rebele, christopher
Experience Figurative Rebele
focusing on the human form and mythological figures with plank-style, continuous-form, and bronze works.Evolution of Form Studio showcases the figurative sculpture of Christopher Rebele

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rebele, christopher
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2025-03-28 Points
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Figurative Rebele Sculpture Studio Christopher Form Evolution Cruz Santacentral Coast Showcases Art Carmel Visual Arts Sculpture Sculptors Figurative Sculpture Santa Cruz Monterey Carmel Central Coast Art Rebele
Reviews and Comments for rebele, christopher

Best entries for Figurative and Rebele
1 rebele, christopher
focusing on
focusing on the human form and mythological figures with plank-style, continuous-form, and bronze works.
Figurative Rebele Sculpture Studio Christopher Form Evolution Cruz Santacentral Coast Showcases Art Carmel
focusing on the human form and mythological figures with plank-style, continuous-form, and bronze works.
Figurative Rebele Sculpture Studio Christopher Form Evolution Cruz Santacentral Coast Showcases Art Carmel
2 mccarthy, rick
multi media
multi media figurative paintings and drawings ranging from renaissance like figures to figurative abstraction.
Rejected Requesty
multi media figurative paintings and drawings ranging from renaissance like figures to figurative abstraction.
Rejected Requesty
3 marco
figurative artist
figurative artist working with a variety of styles that range from figurative expressionist works through to abstract paintings.
Open Exclude Changeresults Show Merchant Openmerchant Limit Character Choosenameprice Alexmarcocom $ Domain
figurative artist working with a variety of styles that range from figurative expressionist works through to abstract paintings.
Open Exclude Changeresults Show Merchant Openmerchant Limit Character Choosenameprice Alexmarcocom $ Domain
4 angier, jeremy
displays samples
displays samples of his animations, computer graphics, figurative and non-figurative drawing, painting, and sculpture.
Animation Science Museum Display Interactive Boston Documentary Medical Spherical Modeling Graphics Prototyping Maya Effects Sphere Terrain Reel Technical
displays samples of his animations, computer graphics, figurative and non-figurative drawing, painting, and sculpture.
Animation Science Museum Display Interactive Boston Documentary Medical Spherical Modeling Graphics Prototyping Maya Effects Sphere Terrain Reel Technical
5 new york figurative expressive art work
a contemporary
a contemporary figurative painting movement, that has revived the art of the nude as a form of expression.
Art York Artists Drawing Figurative Guestbook New Contemporary Michael Shows Contact Jake News Tice Exhibits Alex Filatieff Lomnovsky Reviews Mckenzie Carcich
a contemporary figurative painting movement, that has revived the art of the nude as a form of expression.
Art York Artists Drawing Figurative Guestbook New Contemporary Michael Shows Contact Jake News Tice Exhibits Alex Filatieff Lomnovsky Reviews Mckenzie Carcich
6 bilhenry gallery
selection of
selection of contemporary sculpture, including kinetic, figurative, fountain, and monumental art, as well as abstract, figurative, and symbolic paintings.
selection of contemporary sculpture, including kinetic, figurative, fountain, and monumental art, as well as abstract, figurative, and symbolic paintings.
7 araya-sibaja, jose eduardo
works by
works by costa rican born artist and engineer including figurative and non-figurative paintings, ceramics, furniture and airplanes.
works by costa rican born artist and engineer including figurative and non-figurative paintings, ceramics, furniture and airplanes.
8 ross, michael k.
artwork by
artwork by norwegian-american realist painter and sculptor. organized into different bodies of work, including landscapes, figurative painting, and figurative sculpture. also contains search features and biography.
Z Newmichaelrossart Y
artwork by norwegian-american realist painter and sculptor. organized into different bodies of work, including landscapes, figurative painting, and figurative sculpture. also contains search features and biography.
Z Newmichaelrossart Y
9 figurative kinetic sculpture by steve stackpole
unique figurative
unique figurative wood and metal kinetic sculpture influenced by automata, folk art and a lifelong love of mechanics.
Sculpture Automata Kinetic Wood Art Love Metal Lifelong Unique Stevefigurative Mechanics Stackpoles Folk
unique figurative wood and metal kinetic sculpture influenced by automata, folk art and a lifelong love of mechanics.
Sculpture Automata Kinetic Wood Art Love Metal Lifelong Unique Stevefigurative Mechanics Stackpoles Folk
10 atelier de brésoles figurative art instruction
atelier de
atelier de brésoles is a figurative art school offering an intensive training in cast drawing, artistic anatomy, grisaille painting, and historical techniques of painting and drawing. (montréal, québec)
Drawing Painting Classes Cast Dessin Atelier Cours Montreal Courses Old Landscape Life Realist Dobsky Accepting
atelier de brésoles is a figurative art school offering an intensive training in cast drawing, artistic anatomy, grisaille painting, and historical techniques of painting and drawing. (montréal, québec)
Drawing Painting Classes Cast Dessin Atelier Cours Montreal Courses Old Landscape Life Realist Dobsky Accepting
11 henslee, julie
figurative oil
figurative oil paintings and other art.
Julie Henslee Photos Mixed Collage Media Texas Painting Stuff Random Pinterest Junk Adams Really University Austin Drawings Sf
figurative oil paintings and other art.
