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Religion Experience


1 Freeman, Michael Editorial photography
Editorial photography, specializing in Asia, reportage, architecture, culture, and religion.
2 Genesis Publishing Company Publisher of
Publisher of books on science, philosophy, religion, including textbooks.
3 Mailings Clearing House Offers mailing
Offers mailing list databases covering education, healthcare, religion, libraries, and government.
4 Mailings Clearing House Offers mailing
Offers mailing list databases covering education, healthcare, religion, libraries, and government.
5 Dennis Prager Radio Show Conservative commentator
Conservative commentator on topics ranging from personal and social issues, to morality and religion. The lectures are available in audio and video formats.
Townhall Conservative News Radio Cartoons Talk Magazine Election Finance Politics Issues Opinion Columnists Tipsheet Jobs Cancel Fred
6 Encounter Books Publishers of
Publishers of nonfiction in the areas of history, political science, biography, memoir, current affairs, public policy, religion, education and social sciences.
7 Epitaph Records Artists include
Artists include Bad Religion, Offspring, Agnostic Front, NOFX, Rancid and the Donnas. Videos, radio station, classified ads, email list, artist profiles and MP3s.
Presskit Entry Falling Transplants Letlive Epitaph Reverse Punk Religion Ghost Blackest Kidx Pennywise Youtube Warzone Full Eyes Drive
8 Dennis Prager This radio
This radio talk show host and author lectures before business, civic, religious and school groups on topics ranging from personal and social issues to morality and religion. CA.
Dennis Prager Show Cited Authors Columns Allens Pragertopia Invite Wheres Experts University Mobile Speak Store
9 Ann C. Sherwin ATA-accredited German-English
ATA-accredited German-English translator, offers translation and editorial services. Specialties are genealogy, German script, legal documents, music and the arts, religion and history.
German Translation English Genealogists Sherwin Services Fraktur Credits Project Specialty Glossary Patterns Spelling Library Script Family Nutrition Immigrant History Clearing
10 Blue Mountain Credit Union Offers financial
Offers financial services to its members in College place under a bond restricted by religion or employment. Describes services, loans, membership and online banking.
Banking Contact Loan Credit Together Blue Bringing Privacy Membership Services Mountain Valley Share Union Certificates Recreational Vehicle Policy Money
11 Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archives Archive of
Archive of digitized images covering fine art reproductions, archaeology, religion, landscapes, historical places and portraits of historical personalities.
Apps Licensing Image Prints Demand Lessingimagescom Biography Contact Erich Lessing Artphoto Discover Gallery
12 Mercedes Ros Literary Agency The agency
The agency specializes in: Childrens fiction and non-fiction, albums, board books, religion, games and crafts. For adults: crafts, hobbies, sports, parenting and self help. Located in Spain.
Sl Gemser Publications Spaincastell Z

2. Shopping and Religion Trade

1 Rolwing, RJ - My Daily Constitution Authors views
Authors views on politics, religion and the way of the world.
Constitution Daily Books Darwin Uncle Israel Vols Rolwing Sam Here Charles Modern Independence Institute Heritages
2 Teeclipse A collection
A collection of funny shirts that emphasize sex, politics, religion, as well as drugs and alcohol.
Blog Wordpress Hello World Product Log Wordpressorg Uncategorized Order Rss Page Welcome Track Entries Sample
3 Adams Media Offering books
Offering books on subjects including business, parenting, self-help, travel and religion.
Books Book Shop Balso Humor Available Adams Store Publishers Amazon Sellers Self Media Browse Submissions Lamb
4 Moil, Carkan: Outrageous Books Author site
Author site, robinette, satire, poetry, religion, pirata.
5 Unique Editions Books Genres range
Genres range from science fiction and fantasy to religion. Specializes in book searches.
Navigationshilfe Ty
6 Howard David Johnson Offering history
Offering history, religion and mythological illustrations using chalk and oil pastels, colored pencils, acrylics and oil.
Realistic Art David Paintings Johnson Howard World Media Digital History Galleries Painting Original Abstract Fairy Usmso Bidi Language Drawings Mixed Payment
7 True Religion Official website
Official website that offers denim products for men, women and children including jeans, shirts and skirts.
Jeans Denim Shop True Store Policy Shipping Religion Email {{title}} Womens Brand Locator Designer Mens Order Servicehelp Company Licensees
8 Book Lovers India Offering related
Offering related topics including: history, literature, religion, philosophy, women studies, and oceanography.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Toolbar Sitesgames Visit Movies Finance Archiveorg User Machine
9 Marihuana, The Burning Bush of Moses Sells a
Sells a book that deals with the relationship between hallucinogenic (and other drug) substances and the founding of religion in the ancient world.
Directory Listing Errordirectorydenieddeniedthis Virtual
10 The Element Emporium Offers alternative
Offers alternative medicine books, t-shirts, anatomically bone and muscle design socks, and astrology and religion stickers.
Educationemporium Element Inspirationart
11 Binc Books Used and
Used and out of print books with a focus on mysticism, spirituality, religion and philosophy.
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12 Discount Puppets by Kathleen Puppets, muppets
Puppets, muppets and ventriloquism dolls for religion, church and other uses.
Puppet Puppetry Hand Store Bunraku Mobile Phone They Version Superstore However Ventriloquist Javanese Since Marionettes Asian
13 Book Shopp Used books
Used books and music, including childrens, religion, science fiction, and music cds.
14 Conservative Book Club Books by
Books by conservative authors on politics, homeschooling, history, and religion.
Health Skousen Daily Chris Fabian Investing Doug Human Nicholas Book Eagle Markconservative Vardy
15 Ten Best Books New and
New and used books of all kinds, especially childrens, religion, business, and mysteries.
Books Fiction Childrens Browse Privacy Bookstore Book Store Nonfiction Used Checkout Policy Shopping History Contact Maps Literature Autobiography
16 Tiber Books Rare and
Rare and out of print books, specializing in scholarly non-fiction in the sciences and humanities, art, history, and religion.
Books Browse Cart Science Rare Shipping Checkout Contact Tips Chemistry Isbn Print History Policy Privacy Crime Criminology Technology
17 AngelTigerLilys Used Books and CDs Books include
Books include self-help, inspirational, childrens and biographies as well as spiritual, angels and religion. Rock, pop and classical CDs.
