erobertparkercom Manager Software Advisor Technologies Parker Support@winetechcom Parkers Management Advocate Update Subscribe
6 Erena Manager Online customizable
Online customizable hockey management solution including referee scheduling, ice scheduling, team and league statistics, and revenue models.
7 The Beatles, The Bible, and Bodega Bay First US
First US manager of Apple Records, Ken Mansfield, writes about the music business of the 1960s and the Beatles. Purchase information, table of contents, and excerpts.
Mansfield Book Beatles White Ken Inc Grammy Records Producer Apple Award Winning Andy Exclusive Garland Badfinger Parton Rawls Stories
8 Marina Manager Management software
Management software for marinas, yacht club memberships, and port authorities, with member/tenant, visitors, and slip records management capabilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Medco Health Pharmacy benefits
Pharmacy benefits manager provides members with the capability to refill prescriptions on-line, check an order status, and research drug and health information.
Scripts Express Pharmacy Freestylereg Order Mail Prescription Error Delivery Use Contact Drug Meter Learn Glucose Millions Id Refills
10 Supplier of
Supplier of the Think Like A King school software system including the Chess Club Manager and the Chess Workouts books-on-disk. Used in schools worldwide. Illinois, USA
Chess Software Think King System School Order Club Scholastic Schoolchesscoms Teaching Learning Youll Dvd Books League
11 Race Manager Management software
Management software for motorsports organizations handling entry fees, membership cards, medical cards, suspensions, rookies, and multiple cars. Over 25 reports and forms.
Race Manager Driver Download Purchase Learn Contact Inc Binary Transport Contactus Drivers Orbits Memberships Events Pro
12 Migraine Manager A cool
A cool air device that soothes migraine and headache pain. Highlighting clinical trial data and how the device works.
Migraine Headache Headaches Physician Cluster Does Treated Hurt Marketing Llc Manager Tension Migrainemanagercom Should Astir Why See
13 Fantasy Football League Manager Software to
Software to assist league commissioners and owners in running their own league. Includes free demo download, program features, and message forum.
Fflm Fantasy Football League Program Software Manager Download Pc Based Click Assistant Leagues Owners Features Myfantasyleaguecom Stats
14 Chess Club Manager Macintosh software
Macintosh software for school chess clubs. Tutorials and club management.
15 Yorke Provides Windows
Provides Windows based computer software. Birdrec keeps records on your stud. Budgen calculates results of budgerigar matings and draws a color picture on most varieties and combinations. The Show Manager organizes and administers exhibitions and shows.
16 Play Manager Coaching Software Attention Hockey
Attention Hockey Coach: Turn your conventional coaching play diagrams from confusing lines and squiggles into crystal clear animations.
Tutorials Screenshots Content Hockey Soccer Football Basketball Testimonials Pm Inline Play Manager Requirements Sample Playbook
17 Txt Backup Provides a
Provides a phone backup system and manager of the contents of mobile phone, PDA or Blackberry over the air.
Navigationshilfe Ty
18 Treasure Software Co. Sells Windows
Sells Windows 95, 98, and NT applications, including Perfect Secretary, Perfect Brackets, Perfect Tournament, Perfect Bowler Manager, and Perfect BowlArt. Includes features, demo downloads, and FAQs.
Treasure Softwarey
19 Snapshot! Hockey Statistics Manager This program
This program provides a complete set of management tools for ice hockey, in line hockey, lacrosse, and ringette. It allows you to maintain statistics for leagues, teams, and players using a highly intuitive interface.
20 Dusty Baker on Hitting Giants manager
Giants manager Dusty Baker offers a CD-ROM on hitting for either baseball, softball, or for parents or coaches of little leaguers.
Baker Dusty Agent League Contact Baseball Play Speaker Booking Life Official Dustybakercom Personal Website Appearance Sacramento Endorsements National
21 BeNutriFit Nutrition Manager Nutrition management
Nutrition management software designed for the user to easily enter and track consumed nutrients. Includes USDA database containing over 15k food items. Includes a database containing 400+ activities.
Contact Benutrifit World Hello Fitness About Mr | Menu Copyright Wordpress Z

3. Manager Recreation

1 Fhockey - Home of Eastside Hockey Manager Official site
Official site of the original freeware version of the Eastside Hockey Manager (EHM), includes a list of EHM leagues online, application tutorials, and software add-ons/updates.
Hockey Ehm Eastside Manager Help Tutorials Simulator Fhockey Fantasy Tutorial Manage Take Hosting Here Simulation
2 CamperConnection.Com Offers modules
Offers modules that plug directly into any existing camp Web site: Email Manager, Photo Manager, Camp News, Camp Talk, and Camp Store. Product overview, links to sites using the service, and contact information.
3 Gunnermania A player
A player and manager archive of the past and present.
4 Major League Soccer Manager Mailing list
Mailing list and fan club.
Mlsm Page List Mailing Major Manager Soccer League Records Here Guestbook Derek Latest Updates Enter Under Scruffyb Sent
5 Moto GP Manager Season management
Season management of motorbike racing teams.
6 Eckerd Health Services (EHS) Pharmacy-based prescription
Pharmacy-based prescription benefit manager (PBM).
Health Safety Environmental Ehscom Under Development |ehscomenvironmental Z
7 Sidency Softworks Producers of
Producers of Collmate collection manager software. 30 day trial version available.
Collmate User News Manual Sidency Softworks Now Whats New Screen Download Terms Awards Features Support Language
8 Davis, John Fan web
Fan web site for the manager of a bowling center. Provides training information and links.
9 Kohler Stables Features stallions
Features stallions, facilities, manager and owner biography. Near LaGrange.
Welcome Kohler Stables Intro Please Avis Schatzberghowardgirdler
10 F1 Racing Pool Play against
Play against friends or colleagues as a team manager or predict the top six in the next race.
11 Manchester United Squad, stadium
Squad, stadium, club information, history, manager, and titles.
Frontpage Opensslapache Fips Serveratport Permanently The Davmod_auth_passthrough
12 4thegame: Tottenham Hotspur News, fixtures
News, fixtures, transfers, scores, tables, players, and the manager.
Found Webmaster Found Thepleasethursday Dec
13 Boxing news
Boxing news from the official site of British manager and promoter Frank Maloney.
Free Page Speedfashion Trends Tickets Policy Cars Internet Credit Smart Review Why High
14 Stroke Manager Free online
Free online game tracking with round and overall totals computed, including handicaps.
Strokemanagercom Insurance Luxury Credit Free Cars Relief Tickets Pain Migraine Health Report Cheap Smart Phones College Here
15 Princess Jade Official site
Official site of independent manager/valet includes biography, photographs, and show dates.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Help Local Hosting Advisor Gallery App Domains Finance Games
16 Yasp Software F1 Manager Virtual management
Virtual management game with two variants. The Supreme version is more involved with problems and bonuses.
Team Manager Racing Free Ferrari Sidra Main Williams Page Wolflopez Maries Fgrandprixmanager Formula Game Srfgp Book Season Frank Mcsmoke Calamares
17 Paisley, Bob Liverpools revered
Liverpools revered championship winning player and manager. Honours, anecdotes, and biography. 1919 - 1996.
Paisley Liverpool John European Martin Paul Bob League Manager Tomkins Paisleys Lfchistorynet Chris Jessie Graham Human Three
18 Kenny Casanova Official site
Official site of the Manager includes biography, chat, contact information, journal, and news.
Sign Account Lifestream Everything Policy Now People Places Email Bulk Nowon Networks Read Trademarks Learnmore Terms
19 Mike Wes F1 Manager Manage a
Manage a team of two drivers, a chassis, an engine, a set of tires and select a pitbabe with a limited budget. Free-for-fun.
20 BLS Outdoors Offers several
Offers several Windows software packages for anglers, including a catch log, a tournament manager and a solar/lunar calculator.
Software Fishing Associates Tools Classic Anglers Outdoors Log Support Bls Windows Tournament Order Fish Tech Shotguns Outfitter
21 Envision Pharmaceutical Services Pharmacy benefits
Pharmacy benefits manager offers a prescription drug program for employers, unions and government agencies.
22 Professional Course Management Owner, operator
Owner, operator and manager of facilities including Miami Shores and Pembroke Lakes golf courses in Florida.
Course Management Pines Professional Pembroke Contact Fl Pcm Map Services Directions Laponzina Johnny Florida’s Company_
23 The Golden Retriever Webring Created in
Created in 1997. Invitation to join from the manager. Goods sold or home pages must be of interest to owners.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Archiveorg Toolbarmaps Privacy Mail Inc Movies Sites
24 First Touch A weekly
A weekly fanzine with European and U.S. player and manager interviews, UEFA competition information, articles, and an on-line soccer store (USA shipping only).
Soccer Watch Football Bars Gallery Tv World Cup Pubs Supporters Clubs Where York New Live
25 St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture: Jerry West Profiles one
Profiles one of the greatest guards in basketball history and looks at his career as coach and manager of the Los Angeles Lakers.
Games News Entertainment Travel Sports Expert Diseases Copyright Money Outdoors Medicine Electronics Business Computers Soccer School Celebrities Terms Football
26 The Discount Website Official site
Official site of Dewey Donovan, wrestler/manager. Includes news, event schedule, match history, and photos.
