Profession Jokes
Experience Jokes Profession
Jokes classified according to professions including actuaries, farmers, programmers, and doctors.Jokes about the professions of the twenty first century programmers mathematicians physicists engineers doctors lawyers accountants psychiatrists etc

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Profession Jokes
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Jokes Profession Work Psychiatrists Programmers Engineers Mathematicians Accountants Humor Physicists Doctors Lawyers Waiters Teachers Judges Professions Else Humor Job-Related Jokes Humor Work Profession Programmers Mathematicians Physicists Engineers Psychiatrists Doctors Lawyers Judges Accountants Economists Statisticians Actuaries Managers Salespeople Philosophers Teachers Pilots Stewards Waiters Jokes Work Humor Profession Jokes Humor Profession Work
Reviews and Comments for Profession Jokes

Best entries for Jokes and Profession
1 Profession Jokes - Biologists
Jokes about
Jokes about biologists and biology (part of the Profession Jokes site).
Jokes Biologists Contact Suhosin Tell Profession Opensslgmod_perl Pharmacists Apache Books Permanently The Php Perlv+lenny
Jokes about biologists and biology (part of the Profession Jokes site).
Jokes Biologists Contact Suhosin Tell Profession Opensslgmod_perl Pharmacists Apache Books Permanently The Php Perlv+lenny
2 Profession Jokes - Mathematicians
Jokes about
Jokes about mathematicians (part of the Profession Jokes site)
Jokes Math Contact Programmers Cartoon Patchmod_python Eulers Suhosinpage Profession Port Server Opensslgmod_perl Privacy
Jokes about mathematicians (part of the Profession Jokes site)
Jokes Math Contact Programmers Cartoon Patchmod_python Eulers Suhosinpage Profession Port Server Opensslgmod_perl Privacy
3 Profession Jokes
Jokes classified
Jokes classified according to professions including actuaries, farmers, programmers, and doctors.
Jokes Profession Work Psychiatrists Programmers Engineers Mathematicians Accountants Humor Physicists Doctors Lawyers Waiters Teachers Judges Professions Else
Jokes classified according to professions including actuaries, farmers, programmers, and doctors.
Jokes Profession Work Psychiatrists Programmers Engineers Mathematicians Accountants Humor Physicists Doctors Lawyers Waiters Teachers Judges Professions Else
4 Occupational Hazards - Job Jokes
Jokes by
Jokes by profession including doctor, lawyer, dentist, scientist, engineer, and truck driver.
Tripod Create Checkwebsite Page Please Hosting Signup Tripodcom Requestedlycoscom Shopping Lycos
Jokes by profession including doctor, lawyer, dentist, scientist, engineer, and truck driver.
Tripod Create Checkwebsite Page Please Hosting Signup Tripodcom Requestedlycoscom Shopping Lycos
5 Profession Jokes - Psychology and Psychiatry
A large
A large collection of jokes, all part of a larger indexed professional joke directory.
Jokes Psychologists Psychiatrists Contact Statement Permanently The Workers Profession Us Cartoon Social Internet Providers Y
A large collection of jokes, all part of a larger indexed professional joke directory.
Jokes Psychologists Psychiatrists Contact Statement Permanently The Workers Profession Us Cartoon Social Internet Providers Y
6 Profession Jokes - Physicists
A collection
A collection, including 'you might be a physicist if'.
Jokes Physicists Contact Cartoon Apache Permanently The Privacy Perlv Barometerdouglas Port Height Python +lenny Server
A collection, including 'you might be a physicist if'.
Jokes Physicists Contact Cartoon Apache Permanently The Privacy Perlv Barometerdouglas Port Height Python +lenny Server
7 Marks Jokes
Offers politics
Offers politics, adult, profession, kids, and computers.
Offers politics, adult, profession, kids, and computers.
8 Lawyer Jokes Etcetera
Collection of
Collection of humor, quotations and proverbs relating to the legal profession.
Sign Lifestream People Policy Updated Everything Now Places Connecting Trademarks Create Advertise Insign Multiple Stream
Collection of humor, quotations and proverbs relating to the legal profession.
Sign Lifestream People Policy Updated Everything Now Places Connecting Trademarks Create Advertise Insign Multiple Stream
9 Biomechanigg Research Inc.
Provide biomechanical
Provide biomechanical knowledge to industry, government, the medical profession, the legal profession and other interested groups.
Ltd Biomechanigg Research Clients Facility Bri Contact Animations Publications Expertise Mission Shoes Requestcopyright
Provide biomechanical knowledge to industry, government, the medical profession, the legal profession and other interested groups.
