1 St.Johns Music Music Add Guitar Orff Music Bass Cases Accessories Guitars Saxophone Mallets Strings Ukulele Fwwwstjohnsmusiccom Woodwind Love
St John’s Music has provided retail services in musical instruments and supported music education programs across Canada. Our vast experience...Calgary Add Guitar Orff Music Bass Cases Accessories Guitars Saxophone Mallets Strings Ukulele Fwwwstjohnsmusiccom Woodwind Love
Provides horn
Provides horn sections, arrangements, saxophone, and flute solos over the web. Features full upload and download capabilities of audio files, in all professional formats.
Horn Sections Solos Studio Section Arrangements Prices Amazing City Soundtrack Players Flute Click Jingle Full Neumann Neworleans Think
Provides horn sections, arrangements, saxophone, and flute solos over the web. Features full upload and download capabilities of audio files, in all professional formats.
Horn Sections Solos Studio Section Arrangements Prices Amazing City Soundtrack Players Flute Click Jingle Full Neumann Neworleans Think
2 Global View Records
Features Jazz/World-fusion
Features Jazz/World-fusion group Clayton Englar and Equinox, and Windmill Saxophone Quartet. RealAudio samples, reviews, and links.
Features Jazz/World-fusion group Clayton Englar and Equinox, and Windmill Saxophone Quartet. RealAudio samples, reviews, and links.
2. Shopping and Saxophone Trade
1 Consoli Music Products
Saxophone and
Saxophone and clarinet ligatures.
Saxophone Clarinet Ligatures Embrochure Consoli Ligature Ramplig Sound Product Improvement Satisfied Clients Reeds Music Story Talk Kashiwa Comprehensive Snitzer
Saxophone and clarinet ligatures.
Saxophone Clarinet Ligatures Embrochure Consoli Ligature Ramplig Sound Product Improvement Satisfied Clients Reeds Music Story Talk Kashiwa Comprehensive Snitzer
2 Legacy
Includes a
Includes a line of padded saxophone and guitar straps.
Strap Model Guitar Straps Saxophone Design Celtic Cotton Neoprene Padded $ Legacy Student Poly Model
Includes a line of padded saxophone and guitar straps.
Strap Model Guitar Straps Saxophone Design Celtic Cotton Neoprene Padded $ Legacy Student Poly Model
3 Accompaniments for Woodwind Players
Flute, Clarinet
Flute, Clarinet, and Saxophone audio on CDs.
Wireless Tempo Phone Price Certified Dealer Lifeline Support Payment Conditions Terms User Connection Prepaid Mytempocom Works
Flute, Clarinet, and Saxophone audio on CDs.
Wireless Tempo Phone Price Certified Dealer Lifeline Support Payment Conditions Terms User Connection Prepaid Mytempocom Works
4 Horn Place
Books, CDs
Books, CDs, videos and software for saxophone, flute, trombone, and trumpet.
Saxophone Transcriptions Trombone Books Trumpet Flute Jazz Beginner Playalongs Series Methods Sax Band Book Arranging Synthesis
Books, CDs, videos and software for saxophone, flute, trombone, and trumpet.
Saxophone Transcriptions Trombone Books Trumpet Flute Jazz Beginner Playalongs Series Methods Sax Band Book Arranging Synthesis
5 Jeanné, Inc.
Sheet music
Sheet music and accessories for oboe, clarinet, bassoon and saxophone. Catalog in PDF format.
Music Jeanne Bargains Clarinet Clarinet Saxophone Publications Jeanne Reed Tools Making Pegs Supplies Accessories Inc Bargain
Sheet music and accessories for oboe, clarinet, bassoon and saxophone. Catalog in PDF format.
Music Jeanne Bargains Clarinet Clarinet Saxophone Publications Jeanne Reed Tools Making Pegs Supplies Accessories Inc Bargain
Repair supplies
Repair supplies, tools and kits for saxophone and clarinet. FAQ, kit details, and contact information.
Bench Notes Repair Flute Musicmediccom Saxophone Pliers Kits Cork Springs Clarinet Pads Sax Woodwind Gold
Repair supplies, tools and kits for saxophone and clarinet. FAQ, kit details, and contact information.
Bench Notes Repair Flute Musicmediccom Saxophone Pliers Kits Cork Springs Clarinet Pads Sax Woodwind Gold
7 Gruven Music Products
Manufactures guitar
Manufactures guitar, bass, mandolin, saxophone, violin, and amplifier stands.
Stands Gruven Stand Guitar Bass Products Instrument Amplifier Violin Hardwood Premier Contact Banjo Professional Mandolin Porchboard Beautiful Easy
Manufactures guitar, bass, mandolin, saxophone, violin, and amplifier stands.
Stands Gruven Stand Guitar Bass Products Instrument Amplifier Violin Hardwood Premier Contact Banjo Professional Mandolin Porchboard Beautiful Easy
Online seller
Online seller of mouthpieces, ligatures, reeds, cases, stands, straps and other saxophone and clarinet accessories.
Reeds Mouthpieces Clarinet Vandoren Rico Saxophone Ligatures Rovner Marca Jazz Bass Yanagisawa Legere Meyer Link
Online seller of mouthpieces, ligatures, reeds, cases, stands, straps and other saxophone and clarinet accessories.
Reeds Mouthpieces Clarinet Vandoren Rico Saxophone Ligatures Rovner Marca Jazz Bass Yanagisawa Legere Meyer Link
9 Sax Gourmet
Saxophone sales
Saxophone sales and repair, site has lots of information including serial number reference, fingering charts, accessory and setup recommendations.
Saxophone Steve Goodson Conn Dial Woodwinds Repair Articles Broadband Mouthpiece History Terms Humor Video Model Unison Tour Curse Information
Saxophone sales and repair, site has lots of information including serial number reference, fingering charts, accessory and setup recommendations.
Saxophone Steve Goodson Conn Dial Woodwinds Repair Articles Broadband Mouthpiece History Terms Humor Video Model Unison Tour Curse Information
10 AW-Reeds GbR
Reeds, mouthpieces
Reeds, mouthpieces and accessories for clarinet and saxophone. [English/German]
Reeds, mouthpieces and accessories for clarinet and saxophone. [English/German]
11 Anello Mouthpieces
Maker of
Maker of clarinet and saxophone mouthpieces available in a wide range of tip openings. Refacing services available.
Directory Listing Denied Virtualdeniedthiserrordirectory
Maker of clarinet and saxophone mouthpieces available in a wide range of tip openings. Refacing services available.
Directory Listing Denied Virtualdeniedthiserrordirectory
12 Legere Reeds
Makers of
Makers of synthetic woodwind reeds for clarinet and saxophone. Information on materials and processes and artist profiles.
Reeds Bassoon Clarinet Saxophone Retailers They Légère Oboe Woodwind History Bagpipe Store Premium Challenge Ordering News Strength Work
Makers of synthetic woodwind reeds for clarinet and saxophone. Information on materials and processes and artist profiles.
Reeds Bassoon Clarinet Saxophone Retailers They Légère Oboe Woodwind History Bagpipe Store Premium Challenge Ordering News Strength Work
13 Lomax Classic Mouthpieces
Custom saxophone
Custom saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces catering to the professional musician. Musical instrument sales and repair.
Mouthpieces Clarinet Humidipro Lomax Model Classic Firebird Case Cart Products Horn Student Mouthpiece Bass Other Abb List How
Custom saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces catering to the professional musician. Musical instrument sales and repair.
Mouthpieces Clarinet Humidipro Lomax Model Classic Firebird Case Cart Products Horn Student Mouthpiece Bass Other Abb List How
14 Behn Mouthpieces International
Saxophone and
Saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces by Bradford Behn. Site includes illustration and ordering information.
