MedRec Resources, L.L.C.
Experience Professions Medical
Provides medical transcription services to health care facilities of all size. Has form to request a quote.
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Professions Medical Transcription Services
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Best entries for Professions and Medical
1 MedBioWorld
Directory of
Directory of bioscience and medical journals and medical and health professions associations.
Medical Medbioworld Biotechnology Blog News Reference Resource Professionals Listings Incl Multidetector Eline Afghan Cpr Journal Help Genomics Aboutus Contact
Directory of bioscience and medical journals and medical and health professions associations.
Medical Medbioworld Biotechnology Blog News Reference Resource Professionals Listings Incl Multidetector Eline Afghan Cpr Journal Help Genomics Aboutus Contact
2 Nurse and Medical Cartoons
Original humorous
Original humorous illustrations pertaining to the medical professions. Artwork may be licensed for use elsewhere.
Navigationshilfet Y
Original humorous illustrations pertaining to the medical professions. Artwork may be licensed for use elsewhere.
Navigationshilfet Y
3 Health Professions Institute
A private
A private research and development company specializing in the publication of medical transcription training materials, reference books, and periodicals. Authors of The SUM Program for Medical Transcription Training
Medical Transcription Program Quiz Teachers Answers Free Training Schools Mt Sum Study Manual Update Education Units Subscription Perspectives
A private research and development company specializing in the publication of medical transcription training materials, reference books, and periodicals. Authors of The SUM Program for Medical Transcription Training
Medical Transcription Program Quiz Teachers Answers Free Training Schools Mt Sum Study Manual Update Education Units Subscription Perspectives
4 Transcription Zone by Health Professions Institute
Includes 'Current
Includes 'Current Terms,' a monthly list of new medical words and phrases along with definitions. Also offers a free subscription to MT Perspectives Magazine.
Filefoundthe Might Temporarily Error Server Removed Namechangedunavailable Directory Looking Resource Been
Includes 'Current Terms,' a monthly list of new medical words and phrases along with definitions. Also offers a free subscription to MT Perspectives Magazine.
Filefoundthe Might Temporarily Error Server Removed Namechangedunavailable Directory Looking Resource Been
5 Alpha 1 Awareness Alliance
A site
A site where members of the medical professions and the public can find information about alpha 1-antitrypsin- deficiency. Includes news, reports and links.
Document Untitled Abdesigns Mailupdated Last Manson@talkcom Z
A site where members of the medical professions and the public can find information about alpha 1-antitrypsin- deficiency. Includes news, reports and links.
Document Untitled Abdesigns Mailupdated Last Manson@talkcom Z
6 Glacier Valley Medical Education
Offers online
Offers online and home-study continuing education courses for a variety of healthcare professions. Includes background and list of courses.
Courses Ray Limited Radiology Glacier Valley Ce License Study Radiologic Continuing Asrt Arrt Guide Descriptions Course Wyoming
Offers online and home-study continuing education courses for a variety of healthcare professions. Includes background and list of courses.
Courses Ray Limited Radiology Glacier Valley Ce License Study Radiologic Continuing Asrt Arrt Guide Descriptions Course Wyoming
7 JokeChest
Jokes relating
Jokes relating to different jobs and professions, plus some general humor.
Jokes relating to different jobs and professions, plus some general humor.
A multidisciplinary
A multidisciplinary journal for an audience of all health care professions.
Phone Photo Cell Available Kumar Medical Journal Qmrt Those Care Serving Jmap Professions Notes Patna Notes Nalanda Ajit
A multidisciplinary journal for an audience of all health care professions.
Phone Photo Cell Available Kumar Medical Journal Qmrt Those Care Serving Jmap Professions Notes Patna Notes Nalanda Ajit
9 Profession Jokes
Jokes classified
Jokes classified according to professions including actuaries, farmers, programmers, and doctors.
Jokes Profession Work Psychiatrists Programmers Engineers Mathematicians Accountants Humor Physicists Doctors Lawyers Waiters Teachers Judges Professions Else
Jokes classified according to professions including actuaries, farmers, programmers, and doctors.
