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Provides a free text message reminder.A free text message reminder system for mobile devices email and social networking like Twitter Facebook and MySpace

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Best entries for Free and Text
1 Free text reader
Text reader
Text reader with ability to store as mp3 files. Free trial version available.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Text reader with ability to store as mp3 files. Free trial version available.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Reading Machine
Reads text
Reads text aloud using text-to-speech, converts text into mp3/wave files for use with any cd player or MP3 player. Extracts text from one web page or whole web sites. Text is automatically organized into books and chapters for later use. Gives control over the voice, and the ability to clean up text automatically.
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Reads text aloud using text-to-speech, converts text into mp3/wave files for use with any cd player or MP3 player. Extracts text from one web page or whole web sites. Text is automatically organized into books and chapters for later use. Gives control over the voice, and the ability to clean up text automatically.
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3 ComponentSoftware
CSDiff :
CSDiff : text, HTML, or MSWord file difference analysis tool, for Windows 95/98/NT. HtmlDiff : online CGI program to compare any two text files on the Web. Each free.
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CSDiff : text, HTML, or MSWord file difference analysis tool, for Windows 95/98/NT. HtmlDiff : online CGI program to compare any two text files on the Web. Each free.
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4 PerlEdit
A Perl
A Perl IDE and a general purpose text editor for Windows and Linux. It includes a source code text editor with language syntax highlighting and a visual debugger. [Free for personal non-commercial use]
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A Perl IDE and a general purpose text editor for Windows and Linux. It includes a source code text editor with language syntax highlighting and a visual debugger. [Free for personal non-commercial use]
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5 Tellshare
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A free text messaging service that allows its members to text message one person, or groups of people on their wireless devices. Members are also eligible to opt in for gifts, offers, discounts, promotions, and prizes from local retailers.
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A free text messaging service that allows its members to text message one person, or groups of people on their wireless devices. Members are also eligible to opt in for gifts, offers, discounts, promotions, and prizes from local retailers.
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6 PDF Crystal
A tool
A tool for anyone who wants to read and understand the internal structure of a PDF document. Free web service, which converts PDF documents into html or text/pdf. The html format is fully colorized with hyperlinks. The text/pdf format is readable by both humans and Acrobat.
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A tool for anyone who wants to read and understand the internal structure of a PDF document. Free web service, which converts PDF documents into html or text/pdf. The html format is fully colorized with hyperlinks. The text/pdf format is readable by both humans and Acrobat.
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7 Flash Text Scroller Wizard
Free tool
Free tool allows you to design Flash text scroller in a few steps.
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Free tool allows you to design Flash text scroller in a few steps.
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8 CoolSpeaking
A text
A text to speech converter software that can read any text for you or convert text to WAV files.
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A text to speech converter software that can read any text for you or convert text to WAV files.
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9 Cadet 2004
A text
A text editor which allows to create, edit and spell check text, attributes, notes and text tables in AutoCAD drawings.
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A text editor which allows to create, edit and spell check text, attributes, notes and text tables in AutoCAD drawings.
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10 Capture Text
Helps copy
Helps copy and paste messages from ICQ chat window to clipboard in Text or Rich Text Format (RTF). This is useful when you cannot copy chat text using standard function because ICQ doesnt copy smiles and annotations.
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Helps copy and paste messages from ICQ chat window to clipboard in Text or Rich Text Format (RTF). This is useful when you cannot copy chat text using standard function because ICQ doesnt copy smiles and annotations.
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11 ConvertSpot
Provide COM/DLL
Provide COM/DLL components to convert PDF to XML, PDF to text, MS Word to text, PowerPoint to text, Excel to text, Excel to xml, Excel to CSV.
Convert Text Excel Edition Converter Powerpoint Word Xml Ms Csv Comdll Policy Privacy Pdf Converter_
Provide COM/DLL components to convert PDF to XML, PDF to text, MS Word to text, PowerPoint to text, Excel to text, Excel to xml, Excel to CSV.
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12 PrivyPad
A text
A text editor that allows to create, edit, read and e-mail plain or encrypted text files. Uses BlowFish, Xor, 3Des and Rijndael encryption algorithms to scramble the text.
A text editor that allows to create, edit, read and e-mail plain or encrypted text files. Uses BlowFish, Xor, 3Des and Rijndael encryption algorithms to scramble the text.
13 Free Text Link Exchange
Partner program
Partner program allowing one to buy, sell or exchange links for free.
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Partner program allowing one to buy, sell or exchange links for free.
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14 Gensys VoiceGenie
Allows hands
Allows hands free, eyes free web access from any phone. Complements WAP wireless web phones. Uses speech recognition, text to speech, and VoiceXML.
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Allows hands free, eyes free web access from any phone. Complements WAP wireless web phones. Uses speech recognition, text to speech, and VoiceXML.
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15 Gensys VoiceGenie
Allows hands
Allows hands free, eyes free web access from any phone. Complements WAP wireless web phones. Uses speech recognition, text to speech, and VoiceXML.