Directory Modified Size Type Parent Parentindex
27 Ask Frank About Scuba Experienced diver
Experienced diver and dive shop manager offering free advice on diving location, equipment, safety and training via email.
Navigationshilfe Ty
28 Team Manager Online management
Online management system to help managers administrate and run their team from anywhere in the world.
[浏览] 同里退休教师手录《桑梓集》 “莼鲈之思”之鲈鱼的辩证调查 苹果全讯网 书架 专题 [全文] 数字报 公安部高层开会商议对策 影像 桃源:脚踏实地抢抓转型机遇 东太湖论坛 印度女子生个女儿 皇冠论å
29 FUEL Basketball Online basketball
Online basketball manager - compete against users from around the world.
Basketball Manager Fuel Free United Frey Game Based Software Browser Feedback@frey Unitedcom Management Soccer Pasa¿ Automatyka
30 All about
All about the greatest football manager in the history of the game. Bill Shankly: 1913 - 1981.
Shankly Bill Shanklys Liverpool Shanks Paisley Interview United George Carlisle Greatest Songs Scott Here Stan Tommy Website Scotland Bob Guide
31 Tebak sepakbola Contains information
Contains information about soccer world and play also Soccer Prediction and how to be a manager in the Italian League.
Navigationshilfet Y
32 FFB Manager An online
An online league management service that handles re-draft and keeper leagues. Also have support for auction leagues.
Manager Super Spuds League Football Fun Fantasy Management Ffb Use Sodium Lochner Webbs Send Dave Conditions Last Players Commissioner
33 4thegame: Fulham Football Club News, fixtures
News, fixtures, transfers, scores, tables, players, and the club manager.
Found Found The Webmasternovthursday Please
34 Baseball Manager Offers a
Offers a variety of rotisserie baseball games including Ultimate, Express, Play Seven and Winter BBM.
Baseball Fantasy Free League Manager Bbm Yahoo Game Draft Leagues Stats Games Sports News Play Terms Beat Forum Year
35 Role Playing Hockey Association The RPHA
The RPHA is a fantasy based hockey system that replicates the life of a General Manager.
Hockey Simulator Association Fantasy Role Playing Myrpha Rpha Found |leaguefound The
36 CDM Fantasy Football Challenge Several types
Several types of games including league manager, rotisserie scoring, and point-style scoring.
Game Fantasy Games View Football Click Here Play Sports Survivor Enter Racing Hockey Basketball Pick
37 OnlineScoreKeeper Online league
Online league manager for the administration of most sports leagues including game schedules, team standings, and player statistics. Includes demo and contact information.
Divisions Calendar League Sign Add Info@onlinescorekeepercom Demo Basketball Traub@ptdnet Onlinescorekeeper Baseball Contactsoccer Info@centralcoastsportsarenacom
38 JY4NE JY4NE, E44A
JY4NE, E44A, and ZC6A are all Ali Yashruti of Beirut with Middle East repeator listings, log book entries, and QSL manager information.
Jyne Sponsored Waitcloseclick
39 In The Lane Sim League Basketball Sim
Basketball Sim LeagueBe the manager, make trades, sign draft players, sign FAs, own a team or get on the waiting list.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Hosting User Guidelinesinternet News Mail Popular Toolbar
40 Life Care Services A leading
A leading developer and manager of continuing care, assisted living retirement communities throughout the United States.
Living Senior National Leader Products Services Independent City Cost Saving Rights Livingdevelopment Master Explore Privacy Communities Managementmarketing Reserved Photo Texas Continuing Carolina
41 AMFA Manager Online multiplayer
Online multiplayer football management game with 15 playable countries. Players can compete against each other in real-time head-to-head matches.
Manager Football Amfa Free Software Soccer Liger Game Management Games Advertise Play Simulation Hornets Th Fenwick
42 Strømsgodset IF: Godset Supporters of the UK An unofficial
An unofficial supporter club in the United Kingdom with news, joining details, stadium and manager information, results, fixtures, player profiles, and links.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Privacy Mail Hosting Visitmovies Sports News Popular
43 Medco Health Pharmacy benefits
Pharmacy benefits manager provides members with the capability to refill prescriptions on-line, check an order status, and research drug and health information.
Express Scripts Pharmacy Corporate Delivery Careers Contact Español Frequently Order Relations Privacy Investor Terms Recall Acrobat Holding
44 New Life Retreat Centre teaches
Centre teaches a live foods lifestyle where you can learn to grow and prepare living foods. Lanark County, near Ottawa, Canada. Chas Dietrich, manager.
Green Retreat Raw Foods New Eco Food Living Life Vegetarian Alternative Detox Compost Ottawa Shower Organic Outdoor Dinner Chef
45 Pain Management Resources - Bedside Pain Manager Vendor of
Vendor of a reference guide for healthcare providers and patients dealing with acute, chronic or terminal pain.
Cart Login Resources Updates Contact User Company Products Prices Pain Account Faq Conditions Management Symptom Y
46 Case Manager For medical
For medical case managers and other related professionals who coordinate and manage patient care. Index of issues, table of contents, selected articles, editorial board, and subscription information.
47 Montebello Brewers Baseball 15U traveling
15U traveling baseball team from Montebello, California Manager: Alfred Lopez
Error Requesty
48 Back in the Saddle A long
A long term residential facility for adults with 'acquired brain damage' who are motivated to be as self-reliant and independent as possible. Life skill trainers live on site, and a Case Manager works with residents to help prioritize goals.
Enter Here Clicky
49 Reuben Kinkade - Painter of Stuff Parodies of
Parodies of Thomas Kinkade paintings, featuring the work of his long-lost brother, Reuben (formerly manager of The Partridge Family).
Thomas Kinkade Reuben Family Niles Robert Parody Painter Stuff Partridge Welcome Art Gallerykincaids
50 All Pro Fantasy Sports Customizable League
Customizable League Manager with both live and automated drafts, basic leagues or keeper leagues, live stats and custom scoring rules.
Domains Parken Namedriveinhaber Genauere Domain Privacy Listings Resultspolicy Allprofantasysportscom
51 Become a Professional Footballer Assessments of
Assessments of players carried out by ex-player and manager of Southampton Football Club, Chris Nicholl. All successful submissions will be progressed to professional club level.
52 Clough, Brian OBE, MA Former Middlesbrough
Former Middlesbrough, Sunderland, and England player and manager of Nottingham Forest and Derby County. News, quotes, photographs, career details, tributes, and dream team. 21st March 1935 - 20th September 2004.
Tribute Clough Cloughie Statue Book News Knighthood Message Page Campaign Brian Memorial Tributes Phone Facebookcombrianclough Competitions Nottm Match Football
53 Holly Tree Dressage Center This facility
This facility in southern New Jersey offers dressage training, boarding, lessons, and clinics with manager and trainer, Nina Benninghoff. It is adjacent to Wharton State Forest which has hundreds of miles of trails.
54 TRX-Manager HAM Radio CAT Software An original
An original piece control software for radio amateur transceivers. Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood, TenTec and Alinco are supported. Get the latest information about the program and download an evaluation version.
Trx Manager Award Radio Support Software Order Cat Ic Internet Satellite Yaesu Freeware Demo Radioamateurs Sales Kenwood Monitoring
55 Pharmacy Services Group A full
A full service pharmacy benefit manager specializing in workers compensation, group health, and hospice pharmacy claims. Includes contact information.
56 Rink Management Services Corporation Rink Management
Rink Management Services is the nations number one manager of ice skating rinks.
More» Management Services Rink Rinks Learn Corporation Seasonal Orange Year Round Hopeful Turned Skyline Ice Copyright Team
57 Oxford Academy of Hair Design Cosmetology school
Cosmetology school located in Seymour, CT offering training programs in salon owner or manager, hair stylist, colorist, esthetician, makeup artist, nail technician, educator, platform artist, and celebrity stylist.
58 England World Cup 2006 team-prints and posters Online sales
Online sales of prints and posters featuring manager and players for the England football World Cup 2006
Navigationshilfe Ty
59 Kroger Prescription Plans A full
A full service pharmacy benefits manager for self-insured (and partially self-funded) employer health plans, managed care organizations, third party administrators, and health care brokers and consultants. Provides prescription drug cards on a 'carve-out' basis from fully insured plans.
Link Click Seem Erroroops Z

4. Computer & Manager Games Websites

1 St James Software Integrated tools
Integrated tools for use in industrial plants incl. process browser, log book, report manager, lab manager, alarm manager, down-time manager, engines to store data in real-time in a database such as Oracle.
Internationals Favorite Reply Retweet International Operations Management Japan Contentupl… Applications Jintcomwp Compliance America Process Software
2 Professional Software Solutions Specializes in
Specializes in municipal, cemetery and insurance software. Products include property tax manager, voter registration manager, permit manager, and cemetery manager.
Request Errory
3 BizStudio Site Manager Cart, SSL
Cart, SSL server, store manager, and order manager. Same day setup.
