Saucer-Like Sonic Youth
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An essential Sonic Youth website with information, downloadable things and community discussions.An unofficial Sonic Youth fansite containing news community discussions audio and video downloads articles images discography and lyrics

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Youth Sonic Moshe Part Jani Downloads Articles Jim News Discography Lyrics Images Orourke Free Neven Nurse Richard Echocam Music Bands And Artists S So Sonic Youth Sonic Youth Sonik Youth Death News Discography Albums Singles Thurston Moore Bootlegs Kim Gordon Lee Ranaldo Steve Shelley Jim Orourke Jim Sclavunos Bob Bert Ciccone Youth Free Kitten Downloads Mp3 Articles Lyrics Echocam Pictures Syr Ecstatic Peace Goo New York Alternative Indie Rock Murray Street Nurse Sonic Nurse
Reviews and Comments for Saucer-Like Sonic Youth

Best entries for Youth and Sonic
1 Saucer-Like Sonic Youth
An essential
An essential Sonic Youth website with information, downloadable things and community discussions.
Youth Sonic Moshe Part Jani Downloads Articles Jim News Discography Lyrics Images Orourke Free Neven Nurse Richard Echocam
An essential Sonic Youth website with information, downloadable things and community discussions.
Youth Sonic Moshe Part Jani Downloads Articles Jim News Discography Lyrics Images Orourke Free Neven Nurse Richard Echocam
2 Fakejazz: Cooler Than You: Sonic Youth
An all-out
An all-out discussion on almost every major Sonic Youth release.
Jazz Fakey
An all-out discussion on almost every major Sonic Youth release.
Jazz Fakey
3 Playlouder: Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts and Flowers
Simon Hopkins
Simon Hopkins review: 'sees Sonic Youth once again rebuilding rock music from the ground up, building a rock music fit for the 21st century.'
Simon Hopkins review: 'sees Sonic Youth once again rebuilding rock music from the ground up, building a rock music fit for the 21st century.'
4 Dusted Reviews: Sonic Nurse
Review by
Review by Dan Ruccia. 'They are still indelibly Sonic Youth, and deserving of the significance that comes with it.'
Sonic Youth Nurse Dusted Reviews Nurse_ Dgc Ill Review Ranch Magazine Carey Album Goo Mariah Edition Moore Gordon
Review by Dan Ruccia. 'They are still indelibly Sonic Youth, and deserving of the significance that comes with it.'
Sonic Youth Nurse Dusted Reviews Nurse_ Dgc Ill Review Ranch Magazine Carey Album Goo Mariah Edition Moore Gordon
5 Pitchfork Record: Sonic Nurse
Review by
Review by Sam Ubl. 'Sonic Youth have turned their love for experimental rock into a habit.'
Albums Tracks Pitchfork Best Interviews Music Lists Essentials Reviews Singles Staff Photo Guide Pitchforktv News Poland’s
Review by Sam Ubl. 'Sonic Youth have turned their love for experimental rock into a habit.'
Albums Tracks Pitchfork Best Interviews Music Lists Essentials Reviews Singles Staff Photo Guide Pitchforktv News Poland’s
6 SPIKE magazine: Sonic Spice
Andrew McCutchen
Andrew McCutchen meets Sonic Youth mainman and guitar torturer extraordinaire Thurston Moore.
Moore Spike Youth Sonic Thurston Interviews Gabriel Email Magazine Said Spice Reviews Girls Interview Book Guide Lunch
Andrew McCutchen meets Sonic Youth mainman and guitar torturer extraordinaire Thurston Moore.
Moore Spike Youth Sonic Thurston Interviews Gabriel Email Magazine Said Spice Reviews Girls Interview Book Guide Lunch
7 PopMatters: Sonic Nurse
Review by
Review by Jason Korenkiewicz. Sonic Youth are 'simultaneously looking forward and back in a manner that is reverent to their history and invested in their future.'
Music + John Collapse Laurie Features Heart New Photosgt Cmj News Explore Reviews Dog Anderson Guy Pitch Beaudoin Ewan Artists Solo Brice
Review by Jason Korenkiewicz. Sonic Youth are 'simultaneously looking forward and back in a manner that is reverent to their history and invested in their future.'
Music + John Collapse Laurie Features Heart New Photosgt Cmj News Explore Reviews Dog Anderson Guy Pitch Beaudoin Ewan Artists Solo Brice
8 Prindle Record Reviews: Sonic Youth
Reviews and
Reviews and comments related to Sonic albums.
Sonic Youth Dirty Thoughts Thurston Daydream Nation Ive They Add Machine Confusion Sister Comments_ Syr Wow
Reviews and comments related to Sonic albums.
