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Textiles Intelligence Glossary

Textiles Intelligence Glossary Review Experience Textiles Intelligence

Comprehensive glossary of terms and definitions for the textile and nonwovens industries.

This glossary is provided by Textiles Intelligence as a service to its customers and provides definitions for terms commonly used in the textiles industry

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Best entries for Textiles and Intelligence

1 Textiles Glossary Glossary of
Glossary of technical terms and definitions in use in the fiber, textiles and apparel industries. From Textiles Intelligence.
2 Textiles Outloook International Trade magazine
Trade magazine for the textile and apparel industries. Offers editorials and analysis of companies and markets, legal and political articles related to the industry, and information on innovation and technological developments. From Textiles Intelligence, Ltd.
Textile Clothing International Outlook Textiles Download Industry Social Corporate Trade Trends Intelligence Multi Apparel Report World Cost Brookes
3 Technical Textile Markets Quarterly publication
Quarterly publication for the industrial and technical textiles industry. Offers information on new fibers, their properties and applications. Also, data and analysis of fiber, textile, apparel and nonwovens industries. From Textiles Intelligence, Ltd.
4 The Economist Intelligence Unit Pay-as-you-go access
Pay-as-you-go access to the Economist Intelligence Units entire database of business analysis and intelligence covering 185 countries, strategic industries and management best practice.
5 Textiles Intelligence Glossary Comprehensive glossary
Comprehensive glossary of terms and definitions for the textile and nonwovens industries.
Textiles Intelligence Glossary Terms Industry || Events Hide Provided Used Term Productslogin Tofind
6 Internet Intelligence Index Compiled by
Compiled by the Fuld & Company Library, pointers to business intelligence sources.
7 Textiles Intelligence, Ltd UK. Textile
UK. Textile research and publishing company. Business information on the global fiber, textile and apparel industries. Searchable database of market reports. Link to extensive glossary of industry terms.
8 Global Intelligence Services Insurance fraud
Insurance fraud investigation, asset tracing, and strategic business intelligence. Based in Kent.
9 Performance Apparel Markets Quarterly publication
Quarterly publication for subscribers, with business and market analysis of worldwide trends in high performance activewear and corporate apparel. From Textiles Intelligence, Ltd.
Markets Apparel Performance Textile Textiles Download Product Multi Analysis Technical List Intelligence Outlook Report Update Glossary Login Wearer Subscriptions
10 McClendon Corporation Geospatial intelligence
Geospatial intelligence, operational analysis and support, systems engineering/integration, and program management to the Department of Defense and Intelligence Communities.
11 Intelligence Technologies Journal Two weekly
Two weekly professional trade magazine covering business intelligence, advanced security and surveillance methods, and network monitoring techniques.
12 Swiscot Textiles, Ltd International traders
International traders in grey and finished fabrics for home textiles, garment and industrial applications. Also, ready-made textiles, and outsourcing and consulting services.
13 Asia Intelligence Source for
Source for Asia Pacific market research reports, newsletters, directories and business intelligence.
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14 air transport intelligence online business
online business intelligence service for the air transport industry with 24 hour news and data available to subscribers.
Flightglobal Aviation Pro Aircraft Jobs Prosupport@flightglobalcom Missing Now Air Intelligence Sign Directory Forwarded Historic Cutaway Cutaways Requested
15 Emotional Intelligence Workshops Byron Stock
Byron Stock & Associates - Enabling executives and their people to achieve optimum performance and success by enhancing their emotional intelligence skills.
16 Competitive Intelligence Resource Index Competitive Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence (CI) search engine and directory of CI resources on the Web.
Intelligence Competitive Resource Information Alexa Ciseekcom Toolbar Advertising Research Amazoncom Legal Ci Books Privacy Services Newsletters Societies Magazines
17 Citigate Global Intelligence and Security Global business
Global business investigation and intelligence services.
18 Counter Intelligence Services Counter Intelligence
Counter Intelligence Services is a full service private investigation agency that specializes in corporate security and terrorism prevention.
19 Jhaver Group India. Diversified
India. Diversified group of manufacturing and service providing companies, active in healthcare, textiles, chemicals, e-commerce and trade. Technical textiles for defense, industrial and domestic applications. Also, zippers, protective garments, and sewn and welded fabricated textiles.
20 Shanghai JC Intelligence Co Ltd This Chinese-American
This Chinese-American joint venture offers detailed market intelligence on Chinese and global commodities, with cereals, oils & feedstuffs being the main speciality. The site includes market assessments for major crops, and more detailed reports for paid-up members.
China Price Daily Market Report Chinese Data Domestic Jci Wheat Cost Soybean Margin Express Corn Vip Club
21 Sporting Goods Intelligence: Executive Guide to Sporting Goods A 440
A 440 page book covering most companies in the business of sports footwear, apparel and equipment. Wholesalers and retailers. Compiled from the issues of Sporting Goods Intelligence America newsletter. Table of contents. Alphabetical list of companies covered. Order form.
Filetemporarily Foundthe Server Directory Resource Namechanged Been Mightunavailable Looking Error Removed
22 GuangDong Textiles Co., Ltd China. Printed
China. Printed bedsheets and quilt covers. Also, kitchen and bathroom textiles, and household ware.
23 Jinxian Textiles Co. Ltd Designer and
Designer and manufacturer of collections of bath, beach and sports towels. Also, kitchen textiles, bathrobes and mats.
24 Textiles Through Time A textile
A textile connection between generations and cultures of past and present times. Museum collections of precious textiles.
25 Habu Textiles A showroom
A showroom for one-of-a-kind handwoven textiles, and also carry a large selection of weaving/knitting yarns from Japan.
Textiles Habu Trunk Vanessa Page Navigation Yap Einbund Events Edition New Show Limited Knitterly Content West
26 American Weavers Manufactures textiles
Manufactures textiles and rugs in Calhoun, Georgia. Part of the Mohawk Rug and Textiles division of Mowhawk Industries, Inc.
Z Request Y
27 International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT) 2005 September
2005 September 19-22, Compiegne, France. IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on web intelligence and intelligent agent technology. Submission deadline 3 April 2005
Internationalwi Ieeewicacm Iatconference
28 Harbor Textiles USA. Wiping
USA. Wiping cloths, rags and gloves for commercial and consumer applications from recycled textiles and wastes. Also, towels and t-shirts.
Cloth Wiping Textiles Harbor Cloths Gloves Safety Protective Rags Textile Products Right Supplies Grades Suits
29 Textisur (Textiles del Sur) Textiles and
Textiles and fabrics manufacturer produces cotton, polyester, and other materials. Provides photos and description of production line, with product list.
30 Kettering Textiles, Ltd UK. Processors
UK. Processors of used clothing, recyclable textiles and industrial wipes. Also, recycled shoddy fiber for insulation, stuffing and yarn spinning applications.
31 Textiles-International eK Germany. Textile
Germany. Textile agency and distributors of yarns, woven and knitted fabrics and technical textiles, ready-made garments and chemicals.
32 Zhejiang Textiles Imp. & Exp. Corp. Chinese exporters
Chinese exporters of lifting and hoisting equipment, rigging hardware, electronics and its components, sporting goods, pocket tissue and textiles.

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