4 indexsoft Perl scripts:
Perl scripts: intuitive mailer, access manager, backups manager, .htpasswd manager, indexsoft site-up, files searcher. [Shareware]
Indexsoft Released Manager Mysql Mailer Intuitive Download Purchase Backups Access Demo Usd Ratedby % Configurator Hotscripts First Feel
5 Real Components .NET .NET components
.NET components for ASP.NET and Windows .NET applications includes IIS Manager, RSS Manager, Credit Card Validator, Web Header Manager. [Shareware]
Catalog Components Quote Electronic Obsolete Request Real Contact Policy Terms Part Line Card Semiconductor Name International Hours St
6 FM/2 File Manager/2
File Manager/2 is a shareware 32-bit OS/2 Presentation Manager file, directory, and archive manager which can use to manage all file system objects.
File Manager Clarion Says Support Users Features Say Capesoft Documentation Clarionshop Accessories Capesoftcom Introduction Fmfm Mode Yes Dll
7 GentleSource Link and Bookmark Manager Link manager
Link manager can be used as link section of a website or a personal bookmark manager. You can publish links/bookmarks or hide them behind a login. [Free for private usage and non-profit organizations]
Link Mail Manager News Scripts Script Affiliate Php Gentlesource Support Italian Short Contact Help Poll Ebay Forum Chinese Eur
8 Vendio Image hosting
Image hosting, store manager, customer manager and other seller services.
Vendio Software Ebay Ecommerce Store Amazon Selling Partners Management Auction Hosting News Contact Stores Security Comparison Solutions Effle Lister
9 SYFACiL virtual desktop RSS reader
RSS reader along with file manager, bookmark manager, web content catcher. Can be access by web or SMS.
Lecteur Rss Syfacil En Ligne Inscription De Podcast Fils Annuaire + Savoir Tester Tarifs Barre
10 Evolution Contact manager
Contact manager, address manager and calendar for Gnome.
Suse Linux Enterprise Server Support Partners Cloud Desktop Extension High Sap Technical Availability Openstack Manager
11 Teacup Software Plug-Ins and
Plug-Ins and consulting for Adobe InDesign. Workspace Manager, and Palette Manager available for Windows and Macintosh.
Indesign Teacup Plug Ins Adobe Software Cs Consulting Releases Barcodemaker Datalinker Odbc Postscript Older Typefitter
12 Nexus CMS Forms-based CMS
Forms-based CMS with structure manager, WYSIWYG editor, and media manager that crops and rotates images.
13 Info Angel Personal information
Personal information manager comprising a notebook, a contact book, an organizer and a bookmark manager.
Angel Writer Mail Direct Personal Robot Free Download Text Editor Purchase Pim Xp Organizer Microsoft
14 Mindworks IM Manager Add-on software
Add-on software for AOL including an IM Manager, Free OCX files for personal use, and a couple of games designed for passing time.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Sportshosting Games Finance Reach Wayback Longeravailable User Sites Archiveorg
15 Binrace Bar Cut
Bar Cut Optimizer & Manager is a length nesting software and stock manager, used to optimize cuts in pipes, bars, tubes, profiles.
Binrace Optimization Software Processes Optimized Industrial Cut Contact Business Applications Optimizing Optimizer Binracefoundedaservice
16 Foundation 2000 A unified
A unified business solution with embedded EDI, fax manager, contact manager, and inventory management, complete with a web catalog generator.
Solutions False Edi Erp Crm Softrend Inventory Contact Management Accounting Sales Order Orders Manufacturing Speaking Payable
17 FutureBASIC Developer Corner This site
This site is managed by Scorpian Research and provides information and source code for things like the Appearance Manager, and Speech Manager.
18 Nemx Power Tools for Exchange Server Is comprised
Is comprised of 4 components: Signature Maker, Address Manager, Spam Blocker, and Content Manager.
Corporation Software Management Content Nemx Securez
19 MVS Solutions A z/OS
A z/OS systems software company best known for ThruPut Manager, a product that works with JES2 and Workload Manager to automate the management of batch processing.
Support Contact Thruput Solutions Central Manager Peak Rolling Success Whats Average Events Reduce News Usage Capacity Newsmakers Whats
20 Greatis Software DesktopKeeper Utility to
Utility to arrange the desktop icons in the way that best for themselves. Software includes a virtual desktop manager, wallpaper manager, windows manager, desktop icons protector, desktop intruders locker and others. [Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000]
Greatis Utilities Desktop Desktopkeeper Lock Software Download Appdatabase Security Windows Trial Outsourcing Screenshots Basic Delphicb Screen Order News Windowse Nt Unusual Net
21 NetMarks Manager Internet bookmark
Internet bookmark manager solution, to store and easily manage thousands of bookmarks, take notes, search rapidly, preview sites and keep track of favorites.
Manager Software Netmarks Weta Internet Support Firefox Download Product Features Explorer Version News Products Purchase
22 SAM Code Team Repository of
Repository of the teams open source projects for Joomla and Mambo CMS systems. Home of samSiteMap, and the unreleased samSiteTabs, Color Manager, and Site Authentication Manager.
Joomla Code Team Manager Alpha News Written Open Authentication Sam Last Wednesday Updated Mambo Graham Source Changes Siteauthentication Project
23 Solvius BS Bookmark and Shortcut Manager Information manager
Information manager to organize and annotate links to anything on the computer, network and on the Internet. Features include such as keywords, password storage, encryption and catalog sharing.
Hosting Web Domain Names Parking Page Affordable $ Check Promotion Commerce Design Websiteinternet
24 Carlot Manager Software CarLot Manager
CarLot Manager for car dealers, sales, inventory, and reports. Download trial version for Windows.
25 eFPro Manager Information on
Information on EF Development Corporation Web-based project manager solution. Also offers Web design and development.
Error Requesty
26 EZ Password Manager Northwind Technologies
Northwind Technologies distribute the password manager that provides a secure and central solution to store all web passwords.
27 Develops Excel
Develops Excel spreadsheet solutions, including an automated expense sheet manager, invoice sheet manager, and budget planner.
28 Rudenko Software BookReader A freeware
A freeware tool that includes various works as well as a personal library manager, bookmarks manager and on-line library browser.
Bookreader Book Scrolling Smooth Version Viewer Reading File Download Electronic Status Downloads Freeware Comfortable Size Direct
29 Gazatem Technologies Providing ASP
Providing ASP based online content management and publishment tools, including: Gportal, a directory link index and news manager, Gnews, a webbased news/article management script, Glink Index script, a directory/link index system, Glist Manager, a newsletter manager.
Guide News Publisher Contact Gnews Requirements Base Policy Installation Knowledge Pricing Customization System Demo Administration Solution Management
30 KFM - Kaes File Manager An Ajax
An Ajax file manager for PHP, which may be used stand-alone, or as a plugin for a rich text editor.
31 Backup Manager Backup Manager
Backup Manager provides secure, offsite data storage for businesses on a subscription basis.
Manager Storage Data Backupz
32 URL Manager Pro Bookmark manager
Bookmark manager for Macintosh.
Manager Mac Tidbits Download Url Via Pro Discussion Chrome Buy Sms Urls List Release Support Web Lion
33 Gladiators Author of
Author of Aston, desktop manager and shell replacement, AltDesk, virtual desktop manager with skin support, and Docbar, MS Word 95/97 utility.
Desktop Aston Product Windows Menu Skins Replacement Shell Virtual Skinning Themes Altdesk Secure Manager Added Wallpaper Name
34 Parabens Contact Manager A simple
A simple contact manager for the average PC user. It prints to most day-planner sizes for easy replacement of outdated address books.
Found Found They
35 Gladiators Author of
Author of Aston, desktop manager and shell replacement, AltDesk, virtual desktop manager with skin support, and Docbar, MS Word 95/97 utility.
Desktop Aston Product Windows Menu Replacement Shell Skins Virtual Themes Altdesk Skinning Manager Added Secure New Office Russian
36 Disk Size Manager Provides pie
Provides pie and bar charts of disk usage in a file manager interface. Includes a tool to conditionally search files and folders. [Windows 9x/2000/NT/ME/XP]
Disk Manager Size File Space Explorer Browser Link Hard Powerful Windows Extractor Tools List Using Rename
37 Octeth Email Manager Pro List manager
List manager that includes personalized emails, plug-in support, graphical statistics, template system, and backup system. [Commercial]
Email Marketing Software List Management Auto New Contact Jun Rarr Trial Mailing Buy Customers Features Closed Responders
38 Website Management Tools Provides Ranking-Manager
Provides Ranking-Manager and Robots-Manager, for promotion and spider management.
Website Manager Ranking Promotion Tools Software Robot Now Watch News Support Wisdom Weblog Management Training
39 RemoteZip Zip File Manager A ZIP
A ZIP File Manager that runs on a Web server and has a browser based interface.
Page Httpstonebroomazurewebsitesnetremziphtm Hasy
40 @-Manager Free advanced
Free advanced Perl CGI formmail handler script. Stores HTML form submissions to a database and sends custom e-mail responses. Includes web browser based manager and bulk mailer.
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41 Purple Parrot Programs Offers software
Offers software for Windows such as Media Manager, Budget Manager, various utilities, and ActiveX controls. Software overviews, screenshots, and trial downloads.
Download Alternate Page Primary Parrot Purple Activex Control Size Manager Scheduler Computer Media Monitor System
42 zBoot Manager An effective
An effective boot manager, which allows the easy install and use of multiple operating systems on a single hard drive. Directly install other OSs to extended partitions and logic drivers.
