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JX Application Framework

JX Application Framework Review Experience Framework Application

JX is a full-featured C++ application framework and GUI class library for the X Window System.

JX C++ Application Framework for X

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Best entries for Framework and Application

1 JX Application Framework JX is
JX is a full-featured C++ application framework and GUI class library for the X Window System.
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2 Cynergy Systems Enterprise Application Framework (EAF) A framework
A framework for n-tier PB applications with some other tools.
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3 Compact Framework QuickStart Tutorial Provides guidance
Provides guidance in a variety of areas of CF programming and also techniques and workarounds for situations when code for the full .NET Framework cannot be used in a device application. These QuickStarts also demonstrate classes specific to .NET Compact Framework for SQL Server CE, controlling the Soft Input Panel (SIP) on the Pocket PC, and for sending and receiving custom Windows messages.
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4 The Dabo Framework A 3-tier
A 3-tier, cross-platform application development framework, written in Python atop the wxPython GUI toolkit. [Open source, MIT license]
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5 Roadsend SiteManager A web
A web application framework for PHP Developers that includes a framework for code modules and layout templates, database connectivity, SmartForms, sessions, and other tools. [Open source, Q Public License]
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10 Plankton Web Application Framework Integrated collection
Integrated collection of classes that provide the building blocks and underlying architecture for an entire PHP web application. [Open source, BSD License]
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11 Spring-Dashboard Provides real-time
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15 Akelos Framework Port of
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A Object Oriented Framework for PHP, Zoop Framework caters to the programmer and includes ajax and validation. Zoop also features a PHP implementation of .NET controls called GUIControls [Zope Public License, GPL compatible].
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19 Good GUI Framework An object
An object oriented application framework to apply basic principles of good GUI-design to the development of HTML-applications. The client side is pure HTML while the server side is pure object oriented PHP5. PHP classes are provided to work with database tables for the purpose of browsing, using nested transactions, and handling large datasets.
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20 Understanding the Zend Framework First part
First part of an article which explains in details the use of the application.
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21 Phocoa Offers a
Offers a web application framework inspired by Cocoa. [Open-Source, MIT]
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22 eKnowlogie ColdFusion to J2EE Migrator a software
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Object oriented Web-application framework offering to build Ajax applications. [Open source, Apache licence]
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32 ParaGUI A cross-platform
A cross-platform high-level application framework and GUI library based on the Simple DirectMedia Layer. [LGPL]
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