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Jeannes House o HyperCard

Jeannes House o Review Experience Hypercard Hypertalk

Links, scripting tips and utilities, and information about my HyperCard books.

HyperCard links scripting tips and utilities and information about my HyperCard books

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Hypercard Hypertalk Apple Quicktime Jeannes World Before Macs Masters House Tricks Monks Books Book Resources Sites Resedit Systems Apple Macintosh Development Languages HyperCard Hypercard Hypertalk Hypertext Scripting Script Language Customize Custom Software

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Best entries for Hypercard and Hypertalk

1 HyperActive Software Software development
Software development firm, specializing in Hypercard and related environments. Site includes comprehensive Hypercard virus information, anti-virus software, Hypercard tutorials, and Hypercard success stories.
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2 HyperCard Club A Yahoo
A Yahoo club for anyone with an interest in HyperCard. Post scripts, ask questions, answer questions, and just talk about HyperCard.
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3 HyperCard Heaven Information about
Information about HyperCard: news, articles, and a cool stack of the month.
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4 Jeannes House o HyperCard Links, scripting
Links, scripting tips and utilities, and information about my HyperCard books.
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5 Vaccine A free
A free HyperCard virus utility written by Bill Swagerty that will inspect all the stacks on your hard drive, or any part of it, for most HyperCard viruses.
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6 MetaCard A multimedia
A multimedia authoring tool and GUI development environment for Microsoft Windows 3.1/95/98/NT, Unix/X11, and Macintosh systems. MetaCard supports most Hypercard features, and can import Hypercard projects with minimal changes.
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7 MetaCard A multimedia
A multimedia authoring tool and GUI development environment for Microsoft Windows 3.1/95/98/NT, Unix/X11, and Macintosh systems. MetaCard supports most Hypercard features, and can import Hypercard projects with minimal changes.
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8 HyperCard info and freeware from Ben Lawson HyperCard information
HyperCard information and freeware from Ben Lawson
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9 AppleScript & HyperCard freeware, shareware Created by
Created by Ben Lawson.
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10 HyperCard Clubs Site A community.
A community. Includes forums and a Web ring.
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11 Caliban Mindwear Producers of
Producers of HyperGASP, a multimedia authoring tool for educators and the HyperCard community. [Mac OS]
13 Plugins, utilities
Plugins, utilities, graphic tools, games and framework tools for Revolution. Also tools and stacks available for MetaCard and HyperCard.
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14 Examination A multiple
A multiple choice test making program. Teachers now can create their own computerized multiple choice tests in HyperCard on your Mac. [Demo]
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15 Apple Development Tools Tools available
Tools available for download include MPW, MRJ and SDKs. Links to AppleScript and HyperCard sites at Apple.
16 HyperCard Mailing List Archive Searchable archive
Searchable archive going back to February 1999. Also includes subscription instructions and other background info about the list.
Hypercard Archive Mailing List Yesz
17 Apple Localization Tools: HC Stack Localization Navigator Localization guide
Localization guide for HyperCard stacks. This tool navigates the user through the stack he is localizing, stopping at each field and button name which needs to be translated.
18 SuperCard Integrated development
Integrated development environment similar to Hypercard. Features improved speed, native color support. Supercard can be used to create powerful applications that can be streamed through browsers using Roadster. SuperCard Server Edition includes FlameThrower (a CGI toolkit), and Marionet (for realtime scripting of internet protocols).
19 SuperCard Integrated development
Integrated development environment similar to Hypercard. Features improved speed, native color support. Supercard can be used to create powerful applications that can be streamed through browsers using Roadster. SuperCard Server Edition includes FlameThrower (a CGI toolkit), and Marionet (for realtime scripting of internet protocols).
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