History of Computers
Experience History Computer
A collection of web resources sorted alphabetically. Topics include the Abacus, Eniac, Charles Babbage and Bill Gates.This is a searchable directory about the history of computers computing and a timeline of the history of computers and early calculating machines has been included Our timeline includes developments in the 1600s and their impact on computing The development of the modern day computer was the result of advances in technologies and mans need to quantify The abacus was one of the first counting machines Calculating machines were sold commercially before the advent of steel manufacturing technologies Papyrus was something to write on before we had paper Writing was a way to record mathematical calculations This history of computers site includes the names of early pioneers of math and computing and links to related sites for further study A new

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History Computer Computers Computing Internet Babbage Gates John Bill Engine Page George Notes Personal Dijkstra Atanasoff Berry Christmas Ada Biographical Web History References History Of Computers History Of Computing Computer History Timeline History Of The Web Hitmill Pioneers Pioneers Of Computing Pascal Babbage Charles Babbage Computer Pioneers An Open Letter To Hobbyists Timeline Of The History Of Computers Timeline Of Early Calculating Machines Boole Al Gore Lovelace Gottfried Leibnitz George Boole Konrad Zuse John L Von Neumann Abacus Colussus Alan Turing Grace Hopper Robert E Kahn John Vincent Atanasoff Atanasoff Berry Vannevar Bush Edsger Wybe Dijkstra Robert M Metcalf Shortest Path Algorithm J Presper Eckert John Mauchly Univac As We May Think Bill Hewlett Dave Packard Stibitz Ted Nelson Steven Wozniac Edgar Codd Steve Job William H Gates Bill Gates J Presper Eckert John Mauchley Internet Explorer Jcr Licklider Leonard Kleinrock Dennis Ritchie Xanadu Tcpip Kristen Nygaard Blaise Pascal Pdp Computer Dennis Ritchie George Stibitz System R An Wang Steve Jobs California George Julius Totalisator Jacquard Loom
Reviews and Comments for History of Computers -

Best entries for History and Computer
1 A Short History of the Computer
The author
The author takes the user through a short tour of computer history including subjects such as advances in the 50s and 60s. Also includes photos of Charles Babbage and Herman Hollerith.
Error Database Connection Establishingz
The author takes the user through a short tour of computer history including subjects such as advances in the 50s and 60s. Also includes photos of Charles Babbage and Herman Hollerith.
Error Database Connection Establishingz
2 Computer Industry History
Comprehensive list
Comprehensive list of links to the best computer industry history resources that can currently be found on the Net
Malcolm Hoar Forbidden Linkscantm Contact Found Sorry Linkscan Trademarks Page Support Copyrightelsoptm Found Library
Comprehensive list of links to the best computer industry history resources that can currently be found on the Net
Malcolm Hoar Forbidden Linkscantm Contact Found Sorry Linkscan Trademarks Page Support Copyrightelsoptm Found Library
3 Computer History: IBM 360/370/3090/390
A personal
A personal history of the IBM mainframe by Lars Poulsen.
System Ibm Os Revision History Systems Operating Computer Added Unix Sharing Amdahl Tss University Dos Beagle Earscom Pcp
A personal history of the IBM mainframe by Lars Poulsen.
System Ibm Os Revision History Systems Operating Computer Added Unix Sharing Amdahl Tss University Dos Beagle Earscom Pcp
4 Computer History: IBM 360/370/3090/390
A personal
A personal history of the IBM mainframe by Lars Poulsen.
System Ibm Os Revision History Systems Operating Computer Added Sharing Unix Amdahl University Tss Peripherals Within
A personal history of the IBM mainframe by Lars Poulsen.
System Ibm Os Revision History Systems Operating Computer Added Sharing Unix Amdahl University Tss Peripherals Within
5 Information Technology Corporate Histories Collection
History of
History of various IT companies, especially enterprise software vendors. Affiliated with the Computer History Museum.
Inc Systems Computer Software Corporation Information Company Semiconductor Tymshare Welcome Computing Science America Research Quantum Turnkey Comshare
History of various IT companies, especially enterprise software vendors. Affiliated with the Computer History Museum.
