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Review from The Game Cabinet

Review from The Review Experience Game Pirateer

Reviewed by Ken Tidwell. 'Pirateer is an interesting little game that... I had dismissed as a simplistic roll the dice and move game... Then we slowly began to feel out some of the subtleties that make this game something more.' Includes some basic strategy hints.

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Best entries for Game and Pirateer

1 Pirateer All about
All about the game. Animated Instructions. Free Demo. Game Trivia.
Found The Foundy
2 Review from The Game Cabinet Reviewed by
Reviewed by Ken Tidwell. 'Pirateer is an interesting little game that... I had dismissed as a simplistic roll the dice and move game... Then we slowly began to feel out some of the subtleties that make this game something more.' Includes some basic strategy hints.
Game Pirateer Each Mendocino Company Cabinet Dominion Then Scott Tidwell Pirateer The However Island Petersonpirateerpirateer
3 Review from The Game Report Online Reviewed by
Reviewed by Peter Sarrett. Rating: 4 of 10 in both complexity and skill level. 'What it lacks in innovation, Pirateer makes up for in presentation.'
4 'Even though
'Even though this game this game can be beaten in a short time period, do not let this stop you from purchasing the game. It has well designed levels, tight controls, and a great theme to play. Anyone who possesses a Game Boy Advance owes it to themselves to purchase this game.' Review by Michael Knutson with screen shots and overall score [9.0].
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5 Terrace ...the purest strategy game Official site.
Official site. Board game and computer game are both featured. Shareware versions are free and allow gamers to play via the internet. The history of the game, photos, strategies and tactics, lists of Terrace fans and stores that carry the game.
6 Game Game Ludology meets
Ludology meets Understanding Comics. A card game about game studies by Aki Järvinen.
7 Game Zombies Board Game Review Board game
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8 The World is not Enough Review Game review
Game review by Tom Allen. 'Unfortunately, this entire game can not escape comparison to GoldenEye 007. Rares game is superior for its graphics, game play, and multi-player modes. The World Is Not Enough can not compete in any of these categories. While the game sticks closely to its license, it just doesnt capture the gamers heart.'
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9 Game Vortex Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Storm, 6/10. 'Good graphics, simple game mechanics, and bad game design makes this a good game to pick up - from the bargain rack.'
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10 GameSpot Frank Provos
Frank Provos review [7/10] for Game Boy Color includes screenshots. 'Transforms a reviled PC game into a highly playable Game Boy Color game.'
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11 Game Revolution - The World Is Not Enough Review of
Review of the game by Joe. 'While TWINE isnt a very original game and is definitely not the best game of its kind, it is still a solid one, good for a few thrills and some good hours. If there werent so many better games of the same ilk, Id definitely recommend this one. But there are, and TWINE isnt at the top of the stack. However, if youve got all the rest and youre looking for more, then you should absolutely give this game a shot.'
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13 GUB: the Generic Universal Boardgame A Java
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15 Game Revolution Review Rated D+
Rated D+ by Thomas Garcia. 'Overall, the game was boring. And for all you out there who would think youd like the game just because you like the movie so much, the game has hardly anything to do with the movie.'
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16 Game Revolution 'The best
'The best part of the game is definitely the mood. There is a genuine creepy feeling throughout the game, which makes it not only fun to play, but actually fun to watch as well. Some of the scenes may even make you jump a little. It feels like playing a horror movie. Despite the obvious flaws, this game is both eerie and compelling.' Review by Miranda with screen shots.
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17 Game industry News Reviewed by
Reviewed by John Corrado, rated with 5 'gems' and awarded as TBS Game of the Year 2002 and PC Game of the Year 2002. 'Its not merely a worthy successor [to Civ III], its a better game...'
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18 Game Revolution 'The game
'The game really doesnt offer anything interesting aside from the whole shape-shifting thing, which is does poorly. With empty battles and bland side-quests, the point of it all is lost. Even though the game is set at a lower price point, that isnt an excuse for a lousier game.' Review by Johnny Liu with report card score [D].
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19 All Game Guide Reviewed by
Reviewed by Scott McCall [4.5/5]. 'If you only add one more game to your Nintendo 64 library, it should be this game.' Also offers description and instructions.
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20 GameSpot Best and Worst of 2000: Dragon Warrior I & II This Game
This Game Boy remake won grand prize for the Game Boy game of the year.
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21 Game Revolution Review by
Review by Ben Silverman, C+. 'The core of the game is intact and its still got some genuinely fun moments, this is a much better game to rent than to own.'
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22 Game Revolution [A-] Review
[A-] Review by Johnny Lee. 'This game is not the perfect game, but I would highly recommend it. You will be amazed and pleased.'
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23 Game Revolution Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Ben Silverman, score A. 'This is a better game than the PSX version, which itself is a better game than the first Tony Hawk.' (Dreamcast)
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24 Game Revolution Review by
Review by Eric Archer gives the game a C minus. Page also includes screenshots and basic game information.
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25 Ive Never Game Drinking board
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27 Game Industry News 'Chemicus is
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28 Adventure Gamers Review Rated 2.5/5.
Rated 2.5/5. 'Generally overpriced for the offline game, especially considering theres no actual game in the online game.' By Jim Saighman.
29 BlogNomic A game
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30 Gaming Age Reviewed by
Reviewed by Tim Lewinson. Includes screen shots. 'A fast game. A beautiful game. It is also a short game - I beat it within a day.' Grade: B+.
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32 Game Zombies Rating: a
Rating: a hesitant thumbs-up. 'This game is a good game for fantasy lovers and disenchanted (no pun intended) Magic players.'
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More Review from The Game Cabinet Infos

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