Memorizer eXP
Experience Memorizer Manager
Records all data copied to clipboard for later retrieval. Memorizer automatically repairs damaged clipboard chain and uses smart-pack technology.Reliable clipboard manager from AY Labs Memorizer

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Memorizer Manager Clipboard Windows Information Order Labs Support Download Desktop Shop Ay Thatis Unlikesimilar Product Company Utility Software Shareware Windows Utilities Desktop And System Copy Paste Cut Text Editor Order Vendor Buy Shop Internet Clipboard Utility Tool Script Clipboard Manager Tools Utilities Support Technical Support Business Desktop Manager Freeware Software
Reviews and Comments for Memorizer eXP

Best entries for Memorizer and Manager
1 Memorizer eXP
Records all
Records all data copied to clipboard for later retrieval. Memorizer automatically repairs damaged clipboard chain and uses smart-pack technology.
Memorizer Manager Clipboard Windows Information Order Labs Support Download Desktop Shop Ay Thatis Unlikesimilar Product Company Utility
Records all data copied to clipboard for later retrieval. Memorizer automatically repairs damaged clipboard chain and uses smart-pack technology.
Memorizer Manager Clipboard Windows Information Order Labs Support Download Desktop Shop Ay Thatis Unlikesimilar Product Company Utility
2 St James Software
Integrated tools
Integrated tools for use in industrial plants incl. process browser, log book, report manager, lab manager, alarm manager, down-time manager, engines to store data in real-time in a database such as Oracle.
Internationals Favorite Reply Retweet International Operations Management Japan Contentupl… Applications Jintcomwp Compliance America Process Software
Integrated tools for use in industrial plants incl. process browser, log book, report manager, lab manager, alarm manager, down-time manager, engines to store data in real-time in a database such as Oracle.
Internationals Favorite Reply Retweet International Operations Management Japan Contentupl… Applications Jintcomwp Compliance America Process Software
3 Professional Software Solutions
Specializes in
Specializes in municipal, cemetery and insurance software. Products include property tax manager, voter registration manager, permit manager, and cemetery manager.
Request Errory
Specializes in municipal, cemetery and insurance software. Products include property tax manager, voter registration manager, permit manager, and cemetery manager.
Request Errory
4 BizStudio Site Manager
Cart, SSL
Cart, SSL server, store manager, and order manager. Same day setup.
Cart, SSL server, store manager, and order manager. Same day setup.
5 indexsoft
Perl scripts:
Perl scripts: intuitive mailer, access manager, backups manager, .htpasswd manager, indexsoft site-up, files searcher. [Shareware]
Indexsoft Released Manager Mysql Mailer Intuitive Download Purchase Backups Access Demo Usd Ratedby % Configurator Hotscripts First Feel
Perl scripts: intuitive mailer, access manager, backups manager, .htpasswd manager, indexsoft site-up, files searcher. [Shareware]
Indexsoft Released Manager Mysql Mailer Intuitive Download Purchase Backups Access Demo Usd Ratedby % Configurator Hotscripts First Feel
6 Real Components .NET
.NET components
.NET components for ASP.NET and Windows .NET applications includes IIS Manager, RSS Manager, Credit Card Validator, Web Header Manager. [Shareware]
Catalog Components Quote Electronic Obsolete Request Real Contact Policy Terms Part Line Card Semiconductor Name International Hours St
.NET components for ASP.NET and Windows .NET applications includes IIS Manager, RSS Manager, Credit Card Validator, Web Header Manager. [Shareware]
Catalog Components Quote Electronic Obsolete Request Real Contact Policy Terms Part Line Card Semiconductor Name International Hours St
7 FM/2
File Manager/2
File Manager/2 is a shareware 32-bit OS/2 Presentation Manager file, directory, and archive manager which can use to manage all file system objects.
File Manager Clarion Says Support Users Features Say Capesoft Documentation Clarionshop Accessories Capesoftcom Introduction Fmfm Mode Yes Dll
File Manager/2 is a shareware 32-bit OS/2 Presentation Manager file, directory, and archive manager which can use to manage all file system objects.
File Manager Clarion Says Support Users Features Say Capesoft Documentation Clarionshop Accessories Capesoftcom Introduction Fmfm Mode Yes Dll
8 GentleSource Link and Bookmark Manager
Link manager
Link manager can be used as link section of a website or a personal bookmark manager. You can publish links/bookmarks or hide them behind a login. [Free for private usage and non-profit organizations]
Link Mail Manager News Scripts Script Affiliate Php Gentlesource Support Italian Short Contact Help Poll Ebay Forum Chinese Eur
Link manager can be used as link section of a website or a personal bookmark manager. You can publish links/bookmarks or hide them behind a login. [Free for private usage and non-profit organizations]
Link Mail Manager News Scripts Script Affiliate Php Gentlesource Support Italian Short Contact Help Poll Ebay Forum Chinese Eur
9 Vendio
Image hosting
Image hosting, store manager, customer manager and other seller services.
Vendio Software Ebay Ecommerce Store Amazon Selling Partners Management Auction Hosting News Contact Stores Security Comparison Solutions Effle Lister
Image hosting, store manager, customer manager and other seller services.
