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4S4C Review Experience Soap Binding

Aka Simons SOAP Server Services For COM, a COM component that will invoke methods on COM objects, from a SOAP request message, and return the results as a SOAP response message. By Simon Fell.

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Soap Binding Smtp Services Pocketsoap Salesforcecom Here Instructions Available Weblog Aka Install Spec Windows Y Programming Internet Service-Oriented Architecture Web Services SOAP Implementations

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Best entries for Soap and Binding

1 4S4C Aka Simons
Aka Simons SOAP Server Services For COM, a COM component that will invoke methods on COM objects, from a SOAP request message, and return the results as a SOAP response message. By Simon Fell.
Soap Binding Smtp Services Pocketsoap Salesforcecom Here Instructions Available Weblog Aka Install Spec Windows Y
2 SOAP and XML topics for .NET Developers A set
A set of articles and tutorials as well as discussions on SOAP ranging from beginner to advanced contributed by a web community of Visual Studio.NET developers. The articles focus on using SOAP within the Microsoft .Net framework.
3 SOAP for ColdFusion A ColdFusion
A ColdFusion SOAP client for sending SOAP requests.
4 SOAP for ColdFusion A ColdFusion
A ColdFusion SOAP client for sending SOAP requests.
5 SOAP for ColdFusion A ColdFusion
A ColdFusion SOAP client for sending SOAP requests.
6 Fusion SOAP Implementation of
Implementation of embedded SOAP Client/Server in C language. [Commercial]
Embedded Software Engine Server Fusion Mobile Protocols Rtos Instavoip Video Unicoi Voice Desktop Instavip Client Protocol Free Module Commons
7 XML and SOAP--Essential to .NET To be
To be a player in the .NET development world you must understand XML and SOAP. By Kenn Scribner.
A Java implementation of the SOAP protocol. It has been superceded by Apache SOAP. By IBM.
Group Communities Community Owner Member Alphaworks Developerworks Management Interest Big Information Rational Tivoli Linux Keep
A SOAP resource center with categories like articles, software, for beginners, books, FAQs, etc.
Soap Interoperability Toolkit Introduction Xml Books Privacy Guide Resources Mail Advertise Services Software Soapbuilders Understanding Accessprotocol Sample
10 SOAP discussion
SOAP discussion mailing list.
11 Wingfoot SOAP A Lightweight
A Lightweight implementation of SOAP 1.1 for J2ME (CLDC and CDC).
12 An Introduction to XML Data Binding in C++ This article
This article looks at XML Data Binding at a new alternative to automate much of the task of processing XML data by presenting the information stored in XML as a statically-typed, vocabulary-specific object model. (Boris Kolpackov)
Data Binding Xml C++ Introduction Source News Discuss Email Schema Community Articles Copyright Xmlvocabularies Task Buzz Kolpackov Forums How
13 Satori To be
To be a superset of Smalltalk-80 with optional variable typing, to allow typechecking of variables and static binding of methods. Typechecking helps ensure type-safe code. Static binding cuts runtime expense, for more speed.
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14 Secure Web Services Using the SOAP Toolkit Describes how
Describes how to implement a secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit for Visual Studio 6.0, as well as how to implement a client application that can access the secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit. By Mary Kirtland, Microsoft.
Request Errory
15 SOAP Resource Center A resource
A resource site for SOAP with protocol specs, whitepapers, tutorials, FAQs and software. By
16 Using WSDL in SOAP Applications Provides an
Provides an overview of WSDL, history and background of various related technologies such as SOAP, and UDDI. By Uche Ogbuji, Fourthought, Inc.
17 SOAP::Lite for Perl Implementation of
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18 SOAP at UserLand The jump-off
The jump-off point for all of UserLands resources for SOAP and XML-RPC developers. By UserLand Software, Inc.
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19 Distributed Computing With SOAP Distributed Computing
Distributed Computing With SOAP. Learn how and why SOAP fits into the big picture of the distributed computing arena.
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20 Ncurses Binding An Ada
An Ada 95 binding to the Ncurses console library.
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21 Hierarchical Data Binding Techniques for
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22 SOAP for Python Python implementation
Python implementation of the SOAP 1.1 protocol. [Open Source, BSD-like]
23 White Mesa SOAP Service Implementation SOAP implementation
SOAP implementation as a Windows NT service. Supports WSDL. By Robert Cunnings.
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25 NuSOAP - PHP SOAP library NuSphere sponsored
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26 CORBA and XML, Part 3: SOAP and Web Services Compares SOAP
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27 Real SOAP Security Article by
Article by Matt Powell on MSDN. Despite the fact that SOAP as we know it today has no real support for security, there are secure XML Web Services in existence today.
Microsoft Msdn Windows Forums Developer Channel Programs Bridges Mobile Office Connect Network Visual States Magazine
28 Connect to Amazon Web Services (AWS) with a servlet or JSP ( Learn how
Learn how to connect to Amazon Web Services (AWS) with a servlet or JSP. Provides step by step instructions for using the Apache Axis open source SOAP toolkit to create a Java-SOAP package for interacting with AWS.
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29 Tash An Ada
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32 XBinder An XML
An XML Schema to C/C++ data binding tool
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