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NAC International

NAC International Review Experience Nuclear Fuel

Offers services in nuclear materials transport, spent fuel management technology, nuclear fuel cycle consulting and information technology.

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Nuclear Fuel Assurance Quality Transportation Nac Consulting Learn Spent Storage Magnastor Transport International Worldwide Technology Conditions Industrial Goods And Services Engineering Nuclear Consulting Nac Nuclear Spent Fuel Spentfuel Transportation Dry Storage Canisters Nuclear Waste Storage High Level Nuclear Nmmss Wnfm Nac Worldwide Nac Worldwide Consulting Usec Quality Assurance World Nuclear Fuel Market One Nuclear Place Nuclear Project Nuclear Fuel Cycle Consulting Magnastor Engineering

Reviews and Comments for NAC International

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Best entries for Nuclear and Fuel

1 Tractebel Engineering Provides nuclear
Provides nuclear energy and infrastructure solutions to private and public companies, including nuclear power plant engineering, safety and licencing, nuclear fuel, spent fuel management and related services.
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2 NAC International Offers services
Offers services in nuclear materials transport, spent fuel management technology, nuclear fuel cycle consulting and information technology.
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3 The Ux Consulting Company LLC Publishes world
Publishes world nuclear fuel spot prices, the Ux weekly, market outlook reports and provides consulting services on the front-end of the nuclear fuel cycle.
4 Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) Offers nuclear
Offers nuclear industry services including fuel manufacturing, decontamination and decommissioning, downblending highly-enriched uranium, managing radioactive and mixed wastes and environmental remediation.
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5 British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) Provides products
Provides products and services to the nuclear industry and governments worldwide, including fuel design and production, reactor services, electricity generation, spent fuel management and facility decommissioning.
6 Nuclear Fuel Services Company offering
Company offering the nuclear industry services including fuel manufacturing, decontamination and decommissioning, downblending highly-enriched uranium, managing radioactive and mixed wastes, and environmental remediation.
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7 British Nuclear Fuels The companys
The companys expertise spans fuel manufacture and uranium procurement through to recycling used fuel, transporting radioactive materials, engineering, waste management and decommissioning. Operators of many UK nuclear plants, including the Sellafield reprocessing Plant in Cumbria.
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8 Cogema Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of fuel for nuclear reactors, from uranium mining, conversion and enrichment, fuel assembly manufacturing through spent fuel reprocessing and recycling.
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9 TransWare Enterprises Inc. Providers of
Providers of nuclear, mechanical and software engineering services, including particle transport, radiation physics and nuclear fuel lattice calculations.
10 JAI Corporation Providing consulting
Providing consulting expertise and technical services in nuclear fuel cycle engineering, radioactive waste management, radioactive materials transportation, nuclear safety and licensing.
11 Nukem Nuclear Technologies Offers nuclear
Offers nuclear engineering, waste management, decommissioning and related services to the nuclear industry.
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12 The Ux Consulting Company, LLC (UxC) World nuclear
World nuclear fuel spot prices, The Ux Weekly, and Market Outlook Reports.
13 United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) Production and
Production and sales of enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power plants.
14 Westinghouse Provides fuel
Provides fuel, services and equipment for the nuclear industry. Includes company profile, location, product catalogue, news and contact information.
15 Westinghouse Electric Company Provides pressurized
Provides pressurized water reactor plant and equipment design, uranium fuel and consulting services to the nuclear industry.
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provides free ifta fuel tax software for trucking called fuel tax manager to manage fuel tax needs.
17 Uranium Online Allows nuclear
Allows nuclear fuel buyers and sellers to post listings and place bids live online.
18 Framatome ANP Designer and
Designer and manufacturer of pressurized and boiling water reactors, supplies uranium fuel assemblies, offers inspection, maintenance and consulting services to the nuclear industry.
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20 Advanced Fuel Solutions Fuel quality
Fuel quality solutions, fuel additives, fleet management and consulting services including fuel additive testing.
21 cremat nuclear electronics manufacture charge
manufacture charge sensitive preamplifiers for nuclear detection instrumentation.
22 MarCal Medical Specializes in
Specializes in products for nuclear medicine, nuclear cardiology and home infusion therapies.
23 Energy & Process Corporation Supplier of
Supplier of nuclear pipe, valves, fittings and structural steel products for the nuclear industry.
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automated fuel maintenance systems for monitoring and removing water and other contaminants from fuel storage tanks.
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25 PRI Advanced Fuel Treatments Producer of
Producer of fuel treatment and additive technologies for bunker fuel, diesel, and gasoline.
26 Duray Plating Company Specializes in
Specializes in chrome plating to military specifications and requirements of commercial aviation, nuclear, and medical industries. End products include diesel fuel injectors, hydraulic pistons, and specialized boring tools.
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27 GB Remanufacturing, Inc. Remanufacturer of
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28 ask fuel filtration provides mobile
provides mobile fuel cleaning and distributorship of fuel additives and lubricants. includes service and benefits overview, and a contact form.
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29 Roadtechs - Nuclear Area Interactive site
Interactive site for nuclear power contractors. Includes job offers, bulletin board, news, and related links.
30 General Atomics (GA) Offers research
Offers research, development and consulting services to the nuclear industry, including nuclear energy production, defense and related applications.
31 Fairville Products, Inc. Supplier of
Supplier of the Fuel Right brand of fuel additives for sludge, corrosion, and freeze-up control in systems using heating oil and diesel fuel. Based in Delaware.
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32 Institute for Nuclear Technology (INETEC) Developers of
Developers of reactor pressure vessel and steam generator tube collector and inspections programs for PWR and VVER nuclear power plants.
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More NAC International Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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