Chaosium Games
Experience Cthulhu Add
Publishers of Call of Cthulhu, Elric!, Pendragon, Nephilim RPGs as well as Starry Wisdom magazine and Mythos CCG. Chaosium were also the original publishers of RuneQuest.A publisher of awersome books and games since 1975

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Cthulhu Add Call Chaosium Submissions Compare Cart Roleplaying Wishlist Basic Introduction Dark Fiction Secrets Mythos Roleplaying Developers And Publishers Chaosium Call Of Cthulhu Basic Roleplaying Lovecraft Rpg Brp
Reviews and Comments for Chaosium Games

Best entries for Cthulhu and Add
1 CTHULHU International
CTHULHU International
CTHULHU International provides support to Call of Cthulhu RPG and its Pagan Publishing Supplements, Delta Green, players and Keepers and to promote the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Advisor Local Hosting App Gallery Help Customer Website Grow
CTHULHU International provides support to Call of Cthulhu RPG and its Pagan Publishing Supplements, Delta Green, players and Keepers and to promote the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Advisor Local Hosting App Gallery Help Customer Website Grow
2 Mooks Mythos Madness
Call of
Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu Live, Lovecraft and Cthulhu Mythos art and props site. Prop making techniques and larping discussions
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Local Gallery App Hosting Help Advisor Please Developer Affiliate
Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu Live, Lovecraft and Cthulhu Mythos art and props site. Prop making techniques and larping discussions
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Local Gallery App Hosting Help Advisor Please Developer Affiliate
3 Chuckling Cthulhu
Produce high-end
Produce high-end Cthulhu-mythos live action RPGs in the San Francisco Bay area.
ã“ã“数年 è¿‘ãÂÂâ€Âã‚ÂÂã®広島セクã‚ÂÂャム発見ã§ãÂÂÂÂãŸ場åˆ風ä¿â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã‚¸行ã“ã†@利çâ€Â¨åº¦æ¬¡ç¬¬ã§ サイトマッãƒ トッãƒâ€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã†â€™Ã…¡Ã£Æ’¼ã‚¸ æ¾山ã®風ä¿ 岡山ã®風ä¿ Reserved Copyrightc広島ã®風ä¿ Lineã§ã¯ã€ÂÂæ‹愛テクニックã®回çÂÂâ€Âを見るã¨ã€ÂÂ女性ã‹らã®æ„ÂÂè¦â€
Produce high-end Cthulhu-mythos live action RPGs in the San Francisco Bay area.
ã“ã“数年 è¿‘ãÂÂâ€Âã‚ÂÂã®広島セクã‚ÂÂャム発見ã§ãÂÂÂÂãŸ場åˆ風ä¿â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã‚¸行ã“ã†@利çâ€Â¨åº¦æ¬¡ç¬¬ã§ サイトマッãƒ トッãƒâ€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã†â€™Ã…¡Ã£Æ’¼ã‚¸ æ¾山ã®風ä¿ 岡山ã®風ä¿ Reserved Copyrightc広島ã®風ä¿ Lineã§ã¯ã€ÂÂæ‹愛テクニックã®回çÂÂâ€Âを見るã¨ã€ÂÂ女性ã‹らã®æ„ÂÂè¦â€
4 Cthulhu 500
Auto-combat card
Auto-combat card game featuring weapons and horror characters from the H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu Mythos.
Ones Deep Atlas Games Tshirt Cult Cthulhu Crossing Cults Product Contact Where Forums White America Blank Cards Goodnight Black Spiele
Auto-combat card game featuring weapons and horror characters from the H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu Mythos.
Ones Deep Atlas Games Tshirt Cult Cthulhu Crossing Cults Product Contact Where Forums White America Blank Cards Goodnight Black Spiele
5 Cthulhu Coffee
A slightly
A slightly humorous website that has information about the Cthulhu Mythos and various convention parties the owners throw.
Click Coffee Cthulhu Here Page Legaleseother Boring Unfortunatelystuff Fine First Brief
A slightly humorous website that has information about the Cthulhu Mythos and various convention parties the owners throw.
Click Coffee Cthulhu Here Page Legaleseother Boring Unfortunatelystuff Fine First Brief
6 Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth
Official site.
Official site. Includes downloads, game information, artwork, forums, and Cthulhu mythos.
Official site. Includes downloads, game information, artwork, forums, and Cthulhu mythos.
