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Uyemura International Corp.

Uyemura International Corp. Review Experience Plating Nickel

Manufacturers and suppliers of advanced plating chemicals and processes, specializing in electroless plating of nickel, gold, and platinum group metals.

Uyemura supplies Alkaline copper electroless nickel immersion gold plating ENEPIG decorative black nickel technology EN plating on aluminum HASL alternative products immersion silver plating EZ Plate plating system lead free electroless nickel E N copper surface treatment black oxide alternative

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Uyemura International Corp. Uyemura International Corp. Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-01
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Plating Nickel Copper Industry Products Black Alkaline Technology Enepig Immersion Uyemura Aluminum Electroless Alternative Finishes Lead Free Substrates Milad Silver Chemicals Specialties Alkaline Copper Direct Plating On Aluminum En Plating On Aluminum Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold Plating Decorative Black Nickel Technology Hasl Alternative Products Immersion Silver Plating Ez Plate Plating System Lead Free Electroless Nickel E N Copper Surface Treatment Black Oxide Alternative

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1 Cooper Plating Inc. A specification
A specification electroplater specializing in plating gold, silver, nickel, tin, tin/lead, electroless nickel, and copper. Processes include reel to reel plating, barrel plating, and rack plating.
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2 Guild Platers, Inc. Electroplating and
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3 Component Technologies Inc. Provides diversified
Provides diversified plating services, with main focus on electroless nickel process. Other capabilities include regular nickel, sulfamate nickel, zinc, tin, and precious metal plating.
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4 Silvex Surface Technology Full service
Full service plating company offering silver plating, gold plating, platinum plating, electrolyses nickel plating, and anodizing services.
5 Electro-Metallics, Inc. Providing metal
Providing metal plating, metal finishing, silver plating, tin plating, zinc plating, nickel plating, electropolishing and electroplating services.
6 Jewelry manufacturing
Jewelry manufacturing and plating systems that plate jewelry in gold, nickel and copper, as well as nickel-free plating.
7 Atlas Plating A decorative
A decorative plating and polishing company for chrome, nickel, gold, copper, brass plating.
8 Lincoln Plating Offers electroplating
Offers electroplating, anodizing, chrome plating, black oxide, passivation, brite dip, cadmium, chromate, and electroless nickel plating.
9 Plating Process Systems Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in electroless and electrolytic chromium and nickel plating systems and products. Provides product information and a detailed section regarding nickel and chromium troubleshooting tips.
10 Perfection Plating Incorporated Provides broad
Provides broad range of reel-to-reel, barrel, and rack plating services. Finishes include copper, gold, silver, nickel, palladium, palladium-nickel, tin, and tin/lead.
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11 Miller Plating & Metal Finishing, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in plating electroless nickel, and other types of plating, on hard to plate metals such as magnesium alloys, aluminum die castings, copper zinc, powdered metals other various substrates.
12 Century Plating Inc A nickel
A nickel and chrome plating company servicing northeast Ohio for 5 decades.
13 J&P Custom Plating Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in repair, rebuilding, and restoration work, with plating in brass, chrome, copper, gold, nickel, and silver. Site lists capabilities and includes step by step example of chrome plating process.
14 Nickel Technologies, Inc. Offers electroless
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15 Marami Metal Plating Dubai, U.A.E.
Dubai, U.A.E. Specializes in hard chrome and electroless nickel plating. Can also arrange for machining and secondary or alternative finishing services.
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16 Huntington Plating, Inc. Electroplating of
Electroplating of Industrial Nickel, Hard Chrome and Silver. Nickel Capacity 8(ft) Diameter x 20(ft) long. Also Complete Machine Shop Services.
17 Uyemura International Corp. Manufacturers and
Manufacturers and suppliers of advanced plating chemicals and processes, specializing in electroless plating of nickel, gold, and platinum group metals.
Plating Nickel Copper Industry Products Black Alkaline Technology Enepig Immersion Uyemura Aluminum Electroless Alternative Finishes Lead Free Substrates Milad Silver
18 Dav - Tech Plating Inc. Provides broad
Provides broad range of services including chromate conversion and electroless nickel plating, as well as aluminum anodizing and hard coating. Site explains differences in benefits and applications of each process.
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19 Arlington Plating Company Provides range
Provides range of plating, polishing, buffing, and finishing services. Chrome, brass, nickel, copper, and silver coatings available. Can include mirror, satin, antique, and decorative finishes.
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20 Metal Industries Inc. Provides electroplating
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21 V&M Plating Provides hard
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22 V&M Plating Provides hard
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23 Akron Plating Company Inc. Provides wide
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24 H & M Plating Company Inc. Provides reconditioning
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25 United Plating Inc. (UPI) Softcoat and
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26 New England Chrome Plating Provides full
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27 Suron Photo Chemical Machining A.C.A Provides flat
Provides flat metal parts by photochemical machining, and lead frames, lids, SMT stencils, gold and nickel plating, electroless nickel, precision photography and laser-photoplotting.
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28 Brush Plating Services Provides plating
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29 Nu-Chrome Corp. Offers quality
Offers quality restoration and plating of all antique automobile, boat and motorcycle parts. Features copper, nickel, and chrome plating as well as re-anodizing aluminum parts.
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30 New England Chrome Plating Offers broad
Offers broad range of plating and finishing services. Includes chrome, brass, copper, electroless nickel, gold, silver, and zinc, as well as powder coating, buffing, and polishing. Serves both automobile and industrial markets.
31 Three Rivers Gold Plating Company Gold and
Gold and Precious Metal Plating Services. Items are plated with a genuine gold metal finish. Platinum, Gold, Ruthenium, Nickel. Custom orders are welcome
32 Millcreek Metal Finishing Plating and
Plating and metal finishing needs including cadmium, copper, diffused nickel cadmium, gold, silver, nickel, passivating, phosphating, parkerizing, pickeling, and tinning .

More Uyemura International Corp. Infos

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