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Texon International

Texon International Review Experience Texon Footwear

Global suppliers and manufacturers of footwear materials, components and technologies.

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Texon Footwear Womens Materials Mens Heritage Environmental Improved Reform Safety Hiking Permeable Ecosole Innovative Contact Standards Cleaner Construction Textiles And Nonwovens Nonwovens Needlepunch And Pressed Felts Needlepunch

Reviews and Comments for Texon International

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Best entries for Texon and Footwear

1 Texon International UK. Multi-national
UK. Multi-national manufacturing company, active in footwear materials and design software, and industrial products. Needlepunch fabrics for footwear, medical, roofing, filtration, and luggage and apparel applications, from polyester, viscose and blends.
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2 texon international uk. multi-national
uk. multi-national manufacturing company, active in footwear materials and design software, and industrial products. needlepunch fabrics for footwear, medical, roofing, filtration, and luggage and apparel applications, from polyester, viscose and blends.
3 Texon International Global suppliers
Global suppliers and manufacturers of footwear materials, components and technologies.
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4 texon international global suppliers
global suppliers and manufacturers of footwear materials, components and technologies.
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5 ANPIC. National Association of Suppliers for the Footwear Industry Mexico. Trade
Mexico. Trade organization for suppliers of machinery for footwear and leather tanning, chemicals, hides and leather, textiles and nonwovens, and components to the footwear industry. Calendar of events. List of member companies. English and Spanish.
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india. footwear including, slippers, shoes and sandals for ladies, gents and children.
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12 Italo Colombiano de Maquinas SA Colombia. Importers
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13 L.P. Royer Inc. Designer and
Designer and manufacturer of safety footwear. Specializing in antistatic and electric shock resistant(ESR)footwear. Site is translated into two languages.
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14 T. Abdul Wahid & Co India. Vegetable
India. Vegetable and chrome tanned goat leathers for footwear applications. Also, design and manufacture of footwear for men and women.
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custom made shoes using computerized footwear systems, developers of shoe fitting technology for mass customization of footwear.
19 hong-tech footwear co. produces shoes
produces shoes, footwear, sandals and boots and exports from hong kong.
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usa. importer of fly flot and spring step footwear for men and women. includes a brief profile, collections, a store locator and links to online retailers.
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23 Cotheeka Jute Industry Bangladesh. Manufacturers
Bangladesh. Manufacturers of woven fabrics for carpet backing, geotechnical, footwear and home textile applications, from jute. Also, bags, footwear and handicrafts.
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taiwan. manufacturer of pu, pvc, tpu injection footwear by desma machines, plus direct injection molds, such as waterproof working, hiking, hunting boots, safety footwear, and casual shoes.
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26 Belleville Law Enforcement Footwear Major footwear
Major footwear manufacturer for law enforcement agencies.
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27 Feltex Holdings Pty., Ltd South Africa.
South Africa. Diversified group of manufacturing companies, active in the automotive, footwear and leather industries. Full grain, split, suede and finished bovine leathers for footwear and automotive applications.
28 Sympatex Technologies GmbH Germany. Design
Germany. Design, development and manufacture of coated and laminated, water- and windproof, breathable fabrics for high-performance outerwear and footwear. Also, ready-made apparel and footwear. Technical information. Part of the Ploucquet Group. Multi-lingual site.
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29 kerala footwear products manufacturers and
manufacturers and dealers of leather and rubber footwear products. located in kerala, india.
30 Al-Ahli Leather Co., Ltd Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia. Manufacturers of wet blue, crust and finished sheep, goat, cow and camel leather for upholstery, footwear, apparel and leather goods. Also, fur and wool, and finished footwear and jackets.
31 british footwear association uk. representing
uk. representing manufacturers and british based footwear brands. provides a list of services to members, a consumer directory, and a members search directory.
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32 ABRAMEQ. Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment for the Leather, Footwear and Allied Trades Brazil. Trade
Brazil. Trade organization for manufacturers of leather and footwear machinery and equipment, dedicated to furthering technological development and commercial promotion. Presentation of the quality seal. English, Portuguese and Spanish.
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More Texon International Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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