Vendio Software Ebay Ecommerce Store Amazon Selling Partners Management Auction Hosting News Contact Stores Security Comparison Solutions Effle Lister
10 SYFACiL virtual desktop
RSS reader
RSS reader along with file manager, bookmark manager, web content catcher. Can be access by web or SMS.
Lecteur Rss Syfacil En Ligne Inscription De Podcast Fils Annuaire + Savoir Tester Tarifs Barre
RSS reader along with file manager, bookmark manager, web content catcher. Can be access by web or SMS.
Lecteur Rss Syfacil En Ligne Inscription De Podcast Fils Annuaire + Savoir Tester Tarifs Barre
11 Evolution
Contact manager
Contact manager, address manager and calendar for Gnome.
Suse Linux Enterprise Server Support Partners Cloud Desktop Extension High Sap Technical Availability Openstack Manager
Contact manager, address manager and calendar for Gnome.
Suse Linux Enterprise Server Support Partners Cloud Desktop Extension High Sap Technical Availability Openstack Manager
12 Teacup Software
Plug-Ins and
Plug-Ins and consulting for Adobe InDesign. Workspace Manager, and Palette Manager available for Windows and Macintosh.
Indesign Teacup Plug Ins Adobe Software Cs Consulting Releases Barcodemaker Datalinker Odbc Postscript Older Typefitter
Plug-Ins and consulting for Adobe InDesign. Workspace Manager, and Palette Manager available for Windows and Macintosh.
Indesign Teacup Plug Ins Adobe Software Cs Consulting Releases Barcodemaker Datalinker Odbc Postscript Older Typefitter
13 Info Angel
Personal information
Personal information manager comprising a notebook, a contact book, an organizer and a bookmark manager.
Angel Writer Mail Direct Personal Robot Free Download Text Editor Purchase Pim Xp Organizer Microsoft
Personal information manager comprising a notebook, a contact book, an organizer and a bookmark manager.
Angel Writer Mail Direct Personal Robot Free Download Text Editor Purchase Pim Xp Organizer Microsoft
14 Nexus CMS
Forms-based CMS
Forms-based CMS with structure manager, WYSIWYG editor, and media manager that crops and rotates images.
Forms-based CMS with structure manager, WYSIWYG editor, and media manager that crops and rotates images.
15 Mindworks IM Manager
Add-on software
Add-on software for AOL including an IM Manager, Free OCX files for personal use, and a couple of games designed for passing time.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Sportshosting Games Finance Reach Wayback Longeravailable User Sites Archiveorg
Add-on software for AOL including an IM Manager, Free OCX files for personal use, and a couple of games designed for passing time.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Sportshosting Games Finance Reach Wayback Longeravailable User Sites Archiveorg
16 Foundation 2000
A unified
A unified business solution with embedded EDI, fax manager, contact manager, and inventory management, complete with a web catalog generator.
Solutions False Edi Erp Crm Softrend Inventory Contact Management Accounting Sales Order Orders Manufacturing Speaking Payable
A unified business solution with embedded EDI, fax manager, contact manager, and inventory management, complete with a web catalog generator.
Solutions False Edi Erp Crm Softrend Inventory Contact Management Accounting Sales Order Orders Manufacturing Speaking Payable
17 Binrace
Bar Cut
Bar Cut Optimizer & Manager is a length nesting software and stock manager, used to optimize cuts in pipes, bars, tubes, profiles.
Binrace Optimization Software Processes Optimized Industrial Cut Contact Business Applications Optimizing Optimizer Binracefoundedaservice
Bar Cut Optimizer & Manager is a length nesting software and stock manager, used to optimize cuts in pipes, bars, tubes, profiles.
Binrace Optimization Software Processes Optimized Industrial Cut Contact Business Applications Optimizing Optimizer Binracefoundedaservice
18 Nemx Power Tools for Exchange Server
Is comprised
Is comprised of 4 components: Signature Maker, Address Manager, Spam Blocker, and Content Manager.
Corporation Software Management Content Nemx Securez
Is comprised of 4 components: Signature Maker, Address Manager, Spam Blocker, and Content Manager.
Corporation Software Management Content Nemx Securez
19 MVS Solutions
A z/OS
A z/OS systems software company best known for ThruPut Manager, a product that works with JES2 and Workload Manager to automate the management of batch processing.
Support Contact Thruput Solutions Central Manager Peak Rolling Success Whats Average Events Reduce News Usage Capacity Newsmakers Whats
A z/OS systems software company best known for ThruPut Manager, a product that works with JES2 and Workload Manager to automate the management of batch processing.
Support Contact Thruput Solutions Central Manager Peak Rolling Success Whats Average Events Reduce News Usage Capacity Newsmakers Whats
20 FutureBASIC Developer Corner
This site
This site is managed by Scorpian Research and provides information and source code for things like the Appearance Manager, and Speech Manager.
This site is managed by Scorpian Research and provides information and source code for things like the Appearance Manager, and Speech Manager.
21 Greatis Software DesktopKeeper
Utility to
Utility to arrange the desktop icons in the way that best for themselves. Software includes a virtual desktop manager, wallpaper manager, windows manager, desktop icons protector, desktop intruders locker and others. [Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000]
Greatis Utilities Desktop Desktopkeeper Lock Software Download Appdatabase Security Windows Trial Outsourcing Screenshots Basic Delphicb Screen Order News Windowse Nt Unusual Net
Utility to arrange the desktop icons in the way that best for themselves. Software includes a virtual desktop manager, wallpaper manager, windows manager, desktop icons protector, desktop intruders locker and others. [Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000]
Greatis Utilities Desktop Desktopkeeper Lock Software Download Appdatabase Security Windows Trial Outsourcing Screenshots Basic Delphicb Screen Order News Windowse Nt Unusual Net
22 NetMarks Manager
Internet bookmark
Internet bookmark manager solution, to store and easily manage thousands of bookmarks, take notes, search rapidly, preview sites and keep track of favorites.
Manager Software Netmarks Weta Internet Support Firefox Download Product Features Explorer Version News Products Purchase
Internet bookmark manager solution, to store and easily manage thousands of bookmarks, take notes, search rapidly, preview sites and keep track of favorites.
Manager Software Netmarks Weta Internet Support Firefox Download Product Features Explorer Version News Products Purchase
23 SAM Code Team
Repository of
Repository of the teams open source projects for Joomla and Mambo CMS systems. Home of samSiteMap, and the unreleased samSiteTabs, Color Manager, and Site Authentication Manager.
Joomla Code Team Manager Alpha News Written Open Authentication Sam Last Wednesday Updated Mambo Graham Source Changes Siteauthentication Project
Repository of the teams open source projects for Joomla and Mambo CMS systems. Home of samSiteMap, and the unreleased samSiteTabs, Color Manager, and Site Authentication Manager.
Joomla Code Team Manager Alpha News Written Open Authentication Sam Last Wednesday Updated Mambo Graham Source Changes Siteauthentication Project
24 Solvius BS Bookmark and Shortcut Manager
Information manager
Information manager to organize and annotate links to anything on the computer, network and on the Internet. Features include such as keywords, password storage, encryption and catalog sharing.
Hosting Web Domain Names Parking Page Affordable $ Check Promotion Commerce Design Websiteinternet
Information manager to organize and annotate links to anything on the computer, network and on the Internet. Features include such as keywords, password storage, encryption and catalog sharing.
Hosting Web Domain Names Parking Page Affordable $ Check Promotion Commerce Design Websiteinternet
25 Carlot Manager Software
CarLot Manager
CarLot Manager for car dealers, sales, inventory, and reports. Download trial version for Windows.
CarLot Manager for car dealers, sales, inventory, and reports. Download trial version for Windows.
26 eFPro Manager
Information on
Information on EF Development Corporation Web-based project manager solution. Also offers Web design and development.
Error Requesty
Information on EF Development Corporation Web-based project manager solution. Also offers Web design and development.
Error Requesty
27 EZ Password Manager
Northwind Technologies
Northwind Technologies distribute the password manager that provides a secure and central solution to store all web passwords.
Northwind Technologies distribute the password manager that provides a secure and central solution to store all web passwords.
Develops Excel
Develops Excel spreadsheet solutions, including an automated expense sheet manager, invoice sheet manager, and budget planner.
Develops Excel spreadsheet solutions, including an automated expense sheet manager, invoice sheet manager, and budget planner.
29 Rudenko Software BookReader
A freeware
A freeware tool that includes various works as well as a personal library manager, bookmarks manager and on-line library browser.
Bookreader Book Scrolling Smooth Version Viewer Reading File Download Electronic Status Downloads Freeware Comfortable Size Direct
A freeware tool that includes various works as well as a personal library manager, bookmarks manager and on-line library browser.
Bookreader Book Scrolling Smooth Version Viewer Reading File Download Electronic Status Downloads Freeware Comfortable Size Direct
30 Gazatem Technologies
Providing ASP
Providing ASP based online content management and publishment tools, including: Gportal, a directory link index and news manager, Gnews, a webbased news/article management script, Glink Index script, a directory/link index system, Glist Manager, a newsletter manager.
Guide News Publisher Contact Gnews Requirements Base Policy Installation Knowledge Pricing Customization System Demo Administration Solution Management
Providing ASP based online content management and publishment tools, including: Gportal, a directory link index and news manager, Gnews, a webbased news/article management script, Glink Index script, a directory/link index system, Glist Manager, a newsletter manager.
Guide News Publisher Contact Gnews Requirements Base Policy Installation Knowledge Pricing Customization System Demo Administration Solution Management
31 KFM - Kaes File Manager
An Ajax
An Ajax file manager for PHP, which may be used stand-alone, or as a plugin for a rich text editor.
An Ajax file manager for PHP, which may be used stand-alone, or as a plugin for a rich text editor.
32 Backup Manager
Backup Manager
Backup Manager provides secure, offsite data storage for businesses on a subscription basis.
Manager Storage Data Backupz
Backup Manager provides secure, offsite data storage for businesses on a subscription basis.
Manager Storage Data Backupz