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Core 77

Core 77 Review Experience Design Core

Extensive product design and graphic design resource, containing links to and descriptions of design firms worldwide. Also contains articles on the latest design trends and developments.

Industrial Design content and community site articles discussions interviews and resources

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Design Core Tweet Designer Awards Posted Industrial Hand Eye Graphic Neistat Jobs Institute Supply Smith Patent Pending Spring Francisco Fashion Business Services Design Industrial Designers Product Design Product Designer Resources Design Industrial Design Design Employment Design Career Design Jobs Design Resources Design Discussions Design Content Design Community Product Design Interaction Design Environmental Design Furniture Design Design Recruiting Design Information Web Design

Reviews and Comments for Core 77

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Best entries for Design and Core

1 e core corp. manufacturer of
manufacturer of ferrite core products, e core emi, printed circuits bead, surface mount bead, drum core, rod core, tapping bead, connector suppressors and antenna bars.
Core Cores Bead Emi Smd Dr Ee Chip Cable Zn Eer Pot Corporation Drum Rod Ferrite Urs
2 Hottinger-N.A. Manufactures core
Manufactures core machines, foundry automation, shell moulds, core boxes, core shooters.
3 Plastic Pilings, Inc. PPI is
PPI is the worlds leading pioneer in the design and development of composite recycled plastic and steel pipe core or fiberglass core piling, marine camels and reinforced and unreinforced lumber.
4 Core 77 Extensive product
Extensive product design and graphic design resource, containing links to and descriptions of design firms worldwide. Also contains articles on the latest design trends and developments.
Design Core Tweet Designer Awards Posted Industrial Hand Eye Graphic Neistat Jobs Institute Supply Smith Patent Pending Spring Francisco Fashion
5 Precision Foundry Tooling Foundry tooling
Foundry tooling - patterns, core boxes, core masks, and molds for the foundry industry, including laempe, disa, and shalco. Rapid prototypes, CAD design and modeling. Serving Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota.
Page Foundry Tooling Precision Quality Patterns Directions Facilities Technology Coreboxes Bonded Ltd Resin Pft Steel Casting
6 flex-core manufacturers of
manufacturers of split-core and solid-core current transformers, potential transformers, digital and analog panel meters, digital and analog switchboard meters, kwh submetering equipment, terminal blocks and shunt switches.
Current Transducers Transformers Core Catalog Voltage Split Primary Flex Wound Products Meters Phase Switches Switchoard
7 Digital Core A video
A video production, post facility and design company, as well as a web site and print media design firm.
8 kirk petrophysics wellsite core
wellsite core handling and preservation services. lithotarge foam injection for stabilising of soft/friable core
Kirk Petrophysics Wwwkirkpetrophysicscom Website Has Moved This Click Otherwiseherejavascript
9 Digital Core A video
A video production, post facility and design company, as well as a web site and print media design firm. Based in San Francisco.
10 cortech manufacturer of
manufacturer of core manufacturing equipment, toroidal winding machines, decoilers, and core annealing furnaces. product photos and technical specifications.
Cortech Core Pdc Toroidal Kt Production Equipment Machines Adobe Page Annealing Requires Version Newer Hef Brochure De Coiler Welcome
11 encore electronics technology co., ltd. manufacturer of
manufacturer of electronic passive components, such as core, ferrite core, power inductor, transformer, converter, inverter, line filter, network product.
Zn、鎳鋅、鎳銅鋅、ni Core、éÅ’³é‹…、mn Inductor、共模扼æµÃ‚é›»æ„Ÿã€common Mode Zn、電æºÃ‚ä¾Ã¢â‚¬Âºæ‡‰åâ„¢¨ã€è®Ã… å£Ã¢
12 Hagby USA Inc, Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of core drills and distributes plastic and wax impregnated core boxes, FMC (Bean) pumps, Reflex survey instruments, lubrication products and a variety of mining supplies.
13 specialist electronic wire and lcd specialize in
specialize in enamelled copper wire, silicon steel lamination core and permalloy core.
14 Ceramic Core Systems Offers enhance
Offers enhance composite technology with a soluble ceramic core system which has few if any restrictions to shape or dimension.
15 Vancouver Door Company Positive pressure
Positive pressure fire doors, solid core and hollow core doors.
