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Advanced Practice Consulting

Advanced Practice Consulting Review Experience Consulting Advanced

Offering life care planning, legal nurse consulting , school advocacy, and consulting experts. Based in DeWitt, Michigan.

Advanced Practice Consulting specializes in providing life care planning legal nurse consulting and locating expert witnesses for the medical legal community Our staff of certified professionals is dedicated to providing a comprehensive detailed and concise product to assist with medical legal issues

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Advanced Practice Consulting Advanced Practice Consulting Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-04
3 Points
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Consulting Advanced Practice Legal Care Certified Medical Set Aside Expert Providing Life Nurse Consultants Incspecializes Healthcare Case Management Providers Nurse Life Care Planner Certified Legal Consultants Expert Witness Vocational Medicare Set Aside Trusts

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Offering life care planning, legal nurse consulting , school advocacy, and consulting experts. Based in DeWitt, Michigan.
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