Manager Boot Multi Easily Booter Zboot Windows Partition Dos Operating Disk Bootmanager Commander Multiple Managers Install Osloader
43 EuroSmartz Ltd. SaleSmartz is
SaleSmartz is a complete sales scheme that serves as a contact manager, quotation/invoicing tool, calendar/scheduler, product manager, and reporting tool. [ Macintosh/Windows]
Macintosh Salesmartz Sales Software Eurosmartz Windows Click Ltd Here Management Free Download Quotes Timeemailcontact Customer Platform Crm
44 Savvy Content Manager Web content
Web content manager that is ColdFusion based and Mac/PC compatible. [Commercial]
Savvy Software Cms Content Management Coldfusion System Manager Services Web Support | Website District Screenshots Video Join Geokon Testimonials
45 zBoot Manager An effective
An effective boot manager, which allows the easy install and use of multiple operating systems on a single hard drive. Directly install other OSs to extended partitions and logic drivers. [DOS/Windows/Linux]
Manager Boot Partition Windows Zboot Easily Multi Booter System Operating Hard Dos Magic Install Managers Commander Multiple
46 wmx wmx is
wmx is also a window manager. Home page quote : 'wmx is a window manager for X. Its based on wm2, and it retains a similar look and feel, but its intended to provide an experimental vehicle for features that fall comfortably outside the scope of the manifesto for the original wm2.'
Wmx Manager Window Source Releases Current Release Development Other Sites Awindow Sendinglinux Download
47 got password? Password Manager Lightweight, feature-rich
Lightweight, feature-rich password manager. Easy to configure and activate. Securely gives you access to your credentials with just a couple of key taps.
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48 Generic Window Manager Manual GWM is
GWM is an X window manager you can program using LISP.
Bull Groupe Manual Koala Gwm Reference Christophe Project Tronche Nahaboo Wool Colas Inria Page Quick Pubgwm Packages
49 Desktop-Enhancing Utilities Small package
Small package of programs that can improve productivity on the Windows desktop - a file-dialog enhancer, a system tray manager and a virtual desktop manager.
Desktop File Xfilesdialog Xdesk Virtual Enhancing List Systrayx Manager Utilities + Open Windows Dialogs Support Favorites
50 Open source mailing list manager PHPlist is
PHPlist is a web application that implements a personalised mailing list manager or customer relationship management (CRM) system. (PHP, SQL)
Open Source Manager Phplist Policy Community Book Pool Anna Download Navigation Campaign Hosted News Anti Spam Introducing Alpaha Issues Vice Managed
51 Open source mailing list manager PHPlist is
PHPlist is a web application that implements a personalised mailing list manager or customer relationship management (CRM) system. (PHP, SQL)
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52 Serena Version Manager Software configuration
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58 Curve2 Design Aquaboss (online
Aquaboss (online boat inventory manager) and Autoboss (online vehicle inventory manager) products.
59 Pie Menu Window Manager Minimal window
Minimal window manager that uses pie menus.
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60 Oracle BPEL Process Manager Oracle BPEL
Oracle BPEL Process Manager enables organizations to model, deploy and efficiently make changes to business processes based on the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) standard. BPEL is the proven standard for process orchestration and is the cornerstone of a Service-Oriented Architecture. Oracle BPEL Process Manager enables enterprises to reduce the cost and complexity of integration projects while increasing their strategic value.
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61 Adobe Type Manager Deluxe Font manager
Font manager for True Type and Type 1 fonts.
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62 Ranish Partition Manager Partition disks
Partition disks, format and resize FAT-16 and FAT-32 file systems. Boot Manager can boot from 30+ partitions on a single hard drive. Open source with extensive documentation in English, French, and German.
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63 KeyPass Password Manager KeyPass is
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64 FileAnt - File Manager by OneHundredAngryAnts Full featured
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65 Giva Inc. Provides business
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66 Secure Kit Password Manager Secure Password
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67 Cool Utils Software to
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68 Oxygen Phone Manager Nokia 8xxx
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69 Gawpus Personal Information Manager A complete
A complete online personal information manager. Calendar, email, contacts, notes, tasks, bookmarks and file storage. All online and all free.
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70 Canyon Software Developers of
Developers of shareware utilities, products include Drag and File a file manager. Drag and Zip is a compression file manager plugin, and Drag and View, which is a viewer.
71 Certified Consultants - Oracle Small Business Manager Conrad &
Conrad & Co. - Sales & Support of Oracle Small Business Manager. Offers ASP based solutions.
72 Certified Consultants - Oracle Small Business Manager Conrad &
Conrad & Co. - Sales & Support of Oracle Small Business Manager. Offers ASP based solutions.
73 Active Input Method Manager (AIMM) Active Input
Active Input Method Manager mirrors the Win32 Input Method Manager APIs to allow East Asian character input on non-East Asian versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0.
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74 League Manager League Manager
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75 ZTree File Manager ZTreeWin and
ZTreeWin and ZTreeBold are native 32bit text-mode file/directory managers for Windows (95/98/Me/NT/2K/XP) and OS/2 respectively, modelled closely on the text-mode file-manager XTree Gold. Shareware.
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77 IBM Lotus Workplace Content authoring
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78 Snia Offers Open Source Object Manager for Enterprise Management The Storage
The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has made available an open source Common-Information-Model (CIM) Object Manager. An Online-Article at
79 Policy Manager - Cisco Systems Cisco Secure
Cisco Secure Policy Manager is a scalable, powerful security policy management system for Cisco firewalls and Virtual Private Network (VPN) gateways. Assistance is also provided with the development and audititing of security policy.
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Spam Manager Professional is a windows based gateway filter for SMTP email servers. This filter uses DNSBL Servers to reject junk or spam mail coming from blacklisted servers.
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82 Conformance Tool for SNMP network This site
This site has postscript files which gives the description on the conformance tool for SNMP Network. Conformance tool detects a message sent from the SNMP manager to the agent and checks it for all the required fields in it. It warns the manager in case there is an error. [Freeware]
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84 Lee Technologies Software support
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85 XPde A desktop
A desktop environment(XPde) and a window manager(XPwm) for Linux. It tries to make easier for Windows XP users to use a Linux box. Nothing more, no clipboard compatibility between Gtk and Qt applications, no emulation of Windows applications, no unification on the widgets of X applications, just a desktop environment and a window manager. [Open source, GPL]
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93 LVM Logical Volume
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94 aewm A minimalistic
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95 Kapital Personal Finance
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101 Overview of
Overview of setting up and using Oracle Enterprise Manager
102 WindowLab A small
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Offers to manage projects on the Web.
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Cross-platform XML and XSLT Manager. [Shareware]
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Image file manager with touch-up features. [Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000]
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154 Advanced Banned User Manager Includes description
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Offers the transferring of sensitive data over the Internet with AS/400 FTP and PGP Encryption.
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5Mb, On line editor and file-manager, 2-D and 3-D images. Fee programs are also available for individuals and businesses.
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159 Alliance FTP Manager PGP Option Offers the
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168 Book Library Manager WinLibrary manages
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For small- to mid-sized companies. Resource Manager features costing and estimating functions.
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Highly portable, lightweight database manager, usable from several languages.
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Codec central for this converter, player and iPod file transfer manager with several AAC/MP4 encoders and decoders.
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Publishers of DiskJockey file manager, viewer, zip, unzip, FTP tool for Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, and OS/2.
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186 The Renegade Troll Ad-free manager
Ad-free manager with customizable views. Display your bookmarks on one webpage, sorted by category.
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Player, playlist manager, tag editor, and music organizer that supports ID3 version one and two with search. [Shareware]
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Free software program for Windows and Linux / Unix. [Requires Java VM]
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Financial software offering accounting functions, deposit management and security tracking.
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Personal health information manager. Track weight, blood pressure, calories and more.
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Shopping cart software and a catalog manager for Unix/Linux and Windows web servers. [Shareware]
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Software to maintain a database of members, subscribers, customers or suppliers online.
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Layout manager for Java that is similar to the Motif Form Widget (but with less features). [Open Source]
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197 macropool GmbH ContentSaver is
ContentSaver is a web information manager, which stores and organizes any web page content for archiving and viewing.
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A web based interface for database content and structure management. Written in Perl.
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1 Maze Manager Make mazes
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6 Blues News Q&A with
Q&A with Bungies (former) PR manager Doug Zartman.
News Games Blues Zartman Counter Strike Pc Qa Quake Unreal Doug Bungies Sky Server Mafia Sims Good Chili
7 Mistaril Developer of
Developer of the game Space Station Manager for the PC.
8 ManagerZone Sign up
Sign up to become a manager in a virtual soccer world. [Available in several languages]
Policy Manager Game Privacy Games Terms Rules Cookie Managerzone General Managers Hockey Free Sports Management Sport
9 Championship Manager Fan Zone Articles, guides
Articles, guides, tactics and downloads.
Navigationshilfe Ty
10 CCTools An advanced
An advanced Chips Challenge level set manager and editor.
Frozen Sorryownercontact Frozenwere Please
11 Kevin Toms Developer of
Developer of Football manager. Includes history and pictures.