Behn Collection Mouthpieces Rubber Clarinet Rod Vintage Golden Reeds Era Signature Mouthpiece Request Zinner Crafted Overture
Saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces by Bradford Behn. Site includes illustration and ordering information.
Behn Collection Mouthpieces Rubber Clarinet Rod Vintage Golden Reeds Era Signature Mouthpiece Request Zinner Crafted Overture
15 Whichpond Music
Sheet music
Sheet music for chamber ensembles including woodwind quintet, saxophone quartet, and double reed ensembles.
Music Whichpond Quintet Ensemble Quartet Holiday Sheet Bussick Double David Brass Clarinet Flute Free Wind Sax Releases
Sheet music for chamber ensembles including woodwind quintet, saxophone quartet, and double reed ensembles.
Music Whichpond Quintet Ensemble Quartet Holiday Sheet Bussick Double David Brass Clarinet Flute Free Wind Sax Releases
16 Whipkeys Music
Orchestral wind
Orchestral wind, brass and string instruments: flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, tuba, violin, viola, cello. Located in Marietta, Georgia.
Padding Left Right Whipkeys Instruments Powell Omega Music Amadeus Azumi International Valve Handmade Southeast Atlanta Hours Marietta Christian Instructionsorder Alto
Orchestral wind, brass and string instruments: flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, tuba, violin, viola, cello. Located in Marietta, Georgia.
Padding Left Right Whipkeys Instruments Powell Omega Music Amadeus Azumi International Valve Handmade Southeast Atlanta Hours Marietta Christian Instructionsorder Alto
17 Whipkeys Music
Orchestral wind
Orchestral wind, brass and string instruments: flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, tuba, violin, viola, cello. Located in Marietta, Georgia.
Powell Instruments Haynes Atlanta International Omega Clarinets Altus Paris Music French Muramatsu Amadeus Whipkeys Conn Schilke Walter Schools
Orchestral wind, brass and string instruments: flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, tuba, violin, viola, cello. Located in Marietta, Georgia.
Powell Instruments Haynes Atlanta International Omega Clarinets Altus Paris Music French Muramatsu Amadeus Whipkeys Conn Schilke Walter Schools
18 Jazclass
Music lessons
Music lessons on music theory, blues, jazz, improvisation, chords and scales on all instruments, and saxophone technique. The lessons are available on line, by e-mail or floppy disk. By Michael Furstner.
Lessons Jazz Music Blues Theory Bridge Scales Saxophone Tone Furstner Chords Jazclass Piano Improvisation Michael Keyboard
Music lessons on music theory, blues, jazz, improvisation, chords and scales on all instruments, and saxophone technique. The lessons are available on line, by e-mail or floppy disk. By Michael Furstner.
Lessons Jazz Music Blues Theory Bridge Scales Saxophone Tone Furstner Chords Jazclass Piano Improvisation Michael Keyboard
19 Quodlibet
Ergonomic support
Ergonomic support devices for oboe, clarinet, english horn, basset horn, oboe damore, bass oboe and the saxophone family.
Indexhtm Jeansincerelysmith Quodlibet Inc Leland
Ergonomic support devices for oboe, clarinet, english horn, basset horn, oboe damore, bass oboe and the saxophone family.
Indexhtm Jeansincerelysmith Quodlibet Inc Leland
3. Saxophone Recreation
4. Computer & Saxophone Games Websites
5. Sports Websites concerning Saxophone
6. Society, Arts and Saxophone Crafts
1 JohnsonSax
A comprehensive
A comprehensive view of all Johnsons professional activities in playing Saxophone.
Enter Introrequest Error Z
A comprehensive view of all Johnsons professional activities in playing Saxophone.
Enter Introrequest Error Z
1 Saxophone Mouthpieces by Peter Ponzol
High end
High end metal and hard rubber saxophone mouthpieces designed by one player for other players. Saxophone necks and reeds.
High end metal and hard rubber saxophone mouthpieces designed by one player for other players. Saxophone necks and reeds.
2 The ELISION Saxophone Quartet
The ELISION Saxophone Quartet captivates audiences with the power, grace, and elegance of their stylistically diverse and engaging programs. E.S.Q. concerts celebrate the saxophone family with an entertaining mix of music.
The ELISION Saxophone Quartet captivates audiences with the power, grace, and elegance of their stylistically diverse and engaging programs. E.S.Q. concerts celebrate the saxophone family with an entertaining mix of music.
3 Phil Barone Saxophone Mouthpieces
Phil Barone
Phil Barone has been dedicated to the manufacturing, customizing, and balancing of high quality saxophone mouthpieces for almost twenty years. He is a master saxophone mouthpiece maker.
Saxophone Finish Barone Phil Vintage Saxophones Mouthpieces Necks Tenor Gold Plated Alto Lacquer Antique Soprano
Phil Barone has been dedicated to the manufacturing, customizing, and balancing of high quality saxophone mouthpieces for almost twenty years. He is a master saxophone mouthpiece maker.
Saxophone Finish Barone Phil Vintage Saxophones Mouthpieces Necks Tenor Gold Plated Alto Lacquer Antique Soprano
4 Eclipse Saxophone Quartet
New Manchester
New Manchester based saxophone ensemble. Includes history, performance schedule, and photograph gallery.
New Manchester based saxophone ensemble. Includes history, performance schedule, and photograph gallery.
5 Helikon Saxophone Quartet - Young Classical Saxophone Ensemble
Official site.
Official site. Classical, contemporary, international repertoire, concert calendar, and group information.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Help Advisor Gallery Hosting Local App Please Has Style Shut Customer
Official site. Classical, contemporary, international repertoire, concert calendar, and group information.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Help Advisor Gallery Hosting Local App Please Has Style Shut Customer
6 FAQ for
The file
The file for the newsgroups.
Saxophone Kenyon Guide Frequently Asked Tenor Document Altissimo Sites Mouthpieces Baritone Alto Soprano Also Questions Transcribing Openings Slurs Thecopyright
The file for the newsgroups.
Saxophone Kenyon Guide Frequently Asked Tenor Document Altissimo Sites Mouthpieces Baritone Alto Soprano Also Questions Transcribing Openings Slurs Thecopyright
7 The Rascher Saxophone Quartet
Biographical information
Biographical information, recordings, reviews, and downloadable Promotional materials about the Rascher Quartet and the Rascher Saxophone Orchestra in both English and German.
Rsq_contact Saxophone Rsq_bio Rsq_extras Rsq_home Rsq_reviews Radio Quartet Rsq_recordings Rsq_concerts Raschèrsaturday Wdr
Biographical information, recordings, reviews, and downloadable Promotional materials about the Rascher Quartet and the Rascher Saxophone Orchestra in both English and German.
Rsq_contact Saxophone Rsq_bio Rsq_extras Rsq_home Rsq_reviews Radio Quartet Rsq_recordings Rsq_concerts Raschèrsaturday Wdr
8 The Saxophone Guide
Contains information
Contains information on the instrument and its accessories.
Saxophone Saxophones Soprano Tenor Alto Baritone Selmer * Yamaha Brands Saxophonecom Types Bass Follow Contrabass
Contains information on the instrument and its accessories.
Saxophone Saxophones Soprano Tenor Alto Baritone Selmer * Yamaha Brands Saxophonecom Types Bass Follow Contrabass
10 Saxophone Fingering Charts
Includes a
Includes a basic chart.
Fingering Charts Saxophone Music Here Light Matter Contact Playing Basic Sa Cc Charts Chart Inkscape
Includes a basic chart.
Fingering Charts Saxophone Music Here Light Matter Contact Playing Basic Sa Cc Charts Chart Inkscape
12 Vintage Saxophone Gallery
Includes examples
Includes examples from throughout the history.
Includes examples from throughout the history.