18 Songs From the Heart Custom songs
Custom songs for themes including children, love, and religion. Includes examples and testimonials.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restricted Protectionhost Please Z
19 Shop Blue Genes Designer blue
Designer blue jeans for sale such as Seven, True Religion, Joes, and other brand names.
Dating Horny Free Mature Adult Single Chat Wife Sex Image Girl Friend Relationships Swingers Video Tips
20 The Bookery General selection
General selection of second hand books including religion, history, mystery, large print and audio books.
21 Tudor Rose Books Specializing in
Specializing in literary criticism, literature, philosophy, womens studies, religion, and literary biography.
Abstract Posted They Pepper Galaxy Furniture Texas Rose Remote Stores Control Compendium Tudor Tracking Fa Ratings Vacation
22 Serendipity Books Used, rare
Used, rare and out of print books. Specializing in nonfiction including science, history, religion, and social sciences, based in Michigan.
23 Golden Bough Vintage Books Specialities include
Specialities include Georgia authors, Georgia and the South, military, especially the Civil War and World War II, religion, and modern first editions.
Books Literature Georgia American Golden Book Print Bookstore Antiquarian Bough Authors Americana Editions Bookseller First History Military Western
24 Wise Street Books Specialists in
Specialists in used, out-of-print, scarce books on art, engineering, history, literary criticism, math, psychology, science, religion, southern, and the Civil War.
25 University of Rochester Press Scholarly titles
Scholarly titles in a variety of fields, including musical theory and history, African studies, the history of medicine, philosophy, religion and ethics.
History Music Press Studies Rochester African University European Art Medicine Scholarly American Publisher Titles Of Conference
26 Philadelphia Rare Books and Manuscripts Early Printed
Early Printed Books, Substantive Manuscripts, U.S. and Latin Americana, Hispanica, Histories and the History of Ideas, Travels, Law, Religion, and Bibles (all prior to 1820).
Here Click Books Rare Manuscripts Century Prbm Latin Open Bibles Americana Philadelphia History General Houses
27 Drug Testing Clearinghouse Sells a
Sells a variety of testing kits and detox products plus powdered urine. Also contains links to information on using the hemp seed oil defense, medical marijuana, religion and hemp, and legal products that cause false negatives.
Drug Testing Test Marijuana Tests Urine Pass Durg Information Kit Hair Web Mall Kits Passing Testings

3. Religion Recreation

1 Urban Legends Reference Pages: Religion (Census Knight) Can Australians
Can Australians or those in the UK make Jedi a recognized religion in their country by entering it as their religion on the 2001 census form? No.
2 Urban Legends: Star Wars Religion Doesnt Make Census Will filling
Will filling in Jedi as your religion on census forms cause the government to recognize it as a legitimate faith? A three part series of articles by David Emery.
Legends Urban Star Wars News Jedi Email Religion Friend Policy Aboutcom Census Hoax Hoaxes Issues Dark
3 Consumer Report: Religion Theres something
Theres something not quite right about this site...
4 A look
A look at life, love, politics and religion.
5 Sergei Samsonov Fan page
Fan page with news, his life, fan fiction, and the Samsonova religion.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Termsvisit Sorry Archiveorg Internet Finance News Privacy
6 Christianity, Religion, and Scouting Baden-Powell writes
Baden-Powell writes on the meaning of Duty to God.
Scouting Powell Baden Saint Acts Christianity Patron George Religion God Main Christians Association Through Scout
7 Christianity, religion, and Scouting Baden-Powell writes
Baden-Powell writes on the meaning of Duty to God.
Powell Scouting Baden Saint Christianity Acts George Patron Religion Scout Manhood Association Christians World Main Chief
8 SliceMessiahs Shrine to Sodaism Mock religion
Mock religion combining the X-Men and fizzy drink.
Sodaism Shrine Slicemessiahs Dead Popagog Mail Here Space Free Evil Come Bokanonism Jokes Fuzzy Muwahahaha Austin Love
9 Aardvark Archies Quotes Covers sex
Covers sex, religion, celebrities, death and other topics.
10 Dirty Joke Rating Machine A collection
A collection of jokes about sex, relationships, politics, lifestyles and religion.
Jokes Joke Dirty Riddles Funny Redneck Humor Lawyer Political Chuck Day Woman Knock Norris Random
11 Jeanetic Account of
Account of a journey through anorexia and self-injury, with photos, poems and diary, and the recovery with the help of religion.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Terms Toolbarlongeravailable Archiveorg Privacy Sports Wayback Machine News
12 Dirt Central Sections include
Sections include top stories, politics, science and religion. Features an archive.
Indexbin Cgi Apacheport Server
13 Carpe Cranium Virtualtees Virtual t-shirts
Virtual t-shirts with topics including religion, race, and cultures.
Tees Cranium Around Religion Cultures Heads Communication Population Grab Carpe Virtualtees Head Moverace
14 Golden Jokes Organized by
Organized by category. Includes story, walks in, pickup lines, lawyer and religion.
Z Request Y
15 Lampooning news
Lampooning news worldwide. Topics include technology, business, food, culture and religion.
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16 Raider.Planet Backpacking information
Backpacking information for those planning to travel to Tibet. Getting there, getting around, history, climate, food and religion.
Tripod Create Please Website Page Requested Signup Check Shopping Login Errorpage Couldntlycoscom Tripodcom
17 Rick Limerys Limericks Subjects include
Subjects include religion, celebrities, food, work, sex, sports and crime.
Z Limericks Y
18 Doggerel Cartoon Site Lots of
Lots of cartoons about the dog point of view on life, love, human ownership, and religion.
Disabled Websitebeen Sorryrequested
19 Life Support USA Humor, stories
Humor, stories, quotes and trivia on a variety of topics including religion, business, relationships, and people.
Navigationshilfe Ty
20 Classic Relationship Jokes Categories including:
Categories including: dating, sex, in-laws, marriage, honeymoon, religion, men, women, jobs, politics, military and several others.
Create Tripod Shopping Lycos Page Check Lycoscom Hosting Website Couldnt Tripodcomlogin Please Signup
21 Pundemonium Math, history
Math, history, literature, names, politics, music, religion, science and technology all get punned. Submissions accepted plus Links.
22 Jensco An 'empowered
An 'empowered multiple,' non-disordered perspective. Includes discussion of religion, an essay about multiplicity being natural in children, poetry, and a page for littles.
Visitorplease Hello Close Sponsored
23 The Viking Answer Lady With questions
With questions and answers on Viking culture, religion, and society.
