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Saxophone FAQs

Saxophone FAQs Review Experience Music Saxophone

Answers to commonly asked questions about the instrument including books and performance experience, compiled by Charles Socci.

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Music Saxophone Jackie Mclean Charlie Parker Hartt Selmer Hartford Play Charles Yamaha Theory Secaucus Coltrane Nj Summy Birchard Around Generally Music Instruments Winds Woodwinds Saxophone

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Best entries for Music and Saxophone

1 The ELISION Saxophone Quartet The ELISION
The ELISION Saxophone Quartet captivates audiences with the power, grace, and elegance of their stylistically diverse and engaging programs. E.S.Q. concerts celebrate the saxophone family with an entertaining mix of music.
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3 Saxophone Mouthpieces by Peter Ponzol High end
High end metal and hard rubber saxophone mouthpieces designed by one player for other players. Saxophone necks and reeds.
4 Phil Barone Saxophone Mouthpieces Phil Barone
Phil Barone has been dedicated to the manufacturing, customizing, and balancing of high quality saxophone mouthpieces for almost twenty years. He is a master saxophone mouthpiece maker.
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5 Eclipse Saxophone Quartet New Manchester
New Manchester based saxophone ensemble. Includes history, performance schedule, and photograph gallery.
6 Sax Music Plus Saxophone, clarinet
Saxophone, clarinet and flute music site. Downloadable sheet music, advice, newsletter, links, and information.
7 Helikon Saxophone Quartet - Young Classical Saxophone Ensemble Official site.
Official site. Classical, contemporary, international repertoire, concert calendar, and group information.
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9 The Rascher Saxophone Quartet Biographical information
Biographical information, recordings, reviews, and downloadable Promotional materials about the Rascher Quartet and the Rascher Saxophone Orchestra in both English and German.
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10 On Line Instruction for the Saxophone Lesson pages
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12 Roberts, Chaim Tenor saxophone
Tenor saxophone player. Site includes biography, music samples, and contact information.
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Four tuxedoed saxophonists bringing music to the ears of millions of listeners: the Bach stops here!
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arrangements for piano, alto saxophone and flute. focus on jazz, latin and blues.
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15 Windmill Saxophone Quartet Four-man woodwind
Four-man woodwind ensemble whose music draws on jazz as well as classical, pop, Latin and avant-garde forms. Instruments include soprano to bass saxophones, flutes and clarinets. Includes profiles, CD info, sound files, sheet music, photos and reviews.
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16 National Saxophone Choir of Britain Based in
Based in Birmingham. Site includes information about guest conductors, new music and details on how to join.
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17 The Ancia Saxophone Quartet The Minneapolis/St.
The Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN (founded in 1990) performs classical, jazz, and newly-commissioned contemporary music.
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an exploratory ensemble performing an eclectic mix of late 20th and 21st century art music written for saxophone and percussion, as well as their own creative arrangements.
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19 Dorn Publications, Inc. Publishes Saxophone
Publishes Saxophone Journal and Jazz Player magazines. Sales of instruments, sheet music, books, and supplies online.
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20 Clown School Dropouts, The Saxophone and
Saxophone and drum duo playing 1930s novelty jazz, klezmer and cartoon music. Biography, press, schedule and pictures.
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21 Fowler Music Service [Pasadena, Maryland
[Pasadena, Maryland, USA] Custom band instrument repair and sales, plating in silver and gold. Specializing in saxophone and clarinet.
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22 gyorgy ligeti biography, chronology
biography, chronology, and musical development are interwoven in this entry from the saxophone music information website. includes links to related sites.
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argentinian saxophone performer. tango and milonga with jazzy and world music sound. biography, cds and contact. site is in english, french and spanish.
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24 t&c:total control! (illinois, usa)
(illinois, usa) woodwind duo. repertoire from many eras specializing in performing works by contemporary composers and acquiring new music for the various combinations of different flutes and saxophones. tammy sue kirk-piccolo/flute and cory barnfield-saxophone/clarinet.
25 The Saxophone Guide Contains information
Contains information on the instrument and its accessories.
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26 garcia, albert profile of
profile of the saxophone player.
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offers a week-long study of brazilian music, percussion, and dance in the california redwoods. instructors include curtis pierre, airto moreira, and jorge alabe for percussion, javino santo neto-ensemble studies, and harvey wainapel for saxophone. contains overview, programs, and contact information.
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28 Saxophone Fingering Charts Includes a
Includes a basic chart.
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29 C Melody Saxophone Forum Discussion board
Discussion board for the instrument.
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30 Vintage Saxophone Gallery Includes examples
Includes examples from throughout the history.
31 carter, terry biography of
biography of the saxophone player from arkansas.
32 Pokeysaxs Saxophone Page Overview with
Overview with links and short bibliography.
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