Sonic Youth Dirty Thoughts Thurston Daydream Nation Ive They Add Machine Confusion Sister Comments_ Syr Wow
9 Sonic Youth
Includes biography
Includes biography, recordings, pictures, articles, and message board.
Includes biography, recordings, pictures, articles, and message board.
10 Matt Bairs Sonic Youth Page
Site contains
Site contains pictures, links, and audio clips.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Visit Wayback Archives Finance Terms Games Sports Longeravailable Y
Site contains pictures, links, and audio clips.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Visit Wayback Archives Finance Terms Games Sports Longeravailable Y
11 Sonic Youth
Official Site.
Official Site. Features news, biographies, MP3, videos, photos, and links.
Officialyouth Website Wwwsonicyouthcomsonic
Official Site. Features news, biographies, MP3, videos, photos, and links.
Officialyouth Website Wwwsonicyouthcomsonic
12 Pitchfork: Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts and Flowers
Brent DiCrescenzos
Brent DiCrescenzos review: 'Everything down to the grammar and paintings inside is lamentable.' Rated 0.
Brent DiCrescenzos review: 'Everything down to the grammar and paintings inside is lamentable.' Rated 0.
13 asobi seksu
an indie
an indie rock band from new york with influences including yo la tengo, mogwai, my bloody valentine, stereolab, sonic youth, and the strokes.
Æ’fÆ’Å Æ’wƒ‹‚ð–ž‹iÆ’fÆ’Å Æ’wƒ‹ ŒƒˆÀ•â€â€Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ ‰ñÂÂtÆ’}Æ’bÆ’tÂÂ[Æ’wÂÂeÆ’aÆ’ÂÂÆ’}Æ’gÆ’xÆ’e Æ’tÆ’fÆ’eÆ’bÆ’bÆ’vƒ… Æ’mƒƒƒ‹‚©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡çÂÂlÂÂÈÂÂnÂÂâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ü‚ÅÂÂa‹m•û‚ÌÂÂd‚«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÈÂÂâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÌŽq‚ÆÆ’zÆ’eƒ‹‚È‚Ç‚&Igrav
an indie rock band from new york with influences including yo la tengo, mogwai, my bloody valentine, stereolab, sonic youth, and the strokes.
Æ’fÆ’Å Æ’wƒ‹‚ð–ž‹iÆ’fÆ’Å Æ’wƒ‹ ŒƒˆÀ•â€â€Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ ‰ñÂÂtÆ’}Æ’bÆ’tÂÂ[Æ’wÂÂeÆ’aÆ’ÂÂÆ’}Æ’gÆ’xÆ’e Æ’tÆ’fÆ’eÆ’bÆ’bÆ’vƒ… Æ’mƒƒƒ‹‚©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡çÂÂlÂÂÈÂÂnÂÂâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ü‚ÅÂÂa‹m•û‚ÌÂÂd‚«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÈÂÂâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÌŽq‚ÆÆ’zÆ’eƒ‹‚È‚Ç‚&Igrav
14 Nude as the News: Sonic Youth - Washing Machine
Patrick Kastners
Patrick Kastners review: 'an important document, rejuvenating this crucial band for years to come.' Rated 9.
Nudeasthenewscom Contactdocumentwritey
Patrick Kastners review: 'an important document, rejuvenating this crucial band for years to come.' Rated 9.
Nudeasthenewscom Contactdocumentwritey
15 Asobi Seksu
An indie
An indie rock band from New York with influences including Yo la Tengo, Mogwai, My Bloody Valentine, Stereolab, Sonic Youth, and the Strokes.
An indie rock band from New York with influences including Yo la Tengo, Mogwai, My Bloody Valentine, Stereolab, Sonic Youth, and the Strokes.
16 Sonic Youth information hyperstation
Detailed information
Detailed information about discography, songs, concerts and tabs.
Sonic Youthy
Detailed information about discography, songs, concerts and tabs.
Sonic Youthy
18 Sonic Youth Reviews
Links to
Links to reviews and album information.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Here Click Iqcomz
Links to reviews and album information.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Here Click Iqcomz
19 Ink Blot Magazine: Sonic Youth - Washing Machine
Bill Meyers
Bill Meyers review: 'The record also reveals the influence of Moore and Ranaldos growing involvement with improvisational musicians like William Hooker and Tom Surgal'
Bill Meyers review: 'The record also reveals the influence of Moore and Ranaldos growing involvement with improvisational musicians like William Hooker and Tom Surgal'
20 dr. yo internet radio
playing avant
playing avant garde alternative music by artists such as can, the legendary pink dots, and coil, plus rock and punk oriented tunes by bands such as nirvana, the stooges, and sonic youth.
playing avant garde alternative music by artists such as can, the legendary pink dots, and coil, plus rock and punk oriented tunes by bands such as nirvana, the stooges, and sonic youth.