Viking Medieval Age Lady Answer Agriculture Literature Warfare Technology Life Settlements Daily Culture Bibliography Mythology Webpage
24 Cool Quotes Collection Quotes from
Quotes from movies and poetry to laws and religion.
Quotes Humor Svenska Black Computer Words Collection Fantasy Poetry Movie Human Last Laws Cool Famous Laughs Quotesnewsimprovements
25 Johns Jokes Jokes about
Jokes about blondes, rednecks, animals, sports, politics, children, and religion.
Z Request Y
26 Psychic Jokes Jokes to
Jokes to do with psychics, mysticism, new age beliefs and religion.
Jokes Psychic Biff Heaven Naughty Yoga Aliens Hell Leaders Wiccan Readings Religion Hotline Spiritual Astrology
27 Bullshit Gazette From the
From the Massachusetts Institute of Tauroscatology, featuring spoofs, satire and humor to target the media, arts, politics, business, religion and spin-doctoring.
28 The BilgeBucket Gazette Headline, archives
Headline, archives and a disclaimer that promises to shovel it in the name of free speech. Features humor at the expense of deities, political parties, religion and humans in general.
Neocon Media Republican America Corporate Cruz Circus Con Thon Conservatives States Grand Carson Holy Christian Photo Toon Meme Ries Huckabee Mike Parenthood Delusions Kaitlyn
29 Moksha Journal Infrequently updated
Infrequently updated e-zine. The journal reflects a multiplicity of perspectives, including works pertaining to Yoga and various schools of religion and philosophy.
Yoga Supplies Incense Step Meditation Gifts Journal Moksha Indian Contact Accessories Essential Buddhism Oils Philosophy Hamlet Hinduismand
30 St. Anthonys Hospice St. Lousis.
St. Lousis. Nonprofit program for comprehensive end-of-life care for all individuals without regard to race, religion or financial situation. Includes calendar of events, memorials, and information on employment.
31 Mikes Rude Jokes Popular destination
Popular destination for rude jokes about men, women, elderly, religion, blondes, and Clinton.
Jokes Since Mikes Rude Zclosead
32 ValkyrieQueen Information regarding
Information regarding the Viking Age culture, myths, and religion. Graphics, music and photos from recent faire events along with vendor and faire information.
Valkyrie Queen Norse Faires Viking Norway Valkyriequeen Sweden Iceland Goddesses Medieval Renaissance Armour Weapons Vikings Sons Ship
33 Yahoo Groups: Aut2pray Requests for
Requests for prayers for people with autism, and notification of prayers answered, and praise for answered prayers. This moderated list is not associated with any specific religion.
Yahoo Groups Help Lists Sharing Group Mailing Please Forum File Photo Free Community News Screen Calendar
34 Ethnic Counselors Promotes culturally
Promotes culturally responsive and language-appropriate mental health services. Resources for race, religion, or nationality specific counseling. Provides an address book of counselors with a diverse ethnic background in the United States.
35 One Day at a Time (ODAT) - Online Gateway to
Gateway to online support groups for men and women. Currently supporting groups divided by religion, age, disease, and other factors. Services include bulletin boards and group meetings (both for members only - able to join online).
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Sorry Mail Inc Reach Internet Maps Archiveorg Longeravailable Archives
36 CNet: E-mail stunt empowers Jedi fans Star Wars
Star Wars fans in the United Kingdom are stung by an e-mail suggesting that the forthcoming UK Census would recognize Jedi as a religion if enough people put it on the form.
Newscomcom Gohere Click Z
37 Favorite Getaways in Rural Japan Randy Johnsons
Randy Johnsons detailed guide to rural Japanese travel getaways, with comprehensive facts on using Japanese inns, transportation, and baths, plus insights on Japanese culture, customs, and religion.
38 Resource Center for Freedom of Mind Helping victims
Helping victims of mind control. Defines a cult - stating not all are religion based. Links to cult awareness groups and resources. Steven Hassan, author of Combatting Cult Mind Control.
Help Cult Group Member Information Freedom Expert Mind Contact Services Ex Media Counseling Mission Controlling Center
39 Savannah Now: Britons check off Jedi Knight when asked their religion on census form When asked
When asked their religious affiliation on the 2001 census forms, many Britons are writing in 'Jedi Knight,' government officials said Wednesday.
Errortheerror Requested Denied Access Thu Could Generatedretrieved
40 Expanding Connections: Spirituality and Healthcare A training
A training program for health care professionals. Provides programs for administrators whose primary concern is patients and their staff members. Training program in spiritual and religion needs of patients, and stress reduction in workplace for health care professionals.
Expandingconnectionscom History Religious Connections Expanding Programs Past Nancy Center Based Communities Inner Taking Videos Wordpress Jan Spiritual

4. Computer & Religion Games Websites

1 Arcane Archive FAQ Directory FAQs for
FAQs for groups in alt.magick, alt.religion, and other related groups. Covers Occultism, Mysticism, Religion, and Magic.
Version Faq Ref Magick Altmagick Compiled List Magic Faqs Usenet Magical Altsatanism Kfaq Book Sex
2 Religion Explorer Provides a
Provides a copy of the Open Directory categories on religion, with added site previews by Thumshots. Also uses Aspseek technology to provide a search engine restricted to sites listed in those categories.
Religion Help Explorer Religious News Occult Universalism Tolerance Experiences Media New Movements Culture Sexuality Events Prophecies Dai Fictional
3 Designs by Lin Kay Bordered backgrounds
Bordered backgrounds of angels, religion, handicapped, flowers, birthdays, weddings.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Web Account Domains Website Help Aabaco Terms Onlineservices Affiliate
4 Ars Technica The PC
The PC enthusiasts resource. Power users and the tools they love, without computing religion.
Farivar Cyrus Casey Johnston Android Internet Brodkin Silver Feature Gets Joe Windows Cunningham Bright Peter Higher Resolution Wi Fi Anti Malware User Spying Themed
5 Sciforums Forum discussions
Forum discussions cover world events, science, religion, philosophy, and technology.
Forum Post Posts Profile Actionsforum Statisticslast Viewing Science Yesterday Philosophy World History Sciforumscom Visit Religion
6 Kancof: Greatness Among Nations From philosophy
From philosophy to world news to politics to religion to sports to fitness to weapons.
