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AAV Plastics Design

AAV Plastics Design Review Experience Design Plastics

Manufacturers and modular toolmaking.

Plastic product design prototyping toolmaking manufacturing moulding assembly and finishing

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Design Plastics Show Assembly Party Tigrox Manufacturing Barrier Hands Free Plate Ring Breather Banner Electronics Wine Bin Marine Chemicals Polymers Processing Methods Molding Injection Molding Plastic Product Design Prototyping Toolmaking Manufacturing Moulding Assembly Finishing

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Best entries for Design and Plastics

1 UK Optical Plastics Limited Optical plastics
Optical plastics design and tooling specialists. Offering consultancy and advice in Laser scanners, Opto-mechanical design, PIR Fresnels and Luminaires to major companies.
2 A&M Engineering Plastics Custom plastics
Custom plastics molder specializing in insert and modular molding of new and existing products for the plastics industry.
3 GreenSheet Ads Source of
Source of new and used plastics machinery, auxiliary equipment, plastics auctions and liquidations, plastic materials, and services for the plastics industry.
4 Tech Tool Specializes in
Specializes in injection molded plastics including: complex molded plastics, insert molded plastics, plastics assembly, custom molding, modular molding and precision molded plastic components.
5 Rubber Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd Design and
Design and manufacture of machinery and equipment for the rubber and plastics processing industries. Mixers, presses, extruders and sheeting mills. English and Chinese.
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6 Port Plastics Plastics and
Plastics and technical data section on plastics.
7 Ideal Design Inc. Product design
Product design from concept thru production -mechanical design, E/M packaging, sheet metal, injection molded plastics, mechanisms, rapid prototyping, engineering analyses, cabling and drafting
8 Key-Tech, Inc Provides thermostatic
Provides thermostatic printing onto coated metals, plastics, composites, injection molded plastics, extruded plastics, and coated woods.
9 Plastics Jobs Forum Plastics career
Plastics career website for those involved in plastics. designers, engineers, scientists, toolmakers, resin suppliers, OEMs, the supply chain, software and machinery suppliers.
10 Dutch Textile Design The Netherlands.
The Netherlands. Group of design studios and individual designers, specialised in textile and surface design for the interior and automotive textiles, wallcoverings, fashion, paper, ceramics and plastics industries. Designer profiles and design catalogs. Links to related sites.
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11 North American PET Plastics Organization Trade organization
Trade organization for the North American PET plastics industry. Members directory. Recycling reports and design guidelines. Information on PET and plastic technology.
12 MPS Plastics Injection molds
Injection molds, insert molding, custom injection modular molding, product design, plastics engineering, tool making, mold making, finishing, and CAD/CAM.
Molding Injection Plastics Custom Plastic Design Molders Molder Parts Mps Connecticut Mold England Product New Permanently The
13 R&D Design Engineering, Inc. Provides design
Provides design and technical consulting to the plastics, die cast and related manufacturing communities.
14 UK Optical Plastics Ltd Custom optical
Custom optical design, opto-mechanical system design, design of custom infrared lenses and microscope design.
Design Optical Custom System Lighting Opto Laser Mechanical Pir Infrared Systems Lenses Lens Optics Microscope
15 Design Plastics Design and
Design and manufacture of custom injection modular molded and thermoformed plastic products for worldwide industry.
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16 Jones Plastics Technology Precision injection
Precision injection molding, plastic design consulting, modular mold design and construction.
17 Jones Plastics Technology Precision injection
Precision injection molding, plastic design consulting, modular mold design and construction.
18 Plastics And Concepts of Connecticut, Inc. Custom injection-molded
Custom injection-molded plastic parts, product design, prototyping, tool design and manufacture.
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19 Key-Tech, Inc Provides thermostatic
Provides thermostatic printing of color images onto coated metals, plastics, composites, injection molded plastics, extruded plastics, and coated woods. Owner of the patented Thermostatic Printing decoration process.
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20 21st Century Plastics Custom injection
Custom injection modular molder of plastics parts.
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21 Pittsfield Plastics Engineering, Inc. Full service
Full service plastics injection molding company.
22 AAV Plastics Design Manufacturers and
Manufacturers and modular toolmaking.
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23, Inc. Plastics reference
Plastics reference site, including supplier data and information.
24 Dow Plastics Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of polyethylene, polystyrene, polyurethanes, and engineering plastics such as ABS and polycarbonate.
25 Trenton Plastics L.L.C. We specialize
We specialize in custom molding and tooling in the plastics industry.
26 EOS Plastics Plastics modular
Plastics modular mold-making services. ISO 9001 approved tooling facilities.
27 Bayer Plastics Techcenter The plastics
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28 sonepa plastics industries, inc. provides recycling
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29 Beginners Plastics Guide Information about
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30 Form-All Plastics Corp. supplied large
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31 Plastics Technology Laboratories, Inc An independent
An independent testing laboratory dedicated to plastics, elastomers, composites and polymers.
32 Polymer Sales Inc. In-stock and
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