Inc Systems Computer Software Corporation Information Company Semiconductor Tymshare Welcome Computing Science America Research Quantum Turnkey Comshare
6 Apple-history.com
A brief
A brief history of the company. Includes a gallery with descriptions, specifications and pictures of every Apple computer ever made.
Macintosh Performa Powerbook Macbook Power Cd Mid Late Imac Pro Server Ipod Early Inch Apple
A brief history of the company. Includes a gallery with descriptions, specifications and pictures of every Apple computer ever made.
Macintosh Performa Powerbook Macbook Power Cd Mid Late Imac Pro Server Ipod Early Inch Apple
7 History of Lisp
Source code
Source code, design documents, references, other material on original Lisp I/1.5 system, and many follow-ons. Project of Computer History Museums Software Collection Committee.
Found Theapache Port Foundserver
Source code, design documents, references, other material on original Lisp I/1.5 system, and many follow-ons. Project of Computer History Museums Software Collection Committee.
Found Theapache Port Foundserver
8 Apple Computer Reading List
Includes brief
Includes brief summaries of Apple history books, pictures of book covers, links to reviews, author pages and other Apple history websites.
Apple Computer History Books Inc Amazon Steve Biographies Link Biography News Inc_ Molloy Newton John Brief
Includes brief summaries of Apple history books, pictures of book covers, links to reviews, author pages and other Apple history websites.
Apple Computer History Books Inc Amazon Steve Biographies Link Biography News Inc_ Molloy Newton John Brief
9 The Atari Transputer Parallel Processing Computer
Atari ATW800
Atari ATW800 Transputer workstation brief history, description, several photos. [Atari History Museum]
Atari Transputer Atw Page Processing Mega Parallel Blossom Computer Asci Motherboard Release Sorry Press Ascila
Atari ATW800 Transputer workstation brief history, description, several photos. [Atari History Museum]
Atari Transputer Atw Page Processing Mega Parallel Blossom Computer Asci Motherboard Release Sorry Press Ascila
10 Dictionary of Programming Languages
Compendium of
Compendium of computer coding methods assembled to provide information and aid appreciation for computer science history.
Programming Languages List Dictionary Html Neal Ziring Name Full Short Form Language Computing Home] Microweb Most Tunes Please
Compendium of computer coding methods assembled to provide information and aid appreciation for computer science history.
Programming Languages List Dictionary Html Neal Ziring Name Full Short Form Language Computing Home] Microweb Most Tunes Please
11 Apple History Links
A largish
A largish collection of links to web sites about the history of Apple Computer, Inc.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Website Please Domains Privacy Aabaco Terms Account
A largish collection of links to web sites about the history of Apple Computer, Inc.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Website Please Domains Privacy Aabaco Terms Account
12 SimuLogics: Novas are Forever
Preserves history
Preserves history and legacy of Data General Nova, Eclipse, MV, and compatible minicomputers, salvages, restores, archives related hardware, software, documentation for all purposes, works worldwide with businesses, universities, museums, hobbyists, other organizations to preserve this important part of computer history and provide open-system solutions to users.
Mv Rolm Nova Eclipse Anuyk Museum Mse Data Uyk General Hawk Dg Anslq Apg Wild Dgrdos
Preserves history and legacy of Data General Nova, Eclipse, MV, and compatible minicomputers, salvages, restores, archives related hardware, software, documentation for all purposes, works worldwide with businesses, universities, museums, hobbyists, other organizations to preserve this important part of computer history and provide open-system solutions to users.
Mv Rolm Nova Eclipse Anuyk Museum Mse Data Uyk General Hawk Dg Anslq Apg Wild Dgrdos
13 Erik S. Kleins Vintage Computer Collection
A virtual
A virtual computer museum representing Erik Kleins personal collection of historical computers. The site features computer history, pictures and a message board.
Computer Apple Vintage Commodore Altair Pc Heathkit Portable Mits Sharp Trs Forum Ibm Vector Osborne Epson Computercom
A virtual computer museum representing Erik Kleins personal collection of historical computers. The site features computer history, pictures and a message board.