Kancof Kangy Pinkygerbilsquirt Fitness Weapons Sports Politics Forum Religion Philosophy Forgot American News Semper Content Use Among Happy
7 uSuCK.CoM Forums Journals, general
Journals, general chat, health and science, entertainment, arts, literature, religion, politics, games and sports with an attitude.
Games Free Travel Diet Cars Usuckcom Products Used Everything Business Weight Discount Wholesale Offer Improvment Gifts Adventure
8 WorldTimZone Bookmarklets A variety
A variety of bookmarklets including search engine, web development, and religion-related ones.
Google Look Thesaurus Saint Mozilla Uses Dmoz Bible Instant Worldtimzone Orthodox Ie Bookmarklets Moz Translate General Use Bugs Merriam Webster List Generates
9 Religion group in domain dispute The Jews
The Jews For Jesus organization has filed a lawsuit against the owner of the Web site using the URL ',' charging him with unauthorized use of the groups trademark. []
Xyz Domain Names New Blog Contact Registrars Genxyz Generation Every Gtlds Flexible Conditions Website |
10 USA Greetings Categories include
Categories include everyday wishes, special events, and monthly celebrations. Featuring animals, books, caricatures, horoscopes, pets, religion, sports and games.
Day Cards Love Birthday Free Greeting Ecards New Anniversary Romance Greetings Thank Nice Friendship Congratulations Year Co Workers
11 Forum Garden A general
A general forum to discuss news, politics, arts or religion. Also includes regional forums.
Views Replies General High Threshold Last Chit Chat Namechange Oscar Bruv Forum News Current Fourpart Along Ride God Damned Recommend
12 Talk About Network A family
A family of websites on a variety of topics including topics such as pets, photography, pro football, programming, recovery, religion, romance, and satellite TV.
Talkaboutnetworkcom Premium Rop Methods Circumstances How Freecsstemplatesorg Insurance Here Knowledge Rejoinder Whole Variable Using Lookingyoumake Design
13 Chat with Pinecone, an ALICE AI chatterbot Pinecone is
Pinecone is the chatterbot that talks about science, religion, and current events, with more than 10,000 responses. Available via Instant Messenger or the Web.
Found Port Apacheerrordocumentadditionally Server Found The
14 Kenjas Desktop Themes Several desktop
Several desktop themes, complete with previews and reviews. Themes include categories for Native American, Bryce, SciFi, fantasy, animals, holidays and religion.
1 The Orc Pit Rules, background
Rules, background, religion, and character profiles.
Orc Pit Dungeons Muds Dragons Playing Fantasy Role Games Kraus Enthusiasm Tales Owen Maderoleplaying
2 Hand of Destiny A new
A new campaign world containing history, maps, religion, and organizations.
Click Herey
3 Shanidar Religion, geography
Religion, geography, and history for a play-by-e-mail campaign world.
4 Hamarad, The 3rd Plane Features history
Features history, religion, geography, and character generation rules.
5 Alans WFRP page Warhammer fantasy
Warhammer fantasy roleplaying fan site including religion, spells, and resources.
Yahoo Please Help Navigationshilfe Ifyoure Copyright Also Privacy Yahoos Central Policy Pageterms Onlineservices
6 Kendrish Pantheon Detailed fantasy
Detailed fantasy religion, not dependent on any world or RPG (but by makers of Tashno-Vorique and TetraQ).
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small App Gallery Local Hosting Help Advisor Developer Website Mobile Compare
7 Favoured Spot to Maelkyth Loarne An archive
An archive of official and fictional Elanthian lore. Includes history, religion, and crafts.
Runner Placegreatvia Notes Send Angelfirecom Work
8 The Elanthia Directory Listing of
Listing of armor, weapons, magic, maps, flora and fauna, professions, history, religion, societies, guilds, and houses.
Z Request Y
9 Breminor Stories, maps
Stories, maps, and RPG gaming materials. Extensive descriptions cover economy, politics, history, mythology, religion, and the role of magic.
Breminor Breminors Here Page Whats Copyright New Demon Campaign Price Information Notice Instructions Add Important Theseutilities Thumbnails
10 World of Fehl Maps, characters
Maps, characters, history, astronomy, and religion for a new campaign world.
Palace Alabaster Dao Rooms Gaming Tabletop Dde Tggph Occupants Treasure Quarters Blender Room Dml Flatland West Largercreatures
11 Yalarad The ongoing
The ongoing AD&D adventures of a band of characters in Yalarad. This site has world descriptions, scanned maps, religion notes, and character journals.
Month Session Aeon Continue Rarr Reading Notes Leave Adventure Uncategorized Gods Look Yalarad Wordpresscom Mleouspring Continent Ofsorrows
12 Sisterhood of Perpetual Adoration Dedicated to
Dedicated to the goddess Oleani, patron goddess of springtime, and love. Features information on the founding of the order, the golden age, philosophy and religion.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Help Hosting App Local Gallery Advisor Website Shut Domains Map
13 Image A review
A review of the 3M Bookshelf Game Image (1972). Another trivia game, the object of Image is to identify famous people by their 'personality profiles'. Each player is dealt a hand of five cards. The cards are of five types, Place, Time, Activity (sports, religion, and music), Status (dead, and fictional) and Letter. In each turn, players start or extend 'images' by playing cards on a track on the playing field.
Navigationshilfe Ty

5. Sports Websites concerning Religion

1 Sergei Samsonov Fan page
Fan page with news, his life, fan fiction, and the Samsonova religion.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Web Aabaco Customer Website Please Domains Privacy Existing Store

6. Society, Arts and Religion Crafts

1 Islam: The Religion of Proofs Islam is
Islam is the religion of all prophets, the religion of pure monotheism, and religion that is in accordance with mans innate nature. It is a religion based upon proof and not conjecture. Learn about the truth of Islam, the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).
Clear Proofy
2 Religious Philosophy, Religion and Church Study on
Study on Scientology by Calvinist, South African, professor of religion, laying the groundwork for Scientologys ultimate recognition by his government as a religion in the year 2000.
Found Foundherepage Useful Links *website Cant Take Could Oops
3 PlanetOut: Reconciling With Religion Personal stories
Personal stories of how people reconciled with their religion.
Herethan Permanently The Kid Advocatecom Pussy Colichman Apache Investor Port Press Hot Gaycom Center
4 Shape of the Next Religion Site suggesting
Site suggesting that a form of Pantheism will be the next major religion.