7 The Official Chaosium Inc. Homepage
Publishers of
Publishers of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game line and the popular Cthulhu Cycle series of Mythos fiction and non-fiction books.
Cthulhu Add Call Chaosium Submissions Compare Roleplaying Wishlist Cart Basic Introduction Fiction Secrets Dark Mythos Atomic Age Stafford Express
Publishers of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game line and the popular Cthulhu Cycle series of Mythos fiction and non-fiction books.
Cthulhu Add Call Chaosium Submissions Compare Roleplaying Wishlist Cart Basic Introduction Fiction Secrets Dark Mythos Atomic Age Stafford Express
8 Werebadger - Cthulhu/Lovecraftian LARPs
Lovecraftian-mythos live-action
Lovecraftian-mythos live-action events - 'Cthulhu LARP' is too constrictive a term. Group meets and plays in Scotland. Site features previews of upcoming events and photo album of things past.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Lovecraftian-mythos live-action events - 'Cthulhu LARP' is too constrictive a term. Group meets and plays in Scotland. Site features previews of upcoming events and photo album of things past.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 The Mana Bros Call of Cthulhu Pages
Resources, including
Resources, including the regularly updated 'Turin (Italy)Guidebook' for 1920s, short Lovecraft bio and Italian Publishing History, Book of Characters: professions and generation rules (MSWord Zip), Niteside Dreams, alternate setting for Call of Cthulhu games using Film Noir conventions in a magic-rich world subtly corrupted by the Mythos.
Resources, including the regularly updated 'Turin (Italy)Guidebook' for 1920s, short Lovecraft bio and Italian Publishing History, Book of Characters: professions and generation rules (MSWord Zip), Niteside Dreams, alternate setting for Call of Cthulhu games using Film Noir conventions in a magic-rich world subtly corrupted by the Mythos.
10 Call of Cthulhu d20 Character Sheet
Preview and
Preview and download a new character sheet (.pdf) to use with the d20 Call of Cthulhu RPG system.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Preview and download a new character sheet (.pdf) to use with the d20 Call of Cthulhu RPG system.
Navigationshilfe Ty
11 Chaosium, Inc.
Publishes Lovecraftian
Publishes Lovecraftian and Cthulhu Mythos fiction.
Cthulhu Add Call Chaosium Submissions Compare Roleplaying Wishlist Cart Basic Introduction Fiction Secrets Mythos Dark Gaslight Era Blood Mythic
Publishes Lovecraftian and Cthulhu Mythos fiction.
Cthulhu Add Call Chaosium Submissions Compare Roleplaying Wishlist Cart Basic Introduction Fiction Secrets Mythos Dark Gaslight Era Blood Mythic
12 Scooby Doo Cthulhu
Will the
Will the horror never cease? Stats for the 5 cartoon characters in CoC format. Jinkies!
Scooby Cthulhu Shaggy Freddy Coc Call Machine Daphne Velma Doo Stats Cease Cthulhu_ Cartoon Y
Will the horror never cease? Stats for the 5 cartoon characters in CoC format. Jinkies!
Scooby Cthulhu Shaggy Freddy Coc Call Machine Daphne Velma Doo Stats Cease Cthulhu_ Cartoon Y
13 Byakhee00s Rpg Page!
Scenarios and
Scenarios and characters for Call of Cthulhu, weapons and New-Sapiens rules for Rifts.
Cthulhu Page Rifts Mythos Byakhee Garbage Call Dicaprio Leonardo Worthless Go Leo Rpg Crap Raymer Sucks Wcp Beyond Megaverse
Scenarios and characters for Call of Cthulhu, weapons and New-Sapiens rules for Rifts.
Cthulhu Page Rifts Mythos Byakhee Garbage Call Dicaprio Leonardo Worthless Go Leo Rpg Crap Raymer Sucks Wcp Beyond Megaverse
14 Rise of Cthulhu
Fan page
Fan page contains news, characters, monsters, adventures, convention information, and links.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Local App Hosting Help Network Customer Times Geocities
Fan page contains news, characters, monsters, adventures, convention information, and links.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Local App Hosting Help Network Customer Times Geocities
15 Javascript Cthulhu d20 Character Generator
A rather
A rather hefty client-side script which can take a while to load on Internet Explorer.
Knowledge Craft Character Generator Cthulhu Weapon Shot Perform_ Pilot_ Proficiency Animal Strength Brown Constitution Intelligence
A rather hefty client-side script which can take a while to load on Internet Explorer.