12 FA Premier Manager 99 Online Updated with
Updated with tips, downloads and any new interesting news
13 Role Playing DB. A commercial
A commercial roleplaying database manager for Linux and Windows.
14 Preview: '...with
Preview: '...with realism enhancements made to the Manager mode too, FIFA 07 looks like it could be something special.'
Games Best Movies Cheats Ps Xbox Policy Upcoming Gears Terms Bloodborne Forgot Edition Row Conditions City Walkthroughs
15 FS Addon Manager A utility
A utility to help organize third party creations for Flight Simulator 2002.
16 Preview: '...with
Preview: '...with realism enhancements made to the Manager mode too, FIFA 07 looks like it could be something special.'
Games Best Movies Cheats Ps Xbox Policy Upcoming Contact Reviews Guide Request Video Tips Password Heavensward City
17 Giants Map Manager Download of
Download of utility to play multiplayer games on custom maps.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help Local Gallery Hosting Advisor App Geocities Has User Onlineservices
18 Strategy Gaming Online : Luc Barthelet Contains an
Contains an interview with the general manager of Maxis about The Sims.
Navigationshilfe Ty
19 Universal Boxing Manager Manage up
Manage up to 6 different boxers, each one with different stats and skills, in 17 weight categories. For Pc and Mac.
Boxing Game $ Mac Pc Spacewaravailable Mobile Website Blog Arrange Forums Desktop Galactic Manage Terms Selectively Universal
20 The Lost Diaries Volume 7 Mikhail Islam
Mikhail Islam, Human Resources Manager, diary.
Navigationshilfe Ty
21 Interview with Ken Levine Discussion with
Discussion with general manager and creative director on the state of the game.
Navigationshilfe Ty
22 US Soccer Manager Contains 46
Contains 46 manageable teams from the US and other leagues. Includes game information, screenshots, download, and fora.
Coach Football Statto Australian Software Visit Rules Login Aussie Currently Company Development Game Buy Working
23 Total Club Manager 2003 Online Contains news
Contains news, game information, downloads, and hints and tips.
Flame Here Guides Posted Version News Manager Fifa Club English Megapatch Total Screenshots Gaming Soccer Mode Click
24 ActionTrip Interview by
Interview by Ure Paul with Guillaume Eluerd (game Scriptwriter) and Julie Salzmann (Marketing Manager) from InUtero.
Z Hello News Screenshots Releases Files Polly Comic Features Reviews Previewsactiontrip Videos Cheats
25 SoccerProject A free
A free online manager game were you take control of a soccer club. Includes a forum and FAQs.[Available in several languages]
Free Soccerproject Game Football Promo Manager Web Based Appstore Faq Money Team Sanmax Bingo Com
26 Sony Onlines
Sony Onlines Alan Vancouvering, Community Relations Manager, gives a guided tour of Mistmoors Catacombs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
27 GameGuru Mania Interview with
Interview with Simon Vivien, Brand Manager at DreamCatcher Games. Includes screen shots.
Mar Gameguru Painkiller Ps News Tools Ds Wii Follow Privacy Game English Windows Xbox Battlefront Cheats Sure Yeahh Games
28 Berthier Campaign Manager Software that
Software that allows umpires or players to manage small or large scale campaigns for miniature battles.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Page Errorpage Check Hosting Lycoscom Website Requestedsignup Found Couldnt Lycos Please
29 Breast Reduction Trish Gray
Trish Gray, PR manager at Eidos Interactive, writes a funny article about reactions to Lara Crofts redesign.
Issue Raider Tomb Gray Lara Guest Tricia Editorial Life Maybe Sims Croft Archives Check Submissions Picture Ill
30 RPGPlanet Long game
Long game features discussion with Marketing Manager Patric Sundström by Mark Allman. Also contains two screen shots and two official wallpapers.
31 SoundBlaster Tim Bartlett
Tim Bartlett, Audio Manager for Codemasters, discusses creating the audio for the game.
Fileremoved Looking Temporarily Directory Unavailable Namechanged Been Mightresource Error Foundthe Server
32 Descent Manager A multi-function
A multi-function set of utilities for editing many aspects of Descent 1, 2, and 3, and FreeSpace 1 and 2.
Descent Managery
33 CM4rums Championship manager
Championship manager forums, several sub forums with information on previous versions.
Navigationshilfe Ty
34 Sports Interactive Developers of
Developers of sports games such as Championship Manager, CM Quiz and an EHM.
Link Now Manager Share Interactive Games Developer Policy Fm Sports Football Android Update Team News Programming Junior Passionfm End Webcloud Watch
35 Mythica Cancelled Interview with
Interview with product manager Chris Lye on the reasons for the game being cancelled.
36 MM Hell Interview An interview
An interview with Jorgen Tharaldsen, Product Manager at Funcom about Alien Invasion.
Z Nginx Y
37 Pool Crazy Provides a
Provides a free hockey, football, and basketball pool manager. [Registration required]
Hockey Manager Pool Pools Contact Always Free Sponsors Graphics Poolcrazy Office Terms Privacytry
38 Ultimate Sports Book Manager A software
A software application that allows the house and player to track wagers, download betting lines, and get final scores in real-time.
Software Sports Manager Plug Sportsbook Book Download Parlay Betting Ultimate Systems Gambling Terms Program Bookie Season Reporting Wagers
39 Pool Expert Web-based fantasy
Web-based fantasy pool manager for NHL hockey, Major League baseball, and formula 1 racing.
Hockey Pool Now Register Fantasy Free Poolexpert Connect Feature Guarantee Sign Android Poolexpertcom Contact Baseball Stats Youmake
40 Lineage 2 Warehouse Offers an
Offers an accurate drop database updated every day by players via a sniffer program, also provides L2 tools and a warehouse manager.
41 Championship Manager Frenzy Recommended tactics
Recommended tactics, training, an extensive good players guide, cheats, and national team guide.
42 Blackjack Risk Manager 2000 Software program
Software program for card counters. Screens and features help the counter manage bankroll risk-of-ruin.
Blackjack Casino Roxy Poker Roulette Palace Points Bonus Rules Terminology Double Dealer Strategy Split History Match Counting Enjoy Bonuspoints
43 Political Machine Strategy game
Strategy game in which players take on the role of campaign manager for a US Presidential candidate. Offers game information and technical support.
44 Dynasty Manager Resource for
Resource for players to chronicle their season-to-season achievements for most popular sports video games. Includes discussion forums.
Document Untitledy
45 Supplier of
Supplier of the Think Like A King school software system including the Chess Club Manager and the Chess Workouts books-on-disk. Used in schools worldwide. Illinois, USA
46 Einnek Football Established for
Established for 23 years is a UK based professional Play-by-Mail soccer game. As a team manager you are in total control of your clubs fortunes in your quest to win the title of League Champions or Cup Winners.
47 ClrMame ClrMame is
ClrMame is a so-called ROM-manager. With every new release of MAME a lot has been changed. New gamesets have been added, some have been removed, etc. ClrMame helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.
48 Niho Soccer Manager An online
An online soccer management game in which one trades players and coaches ones team in cups and leagues. Offers news, tables, transfers, and newspaper.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing App Local Hosting Gallery Advisor Help Customer Privacy Terms
49 Chess Club Manager Macintosh software
Macintosh software for school chess clubs. Tutorials and club management.
50 World Championship Boxing Manager Produced by
Produced by Goliath Games in 1990 and pioneered the niche genre of boxing simulation. Now available via this archive of classic games.
Manager Boxing Championship Download Game Sports Source World Games Professional Manual Managerpromoter Abandonware Pc Ultimate
51 Interview: Marie-Sol Beaudry -- Syberia GameSpy interviews
GameSpy interviews project manager Marie-Sol Beaudry.
52 LarsTech Football Pool Manager Offers a
Offers a pool management system with confidence rankings, point spreads, and a variety of other options. Network ready, includes an option to print reports in HTML format.
Football Larstech Manager Pool Software Issues Screen Purchase Support Shots Winzip Office Price Spam Spyware No Y
53 Bridge Manager Add-on for
Add-on for use with Bridge Baron and other programs supporting PBN. Allows players to enter deals to be replayed, includes learning deals. Presents ample screens and a free demo.
Bridge Manager Game Software Baron Notation Bridgemanager Page Deals Portable Windows Screens Souths Add Pbn
54 Boxing Manager Professional Edition. PC Boxing
PC Boxing Management game has outstanding features that are guaranteed to satisfy even the most avid Boxing Fan. Includes Boxing Monthly magazine and free trial download
Game Pc Boxing Management Boxer Manager Ultimate Download Pcboxingcom Free Contact Testimonials Screenshots Pcboxing Buy
55 Boxing Manager PC Game PC Boxer
PC Boxer management Game with 1500 Boxers, 100+ managers, 15 weight divisions & 2 Boxing Organisations. Site features detailed information and free trial download.
Boxing Game Pc Boxer Manager Management Ultimate Contact Testimonials Now Screenshots Download Pcboxing Buy Pcboxingcom
56 Football Pool Manager Shareware program
Shareware program to run and maintain a football pool for the NFL.