Jokes Profession Work Psychiatrists Programmers Engineers Mathematicians Accountants Humor Physicists Doctors Lawyers Waiters Teachers Judges Professions Else
10 Medigames
Jeux mondiaux
Jeux mondiaux de la médecine et de la santé, manifestation sportive internationale sadressant aux professions médicales.
Wels Games Medigames – Partners De Book Registration | Médecine Mondiaux Santé Receive Juin Symposium Mediactive Last Ours Secs
Jeux mondiaux de la médecine et de la santé, manifestation sportive internationale sadressant aux professions médicales.
Wels Games Medigames – Partners De Book Registration | Médecine Mondiaux Santé Receive Juin Symposium Mediactive Last Ours Secs
11 Blue Lotus School of Ayurveda
A learning
A learning program designed for those who wish to benefit from Ayurveda in daily life, as well as those looking to integrate its principles into their health care professions.
Ayurvedic Ayurveda Panchakarma Learn Blue Lotus Health Rates Faqs Fees Packages Services Consultations Products Management Newsletters Education
A learning program designed for those who wish to benefit from Ayurveda in daily life, as well as those looking to integrate its principles into their health care professions.
Ayurvedic Ayurveda Panchakarma Learn Blue Lotus Health Rates Faqs Fees Packages Services Consultations Products Management Newsletters Education
12 Just Ask Our Doctors
Medical reference
Medical reference and referral web site, resources include medical statistics, medical malpractice facts, descriptions of medical conditions, and links to additional healthcare sites.
Medical Health Evaluation Wellness Care Malpractice Information Free Firm Healthcare Cochran Conditions Evaluate Doctors Just Provide
Medical reference and referral web site, resources include medical statistics, medical malpractice facts, descriptions of medical conditions, and links to additional healthcare sites.
Medical Health Evaluation Wellness Care Malpractice Information Free Firm Healthcare Cochran Conditions Evaluate Doctors Just Provide
13 Residency and
For medical
For medical students, medical graduates, physicians, residency and fellowship applicants. Provides medical education information, medical forum, chat room, and medical career guidance.
Residency Match Nrmp Medical Page Data Results Usmle Program Step Eras Boards Fellowship Work Matching
For medical students, medical graduates, physicians, residency and fellowship applicants. Provides medical education information, medical forum, chat room, and medical career guidance.
Residency Match Nrmp Medical Page Data Results Usmle Program Step Eras Boards Fellowship Work Matching
14 North-West College of Medical and Dental Assistants
Accredited medical
Accredited medical college school for medical assistant, dental assistant, pharmacy technician, medical insurance biller, medical receptionist, medical administrative assistant, optometric technician.
Redirectionpage Nwedu Found Thefound
Accredited medical college school for medical assistant, dental assistant, pharmacy technician, medical insurance biller, medical receptionist, medical administrative assistant, optometric technician.
Redirectionpage Nwedu Found Thefound
15 North-West College of Medical and Dental Assistants
Accredited medical
Accredited medical college school for medical assistant, dental assistant, pharmacy technician, medical insurance biller, medical receptionist, medical administrative assistant, optometric technician.
Redirectionnwedu Found Pagefound The
Accredited medical college school for medical assistant, dental assistant, pharmacy technician, medical insurance biller, medical receptionist, medical administrative assistant, optometric technician.
Redirectionnwedu Found Pagefound The
16 Pacific Medical Transcription
Firm provides
Firm provides acute care facilities, clinics, physicians, and other medical professionals with medical transcription services. Profiles company and medical transcriptionist staff.
Medical Transcription Francisco Pacific Legal Information@pacific Transcriptioncom Email Geary Hipaahitech Medicaltranscription Area San We
Firm provides acute care facilities, clinics, physicians, and other medical professionals with medical transcription services. Profiles company and medical transcriptionist staff.
