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The Photoshop Roadmap

The Photoshop Roadmap Review Experience Photoshop Effects

Photoshop tips, tutorials, techniques and articles. Also a large plugin directory with download links, animated tutorials and a Photoshop bookstore

Hundreds of Photoshop tutorials plugins downloads and other graphics related resources

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Reviews and Comments for The Photoshop Roadmap

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Best entries for Photoshop and Effects

1 Action Fx Photoshop Actions resource Site dedicated
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4 DriveArt Digital Templates
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5 The Plugin Site Resources for
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Resources for graphics users including plugins, effects and tools for image and video editing. Database driven search engine which lets you search Photoshop-compatible plugins, Paintshop Pro tubes, Photoshop actions, graphics tutorials and product reviews.
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9 Adobe Systems Incorporated Featuring Photoshop
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10 Adobe Systems Incorporated Featuring Photoshop
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12 Hollywood FX This plugin
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17 Photoshop Academy - Photoshop Tutorial Self help
Self help course designed to help photographers manipulate and correct photos on their computer using Adobe Photoshop.
18 Colleens Photoshop Plug-in Page Fun Pack
Fun Pack is Macintosh charity-ware plugin set for color correction, masking and blur effects.
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19 LucisArt This plugin
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20 The Photoshop Roadmap Photoshop tips
Photoshop tips, tutorials, techniques and articles. Also a large plugin directory with download links, animated tutorials and a Photoshop bookstore
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21 Absolute Cross Several tutorials
Several tutorials for Photoshop covering text effects and textures and several others. Collection of high-quality seamless textures and links to webmasters resources.
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22 Booster Elements Three essential
Three essential plugins: Curves, Density Masking, and Color Effects, for Adobe Photoshop Elements or Jasc PaintShop7. For Windows and PowerMac.
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23 Harrys Filters - The Plugin Site Collection of
Collection of 55 plugins designed for Paint Shop Pro and other compatible applications. Set includes color and glass effects, color gradient effects, filters for encrypting and decrypting images, atmospherizer and color cocktail effects, pattern effects, and a quadrant flip effect.
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24 The Photoshop Gurus Handbook Site where
Site where users of Adobe Photoshop can stretch their imaginations to learn new and different ways of using this popular graphics program. There is an extensive list of tutorials, as well as the normal Photoshop goodies: community forums, links, tips, and downloads.
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25 Digital Training and Designs Adobe Certified
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26 Inside Graphics Photoshop Directory of
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27 Damon Ledet Tutorials on
Tutorials on Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Apple Final Cut Pro, Apple DVD Studio Pro, Coldfusion, and Flash.
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28 Adobe Systems Incorporated Developers of
Developers of software solutions for graphic designers and professional publishers, products include Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, LiveMotion, InDesign, Studio, FrameMaker, PhotoDeluxe and several others. Also develops third party plugins.
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29 Adobe Systems Incorporated Developers of
Developers of software solutions for graphic designers and professional publishers, products include Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, LiveMotion, InDesign, Studio, FrameMaker, PhotoDeluxe and several others. Also develops third party plugins.
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30 Adobe Systems Incorporated Developers of
Developers of software solutions for graphic designers and professional publishers, products include Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, LiveMotion, InDesign, Studio, FrameMaker, PhotoDeluxe and several others. Also develops third party plugins.
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31 Illusion A particle
A particle effects system and compositing tool that adds countless particle effects to 3D animation or digitized video. Supports multiple layers and other functions to integrate its effects into a 3D environment. [Mac/Win]
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32 Mac Design Conference and Expo Three days
Three days of Mac-only training. Over 50 classes that explain real-world techniques in applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, InDesign, After Effects, QuarkXPress, Final Cut Pro, and Mac OS X. Produced by Mac Design magazine. Annual event.
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