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57 SWOS Super League Offers players
Offers players the opportunity to create tournaments in different formats, play in competitions ranging from the FA Cup to the World Cup, play a single season for many clubs in the world, or play as a manager of a club for an entire career.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Gallery Help Advisor Local App Hosting Shut Terms Beauty Yahoos
58 Soccer Games Homepage Reviews of
Reviews of Soccer and Soccer Manager games
59 - Star Wars Galaxy Mail Manager Manage your
Manage your Star Wars Galaxy mail, get global statistics and much more.
Show Mail Statistics Wars Star Manager Vendor Forum Mails Easy Swgmail Galaxies Register Forums Galaxy Good

5. Sports Websites concerning Manager

1 Fhockey - Home of Eastside Hockey Manager Official site
Official site of the original freeware version of the Eastside Hockey Manager (EHM), includes a list of EHM leagues online, application tutorials, and software add-ons/updates.
Hockey Ehm Eastside Manager Fhockey Fantasy Tutorials Help Simulator Downloads Tutorial Manage Leagues Simulations Welcome
2 Gunnermania A player
A player and manager archive of the past and present.
3 Moto GP Manager Season management
Season management of motorbike racing teams.
4 Major League Soccer Manager Mailing list
Mailing list and fan club.
Page Mlsm List Major Mailing Soccer League Manager Guestbook Here Records Derek Latest Enter Address
5 Kohler Stables Features stallions
Features stallions, facilities, manager and owner biography. Near LaGrange.
6 F1 Racing Pool Play against
Play against friends or colleagues as a team manager or predict the top six in the next race.
7 Davis, John Fan web
Fan web site for the manager of a bowling center. Provides training information and links.
Bowling Kegel Center John Lane Training Sanction Herbies Foundation Foundation_ Sport Phoenix Center_ Sebring World S_ Machine_
8 Manchester United Squad, stadium
Squad, stadium, club information, history, manager, and titles.
Fips Apachemovedopenssle Server Davmod_bwlimited Permanently The Port
9 Boxing news
Boxing news from the official site of British manager and promoter Frank Maloney.
Contact Pagecannotproviderfor Error Please Displayed
10 4thegame: Tottenham Hotspur News, fixtures
News, fixtures, transfers, scores, tables, players, and the manager.
Found Webmasterfound Thejan Please Thursday
11 Stroke Manager Free online
Free online game tracking with round and overall totals computed, including handicaps.
Free Report Cheap Tickets Credit Health Cars Insurance Luxury Strokemanagercom Speed Phones Best Migraine Pain Air
12 Princess Jade Official site
Official site of independent manager/valet includes biography, photographs, and show dates.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Website Help Privacy Terms Account Web Aabaco Customer
13 Paisley, Bob Liverpools revered
Liverpools revered championship winning player and manager. Honours, anecdotes, and biography. 1919 - 1996.
Paisley Liverpool John European Martin Paisleys Shankly Chris Manager Paul League Tomkins Liddell Hughes Dalglish Alan Jessie Billy Club Lawler
14 Kenny Casanova Official site
Official site of the Manager includes biography, chat, contact information, journal, and news.
Z Request Y
15 Yasp Software F1 Manager Virtual management
Virtual management game with two variants. The Supreme version is more involved with problems and bonuses.
Manager F Free Formula Request Game Racing Dear Ferrari Main William_f Mclarenf Strategy Abc
16 Mike Wes F1 Manager Manage a
Manage a team of two drivers, a chassis, an engine, a set of tires and select a pitbabe with a limited budget. Free-for-fun.
17 Professional Course Management Owner, operator
Owner, operator and manager of facilities including Miami Shores and Pembroke Lakes golf courses in Florida.
Management Course Pembroke Professional Pines Contact Pcm Fl Services Directions Map Johnny Laponzina Golf Full
18 The Discount Website Official site
Official site of Dewey Donovan, wrestler/manager. Includes news, event schedule, match history, and photos.
Directory Parent Modified Size Type Parent Z
19 First Touch A weekly
A weekly fanzine with European and U.S. player and manager interviews, UEFA competition information, articles, and an on-line soccer store (USA shipping only).
Soccer Great Cosmos Touch First Langford Cult Players Nycfc Football Bars Figures Part Best Teams Schedule Pre Season Download Ribbon English
20 St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture: Jerry West Profiles one
Profiles one of the greatest guards in basketball history and looks at his career as coach and manager of the Los Angeles Lakers.
Findarticlescom Cbsi |y
21 Team Manager Online management
Online management system to help managers administrate and run their team from anywhere in the world.
22 FUEL Basketball Online basketball
Online basketball manager - compete against users from around the world.
Basketball Fuel Manager Free United Game Software Frey Browser Based Soccer Management Feedback@frey Unitedcom Gamefuel
23 All about
All about the greatest football manager in the history of the game. Bill Shankly: 1913 - 1981.
Shankly Bill Shanklys Liverpool Shanks Interview Paisley Scott Here United George Songs Carlisle Greatest Anfield Wood Moran Emlyn Brian
24 Tebak sepakbola Contains information
Contains information about soccer world and play also Soccer Prediction and how to be a manager in the Italian League.
25 FFB Manager An online
An online league management service that handles re-draft and keeper leagues. Also have support for auction leagues.
Manager Spuds Super League Football Fantasy Fun Ffb Management Frequently National Sodium Terms Asked Send Stats Media
26 Baseball Manager Offers a
Offers a variety of rotisserie baseball games including Ultimate, Express, Play Seven and Winter BBM.
Baseball Sign Free Fantasy League $ Manager Game Games Bbm Draft Yahoo Stats Learn Play Policy Compares Advice Ultimate
27 4thegame: Fulham Football Club News, fixtures
News, fixtures, transfers, scores, tables, players, and the club manager.
Found Found The Pleasewebmasterjan Wednesday
28 CDM Fantasy Football Challenge Several types
Several types of games including league manager, rotisserie scoring, and point-style scoring.
Game View Games Fantasy Football Click Here Play Sports Cash Hockey Head Now Budget Prizes
29 Role Playing Hockey Association The RPHA
The RPHA is a fantasy based hockey system that replicates the life of a General Manager.
Hockey Role Simulator Myrpha Association Playing Fantasy | Found The Rphaleaguefound
30 OnlineScoreKeeper Online league
Online league manager for the administration of most sports leagues including game schedules, team standings, and player statistics. Includes demo and contact information.
Divisions Calendar League Partners Basketball Demo Contact Baseball Onlinescorekeeper Demosadd Sports Soccer Sign
31 In The Lane Sim League Basketball Sim
Basketball Sim LeagueBe the manager, make trades, sign draft players, sign FAs, own a team or get on the waiting list.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Web Help Domains Website Please Account Privacy Terms Move Yahoos Page
32 AMFA Manager Online multiplayer
Online multiplayer football management game with 15 playable countries. Players can compete against each other in real-time head-to-head matches.
Manager Football Amfa Soccer Free Software Liger Game Management Simulation Games Play Onhiatus Reserved Lokomotiv Panizza
33 Strømsgodset IF: Godset Supporters of the UK An unofficial
An unofficial supporter club in the United Kingdom with news, joining details, stadium and manager information, results, fixtures, player profiles, and links.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Terms Help Aabaco Web Account Domains Privacy Policy
34 Montebello Brewers Baseball 15U traveling
15U traveling baseball team from Montebello, California Manager: Alfred Lopez
Request Errory
35 All Pro Fantasy Sports Customizable League
Customizable League Manager with both live and automated drafts, basic leagues or keeper leagues, live stats and custom scoring rules.
Sports Fantasy Pro Request Privacy Nginx| Policy Z
36 Become a Professional Footballer Assessments of
Assessments of players carried out by ex-player and manager of Southampton Football Club, Chris Nicholl. All successful submissions will be progressed to professional club level.
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37 Clough, Brian OBE, MA Former Middlesbrough
Former Middlesbrough, Sunderland, and England player and manager of Nottingham Forest and Derby County. News, quotes, photographs, career details, tributes, and dream team. 21st March 1935 - 20th September 2004.
Tribute Clough Cloughie Statue Brian Page Knighthood Book Campaign Memorial Message Tributes Exclusive Dreamteam Boro Competitions Sweatshirts Miracles
38 Holly Tree Dressage Center This facility
This facility in southern New Jersey offers dressage training, boarding, lessons, and clinics with manager and trainer, Nina Benninghoff. It is adjacent to Wharton State Forest which has hundreds of miles of trails.
39 Rink Management Services Corporation Rink Management
Rink Management Services is the nations number one manager of ice skating rinks.
More» Management Services Rinks Corporation Learn Seasonal Rink Project Round Year Tournament Raises Wounded Warrior Facilities City Menu Municipal
40 England World Cup 2006 team-prints and posters Online sales
Online sales of prints and posters featuring manager and players for the England football World Cup 2006

6. Society, Arts and Manager Crafts

1 The Manager as Cook A good
A good manager must be consumed with passion in bridging the apparent gap that makes the problem employee a stubborn member of the team. Article by Joseph O. Vergara.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Customer Account Aabaco Privacy Terms Please Help Also
2 maria g miller acting as
acting as a project manager for litigation.
Displayed Contactproviderforpage Please Error Cannot
3 8 Ways to Sunday Life of
Life of a database manager and aspiring writer in Kansas.