Medical Transcription Francisco Pacific Legal Information@pacific Transcriptioncom Email Geary Hipaahitech Medicaltranscription Area San We
17 PharmaSYST - Pharmacy with an Engineering Focus
Designed to
Designed to blend the professions of pharmacy and industrial engineering and explore the possibilities of pharmacy informatics.
Pharmasyst Nick Valid Free Copyright Contact Template Css Llc Icons Xhtml Projectsplease Testimonials
Designed to blend the professions of pharmacy and industrial engineering and explore the possibilities of pharmacy informatics.
Pharmasyst Nick Valid Free Copyright Contact Template Css Llc Icons Xhtml Projectsplease Testimonials
18 eMedicine World Medical Library
Directory of
Directory of free online medical reference textbooks for physicians, medical students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and the public. Up-to-date, searchable, peer-reviewed medical journals and textbooks.
Directory of free online medical reference textbooks for physicians, medical students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and the public. Up-to-date, searchable, peer-reviewed medical journals and textbooks.
19 Vankas Medical Links for MTs
An extensive
An extensive and comprehensive site of medical links for medical transcriptionists and medical professionals.
Medical Sites Vankas Tests Guestbook Surgery Physical Disorders Etc Physician Mts Geriatrics Laboratory Hematology Metabolic Sign
An extensive and comprehensive site of medical links for medical transcriptionists and medical professionals.
Medical Sites Vankas Tests Guestbook Surgery Physical Disorders Etc Physician Mts Geriatrics Laboratory Hematology Metabolic Sign
20 Thoroughbred Breeders and Trainers Directory
UK based
UK based central meeting point for Thoroughbred Breeders, Trainers and related professions on the internet.
UK based central meeting point for Thoroughbred Breeders, Trainers and related professions on the internet.
21 BehaveNet Clinical Capsules
A lexicon
A lexicon of terms commonly used in the mental health professions, including terms related to diagnoses, drugs, treatments, legislation and mental health care institutions.
Psychotherapy Family Terms Behavenet Blog Aaap Disorders Narrative Cbt Aba Clozapine Unified Stuttering Addiction State Privacy
A lexicon of terms commonly used in the mental health professions, including terms related to diagnoses, drugs, treatments, legislation and mental health care institutions.
Psychotherapy Family Terms Behavenet Blog Aaap Disorders Narrative Cbt Aba Clozapine Unified Stuttering Addiction State Privacy
22 St. Johns Mercy Medical Graduate Medical Education
Information on
Information on the graduate medical education programs offered. A St. Louis community based medical center.
Mymercy Learn Mercy Care Contact Information Career Heart Story Donation Primary Careers Privacy Pay Nurse Terms Bill Practitioner
Information on the graduate medical education programs offered. A St. Louis community based medical center.
Mymercy Learn Mercy Care Contact Information Career Heart Story Donation Primary Careers Privacy Pay Nurse Terms Bill Practitioner
23 On Good Authority
Continuing education
Continuing education for psychology and social work professions. Mental health professionals can now listen to 'On Good Authoritys' audio cassette tapes and earn continuing education credits on their own time.
Social Ceu Education Continuing Work Good Authority Requirements State Ceus Catalog Course Step News Reading Register
Continuing education for psychology and social work professions. Mental health professionals can now listen to 'On Good Authoritys' audio cassette tapes and earn continuing education credits on their own time.
Social Ceu Education Continuing Work Good Authority Requirements State Ceus Catalog Course Step News Reading Register
24 CME on HIV
Provides online
Provides online HIV conferences, medical journal articles, CME, case reports, medical news, and medical resources.
Hiv Patients Naïve Webcast News Crp Provides Disclaimer Reactive Therapy Ressources Conferences Updated Local Protein
Provides online HIV conferences, medical journal articles, CME, case reports, medical news, and medical resources.
Hiv Patients Naïve Webcast News Crp Provides Disclaimer Reactive Therapy Ressources Conferences Updated Local Protein
25 Jim Mooneys Medical Education
A personal
A personal page for everyone trying to make it through Medical School. Maintained by a medical student.