Dosarrest Internet Security Client Ddosprotection Restrictedprotection Pleasehost
5 Religion Today Daily religion
Daily religion news from the United States and around the world.
Christian News Church Life Abortion Anti Bible Christianity Pastor How Prayer Christians Marriage Pro Gay Discrimination Mosque Second Largest Reasons Paulo Unc
6 The New Religion A food-based
A food-based parody religion known as KeDonald or KeDonaldism.
7 The Dark Side of Religion an article
an article by Morris Cohen on religion
Religion Church Christianity Christian Islam James Indeed Science God Even Bible Hell Greek Thus Consider Anti Moral Truth Seeking Medieval Imention Churchs Ring Revolution
8 Alternative Perspectives: Separating God from Religion Affirms God
Affirms God as the Creator of the universe and its laws, disaffirms religion as man-made myths and rituals.
God Mankind Laws Nature Imagination Gods Mind Religions Human Creator Word Myths Earth Natures They Religion
9 GodLogic Promotes rational
Promotes rational thinking for answers to questions typically answered with God or religion. Asserts that religion is not benign and needs to be refuted.
10 Comparative Religion: Hinduism The basic
The basic tenets of the religion. Includes on line English translations of the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita.
Christians Evangelical Bible Persecution Iran James Saudi Tate Want Catholic Catherine Mass King Interfaith Anti Celtic Jailed Intensifies Spirituality Belief Food Theory Community
11 Why Religion? By Israeli
By Israeli lawyer Yehuda Cohen. Explores the role of religion in human societies, from a comparative anthropological and historical perspective.
Z Priestspublishing Y
12 Pantheist Age Essay, poems
Essay, poems and links about 'the worlds oldest religion that is fast becoming the most reasonable religion for the modern world and inquiring minds.'
Pantheism Nature Pantheist World Universe O__m__n__i_s Earth Buddhism Age Hinduism Scientific Revering Association Christianity Celebrating Forexample Moore Naturebecame
13 Atheists of Silicon Valley Atheist organization
Atheist organization promoting religion-free lives and the U.S. Constitutional right of freedom from religion. News, information on upcoming events, and links.
Atheists Religion Christian God Atheism Saudi Christianity Mark Americans Atheist Why Richard Science American Survey Fun Lovers Bible
14 Eyes of Scripture Vedic scriptural
Vedic scriptural evidence about God, Humans, and the material and spiritual worlds, from a science-and-religion perspective, along with classical Christian philosophy-of-religion topics.
Tripod Create Lycoscomrequested Couldnt Tripodcom Page Check Shopping Hostingsignup Lycos Login Please
15 The State vs Religion in France Presentation on
Presentation on the French cult commission (MILS) by Scientology President, given at congress held by The Institute on Religion and Public Policy on July 13, 2000.
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16 Dodecatheon Official site
Official site of the traditional polytheistic Hellenic religion of the Dodekatheon, news, free articles, pictures, movies, about greek religion, classical Hellas and religious freedom.
17 About Me, My Religion And Beliefs Learn about
Learn about my religion and beliefs in your language, in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Greek, Hindi, and many more languages.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Advisor Help Hosting App Gallery Local Finance Domains Developer New
18 The World Oligarchy and The True Religion The religion
The religion for those interested in duct tape, sandwiches, and the world domination movement associated with it.
19 Timothean Religion The Timothean
The Timothean religion seeks to restore the Earth back to Gods Kingdom. They do not take the Bible literally and are not considered Christians, though they believe that Christ is God.
Z Fun Angelfire Please Websites Check Requested Tryagain Couldnt Errorangelfirecomprofessional Page
20 Science Vs. Religion An irreverent
An irreverent look at religion.
Intro Religion Science Atheism Non Asses Sponsoredvs Z
21 Davens Personal Journal Personal thoughts
Personal thoughts and feelings toward many things, but keeping Celtic Religion/Druidism as the main focus here, and just enough Wicca that you know that the Religion of the Celts is not dead.
22 Akhet Hwt-Hrw Temple and
Temple and school of ancient Egyptian religion, dedicated to the goddess Hwt-Hrw (Hathor). Information about the religion and culture of Ancient Egypt, and about courses and services offered.
23 Religion News Blog Current and
Current and archived religion news items, articles and web sites about cults, religious sects and alternative religions from an apologetics perspective.
Church Religion Christian News Jesus Cult Fellowship Ministries Michael Christ World Faith David International John Scientology Ex Marc Alamo Jackson
24 The Scientology Religion Blog An unofficial
An unofficial blog, with posts concerning about news, events and her personal take on the religion.
Scientology Miscavige David Church Hubbard Ron Dianetics National Grand Lifeboat Tribute Volunteer Opening Royal Institution
25 Philosophy and Religion Offers resources
Offers resources, information, and articles related to Philosophy and Religion.
Share Philosophy Article Self Life World Death Reading Religion Religions Spirituality Phenomena Ethics Motivation Improvement Religious Virtue Waiting Readarticle Confidence
26 Islam - The Modern Religion A comprehensive
A comprehensive overview of Islam, many articles to introduce different aspects of the religion.
Religion Islam Testament Hours Khalifa Prayers Medina Ramadan Allah Science Old Umrha Modern Most Catholic
27 Vaishnavism: Aryan Religion Discusses Vaishnavism
Discusses Vaishnavism as the religion of the Aryans, and its features, culture, and history.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting Gallery Help Local Advisor App Sell Website Upgrade Browser Tv Please
28 religion and war in yugoslavia analysis that
analysis that sheds new light on the role of religion and the place of serbs in the former yugoslavia.
Bosnia Yugoslavia Party Croatian Herzegovina Yugoslav Muslim Serbs Democratic Kosovo Islamic Religion Muslims Orthodox Christian Serbo Croat Catholics Hum_
29 Spiritualist Religion Pages Learn the
Learn the basics about the religion, science, and philosophy of Spiritualism. Read the Spiritualist Basics book online - Spiritualist Basics is an explanation of what Spiritualism is about, written for someone who is unaware that Spiritualism exists as a religion, science, and philosophy, but has heard of 'psychic readings'.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce App Local Advisor Gallery Hosting Help Network Terms Music Customer
30 Religion News Service The RNS
The RNS calls themselves 'an authoritative source of news about religion, ethics, spirituality and moral issues.' They have been reporting for over 60 years, and cover all religions from Christianity to Islam to New Age.
