Experience Gradekeeper Windows
[Win, Mac, & Palm] Enables teachers to record grades for the entire school year. Gradekeeper computes grades, prints reports, does seating charts, and can post grades online.
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Reviews and Comments for Gradekeeper

Best entries for Gradekeeper and Windows
1 Gradekeeper
[Win, Mac
[Win, Mac, & Palm] Enables teachers to record grades for the entire school year. Gradekeeper computes grades, prints reports, does seating charts, and can post grades online.
Gradekeeper Windows Software Yahoo Gradebook Contact Quotes Download Purchase Tourlicenses Ipad Gradekeeper Unitedstates Canada
[Win, Mac, & Palm] Enables teachers to record grades for the entire school year. Gradekeeper computes grades, prints reports, does seating charts, and can post grades online.
Gradekeeper Windows Software Yahoo Gradebook Contact Quotes Download Purchase Tourlicenses Ipad Gradekeeper Unitedstates Canada
2 SoftProfile Juggler
Windows 95/98/NT
Windows 95/98/NT system-tray utility that allows you to set a window to be always on top of other windows, hide windows, automatically adjust windows, and easily find windows and desktop items.
Juggler Windows Softprofile Download Purchase Preview Products Netsales Adjust Menu Credit Restore Hide Quick Networkingthis Partners Desktop Other
Windows 95/98/NT system-tray utility that allows you to set a window to be always on top of other windows, hide windows, automatically adjust windows, and easily find windows and desktop items.
Juggler Windows Softprofile Download Purchase Preview Products Netsales Adjust Menu Credit Restore Hide Quick Networkingthis Partners Desktop Other
3 XLink Technology, Inc.
Makes Omni-X
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Windows Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Nfs Server Clusterreplica Free High Ezrollback Availability Contact Cdp Omni Support Client Xlink Product Sql Solutions Ha Pc Unix
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Windows Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Nfs Server Clusterreplica Free High Ezrollback Availability Contact Cdp Omni Support Client Xlink Product Sql Solutions Ha Pc Unix
4 XLink Technology, Inc.
Makes Omni-X
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Windows Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Nfs Server Clusterreplica Availability Free Ezrollback High Contact Omni Support Cdp Sql Pc Product Client Uses Ha Unix
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Windows Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Nfs Server Clusterreplica Availability Free Ezrollback High Contact Omni Support Cdp Sql Pc Product Client Uses Ha Unix
5 XLink Technology, Inc.
Makes Omni-X
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Windows Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Nfs Server Clusterreplica Free High Ezrollback Availability Contact Support Omni Cdp Product Client Pc Sql Ha Unix Expert Technical
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Windows Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Nfs Server Clusterreplica Free High Ezrollback Availability Contact Support Omni Cdp Product Client Pc Sql Ha Unix Expert Technical
6 Managing Windows with the Taskbar in Windows XP
Manage windows
Manage windows for greater productivity. Tile specific windows side by side, handle groups, and control how windows are grouped. Great for writing and using references.
Manage windows for greater productivity. Tile specific windows side by side, handle groups, and control how windows are grouped. Great for writing and using references.
7 WinPlanet Windows Software
Windows software
Windows software index includes different categories of 32-bit applications that are designed to run on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003 platforms.
Internet Domains News Website Domain Buy Building Resources Related Privacy Source Dns Web Original
Windows software index includes different categories of 32-bit applications that are designed to run on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003 platforms.
Internet Domains News Website Domain Buy Building Resources Related Privacy Source Dns Web Original
8 G.A. Parks Consulting Group, Inc.
System integrator
System integrator specializing in internet connectivity and LAN/WAN using Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98/ME and Windows 95.
System integrator specializing in internet connectivity and LAN/WAN using Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98/ME and Windows 95.
9 XLink Technology, Inc.
Makes Omni-X
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Window Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Filetemporarily Resource Removed Server Foundthe Error Directory Beennamechanged Looking Unavailable Might
Makes Omni-X high-performance 32-bit X Window Server for PCs running MS Windows 32-bit, turns PC AT, 386, 486, Pentium into full function X Windows server. Runs over MS Windows, built-in TCP/IP stack, all windows fully integrated with MS Windows environment, are sized, opened, closed easily.
Filetemporarily Resource Removed Server Foundthe Error Directory Beennamechanged Looking Unavailable Might
10 Windows Galore
Advice, tips
Advice, tips, and tricks about both Windows 9x and Windows 2000. While it features some of the more advanced aspects of Windows, such as the Registry and MS-DOS parameters, it is simple and concise enough for even a beginning user.
Windows Tips Files Tricks Troubleshooting Internet Disk Cleanup Registry Intra Designs Web Understanding Explorer Seattle New Hardware Galore Password
Advice, tips, and tricks about both Windows 9x and Windows 2000. While it features some of the more advanced aspects of Windows, such as the Registry and MS-DOS parameters, it is simple and concise enough for even a beginning user.