Knowledge Craft Character Generator Cthulhu Weapon Shot Perform_ Pilot_ Proficiency Animal Strength Brown Constitution Intelligence
16 The Ice Cave
Call of
Call of Cthulhu information specific to the Delta Green 1990s scenarios. Keepers only recommended.
Call of Cthulhu information specific to the Delta Green 1990s scenarios. Keepers only recommended.
Also known
Also known as, this web site is dedicated to Chaosiums game, Call of Cthulhu. Roleplaying in the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft.
Cthulhu Ysdc Main News Kickstarter Chaosium Breakfast Rarr Yog Today Story Articles English Dreamlands Club Sothoth Modern Page Count Sothothcom Archive Forums
Also known as, this web site is dedicated to Chaosiums game, Call of Cthulhu. Roleplaying in the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft.
Cthulhu Ysdc Main News Kickstarter Chaosium Breakfast Rarr Yog Today Story Articles English Dreamlands Club Sothoth Modern Page Count Sothothcom Archive Forums
18 Call of Cthulhu Humor
Songs including
Songs including 'Calypso', 'Cecilia', 'Something Happening Here', 'See Spot Cringe',and 'The Ideal CoC Investigation'.
Cthulhu Call Humor Negative Space Investigation Jerry Something Stratton Sat Role Playing Cecilia Cthulu Cringe Calypso Harlequinade Happening Book
Songs including 'Calypso', 'Cecilia', 'Something Happening Here', 'See Spot Cringe',and 'The Ideal CoC Investigation'.
Cthulhu Call Humor Negative Space Investigation Jerry Something Stratton Sat Role Playing Cecilia Cthulu Cringe Calypso Harlequinade Happening Book
19 PST Productions
Cthulhu LARP
Cthulhu LARP troupe in New Jersey. Site features photo and story gallery and previews of upcoming events.
Create Tripod Check Signup Lycoscom Errorpage Tripodcom Page Website Lycos Login Pleasecouldnt Requested
Cthulhu LARP troupe in New Jersey. Site features photo and story gallery and previews of upcoming events.
Create Tripod Check Signup Lycoscom Errorpage Tripodcom Page Website Lycos Login Pleasecouldnt Requested
20 House of RLeyh-Dark RP Chathouse
Rules and
Rules and background for a web-based game combining Call of Cthulhu, Nightbane, and the World of Darkness.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Local Hosting App Help Central Customer Has Flickr Build
Rules and background for a web-based game combining Call of Cthulhu, Nightbane, and the World of Darkness.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Local Hosting App Help Central Customer Has Flickr Build
21 Peracles RPG Home Page
Some resources
Some resources for Serenity, Call of Cthulhu, Space 1889, Pulp Era, and Vampire: the Masquerade. Also features Star Wars Fan Fiction.
Page Peracles Html Rpg Michaelchumbler Copyright Homevalidatorrevised
Some resources for Serenity, Call of Cthulhu, Space 1889, Pulp Era, and Vampire: the Masquerade. Also features Star Wars Fan Fiction.
Page Peracles Html Rpg Michaelchumbler Copyright Homevalidatorrevised
22 Nephilim: Occult Roleplaying
Features a
Features a Nephilim/Call of Cthulhu crossover campaign.
Features a Nephilim/Call of Cthulhu crossover campaign.
23 Gamespot (PC)
Rated 7.9/10
Rated 7.9/10 by Greg Kasavin, 'If you can tolerate a few technical deficiencies and are up for a significant challenge, then you can look forward to Call of Cthulhu mightily impressing you and freaking you out equally in turn'.
Most Abnormaltraffic Gamespot Detected Comicvinegiant Human We Bomb Vpn
Rated 7.9/10 by Greg Kasavin, 'If you can tolerate a few technical deficiencies and are up for a significant challenge, then you can look forward to Call of Cthulhu mightily impressing you and freaking you out equally in turn'.
Most Abnormaltraffic Gamespot Detected Comicvinegiant Human We Bomb Vpn
24 ALDOUS Host Shadowrun and RPG Site
Adventures, editorials
Adventures, editorials, and links for Call of Cthulhu, Marvel Superheroes, and Shadowrun.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small App Gallery Advisor Hosting Local Help Customer Please Developer Tech Install
Adventures, editorials, and links for Call of Cthulhu, Marvel Superheroes, and Shadowrun.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small App Gallery Advisor Hosting Local Help Customer Please Developer Tech Install
25 The Official Call of Cthulhu RPG Homepage
Chaosiums CoC
Chaosiums CoC RPG web page has the official information for the game and supplements, as well as useful downloads, fiction, news, and links.