Computer Apple Vintage Commodore Altair Pc Heathkit Portable Mits Sharp Trs Forum Ibm Vector Osborne Epson Computercom
14 Tales from Tesler: History of the Lisa Computer
Former Xerox
Former Xerox PARC researcher and Apple Chief Scientist explains impact of Lisa, a computer ahead of its time, competing with DOS PCs. [G4 TV]
Games Review Reviews Video Videos Computer Lisa Vault History Tales Tessler Game Trailers Report Warrior Comic Con Cheats Portal First
Former Xerox PARC researcher and Apple Chief Scientist explains impact of Lisa, a computer ahead of its time, competing with DOS PCs. [G4 TV]
Games Review Reviews Video Videos Computer Lisa Vault History Tales Tessler Game Trailers Report Warrior Comic Con Cheats Portal First
15 History of FORTRAN and FORTRAN II
Pilot project
Pilot project of the Computer History Museums Software Collection Committee to develop expertise in the collection, preservation, and presentation of historic software. The specific goal of this project was to locate source code, design documents, and other materials concerning the original IBM 704 FORTRAN compiler.
Found Theport Apache Serverfound
Pilot project of the Computer History Museums Software Collection Committee to develop expertise in the collection, preservation, and presentation of historic software. The specific goal of this project was to locate source code, design documents, and other materials concerning the original IBM 704 FORTRAN compiler.
Found Theport Apache Serverfound
16 Apple 1 Computer
Graphic tour
Graphic tour of its history, and tips about its use.
Tripod Create Website Tripodcom Hosting Requested Couldnt Found Please Check Login Shoppinglycos Errorpage Lycoscom
Graphic tour of its history, and tips about its use.
Tripod Create Website Tripodcom Hosting Requested Couldnt Found Please Check Login Shoppinglycos Errorpage Lycoscom
17 Privacy Cleaner Pro
Erase computer
Erase computer and Internet history, cookies, and cache.
Privacy Audio Recorder Sound Cleaner Download Linren Cart Contact Cd Support Private Clean Ripper Now
Erase computer and Internet history, cookies, and cache.
Privacy Audio Recorder Sound Cleaner Download Linren Cart Contact Cd Support Private Clean Ripper Now
18 VIC-20 Tribute Page
A brief
A brief history of the computer, interviews with developers, and technical reference material.
A brief history of the computer, interviews with developers, and technical reference material.
19 Manning Publications
Publishes computer
Publishes computer books for professionals. Includes catalog and history.
Action Edition Second Meet Java Month Lunches Manning Learn Action_ Depth Programming Data Practice Web
Publishes computer books for professionals. Includes catalog and history.
Action Edition Second Meet Java Month Lunches Manning Learn Action_ Depth Programming Data Practice Web
20 Wave Report: Computer History Museum
Over one
Over one thousand photographs taken at the Californian institution.
Report Subscribe Wave Topics Conference Contact Blog Electronics Consumer Archive Hot Articles Technology Mobile Displays Wimax Computex
Over one thousand photographs taken at the Californian institution.
Report Subscribe Wave Topics Conference Contact Blog Electronics Consumer Archive Hot Articles Technology Mobile Displays Wimax Computex
21 From Smalltalk to Squeak
Abstract, photo
Abstract, photo, for Ingalls lecture at Computer History Museum.
File Open History Pleasecomputerclick Museum
Abstract, photo, for Ingalls lecture at Computer History Museum.
File Open History Pleasecomputerclick Museum
22 ASTRA32 - Advanced System Information Tool
Performs computer
Performs computer configuration analysis, and provides detailed information on computer hardware and its working modes. Includes product development history, mode screen displays, support links and product download page.
Astra System Tool Version Information Sse Hardware Troubleshooter Advanced Windows Smart Sysinfo Scsi Drivers Serial Features
Performs computer configuration analysis, and provides detailed information on computer hardware and its working modes. Includes product development history, mode screen displays, support links and product download page.
