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coronet leather cleaners.

coronet leather cleaners. Review Experience Leather Cleaning

cleaning, stain removal, color restoration, and repairs of suede, fur, and leather. includes pricing and leather care tips.

Coronet Leather Cleaners cleaning leather garments from across the country Colorados largest and most experienced suede fur and leather cleaners Leather jackets coats vests skirts pants

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Leather Cleaning Cleaners Coronet Fur Rug Suede Jackets Skirts Experts Vests Pants Shearling Listen@coronetleathercom Country Consumer Goods And Services Clothing Services Repair And Restoration Leather Cleaning Cleaner Coronet Leather Cleaners Denver Colorado Suede Repairs Jackets Skirts Vests Halter Tops Blouses Pants Fur Sheepskin Rug Cleaning Shearling Rug Cleaning Fur Rug Cleaning

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Best entries for Leather and Cleaning

1 coronet leather cleaners. cleaning, stain
cleaning, stain removal, color restoration, and repairs of suede, fur, and leather. includes pricing and leather care tips.
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2 coronet leather cleaners. cleaning, stain
cleaning, stain removal, color restoration, and repairs of suede, fur, and leather. includes pricing and leather care tips. located in denver, colorado, united states.
3 The Leather Institute Provides cleaning
Provides cleaning, conditioning and touch up products for the restoration of leather.
4 Leather Care Master, Ltd UK. Suppliers
UK. Suppliers of products for the care, cleaning and protection of leather upholstery. Also, textile and wood care products. Descriptions of various leather types.
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5 Zimeks Chamois, Ltd Turkey. Manufacturers
Turkey. Manufacturers of sheepskin, cod liver oil tanned chamois leather for cleaning and drying. Also, vegetable tanned skiver leather for apparel and leather goods applications. Care guides and technical FAQs. History of tanning process. Links to related sites. English, German and French.
6 Leather Master Products Produces and
Produces and sells leather, textile and wood products for cleaning, treatment and maintenance. Includes International dealer information.
7 Townsend Leather Co., Inc USA. Chrome
USA. Chrome tanned, custom dyed and finsihed leathers for upholstery in marine, transportation, automotive and retail markets. Extensive care and cleaning guide. Organizers of a two day workshop on leather maintenance and repair techniques.
8 New Life Vinyl and Leather Service Australia Providing repairs
Providing repairs to automotive trims and upholstery, and cleaning and re-colouring of leather and vinyl furniture. Features photographs and details of services, with franchise information, FAQ, and a list of distributors in other states. Factory in Melbourne.
9 leather garments china. leather
china. leather wear, leather clothing, leather wallets, leather bags.
10 Leather Glossary Comprehensive glossary
Comprehensive glossary of technical terms and definitions for the leather tanning and processing, leather goods manufacturing and leather chemicals industries. From Leather Web India.
11 Kanpur Leather Industries Directory of
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12 Kanpur Leather Industries Company directory
Company directory of Indian leather tanners and processors, exporters, manufacturers and wholesalers of leather, leather goods, footwear and apparel.
13 budget leather specializes in
specializes in manufacturing made-to-order leather furniture. browse the showroom and read about the leather process and leather care. offers express quote service.
14 Huadu Leather Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of PVC and polyurethane coated embossed, printed and sprayed artificial leather, and bonded leather for upholstery, apparel, footwear, leather goods, and automotive and industrial applications. English and Chinese.
îâöý»ª¶¼æ¤¸ïóðïþ¹«ë¾ öðîä°æõãicp±¸ºå English öðíø¹«ë¾ Z
15 International Leather Source USA. Leather
USA. Leather sourcing, supply and distribution company. Detailed multi-lingual leather catalogs, including technical specifications and color cards. Information about leather types, care and selection.
16 Heavens Best Carpet Cleaning Offers a
Offers a unique dry in one hour carpet cleaning system, as well as professional upholstery, tile, and grout cleaning. Information covers the cleaning process, and samples.
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17 Marson Leather House. Manufacturers and
Manufacturers and exporters of industrial leather safety products, gloves, garments, aprons, sleeves, arm guards, leg guards, finished leather and leather goods. Flash enhanced site.
18 All India Hide and Leather Tanners and Merchants Association India. Trade
India. Trade organization for leather tanneries, and manufacturers and traders in hides, leathers, and leather goods and apparel. Extensive overview of the Indian leather industry.
Untitled Documenty
19 Spinneybeck Enterprises, Inc USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of chrome and combination tanned, full grain and aniline finished leather for upholstery applications. Technical information and leather specifications. History of leather. Technical glossary. Leather care guide.
20 Prime Leather Finishes Co USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of leather care and finishing chemicals for the tanning, footwear and leather goods manufacturing industries. Resins, binders, top coats, pigments, waxes and extenders for the leather tanning and processing industry.
21 Uniters SpA Italy. Manufacturers
Italy. Manufacturers of repair, cleaning and care products for leather, textiles, wood and plastics. Multi-lingual site.
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22 Astoria Leathers India. Manufacturers
India. Manufacturers of genuine natural sheep skin, cod oil tanned chamois leather for cleaning and polishing applications.
23 ILD. International Leather Days Turkey. Trade
Turkey. Trade fair for manufacturers and suppliers of leather, leather apparel, footwear, small goods and accessories, tanning and processing chemicals, and leather processing and working machinery and equipment. English and Turkish. Istanbul. December 10-12, 2004.
24 Leather City Group China. Diversified
China. Diversified group of companies, active in leather tanning and processing, toys, sunglasses, chemical and real estate. Full grain nappa and nubuck cow leather for upholstery, footwear and apparel. Also, bonded leather. English and Chinese.
25 Wei Ye Science Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of spunlace nonwoven fabrics for cleaning, medical and hygiene, and artificial leather backing applications. English and Chinese.
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26 zestron high precision
high precision cleaning products and processes for all cleaning requirements in the electronic manufacturing industry with more than 20 cleaning systems worldwide.
27 Cotance. European Leather Association Belgium. Non-profit
Belgium. Non-profit trade organization, dedicated to the promotion of the European leather tanning industry. Links to leather museums. Description of leather production process. Industry statistics and business directory.
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28 Wortley Group Pty., Ltd Australia. Distributors
Australia. Distributors of upholstery and drapery fabrics, and leather and vinyl products. Links to product catalogs. Care and cleaning guide.
29 usa501, inc. usa. wholesaler
usa. wholesaler and retailer of used jeans, shoes, skirts and leather goods. includes profile, information on cleaning and repair services and contact details.
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30 Industrial Cleaning Systems, Inc USA. Suppliers
USA. Suppliers of aqueous cleaning systems, filter media and jet washers for industrial applications. Ultrasonic cleaning systems for the fiber extrusion industry. Also, contract cleaning services.
31 All About Leather Comprehensive information
Comprehensive information about leather types, tanning, characteristics, processing and quality assessment and testing. From Leather Depo
32 Yung Hsin Leather Machine Co., Ltd Taiwan. Design
Taiwan. Design and manufacture of machinery, spare parts and complete plants for leather tanning and processing, and artificial leather production. Also, leather recycling systems. Detailed product catalogs, including technical information and machine specifications. English and Chinese.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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