Westie UK Show
Experience Show Winners
Detailed results of Westie winners from the UK championship shows.westieresults West Highland White Terrier UK dog show results with details of all CC reserve CC and Best Puppy winning dogs and their details

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Show Winners Westie Puppy Results Bitch Cc Champions Best Club Dog Year Breeder Photo Pets Dogs Breeds Terrier Group West Highland White Terrier Karamynd Play The Game Westie Results West Highland White Terrier Westie Westieukshowresults Moonfruit
Reviews and Comments for Westie UK Show Results

Best entries for Show and Winners
1 Cederkeys
Breeding solid
Breeding solid black Cockers since 1994, with many champions along the way including multiple group winners & best puppy in show winners. Located in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Advisor Hosting Local Help App Gallery Central Network Program
Breeding solid black Cockers since 1994, with many champions along the way including multiple group winners & best puppy in show winners. Located in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Advisor Hosting Local Help App Gallery Central Network Program
2 Unofficial Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Site
Americas most
Americas most prestigious dog show, second only to the Kentucky Derby as the USAs oldest sporting event. See past winners and vote for Best in Show.
Show Westminster Dog Best Unofficial Kennel Club Videos Terrier Sporting Wkc Spaniel Wynsum Miss Traveling Canine See
Americas most prestigious dog show, second only to the Kentucky Derby as the USAs oldest sporting event. See past winners and vote for Best in Show.
Show Westminster Dog Best Unofficial Kennel Club Videos Terrier Sporting Wkc Spaniel Wynsum Miss Traveling Canine See
3 Kanstens German Shepherds
Small hobby
Small hobby kennel breeding for temperament, movement, and health, suitable for show, work, and companion homes. Pedigrees, photographs of current show and trial winners, and links. Northern California.
Tripod Create Pleaselogin Tripodcom Couldnt Website Shopping Signup Hosting Check Requestedlycos
Small hobby kennel breeding for temperament, movement, and health, suitable for show, work, and companion homes. Pedigrees, photographs of current show and trial winners, and links. Northern California.
Tripod Create Pleaselogin Tripodcom Couldnt Website Shopping Signup Hosting Check Requestedlycos
4 Barsetta
Kennel history
Kennel history, show winners, and photographs. Cornwall, England.
Terrier Airedale American Rescue Russell Staffordshire Boston Bull Cairn Jack Terriers Dog Airdale Organizations Grooming
Kennel history, show winners, and photographs. Cornwall, England.
Terrier Airedale American Rescue Russell Staffordshire Boston Bull Cairn Jack Terriers Dog Airdale Organizations Grooming
5 Barsetta
Kennel history
Kennel history, show winners, and photographs. Cornwall, England.
Terrier Airedale American Rescue Russell Boston Bull Staffordshire Cairn Jack Terriers Dog Airdale Organizations Grooming
Kennel history, show winners, and photographs. Cornwall, England.
Terrier Airedale American Rescue Russell Boston Bull Staffordshire Cairn Jack Terriers Dog Airdale Organizations Grooming
6 Past Winners
USA Todays
USA Todays list of Tour de France winners from 1903 to 1999.
Object Document Movedthisy
USA Todays list of Tour de France winners from 1903 to 1999.
Object Document Movedthisy
7 Heisman Trophy Winners
Site contains
Site contains yearly winners with profiles.
Site contains yearly winners with profiles.
8 Sporting Chronicle - NFL Super Bowl Winners
NFL championship
NFL championship game winners, runners-up, scores, attendance and venue.
Casino Winnerscopyright Winnerscasinocouk
NFL championship game winners, runners-up, scores, attendance and venue.
Casino Winnerscopyright Winnerscasinocouk
9 National American Pit Bull Terrier Association
Hosts an
Hosts an annual national show where the United Kennel Club National Grand Champion is crowned. Archives of past show results, top ten dogs, and past winners with photographs.
Application National Page Bull American Association Lindsay Chavez President Napbtasecretary@yahoocom Napbta Blackowl Terrier Orler Lane Farmdale Vice Napbtaukc
Hosts an annual national show where the United Kennel Club National Grand Champion is crowned. Archives of past show results, top ten dogs, and past winners with photographs.
Application National Page Bull American Association Lindsay Chavez President Napbtasecretary@yahoocom Napbta Blackowl Terrier Orler Lane Farmdale Vice Napbtaukc
10 Shelleys Kentucky Derby Page
Provides information
Provides information on winners and current year contenders, more than 60 pictures of winners, quizzes, recipes, from a fan.