Religion News Merritt Jonathan Pope Subscribe Grant David Tobin Faith Press Silk Mark Eliel Heres Releases Video Donate Blogs Sign
31 Viking Religion A text
A text about the original viking religion and how it relates to asatru today.
Asatru Viking Page They Iceland Nordic Troth Religion Neo Heres However Another Others Irminsul Heathen Perhaps
32 Sikh Religion A book
A book titled, 'SIKH RELIGION' by Sikh Missionary Center, Phoenix, Arizona, It gives history and detailed Fundamentals of Sikhism.
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Contains the full text of ancient documents such as the 'Enuma Elish' (Sumerian creation epic), and other information about the Sumerian religion.
Sumerian Religion Page Guestbook Forum Please Moment Return Take Inanna Discussion Signview Opera Email Visitor Andrituals
34 Religion of Carthage Article by
Article by Roy Decker on the religion and religious history of Carthage.
Page Unavailable We Youre Looking Sorry Aboutcomallrights Foundinthe
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Covers alt.religion.scientology history and culture, Scientology itself, and related topics. By Martin Hunt.
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36 Hindu Club for All : MSN Group Discuss topics
Discuss topics on Hindu religion, exchange ideas and knowledge of Hindu religion.
37 Zoroastrianism Today A large
A large, comprehensive website about the Zoroastrian religion. It contains feature articles, links to other websites, a question hotline, and a sixteen-lesson online reference book designed to teach anyone about the basics of the Zoroastrian religion.
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Sultan Shaheen discusses the emergence of a new religion, similar to pre-Islamic Jahiliya, in Pakistan and practiced by the Taliban which has as a basic tenet that that all non-Jihadists are kafir and deserve to be killed.
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Interdisciplinary electronic and print journal promoting empirical study of contemporary religion in religious studies, anthropology, ethnography, sociology, psychology, folklore, or cultural studies. Call for papers and author instructions.
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Brief descriptions of several world religions, and a large collection of links to religious texts and to other religion and mythology websites.
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Appearances of the Virgin at Fatima, religion in the north of Portugal, and origins of selected Portuguese popular saints considered by Ray Vogensen from a non-religious viewpoint.
42 Popular Religion in Portugal Appearances of
Appearances of the Virgin at Fatima, religion in the north of Portugal, and origins of selected Portuguese popular saints considered by Ray Vogensen from a non-religious viewpoint.
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a paper that discusses and analyzes the thoughts of the founding fathers upon drafting the first amendments freedom of religion.
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Explanation of the difference between Eurasian shamanism and American Indian religion, by a shamanic devotee.
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47 The soc.religion.unitarian-univ Newsgroup This site
This site describes soc.religion.unitarian-univ, the Unitarian Universalist Usenet newsgroup. (See also alt.religion.unitarian-univ, the unmoderated newsgroup.)
48 Association for the Sociology of Religion International scholarly
International scholarly association that seeks to advance theory and research in the sociology of religion.
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49 Association for the Sociology of Religion International scholarly
International scholarly association that seeks to advance theory and research in the sociology of religion.
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A categorized collection of links explaining why the Jehovahs Witness religion is not a Christian religion.
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An online support group for survivors of sexual abuse in any religion.
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54 The Proceedings of the Friesian School: Philosophy of Religion In the
In the tradition of the Friesian School, this is a non-peer-reviewed electronic journal and archive of philosophy of religion edited by Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D.
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defines religious freedom as 'the notion that people of religion can freely partake of the practices of their religion without opposition. this would not only include private devotions, but also acts of religious significance within the realm of government.' the author applies the latter clause only to practitioners of western religions.
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News, essays, reviews, and links about religion, science and philosophy.
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News, information and comment from a Scientologist about this religion and the community in general.
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John Bryant of Phoeniz, AZ shares his thoughts about the Scientology religion.
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A translation of this work, by George F. Hourani. In hyperlinked sections.
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Brief article with links to with link to populations of major religions and pie chart.
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194 Jaguar Sun Describes Mayan
Describes Mayan culture, history, religion, and architecture, links and bibliography.
Mayajeeni Criscenzo Mayanpresent Sun Past People Jaguar
195 The Land of Kam Dedicated to
Dedicated to the African Diasporic tradition known as the Kametic or ancient Egyptian religion.
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196 Criticising Christianity Points out
Points out the absurdities, inaccuracies, and general deficiencies of the Christian religion.
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197 A Hiera Mysteria Historical overview
Historical overview of ancient Greek religion including calendar.
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198 A Blog Around the Clock Making strange
Making strange connections between science, religion, brain, language, and sex.
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199 Laird, Douglas Large collection
Large collection of articles on Bible, religion, and devotional topics.
200 The Magick Cauldron A solitary
A solitary Norse Wiccan writes about his religion from an outsiders perspective.
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1 sorted magazine - bad religion brian baker
brian baker interviewed with links to other sorted articles on bad religion.
2 bad religion tabs an alphebetic
an alphebetic listing of bad religion tabs.
3 wprj coleman 101.7 fm.
101.7 fm. religion.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 Against My Religion Brief profile
Brief profile, show dates, and CDs for this band.
Guestbook Religion Friends Against Sign Nates Bass Simis Sponsoredby Tourmike Nate Undecided Cds
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spiritual poetry with photographs.
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find current news about the band.
8 Madame Polenska A musical
A musical about power, religion, and greed.
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9 defining bad religion a site
a site that contains lyrics and the interpretations of their meaning.
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poetry, religion and discussion boards.
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11 Against My Religion Brief profile
Brief profile and show dates for the Michigan band.
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thoughts on poems, art, religion and literature.
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14 bad religion provides a
provides a review by jason thornberry of a bootleg of 'into the unknown'.
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15 Amo, Amas, Amat Musical satire
Musical satire of love, lust and religion.
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16 Dedicated to
Dedicated to examining the art, archaeology, religion and history of Egypt.
Egypt Egyptologycom Niankhkhnum Tomb Ancient Journal Khnumhotepbest Presentsmodern
17 The First Church of Green Day Fan club
Fan club that is based on a religion dedicated to the band.
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Pictures, fan fiction, biographies, message board, and links.
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19 bad religion - lyrics words to
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introduction to the pre-christian religious beliefs of the scandinavian people.
Odin Scandinavian Valhalla Aesir Asgard Vanir Thor Loki Stories Germanic Sami Hel Gods Wiccan Woden Sleipner
22 Amo, Amas, Amat A new
A new musical satire of love, lust and religion in ancient Rome.