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Allows hands free, eyes free web access from any phone. Complements WAP wireless web phones. Uses speech recognition, text to speech, and VoiceXML.
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16 Onix Full-Text Indexing and Retrieval Toolkit
Toolkit (SDK)
Toolkit (SDK) for adding full-text indexing and searching capabilities to applications. Ported to a wide range of platforms and highly scalable. Designed for use in both large and small scale systems. Free evaluation download.
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Toolkit (SDK) for adding full-text indexing and searching capabilities to applications. Ported to a wide range of platforms and highly scalable. Designed for use in both large and small scale systems. Free evaluation download.
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17 ByteCool Software Inc.
CoolSpeech is
CoolSpeech is the text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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CoolSpeech is the text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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18 ByteCool Software Inc.
CoolSpeech is
CoolSpeech is a text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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CoolSpeech is a text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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19 ByteCool Software Inc.
CoolSpeech is
CoolSpeech is a text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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CoolSpeech is a text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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20 ByteCool Software Inc.
CoolSpeech is
CoolSpeech is the text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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CoolSpeech is the text-to-speech player for Windows, listen to online news, emails, local text documents, typing, tell the time and date, convert text into wav files.
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21 CartoonSmart.com
Free Flash
Free Flash files and tutorials. Lesson covers animation, drawing cartoons, creating cool buttons, and text design. Free files posted weekly.
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Free Flash files and tutorials. Lesson covers animation, drawing cartoons, creating cool buttons, and text design. Free files posted weekly.
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22 Simple Search/Replace Software
A free
A free replacement for the Windows 'containing text' option found in their search window. Search plain-ASCII text files, such as source code, HTML, RTF and batch files. However it can also search binary files such as word processor documents, databases, spreadsheets and executables.
Replace Software Pranks File Simple Utility Support Windows Grep Rjl Download Need Text Renaming Searchreplace Automated Golf
A free replacement for the Windows 'containing text' option found in their search window. Search plain-ASCII text files, such as source code, HTML, RTF and batch files. However it can also search binary files such as word processor documents, databases, spreadsheets and executables.
Replace Software Pranks File Simple Utility Support Windows Grep Rjl Download Need Text Renaming Searchreplace Automated Golf
23 Txtswap
Members display
Members display text adverts on websites in return for displaying a text ad on their site. For every three clicks on the text advert on their website, the site will receive two new visitors.
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Members display text adverts on websites in return for displaying a text ad on their site. For every three clicks on the text advert on their website, the site will receive two new visitors.
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24 About WASTE
The WorldScript-Aware
The WorldScript-Aware Styled Text Engine: a text editing library for Mac OS that allows developers to add text display and editing features to their own programs. (Marco Piovanellis site.)
Waste Mailing List Archive Distribution Documentation Macapp Wtext Classes Library History Textedit Roadmap Wrapper Text Creviers
The WorldScript-Aware Styled Text Engine: a text editing library for Mac OS that allows developers to add text display and editing features to their own programs. (Marco Piovanellis site.)
Waste Mailing List Archive Distribution Documentation Macapp Wtext Classes Library History Textedit Roadmap Wrapper Text Creviers
25 Free Flash Logos.com
Generate free
Generate free Flash logos for a website. Choose from a large variety of types and customize with text easily and instantly.
Free Logo Logos Software Text Creator Flash Create Intros Intro Websites Website Customizable Apps Tutorials Android
Generate free Flash logos for a website. Choose from a large variety of types and customize with text easily and instantly.
Free Logo Logos Software Text Creator Flash Create Intros Intro Websites Website Customizable Apps Tutorials Android
26 TextMemos
Provides a
Provides a free text message reminder.
Free Text Textmemoscom Message Send Reminder Terms Reminders Register Gifts Valentines Email Sms Login Messages
Provides a free text message reminder.
Free Text Textmemoscom Message Send Reminder Terms Reminders Register Gifts Valentines Email Sms Login Messages
27 Telemon
FTP site
FTP site with free downloads. No text descriptions.
FTP site with free downloads. No text descriptions.
28 Vazu
Send free
Send free text messages to the US and Canada
Iching Free Port Question Sign Help Found The Book Terms Caster Changes Says Found Y
Send free text messages to the US and Canada
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29 YouText
Free text
Free text messaging to any phone in Canada.
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Free text messaging to any phone in Canada.
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30 Led Rich Text C++ Class Library
A portable
A portable, cross-platform C++ library designed to add various kinds of word processing (rich text) or text editing capabilities to your application.
Class Library Led Text Ledit Ledlineit Rich Documentation History Windows Success Competitors Customer Reviews Features Activespelledit Word Html
A portable, cross-platform C++ library designed to add various kinds of word processing (rich text) or text editing capabilities to your application.
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32 Aceautoresponders
Free and
Free and paid systems, html or plain text messages.
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Free and paid systems, html or plain text messages.
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