15 Saxaphrasss Home For Saxophones
Saxophone and
Saxophone and big band music information.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help User Toolbar Mail Visitarchives Hosting Sorry Machine
Saxophone and big band music information.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help User Toolbar Mail Visitarchives Hosting Sorry Machine
16 Pokeysaxs Saxophone Page
Overview with
Overview with links and short bibliography.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyrightterms Archives Mail Games News Popular Guidelines Sites
Overview with links and short bibliography.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyrightterms Archives Mail Games News Popular Guidelines Sites
17 Trubey, Don
Saxophone player
Saxophone player and guitarist. Profiles and discographies of all the bands hes played in.
Error Internal Serverplease Z
Saxophone player and guitarist. Profiles and discographies of all the bands hes played in.
Error Internal Serverplease Z
18 Johnsen, Brinck
Norwegian jazz
Norwegian jazz saxophone player (alto and baritone).
Johnsen Brinck News Gallery Booking Discography Records Roman Contact Biography Idéfagskolen Video Norwegian Design Y
Norwegian jazz saxophone player (alto and baritone).
Johnsen Brinck News Gallery Booking Discography Records Roman Contact Biography Idéfagskolen Video Norwegian Design Y
19 Classic Saxophone On-Line
Literature, recordings
Literature, recordings, videos, accessories, and information.
Saxophone Classicsaxcom Concerto Rascher Glazunov Music Bach Welcome Altissimo Peter John Edward Jona Stratosphere News Information Kellys Quartet
Literature, recordings, videos, accessories, and information.
Saxophone Classicsaxcom Concerto Rascher Glazunov Music Bach Welcome Altissimo Peter John Edward Jona Stratosphere News Information Kellys Quartet
20 Pomarico
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of mouthpieces for clarinet and saxophone in Italy. History and products.
Pomarico Clarinet Crystal Ebony Cristallo Mouthpieces Italy Bocchini Made Sax Ebano Clarinetto Enter Boquillas Hand
Manufacturer of mouthpieces for clarinet and saxophone in Italy. History and products.
Pomarico Clarinet Crystal Ebony Cristallo Mouthpieces Italy Bocchini Made Sax Ebano Clarinetto Enter Boquillas Hand
21 Axe Hugger
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of protective slip covers for guitar and saxophone stands.
Here Axe Huggery
Manufacturer of protective slip covers for guitar and saxophone stands.
Here Axe Huggery
22 Prism Saxophone Quartet
Concert calendar
Concert calendar, discography, reviews, and repertoire information.
Prism Quartet Moresee Less Ravi Matt Chris Review Heritageevolution Levy Grammy Saxophone Volume Composition York Four Bride Press Prisms Release
Concert calendar, discography, reviews, and repertoire information.
Prism Quartet Moresee Less Ravi Matt Chris Review Heritageevolution Levy Grammy Saxophone Volume Composition York Four Bride Press Prisms Release
23 Mule, Marcel
Compilation of
Compilation of Saxophone Journal articles. Extensive biographical information.
Mule Marcel Paris French Mules Saxophone Maitre France English Conservatory Selmer [back Page] Scholarship Concertino
Compilation of Saxophone Journal articles. Extensive biographical information.
Mule Marcel Paris French Mules Saxophone Maitre France English Conservatory Selmer [back Page] Scholarship Concertino
24 On Line Instruction for the Saxophone
Lesson pages
Lesson pages with sound files, music theory, and links.
Lessons Theory Saxophone Scales Chart Getting Music Jazz Fingering Started Instruction Saxlessonscom Sax Books Files Improvisation Long
Lesson pages with sound files, music theory, and links.
Lessons Theory Saxophone Scales Chart Getting Music Jazz Fingering Started Instruction Saxlessonscom Sax Books Files Improvisation Long
25 Michaels, Ed
Performer on
Performer on saxophone and jazz educator. Page includes biography and performance schedule.
Performer on saxophone and jazz educator. Page includes biography and performance schedule.
26 Lamoureux, Paul
Canadian Smooth
Canadian Smooth Jazz saxophone and multi-woodwind recording artist.
Paul Lamoureuxy
Canadian Smooth Jazz saxophone and multi-woodwind recording artist.
Paul Lamoureuxy
27 Starr, Deb
Composer and
Composer and saxophone player - smooth/contemporary jazz. Sound bytes and photos.
Z Request Y
Composer and saxophone player - smooth/contemporary jazz. Sound bytes and photos.
Z Request Y
28 starr, deb
composer and
composer and saxophone player - smooth/contemporary jazz. sound bytes and photos.
Z Request Y
composer and saxophone player - smooth/contemporary jazz. sound bytes and photos.
Z Request Y
29 Drake Ceramic Saxophone Mouthpieces
History, products
History, products, pricing, ordering trial period information.
Mouthpieces Drake Tenor Mouthpiece Alto Saxophone Resin Sax Vintage Chamber Ceramic Custom Slant Soprano Jazz Jerry Sigmodel Drakemouthpieces
History, products, pricing, ordering trial period information.
Mouthpieces Drake Tenor Mouthpiece Alto Saxophone Resin Sax Vintage Chamber Ceramic Custom Slant Soprano Jazz Jerry Sigmodel Drakemouthpieces
30 Nuclear Whales Saxophone Orchestra
A blend
A blend of zany comedy, footloose choreography, and sophisticated musicianship.
Abgang Katastrophe Erdbeben Guttenbergs Gartenzeit Japan Tsunami Frühlingszeit Vulkanausbruch Notfall Atomarer Nuclear Chronik Nuclearwhales Whales Surfend
A blend of zany comedy, footloose choreography, and sophisticated musicianship.
Abgang Katastrophe Erdbeben Guttenbergs Gartenzeit Japan Tsunami Frühlingszeit Vulkanausbruch Notfall Atomarer Nuclear Chronik Nuclearwhales Whales Surfend
31 Novick, Billy
New England-based
New England-based jazz saxophone and clarinet player. Upcoming events and links.
Saxophone Jazz Clarinet Novick Billy Website Traditional Vintagedixieland Closeadbillynovickcomlinks Sponsored Visit
New England-based jazz saxophone and clarinet player. Upcoming events and links.
Saxophone Jazz Clarinet Novick Billy Website Traditional Vintagedixieland Closeadbillynovickcomlinks Sponsored Visit
32 Urth
Come hear
Come hear this band mix saxophone, keyboards, guitar, bass, and drums with soulful, driving vocals.
Come hear this band mix saxophone, keyboards, guitar, bass, and drums with soulful, driving vocals.
33 Starr, Debb
A saxophone
A saxophone player and composer. Her site has pictures, sound samples in .wav format, and many awards.
Z Request Y
A saxophone player and composer. Her site has pictures, sound samples in .wav format, and many awards.
Z Request Y
34 Short, Derek K.
Electric and
Electric and MIDI bass, saxophone, fusion, funk, jazz and MP3 music samples.
Longenbach Hxor Security Nellywhite@gmailcom Love Very | Thanks Sr_zr Hackers Websitecontact Admin Beautiful
Electric and MIDI bass, saxophone, fusion, funk, jazz and MP3 music samples.
Longenbach Hxor Security Nellywhite@gmailcom Love Very | Thanks Sr_zr Hackers Websitecontact Admin Beautiful
35 david harris
program notes
program notes from the 2000 world saxophone congress in montréal, québec, canada.
Navigationshilfe Ty
program notes from the 2000 world saxophone congress in montréal, québec, canada.
Navigationshilfe Ty
36 Dorn Publications
Publishers of
Publishers of Saxophone Journal and Jazz Player magazines and vendor of related products.
Adobe Saxophone Reader Acrobat Here Click Mastercard Music Publications Mail Express Dorn Visa American Journal Clarinet Recordings
Publishers of Saxophone Journal and Jazz Player magazines and vendor of related products.
Adobe Saxophone Reader Acrobat Here Click Mastercard Music Publications Mail Express Dorn Visa American Journal Clarinet Recordings
37 starr, debb
a saxophone
a saxophone player and composer. her site has pictures, sound samples in .wav format, and many awards.
