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Dreaming Sims

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Reviews and Comments for Dreaming Sims

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Best entries for Create and Tripod

1 Yahoo! Groups: rpg-create Discussion group
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4 Build Your Own Net Dream (BYOND) A multi-player
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6 Quizie Take a
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7 RBII-4D Information on
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8 Remittag Create and
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9 NPC Characterization A guide
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10 The Impossible Menagerie A modification
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18 Roll Your Own A program
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19 GameShark Preview 'Its amazing
'Its amazing what a small team of indie developers can create when they set their minds to it.'
20 GameShark Reviewed by
Reviewed by Will Lally. 'Whether you want to go it Lone Wolf or re-create the Teen Titans, there is something in it for everyone.' Score: 4.5 out of 5.
21 GamePro Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: The D-Pad Destroyer, score 3.5/5. 'The option to create your own car is very cool, but it cant carry the game.'
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