Ltd Biomechanigg Research Clients Facility Bri Contact Animations Publications Expertise Mission Shoes Requestcopyright
10 Profession Jokes - Engineers
Humor about
Humor about engineering and engineers.
Jokes Engineers Contact Workjokecom Privacy Python Php Server Books +lenny Perlv Cartoon Publisherstell
Humor about engineering and engineers.
Jokes Engineers Contact Workjokecom Privacy Python Php Server Books +lenny Perlv Cartoon Publisherstell
11 Asian Jokes Online
Really funny
Really funny Asian jokes, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, other Asian ethnic jokes, dirty jokes, dumb jokes, and adult Asian jokes.
Photo Jokes Asian Girl Chinese Posted Girls Asianjoke Funny Pictures Japanese Tags Thai Videos Apple Beer
Really funny Asian jokes, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, other Asian ethnic jokes, dirty jokes, dumb jokes, and adult Asian jokes.
Photo Jokes Asian Girl Chinese Posted Girls Asianjoke Funny Pictures Japanese Tags Thai Videos Apple Beer
12 All kind of Jokes
From animal
From animal jokes to sex Jokes. Join to receive jokes via e-mail.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Popular Privacy Longeravailable Guidelines Trying Movies Maps Mailgames
From animal jokes to sex Jokes. Join to receive jokes via e-mail.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Popular Privacy Longeravailable Guidelines Trying Movies Maps Mailgames
13 Clean Funny Joke
The Webs
The Webs finest source of hilarious, clean funny jokes, one-liner jokes, and award winning jokes. Topically organized discussion forum/bulletin board system with user-contributed jokes.
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The Webs finest source of hilarious, clean funny jokes, one-liner jokes, and award winning jokes. Topically organized discussion forum/bulletin board system with user-contributed jokes.
Graphic Blue Creative Moose Design Specifications Terms Conditions Sales@bluemoosecreativecom Todayprint Contact Shop Finish
14 You Think Jokes
Displays individual
Displays individual jokes and allows users to vote on them. Also features top-rated jokes and accepts joke submissions.
Travbowman Personality Community Forums Quizzes Jokes Sander Victoryrider Klover Journals Zaraphel Messages Tests Hllraiser Moderated
Displays individual jokes and allows users to vote on them. Also features top-rated jokes and accepts joke submissions.
Travbowman Personality Community Forums Quizzes Jokes Sander Victoryrider Klover Journals Zaraphel Messages Tests Hllraiser Moderated
15 Just-Jokes
Collection of
Collection of jokes, riddles, limericks, funny files and a jokes mailing list.
Just Jokescomy
Collection of jokes, riddles, limericks, funny files and a jokes mailing list.
Just Jokescomy
16 Doctor Jokes
Medical jokes
Medical jokes from the people at Humor Vault which includes 90 pages of jokes.
Tripod Create Tripodcomplease Signup Website Couldnt Check Hosting Login Pagelycos Requested Shopping
Medical jokes from the people at Humor Vault which includes 90 pages of jokes.
Tripod Create Tripodcomplease Signup Website Couldnt Check Hosting Login Pagelycos Requested Shopping
17 Coops Jokes
Jokes, lists
Jokes, lists, amazing facts, yo mommas, blondes, and jokes by email.
Jokes Videos Funny Cartoons Trivia Laugh Facts Amazing Blonde Lists Email Take Lots Than Coops Through Also Captions
Jokes, lists, amazing facts, yo mommas, blondes, and jokes by email.
Jokes Videos Funny Cartoons Trivia Laugh Facts Amazing Blonde Lists Email Take Lots Than Coops Through Also Captions
18 Jokes 2000
A database
A database of jokes and cartoons, including a joke of the day and jokes by email.
A database of jokes and cartoons, including a joke of the day and jokes by email.
19 Jackass Jokes
Collections of
Collections of clean jokes and fun. Get jokes in your email daily.
Jokes Funny Blonde Knock Dirty Picking Nose Redneck Fun Food Internet Marriage Gore Humor Things
Collections of clean jokes and fun. Get jokes in your email daily.
Jokes Funny Blonde Knock Dirty Picking Nose Redneck Fun Food Internet Marriage Gore Humor Things
20 Christians Unite - Clean and Christian Jokes
A large
A large collection of Christian jokes, clean jokes, and family safe jokes.
