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AVL Looms

AVL Looms Review Experience Looms Avl

Both new and used Dobby, compu-dobby and jacquard looms for the hobby and professional weaver. Also offers software and accessories.


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Looms Avl Traveling Teacher Chico Compu Dobby Lets Library Weaver Testimonials Resources Pre Owned Check Contact Catalog Sign Colorado Textiles And Nonwovens Textiles Machinery And Equipment Weaving

Reviews and Comments for AVL Looms

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Best entries for Looms and Avl

1 AVL Looms, Inc USA. Developers
USA. Developers of Macintosh compatible textile design and production software for treadle and dobby looms. Also, new and used looms and accessories. List of agents. Links to related sites.
2 He Nan Kang Li Da Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of parts for Nissan Tsudakoma water jet looms and air jet Looms.
3 AVL Looms Both new
Both new and used Dobby, compu-dobby and jacquard looms for the hobby and professional weaver. Also offers software and accessories.
Looms Avl Traveling Teacher Chico Compu Dobby Lets Library Weaver Testimonials Resources Pre Owned Check Contact Catalog Sign Colorado
4 Alta Mist Alpaca Farm Located in
Located in the Oquirrh mountains of Utah. Offering sales, stud services, farm tours as well as hand-made, wooden round knitting looms and weaving looms.
Alpaca Alpacas Farm Sale Mist Utah Alta Peruvian Yarn Rovings Website Journal Registry Breeders Clark
5 AVL Looms Inc. USA. Manufacturer
USA. Manufacturer and dealer of dobby and jacquard looms. Dealer of weaving software and accessories, and provider of weaving instruction classes.
Looms Avl Traveling Blog Teacher Testimonials Financing Dobby Compu Chico Lets Library Weaver Pre Owned Partners Warping Test
6 Toika USA USA distributor
USA distributor of fine looms and weaving accessories and supplies.
7 Changrun Textile Machinery Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of flexible rapier looms.
8 Viper Electronics Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of high performance harnesses, looms and components for motorsport.
Motorsport Wiring French Japan Products Components Services German Development Internet Whether Contact Designwiringviper
9 Accessori Tessili S.r.l. Italy. Dealer
Italy. Dealer of textile parts for weaving machinery, and accessories for jacquard and dobby looms.
10 Shoou Shyng Machinery Co., Ltd Taiwan. High
Taiwan. High speed needle looms for the nonwoven needlepunch fabrics industry.
11 Ik San Nozzle Co., Ltd Korea. Manufacturers
Korea. Manufacturers of nozzles for water-jet and air-jet weaving looms. Also, ceramic yarn guides. English and Korean.
12 new voyager trading importers of
importers of spinning wheels, indian book charkhas, looms and other tools. includes dealer information.
13 Repcom Used Textile
Used Textile machinery dealers located in Turkey. Buy and sell weaving looms, dyeing, finishing and spinning machines.
14 Sino Techfull Co., Ltd. We are
We are specialized in spare parts and accessories of looms and projectile, such as gripper, nozzle etc, and other shuttle-less weaving machine.
15 Pawtucket Mill Supply Company Offers a
Offers a large stock of new and used textile machinery, including looms, warpers, and braiders.
16 Hebei Chuangxing Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. China. Manufacturer
China. Manufacturer of rapier label looms for the production of silk labels and apparel accessories.
‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ë‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ë‚ÈŽí—Þ‚ÌÆ’cƒ“ƒ^[Æ’lÆ’bÆ’g “®Ã¢â‚¬Â¢¨Ã¢â‚¬Â¢a‰@ Æ’z[ƒ€ƒy[Æ’wŽq‚Ç‚à‚Ì‚½Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ß‚ÌŽq‚Ç‚à‚É‚Ó‚³Ã¢â‚¬Å¡í‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡¢Ã†â€™cƒ“ƒ^[Æ’lÆ’bÆ’gŠ‹«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚­Ã¢â‚¬Å¡è Dym Æ’cƒ“ƒ^
17 Trikso India Machinaries Producer of
Producer of textile producing machinery and spare parts, including looms, winding and warping, and finishing machines.
18 Dalian Textile Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of solenoid valves and parts for weft insertion systems in air jet looms. English and Chinese.
19 Shuifu Textile Equipment Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of reeds for shuttle, and air- and water-jet weaving looms. Technical information and specifications. English and Chinese.
20 Dalian Textile Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of solenoid valves and parts for weft insertion systems in air jet looms. English and Chinese.
21 Pawtucket Mill Supply Company Large stock
Large stock of new and used textile machinery offered for sale, including looms, warpers, and braiders. Rhode Island, USA.
22 Yamada Dobby Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of air and water jet looms. Top mounting and floor mounting versions available.
23 Laxmi Textiles Manufactures semi
Manufactures semi automatic and automatic looms.
Textile Pvt Ltd Shanghvi Engineering Companies Ahmedabad Group Moulding Established Powered Pinsoftekreg Plantmumbai
24 Unirolls Airtex India. Manufacturers
India. Manufacturers of overhead traveling cleaners for yarn spinning and processing frames, and weaving looms. Technical information and machine specifications.
Unirols Airtex Textile Equipments World Cleaning India Spinning Productsmanufacturing Weaving Loomsindustries Copyright
25 Itochu Texmac Corp Japan. Manufacturers
Japan. Manufacturers representatives for air-jet looms and rapier weaving machinery. Also, slitters and winders, hemming machines. English, Japanese and Chinese.
26 Focus Dis Ticaret, Ltd Turkey. Sourcing
Turkey. Sourcing agency, specialised in the export and import of pre-owned weaving looms. Detailed machine catalog, including technical information.
27 G.H. Pittman Ireland. Suppliers
Ireland. Suppliers of original manufacturers parts for weaving looms. Also, yarn winders and twisters, and textile fabrics length measuring, slitting and inspection machinery.
28 Tai Sheng Machinery Co., Ltd Taiwan. Design
Taiwan. Design and manufacture of narrow fabrics weaving looms. Also, warpers and tape winding equipment. Machine production specifications. English and Chinese.
29 Fehrer AG Austria. Webforming
Austria. Webforming machinery and needle looms for the nonwoven needlepunch industry. Also, friction spinning machines for textile yarn production. On-line library of technical articles.
Z Wwwfehreragcom Y
30 Tranoco, Inc USA. Distributors
USA. Distributors of parts and accessories for weaving looms. Also, yarn packing parts, and suppliers of hardwood lumber, plastics and phenolics. English and Spanish.
31 MEI International Srl Italy. Design
Italy. Design and manufacture of air-jet and rapier weaving looms for labels and narrow fabrics. Also, CAD equipment and software. Extensive technical information. Presentation videos. machine brochures on PDF files.
Label Woven Narrow Machines | Machine Frick Fabrics Weaving Visit Here Fabric Textile Muller Vapuel
32 Bolong Industrial Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of nonwovens machinery and equipment. Needle looms, and fiber opening and blending systems. Also, quilting machinery. English and Chinese.

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