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InnerVision Studio, Inc.

InnerVision Studio, Inc. Review Experience Imagery Guided

Self-hypnosis/guided imagery cassette tapes to assist people with a variety of health and life challenges. Healing Touch appointments and information available. (Florida)

Guided Imagery for Cancer Guided Imagery Downloads MP3 CD Tapes Samples Guided Imagery CDs Guided imagery CDs for cancer patients guided imagery CDs for chemotherapy and radiation

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Imagery Guided Cancer Cd Cds Management Studio Health Innervision Tapes Pain Chemotherapy Mp Radiation Samples Alternative Practitioners Wellness Centers North America United States Florida Guided Imagery For Cancer Downloads Mp3 Cd Tapes Samples Guided Imagery Cds Guided Imagery Cd Guided Imagery Cds For Cancer Patients Guided Imagery Cds For Chemotherapy Guided Imagery Cds For Radiation Guided Imagery Doctor Pain Management Pain Management Cd Health Challenges Guided Imagery Cd Cancer Cd Pain Management Stress Health Care Stress Management Cd Mental Health Physical Health Cd Chemotherapy Visualization Relaxation Health Journeys Meditation Radiation Surgery Mind Body Back Pain Innervision Studio Nancy Feldman Saylor Cassette Tapes Audio Tapes Guided Imagery Visualization Health Journeys Cancer Chemotherapy Pain Management Stress Management Meditation Radiation Surgery Mind Body

Reviews and Comments for InnerVision Studio, Inc.

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Best entries for Imagery and Guided