Julie Henslee Photos Mixed Collage Media Texas Painting Stuff Random Pinterest Junk Adams Really University Austin Drawings Sf
12 art of spirit
ellie morins
ellie morins portfolio of mostly figurative 3d art.
ellie morins portfolio of mostly figurative 3d art.
13 gonzalez, anthony a.
representational figurative
representational figurative fine art.
Anthony Artist González Events Resume Prints Store Portraits Nudes Drawings Workshops Contact Testimonials Figures Originals
representational figurative fine art.
Anthony Artist González Events Resume Prints Store Portraits Nudes Drawings Workshops Contact Testimonials Figures Originals
14 ghislaine, anding
a display
a display of figurative oil paintings.
Contactrequest Accueil Galeriebiographie Expositions
a display of figurative oil paintings.
Contactrequest Accueil Galeriebiographie Expositions
15 lachman, al
contemporary landscapes
contemporary landscapes and figurative work
Expressionistenter World Lachman Contemporaryal Z
contemporary landscapes and figurative work
Expressionistenter World Lachman Contemporaryal Z
16 hlavka, edward e.
bronze figurative
bronze figurative realism
Bronze Statues Sculpture Sculptures Artist Hlavka Wildlife Garden Western Hlavkas Process Children Exhibitions Religious Commissions
bronze figurative realism
Bronze Statues Sculpture Sculptures Artist Hlavka Wildlife Garden Western Hlavkas Process Children Exhibitions Religious Commissions
17 sula, julian
figurative drawings
figurative drawings and paintings.
Video Paintings Contemporary Events Julian Abstract Photography Drawing Lapse Sula Blog Contact Biography Timelapsetimelapse News Artist Mute
figurative drawings and paintings.
Video Paintings Contemporary Events Julian Abstract Photography Drawing Lapse Sula Blog Contact Biography Timelapsetimelapse News Artist Mute
18 stotz, timothy
contemporary figurative
contemporary figurative artist.
Escalier Artist Studio Painting Stotz Staircase Drawing Fulbright Statement Timothy Portfolio Contact Teacher Sarah About
contemporary figurative artist.
Escalier Artist Studio Painting Stotz Staircase Drawing Fulbright Statement Timothy Portfolio Contact Teacher Sarah About
20 sproule, john t.
still life
still life and figurative oil paintings.
Art Oil Sproule Realist Classical John Painting Life Gallery Paintings Work Still Bargue Pencil
still life and figurative oil paintings.
Art Oil Sproule Realist Classical John Painting Life Gallery Paintings Work Still Bargue Pencil
21 bakker, gabrielle
figurative artwork
figurative artwork, mainly of women.
Bakker Gabrielle Gallery Artist Catalogue Contact Gb@gabriellebakkercom Creative Notch Benton Street Drawings Lecture Thursday Y
figurative artwork, mainly of women.
Bakker Gabrielle Gallery Artist Catalogue Contact Gb@gabriellebakkercom Creative Notch Benton Street Drawings Lecture Thursday Y
22 alders, jay
figurative oil
figurative oil paintings, pastels and photographs.
Art Alders Painting Artist Surf Magazine Live Fine Jay Music Released Edition Limited Prints Events Photographer Designer Writer
figurative oil paintings, pastels and photographs.
Art Alders Painting Artist Surf Magazine Live Fine Jay Music Released Edition Limited Prints Events Photographer Designer Writer
23 fedishina, irina
figurative artwork
figurative artwork mostly of children.
Irina Classical Fedishina Slideshow Artist Capitola Filters Animation Oil Paintings Puzzle Eggs Interview Masters Ukraine
figurative artwork mostly of children.
Irina Classical Fedishina Slideshow Artist Capitola Filters Animation Oil Paintings Puzzle Eggs Interview Masters Ukraine
26 henley, tim
paintings, drawings
paintings, drawings, and poetry. figurative.
paintings, drawings, and poetry. figurative.
28 scobie, ray
figurative work
figurative work and portraits by english artist.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Finance Trying Visit Hosting Sites Sorry Games Sports Internet
figurative work and portraits by english artist.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Finance Trying Visit Hosting Sites Sorry Games Sports Internet
30 ferguson, richard
examples of
examples of figurative paintings as well as portraits.
Fine Ferguson Design Arts Blog Artist Painter Contact Art Video Shakespeare Richard Punchbowl Create Production Ophelia Ovation Information Manner Captures Falls
examples of figurative paintings as well as portraits.
Fine Ferguson Design Arts Blog Artist Painter Contact Art Video Shakespeare Richard Punchbowl Create Production Ophelia Ovation Information Manner Captures Falls
31 mach, peggy
a gallery
a gallery of figurative, and portrait sculpture.
Z Acrylic Marble Life Composites Peggymachsplace Liturgical Steel Love Errorrequest Bronze Sculpture
a gallery of figurative, and portrait sculpture.
Z Acrylic Marble Life Composites Peggymachsplace Liturgical Steel Love Errorrequest Bronze Sculpture
32 eckert, chris
a portfolio
a portfolio of his figurative, and mechanical sculptures.
Eckert Contact Chris Work Blog Mechanical Sculptures Artist |portfolio Z
a portfolio of his figurative, and mechanical sculptures.
Eckert Contact Chris Work Blog Mechanical Sculptures Artist |portfolio Z