Z Request Y
a saxophone player and composer. her site has pictures, sound samples in .wav format, and many awards.
Z Request Y
38 urth
come hear
come hear this band mix saxophone, keyboards, guitar, bass, and drums with soulful, driving vocals.
come hear this band mix saxophone, keyboards, guitar, bass, and drums with soulful, driving vocals.
39 centennial high school saxophone section
list of
list of members, pictures, sound files, and history of the sax. from franklin.
list of members, pictures, sound files, and history of the sax. from franklin.
40 Buckingham, Katisse
Saxophone/flute player
Saxophone/flute player, composer, producer, and programmer. Includes biography and performance schedule.
Saxophone/flute player, composer, producer, and programmer. Includes biography and performance schedule.
41 sonny rollins: saxophone colossus
report on
report on a press conference by jazz critic and historian mike zwerin.
Rollins Sonny Miles Jazz Colossus Saxophone Music Zwerin Coltrane Special Sons Series Davis Mike Ill Powell Branford Racism
report on a press conference by jazz critic and historian mike zwerin.
Rollins Sonny Miles Jazz Colossus Saxophone Music Zwerin Coltrane Special Sons Series Davis Mike Ill Powell Branford Racism
42 Apollo Saxophone Quartet
Member biographies
Member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Saxophone Apollo Listen Quartet Here Click News Biography Publications Gallery Contact Michael Buy Repertoire Downloads League Tippett
Member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Saxophone Apollo Listen Quartet Here Click News Biography Publications Gallery Contact Michael Buy Repertoire Downloads League Tippett
43 Apollo Saxophone Quartet
Member biographies
Member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Apollo Saxophone Quartet Listen Here Click Biography Downloads Michael Gallery Publications Buy News Contact Video Email
Member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Apollo Saxophone Quartet Listen Here Click Biography Downloads Michael Gallery Publications Buy News Contact Video Email
44 Windmill Saxophone Quartet
: Washington
: Washington, DC-based, all-woodwind ensemble. RealAudio and MP3 samples from the quartets CDs, reviews, and links.
Englar Globalviewmusiccom Windmill Thursday Group Quartet Clayton Equinox Reply Duo Pulp Contact Flute Fusion Guitar Mail Rd
: Washington, DC-based, all-woodwind ensemble. RealAudio and MP3 samples from the quartets CDs, reviews, and links.
Englar Globalviewmusiccom Windmill Thursday Group Quartet Clayton Equinox Reply Duo Pulp Contact Flute Fusion Guitar Mail Rd
45 Chris Greene Jazz
Versatile saxophone
Versatile saxophone players site offers biography, discography, gig updates and link to buy his CD.
Greene Chris Free Appreciation Cgq Music Share Vandoren Parker Chicago Evanston Future Liquid Pics Quartet Davis Katie Maxwell Erin Jazz
Versatile saxophone players site offers biography, discography, gig updates and link to buy his CD.
Greene Chris Free Appreciation Cgq Music Share Vandoren Parker Chicago Evanston Future Liquid Pics Quartet Davis Katie Maxwell Erin Jazz
46 Roberts, Chaim
Tenor saxophone
Tenor saxophone player. Site includes biography, music samples, and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Tenor saxophone player. Site includes biography, music samples, and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
47 apollo saxophone quartet
member biographies
member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Saxophone Apollo Listen Here Quartet Click Biography Gallery Contact Downloads Repertoire News Michael Buy Publications Tippett Carl
member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Saxophone Apollo Listen Here Quartet Click Biography Gallery Contact Downloads Repertoire News Michael Buy Publications Tippett Carl
48 apollo saxophone quartet
member biographies
member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Saxophone Apollo Quartet Here Listen Click Repertoire Gallery Biography Publications Contact News Video Buy Downloads Concours Fieldhousethe Barbara Jazz
member biographies, discography, commissioned works, repertoire, performances, projects, and links.
Saxophone Apollo Quartet Here Listen Click Repertoire Gallery Biography Publications Contact News Video Buy Downloads Concours Fieldhousethe Barbara Jazz
49 Meicht Group, The
ATrumpet, percussion
ATrumpet, percussion and saxophone ensemble. Contains a biography, discography, performance schedule, articles and reviews.
出ä¼Ã…¡ã„ 年月Elder Elle Brown Modern Paris Lovers Statesman Bulova ãĠãÆ’¬ãĥã‚©ãÆ’³ã‚»ãƒƒクスã«ã¤ã„㦠出ä¼Ã…¡ã„系 é‹営者æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ± Bunny &a
ATrumpet, percussion and saxophone ensemble. Contains a biography, discography, performance schedule, articles and reviews.
出ä¼Ã…¡ã„ 年月Elder Elle Brown Modern Paris Lovers Statesman Bulova ãĠãÆ’¬ãĥã‚©ãÆ’³ã‚»ãƒƒクスã«ã¤ã„㦠出ä¼Ã…¡ã„系 é‹営者æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ± Bunny &a
50 cannon, gene
a professional
a professional saxophone player in the smooth jazz world, with numerous contributions to national and international projects.
Gene Singer Cannon Sax Dances Flute Guitar Dj List Dances Home Schedulephotos Playing Washington Homesteadtm Genes Louis Ladyantebellum
a professional saxophone player in the smooth jazz world, with numerous contributions to national and international projects.
Gene Singer Cannon Sax Dances Flute Guitar Dj List Dances Home Schedulephotos Playing Washington Homesteadtm Genes Louis Ladyantebellum
51 Rico International
Clarinet and
Clarinet and saxophone reeds and accessories. Includes news, trade shows, history, artists, and links.
Reeds Saxophone Rico Clarinet Alto Bb Tenor Baritone Soprano Reed Bass Mouthpiece La Grand Jazz
Clarinet and saxophone reeds and accessories. Includes news, trade shows, history, artists, and links.
Reeds Saxophone Rico Clarinet Alto Bb Tenor Baritone Soprano Reed Bass Mouthpiece La Grand Jazz
52 printable sheet music in pdf format
arrangements for
arrangements for piano, alto saxophone and flute. focus on jazz, latin and blues.
Music Note Sheet Sheetmusicnotescom Leading Dance Speakers Audio Cds Lighting Joinrecording Bands Z
arrangements for piano, alto saxophone and flute. focus on jazz, latin and blues.
Music Note Sheet Sheetmusicnotescom Leading Dance Speakers Audio Cds Lighting Joinrecording Bands Z
53 San Francisco Saxophone Quartet: Main
Four tuxedoed
Four tuxedoed saxophonists bringing music to the ears of millions of listeners: the Bach stops here!
Subscribe Designs Gausonpostscopyright Designed
Four tuxedoed saxophonists bringing music to the ears of millions of listeners: the Bach stops here!
Subscribe Designs Gausonpostscopyright Designed
54 Hanson, Nathan
New York-based
New York-based jazz musician. Soprano and tenor saxophone. Includes links to performances and recordings.
Hanson Cart Nathan Saxophonist Concerts Menu Tenor Music Paul Recordings St Eventssoprano Mn
New York-based jazz musician. Soprano and tenor saxophone. Includes links to performances and recordings.
Hanson Cart Nathan Saxophonist Concerts Menu Tenor Music Paul Recordings St Eventssoprano Mn
55 atherton, paula
singer, saxophone
singer, saxophone player, and composer. site includes biography, images, reviews, audio clips, and gig dates.
Reply Jazz Retweet Favorite Paula Pm @patherton Iphone Music Atherton Client Smooth Bethesda Festival Posted
singer, saxophone player, and composer. site includes biography, images, reviews, audio clips, and gig dates.