Github Messinger Google+ Adammessinger_ Z
4 Chamberlain, Andrew David: The Ideashop A weblog
A weblog of the Cato Development Manager.
Andrew Heres File Here Excel } Rightarrow P_ Lambda Target=_blank First Spline Archimedes Economics Theorem F_{n Bolzano Weierstrass Logistic Linear
5 The Master Genealogist Family history
Family history project manager for DOS and Windows from Wholly Genes Software.
Master Genealogist Gold Edition Upgrade Silver Editions List Contact Users Cd Reports Difference Support Wish Rom Directory Questions Display
6 raymond l. brandes, jr. experienced manager
experienced manager in chemicals production and process risk management. based in louisiana.
Safety Process Management Chemical Brandes Publishing Thompson Expert Report Osha Director Refining Risk _chemical Oil Aiche Counselors Washington
7 Bowditch, Alex Alexs random
Alexs random thoughts, details of his being stage manager for a local theatre and his favorite links on the Net.
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8 Slape, Samantha Female singer
Female singer looking for recording contract and or manager. Site contains information, links, news, events.
Biography Singsation Events Guestbook Samanthas Lyrics Sign List Krystles News Song Samantha Babyblue_@yahoocom Sponsoredthank
9 My Toxic Boss Psychological, legal
Psychological, legal, and other strategies for moving onward and upward from a verbally abusive or bullying manager.
Bully Boss Workplace California Million Toxic York Bullying News Subscribe Must Star_ Bullies Dealt Times_ Newsgroup Femaleand
10 the rise of terrorism by dr.
by dr. stefan h. leader - senior security analyst and assistant program manager with eagle research group, inc.
State Russian Terrorism Departments Department Soviet Shinrikyo Trade Islamic Stefan American Iran United World Saudi Bin Laden _ Algeria
11 Zech, Brian A Systems
A Systems Administrator and project manager for an insurance company. Includes a resume, a list of his projects, links, and contact information.
Breast Center Vice Director Education Presidentdirector Mindstream Excellence Comprehensive Cancer Healthcare Medical Best Program Practices Dana Farber Funding Hospitals Hopkins
12 personal wedding
personal wedding websites. features include photo albums, and rsvp with seating chart manager. offers free trial period.
13 Paragon Advantage Corporation Custom fundraiser
Custom fundraiser for school bands, clubs, and sports teams. Provides money to schools for fundraising manager and prizes for students.
14 Jones, Mike The personal
The personal homepage of a professional stage manager. Includes online journal, resume, photography, and links to friends poetry and film shorts.
Create Tripod Page Check Requested Please Errorpage Hosting Found Website Login Shopping Lycoscom Lycos Signup Y
15 Zietlow, John Treasury management
Treasury management consultant and certified cash manager based in Cleveland, Tennessee. Personal profile, relevant links, contact information.
Financial Finance John Zietlow Understanding Nonprofit Glossary Analysis Textbook Page Story Wiley Help Management Ratios Httpswwwwetfeetcomarticlescareers Industries Main General
16 Ghana Ghana Civil
Ghana Civil Aviation Authority, manager of Ghanas airspace and of Accras Kotoka International Airport.
Certification Gcaa Charges Aircraft Ghana Aerodrome Airport Airline Regulations Training Rule Aviation Icao Safety Making Scheme Tamale Starbow
17 East, Marcus An entrepreneur
An entrepreneur and professional manager from London. Includes a biography, a list of places traveled, photographs of and information about his family, photo gallery, videos, and a blog.
Marcus East Gallery Welcome Blog Biography Charity Official Tweet Winners Nycs Mybnk Silicon Arsenal Foodcycle Apple Relief Gabriel Bsc
18 dataflight software, inc. publishes the
publishes the leading litigation support database manager and image retrieval software in the country, concordance and opticon.
19 sam leftwich special events
special events manager of san francisco ballet is available as events planner private and corporate functions. background, photos and services offered.
20 The House Manager Free chapter
Free chapter management software from Summit Technologies, Inc. Includes features such as creating budgets, printing statements, and tracking alumni, actives, pledges and rushees.
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21 Genota - the genealogists notebook A free
A free form research manager designed to assist family historians in documenting and managing information collected during research.
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22 Celebrities Worldwide Celebrity contact
Celebrity contact database for the media and entertainment industry. Contains more than 30,000 official agent, manager and publicist contact details. Subscription fee required.
David Jensen Photo Celebrity Contact Celebrities Daniel Cate Blanchett Contacts Radcliffe Worldwide Advanced Film Jack
23 case manager (marjorie simmons, esq.) custom case
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25 aol seeks manager for anti-copying push 'aol time
'aol time warner is beginning efforts to add copy protection to cds, underscoring the companys desire to limit unsanctioned digital distribution of its musical works.' by jim hu. [cnet]
Newscomcom Tohere Click Go Z
26 Allen, Robbie An Information
An Information Technology manager from Cary, North Carolina. Includes a resume, lists of his publications and blogs, articles and essays hes written, books hes authored and scripts contained therein, and his presentations.
Computer Backup Companies Navigation Rallenhomecom Technology News Reviews Theme Technews Entries Wordpress Toggle Rss Each Several
27 RecoveryNation Offers free
Offers free and comprehensive sex, love, and porn addiction workshops, addiction recovery manager, partners healing workshop, online coaching, and support groups.
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28 christmas coup rocks pacificas wbai article by
article by weekly 'haiti progres' analyzing the removal of station management by pacifica. gives background on installed station manager.
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Wbai Solidarityjpg Newark Heddyjpg Knightjpg Pauljpg Grandpajpg Crowdjpg Jan Rally Speakerjpg Gayjpg Photos Joejpg Hammjpg Benderjpg
32 whats the real deal at wbai? haiti progres
haiti progres article calling wbai interim manager leid an 'agent of a reactionary segment of the pacifica national board' and looking back at the post 'coup' time.
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34 christensen associates management consultants, inc. offers seminars
offers seminars and workshops in futures research, project management, product development, and manager development. located in playa del rey, california.
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35 christensen associates management consultants, inc. offers seminars
offers seminars and workshops in futures research, project management, product development, and manager development. located in playa del rey, california.
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36 wbai fights managements move to turn the station into npr lite village voice
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37 i want my democracy now! laura flanders
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Contact Displayedproviderforpage Please Cannot Error
38 Josues Townhall Blog The personal
The personal blog of Josue Sierra, Associate Editor and Online Community Manager at, covering conservative politics and all things
Townhall Conservative News Radio Election Cartoons Political Policy Columnists Magazine Finance Michelle Tipsheet Sarah Politics Malkin How Ken Money Privacy Obamarsquos Abortion
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investment manager specializing in the field of sustainability-driven investments. serves european banks, insurance companies, pension funds and private clients. manages mutual funds and proprietary indexes. headquartered in zurich, switzerland. eu.
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40 McLeish, Rod and Janna Support missionaries
Support missionaries serving with the Evangelical Free Church of America denomination as the Business Manager of the West Europe missions branch office of the ministry located in Lyon, France. Features family and ministry news, photos, and bios.
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41 wbai rally on wall street wbai listeners
wbai listeners converged in front of the stations studio to protest the firings of wbais station manager, program director and a producer of the popular morning show wake up call. images of the protest.
Wbai Stop White Corporate Now Democratize Pacificia Democracra Hands Midnight Mimi Free Defend Police Censor Rosenber
1 Noah James Guitars Built by
Built by Jim Donahue, former Ibanez product manager.
Error Cannotproviderforcontact Please Displayed Page
2 d-nox progressive trance
progressive trance dj and plastic park records label manager from germany.
3 Pro Script Notes Professional screenwriting
Professional screenwriting consulting services from a former Hollywood literary manager.
4 Epstein, Brian Official site
Official site with news and information on the man who discovered The Beatles and was their first manager.
Brian Epstein Hall Fame Beatles Click Here Website Roll Martin Petition Lewis News Brians Rock
5 Ostwald, David F. This stage
This stage manager and teacher introduces his resume, teaching credentials and publications.
6 Dragonball Z RPG Xtreme 2000 Multi-manager game
Multi-manager game using the standard characters, played through chat rooms.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce App Advisor Local Help Gallery Hosting Geocities Sell Firefox Upgrade Onlineservices
7 Evans, Mal Information on
Information on The Beatles road manager from the summer of 1963 until they broke up. Audio interview clips.
Beatles George Lennon Records Evans John Album History Loves Harrison Reference Mccartney Jimmie Nicol Library Epstein Record Cover
8 louisiana life: fiddling through the ages interview of
interview of ben sandmel, the groups drummer and manager, by steven ward.
9 ArtSchool Manager Program Managing the
Managing the day to day work of your dance, gymnastics, music, martial arts or combination school.
10 stoned memoirs of
memoirs of london in the 1960s by andrew loog oldham, the rolling stones first manager and record producer.
Nhà Má»™t Ra Chúng Trong Channeledbymodem Tôi Hòa Anh để Bởi Những Tăng ở Trên Học Khỏi đường Nên
11 Brevoort, Gregg W. Theatre director
Theatre director and stage manager offers his resumes, background, and photo galleries, as well as contact information.
