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soft dolls & animals! magazine

soft dolls & Review Experience Dolls Animals

offering subscription to bimonthly magazine, how-to projects for all levels of skill, techniques, artist profiles and patterns.

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Dolls Animals Soft Collector Just Magazine Contact Subscribe Additionscorrections Scrap Contemporary Submit List Club Article Cards Crafts Doll Making

Reviews and Comments for soft dolls & animals!

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Best entries for Dolls and Animals

1 dolls & stuffed animals by natasha fadeeva a photo
a photo gallery of cloth dolls, mice, cats, bears, bunnies and other stuffed toys, plus photographs and watercolors created by natasha fadeeva.
Fadeeva Watercolors Animals Infoordering Stuffed Natasha Pinterest Menu Other Email Games Things Russian Computer Cats Y
2 Lorettas Shirley Temple Dolls Collector has
Collector has many photo references for identification of original Shirley Temple dolls and their fashions. Includes information about the dolls, collectors poll, dolls for sale, and message board.
Shirley Temple Dolls Lorettas Black Page Sale Shirleytemple Reference Princess Bright Link Antique Eyes Composition
3 art dolls by kims kreations fine art
fine art dolls, or figurative sculptures, including portrait dolls, angels, and faeries by pdma artist, kim jelley.
4 karens polyclay a collection
a collection of whimsical figurines, animals, barrettes, and dolls. also contains background information on creator. available in english and french. artist: karen dube.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Website Aabaco Privacy Terms Domains Account Please Move Design
5 follow my dream pauli driver
pauli driver smiths original sculpted dolls and dolls of cast resin from original molds, plus paper dolls and other things of personal interest to the artist.
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6 soft dolls & animals! magazine offering subscription
offering subscription to bimonthly magazine, how-to projects for all levels of skill, techniques, artist profiles and patterns.
Dolls Animals Soft Collector Just Magazine Contact Subscribe Additionscorrections Scrap Contemporary Submit List Club Article Cards
7 Fancy Ephemera Paper Dolls Vintage fashion
Vintage fashion and Victorian bride paper dolls. Also some classic movie star paper dolls. Includes links to other paper doll artists.
8 my craft book: sewing patterns free online
free online sewing patterns for pillows, pin cushions, aprons, stuffed animals and dolls.
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free knit and crochet patterns for barbie, and other 11- 1/2' fashion dolls, ken dolls and baby sister dolls.
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offering patterns, online workshops and original cloth dolls.
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website of quilts and cloth dolls. eq4 techniques available.
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features dolls and puppets, plus a scale conversion chart.
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13 bellabelle dolls sculpted polymer
sculpted polymer clay dolls: period and contemporary, adults, children and babies.
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14 art dolls by valarie garber contemporary artist
contemporary artist dolls in polymer clay and resin, site also has jewelry.
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15 the little doll original sculpted
original sculpted dolls and fantasy figures, and repainted fashion dolls by karen morely.
16 pattis dolls features original
features original cloth dolls, patterns and workshops, contests, and pictures from past classes.
17 designs 4 dolls resources for
resources for sewing for dolls, including embroidery, fasteners, embellishments, patterns, projects and gallery.
Apache Contactsupportserver Found The Found Port
18 flickr: art dolls image gallery
image gallery and forum for people who create art dolls and like to share their inspiration with other art doll artists.
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19 sharons masterpiece art dolls sculpted santas
sculpted santas, characters, angels and animal head dolls. email for prices.
Disabled Websitebeen Sorryrequested
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gallery of soft cloth dolls. free doll class and printable patterns for beginners. includes pictures.
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21 annas dolls one-of-a-kind art
one-of-a-kind art dolls by a russian artist.
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22 Jem Grrrlz Updating discontinued
Updating discontinued, but still an intact large site focused on the dolls. With a price guide, history and information about the dolls and accessories.
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23 laura levines artdolls lauras dolls
lauras dolls exhibit the uncomfortable side of the human condition. the fine art dolls are sometimes precious, sometimes brutal, but always provoke thought.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Longeravailable Movies Wayback Machinearchives Popular Guidelines Toolbar Sports
24 3D Dolls Pictures An exhibition
An exhibition of 3D assemblages of small plastic dolls. Each picture represents a specific thought or a personal experience. Almost all were lost by an Iraqi Scud missile in the Gulf War.
Dolls Pictures Art Database Gulf Picture Assemblages Plastic Scud Exhibition Gallery Experience Represents Almost Sculptures Mixed Lost Images
25 just jane original sculpted
original sculpted art dolls by artist c. jane pinkstaff, including chimpanzee and baby dolls.
Jane Guild Early Polymer Baby Just Gallery Work Art Professional Dolls Question Detroit National Kind
26 the shuppy shoppe - art of dolls porcelain dolls
porcelain dolls created by sue shuppy. includes artist biography and gallery.
Shuppy Shoppe Designatedjondesign Rightsreserved Copyright
27 arensbak trolls handmade troll
handmade troll and gnome dolls, including information about trolls, family history, faqs and a list of shops where the dolls can be purchased.
Troll Trolls Studio Arts Arensbak Five Gnomes Handmade Ken Gnome Collectors Craft Inc Original Learn Trolltown
28 susans nest porcelain designer
porcelain designer dolls in small series, porcelain portrait dolls made from photos, some dressed sculptures and mixed media figures.
Collectible Original Susans Dolls Click Information Important Lippl Amelie Main Gtgt Susan Visitors Item Antonia
29 Nesting Dolls Nesting Dolls
Nesting Dolls, San Franciscos punk-lyric contemporary dance company, is a 'stirring fusion of aggressive attack and strong technical lyricism.' (SF Bay Guardian)
Z Port Cid Apache Permanently The Pearlman Nestingdolls@candydarlingcom Server Dolls Nesting
30 forest folk and fantasy dolls featuring the
featuring the sculpted fantasy dolls of pat graham.
31 animals within animals electronic band
electronic band that is loose collective of members with open membership. site included studio and live mp3s.
32 strange dolls strange and
strange and disturbing dolls gallery of hans bellmer.
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More soft dolls & animals! magazine Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of soft dolls & animals! magazine in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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