Reply Jazz Retweet Favorite Paula Pm @patherton Iphone Music Atherton Client Smooth Bethesda Festival Posted
56 harris, herb
traditional jazz
traditional jazz saxophone player and composer. includes a biography, press reviews, photos, and realaudio downloads.
traditional jazz saxophone player and composer. includes a biography, press reviews, photos, and realaudio downloads.
57 Saxophone FAQs
Answers to
Answers to commonly asked questions about the instrument including books and performance experience, compiled by Charles Socci.
Music Saxophone Jackie Mclean Charlie Parker Hartt Selmer Hartford Play Charles Yamaha Theory Secaucus Coltrane Nj Summy Birchard Around Generally
Answers to commonly asked questions about the instrument including books and performance experience, compiled by Charles Socci.
Music Saxophone Jackie Mclean Charlie Parker Hartt Selmer Hartford Play Charles Yamaha Theory Secaucus Coltrane Nj Summy Birchard Around Generally
58 National Saxophone Choir of Britain
Based in
Based in Birmingham. Site includes information about guest conductors, new music and details on how to join.
Wood Sax Nigel Choir Circus Buttall Music Max Saxophone News Roger Publications Cd Tomsett Instruments J Youtube Wind
Based in Birmingham. Site includes information about guest conductors, new music and details on how to join.
Wood Sax Nigel Choir Circus Buttall Music Max Saxophone News Roger Publications Cd Tomsett Instruments J Youtube Wind
59 Haslam, George
Baritone saxophone
Baritone saxophone players site with biographical notes, discography, project information, photo and contact details.
Sign Now Updated Lifestream Places People Everything Policy Account Or Connecting Nowon Privacy Bulk Advertise Create Reserved Network Search
Baritone saxophone players site with biographical notes, discography, project information, photo and contact details.
Sign Now Updated Lifestream Places People Everything Policy Account Or Connecting Nowon Privacy Bulk Advertise Create Reserved Network Search
60 The Ancia Saxophone Quartet
The Minneapolis/St.
The Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN (founded in 1990) performs classical, jazz, and newly-commissioned contemporary music.
Quartet Saxophone Ancia Aveworkshops Concerts Composer Founded South Cdsrepertoire Minneapolis Feel
The Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN (founded in 1990) performs classical, jazz, and newly-commissioned contemporary music.
Quartet Saxophone Ancia Aveworkshops Concerts Composer Founded South Cdsrepertoire Minneapolis Feel
61 Dorn Publications, Inc.
Publishes Saxophone
Publishes Saxophone Journal and Jazz Player magazines. Sales of instruments, sheet music, books, and supplies online.
Adobe Saxophone Reader Acrobat Click Here Publications Dorn Express Mail Visa Music Mastercard Journal Order Please
Publishes Saxophone Journal and Jazz Player magazines. Sales of instruments, sheet music, books, and supplies online.
Adobe Saxophone Reader Acrobat Click Here Publications Dorn Express Mail Visa Music Mastercard Journal Order Please
62 yesaroun duo
an exploratory
an exploratory ensemble performing an eclectic mix of late 20th and 21st century art music written for saxophone and percussion, as well as their own creative arrangements.
Yesaroun Solomon Sax Music Eric Hewitt Samuel Solo Percussion Side Saxophone Duo Cody Information Contact Soliloquy Memories Lauba Feldman Channel
an exploratory ensemble performing an eclectic mix of late 20th and 21st century art music written for saxophone and percussion, as well as their own creative arrangements.
Yesaroun Solomon Sax Music Eric Hewitt Samuel Solo Percussion Side Saxophone Duo Cody Information Contact Soliloquy Memories Lauba Feldman Channel
63 Saxquest
The place
The place to buy, sell, and trade saxophones and saxophone mouthpieces. This site also includes an interactive trading post and an active discussion forum.
Mouthpieces Clarinets Clarinet Modern Sax Saxquest Repair Saxes Saxophone Vintage Saxophones New Professional Shop Used Free Phil Tone
The place to buy, sell, and trade saxophones and saxophone mouthpieces. This site also includes an interactive trading post and an active discussion forum.
Mouthpieces Clarinets Clarinet Modern Sax Saxquest Repair Saxes Saxophone Vintage Saxophones New Professional Shop Used Free Phil Tone
64 Lloyd, Charles
A comprehensive
A comprehensive source of information on the jazz saxophone player, including the complete discography with most of the cover art, bibliography and some historic articles.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Domains Customer Please Website Terms Aabaco Web Blog
A comprehensive source of information on the jazz saxophone player, including the complete discography with most of the cover art, bibliography and some historic articles.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Domains Customer Please Website Terms Aabaco Web Blog
65 Clazzical Saxophone Quartet
Pictures, history
Pictures, history, reviews, gigs and contact information for the Southern New Jersey/Philadelphia area jazz group.
Tripod Create Login Shopping Tripodcom Requested Website Signup Page Errorpage Lycos Check Found Lycoscom Y
Pictures, history, reviews, gigs and contact information for the Southern New Jersey/Philadelphia area jazz group.
Tripod Create Login Shopping Tripodcom Requested Website Signup Page Errorpage Lycos Check Found Lycoscom Y
66 The Saxophone Shed
Warm-up exercises
Warm-up exercises, scale sheets, improvisational patterns, transcriptions, MIDI files, fingering charts, interviews, and lessons.
Untitled Documenty
Warm-up exercises, scale sheets, improvisational patterns, transcriptions, MIDI files, fingering charts, interviews, and lessons.
Untitled Documenty
67 Fowler Music Service
[Pasadena, Maryland
[Pasadena, Maryland, USA] Custom band instrument repair and sales, plating in silver and gold. Specializing in saxophone and clarinet.
Repair Clarinet Saxophone Plating Instrument Instruments Sax Used Gold Flute Fowler Band Music Silver Custom Admin Life
[Pasadena, Maryland, USA] Custom band instrument repair and sales, plating in silver and gold. Specializing in saxophone and clarinet.
Repair Clarinet Saxophone Plating Instrument Instruments Sax Used Gold Flute Fowler Band Music Silver Custom Admin Life
68 Wettre, Petter
Personal homepage
Personal homepage for the tenor and soprano saxophone player from Sandefjord. Site contains a biography, discography, tour calendar and audio samples.
Wettre Petter Date Concert Music Norwegian Oslo Trio News Contact Jazz Gigs Free Biography Dropbox Grammy Nominated Jason Review Ende
Personal homepage for the tenor and soprano saxophone player from Sandefjord. Site contains a biography, discography, tour calendar and audio samples.
Wettre Petter Date Concert Music Norwegian Oslo Trio News Contact Jazz Gigs Free Biography Dropbox Grammy Nominated Jason Review Ende
69 robinson, jason
contemporary jazz/reggae/experimental
contemporary jazz/reggae/experimental saxophone player. biography, photo album, reviews, recordings, and an independent record label.
Robinson Jason Janus Groundation Magazine Jazz California Ensemble Times Performances Northeast Sample Bill Saxophonist Amherst Festival Magic Brazil Paulo Cerberus
contemporary jazz/reggae/experimental saxophone player. biography, photo album, reviews, recordings, and an independent record label.
Robinson Jason Janus Groundation Magazine Jazz California Ensemble Times Performances Northeast Sample Bill Saxophonist Amherst Festival Magic Brazil Paulo Cerberus
70 Clown School Dropouts, The
Saxophone and
Saxophone and drum duo playing 1930s novelty jazz, klezmer and cartoon music. Biography, press, schedule and pictures.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Toolbar Maps Tryingreach Popular Longeravailable Wayback Terms
Saxophone and drum duo playing 1930s novelty jazz, klezmer and cartoon music. Biography, press, schedule and pictures.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Toolbar Maps Tryingreach Popular Longeravailable Wayback Terms
71 Paragon Saxophone Quartet
Contemporary group
Contemporary group based in England. Includes biography, repertoire, events and information on educational programs. [Requires Flash.]
