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todays women in music web

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web ring of fan pages about women in music.

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Reviews and Comments for todays women in music

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Best entries for Music and Women

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place for women in popular music: new artists, news, articles, reviews, message board, photos.
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non-profit organization that supports the efforts and achievements of women in music through media, education and networking.
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3 Online community
Online community of independent women artists. Started in 1996, the organization is dedicated to promoting women in music.
4 online community
online community of independent women artists. started in 1996, the organization is dedicated to promoting women in music.
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The journey of women, told through Top-40 music. Site includes show history, photographs of touring productions, reviews, and merchandise.
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magazine dedicated to the celebration and promotion of creatively independent women in music. includes interviews of artists from all musical genres, how-to articles and record reviews.
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site put together by jeanne e. shaffer, host of a weekly public radio show showcasing women composers. includes database of women composers, discography, and other resources relating to the broadcasts.
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discover the superstars of women concert pianists, past and present. a timeline of women classical piano virtuosos with links to biographical data or their professional web sites.
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about the role of women in the movement.
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22 Women Docs Lifetime Television
Lifetime Television program that follows women physicians in various cities throughout the United States.
23 Salon: Real Women Article highlighting
Article highlighting the women in Love and Rockets as well as a small image gallery.
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list for women who write journals or diaries. sharing, writing, and discussion. unmoderated.
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Photos of pretty women, mostly face shots.
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27 Women Poets of the Web A ring
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28 Celebrity Interviews: Sally Field Includes her
Includes her views on Hollywood, roles for women, fame and motherhood.
29 Be Good Tanyas, The Three women
Three women musicians from Vancouver, BC, playing folk/blues/country/bluegrass music. Site includes band information and music files.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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