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PDO Review Experience Database Objects

Python Database Objects provides a convenient Object Oriented API for database access in Python. PDO supports multiple RDBMS with the same API, and provides features not found in the DB-API spec, such as column access by name. [OPen source, BSD style license]

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Database Objects Rdbms Releasedwed Jdbc Neurokode Labs Python Studios Releasedmon Python Dbapi Similar Drop Llc Postgresql Programming Languages Python Modules Databases And Persistence

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1 Ajaxdo Provides an
Provides an easy, open source database persistency framework for JavaScript objects. Enables runtime loading, saving, deleting, and listing of JavaScript objects stored on the server database.
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2 BEA Kodo Implements the
Implements the official Sun Java Data Objects Specification 1.0, providing transparent persistence for Java objects to a relational database. By BEA Systems, Inc. [Commercial]
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3 Foundation Layer the OO
the OO CASE tool for automatic generation of business objects code. An automatically generated code supports all the life cycle operations for persistent (business) objects. The FL supports the persistence of business objects over a database. It support mapping to DB2, Microsoft Access, ORACLE, Microsoft SQL Server. [Freeware]
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5 DbEqualizer Oracle database
Oracle database comparison utility. Compares objects, such as: tables, triggers, constraints, indexes, function, packages, procedures, and views. Java Program, so it runs on any platform that support JDK/JRE 1.3. Shows database differences in friendly UI.
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6 Use Connectable Objects Including ActiveX Objects in Java This article
This article describes how to use connectable objects and receive their events in Java. (Microsoft)
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7 DB Solo A database
A database development and management tool for developers and admins. DB Solo allows you to explore and manage database objects as well as execute ad-hoc queries. It runs on Windows, Solaris and Linux and supports Oracle, MySQL, Sybase and MS SQL Server. [Shareware]
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8 PDO Python Database
Python Database Objects provides a convenient Object Oriented API for database access in Python. PDO supports multiple RDBMS with the same API, and provides features not found in the DB-API spec, such as column access by name. [OPen source, BSD style license]
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9 Compound Win32 Synchronization Objects Describes strategies
Describes strategies to combine the Win32 synchronization primitives into more complex synchronization objects. It presents several solutions for implementing advanced synchronization objects along with a comparison of how they perform.
10 Caching Support for CORBA Objects Introduces caching
Introduces caching solutions for improving availability and predictability of distributed services. Cascade (caching service for CORBA distributed objects) facilitates scalable application design by building cache hierarchies for the objects it manages.
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Overview of the seven main objects in the ADO.NET data-access architecture. By Michael Otey, SQL Server Magazine.
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17 J-Database Exchange (JDX) A cross-platform
A cross-platform solution for transactional persistence of Java objects . By Software Tree, Inc. [Commercial]
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22 DesktopX This utility
This utility offers many desktop enhancements such as adding objects, direct access to ActiveX controls, and ability to create your own objects and add functionality with VBScript or Javascript.
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25 Using Castor JDO for SQL Mapping An in-depth
An in-depth look at using Castors marshalling engine to do data binding of Java objects to tables, rows, and columns in an SQL database.
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26 LDAP, IIS and WinNT Directory Services This article
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27 Enumerating Objects with .NET By Jeffrey
By Jeffrey Richter. Explains the programming paradigm used within the .NET Framework Base Class Library (BCL) for enumerating objects.
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28 OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI Collection of
Collection of Java programs to process EDI objects using an XML rules based file. [Open Source, BSD-like]
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A library of JavaScript foundation objects. It includes cross-browser implementation of a button, checkbox, progress bar, counter, overlay window, dialog box. Total therere 14 objects in the collection and this count is growing. [Open source, GPL]
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