Contemporary group based in England. Includes biography, repertoire, events and information on educational programs. [Requires Flash.]
72 gyorgy ligeti
biography, chronology
biography, chronology, and musical development are interwoven in this entry from the saxophone music information website. includes links to related sites.
biography, chronology, and musical development are interwoven in this entry from the saxophone music information website. includes links to related sites.
73 Beechler Mouthpieces
Modern clarinet
Modern clarinet and saxophone mouthpieces for the professional musician.
Beechler Mouthpieces Saxophone Mouthpiece Dealers Arb Signature Tonalex Artists Custom Great Ligatures Rubber Beechlerarb Hard Original Contact
Modern clarinet and saxophone mouthpieces for the professional musician.
Beechler Mouthpieces Saxophone Mouthpiece Dealers Arb Signature Tonalex Artists Custom Great Ligatures Rubber Beechlerarb Hard Original Contact
74 Jay C. Easton: Sax Family Gallery
Photos, sound
Photos, sound clips, and descriptions of members of the saxophone family.
Saxophone Click Easton Family Jay Gallery Subcontrabass Melody Amazing Soprano Jays Enter Contrabass Page Adolphe Clarinet Contra Mule James Sax F
Photos, sound clips, and descriptions of members of the saxophone family.
Saxophone Click Easton Family Jay Gallery Subcontrabass Melody Amazing Soprano Jays Enter Contrabass Page Adolphe Clarinet Contra Mule James Sax F
75 Alexander Reeds
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of reeds for clarinet and saxophone. Products, news, artists and FAQs.
Alexander Superial Welcome Reeds Clarinet Saxophone Enter Homepagepage Z
Manufacturer of reeds for clarinet and saxophone. Products, news, artists and FAQs.
Alexander Superial Welcome Reeds Clarinet Saxophone Enter Homepagepage Z
76 Jim Schmidts New Saxophone Design
A radically
A radically new sax design with an improved fingering system and tonal characteristics.
A radically new sax design with an improved fingering system and tonal characteristics.
77 miguel de caro
argentinian saxophone
argentinian saxophone performer. tango and milonga with jazzy and world music sound. biography, cds and contact. site is in english, french and spanish.
Serverat Found Theportapache Fips Openssle Found Rhel
argentinian saxophone performer. tango and milonga with jazzy and world music sound. biography, cds and contact. site is in english, french and spanish.
Serverat Found Theportapache Fips Openssle Found Rhel
78 SR Technologies
Manufactures a
Manufactures a complete line of saxophone mouthpieces for soprano to bari sax. This site contains a full description of each mouthpiece including the tonal response and sound quality.
Z Form Tenor Baritone Alto Mobile Order Dealers Port Contact Serverapache Soprano Permanently The
Manufactures a complete line of saxophone mouthpieces for soprano to bari sax. This site contains a full description of each mouthpiece including the tonal response and sound quality.
Z Form Tenor Baritone Alto Mobile Order Dealers Port Contact Serverapache Soprano Permanently The
79 Ivanusic, Zdenko
Croatian player
Croatian player and composer. Site contains biography, mp3 files, information about the Donna Lee Saxophone Quartet, samples of compositions for download, reviews and gallery.
Zdenko Music Saxophone Ivanusic Quartet Press Funk Downloads Zivaldo Programs Ivanušić Donna Photo Elastic Album Pages * Sheet
Croatian player and composer. Site contains biography, mp3 files, information about the Donna Lee Saxophone Quartet, samples of compositions for download, reviews and gallery.
Zdenko Music Saxophone Ivanusic Quartet Press Funk Downloads Zivaldo Programs Ivanušić Donna Photo Elastic Album Pages * Sheet
80 Rascher Saxophone Quartet
Biografie des
Biografie des von Sigurd Rascher gegründeten Ensembles, CD-Erscheinungen, Pressestimmen und Repertoireliste.
Saxophone Rsq_extras Rsq_recordings Rsq_home Rsq_concerts Rsq_bio Raschèr Masterclassmarktoberdorf Quartet Rsq_contact Rsq_reviewsz
Biografie des von Sigurd Rascher gegründeten Ensembles, CD-Erscheinungen, Pressestimmen und Repertoireliste.
Saxophone Rsq_extras Rsq_recordings Rsq_home Rsq_concerts Rsq_bio Raschèr Masterclassmarktoberdorf Quartet Rsq_contact Rsq_reviewsz
81 Online Saxophone Lessons by Ryan Fraser
Lessons on
Lessons on embrochure, breathing, recommended equipment, and practicing tips.
Lessons Ryan Saxophone Fraser Information Performance Teaching Recommended Music Join Equipment List Page Frasers Breathing Started Teacher Commercial
Lessons on embrochure, breathing, recommended equipment, and practicing tips.
Lessons Ryan Saxophone Fraser Information Performance Teaching Recommended Music Join Equipment List Page Frasers Breathing Started Teacher Commercial
83 Rock and Roll Saxophone
Books and
Books and CDs for the sax players of all genres. Study of sound effects, biographies, photos, and history. Forewords by Ernie Watts, Jay Davidson and Scott Page.
Sign Places Now Lifestream People Updated Everything Policy Stay Terms Create Networks Email Reserved Simplifying
Books and CDs for the sax players of all genres. Study of sound effects, biographies, photos, and history. Forewords by Ernie Watts, Jay Davidson and Scott Page.
Sign Places Now Lifestream People Updated Everything Policy Stay Terms Create Networks Email Reserved Simplifying
84 Marca Reeds
Clarinet and
Clarinet and saxophone reeds made in Provence, France. Preparation, product details, and links to importers and musicians.
Reeds Marca Gt Play Request Premium Vintage Jazz American Trimmer France Excel Superieure Tradition
Clarinet and saxophone reeds made in Provence, France. Preparation, product details, and links to importers and musicians.
Reeds Marca Gt Play Request Premium Vintage Jazz American Trimmer France Excel Superieure Tradition
85 Sgt. Peppers Lonely Sax Quartet
Saxophone tribute
Saxophone tribute to The Beatles. Site includes MIDI and MP3 files. Bilingual site in English and German.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting Advisor Help App Gallery Local Geocities Website Sorry Inc
Saxophone tribute to The Beatles. Site includes MIDI and MP3 files. Bilingual site in English and German.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting Advisor Help App Gallery Local Geocities Website Sorry Inc
86 Woodwind Fundamentals
By Victor
By Victor Morosco. Teaches the fundamentals of head-position, embouchure, and training exercises for clarinet, saxophone and flute.
Troubleshooting Temporarilyindexhtmcheck Page Found Suggestions
By Victor Morosco. Teaches the fundamentals of head-position, embouchure, and training exercises for clarinet, saxophone and flute.
Troubleshooting Temporarilyindexhtmcheck Page Found Suggestions
87 Woodwind Fundamentals
By Victor
By Victor Morosco. Teaches the fundamentals of head-position, embouchure, and training exercises for clarinet, saxophone and flute.
Temporarily Indexhtmpagecheck Found Troubleshooting Suggestions
By Victor Morosco. Teaches the fundamentals of head-position, embouchure, and training exercises for clarinet, saxophone and flute.
Temporarily Indexhtmpagecheck Found Troubleshooting Suggestions
88 A.M.Gigliotti, Inc.
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of mouthpieces and ligatures for clarinet and saxophone. Includes lists of products and online retailers, tributes to Anthony Gigliotti, and links.
Gigliotti Inc Cortez Wide Blvdbrooksville Contact American Legendary Clarinet Anthony Accessories Services Am Blvd Developed
Manufacturer of mouthpieces and ligatures for clarinet and saxophone. Includes lists of products and online retailers, tributes to Anthony Gigliotti, and links.