Jokes Bull Christian Clean Bible School Christmas Sermons Pastors God Kids Sunday Free Family Funny
A large collection of Christian jokes, clean jokes, and family safe jokes.
Jokes Bull Christian Clean Bible School Christmas Sermons Pastors God Kids Sunday Free Family Funny
22 Basic Jokes
Clean jokes
Clean jokes for a dirty world. Extensive collection of well-categorized clean jokes rated by users. Daily mailing list.
Click Here Proceedy
Clean jokes for a dirty world. Extensive collection of well-categorized clean jokes rated by users. Daily mailing list.
Click Here Proceedy
23 Architecture Jokes
Jokes about
Jokes about architecture, building and construction. Visitors can rate jokes for quality or submit their own.
Jokes Architecture Construction Joke London Core Building Privacy Contains Fi Sci Architectural Architecturejokescom Titanic Rate
Jokes about architecture, building and construction. Visitors can rate jokes for quality or submit their own.
Jokes Architecture Construction Joke London Core Building Privacy Contains Fi Sci Architectural Architecturejokescom Titanic Rate
24 Joke or Not
Rate jokes
Rate jokes, search the jokes database, register for top 5 joke newsletter and submit jokes.
Rate jokes, search the jokes database, register for top 5 joke newsletter and submit jokes.
25 All About Funny Jokes
Funny jokes
Funny jokes and humorous stories with lots of great jokes.
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Funny jokes and humorous stories with lots of great jokes.
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26 Favorite Doctor Jokes
Includes doctor
Includes doctor jokes. All on one page. Includes stories, short jokes and an alternative medical dictionary.
Sign Places People Policy Now Everything Lifestream Updated Rights Nowon Reserved Go Theres Terms Login Advertise
Includes doctor jokes. All on one page. Includes stories, short jokes and an alternative medical dictionary.
Sign Places People Policy Now Everything Lifestream Updated Rights Nowon Reserved Go Theres Terms Login Advertise
27 Violin World Music Jokes
Jokes in
Jokes in the form of an addmission test for the BBC Orchestra
World Violin Bows Perhapscontact Hire Somewhat Wordpress Repairs Proudly Cellos Bass Violas It It
Jokes in the form of an addmission test for the BBC Orchestra
World Violin Bows Perhapscontact Hire Somewhat Wordpress Repairs Proudly Cellos Bass Violas It It
28 007 Jokes
Blonde, redneck
Blonde, redneck, lawyer and gender jokes. Also offers a weekly newsletter.
Jokes Humor Little Blonde Johnny Yo Joke Mamma Free Johny Mama Personals Yomoma Coworkers Engine
Blonde, redneck, lawyer and gender jokes. Also offers a weekly newsletter.
Jokes Humor Little Blonde Johnny Yo Joke Mamma Free Johny Mama Personals Yomoma Coworkers Engine
29 Joke Station
Weve got
Weve got categorized jokes for your entertainment, plus top ten jokes and other cool stuff.
Jokes Blonde Station Joke Teenager Funny Clinton Humor Categorized Teen Ten Humour Dirty Religiouscool
Weve got categorized jokes for your entertainment, plus top ten jokes and other cool stuff.
Jokes Blonde Station Joke Teenager Funny Clinton Humor Categorized Teen Ten Humour Dirty Religiouscool
30 Planet Humor
Archive of
Archive of blonde jokes, redneck, insults and sports jokes.
Tripod Create Website Errorpage Lycos Check Shopping Login Signup Requested Hostingcouldnt Tripodcom Found
Archive of blonde jokes, redneck, insults and sports jokes.
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31 Computer Jokes UK
Windows, Linux
Windows, Linux and Unix jokes, plus technical support stories.
Jokes Bill Hell Computer Joke Pc Show Gates Humour Computing Computers Heaven Windows Fun Irs Impressing Microsoft
Windows, Linux and Unix jokes, plus technical support stories.
Jokes Bill Hell Computer Joke Pc Show Gates Humour Computing Computers Heaven Windows Fun Irs Impressing Microsoft
32 Alto Jokes
A collection
A collection of jokes including bar, campus, celebrities, insults and ethnic.
Jokes Kids Animals Emergencies Story Restaurant Religion Couples Silly Absolutely Profession Teenagers Life Bar Celebrities Sisters Baseball Poultry Quality
A collection of jokes including bar, campus, celebrities, insults and ethnic.
Jokes Kids Animals Emergencies Story Restaurant Religion Couples Silly Absolutely Profession Teenagers Life Bar Celebrities Sisters Baseball Poultry Quality