Windows Tips Files Tricks Troubleshooting Internet Disk Cleanup Registry Intra Designs Web Understanding Explorer Seattle New Hardware Galore Password
11 NNTP and AllNews Overview
True Multi-Server
True Multi-Server NNTP (Usenet) newsreader for Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. Supports SOCKS proxies and decodes yEnc attachments.
Usenet Allnews Servers Nntp List Newsreader Yenc Server Windows Tuning Multi New Open Partial Performance Whats
True Multi-Server NNTP (Usenet) newsreader for Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. Supports SOCKS proxies and decodes yEnc attachments.
Usenet Allnews Servers Nntp List Newsreader Yenc Server Windows Tuning Multi New Open Partial Performance Whats
12 Microsoft Windows Update
Windows Update
Windows Update er en elektronisk utvidelse for Windows. PÃ¥ dette nettstedet kan du laste ned programmer som utvider funksjonaliteten til Windows, samt reparere feil.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Windows Update er en elektronisk utvidelse for Windows. PÃ¥ dette nettstedet kan du laste ned programmer som utvider funksjonaliteten til Windows, samt reparere feil.
Navigationshilfe Ty
13 NNTP and AllNews Overview
True Multi-Server
True Multi-Server NNTP (Usenet) newsreader for Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. Supports SOCKS proxies and decodes yEnc attachments.
Usenet Servers Allnews Nntp Newsreader List Server Yenc Multi Windows New Open News Performance Modem Mike
True Multi-Server NNTP (Usenet) newsreader for Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. Supports SOCKS proxies and decodes yEnc attachments.
Usenet Servers Allnews Nntp Newsreader List Server Yenc Multi Windows New Open News Performance Modem Mike
14 InstallShield Express
A visual
A visual and scriptless installation development system for applications targeting Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. By InstallShield Software Corporation.
Software Flexnet Management Installation Installshield Optimization Manager License Application Services Product Free Training Development Trial Listing Store Device
A visual and scriptless installation development system for applications targeting Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. By InstallShield Software Corporation.
Software Flexnet Management Installation Installshield Optimization Manager License Application Services Product Free Training Development Trial Listing Store Device
15 InstallShield Professional
Scriptable Windows
Scriptable Windows software distribution system targeting Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT. By InstallShield Software Corporation.
Error Information Services Click Help Manager Foundinternet Common Administrative File Open Product Cannotpage
Scriptable Windows software distribution system targeting Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT. By InstallShield Software Corporation.
Error Information Services Click Help Manager Foundinternet Common Administrative File Open Product Cannotpage
16 Windows 3.1 FAQ
This is
This is a newly developed FAQ for Windows 3.1 that is designed to focus on todays Windows 3.1 issues. Over the past few years, the landscape has changed significantly. Today, most Windows 3.1 machines are older 'hand-me-downs', but they still have life left in them. If you have an older 3.1 machine that you are trying to get onto the Internet, this FAQ is for you.
This is a newly developed FAQ for Windows 3.1 that is designed to focus on todays Windows 3.1 issues. Over the past few years, the landscape has changed significantly. Today, most Windows 3.1 machines are older 'hand-me-downs', but they still have life left in them. If you have an older 3.1 machine that you are trying to get onto the Internet, this FAQ is for you.
17 Maestro Manager
Offers simplified
Offers simplified data entry features and retrievability. [Windows 95, Windows 98, NT, Windows 2000, or XP.]
Music Classical Cataloging Software Lps Organizing Vinyl Collections Recordings Lp Records Living Manager Albums Maestro
Offers simplified data entry features and retrievability. [Windows 95, Windows 98, NT, Windows 2000, or XP.]
Music Classical Cataloging Software Lps Organizing Vinyl Collections Recordings Lp Records Living Manager Albums Maestro
18 S.T.E.P.S. Consulting
Accelerated MCSE
Accelerated MCSE training in Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows .Net server. Located in Australia.
Accelerated MCSE training in Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows .Net server. Located in Australia.
19 Phat, Inc.
Distribution aim:
Distribution aim: very easy to install, Windows based, runs as a Windows application, from a Windows C-Drive.
Distribution aim: very easy to install, Windows based, runs as a Windows application, from a Windows C-Drive.
20 JSI, Inc.
Sells and
Sells and supports Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP platform products. Located in metro Atlanta.
Jsi Inc Schulman Jerold Retired Welcomepress Is Z
Sells and supports Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP platform products. Located in metro Atlanta.
Jsi Inc Schulman Jerold Retired Welcomepress Is Z
21 Windows XP Maximized Website - Tips, Fixes, and Tweaks for Windows
Information and
Information and technical resources to help you get the most from Windows XP.
Information and technical resources to help you get the most from Windows XP.
22 Phat, Inc.
Distribution aim:
Distribution aim: very easy to install, Windows based, runs as a Windows application, from a Windows C-Drive.
Distribution aim: very easy to install, Windows based, runs as a Windows application, from a Windows C-Drive.