21 - Pan Sonic
Offers a
Offers a basic profile for the minimalist duo Pan Sonic with a brief biography and a discography.
Offers a basic profile for the minimalist duo Pan Sonic with a brief biography and a discography.
22 Sonic Fan and Fanfiction Webring
Over thirty
Over thirty sites devoted to Sonic the Hedgehog.
Portfound The Apache Serverfound
Over thirty sites devoted to Sonic the Hedgehog.
Portfound The Apache Serverfound
23 roeder, mark
author of
author of the gay youth chronicles, a novel series for and about gay youth. it also includes many useful youth links.
Boys Graymoor Bloomington Better Someone Boysâ€â€brandon Temptation Boy University Mansion Dorian Christmas Chronicles Youth Heart Antichrists Place Second Jackson
author of the gay youth chronicles, a novel series for and about gay youth. it also includes many useful youth links.
Boys Graymoor Bloomington Better Someone Boysâ€â€brandon Temptation Boy University Mansion Dorian Christmas Chronicles Youth Heart Antichrists Place Second Jackson
24 sonic sum
discussion forum
discussion forum and short film by rob sonic.
Privacysonicsumcom Listings Policysponsored
discussion forum and short film by rob sonic.
Privacysonicsumcom Listings Policysponsored
25 Voices Across America
Voices Across
Voices Across America is a Nationwide effort to create youth storytelling clubs in schools and communities across the United States, and the world. Network with youth storytellers, and youth storyteller leaders.
File Foundthe Error Navigationshilfe Looking Unavailable Might Directory Temporarily Namechangedresource Server Been Removed
Voices Across America is a Nationwide effort to create youth storytelling clubs in schools and communities across the United States, and the world. Network with youth storytellers, and youth storyteller leaders.
File Foundthe Error Navigationshilfe Looking Unavailable Might Directory Temporarily Namechangedresource Server Been Removed
26 fwd-ymih
covering arizona
covering arizona, nevada, california and hawaiis youth men in harmony programs. a forum to ask questions about one of the youth harmony camps, youth festivals, high school barbershop contests, or any other far western district ymih program.
Yahoo Fwd Help Groups Ymih Sharing Group Lists Please Forum File Free Photo Mailing Community Egroups Privacy Mobile
covering arizona, nevada, california and hawaiis youth men in harmony programs. a forum to ask questions about one of the youth harmony camps, youth festivals, high school barbershop contests, or any other far western district ymih program.
Yahoo Fwd Help Groups Ymih Sharing Group Lists Please Forum File Free Photo Mailing Community Egroups Privacy Mobile
27 sonic-boom magazine
portland based
portland based music resources including doppler effect records and the now defunct sonic-boom magazine.
Portland Industrial Last Official Discogs Wiredforlego Flickr Linkedin Tumblr Compilation Sale Yelp Music Resume Youtube Bio Teknew Sonic Boom Fm
portland based music resources including doppler effect records and the now defunct sonic-boom magazine.
Portland Industrial Last Official Discogs Wiredforlego Flickr Linkedin Tumblr Compilation Sale Yelp Music Resume Youtube Bio Teknew Sonic Boom Fm
28 Adventures In Sound: Pan Sonic
Interview with
Interview with Pan Sonic, the Finnish minimal techno outfit, by Adventures In Sound / Stylus Magazine in 1999.
Internal Server Errorplease Z
Interview with Pan Sonic, the Finnish minimal techno outfit, by Adventures In Sound / Stylus Magazine in 1999.
Internal Server Errorplease Z
30 Sonic Boom Interview with Foetus
By Jester
By Jester of Sonic Boom.
Thirlwell Ive Jester Foetus They Steroids Maximus Gash Ants Halcion Interviews Hole Nail Sony
By Jester of Sonic Boom.
Thirlwell Ive Jester Foetus They Steroids Maximus Gash Ants Halcion Interviews Hole Nail Sony
31 Reckless Youth
Comic about
Comic about collection of London youth living rather strange lives.
Found Opensslaserver Additionallyz Apache Found The Errordocument Port
Comic about collection of London youth living rather strange lives.
Found Opensslaserver Additionallyz Apache Found The Errordocument Port
32 Youth Stages
Provides creative
Provides creative drama and theatre classes for youth at various locations throughout in New Jersey. Details of programs offered and history of the program.
Youth Stages Classes Arts Theatre Creative Schools Programs Education Drama Play Catalogue Children Theater Story New Games Dramatic Middle Problem Solving
Provides creative drama and theatre classes for youth at various locations throughout in New Jersey. Details of programs offered and history of the program.
Youth Stages Classes Arts Theatre Creative Schools Programs Education Drama Play Catalogue Children Theater Story New Games Dramatic Middle Problem Solving