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23 Sweet Disguise Contains links
Contains links, fan fiction, backstreetism religion, biographies, news, and cliques.
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24 johnston, barry sculptureworks subjects
sculptureworks subjects are derived from religion, literature, and contemporary dilemmas.
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25 H. D. Alters Cartoon Art Gallery Features Hapless
Features Hapless Harold, a tramp whom finds religion.
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Political punk rock in the style of Good Ridence and Bad Religion.
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28 Soviets - Shepard Sherbell Major project
Major project on the end of the Soviet era, from religion to work to punishment
Y Sherbell Shepard Soviets Z
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30 love is my religion text of
text of six letters written by keats to fanny braun between 1819 and 1820.
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discusses how the life and beliefs of the writer are reflected in his fictional works.
Z Couldnt Tryagain Please Requested Websites Page Check Angelfire Angelfirecomprofessionalfun Error
32 bad religion official site.
official site. history, newsletter, tour dates, news, photos, web cam, merchandise, and links.
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33 roorda, paul portraits and
portraits and mixed media work using natural materials and dealing with ritual and religion.
34 calle, r. paintings that
paintings that touch on religion and current events, plus commercial illustrations. images and curriculum vitae.
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35 Preacherman Show, The Starring Wally
Starring Wally Tribe, a program discussing the FBI, conspiracies, religion, and electronic weapons.
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37 king, marvin religion is
religion is the theme of this guitarists blues. the site has a biography and sound clips page.
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About religion and the high price of faith. A scientist creates a robot designed to save your soul.
Found Apacheportfound The Additionally Openssldserver Errordocument
39 wassenburg, jessica - ipsissima verba essays, commentary
essays, commentary and poetry on religion, science, spirituality, and working for a living.
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40 land of the genius from dodgy
from dodgy photo diaries to philosophy, computer games to nostalgia to art to religion here with smattering of poetry.
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41 - bad religion reviews of
reviews of the bands recorded output and a discography broken up into two parts, divided by the year 1990.
Religion Graffins Gurewitz Rock Than Graffin Tribute Fiction Unknown Belief Known Brett Hell Process Epic Nastyjunkyard Atlantic Tendencies
42 matts bad religion page includes lyrics
includes lyrics, tablature, tour dates, discography, realaudio, biography and links.
Bands Lyrics Guitar Tabs Religion Music Contact Page Matt Theme Songs Pics Bass Bios Sm Sz Bl Bz
43 Religion in the Fiction of Poul Anderson Article by
Article by Glenn T. McDavid discussing the authors treatment of various religions, in particular Christianity.
Parallels Sphere File Error Parallelsr Page Found Thecopyright Z
44 Sailor Marss Realm Information on
Information on the character and the planet Mars, mythology, Shinto religion, images, fan art, and links.
Filefoundthe Resource Server Might Namechanged Temporarily Error Removed Lookingbeen Unavailable Directory
45 berning, mary through her
through her sculpture, watercolors, and printmaking, the artist explores our relationship to nature, urbanization, mythology, and religion.
Mary Fine Print Statement Bernings Artist Arts Theperlprogrammercom Sculpture Drawing Watercolor Mondrian Hesse Auguste Beardsley University
46 mark, stacy surreal, gothic
surreal, gothic, and figurative paintings and prints, commenting on religion, relationships, and the human psyche.
Stacy Paintings Mark Other Fine Landscape Abstract Surreal Contact Art Name* * Rights Landscapes Multipleartist
47 comparative religion resource for
resource for religious thought and literature, covering major world religions, modern and ancient.
48 IMDb : UFOs Conspiracy Sex or Religion (1998) Full cast
Full cast and crew for the film, and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
News Imdb Movies Religion Conspiracy Reviews Ufos User Imdbpro Lawrence Message Paul Full Tv Plot Blu Ray Sci Fi Board Trivia David
49 Goyal, Rajat New Delhi
New Delhi based photographer covering fashion, nature, travel, portrait, creative, religion, and dance.
50 bad religion includes a
includes a biography, discography, photos, articles, audio/video files, links and message board.
Music Movies Politics Country Wenner Subscribe Stone Rolling Videos Jann Policy Archives Travers Blogs Pinterest Copyrightc Fricke Found
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read the essay that takes a look at the philosophy and its relation to the beliefs of religion.
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author of books on religion, christianity, gay issues, literature, literary criticism, poetry - all from a liberal perspective.
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a young womans quest for religion, herself, and her place in this world. poetry, thoughts, artwork, suicide letters.
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54 klav 1230 am news, sports
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55 locke, matthew (c.1621-1677) biographical sketch
biographical sketch notin how religion played a role in his career and comments on his instrumental music.
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58 religion in sf/f literature includes c.
includes c. 2000 references to real churches, religions, and tribes in science fiction novels and short stories.
Science Fiction Book Books Authors Novels Characters Religious Adherentscom Bell Shayne People Comic Star Resources Latter Day Robert
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by suzanne herel. [mother jones] interview with the author that broaches subjects like good manners, religion, and abortion.
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61 heretic press online novels
online novels written in many languages by translator and author patrick hanrahan. site also provides timelines about history, science and religion.
62 javascopes a monthly
a monthly journal, started in 1999, previously focused on coffee and astrology. rants on every subject from religion to politics to social darwinism.
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64 The Holy Shrine of Journey Contains fan
Contains fan fiction, press articles, FAQ, pictures, and links. Fan site masquerading as tongue-in-cheek rock-as-religion satire.
65 Mandys Sailor Moon Ice Palace Contains image
Contains image galleries, information, fan fiction and art, animated gifs, analyses about the series and the christian religion, and midis.
66 a site
a site dedicated to art and artists, both past and present, that display their love and history for life, family, culture, earth, religion, canada, and saskatchewan.
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67 cuevas bad religion page a fan
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a detailed look into the gods, religion and mythology of the roman world.
Roman Gods Mythology Culture Empire Daily Government Slavery Life Military Support Forum Architecture Major Books Collection
69 roman gods and goddesses a table
a table of deities of the roman religion along with their attributes, compiled by gregory flood.
Request Nginx_about_z
70 ancient egyptian religion sections on
sections on mummification and the book fof the dead, with illustrated list of egyptian gods.
Egyptian Texts Religion Ra Pyramid Kingdom Coffin Amun Seth Egypt Dynasty Pharaohs Page Period Serapis Pre Dynastic Religious Thoth Apis Technology
71 maori religion and mythology by edward
by edward shortland (1882), e-text at the internet sacred text archive.