Gigliotti Inc Cortez Wide Blvdbrooksville Contact American Legendary Clarinet Anthony Accessories Services Am Blvd Developed
89 Coppell Saxophone Quartet
Group based
Group based in the Dallas/Fort Worth (Texas) Metroplex area. Site includes repertory, venues, sound samples, and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Group based in the Dallas/Fort Worth (Texas) Metroplex area. Site includes repertory, venues, sound samples, and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
90 The Island Saxophone Quartet
Based in
Based in the upper Ohio River Valley, U.S. Includes biographies, services, repetoire, performance information, and contact information.
Based in the upper Ohio River Valley, U.S. Includes biographies, services, repetoire, performance information, and contact information.
91 devian jazz page
provides jazz
provides jazz midi files using cakewalk pro audio 9 software. includes biography, links, contact, saxophone technique, and tips.
Devian Files Jazz Midi Sponsored Wwwangelfirecomjazzdevianjazz Pleasez Page
provides jazz midi files using cakewalk pro audio 9 software. includes biography, links, contact, saxophone technique, and tips.
Devian Files Jazz Midi Sponsored Wwwangelfirecomjazzdevianjazz Pleasez Page
92 Kelly, John-Edward
(born in
(born in 1958) Classical alto-saxophonist, former member of The Rascher Saxophone Quartett. Site contains biography, repertoire, reviews, recordings. Printable PR-Material can be downloaded [PDF].
(born in 1958) Classical alto-saxophonist, former member of The Rascher Saxophone Quartett. Site contains biography, repertoire, reviews, recordings. Printable PR-Material can be downloaded [PDF].
93 Johannes Gerber Saxophone Mouthpieces and Services
Produces handmade
Produces handmade mouthpieces in brass and bronze for soprano, alto, and tenor, as well as providing custom modifications to all types.
Mouthpiece Johannes Saxophone Gerber Price Facing Sax Alto Tenor Custom Mouthpieces Gerber_ Refacing Services Jazz
Produces handmade mouthpieces in brass and bronze for soprano, alto, and tenor, as well as providing custom modifications to all types.
Mouthpiece Johannes Saxophone Gerber Price Facing Sax Alto Tenor Custom Mouthpieces Gerber_ Refacing Services Jazz
94 Matterhorns - Europes leading hornsection.
The Matterhorns
The Matterhorns horn section consists of two players forthcoming from a new musical generation, Jan van Duikeren on trumpet and Peter Lieberom on saxophone.
The Matterhorns horn section consists of two players forthcoming from a new musical generation, Jan van Duikeren on trumpet and Peter Lieberom on saxophone.
95 Sax Music Plus
Saxophone, clarinet
Saxophone, clarinet and flute music site. Downloadable sheet music, advice, newsletter, links, and information.
Saxophone, clarinet and flute music site. Downloadable sheet music, advice, newsletter, links, and information.
96 zoller, thomas
vorstellung des
vorstellung des bariton-saxophonisten, komponisten und arrangeurs, der die munich saxophone family und die european broadcasting union big band leitet. enthält eine biografie, fotos, cd-infos und hörproben.
Frodo Zoller Beauty Thomas Theres Xii Onlinede Zollsound@t Cd neuerscheinungen Teil Touch Look Zollers Orkest Y
vorstellung des bariton-saxophonisten, komponisten und arrangeurs, der die munich saxophone family und die european broadcasting union big band leitet. enthält eine biografie, fotos, cd-infos und hörproben.
Frodo Zoller Beauty Thomas Theres Xii Onlinede Zollsound@t Cd neuerscheinungen Teil Touch Look Zollers Orkest Y
97 Steel Horse Band
Tampa-based country
Tampa-based country and rock band with fiddle, saxophone, and four vocalists playing clubs and festivals across Florida and the eastern U.S. Pictures, gig schedule, RealAudio.
Band Horse Steel Texas Kern Prevost Choose They Brad Life Matt Lawrence Andrews Music Been Mattmadd Keeping Michigan
Tampa-based country and rock band with fiddle, saxophone, and four vocalists playing clubs and festivals across Florida and the eastern U.S. Pictures, gig schedule, RealAudio.
Band Horse Steel Texas Kern Prevost Choose They Brad Life Matt Lawrence Andrews Music Been Mattmadd Keeping Michigan
98 Adler, Lincoln
Contemporary jazz
Contemporary jazz saxophone player Lincoln Adler. Biography, sound samples, CD notes, and links.
Musician Photographer Producer Lincoln Adler Tonic Soul Media Passionate Music Come Heart Groove Touch Love Barbara Doa Producerhear
Contemporary jazz saxophone player Lincoln Adler. Biography, sound samples, CD notes, and links.
Musician Photographer Producer Lincoln Adler Tonic Soul Media Passionate Music Come Heart Groove Touch Love Barbara Doa Producerhear
99 Adler, Lincoln
Contemporary jazz
Contemporary jazz saxophone player Lincoln Adler. Biography, sound samples, CD notes, and links.
Music Blog Events Contact Snarky Puppy Lincoln Adler Therapy Story Groove Heart Soul Store Reviews Times Releases Recording Freedom
Contemporary jazz saxophone player Lincoln Adler. Biography, sound samples, CD notes, and links.
Music Blog Events Contact Snarky Puppy Lincoln Adler Therapy Story Groove Heart Soul Store Reviews Times Releases Recording Freedom
100 joe henderson interview
interview with
interview with henderson by mel martin, originally published in the saxophone journal march/april 1991.
interview with henderson by mel martin, originally published in the saxophone journal march/april 1991.
101 Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH
Umfangreiche Informationen
Umfangreiche Informationen über Instrumente (Saxophone, Klarinetten, Flöten, Fagotte) der Marken Julius Keilwerth und W. Schreiber.
Buffet Group Crampon Notre Fröst Les Antoine Schreiber Courtois Besson Nos Keilwerth Vidéos Martin Et Saturday
Umfangreiche Informationen über Instrumente (Saxophone, Klarinetten, Flöten, Fagotte) der Marken Julius Keilwerth und W. Schreiber.
Buffet Group Crampon Notre Fröst Les Antoine Schreiber Courtois Besson Nos Keilwerth Vidéos Martin Et Saturday
102 Lenoir Saxophone Ensemble and Sax Fest
Members biographies
Members biographies, LSEs schedule, and information about Sax Fest, a one-day workshop for saxophonists held at Brevard College, Brevard, NC.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Privacy Website Customer Account Aabaco Terms Articles
Members biographies, LSEs schedule, and information about Sax Fest, a one-day workshop for saxophonists held at Brevard College, Brevard, NC.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Privacy Website Customer Account Aabaco Terms Articles
103 t&c:total control!
(illinois, usa)
(illinois, usa) woodwind duo. repertoire from many eras specializing in performing works by contemporary composers and acquiring new music for the various combinations of different flutes and saxophones. tammy sue kirk-piccolo/flute and cory barnfield-saxophone/clarinet.
(illinois, usa) woodwind duo. repertoire from many eras specializing in performing works by contemporary composers and acquiring new music for the various combinations of different flutes and saxophones. tammy sue kirk-piccolo/flute and cory barnfield-saxophone/clarinet.
104 Night Train
Rhythm and
Rhythm and blues band from Columbus, Ohio. Ray Macklin vocals, Michael Arnold guitar, Mark Donavan saxophone, Tony Bonardi keyboards, Bill Cory bass, Rick Soriano drums.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Terms Account Website Aabaco Domains Web Please Ecommerce Domain
Rhythm and blues band from Columbus, Ohio. Ray Macklin vocals, Michael Arnold guitar, Mark Donavan saxophone, Tony Bonardi keyboards, Bill Cory bass, Rick Soriano drums.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Terms Account Website Aabaco Domains Web Please Ecommerce Domain
105 wiedoeft, rudy
wildly popular
wildly popular vaudeville performer of the early 20th century, the so-called 'kreisler of the saxophone' is credited with popularizing the instrument so that it became part of the jazz orchestra. detailed history with shopping links for recordings and transcriptions.
wildly popular vaudeville performer of the early 20th century, the so-called 'kreisler of the saxophone' is credited with popularizing the instrument so that it became part of the jazz orchestra. detailed history with shopping links for recordings and transcriptions.