23 Microsoft TechNet Script Center
The best
The best sample scripts designed to run on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
Technet Microsoft Server Windows Center Support Certification Sql System Forums Script Technical Mcse Virtual Security Free
The best sample scripts designed to run on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
Technet Microsoft Server Windows Center Support Certification Sql System Forums Script Technical Mcse Virtual Security Free
24 MKS Software
Provider of
Provider of Windows automation tools for system administration and development in a pure Windows or mixed UNIX/Linux and Windows environment.
Toolkit Ptc Support Windows Sales Activation Xserver Mks Product Request Contact Solutions Policies Customer Porting Cygwin Learn Scripting Upgrade
Provider of Windows automation tools for system administration and development in a pure Windows or mixed UNIX/Linux and Windows environment.
Toolkit Ptc Support Windows Sales Activation Xserver Mks Product Request Contact Solutions Policies Customer Porting Cygwin Learn Scripting Upgrade
25 How to Manually Restore the Windows 98/Me Registry
This article
This article describes how to restore a backup copy of the Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition (Me) registry. Under normal circumstances, Windows is capable of detecting and recovering from registry errors automatically.
This article describes how to restore a backup copy of the Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition (Me) registry. Under normal circumstances, Windows is capable of detecting and recovering from registry errors automatically.
26 Private Software Archive
Freeware, shareware
Freeware, shareware, trialware, nagware, and others for Windows NT and Windows 2000 users, most work very well for Windows 9x/ME. [requires Internet Explorer.]
Navigationshilfe Ty
Freeware, shareware, trialware, nagware, and others for Windows NT and Windows 2000 users, most work very well for Windows 9x/ME. [requires Internet Explorer.]
Navigationshilfe Ty
27 12Ghosts Windows Extensions
A bundle
A bundle of Windows management utilities. Everything from an automatic saving device for documents, to a shut down control, as well as Windows shell enhancements.
Windows Tools Power Ghosts Enhance Automation Security Protect Download Change Backup Files Boss Key Click Funktionen Cart Overwrite Rgb Systools
A bundle of Windows management utilities. Everything from an automatic saving device for documents, to a shut down control, as well as Windows shell enhancements.
Windows Tools Power Ghosts Enhance Automation Security Protect Download Change Backup Files Boss Key Click Funktionen Cart Overwrite Rgb Systools
28 VMware
VMWare allows
VMWare allows Windows to run under Linux or Linux under Windows NT/2000 without rebooting. The technology uses virtual machines to allow Windows programs to run as if they were in a Windows environment.
Vmware Partner Virtualization Products Support Cloud Management Center Product Computing Consulting Data Horizon Program Operations End User Integration Tasks Free
VMWare allows Windows to run under Linux or Linux under Windows NT/2000 without rebooting. The technology uses virtual machines to allow Windows programs to run as if they were in a Windows environment.
Vmware Partner Virtualization Products Support Cloud Management Center Product Computing Consulting Data Horizon Program Operations End User Integration Tasks Free
29 PC Tools: Drivers Guide for Windows
Technical resources
Technical resources and support for locating and updating Windows device driver software for Windows compatible hardware and peripherals.
Windows Guide Support Registry Software Security Scripting Guides Myaccount Microsoft Tools Win Pc Technical Forums Insight Port
Technical resources and support for locating and updating Windows device driver software for Windows compatible hardware and peripherals.
Windows Guide Support Registry Software Security Scripting Guides Myaccount Microsoft Tools Win Pc Technical Forums Insight Port
30 ComSurf
MS Certified
MS Certified Partner providing training courses and self study kits for Windows 2000 MCSE and MCSA, Windows XP and Windows .Net. Located in the United Kingdom.
Apachefound Port Servercomsurf Found The
MS Certified Partner providing training courses and self study kits for Windows 2000 MCSE and MCSA, Windows XP and Windows .Net. Located in the United Kingdom.
Apachefound Port Servercomsurf Found The
31 Lantastik Consulting, Inc
Offers technical
Offers technical writing services for topics including palm pilots, laptops, windows 2000, windows NT, windows 95, users and technicians.
Internet Earthlink Dial Do Cable Plans Wireless High Hosting Software Speedinternet Earthlinkprivacy You Sorry Mail About Contact Partner Wirelessinternet
Offers technical writing services for topics including palm pilots, laptops, windows 2000, windows NT, windows 95, users and technicians.
Internet Earthlink Dial Do Cable Plans Wireless High Hosting Software Speedinternet Earthlinkprivacy You Sorry Mail About Contact Partner Wirelessinternet
32 Gigabyte Express
Features on-the-fly
Features on-the-fly compression, autosend, background file transfer, MAC-to-Windows, Windows-to-Windows, and MAC-to-MAC transport, and advanced scheduling and logging. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/MAC]
Features on-the-fly compression, autosend, background file transfer, MAC-to-Windows, Windows-to-Windows, and MAC-to-MAC transport, and advanced scheduling and logging. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/MAC]