Brevoort Theatre Gregg Contact Stage Here Resumes Director Click Kamlet Unleashed Sparky Welcome Manager City William Peter Directing
12 Brevoort, Gregg W. Theatre director
Theatre director and stage manager offers his resumes, background, and photo galleries, as well as contact information.
Brevoort Theatre Gregg Contact Stage Director Here Click Resumes Intro David New Welcome Actor Directing Penobscot York List Eustis Objects
13 Brevoort, Gregg Director, Actor
Director, Actor and Stage Manager offers resumes, background, reviews, photo galleries and contact information.
Brevoort Theatre Gregg Contact Stage Resumes Here Director Click Actor Kamlet Welcome Intro David Acting Critically Sparky Robert
14 Brevoort, Gregg Director, Actor
Director, Actor and Stage Manager offers resumes, background, reviews, photo galleries and contact information.
Brevoort Theatre Gregg Contact Stage Here Resumes Click Director Manager Mamet New Welcome David Kamlet Offers York Forever Acting
15 Staniforth, Daniel This is
This is a personal 'blog' containing the curriculum vitae and contact information of a London based stage manager with experience in venue management.
Staniforth Blogger Subscribe Httpuzaxcom Dan Watermarklondonposts Powered
16 Dance Studio Manager Software includes
Software includes 'one-click' features such as manage cash receipts, detailed reports, dancer information and event planning.
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17 liebermann, rolf brief biography
brief biography noting major genres and positions as opera manager from the grove concise dictionary of music entry at wqxr radio.
18 jennings, tommy waylon jennings
waylon jennings brother and longtime band member and manager.
19 PopsterMan Images and
Images and information about PopsterMan. Bank marketing manager by day, pop/rock musician by night.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Toolbarnews Inc Machine Privacy Popular Games Guidelines User
20 budia, mariam spanish, playwright
spanish, playwright, professor, actress, manager... web page in english, japanese and spanish.
Mariam Budia Writer æ—¥æÅ“¬èªÃ…¾ Life Espantildeol Welcome Website Information Work Researcher Playwright Authors Budiasdoctor
21 Goode, Lyndsey Stage Manager/Events
Stage Manager/Events Coordinator and graduate student based in Southern California. Includes resume, training, biography, philosophy, and useful links.
Request Errory
22 October28 Software Shareware software
Shareware software for Korg M1, M3R and a generic sysex manager. There is also a database of system exclusive messages.
Tabliz Midi Sysex Zephyrus Software Syxlibed Librarian Mlibed Editor Getter Sysexdb Korg Tools Asp Rlibed
23 Michnewicz, Paul-Douglas Portfolio of
Portfolio of this Washington D.C.-based stage director and stage manager working in theater and opera.
Paul Douglas Michnewicz Portfolio Dc Opera Director Washington Stage Manager Page Theater Sorry Web And
24 Beatles Reference Library: Harrison Judgement Articles on
Articles on the sale of Handmade Films and related suit of George Harrison against his manager.
Beatles Harrison Handmade Reference Lennon Films Library Paragon Records John George Obrien History Album Court
25 Chicken: Impossible Film about
Film about a disgruntled school building manager. Plot outline, cast details, character profiles, and sequel details.
Directory Parent Modified Size Type Parent Z
26 Prevost, Andre Personal pages
Personal pages introducing his work as Stage Manager and Director of Production. He has also included links to his work in the visual arts.
Disabled Website Sorryrequested Been Z
27 The Script Broker (r) Coaching and
Coaching and marketing services for writers and filmmakers, dedicated to helping writers connect with the right marketplace, agent, manager or representative.
Script Broker Consultantconsulting Editor Z
28 the fairmont banff springs hotel designed
hotel designed in 1886 by bruce price of new york for william van horne, general manager of canadian pacific railways. includes history and slideshow.
Fairmont Hotel Banff Offers Springs Learn Resort Thefairmont Club Golf Lake Santa Princess Zimbali Place Certificates Newport
29 princz, andrew - on the globe a freelance
a freelance journalist and project manager working from budapest, hungary offers feature articles and news on journalism and media projects in central and eastern europe.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Restricted Client Please Host Protectionthis
30 Brasser, Michael Personal pages
Personal pages of a stage manager based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Site features CV, contact information and Michaels personal Blog.
Brasser Michael Stuffcontactmichaelbrassercomau Request
31 Concha, Christina Portfolio of
Portfolio of a project manager, graphic design producer and presentation specialist, Site includes samples of layouts, digital mechanicals, retouching, color correction and image optimization.
Html Studiotina Click Word Certified Projects Photoshop Fast Pdf Presentations Justresume Need Produced
32 Weiss-Brandt, Angela Personal pages
Personal pages of a professional stage manager containing a resume, contact information and an interesting assortment of resources and items of interest for other stage managers.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Aabaco Privacy Please Account Customer Domains Web Existing
33 Fair, Russell Lee Home page
Home page of a student and stage manager. Contents includes resume, photos, contact information, forms and links to other stage managers and theatre organizations.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Popular Finance Trying Reach Inc Games Wayback Sports Archiveorg
34 Navidot Movie Gateway Provides a
Provides a personalized movie database manager with a wishlist and the ability to trade with other users. Film entries includes brief synopses, cast and crew, photographs, and ratings.
Gateway Movie Navidoty
35 Roach, Eugene Includes introduction
Includes introduction, resume, list of credits, and contact information for a professional stage manager and technical director in theatre. Includes links to related sites and tools.
Stage Manager Production Director Ring Technical Theatre Random Join Roach Eugene Resume Website Visitor Mail
36 martin solveig official site
official site of this parisian house music dj, producer and head manager of mixture stereophonic records label. site includes biography, discography, and audio samples.
Solveig Martin Luke News Blow Tour Contacts Songs Videos Laidback Single Available Photos Official Youtube Google
37 Rodgers, Michael Andrew Personal pages
Personal pages of a young, professional stage manager in the New York City area. Site includes bio, resume, contact information, multimedia of some of his work and links to related theatre sites.
38 Freeman, Molly Worked extensively
Worked extensively in the theatre as an actor, director and stage manager. Offers workshops in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States. Often works with Adrian Rice, dramatic poet.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Account Please Web Terms Website Domains Marketing Design
39 freeman, molly worked extensively
worked extensively in the theatre as an actor, director and stage manager. offers workshops in the united kingdom, ireland and the united states. often works with adrian rice, dramatic poet.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Privacy Help Website Account Aabaco Terms Customer Please Advisor
40 johnny cash leaves hospital, prepares to finish new album cash checked
cash checked out of a nashville hospital on the 9th, almost three weeks after being admitted for treatment of pancreatitis, according to his manager.
Playing Artists Shows Viacom Page News Inc Explore International Policy Artist Listen Popular Watch Agreement Discover Y
41 Matthew Peaceman - Barockoboe Ãœber den
Über den Barockoboisten und Manager des Ensembles IL CIMENTO, dem Triskelion Ensemble und dem Barockorchester Churpfälzische Hofcapelle. Information zu historischen Oboen, Röhrchen, Workshops, Spieltechniken. Deutsch und Englisch im Mischmasch.
42 rick whittington this is
this is the personal web site of rick whittington, ecommerce manager, son, husband and friend.
Business Whittington Server Engine Sales Free Attract Port Marketing Consultant Consulting Apache Inboundassessment
43 Hossle, Justin Personal pages
Personal pages of a stage manager setting up shop in the Minneapolis area. Information includes production photos, samples of work, current project information, resumes, and contact information.
Navigationshilfet Y
44 The Age - Lumiere May Challenge Baise-Moi Ban Article by
Article by Andrew Webster writing about a possible challenge to the ban on Baise-Moi, planned by the manager of Melbournes Lumiere cinema.
Film News Entertainment Age Baise Moi Lumiere Australia Sport Challenge Technology Business Wars Cinema Epicure Tv Paul
45 William Fichtner Shows Loyalty to 'Dark Knight' Blades of
Blades of Glory star William Fichtner has signed on to play a Gotham City bank manager in The Dark Knight.
Movie News Music Celebrity Premiere First Video Kardashian Jenner Knight Arrivals Force Dark Legends Coming Skin Tight De Niro Joy
46 Tryfan, Sarah Personal pages
Personal pages of a full-time theatre stage manager (and part-time web designer) based in the UK. Contents include CV, recent stage management work and some recent web design work.
Stage Sarah Tryfan London Portraits Design Uk Theatre Opera Manager Management Email Drawings Please Y
47 The Jeff Colen Website The website
The website for Slaughter Tour Manager Jeff Colen, has information on Slaughter and information on Jeff Colen.
Photos Tour European Harper Here Orient Slaughter York Sights Orleans North American Summer Trip Maui Hotels Web

Manager Dictionary

bank manager: manager of a branch office of a bank
baseball coach / baseball manager: a coach of baseball players
coach manager handler: (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team
director / manager / managing director: someone who controls resources and expenditures
district manager: a manager who supervises the sales activity for a district
general manager: the highest ranking manager
hotelier / hotelkeeper / hotel manager / hotelman / hosteller: an owner or manager of hotels
mayor / city manager: the head of a city government
stage manager / stager: someone who supervises the physical aspects in the production of a show and who is in charge of the stage when the show is being performed Reviews for Manager. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Manager" (visitors of this topic page). Manager › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Manager Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

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