Chapter Maori Religious Mythology Land Rites Naming Religion Cosmogony Appendix Pacific Sacred Cont Title Texts
72 the media desk journalist, freelancer
journalist, freelancer, humorist, and professional observer levite covers sports, religion, politics, with essays and humor thrown in for good measure.
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conservative commentator on topics ranging from personal and social issues, to morality and religion. the lectures are available in audio and video formats.
74 the new york times: douglas rushkoff - ecstasy club j. d.
j. d. biersdorfers review: 'an eerie tale of 20-somethings caught up in an increasingly trippy world of homegrown religion.'
Books Club Page York New Helpfeedback Op Ed Estate Editorial Ecstasy Services News Technology Science Travel Rushkoff Yorktoday
75 IndieWire Interview Interview with
Interview with the actor focusing on his role in The Crime of Father Amaro, and the wider issue of religion.
76 punk coverz a site
a site that displays the covers of albums of pop-punk bands like nofx, bad religion, blink-182 and lagwagon.
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77 leaving home: e. m. forster and the pursuit of higher values discussion of
discussion of forster and religion at the western buddhist review.
Emforster Rickie Forsters Forster Ibid Lucas Wilcox Sangharakshita Howards Helen Dharma Wilcoxes Stephen Higher Pursuit Longest Story Thousandlines Values
78 woodrum, christian michelle assemblages and
assemblages and acrylic canvas paintings, most creations are pertaining to christian religion subject matter.
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79 A Wide Range By Bridget
By Bridget Byrne. [Boxoffice Online] 'Actress Dana Delany Ventures Into Religion With Wide Awake.'
80 the spirit of butterflies: myth, magic, and art an inspiring
an inspiring book on butterflies and their significance in religion, mythology, superstition, literature, and the arts.
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81 Mental Stirrings Portal features
Portal features articles and links for philosophy, literature, religion, history and art. Offers categories devoted to education, publications, as well as museums and specialty bookstores.
82 Review, by
Review, by Christopher Null: 'Watching this 1960 production, heavy on religion, patriotism, and small-town-aw-shucks morality, is extremely difficult to watch today.'
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83 Spirituality In Comics: The Religion of Priest The explicitly
The explicitly religious series features a Catholic priest and contemplations of Christianity and God. Excerpt by Sheena.
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84 Holy-wood: Christian Entertainment Reviews Several mock
Several mock film reviews from the Landover Baptist Church, an online parody on organized religion.
85 dennis prager this radio
this radio talk show host and author lectures before business, civic, religious and school groups on topics ranging from personal and social issues to morality and religion. ca.
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southern california punk band influenced by southern california bands like pennywise and bad religion.
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87 danny yees book reviews over 600
over 600 book reviews on a variety of topics including zoology, physics, philosophy, religion, fiction and politics.
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88 RichterVideos Academy Award
Academy Award nominee Robert Richter produces films on globalization, economics, environment, human rights, justice, sexuality and religion. Includes biography and details of individual films.
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89 danny yees book reviews offers book
offers book reviews on a variety of topics including zoology, physics, philosophy, religion, fiction and politics.
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90 psychology and literature: 'sublunary delights' by rob couteau novella excerpt
novella excerpt from 'doctor pluss' by rob couteau, published in the hawaii pacific review. explores issues of religion, art, and psychology.
Pluss Carlos Tanya Stuart Couteau Doctor Angelica Hed Carloss Novel Yes Ignatius Delights Thats Perhaps Bible
91 goddesses of ancient egypt dedicated to
dedicated to information about the goddesses of ancient egyptian religion and a discussion of their significance in that culture. lists isis, hathor, neith and contains links to other goddess sites.
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92 poetry through the ages collection of
collection of well known poems categorized by subject: love, religion, myth and fantasy, nature, children, philosophy, love of country, war. section for submission of personal poems to be included on site.
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93 ABC News: Mormons Not Laughing About Polygamy Comedy Big Love Article discusses
Article discusses Mormons reaction to comedy claiming it dredges up old stereotypes about the religion, which banned polygamy 100 years ago.
News Love Privacy Mormons Polygamy Church Prunty City World Good Comedy Laughing Earl Saints Policy Interest Based Yahoo Abc Child Sopranos
94 cincinnati klezmer project, the a klezmer
a klezmer ensemble, founded by students at the hebrew union college - jewish institute of religion, and the college conservatory of music at the university of cincinnati, plus others whove joined us along the way.
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95 net420 radio website is
website is hub for several projects of net420, including pirate radio, canyon lake radio legal developments, web radio, and guru klyphs 'virtual religion'. news, links, audio.
Tripod Create Websitehosting Please Couldnt Check Tripodcom Login Pagesignup Requested Lycos
96 Partridge Family Temple The Official
The Official Web Page of the Partridge Family Temple: the funnest religion around.
Amendment Offenses First Rights Theft Second Murder Criminal Crimes Degree Press Prostitution Manslaughter Homicide White Solicitation Magazine Fraud Conspiracy Dui
97 Star Trek Theology - Gene Roddenberrys Pantheism. Roddenberrys pantheism
Roddenberrys pantheism and religion in Star Trek.
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Religion Dictionary

freedom of religion: a civil right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution
religion / faith / religious belief a: a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny, "he lost his faith but not his morality"
revealed religion: a religion founded primarily on the revelations of God to humankind
paganism / pagan religion / heathenism: any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism
Christianity / Christian religion a: a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior
religion / faith / organized religion: an institution to express belief in a divine power, "he was raised in the Baptist religion", "a member of his own faith contradicted him"
Pentecostal religion: any fundamentalist Protestant Church that uses revivalistic methods to achieve experiences comparable to the Pentecostal experiences of the first Christian disciples
Judaism / Hebraism / Jewish religion: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud
curate / minister of religion / minister / parson / pastor / rector: a person authorized to conduct religious worship, "clergymen are usually called ministers in Protestant churches" Reviews for Religion. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Religion" (visitors of this topic page). Religion › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Religion Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices, mythologies, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organisation that relate humanity to what an anthropologist has called "an order of existence". Different religions may contain various elements, ranging from "the belief in spiritual beings", the "divine", "sacred things", "faith", a "supernatural being or supernatural beings" such as God or angels, or "...some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life."

98 results for Religion: