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Wavesight Limited

Wavesight Limited Review Experience Wireless Wavesight

Offers wireless and fibre solutions for secure, high bandwidth, long range transmission of data, voice and video.

Wavesight Wireless Solutions and Support Services for Outdoor Wireless CCTV and Wireless Data Networks

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Wireless Wavesight Cctv Security Ethernet Point Solutions Ifsec Spec Data Video Download Network Review Council Safe Contact Radios Telecommunications Equipment Wireless Wireless Wireless Cctv Cctv Link Surveillance System Wireless Ethernet Bridge Wireless Link Wireless Transmission Wireless Video Wireless Security Outdoor Wireless Point To Point Wireless Point To Point Wireless Point To Multipoint Wireless Mesh P2p Multi

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Best entries for Wireless and Wavesight

1 Wavesight Limited Offers wireless
Offers wireless and fibre solutions for secure, high bandwidth, long range transmission of data, voice and video.
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2 Maxrad, Inc. Designs and
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3 Wireless Estimator Wireless Estimator
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5 OReilly Network Wireless DevCenter The OReilly
The OReilly Network Wireless DevCenter teams with Wireless Developer Network to present a comprehensive resource for wireless applications. The center provides developers interested in mobile computing and wireless communications news, articles and forums to keep them near the cutting edge in this fast-moving industry.
6 CSI Wireless Designs, manufactures
Designs, manufactures and markets vehicle tracking and global positioning systems, wireless and combined GPS-wireless products.
7 Xertex Technologies, Inc. Design and
Design and manufacture antennas for wireless communications, including in-building, PCS, cellular, wireless local loop, wireless LAN .
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8 CES Wireless Technologies Corp Manufactures wireless
Manufactures wireless fleet management systems, GPS vehicle tracking, two-way messaging, job ticketing, fixed and Internet web based software operating over most wireless networks.
9 GigaWave Technologies Provides instructor-led
Provides instructor-led and online courses for wireless local area networks (WLAN), wireless LAN bridging, wireless LAN security and other emerging technologies.
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10 Wescom Products, Inc. Manufacturer of
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11 Horizon Wireless On-site paging
On-site paging systems and wireless messaging technology including LAN based wireless text messaging to pagers and mobile phones.
12 CSI Wireless Designs, manufactures
Designs, manufactures and markets vehicle tracking and global positioning systems, wireless and combined GPS-wireless products. Includes list of products and contact information.
13 cstar technologies inc. specializes in
specializes in wireless data communications. products include wireless data communication, wireless network access, telemetry, and multi-protocol gateways.
14 Learning WML & WMLScript : Programming the Wireless Web Gets developers
Gets developers up to speed quickly on these technologies, mapping out in detail the Wireless Application Environment (WAE), and its two major components: Wireless Markup Language (WML), and WMLScript.
15 OnWOW, Inc. Product line
Product line includes software for developing wireless enabled applications that are integrated with an organizations data and processes, middleware for client-side connectivity to a wireless carriers network, and standards based gateways for wireless and paging carriers.
16 Corporate Wireless Solutions Inc. Provides wireless
Provides wireless telephone systems that integrate with PBX and Key telephone systems. Features products from Kirk Telecom and Commtech Wireless.
17 Lets Think Wireless, Inc. Turnkey wireless
Turnkey wireless integration services of broadband and cellular technology. Services include site and path survey, engineering. Other services include mobile and fixed wireless data networking.
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18 Professional Wireless Systems (PWS) Sales, service
Sales, service, support and rentals of professional wireless audio equipment. Frequency coordination services, on-site repairs and wireless audio consultation services.
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19 Great Lakes MSS Association Directory of
Directory of Motorola Service Stations [authorized Motorola warranty service] - sales, installation & service of wireless communications equipment and systems. Web site has information for persons thinking about using wireless: descriptions of the various kinds of wireless and their application to the users needs.
20 Brightpoint, Inc. Distributor of
Distributor of wireless devices and provides customized logistic services to the wireless industry.
21 Tregan Partners Investment focus:
Investment focus: telecommunications, including wireless and wireless infrastructure.
22 Comtronics Wireless Quincy, Massachusetts
Quincy, Massachusetts, provider of wireless communications equipment.
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23 Vositech Wireless, Inc. Offers wireless
Offers wireless communication products and Voice over IP systems.
24 Kyocera Wireless Maker of
Maker of CDMA wireless phones and related accessories
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25 OReilly Wireless Center Features books
Features books, resources, news and articles about wireless technology.
26 MTI Wireless Edge Ltd. Delivers fixed
Delivers fixed wireless communication solutions and flat panel antennas from 0.4 to 40 GHz.
27 TenXc Wireless Provides solutions
Provides solutions for network service capacity and performance in wireless mobility networks.
28 Audiovend Wireless Sales and
Sales and rentals of wireless microphone systems located in Houston, Texas.
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29 OTS Wireless Supply wireless
Supply wireless internet dispatch solutions for management of field service projects.
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30 Primex Wireless Manufacturer of
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31 Astron Wireless Technologies, Inc. Provides innovative
Provides innovative custom and standard antenna solutions for wireless communications.
32 Airvertise, Inc. Airvertise is
Airvertise is a wireless advertising media broker for a variety of media types in the wireless space. Devices include cell phones, PDAs, Airfones, car navigation systems (GPS), and other wireless devices. Airvertise has exclusive contracts with leading companies to advertise on these devices.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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