A personal page for everyone trying to make it through Medical School. Maintained by a medical student.
26 KMLE Medical Dictionary
Search several
Search several resources simultaneously for medical terminology, medical abbreviations, journals, and drug names.
Medical Dictionary Kmle Sites External Drug Clinical Publishers Residency Basic General Journals Usmle Medlineplus Medicinereference Sciencesreference American
Search several resources simultaneously for medical terminology, medical abbreviations, journals, and drug names.
Medical Dictionary Kmle Sites External Drug Clinical Publishers Residency Basic General Journals Usmle Medlineplus Medicinereference Sciencesreference American
27 Travhealth
Secured medical
Secured medical records in eight languages, vaccination information, medical kit and first aid for medical assistance.
ãÆ’¤ãÆ’¬ã‚‹人妻æŽ²ç¤ºæ¿ ä¼Ã…¡ã†ã¾ã§ã‚¬ãƒžãÆ’³ 話ãÂÂâ€â€æ–¹ 割り切ã£ãŸ関ä¿Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ æ–°ç€æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ± ä¼Ã…¡ã
Secured medical records in eight languages, vaccination information, medical kit and first aid for medical assistance.
ãÆ’¤ãÆ’¬ã‚‹人妻æŽ²ç¤ºæ¿ ä¼Ã…¡ã†ã¾ã§ã‚¬ãƒžãÆ’³ 話ãÂÂâ€â€æ–¹ 割り切ã£ãŸ関ä¿Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ æ–°ç€æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ± ä¼Ã…¡ã
28 Purple Medical Blog
Medical news
Medical news and information, links to current medical articles.
Video Cancer Heart Veins Watch Videos Gastric Varicose Do Surgery Spider Bypass New How Work Swine Injuries Detection Multitudinous Hypertension
Medical news and information, links to current medical articles.
Video Cancer Heart Veins Watch Videos Gastric Varicose Do Surgery Spider Bypass New How Work Swine Injuries Detection Multitudinous Hypertension
Medical web
Medical web directory and education resources for medical students and professionals. USMLE study guides, medical PDA software and web communities.
Cable Tools Ground Directv Meters Wire Supplies Accessories Alignment Rg Account Tool Satellite Installation Audio Enclosure Lugs Rings
Medical web directory and education resources for medical students and professionals. USMLE study guides, medical PDA software and web communities.
Cable Tools Ground Directv Meters Wire Supplies Accessories Alignment Rg Account Tool Satellite Installation Audio Enclosure Lugs Rings
30 On Good Authority
Continuing education
Continuing education for psychology and social work professions. Mental health professionals can now listen to 'On Good Authoritys' audio cassette tapes and earn continuing education credits on their own time. Galena, IL.
Continuing education for psychology and social work professions. Mental health professionals can now listen to 'On Good Authoritys' audio cassette tapes and earn continuing education credits on their own time. Galena, IL.
An integrated
An integrated medical knowledge system featuring online CME for reading medical textbooks, medical journals, drug databases, and MEDLINE.
Clin Eguide Skolar Httpmdskolarcomgt Mdthank Skolarmd Based
An integrated medical knowledge system featuring online CME for reading medical textbooks, medical journals, drug databases, and MEDLINE.
Clin Eguide Skolar Httpmdskolarcomgt Mdthank Skolarmd Based
32 Senior Aviation Medical Examiner in S.C.
FAA certified
FAA certified Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) qualified to perform First, Second or Third Class aviation medical exams. Site includes links to the FAA Database and medical standards information. Near historic Charleston,SC.
Exam Ame Contact Pilot Pilots Medical Flightphysicalcom Faa Ames Aviation New Examiner Atikconnected
FAA certified Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) qualified to perform First, Second or Third Class aviation medical exams. Site includes links to the FAA Database and medical standards information. Near historic Charleston,SC.
Exam Ame Contact Pilot Pilots Medical Flightphysicalcom Faa Ames Aviation New Examiner Atikconnected