Derby Kentucky Winners Contenders Page Past Theories Winner Web Homes History Pictures Triple Crown Shelleys
Provides information on winners and current year contenders, more than 60 pictures of winners, quizzes, recipes, from a fan.
Derby Kentucky Winners Contenders Page Past Theories Winner Web Homes History Pictures Triple Crown Shelleys
11 Drachenberg
Importer and
Importer and breeder of European show and working lines. Photographs of their winners. Wisconsin.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restrictedplease Host Protection
Importer and breeder of European show and working lines. Photographs of their winners. Wisconsin.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restrictedplease Host Protection
12 New Hampshire Aquarium Society
Meeting information
Meeting information, bowl show winners, membership application.
Aquarium Society Hampshire New Dwight Nhas Meeting Moody Catfish Auction Goldfish Tetra Pierce States Results Group
Meeting information, bowl show winners, membership application.
Aquarium Society Hampshire New Dwight Nhas Meeting Moody Catfish Auction Goldfish Tetra Pierce States Results Group
13 Pennsylvania Saddlebred Horse Association
Show calendar
Show calendar, award winners, newsletter, and membership information.
Horse Saddlebred Association Pennsylvania American Classic Show Welcome Board Club Keystone Directors Winners Calendar Form Page Navigation[skip]
Show calendar, award winners, newsletter, and membership information.
Horse Saddlebred Association Pennsylvania American Classic Show Welcome Board Club Keystone Directors Winners Calendar Form Page Navigation[skip]
14 Barsetta
Breeding Parsons
Breeding Parsons Jack Russell Terriers in Cornwall, England. Kennel history, show winners and photos.
Breeding Parsons Jack Russell Terriers in Cornwall, England. Kennel history, show winners and photos.
15 Barsetta
Breeding Parsons
Breeding Parsons Jack Russell Terriers in Cornwall, England. Kennel history, show winners and photos.
Terrier Airedale American Rescue Russell Staffordshire Boston Bull Terriers Cairn Jack Airdale Dog Organizations Grooming Police
Breeding Parsons Jack Russell Terriers in Cornwall, England. Kennel history, show winners and photos.
Terrier Airedale American Rescue Russell Staffordshire Boston Bull Terriers Cairn Jack Airdale Dog Organizations Grooming Police
16 New England Saint Bernard Club
News, list
News, list of show winners, rescue information, photographs, and a calendar of upcoming events.
Create Tripod Lycoscomwebsite Couldnt Signup Lycos Tripodcom Please Hosting Logincheck Requested
News, list of show winners, rescue information, photographs, and a calendar of upcoming events.
Create Tripod Lycoscomwebsite Couldnt Signup Lycos Tripodcom Please Hosting Logincheck Requested
17 Innesfree West Highland White Terriers (Westies)
Small show/hobby
Small show/hobby kennel located in Minneapolis MN. Home of specialty winners.
White Highland Terriers Terrier Show Canadian Puppies American Club West Innesfree Westies Contact Kennel Famous Bloodlines Best Excel
Small show/hobby kennel located in Minneapolis MN. Home of specialty winners.
White Highland Terriers Terrier Show Canadian Puppies American Club West Innesfree Westies Contact Kennel Famous Bloodlines Best Excel
18 Joseph Imperio Racing Stables
News, horses
News, horses list with photographs, winners circle pictures, winners of 2002, voting polls, and racing schedule.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Sites Toolbarsorry Wayback Visit User Guidelines Archives
News, horses list with photographs, winners circle pictures, winners of 2002, voting polls, and racing schedule.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Sites Toolbarsorry Wayback Visit User Guidelines Archives
20 Wellston Michigan Big Buck Contest
Sponsored by
Sponsored by the Wellston Area Tourist Association (WATA). Daily winners and grand prize winners in 2 divisions, archery and firearms.
Navigationshilfet Y
Sponsored by the Wellston Area Tourist Association (WATA). Daily winners and grand prize winners in 2 divisions, archery and firearms.
Navigationshilfet Y
21 Zilvervos Keeshonden
Breeders and
Breeders and exhibitors of quality Keeshonden from South Australia. Home of multi-Best-in-Show winners.
Naked Iinet We Activations Reserved Rights Broadband Subscribe Support Australia Limitedacn Award Found Phone Super Work Y
Breeders and exhibitors of quality Keeshonden from South Australia. Home of multi-Best-in-Show winners.