1 Guided Imagery, Inc. - Ohio Information on
Information on stress and the use of guided imagery, including research results. Diane Tusek, RN and BSN, offers services, lectures, staff training, and imagery cassette tapes.
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2 Health Journeys: The Guided Imagery Resource Center Website offers
Website offers visualization audiotapes, books, research and resources on guided imagery, a complementary medicine and holistic mind and body healing process.
3 Academy for Guided Imagery Information is
Information is provided about the Academy, the use of interactive guided imagery, what guided information can do for you, self-healing tools and information, comments by others on the AGI, self-care tests, FAQs, audio clips, contacting the AGI, media information, related links, and locating a practitioner. Professionals can find information on training programs, information services, conferences, and books.
4 The Imagery Training Institute For practicing
For practicing clinicians and other mental health professionals who want to integrate imagery into their psychotherapeutic work, and for anyone who wants to use imagery for personal growth and healing.
5 The Inward Eye Center for
Center for learning in art therapy and imagery. Interactive guided imagery, personal totem pole process, and the inward eye process. Workshops and therapy offered in Philadelphia or will travel to offer workshops to groups.
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6 AffinityWorks Offering counseling
Offering counseling through spiritual and expressive arts, hypnotherapy, and guided imagery.
7 Essential Pathways Guided imagery
Guided imagery and clearings by Dr. Rick Moss in Carmel Valley, California.
8 Creative Healing Kathy Ebanda
Kathy Ebanda offers dynamic guided imagery intuitive body therapy. Southern Oregon.
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9 Jonni OConnor Ph.D Psychologist specializing
Psychologist specializing in past-life regression therapy, guided imagery hypnosis and psycho-spiritual counselling.
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10 Cathy L. Chargualaf, D.C.H Perris. Assists
Perris. Assists in hypnotherapy, guided imagery, biofeedback, relaxation therapy, stress management training, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
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11 Inner Outlook Workshops and
Workshops and seminars employing creative visualization, guided imagery, and meditation techniques. Also multimedia resources using natural sounds and Native American music.
12 InnerVision Studio, Inc. Self-hypnosis/guided imagery
Self-hypnosis/guided imagery cassette tapes to assist people with a variety of health and life challenges. Healing Touch appointments and information available. (Florida)
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13 Rajans Mind-Body Page Personal web
Personal web page with a self-authored article explaining guided imagery, with case notes and references.
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14 An Invitation To Change Cheryl Rubin
Cheryl Rubin, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, therapy using hypnosis and guided imagery, Ellsworth, Maine. Tapes and phone sessions, fees, and questionnaire.
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15 Seva Deva Carol Landrum
Carol Landrum offers interactive guided imagery, aura-soma, and creative color therapies, with details of retreat, practitioners and courses. San Diego, California.
16 Chrysalis Joan Furman
Joan Furman, holistic nurse practitioner, offers personal growth, health counseling, Reiki, healing touch, craniosacral therapy, guided imagery and other modalities.
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17 Janet Berg Certified Clinical
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, natural approach to hypnotherapy, Reiki, past life regression, guided imagery, Mason, Ohio. Biography, services, and creative arts.
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18 Imagery Birthing Center This program
This program prepares the mind and body for natural childbirth with hypnosis and imagery. Promotes the release of fear through confidence and total relaxation. A home study course and instructor certification are available. The course originated in Westlake, Ohio.
19 Find the Guru Within Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California, and Sedona, Arizona. Mark J. Zyga, certified master hypnotist, past life regression, guided imagery, yoga and meditation. Biography, tools, treatments, list of hypnotherapy applications.
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20 Integrated Holistic Therapies Board Certified
Board Certified Holistic Nurse offering Body/Mind/Spirit Assessments, Holistic Counseling, Guided Imagery, Telephone Consultations, Office and Home Visits. (Carlsbad, CA)
21 Guided Imagery, Hypnosis, and Ericksonian Therapy Information on
Information on practice guidelines, news, continuing education, associations, licensing by state, employment, and patient support groups. Further resources of free e-books, journals, patient hand-outs, and other references.
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22 Human Trinity Hypnotherapy Paul Guy
Paul Guy Durbin, offering hypnotherapy, pain management, guided imagery, stress management, help for false memory syndrome, New Orleans, Louisiana. Articles, books, biography, and area news.
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23 Center for Energy Medicine Carrie Bodane
Carrie Bodane offers reiki, craniosacral, medical intuition, guided imagery therapy. Courses in reiki, intuition, distance healing and intuitive counseling. Raleigh, North Carolina.
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24 Nurses Certification Program in Imagery Brief explanation
Brief explanation of imagery and the NCPI mission statement, plus program brochures, calendars, and registration. Certification program is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association. Program consists of 4 phases, with each phase held in a variety of locations during the year.
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25 Holistic Beginnings Holistic healing
Holistic healing from a nursing standpoint. Counseling, therapeutic touch, energy healing, guided imagery meditation by a certified healing touch practitioner. Private practice in Melbourne, Florida.
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26 Center for Conscious Living - Illinois Carol B.
Carol B. Low, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist licensed in Illinois and Indiana. Practice includes using guided imagery to address: ADHD, eating disorders, addictions, depression, anxiety, phobias, trauma, abuse, grief, marriage and other relationships, and self-esteem. Other services are support groups, lectures, and articles.
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27 Art Therapy Institute of the Redwoods Offers educational
Offers educational, supervisory, and consulting services in art therapy, play therapy, and guided imagery. Information on upcoming workshops, lectures, extended training events, registration, about the Institute, and staff information. Some educational events qualify for university credit.
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28 Sable Mountain Outfitters Offering guided
Offering guided hunts, drop camps for Summer and Fall, and guided and non-guided horse rentals. Located in Meeker.
29 Agassiz-Waterhen River Lodge and Outfitters Guided whitetail
Guided whitetail deer, black bear, and waterfowl hunting as well as guided or non-guided fishing. Includes descriptions of recent hunts, pricing, and photos of accommodations.
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30 Maine Woodsmen Guide Service Offers guided
Offers guided and semi-guided black bear and moose hunts, and guided bear and coyote trapping. Located in Stockton Springs.
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Aerial and satellite imagery of the globe.
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32 Innermost Imagery Five galleries
Five galleries of pictures together with technical and practical tips.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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