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Unite Star Dyes & Chemicals

Unite Star Dyes Review Experience Chemicals Dyes

Manufacturer and supplier of dyes, organic and inorganic pigments, and intermediates, located in China.

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Unite Star Dyes & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Unite Star Dyes & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-14
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Chemicals Dyes And Pigments

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Best entries for Chemicals and Dyes

1 City Cat Overseas Chemicals Ltd. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and exporter of reactive dyes, acid dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, organic pigments, fluorescent pigments, textiles auxilliaries, dye intermediates, optical whitening agents, and food colours.
India Designing Dyes Website Manufacturers Exporters Pigment Reactive Pigments Indian Chemicals Direct Dyestuffs Food Basic
2 A.K.Chemi-Dyes Enterprise India. Manufacturers
India. Manufacturers of basic, direct and acid dyes for the papermaking and textile industries. Also, importers, exporters and distributors of chemicals and dyes.
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3 Kiri Dyes and Chemicals Pvt., Ltd. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and exporter of coaltar dyes and intermediates.
4 Atlas Dye-Chem Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of dyestuff, colorant, reactive dyes, dyes, and chemicals.
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5 Retort Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of solvent dyes (oil soluble dyes) in powder and liquid form.
6 Neelikon Food Dyes and Chemicals, Ltd. Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of food colours, pharmaceutical, drug, toiletry and cosmetic colours, FD&C and D&C range of colours, lakes, writing ink dyes, fluorescent and glow dyes.
Colours Food Cosmetic Pharmaceutical Fluorescent Neelikon Colors Personal Enquiry Contact Colour Dispersions Based Care Value Color
7 K. Patel Chemopharma Pvt., Ltd. Manufacturing and
Manufacturing and supplying of high quality basic dyes, solvent dyes, pigments and other chemicals.
8 Unite Star Dyes & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of dyes, organic and inorganic pigments, and intermediates, located in China.
9 Yick-Vic Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals (HK) Ltd. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of dyes and pigments, pharmaceutical intermediates, agricultural chemicals and industrial Chemicals.
10 J. Dye Chem Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of bifunctional dyes, high exhaust dyes, V.S. based dyes, cold brand dyes, and hot brand dyes.
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11 Dyetex Corporation Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and exporter of synthetic organic dyes, s.o. dyes, dyestuffs, dyes intermediates, and coaltar dyes.
12 Neelikon Food Dyes & Chemicals Limited Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of dyes and colors for food, pharmaceutical, toiletry, cosmetic, personal care and writing ink industries.
Colours Yellow Dyes Colour Red Food Additives Colors Green Dc Lake Fdc Blue Fluorescent Pigments
13 Rosi Chemical Co., Ltd. Manufactures acid
Manufactures acid dyes, mordant dyes, direct dyes, and leather dyes.
14 Jagson Colorchem Ltd. Makers of
Makers of reactive dyes, acid dyes, direct dyes and dyes intermediates.
15 Jagson Colorchem Ltd. Makers of
Makers of reactive dyes, acid dyes, direct dyes and dyes intermediates.
16 Jagson Colorchem Ltd. Makers of
Makers of reactive dyes, acid dyes, direct dyes and dyes intermediates.
Dyes Dycrofix Fast Leather Direct Acid Reactive Wool Printing Paper Bacis Colours English Chinese Korean
17 Jagson Colorchem Ltd. Makers of
Makers of reactive dyes, acid dyes, direct dyes and dyes intermediates.
18 Neelikon Food Dyes & Chemicals Limited Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pyranine dyes for the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and personal care industries, as well as a black dye for inkjet printers.
19 Parshwanath Dyestuff Industries Manufactures and
Manufactures and distributes industrial dyes, food coloring, reactive dyes, laboratory reagents, pigment powder, acid dyes, and direct dyes.
20 Star Group India. Group
India. Group of manufacturing companies, active in chemicals, dyestuffs and dyes. Acid, direct and reactive dyes, and dye intermediates for textile, papermaking and leather processing applications.
21 Parshwanath Dyestuff Industries Manufactures and
Manufactures and distributes industrial dyes, food coloring, reactive dyes, laboratory reagents, pigment powder, acid dyes, and direct dyes. Located in Gujarat, India.
22 Kelco Chemicals Co., Ltd. Producers and
Producers and distributor of dyes, pigments, and intermediate chemicals in China.
23 Asiatic Chemicals Pakistan Industrial chemicals
Industrial chemicals, dyes, intermediates, and raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.
24 Aakash Chemicals and Dyestuffs, Inc USA. Distributors
USA. Distributors of chemicals, dyes and pigments. Also, intermediates, naphtols and fast salts.
Chemicals Pigments Dyes Resins Additives Aakash Pigment Fine Specialty Request Policy Products Terms Register Inventory Contact Color Login
25 Valia Chemicals Pvt., Ltd India. Manufacturers
India. Manufacturers of dyes, dye intermediates and chemicals for the textile, leather, paints, paper and ink industries.
26 S&D Chemicals, Ltd. Manufacturers representative
Manufacturers representative offering fine bulk chemicals, nutraceuticals, botanicals, dyes and desiccants in Canada and US.
27 Prakash Chemical International Pvt. Ltd. International trading
International trading house of chemicals and allied products headquartered in India. Products include industrial chemicals and gases, polymers, pigments and dyes, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceutical intermediates.
28 Shuaixian Dyestuff Industries Specializes in
Specializes in the production of acid dyes, acid mordant dyes, basic dyes and direct dyes.
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29 Baurs Exports Widely diversified
Widely diversified importer in Sri Lanka of agro-chemicals, pharmaceutical specialties, industrial chemicals, food products and textile dyes.
30 Oswal Udhyog Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of dyes and dye intermediates, acid dyes, metal complex acid dye, pigment powders, reactive dyes, food colours, natural dyes, fluorscent pigments, and whitening agents, from India.
31 Widetex Chemical Co., Ltd. Taiwanese manufacturer
Taiwanese manufacturer of dyestuff chemicals, including disperse, reactive and solvent dyes, as well a bio-chemicals for the pharmaceutical industry. Plants in Taiwan and China.
32 Rainbow Chemicals Company Distributor of
Distributor of chemicals from Asian suppliers to US industrial markets. Products include laboratory testing agents, pigments and dyes, organic intermediates, and amines.

More Unite Star Dyes & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Infos

service products more unite fluorescent metal food iron ink violet orange solvent strontium dioxide oxide auxiliary titanium acid inorganic privacy supplier reactive carbon application black organic star contacts inks blue read dyes disperse coating plastic dye yellow pigment chrome molybdate paint prussian red news direct advanced zinc basic green lithopone intermediate complex daylight every life display help industry china touch best attitude read certificate daily harmony read chinacoat will copyright from wait pursuit read pp pe nature vat youmaking beautiful quality for pa thebest environmental packageshipping corner growth labqc gift pvc sitemap en ltd after always life read rigorous search pc needs china’a don’t pigments plastic discover pu

Review and Opening Hours Information

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