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Massif Mountain Gear

Massif Mountain Gear Review Experience Flame Massif

Manufacturer of fire-resistant clothing for military, aviation, wildland fire, and industrial applications. Ashland, Oregon, USA.

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Best entries for Flame and Massif

1 Flame Protection and Flame Retardants Information resource
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2 Safe Workwear Manufacturer and
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9 Kemgard: Flame Retardant Kemgard products
Kemgard products are cost effective flame retardants/smoke suppressant additives based on patented surface treatment technology.
10 International Barrier Technology, Inc. Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of Blazeguard flame retardant sheathing panels. Blazeguard inhibits ignition and flame spread, reduces smoke and the production of toxic gases during a fire.
11 Massif Mountain Gear Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of fire-resistant clothing for military, aviation, wildland fire, and industrial applications. Ashland, Oregon, USA.
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12 Colloidal Antimony Pentoxide in Flame Retardant ABS Scientific article
Scientific article about the synergistic action between halogenated flame retardents and antimony trioxide in the thermoplastics industry. From Nyacol Nano Technologies, Inc. Author: Jeffrey Bartlett.
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13 Spartan Adhesives & Coatings Co USA. Group
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14 Flame Retardent Developments for Polypropylene Scientific study
Scientific study of the advantages offered by colloidal-sized particles for flame-retarding and UV stabilizing of polypropylene polymers and fibers. From the Nyacol Nano Technology, Incs web site. Authors: Edward A. Myszak and Michael T. Sobus.
15 Nyacol Nano Technologies, Inc USA. Development
USA. Development and manufacture of proprietary nano particle technologies. Fine particle dispersions of colloidal antimony pentoxide for use as flame retardent synergist with halogenated flame retardents for textile and nonwovens finishing processes. Detailed product information. List of agents. Library of articles.
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16 Nyacol Nano Technologies, Inc USA. Development
USA. Development and manufacture of proprietary nano particle technologies. Fine particle dispersions of colloidal antimony pentoxide for use as flame retardent synergist with halogenated flame retardents for textile and nonwovens finishing processes. Detailed product information. List of agents. Library of articles.
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17 Nyacol Nano Technologies, Inc USA. Development
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18 Westex, Inc USA. Supplier
USA. Supplier of flame-retardent fabrics.
19 Flame Enterprises Providers of
Providers of relay circuit, breaker and switches.
20 FireTect, Inc. Certified applicators
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24 Liberty Steel Fabricating, Inc. Provides custom
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26 Flame Enterprises, Inc. Supplier of
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27 Pyrologistix, Inc Canadian manufacturer
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28 General Monitors Manufacturer of
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30 AGO Industries Inc. Suppliers of
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32 Workrite Uniform Company. Manufacturer and
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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Massif Mountain Gear in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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