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Intrepid, USS

Intrepid, USS Review Experience Intrepid Trek

Proteus class vessel dispatched to explore the Fringe, a dangerous and mysterious part outlying the Beta Quadrant.

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Reviews and Comments for Intrepid, USS

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Best entries for Intrepid and Trek

1 Star Trek: USS Wildcat A Star
A Star Trek sim set on an Intrepid class vessel and reporting directly to Section 31. A fantastic AOL RPG designed for your simming fun!
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2 Marakesh, USS Set on
Set on the Intrepid Class USS Marakesh after the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
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3 U.S.S. Cassini NCC-74757 A Star
A Star Trek simulation based on an Intrepid class starship and played out in an AOL chatroom. The Cassini is a proud member of the SLA sim group.
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4 Galactic Trek Simulations A Star Trek Sim Group A well
A well organized Sim group in the Star Trek genre. We offer multiple live chat sims and a message board sim, have a look today.
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5 The Electric Playground Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Rafael Canoa, score 8/10. 'The Star Trek gaming franchise boldly goes where no other Trek game has gone before: the realm of RTS.'
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6 Star Trek: USS Zealous Star Trek:
Star Trek: USS Zealous is a Star Trek sim set on a Prometheus class vessel. Offering excitement, adventure and fun the Zealous is for you.
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7 Comic of Loathing Follow the
Follow the story of a group of intrepid adventurers.
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Information about various campaigns being run by the webmaster, their plotlines and characters.
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9 Star Trek for Windows 9x Test your
Test your diplomatic skills in and enhanced version of the original strategy game of Star Trek.
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11 GameSpot Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Greg Kasavin, 7.9/10. 'Most Star Trek games arent very good, but Star Trek Armadas an exception.'
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12 Armchair Empire Reviewed by
Reviewed by Omni, score: 7.8/10. 'As a Trek game Star Trek Armada II is above average, but as a RTS game its simply standard.'
13 GameSpot Previewed by:
Previewed by: Stephen Poole, 'With Star Trek: Away Team, Activision has found a new creative avenue for its Star Trek license'
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14 Star Trek: Civilization II Scenario Homepage The home
The home of two Fantastic Worlds scenarios with Star Trek theme.
15 Star Trek Universe Contains news
Contains news, downloads, game information, screenshots, official FAQ, links, and a collection of reviews of Star Trek New Worlds.
16 Star Trek RPG Play-by-message board
Play-by-message board Star Trek based role-playing that includes dice rolling as a component of the game.
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17 GameSpot Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Jason Bergman. 'Every good Star Trek game adds something to the collective Star Trek universe, and Elite Force II is no exception.'
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18 Star Trek Red Alert Downloads and
Downloads and reviews of several Star Trek themed games.
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19 Intrepid, USS Proteus class
Proteus class vessel dispatched to explore the Fringe, a dangerous and mysterious part outlying the Beta Quadrant.
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20 Star Trek: Homeworld Actually several
Actually several mods, based on different Star Trek series
21 Star Trek Multiple remakes
Multiple remakes of the original 'Star Trek' game.
22 Adventure Collective Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Zack Howe and Philip Jong, 4/5. 'Overall, Star Trek: Judgment Rites is one of the best Star Trek adventure games that I have ever played.'
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23 Star Trek: The Outpost Cousteau The OPC
The OPC is a Star Trek sim set on a Federation outpost in the Beta Quadrant. The game is active, exciting and fun offering you a great simming experience.
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24 Star Trek: Legacy Star Trek:
Star Trek: Legacy is an email role-playing game set on the USS Tempest, seven years after the end of the Dominion War, largely in the troubled Gamma Quadrant. Rating: 15.
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25 Sharky Games Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Andrew S. Bub, score 7/10. 'You cant review a Star Trek game without mentioning that most Star Trek games really suck.' (Windows)
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26 Star Trek: USS Faranth The USS
The USS Faranth was built and commissioned to explore the far reaches of the Beta Quadrant, where no member of the Federation has traveled to before. A Star Trek sim.
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27 Star Trek Online FAQ The Frequently
The Frequently Asked Questions for Star Trek Online, from Includes information on release, cost and gameplay.
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28 Gaming Age Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Ryan Thompson, B. 'In my opinion, the Star Trek based video games of the past were always oriented towards the fans that have kept the Star Trek Universe alive for the past thirty years.'
29 Guardian of Forever: Star Trek RPG Campaign ufc465537, The
ufc465537, The exploits of the U.S.S. Essex in the Star Trek TOS era. Campaign summaries, player contributions, ship stats and timeline. RPG game using the FASA rules.
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30 USS Horizon-A The USS
The USS Horizon-A, is an Intrepid Class Starship part of Task Force 86
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31 Star Trek Gaming Official site
Official site for Star Trek Games. Includes information about most current games and upcoming ones.
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32 USS Indianapolis The USS
The USS Indianapolis (Intrepid Class) is a proud member of Bravo Fleets Task Force 38.
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More Intrepid, USS Infos

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