Naked Iinet We Activations Reserved Rights Broadband Subscribe Support Australia Limitedacn Award Found Phone Super Work Y
22 Central Carolina Poodle Club
Provides club
Provides club and meeting information, seminars, show winners, membership, and rescue pictures.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Gallery Help Hosting Local App Advisor Please Central Geocities
Provides club and meeting information, seminars, show winners, membership, and rescue pictures.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Gallery Help Hosting Local App Advisor Please Central Geocities
23 Deja Vu Briards
Kennel history
Kennel history and record of show winners, health results, and working titles. Hundreds of photographs, pedigrees, and progeny lists. Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Kennel history and record of show winners, health results, and working titles. Hundreds of photographs, pedigrees, and progeny lists. Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
24 Reichert Pleasure Celebration
NSBA and
NSBA and reining horse show. Site offers class information, past winners, general information. Located in Iowa.
Error Requesty
NSBA and reining horse show. Site offers class information, past winners, general information. Located in Iowa.
Error Requesty
25 Australian Shepherd Club of San Diego County
ASCA affiliate
ASCA affiliate in San Diego, California. Membership and show information, merit award winners, and links to breeders and other aussie sites.
Rejected Requesty
ASCA affiliate in San Diego, California. Membership and show information, merit award winners, and links to breeders and other aussie sites.
Rejected Requesty
26 Kings Valley Collies
Breeders and
Breeders and trainers located in the Coast Range foothills, Northwest of Corvallis, Oregon. Includes news, show winners, available puppies, training tips, breeding program, and downloadable forms.
Collies Valley Kings Puppy Contact Collie Mobility Support Club Bernards Dogs Best Autism Ramsey Stories People Specialty
Breeders and trainers located in the Coast Range foothills, Northwest of Corvallis, Oregon. Includes news, show winners, available puppies, training tips, breeding program, and downloadable forms.
Collies Valley Kings Puppy Contact Collie Mobility Support Club Bernards Dogs Best Autism Ramsey Stories People Specialty
27 Countryview Collies
Located in
Located in Southern New England. Countryview Collies has owned, bred, and our stud dogs have produced Collie Club of America National Best of Breed winners, as well as International Best of Breed Winners.
Z Request Y
Located in Southern New England. Countryview Collies has owned, bred, and our stud dogs have produced Collie Club of America National Best of Breed winners, as well as International Best of Breed Winners.
Z Request Y
28 Crystal Park Miniature Horses
Standing American
Standing American import Bluegables Rowdys Extreme Remark. Overo and dilutes a specialty. Details of brood mares, show winners and stock for sale. Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia.
Standing American import Bluegables Rowdys Extreme Remark. Overo and dilutes a specialty. Details of brood mares, show winners and stock for sale. Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia.
29 Shadowbrook Stables
Offers customized
Offers customized training programs for children and adults as well as specialized instruction for the Hunter, Jumper, and Equitation divisions. Features student show winners, photo galleries, and horses for sale. Located in Moorpark, California.
Horse Riding Training Horses Shadowbrook Lessons Hunter Facility Jeni Stables Jumper Retirement Emma Equitation Show Series Boarding
Offers customized training programs for children and adults as well as specialized instruction for the Hunter, Jumper, and Equitation divisions. Features student show winners, photo galleries, and horses for sale. Located in Moorpark, California.
Horse Riding Training Horses Shadowbrook Lessons Hunter Facility Jeni Stables Jumper Retirement Emma Equitation Show Series Boarding
30 Westie UK Show Results
Detailed results
Detailed results of Westie winners from the UK championship shows.
Show Winners Westie Puppy Results Bitch Cc Champions Best Club Dog Year Breeder Photo
Detailed results of Westie winners from the UK championship shows.
Show Winners Westie Puppy Results Bitch Cc Champions Best Club Dog Year Breeder Photo
31 Westie Show Results
Detailed results
Detailed results of Westie winners from CKC shows in Canada.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Detailed results of Westie winners from CKC shows in Canada.
Navigationshilfe Ty
32 Williamette Valley Saluki Club
Sponsors an
Sponsors an annual Saluki specialty in Oregon. Site includes past winners, upcoming show details, club contact and meeting information.
Sign Lifestream Updated Policy Everything People Now Places Rights Inc Connecting Create Email Date Bulk
Sponsors an annual Saluki specialty in Oregon. Site includes past winners, upcoming show details, club contact and meeting information.
Sign Lifestream Updated Policy Everything People Now Places Rights Inc Connecting Create Email Date Bulk