Cthulhu Submissions Call Chaosium Roleplaying Basic Dark Compare Secrets Play Downloads Wishlist Fiction Cart Cults Horror Inc Purpose Follow
Chaosiums CoC RPG web page has the official information for the game and supplements, as well as useful downloads, fiction, news, and links.
Cthulhu Submissions Call Chaosium Roleplaying Basic Dark Compare Secrets Play Downloads Wishlist Fiction Cart Cults Horror Inc Purpose Follow
26 Pagan Publishing
Licensed publisher
Licensed publisher of Call of Cthulhu game products such as Delta Green and The Unspeakable Oath. Their online catalog, The Outsider, carries many Lovecraftian products.
Cowan Corporation Tynes Welcomez
Licensed publisher of Call of Cthulhu game products such as Delta Green and The Unspeakable Oath. Their online catalog, The Outsider, carries many Lovecraftian products.
Cowan Corporation Tynes Welcomez
27 Risus Cthulhu
Another take
Another take on Lovecraftian Risus. This one includes casual touches of humor along with rules for going bonkers, thumping eldridtch thingamajigs and quaffing space-travel beverages. By Manu Saxena.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Local App Advisor Help Hosting Gallery Central Please Has Movies Found
Another take on Lovecraftian Risus. This one includes casual touches of humor along with rules for going bonkers, thumping eldridtch thingamajigs and quaffing space-travel beverages. By Manu Saxena.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Local App Advisor Help Hosting Gallery Central Please Has Movies Found
28 The Phoenix Command Conspiracy
Contains an
Contains an introduction and overview to the Phoenix Command combat system, as well as game conversions for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Contains an introduction and overview to the Phoenix Command combat system, as well as game conversions for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green.
Navigationshilfe Ty
29 Game Industry News (Xbox/PC)
Rated 4.5/5
Rated 4.5/5 by Nate Wooley, 'Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is one hell of a game. And it’s scary enough that I’m not going to go break out my Lovecraft books again. Brrrr!'
Game Industry Trailer News Review Steam Available Announced Helps King Argue Skylanders Storiesnews Cartoon Subscribe Projekt Video
Rated 4.5/5 by Nate Wooley, 'Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is one hell of a game. And it’s scary enough that I’m not going to go break out my Lovecraft books again. Brrrr!'
Game Industry Trailer News Review Steam Available Announced Helps King Argue Skylanders Storiesnews Cartoon Subscribe Projekt Video
30 Chaosium Games
Publishers of
Publishers of Call of Cthulhu, Elric!, Pendragon, Nephilim RPGs as well as Starry Wisdom magazine and Mythos CCG. Chaosium were also the original publishers of RuneQuest.
Cthulhu Add Call Chaosium Submissions Compare Cart Roleplaying Wishlist Basic Introduction Dark Fiction Secrets Mythos
Publishers of Call of Cthulhu, Elric!, Pendragon, Nephilim RPGs as well as Starry Wisdom magazine and Mythos CCG. Chaosium were also the original publishers of RuneQuest.
Cthulhu Add Call Chaosium Submissions Compare Cart Roleplaying Wishlist Basic Introduction Dark Fiction Secrets Mythos
31 Delta Green - Operation: Struggle Within
A Call
A Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green online campaign to be played via email and message board. What evil lurks in the alleys of power of Washington?
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Hosting Advisor Help Local App Gallery Geocities Please Homes Ifyoure
A Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green online campaign to be played via email and message board. What evil lurks in the alleys of power of Washington?
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Hosting Advisor Help Local App Gallery Geocities Please Homes Ifyoure
32 Hastur Hobbies
Hastur Hobbies
Hastur Hobbies is a full-line gaming store specializing in Magic and other CCGs. They carry a variety of Cthulhu-related products and offer secure online ordering.
Xmission Type Utah Green Ssae South Sustainability East Suite Contact Hostingcommitment Found The Accredited
Hastur Hobbies is a full-line gaming store specializing in Magic and other CCGs. They carry a variety of Cthulhu-related products and offer secure online ordering.
Xmission Type Utah Green Ssae South Sustainability East Suite Contact Hostingcommitment Found The Accredited