106 Contrabass Mania
Gateway to
Gateway to rare and unusual deep-voiced instruments including the contra-bassoon and contra-bass saxophone as well as the sarrusophone and serpent. Includes pictures, sounds, discography, and free classified ads.
Contrabass Bass Flute Sarrusophone Saxophone Email Clarinet Instruments Please Mania Reply Oboe Double Reed Subcontrabass Bassoon Contra Alto
Gateway to rare and unusual deep-voiced instruments including the contra-bassoon and contra-bass saxophone as well as the sarrusophone and serpent. Includes pictures, sounds, discography, and free classified ads.
Contrabass Bass Flute Sarrusophone Saxophone Email Clarinet Instruments Please Mania Reply Oboe Double Reed Subcontrabass Bassoon Contra Alto
107 Styliani
The Greek-born
The Greek-born artist works as a soloist with orchestra, recitalist and chamber musician. She studied with Sigurd Rascher, one of the important artists in the history of the classical saxophone. Short biography, list of repertoire, reviews and some sound files [MP3].
Z Mobile Y
The Greek-born artist works as a soloist with orchestra, recitalist and chamber musician. She studied with Sigurd Rascher, one of the important artists in the history of the classical saxophone. Short biography, list of repertoire, reviews and some sound files [MP3].
Z Mobile Y
108 Dreyer, Craig
A tenor
A tenor saxophone/vocalist in New York City with has two bands available for clubs, private parties, wedding bands and functions. Biography, band information, show dates, reviews and CD information.
Recording Dreyer Tenor Sax Studio Hammond Producer Portals York Advanced Bands Engineer Craigdreyercom Fluxure Craig Owner Unsigned
A tenor saxophone/vocalist in New York City with has two bands available for clubs, private parties, wedding bands and functions. Biography, band information, show dates, reviews and CD information.
Recording Dreyer Tenor Sax Studio Hammond Producer Portals York Advanced Bands Engineer Craigdreyercom Fluxure Craig Owner Unsigned
109 JodyJazz Saxophone And Clarinet Mouthpieces By Jody Espina
Ease of
Ease of blowing, great intonation and rich tone throughout the range of the instrument are some of the reasons why students and professionals alike love JodyJazz mouthpieces.
Mouthpiece Mouthpieces Jodyjazz Sax Facing Chart Clarinet Saxophone Soprano Guarantee Shopping Alto Tenor Shipping Policy
Ease of blowing, great intonation and rich tone throughout the range of the instrument are some of the reasons why students and professionals alike love JodyJazz mouthpieces.
Mouthpiece Mouthpieces Jodyjazz Sax Facing Chart Clarinet Saxophone Soprano Guarantee Shopping Alto Tenor Shipping Policy
110 JJ Babbitt Company
This web
This web site contains product information for and the corporate history of the JJ Babbitt Company. Included is descriptions of some of the todays most popular saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces such as Otto Link, Meyer, Wolfe Tayne, and Guy Hawkins.
Company Great Mouthpiece Music Babbittcompany Sounding Since Begins Thats Mouthpiecesjjbabbitt Info@jjbabbittcom Comes Inc
This web site contains product information for and the corporate history of the JJ Babbitt Company. Included is descriptions of some of the todays most popular saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces such as Otto Link, Meyer, Wolfe Tayne, and Guy Hawkins.
Company Great Mouthpiece Music Babbittcompany Sounding Since Begins Thats Mouthpiecesjjbabbitt Info@jjbabbittcom Comes Inc
111 scott trayer trio
based in
based in richmond, va, the trio features trayer on bass, jason scott on tenor saxophone, and emre yurtsever on drums. site includes biographies, photos and itinerary.
Tripod Hosting Website Free Help Tripodcom Web Create Builder Small Plan Pricing Features Business Email Domain Webon
based in richmond, va, the trio features trayer on bass, jason scott on tenor saxophone, and emre yurtsever on drums. site includes biographies, photos and itinerary.
Tripod Hosting Website Free Help Tripodcom Web Create Builder Small Plan Pricing Features Business Email Domain Webon
112 scott trayer trio
based in
based in richmond, va, the trio features trayer on bass, jason scott on tenor saxophone, and emre yurtsever on drums. site includes biographies, photos and itinerary.
Tripod Hosting Help Website Free Web Tripodcom Email Plan Business Pricing Create Builder Features Small Log
based in richmond, va, the trio features trayer on bass, jason scott on tenor saxophone, and emre yurtsever on drums. site includes biographies, photos and itinerary.
Tripod Hosting Help Website Free Web Tripodcom Email Plan Business Pricing Create Builder Features Small Log
113 Windmill Saxophone Quartet
Four-man woodwind
Four-man woodwind ensemble whose music draws on jazz as well as classical, pop, Latin and avant-garde forms. Instruments include soprano to bass saxophones, flutes and clarinets. Includes profiles, CD info, sound files, sheet music, photos and reviews.
Englar Windmill Thursday Groups Group Contact Flute Globalviewmusiccom Duo Music Sheet Equinox Reply Guitar Saxophone Rarr Cancel
Four-man woodwind ensemble whose music draws on jazz as well as classical, pop, Latin and avant-garde forms. Instruments include soprano to bass saxophones, flutes and clarinets. Includes profiles, CD info, sound files, sheet music, photos and reviews.
Englar Windmill Thursday Groups Group Contact Flute Globalviewmusiccom Duo Music Sheet Equinox Reply Guitar Saxophone Rarr Cancel
114 Argendonax
Company in
Company in Argentina cultivates Arundo Donax cane for reeds, sells blanks to manufacturers worldwide, and makes and sells Zonda and Gonzalez brand reeds for clarinet, saxophone, and double-reed instruments, established 1983. History, forum, photos, specifications.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Company in Argentina cultivates Arundo Donax cane for reeds, sells blanks to manufacturers worldwide, and makes and sells Zonda and Gonzalez brand reeds for clarinet, saxophone, and double-reed instruments, established 1983. History, forum, photos, specifications.
Navigationshilfe Ty
115 california brazil camp
offers a
offers a week-long study of brazilian music, percussion, and dance in the california redwoods. instructors include curtis pierre, airto moreira, and jorge alabe for percussion, javino santo neto-ensemble studies, and harvey wainapel for saxophone. contains overview, programs, and contact information.
Ssi Miva Python Php Perl Asp Coldfusion Fastcgi + Sitebuilder Create Using Plesk Default Ftp Copy
offers a week-long study of brazilian music, percussion, and dance in the california redwoods. instructors include curtis pierre, airto moreira, and jorge alabe for percussion, javino santo neto-ensemble studies, and harvey wainapel for saxophone. contains overview, programs, and contact information.
Ssi Miva Python Php Perl Asp Coldfusion Fastcgi + Sitebuilder Create Using Plesk Default Ftp Copy
116 ross, annie
biography of
biography of ross who gained attention in 1952 for her song 'twisted,' a vocalese setting of humorous lyrics to a wardell gray saxophone solo. in 1958, ross teamed with dave lambert and jon hendricks in the vocalese trio lambert, hendricks & ross.
biography of ross who gained attention in 1952 for her song 'twisted,' a vocalese setting of humorous lyrics to a wardell gray saxophone solo. in 1958, ross teamed with dave lambert and jon hendricks in the vocalese trio lambert, hendricks & ross.
Saxophone Dictionary
sax / saxophone: a single-reed woodwind with a conical Reviews for Saxophone. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Saxophone" (visitors of this topic page). Saxophone › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Saxophone Opening Times and Reports. Date: