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The Windows Registry Experts

The Windows Registry Review Experience Registry Windows

Information and software utilities to fix most Windows errors: Registry and file errors, Windows tweaks and optimizing memory and disk space.

Information and repair utilities for the Windows Registry and file system

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Registry Windows System Repair File Software Information Errors How Files Page Screen Regrepair Utilities Room Software Shareware Diagnostics Windows Registry Registry Repair Fix Registry Windows 95 Registry Windows 98 Registry Windows Xp Registry Windows Me Registry Accounting Software Windows Nt Registry Regedit System Registry Regedt32 System Files Windows Errors Registry Editor Registry Error Registry Errors Regeditexe Errors General Protection Faults Utilities Malware Ntfs Ntfs Fatal Exceptions Fat Duplicate Dlls System Sentry Dll Me Spyware Aligning Programs File Allocation Table Regrepair 2000 Regmedic Registry Drill Perfect Companion Winsafe Ios Errors Backup General Page Faults Gpf Gpf Naapivxd Sdvxd Newavevxd Ndis2supvxd Vsharevxd Vshare386 Vshare Vserver Vservervxd Blue Screen Of Death Bsod Uninstall Corrupt Windows 9x Windows 2003 Windows 98 Windows Nt Windows Xp Windows 2000 Windows Vista Windows Me Millennium Registry Repair Crashes Screen Lockup Lockups Crash Exit System Errors Illegal Operation Illegal Registry Tools Shutdown Reboot Screen Freeze Freezes Memory Address Swapfile Swap File Uninstaller Swap Safe

Reviews and Comments for The Windows Registry Experts

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Best entries for Registry and Windows

1 How to Back Up the Registry in Windows 98 This article
This article describes how to manually back up the Windows registry using Windows Registry Checker (Scanregw.exe). There may be situations where you need to edit the Windows registry.
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2 How to Manually Restore the Windows 98/Me Registry This article
This article describes how to restore a backup copy of the Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition (Me) registry. Under normal circumstances, Windows is capable of detecting and recovering from registry errors automatically.
3 Resplendence Software Resplendent Registrar
Resplendent Registrar is an advanced registry tool which offers registry backup, registry restore, registry search, registry replace, registry search and destroy, registry search and export, registry file editing, and full undo.
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4 Registry Tookit - Funduc Software A utility
A utility designed to perform search and replace operations on the Windows Registry Windows registry using regular expressions. You can also add or change keys, values, and data manually.
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5 Manipulating the Windows Registry with WFC Java programmers
Java programmers targeting the Windows platform must use the Registry to seamlessly integrate their applications with this environment. This tutorial will cover some of the basic issues associated with integrating registry features using Visual J++ 6.0. (Microsoft)
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6 Registry Tool Registry Tool
Registry Tool is a centralized registry editing and management system capable of administrating, maintaining, troubleshooting, comparing, and recovering the Windows 95/98/NT registry.
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7 Registry Crawler Utility for
Utility for searching the Windows Registry and bookmarking any key in the Registry and then access it directly from the system tray, search engine will find Registry information based on search criteria.
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8 Registry Mechanic Registry cleaner
Registry cleaner to safely scan and repair registry problems which are a common cause of Windows crashes, and error messages.
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9 ActiveX control for Programming the Windows Registry Registry Pro
Registry Pro is an activeX registry control that gives activex and COM (dll) developers easy access to the power of Windows registry programming. Detailed help file and comprehensive example programs included.
10 ELCOMSOFT: Advanced Registry Tracer Reveals the
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11 Registry Guide for Windows Provides an
Provides an extensive range of registry tweaks, tricks and hacks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the Windows XP, 2000, NT, 98, 95 and Windows Me operating systems.
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12 Understanding the Registry Although it
Although it uses English, the Windows Registry looks like ancient Greek. Here is a basic understanding of the Windows 95 and Windows 98 Registry
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13 Registry Restore 2000 Windows 95/98
Windows 95/98 registry backup utility. Makes backup copies of other pertinent system files. It even exports a copy of the registry.
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14 Windows Registry Guide Provides an
Provides an extensive range of registry tricks, tweaks & hacks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the Windows operating system.
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15 Registry Guide for Windows Reveals the
Reveals the hidden tips, tricks and tweaks in the Windows 95, 98 and NT registry that can improve performance, add features and increase security.
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16 Registry Guide for Windows Reveals the
Reveals the hidden tips, tricks and tweaks in the Windows 95, 98 and NT registry that can improve performance, add features and increase security.
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17 Windows Registry Guide Provides an
Provides an extensive range of registry tricks, tweaks & hacks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the Windows operating system.
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18 Registry Clean Pro A utility
A utility to fix errors and optimize the performance of the Windows registry. [Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP]
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19 The Windows Registry Experts Information and
Information and software utilities to fix most Windows errors: Registry and file errors, Windows tweaks and optimizing memory and disk space.
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20 JNIRegistry Java native
Java native interface for the Windows Registry API. Allows Java programs to access, modify, and export Windows Registry resources. [Open Source, GPL]
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21 Registry Tool Easily search
Easily search, browse, and manage the Windows Registry.
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22 Windows98 Registry Tips Information on
Information on how tweak the windows 98 registry system. Such as enabling fast shutdown and so on.
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23 Active Registry Monitor Utility designed
Utility designed for analysing changes made to Windows Registry by making a snapshot of it for later comparison. By SmartLine, Inc.
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24 Active Registry Monitor Utility designed
Utility designed for analysing changes made to Windows Registry by making a snapshot of it for later comparison. By SmartLine, Inc.
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25 Multi-Remote Registry Change Windows NT/Windows
Windows NT/Windows 2000/XP remote registry management tool.
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26 Information about the Windows 98 Registry This site
This site contains information on windows 98 registry, on how to delete and change values and so on.
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27 Windows Registry help Complete information
Complete information and help with the windows registry.
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28 Backing up the Windows 98 Registry This site
This site contains information on backing up the Windows 98 Registry.
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29 Windows Galore Advice, tips
Advice, tips, and tricks about both Windows 9x and Windows 2000. While it features some of the more advanced aspects of Windows, such as the Registry and MS-DOS parameters, it is simple and concise enough for even a beginning user.
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30 Enter the Internet registry (Software to boost your internet connection) Tweaks the
Tweaks the windows registry to optimize internet connection settings.
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31 Tweak of the week Every week
Every week, the Registry Explorer team brings you a new Windows registry tweak.
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32 Description of the Windows Registry Checker Tool (Scanreg.exe) This site
This site contains information about the Windows Registry Checker Tool (Scanreg.exe), giving you useful information on how to use it.
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