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QuillDesign Review Experience Sitedirector Coldfusion

Developers of SiteDirector, an e-commerce application. [Commercial]

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Best entries for Sitedirector and Coldfusion

1 QuillDesign Developers of
Developers of SiteDirector, an e-commerce application. [Commercial]
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2 Dallas-Fort Worth ColdFusion User Group The mission
The mission of the DFW ColdFusion User Group is to provide a community of ColdFusion developers who can help each other by educating others about ColdFusion and related Web Technologies, and providing a forum for discussion of real-world CF programming issues.
3 eKnowlogie ColdFusion to J2EE Migrator a software
a software transformation tool to automatically migrate ColdFusion applications to Java J2EE. It will re-architect the original monolithic ColdFusion application into a modular Model-View-Controller (MVC) application framework using Struts and JSP.
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4 ColdFusion and XML A resource
A resource for ColdFusion developers who are using - or want to start using - XML in their applications. Its also the home of the cf-xml mailing list.
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7 Daryls ColdFusion Primer Programmers introduction
Programmers introduction to ColdFusion. Includes syntax, style, security, and SQL.
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8 ColdFusion Muse Mark Krugers
Mark Krugers Daily Musings on ColdFusion.
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11 Simon Horwith Editor-in-chief of
Editor-in-chief of ColdFusion Developers Journal. Also covers Flex and information about the ColdFusion community.
12 XSL Processor for ColdFusion CFX Tag
CFX Tag allows you to perform XSL Transformations with ColdFusion. Free developer edition, commercial sites must purchase a license per server.
13 ColdFusion Pro News Offers expert
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14 House of Fusion Information resource
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15 Gainesville ColdFusion User Group Offers GeoSpatial
Offers GeoSpatial Information Systems, ColdFusion integration techniques and resources for developers and programmers.
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16 Steven Erat - ColdFusion Quality
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17 ColdFusion - How To Provides an
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18 ColdFusion - How To Provides an
Provides an email-based forum in which members can read and post anything about ColdFusion and related topics. Common information includes tutorials, tips, problems, and whats new.
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19 Southeast Minnesota ColdFusion User Group The Southeast
The Southeast Minnesota ColdFusion User Group is a group of developers in the Rochester area dedicated to the study of ColdFusion programming.
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20 Amplecom Offer ColdFusion
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24 XML Parser for ColdFusion CFX_XMLParser is
CFX_XMLParser is a Java CFX Tag that parses an XML document and returns a ColdFusion structure containing the XML document.
25 XML Parser for ColdFusion CFX_XMLParser is
CFX_XMLParser is a Java CFX Tag that parses an XML document and returns a ColdFusion structure containing the XML document.
26 XML Parser for ColdFusion CFX_XMLParser is
CFX_XMLParser is a Java CFX Tag that parses an XML document and returns a ColdFusion structure containing the XML document.
27 XML Parser for ColdFusion CFX_XMLParser is
CFX_XMLParser is a Java CFX Tag that parses an XML document and returns a ColdFusion structure containing the XML document.
28 XML Parser for ColdFusion CFX_XMLParser is
CFX_XMLParser is a Java CFX Tag that parses an XML document and returns a ColdFusion structure containing the XML document.
29 XML Parser for ColdFusion CFX_XMLParser is
CFX_XMLParser is a Java CFX Tag that parses an XML document and returns a ColdFusion structure containing the XML document.
30 ColdFusion Developers Journal Features articles
Features articles, news and source code from the printed ColdFusion magazine. Subscribers have access to the full content of the magazine in Acrobat (PDF) format.
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32 Fontenot, Donna D. About, resume.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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