Astra System Tool Version Information Sse Hardware Troubleshooter Advanced Windows Smart Sysinfo Scsi Drivers Serial Features
23 History of Hard Drives
A brief
A brief look at the history from an ex-IBM technician. Includes the first IBM RAMAC disk drive.
Drives Hard History John Seagate Because Stepping Files Home Conner Johnson Quantum Dayes Bill Other stuff
A brief look at the history from an ex-IBM technician. Includes the first IBM RAMAC disk drive.
Drives Hard History John Seagate Because Stepping Files Home Conner Johnson Quantum Dayes Bill Other stuff
24 History of Computers
Cruise through
Cruise through history to discover some of the key developments that have brought society to its present state of computing.
Maxmoncom Domain Renewal Instructions Privacypolicy Maxmoncomthis Privacy Name Backorder Policyexpired Z
Cruise through history to discover some of the key developments that have brought society to its present state of computing.
Maxmoncom Domain Renewal Instructions Privacypolicy Maxmoncomthis Privacy Name Backorder Policyexpired Z
25 History of Computers
Cruise through
Cruise through history to discover some of the key developments that have brought society to its present state of computing.
Maxmoncom Instructions Renewal Domain Privacypolicy Policy Name Expiredprivacy Z
Cruise through history to discover some of the key developments that have brought society to its present state of computing.
Maxmoncom Instructions Renewal Domain Privacypolicy Policy Name Expiredprivacy Z
26 FlashClean
Clean all
Clean all internet history, log, temp file, cookies and cache files on the computer.
Clean Flashclean History Windows Files Cookie Indexdat Cache Internet Mode Uninstall Browser Free Memory Optimize
Clean all internet history, log, temp file, cookies and cache files on the computer.
Clean Flashclean History Windows Files Cookie Indexdat Cache Internet Mode Uninstall Browser Free Memory Optimize
27 Outliners & Programming
Dave Winer
Dave Winer on the history of some early personal computer software products.
Error Frontier Server Userland Monz
Dave Winer on the history of some early personal computer software products.
Error Frontier Server Userland Monz
28 Dunster Net
Suresh Chanmugam
Suresh Chanmugam provides pictures of the team which set up this computer network at Harvard, with a note of its history.
Dunsternet Dunster Suresh Chanmugam Room House Ramakrishnan Realaudio Net Dunsternet Absolutely Below Helsinger Goodyear Pretty Founded
Suresh Chanmugam provides pictures of the team which set up this computer network at Harvard, with a note of its history.
Dunsternet Dunster Suresh Chanmugam Room House Ramakrishnan Realaudio Net Dunsternet Absolutely Below Helsinger Goodyear Pretty Founded
29 Robot History
A timeline
A timeline of recent robotics history starting with Karel Capeks RUR in 1920 and progressing to 2001.
Fileresource Foundthe Removed Might Server Namechanged Temporarily Errorunavailable Been Looking Directory
A timeline of recent robotics history starting with Karel Capeks RUR in 1920 and progressing to 2001.
Fileresource Foundthe Removed Might Server Namechanged Temporarily Errorunavailable Been Looking Directory
30 A Brief History of Computing
Personal homepage
Personal homepage that offers an insight into the history of hardware, the Internet and the Windows operating system.
History Computing Brief Swhite@oxcompsocnet Timelinewhites Homepage Port Wimps Hardware Related Timelines Computers Windowing
Personal homepage that offers an insight into the history of hardware, the Internet and the Windows operating system.
History Computing Brief Swhite@oxcompsocnet Timelinewhites Homepage Port Wimps Hardware Related Timelines Computers Windowing
31 Steve Jobs Info
Movies, audio
Movies, audio clips, pictures, history, 1995 Oral History Interview.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Archives News Sports Toolbar Guidelines Longeravailableinc Internet
Movies, audio clips, pictures, history, 1995 Oral History Interview.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Archives News Sports Toolbar Guidelines Longeravailableinc Internet
32 Uni Development Company
Offering products
Offering products that add distribution functionality such as sales analysis, stock history and order history to ACCPAC.
Offering products that add distribution functionality such as sales analysis, stock history and order history to ACCPAC.