16 Summit Design Inc Mold producer
Mold producer using 3D mold design, solid surface, and files for core, cavity also available.
17 Maglione French company
French company specializing in manufacture of core vents. Applications include core boxes, casting patterns, and polystyrene injection molds. Available in aluminum, brass, and steel with right and conical slits.
Pour De Injection Fabriquant Fonderie Linjection Filtres Noyaux Fentes Filtre Laiton Polystyrène Boîtes Sable Les Moule Fente
18 Baltek Corporation Supply end
Supply end grain balsa core materials globally. Distribute Airex structural foam core materials in North America.
Contact Domains Domainpower Buy Faq Baltekcom Marketplace Available Active Onlyrequest Signup Domain Sale
19 Core Design and Printing Design and
Design and printing of flyers, business cards, and other printed material.
Website Artist Sample Pixelpervertscom Flyers Websites Design Oconnor Event Logo Music Steven | Rockwell Andy Vimeo Myspace Best Beverly Ad
20 Arvind Rub-Web Controls Limited Manufactures variety
Manufactures variety of industrial rollers and web processing accessories. Includes impression, coating, printing, and laminating versions, as well as sleeves and core holders, web guides, air chucks, and core lifters.
Arvind Ind Global Gallery Reach Contact Product Controls Rub Web Ltd Exhibitions Since Rollers Citme Paper
21 Adoptech, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in engineering design, analysis, and custom software development. Core strengths include design optimization and structural analysis, with emphasis on application to composite structures.
Design Products Optimization Inc Research Analysis Opportunities Employment Software Adoptech Contact Advanced Development Genetic Tow
22 Arvind Rub-Web Controls Limited India. Manufactures
India. Manufactures variety of industrial rollers and web processing accessories. Includes impression, coating, printing, and laminating versions, as well as sleeves and core holders, web guides, air chucks, and core lifters.
Arvind Rollers Ind Rub Web Rubber India Global Contact Roller Reach Controls Industrial Gallery Ltd
23 Core Design, Inc. They provide
They provide planning, engineering and surveying services.
Design Core Learn Inc Derby Carton News Participate Women Rain Puget Dodds Definition Stay Formerly
24 Core Communications Located in
Located in Corvallis, Offering printing, design, and web services.
25 TRI-STAR Emergency Vehicle Core Bodies Fabricates custom
Fabricates custom emergency equipment and commercial truck core bodies. Specializes in private label, second stage intermediate body manufacturing.
26 Willamette Pattern Works, Inc Wooden patterns
Wooden patterns, core boxes and tooling for a variety of requirements. Plastic laminating capabilities to produce plastic and fiberglass molds, core boxes, jigs and fixtures.
Pattern Willamette Works Foundry Services Tooling Metrology Prototyping Industry Rapid Machine Expertise Casting Contact Scanner Composites
27 Double E Company, Inc. USA. Web
USA. Web handling accessories for the paper, film and foil based converting and packaging industries. Core chucks, carbon fiber shafts, air shafts, composite rollers, web guides, brakes, core cutters, roll movers, and cores.
Core Double Web Converting Chucks Roll Shafts Systems Brakes Company Mario United Knife Cotta Stands Brazil Guides Colombia
28 contract research organization and core laboratory unique combination
unique combination of full-size cro and core laboratory. provides complete project management for clinical trial phase ii-iv, also medical advice service and data management.
29 Core Design Inc. Provide planning
Provide planning, civil engineering, and surveying services for residential and commercial land development.
Design Core Learn Inc News Carton Women Derby Rain Participate Triathlonlearn Seafair Landscape Info@coredesigninccom Build
30 FT & D International, Ltd USA. Design
USA. Design and manufacture of three-dimensional, drum type core forming systems and equipment for the disposable diaper industry.
31 Barry Leeds and Associates Offers a
Offers a range of mystery shopping services with a core focus on the financial services industry and service-oriented retail companies. Core competence is helping companies prevent discriminatory and unfair sales practices.
32 plastic pilings, inc. manufactures composite
manufactures composite plastic marine pilings using recycled plastic and steel pipe core or fiberglass core piling.
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More Core 77 Infos

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